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Home Explore The First Flight Around The World

The First Flight Around The World

Published by inayati0017pasca.2018, 2020-08-06 20:27:41

Description: The First Flight Around The World


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The First Flight Around The World 2 US planes, The Chicago and The New Orleans, complete the first flight around the world. In 1924, two planes completed the first flight around the world, covering 26,343 miles in 175 days. Four bi-planes left Seattle in the USA and flew north to Alaska, where one of them crashed. The remaining three then flew across to Japan, down to South-East Asia, across India and then through Europe. Another crashed on the way to Iceland, but the last two, The Chicago and The New Orleans, completed the journey back to Seattle. The planes travelled at an average speed of 70mph and had to have their engines replaced many times during the trip. Despite the crashes, all eight pilots survived. Vocabulary bi-plane (noun): an aircraft with two sets of wings one above the other left (verb) : past tense of leave cover (verb): pass over remaining (adjective): still there after the others are gone journey (noun): a trip from one place to another replace (verb): exchange for a new one Source: history/Archive/The_First_Flight_Around_The_World/

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