Body Systems By: Mahitha Simhambhatla Health Science Pickett 4B
Table of Contents 1. Integumentary System 2. Musculoskeletal System 3. Nervous System 4. Special Senses 5. Cardiovascular System 6. Respiratory System 7. Digestive System 8. Urinary System 9. Reproductive System 2
Integumentary System ○ Keratin - tough, colorless protein found in skin, hair, ● derm/o, dermat/o - skin and nails ● kerat/o - cornea; hard, horny tissue ● xer/o - dry ○ Hair Follicle - area of hair that contains the hair root ● xanth/o - yellow ○ Hair Shaft - area of hair above skin ● erythr/o - red ○ Oil Glands - glands in the skin that produce an oily ● pedicu/o - louse ● onych/o - nail secretion ● myc/o - fungus ○ Strata - anatomical term meaning layers ● pil/o - hair ● Diseases/Disorders: ● lip/o - fat ○ Athlete’s Foot - contagious fungal infection usually ● rhytid/o - wrinkle ● albin/o - white contracted from public bathrooms and showers ○ Burns - caused by radiation, sun, boiling water, chemicals, and electricity ○ Alopecia - baldness ○ Tumor - benign epidermal tumor, basal cell carcinoma ● Function: ● Healthcare Careers: ○ To protect the body from the outside world, retain body fluids, protect ○ Dermatologist - diagnose and cure skin disorders against disease, eliminate waste products, and regulate body temperature ○ Physical Therapist - help people that were injured or sick regain their mobility and help control their pain ● Vocab: ○ Epidermis - outer, topmost layer of skin ○ Dermis - middle layer of skin that contains glands, nerve endings, and blood vessels ○ Endodermis - closely packed cells that regulate water and mineral uptake ○ Melanin - yellow, brown, or black pigment found in the hair and skin ○ Sweat Glands - gland that produces a watery liquid. Responsible for heat regulation 3
Musculoskeletal System ○ Cranial Bones - ethmoid, frontal, temporal, occipital, parietal, sphenoid ● my/o - muscle ● myel/o - spinal cord; bone marrow ○ Facial Bones - lacrimal, mandibular, zygomatic, nasal, vomer, maxilla ● oste/o - bone ○ Osteoblast - immature osteocytes that produce ● cost/o - rib ● crani/o - skull the bony tissue that replaces cartilage during ● -pexy - fixation; to put in place ossification ● chondr/o - cartilage ● arthr/o - joint ○ Osteoclast - large cells that function to reabsorb or digest bony tissue ● -plegia - paralysis; palsy ● Diseases/Disorders: ● kinesi/o - movement ○ Arthritis - degeneration of bones resulting in swelling, pain, and oftentimes, loss of mobility of joints ● Function: ○ Osteoporosis - when there is a calcium deficiency ○ To support and bind the tissues and organs together, providing form, stability, support, and movement to the body in bones, resulting in easily broken bones ○ Fibrous Dysplasia - healthy bone is replaced with other types of tissue, causing weak and odd ● Vocab: shaped bones ○ Bone - hard connective tissue, long, short, flat, sesamoid ○ Bursitis - causes swelling and pain around ○ Calcium - mineral constituent in bone, calcium phosphate is the major muscles and bones calcium salt in bones Cartilage - flexible, rubbery connective tissue. immature skeleton, ○ epiphyseal growth plate, and on joint surfaces ● Healthcare Careers: Red Bone Marrow - found in cancellous bone, site of hematopoiesis ○ Chiropractor - specializes in the manipulative ○ Collagen - dense, connective tissue protein strands found in bone and treatment of disorders originating from 4 ○ other tissue misalignment of the spine Compact Bone - hard, dense, bone tissue, usually found on the outer ○ Orthopedist - doctor that specializes in bone, ○ portion of bones joint, and muscle conditions
Nervous System ● ○ Central Nervous System - the largest part of the nervous system, consists of the brain and spinal cord ● neur/o - nerves ● encephal/o - brain ○ Peripheral Nervous System - connects the brain ● myel/o - spinal cord; bone marrow and spinal cord with the rest of the body ● ambul/o - walking ● -esthesia - sensation ○ Nerve - bundle of nerve fibers ● mening/o - membrane covering the Diseases/Disorders: spinal cord and brain ○ Bell’s Palsy - a sudden weakness or paralysis of ● psych/o - mind facial muscles on one side of the face ● concuss/o - shaken together ○ Multiple Sclerosis - chronic disease where the ● Function: immune system eats away at the protective covering ○ To receive information about the environment around us and making a of nerves response to it. It can be divided into the sensory function, which is responsible for sensation, and the motor function, which is responsible ○ Parkinson’s Disease - damage to the nerve cells in for the response. the brain, which impacts the smooth control of muscles and movement ● Vocab: ● ○ Stroke - damage to the brain as a result of arteries ○ Neurons - cells that carry information through your nervous system leading to and within the brain becoming impaired ○ Receptor - location where a stimulus is picked up ○ Sensory Neuron - type of neuron that picks up stimuli from the internal Healthcare Careers: or external environment through sensory organs ○ Psychiatrist - diagnoses and treats mental disorders ○ Motor Neuron - type of neuron that sends out impulses to the muscles ○ Neurosurgeon - treat disorders in the peripheral and resulting in a response to a stimuli central nervous systems ○ Synapse - space that separates the axon terminal of one neuron and the dendrite of the neighboring neuron 5 ○ Nerve Impulse - message that a neuron carries ○ Spinal Cord - part of the nervous system that connects the brain with the rest of the nervous system
Special Senses ○ Olfactory Nerve - transmits impulses from the nose to the olfactory cortex of the brain ● irid/o - iris (colored portion of eye) ● -cusis - hearing ○ Taste Buds - receptors for the sense of taste ● -opia - vision condition ○ Cochlea - spiral shaped, auditory portion of the inner ear ● ot/o - ear ● Diseases/Disorders: ● tympan/o - tympanic membrane (eardrum); middle ear ○ Blindness - a general lack of vision ● ophthalm/o - eye ○ Deafness - hearing loss ● -metry - process of measuring ○ Cataracts - clouding over the front part that’s normally ● Function: transparent ○ To detect environmental stimuli and to convert their ○ Ptosis - the dropping of an upper eyelid energy into electrical impulses. These are then given to ● Healthcare Careers: sensory neurons to give to the central nervous system, ○ Optometrist - examines eyes for defects and vision where they are integrated and processed, creating a response. correction ○ Neurologist - a specialist in the anatomy, functions, and ● Vocab: ○ Cornea - transparent anterior portion of the eyeball organic disorders of nerves and the nervous system ○ Iris - pigmented, involuntary muscle that controls the size of the pupil 6 ○ Retina - sensory layer that contains the photoreceptors ○ Rods - photoreceptor for vision in less intense light; no color ○ Cones - photoreceptors responsible for colored vision and vision in intense light ○ Photoreceptors - specialized receptor cells that respond to light ○ Cochlear Nerve - transmits impulses from the cochlea to the temporal lobe
Cardiovascular System ● cardi/o - heart ○ Lymphatic System - system that collects and returns ● angi/o - vessel (blood) leaked fluid back to the circulatory system ● hem/o, hemat/o - blood ● brady-: slow ○ Septum- thick wall of tissue that separates the heart into ● tachy-: fast right and left sides ● thromb/o - clot ● -emia - blood condition ○ Blood Pressure - the force that blood exerts on the artery ● leuk/o - white walls ● erythr/o - red ● arteri/o - artery ○ Pulse - waves of changing blood pressure, tells you how quickly your heart is beating ● Function: ○ A transportation system that circulates blood around the ● Diseases/Disorders: body ○ Coronary Artery Disease - damage or disease in the heart’s blood vessels ● Vocab: ○ Arrhythmia - the heart not beating properly, with ○ Atrium - two upper chambers of the heart (collecting irregular, too fast, or too slow heart beats chambers) ○ Stroke - damage to the brain due to interrupted blood flow ○ Ventricle - two lower chambers of the heart. (pumping ○ Cardiac Arrest - sudden loss of heart function, breathing, chambers) consciousness ○ Artery - blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart ● Healthcare Careers: ○ Capillary - microscopic, one cell thick, vessels that ○ Cardiac Surgeon - operates on the heart (like bypass connect veins and arteries surgeries), major blood vessels, arteries, and veins ○ Vein - blood vessels that carry blood toward the heart ○ Cardiologist - treats heart diseases and defects as well as (valves) providing preventative care and diagnosis of diseases ○ Antibodies - a protein, in the blood, that detects and kills foreign or different proteins 7
Respiratory System ○ Bronchi - two short tubes that branch off the lower end of the trachea and carry air into the lungs ● bronch/o - bronchial tube ● ● cyan/o - blue ○ Diaphragm - muscle underneath the lungs that contract and relax to ● laryng/o - voice box move gases into and out of the body ● -oxia - oxygen ● oxy- - swift; sharpp; acid ○ Larynx - airway to which the vocal cords are attached ● pleur/o - pleara ○ Pharynx - tube like passageway for food, air, and liquid ● pneum/o - lung, air, gas ○ Trachea - air-conducting tube that connects the larynx with the ● pulmon/o - lung ● thorac/o - chest bronchi and is lined with mucus membranes, cilia, and strong ● trache/o - trachea (windpipe) cartilage rings ○ Epiglottis - a flap that covers the trachea while food is swallowed ● Function: which helps to prevent choking ○ to obtain oxygen from the outside, supply it to the body cells; Diseases/Disorders: to remove the carbon dioxide produced by cellular ○ Asthma - chronic respiratory condition that causes difficulty breathing due to inflammation of the airways; symptoms include dry metabolism from the body. cough, wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath. ○ Bronchitis - a virus or bacterial respiratory illness that causes ● Vocab: breathlessness and may form mucus in lungs ○ Pneumonia - a bacterial, viral or fungal infection in the air sacs of ○ Respiration - the process by which producers and the lungs ○ Lung Cancer - abnormal cells or tumor in the lungs consumers release stored energy from food molecules Healthcare Careers: through chemical reactions. ● ○ Pulmonologist - specializes in diagnosing and treating patients with ○ Mucus - a sticky substance produced by the nose lung problems and diseases. ○ Allergist - specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of patients ○ Cilia - microscopic hairlike structures that help to move with allergies mucus and other substances in the respiratory system 8 ○ Allergy - an overly strong reaction of the immune system to a foreign substance
Digestive System ○ Diarrhea - a condition in which bowel movements are frequent and watery ● cholecyst/o - gallbladder ● enter/o - intestines (usually small intestine) ○ Esophagus - a long, straight tube that connects the mouth and ● col/o, colon/o - colon (large intestine) throat to the stomach. ● hepat/o - liver ● gastr/o - stomach ○ Pancreas - an organ between the stomach and small intestine ● or/o - mouth ● -pepsia - digestion that produces enzymes for chemical digestion. ● chol/e - bile, gall ● proct/o - anus and rectum ○ Peristalsis - rhythmic muscle contractions that forces food into the stomach ● Function: ○ consists of a series of connected organs that together, allow ● Diseases/Disorders: the body to break down and absorb food, and remove waste. ○ Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) - when stomach acid backs up into esophagus — a condition called acid reflux — ● Vocab: the person feel a burning pain or heartburn in the middle of the ○ Gallbladder - a small, baglike organ that stores bile chest. ○ Bile - green liquid used in digestion of fat ○ Gallstones - Gallstones can form hard deposits in the ○ Feces - waste product that has been formed into a soft, solid Gallbladder mass ○ Celiac Disease - is a serious sensitivity to gluten, which is a ○ Chyme - soupy mixture in the stomach protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. ○ Stool - undigested material in the large intestine that has ○ Hemorrhoids - an inflammation of the blood vessels at the end been changed from a soupy liquid into a solid mass ○ Constipation - a condition in which the contents of the large of the digestive tract that can be painful and itchy. intestine are dry causing bowel movements to be difficult and less frequent ● Healthcare Careers: ○ Gastroenterologist - specializing in diseases of the digestive system including esophagus, stomach and intestines. 9○ Proctologist - specializing in diseases of the rectum and anus.
Urinary System ○ Urethra - tube through which urine leaves the body ○ Diuretic - cause the kidneys to make more urine which ● -cele - hernia ● ● -lysis - breakdown; separation; loosening decreases the amount of water in the blood ● cyst/o - urinary bladder; cyst; sac of fluid ○ Urinary Bladder - baglike organ that stores urine until it ● nephr/o - kidney ● ren/o - kidney can be eliminated through the urethra ● -uria - uniration, condition of urine ○ Hilus - indented region of the kidney where the renal artery, ● -pexy - fixation, to put in place ● -ectasis - dilation; dilatation; widening renal vein, and ureter enter ● pyel/o - renal pelvis Diseases/Disorders: ● Function: ○ Kidney Stones - a solid, pebble-like piece of material that ○ to filter blood and create urine as a waste by-product can form in one or both kidneys when high levels of certain minerals are in the urine. ● Vocab: ○ Hematuria - is the presence of blood in a person’s urine ○ Kidney - bean-shaped organ that removes many harmful substances from the blood ○ Bladder infections - are the most common type of urinary tract infection (UTI), but any part of your urinary tract can ○ Urine - a concentrated mixture of waste material that forms in the become infected—the urethra, bladder, ureters, and kidneys nephrons of the kidney ○ Interstitial Cystitis - is a chronic, or long-lasting, ○ Ureter - a tube leading from each kidney to the urinary bladder condition that causes painful urinary symptoms. ○ Hormones - chemical messengers in the body that control the balance ● Healthcare Careers: of fluids ○ Urologist - provide medical and surgical management for ○ Urination - process of expelling urine from the body ○ Nephron - microscopic filter in the kidney that removes harmful disorders of the urinary tract in both men and women substances from the blood ○ Gynecologists - specialize in care for female health problems. 10
Reproductive System ○ Prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland ○ Endometriosis - endometrial tissue found outside the uterus ● cervic/o - neck; cervix (neck of uterus) ○ Fimbriae - fringelike folds that pull ovum into fallopian tube at ● salping/o - fallopian tube ● ov/o - egg ovulation ● orchid/o - testis ○ Meiosis - cell division of sex cells ● oophor/o - ovary ● Diseases/Disorders: ● men/o - menses; menstruation ○ Endometriosis - a problem affecting a woman’s uterus ● mamm/o - breast ○ Gynecologic Cancer - any cancer that starts in a woman’s ● gynec/o - women; female ● colp/o - vagina reproductive organs ● prostat/o - prostate gland ○ HIV/AIDS - human immunodeficiency virus that affects specific cells of the immune system (called CD4 cells) ● Function: ○ Uterine Fibroids - the most common non-cancerous tumors in ○ to produce egg and sperm cells, to transport and sustain these women of childbearing age, made of muscle cells and other tissues that grow in and around the wall of the uterus, or womb cells, to nurture the developing offspring. ● Vocab: ● Healthcare Careers: ○ Fertilization - when the nucleus of sperm combines with the ○ Gynecologists - deal with the health of the female reproductive system nucleus of the egg to form a zygote ○ Andrologists - dealing with the health of the male reproductive ○ Ovulation - when mature ovum is released from ovary system ○ Zygote - fertilized egg ○ Estrogen - female sex hormone responsible for secondary sex characteristics of the female ○ Infertility - conception does not occur despite trying for one year ○ Orchitis - inflammation of the testes 11
Wow Factor Explanation ● The background I used represents a watercolor painting, which shows my love of art. I also alternated between green and blue slides (with both of the colors being my favorite colors) to stick to the theme on the first slide and to make the overall presentation look aesthetic. I used a monochromatic color scheme to make the terms stand out but look cohesive as well. I made a presentation that is a representation of me, with it showing my interests, like art and my favorite colors, and my personality as someone simple but well put together. 12
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