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Home Explore Radiation Man issue 1

Radiation Man issue 1

Published by Stories Of Suhan Ahmed, 2021-09-25 10:14:37

Description: Radiation Man issue 1


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Radiation Man Writer Suhan Ahmed

Chapters Sn. Chapter 1 Radiation Man

Chapter 1 Radiation Man Year 2002 in Chicago city in a colony Chris how was a starter agent of IMF he had a wife Woven and a daughter Karly who was everything of Chris so let’s start, It was the first day of IMF for Chris and it was just the starting for the day and when he wakes up and then he fresh up and then Woven prepare the breakfast and then they both had the following conversation, Chris with yawning “hey Woven how are you” Woven “just fine Chris have this” Chris while eating “it’s good” Woven “today is your new office first day so make it great” Chris with a smile “you know me and when Karly wake up then tell her that her father will rock today” Then Chris sit in the car and went to IMF new office which in Pacific Ocean but first he went to a ship dock where he takes a IMF boat and then he went to the IMF base and then when he reaches the base and then he had the following conversation with Stan, Stan “hi Mr. Chris” Chris “hi Sir” Stan “so as you know you will be the second in command after me” Chris “yes sir shall we move to the IMF hall” Stan “yes” Then they move to IMF hall and then an officer namely Noman came and then that officer started explaining, Noman “Good Morning all present in this IMF hall so as you all know that this is a Government organization for finishing the Drakes so first I will like to tell about Drakes so let me start, So it was time of 1970 everything was going perfect but one day some organization kidnap a person namely Richard but he was not an ordinary man he was the one of the Free Fighter but when he got kidnap then those organization people do some very dangerous experiment by which he got his power by which his hands got very hard like a metal and he also get a power that he will not be old and that means he is immortal but one day during one experiment he escape and when he came out then he take pledge that he will concur all countries and he will make the world again and that’s why he started Drakes and then this all happen and if someone wants to say something then ask” 1

Chris “but why did US government help him” Noman “because sir we are busy with other situation and nobody report that he was kidnapped and that why he feels very angry” Stan “how many members he has” Noman “sir many as he has been escaped with many people like him for example Shotgun he was the deadliest person I have seen but he is deadly by his mind and he has no power but he is technician after him Jelly bears they look small and cute but they can eat many things even humans after than Boneless he doesn’t have bones that means he is like a slime and finally Turtle Man he is slow but when he punches any humans than that human can even die and he is bulletproof” Chris “the bases of Drakes” Noman “sadly we don’t know any base” Chris “we can it open the map and now open the area where was the lab their base must be surrounded by this lab only open this hole yes finally we have got it” Stan “this is a hole how can you say that it is a base?” Chris “sir see this that it is not a natural hole see this, this is being drilled” Noman “sir if this guess will be wrong then this will be our first fail and ever though this organization will be close” Stan “I believe Chris prepare everyone” Then they all started preparing for attacking in the base as it was in winter land so that’s they take Winter Crawler and along with flying jet and then, Winter Land All the agents were ready to jump from planes and other agents were coming from Winter Crawler but then a strange thing happened a strange solder jump from flight and the strange thing in this is that he was Lava Soul Man who has not got any parasite and then all the agents started firing guns on Lava Soul Man but due his heeling factor he survives and then he throws hunks on the edge of crack edge and then Lava Soul Man agent burns and then we see his costume and then eh do his landing on the base by destroying the ceiling and then by following him the agents and Chris also came but then we also see the Drakes agent but then Lava Soul Man keep the drakes agents a side and then he went forward by his back Chris and agents were coming and then when they reach at the end of base they see that Lava Soul Man and Turtle were fighting and Turtle were punching Lava Soul Man but due to his healing factor he survive but then Lava Soul Man sees that from the backside of IMF agents Drakes agents came and when they were just fire a rocket launcher but then Lava Soul Man blast it by which Chris got a chance and then he throw a light boom by which Turtle got bling temporary and then Chris shoots machine gun but he survive but then a red touch came after turtle by which he scared and he blast it and then Lava Soul Man came and then they had eth following conversation, 2

Chris “he is afraid of red color can you can generate you fire in fully red” Lava Soul Man “no but I have an idea” Then Lava Soul Man bring pure red lava by which Turtle got afraid and he fainted and then Lava Soul Man turn Lava in obsidians and then he vanishes, The End Secret base of Drakes secret meeting In a hall all the head of Drakes had the following conversation, Shotgun “this is our 5th base what we will do and the most important thing is that how did all this” Boneless “I think the new agency IMF Chris he is second in command I thinks he did all these he was the one because when he was in other agency he fights against us” Terror “did Mr. Brno experiment has success” Jelly Bear “so what” Then Terror smiles. 3

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