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Published by gagancq, 2022-12-07 18:07:14

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INTRODUCTION Prime Minister government has guarded India’s significantly, over the last eight Narendra Modi’s borders, ensured internal years India has successfully NDA government security, and consistently achieved what was essentially has completed promoted our interests abroad. considered unimaginable in the eight years of past. ‘Seva, Sushasan and Garib From the digital revolution Kalyan’. These eight years to the elimination of open These last eight years have have been dedicated to defecation, from vaccinating witnessed a paradigm shift in working for the welfare of the the entire eligible population public service delivery and the poor, facilitating the middle through indigenous vaccines implementation of government class, empowering women, to increasing defence exports schemes and infrastructure implementing pro-farmer projects. From the completion policies, creating educational of infrastructure projects and job opportunities for our delayed by decades to the youth, ensuring social justice provision of basic facilities and developing every region of that earlier governments failed India. PM Modi has brought to provide, there has been a the politics of development turnaround in governance - Vikasvaad - into the in India. The government mainstream, making it the focal has ensured irreversible point around which political empowerment for various discourse and policy action marginalised groups, helping revolves. Since assuming office them become self-reliant by in 2014, PM Modi has providing a social safety net. remained firm in his In stark contrast to resolve of keeping piece-meal delivery of ‘India first’ in the past, the Prime every policy Minister has always formulation focused on ensuring and action. that no one is The left behind and unable to access basic facilities. The

massive expansion of welfare involve trade-offs related to the aspirations. He has also inspired coverage over the last eight environment – both go hand in the nation by encouraging years has allowed India to hand. Over the last eight years, everyone to think of the next finally aspire to achieve the government has given due twenty-five years as the ‘Amrit 100% saturation. Saturation recognition to Indian culture Kaal’ for building a strong, coverage of the benefits of good and values and promoted India’s prosperous and inclusive India. governance ends politics of rich civilisational heritage discrimination and corruption across the globe. This book provides that used to be played by a detailed look at India’s providing benefits to some After first assuming an transformation under PM while denying the same to elected office in 2001 as Chief Modi’s visionary leadership others. Minister of Gujarat and then across fourteen areas of going on to become the Prime governance and policymaking. Adopting stiff targets Minister, in the past twenty From welfare to culture, considered almost impossible years, Narendra Modi has set a from ease of doing business to achieve earlier, and fulfilling new benchmark in reforms and to national security, from them on time, has become governance which has become economic growth to ease of the new normal under PM a model not just in India but living, the book discusses Modi’s leadership. India has in many parts of the world. He various initiatives taken by the transformed from being a mere has not only encouraged people Modi government since 2014. onlooker to a global leader to aspire but also provided The book documents the story in various spheres. In New adequate government support of ‘New India’. India, development does not for fulfilling their rising ***

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1 SERVING THE POOR AND MARGINALISED Universalizing Benefits For All 1

OVERVIEW groups. It was extremely distressing The government has that even after several alleviation have received recognition from global corrected past wrongs and ensured the long-pending decades since independence institutions. A recent IMF rights of marginalised groups. For instance, the government’s even basic facilities such as paper has credited the Modi decision to implement OBC and EWS reservations in all banking, toilets, LPG cylinders, government for ending extreme India quota seats in medical education. This will ensure that tap water connections, poverty in the country. students from these groups can also aspire to become doctors in electricity connections, Various programmes of affordable government colleges. The work done on empowering healthcare, etc. have not been the Modi government have Divyangjan, transgenders, Denotified and Nomadic provided to the citizens. These empowered marginalised tribes, and other such hitherto unserved or underserved facilities that should have been groups such as Scheduled groups is also noteworthy. provided to all citizens in the Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and An integral element of PM Modi’s policy has been previous century itself are Other Backward Classes. PM the effort to recognize icons of social empowerment. finally reaching all Indians in Modi’s approach towards social This builds self-pride among communities by highlighting the 21st century due to Prime justice has centred around their contribution to nation- building. For instance, the Minister Narendra Modi’s irreversible empowerment. government has declared November 15 of every year tireless efforts. The umbrella of This ensures individuals as Janjatiya Gaurav Divas to commemorate the sacrifices welfare schemes started by the from marginalised groups of brave tribal fighters for the country. Such recognition Modi government in 2014 has become self-reliant and self- increases the self-confidence of various communities and successfully ensured widespread sufficient rather than remaining strengthens their resolve to work for the country’s progress. access to basic facilities for most dependent on the political *** Indians. establishment for their needs. The Modi government Programmes such as MUDRA has ensured that citizens, Yojana and Stand Up India irrespective of their caste, are creating a large pool of religion, gender, region, young entrepreneurs from economic class, or political marginalised groups. These preferences, received their individuals not only achieve entitled benefits. As the better lives for their respective government has shifted focus families but also become an to saturation, soon, all Indians inspiration for others within will have access to these basic their respective communities. facilities. Saturation coverage The Modi government’s of basic facilities has been the historic decision to provide hallmark of the endeavour of reservations for economically the Modi government. weaker sections provided The Modi government much-needed support to has successfully managed to poor households. Creating plug leakages in public service a new category meant that delivery. The government’s this extension of benefits did efforts to extend welfare not reduce benefits already provisioning and poverty extended to other marginalised 2 8 Saal - Seva, Sushasan aur Garib Kalyan

cr8o0re 6.29 over crore people received 3 free food grains tap water crore connections under under urban and rural Jal Jeevan Mission houses sanctioned PM Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana under PM Awas Yojana 11.5 31.9 Nearly crore lakh cr3o5re toilets built under street vendors got Swachh Bharat loans through loans to small entrepreneurs under PM SVANidhi MUDRA Yojana Constitutional Cash transfers to Loans of over status 20 crore Rs. 5,300 crore to National women during Commission of COVID lockdown to SC and ST Backward Classes beneficiaries under Stand Up India 60% Five Aspirational times more of current Districts ministers are Eklavaya Residential SC, ST, or OBC schools sanctioned becoming competitive since 2014 as in development compared to earlier. parameters, including exports Universalizing Benefits For All 3

Antyodaya Irreversible empowerment Ending the politics of and saturation for marginalised groups low expectations and low coverage end • Earlier, the attitude of delivery appeasement certain governments was to • Once a gas connection Welfare schemes patronise the marginalised is given, an electricity over the last groups by ensuring some connection is given or a eight years have piecemeal benefits. tap water connection is been motivated • They wanted to keep the given, none can take it by the principle people dependent on away. of Antyodaya them, and hence, irreversible (no one is left empowerment was denied. • Further, the poor become behind). It means • But now, PM Modi aspirational and have the government has ensured a shift higher expectations is targeting 100% from patronage-based since their basic needs are saturation in every support to irreversible met. scheme. empowerment. • Schemes like Stand Up India • This creates greater 100% coverage and MUDRA Yojana are expectations from means everyone will empowering individuals governments and pushes get the benefits of from marginalised groups by them to deliver more. governance! providing entrepreneurship opportunities. • For a long time, India was • These entrepreneurs will harmed by politics of shape aspirations and low delivery and low become role models for expectations. But now, the entire community. that is being changed by PM Modi. *** 4 8 Saal - Seva, Sushasan aur Garib Kalyan

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2 ENSURING FARMER WELFARE Universalizing Benefits For All 15

OVERVIEW encouraged to adopt natural Over the last eight and organic farming. This has years, Indian farmers’ dependence on rainfall led to lower investments on for irrigation. inputs, higher farm incomes and protection from the perils agriculture has Record production of climate change and various uncertainties. touched new heights due to and consequent increase Strengthening forward Prime Minister Narendra in procurement by the linkages of agriculture is necessary for improving the Modi’s Beej Se Bazar Tak government have led to an condition of farmers. Linking agriculture markets throughout approach. The government has unprecedented rise in farm the country through the e-NAM initiative has brought focused on protecting farmers incomes. Moreover, the gradual transparency and increased competition in agriculture from various risks, extending transition towards payment markets. This has not only enabled farmers to get better income support, improving to farmers through DBT has prices for their yield but also reduced price distortions that access to information, and protected farmers from unfair hampered consumer interests. The Production Linked building forward linkages. This charges and commissions Incentive (PLI) scheme for food processing industries has led to the modernization charged by intermediaries. is a turning point for Indian agriculture as there will be a of Indian agriculture and a In 2019, the government massive increase in domestic demand for farm produce. substantial increase in farmer launched the PM Kisan The steady increase in farm incomes. Samman Nidhi to provide an yields and stability of Indian farmers over the last eight years Since 2014, the Modi assured cash transfer of Rs. has brought a paradigm shift in Indian agriculture. Today, government has taken multiple 6,000 per year to farmers. This Indian farmers aren’t producing for just self-consumption or measures to make farming in supplemental income received sale in the domestic market. Instead, they seek to export India less risky by building through regular instalments has their products and feed the world. a safety net for farmers and enabled even small farmers to *** reducing their dependence purchase better quality inputs, on rainfall for irrigation. improve their land productivity, Earlier, an extended dry spell and increase their income. or crop damage after just a Indian farmers are steadily few days of untimely rains transitioning towards ‘smart’ would drive lakhs of farmers farming as useful scientific into heavy indebtedness. The information and the latest Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima innovations in agriculture are Yojana changed this status quo. being made available to them. Launched in 2016, the scheme Rich insights from soil health overhauled the agriculture cards issued by the government insurance system and has have helped farmers make provided a much-needed safety efficient use of various inputs net for farmers. The PM Krishi and maximize their yield. Sinchayee Yojana has expanded Through multiple programmes, irrigation coverage and reduced small farmers are being 16 8 Saal - Seva, Sushasan aur Garib Kalyan

4-fold Rsc.r1olraekh c1r1o.7r8e rise in agriculture through Agriculture PM Kisan budget in 2014-22 Infrastructure Fund beneficiaries over 2007-14 cr2o3re 109% 1,500% increase in Soil Health Cards growth in non- distributed basmati rice exports oilseeds from FY 2013-14 to procurement FY 2020-21 at MSP 7,350% Fertilizer subsidy Rs. 18 increase increased by in pulses lakh crore procurement 140% agriculture credit at MSP to protect farmers to be provided from global in 2022-23 price surge Over Rs. 93,068 1,000 Mandis crore Rs. 1.2 lakh now linked through crore settled in allocated for eNAM claims under PM Krishi Sinchayee Yojana PM Fasal Bima Yojana for 2021-26 Universalizing Benefits For All 17

Beej se Bazaar Tak • The Modi government has stood by Indian farmers and provided support across various stages of the agriculture cycle. • From seeds to soil health, from insurance to irrigation, from MSP to markets – a comprehensive approach has led to the empowerment of farmers at every step. Market linkages to improve farmer income • eNAM: Unified national market has increased competition, provided better price discovery. • Farmer Producer Organisations: Sale through FPOs is facilitating better prices and higher returns for farmers. • Forward linkages: Number of mega food parks has shot up from 2 in 2014 to 22 in 2022! *** 18 8 Saal - Seva, Sushasan aur Garib Kalyan

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3 NARI SHAKTI FOR NEW INDIA Universalizing Benefits For All 27

OVERVIEW cylinders under the Ujjwala Prime Minister Narendra Yojana have saved crores Modi considers women- women’s choices as well as of women from chronic empower them to take those respiratory disorders through smoke-free kitchens and ended led development a decisions to their logical the daily ordeal of collecting firewood for cooking. Due to central dimension of India’s conclusion. the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, crores of women can access progress and necessary for Mission Poshan fulfils toilets at their convenience without any fear over safety or strengthening India. In the the nutritional requirements violation of dignity. Walking long distances to collect water last eight years, the Modi of children, adolescent girls, for daily consumption is becoming history as households government has launched pregnant women, and lactating across the county are getting private tap water connections numerous welfare schemes that mothers. One Stop Centres under the Jal Jeevan Mission. As owners of the family home have aimed to empower women (OSCs) assist women in received under PM Awas Yojana, women are becoming and make them lead India’s distress. The Pradhan Mantri active participants in household decision-making. development journey. These Matru Vandana Yojana Since 2014, PM Modi has programmes have provided (PMMVY) and Pradhan been a pillar of support and encouragement for Indian much-desired assistance to Mantri Surakshit Matritva women in their quest to break innumerable barriers, open new women at various stages in Abhiyan (PMSMA) incentivize doors for themselves, and fulfil their aspirations. In the last 8 their lives. They have also institutional deliveries and years, there has been a massive increase in women police unshackled Indian women and regular health check-ups for personnel. In 2018, PM Modi announced a landmark decision freed them from the drudgery pregnant women and lactating to allow permanent commission for women in the armed forces. they experienced in daily mothers. The impact of this Across diverse fields, women are taking the lead in India’s life. However, rather than approach has been evident in rise, from sports to academics to performing arts. merely limiting his role to the many outcomes, such as an *** distribution of state-led welfare improved sex ratio at birth, a benefits, PM Modi is using rise in institutional deliveries, the power of mass movements declining infant mortality, and to bring about social a lower maternal mortality transformation. His efforts are rate. Programmes such as enabling women to overcome MUDRA Yojana have allowed social barriers and fulfil their crores of women across the aspirations. country to pursue micro-level The Modi government has entrepreneurship and become taken a remarkable lifecycle- financially independent. based approach towards women PM Modi has made empowerment. A wide range of unshackling women and freeing government programmes assist them from the drudgery of women at various stages - from everyday life a key objective of childhood to adulthood and policymaking. Every flagship even during old-age - to ensure welfare scheme launched by their safety and empowerment. the Modi government has At every step, opportunities improved the lives of women are opened up to help increase across the country. LPG 28 8 Saal - Seva, Sushasan aur Garib Kalyan

For the first Paid maternity c3ro.1r1e time in India, leave free antenatal 1,020 increased from check-ups 12 weeks to women conducted under 26 weeks. per 1,000 men PM Surakshit (NFHS-5) Matritva Abhiyan c2r.o7r8e Over c2r.o7r3e women assisted cr2o1re Sukanya Samriddhi through Yojana accounts PM Matru sanitary pads ensured at Re. 1 in Vandana Yojana Jan Aushadhi Kendras cro9re 68% Over smoke-free of 2 crore cr2o3re kitchens PM Awas-Gramin MUDRA LOANS to beneficiaries Women are women beneficiaries Permanent Sex ratio Maternal commission Mortality Rate at birth has risen to for women in 937 in 2020-21 has declined to armed forces 103 in 2020-21 Universalizing Benefits For All 29

Why women support PM Modi - Social transformation for women empowerment • Proposal to raise marriageable age of women from 18 years to 21 years helps with education and employment. • Law against Triple Talaq protects Muslim women from exploitation. • Increase in paid maternity leave period from 12 weeks to 26 weeks makes work-life balance possible for working women. • Scrapping of Article 35A has given rights to women in J&K that were historically denied. *** 30 8 Saal - Seva, Sushasan aur Garib Kalyan

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4 YOUTH-LED DEVELOPMENT Universalizing Benefits For All 39

OVERVIEW Since its launch, more than Prime Minister Narendra 1.34 crore youngsters have Modi’s unmatched support in their endeavour. received skill training under the Through the Startup India PM Kaushal Vikas Yojana and improved their employability. connect with the programme launched in 2016, The National Education country’s youth has ensured the Modi government has taken Policy (NEP) approved in 2020 is bringing a paradigm shift in that the government has been numerous measures to promote the Indian education system through much needed and long- able to not only fulfil their startups and entrepreneurship. pending reforms in school and higher education. aspirations but also harness This includes tax exemptions, The Modi government immense talent for national easing regulations, and reducing has focused on providing meaningful employment to progress. Today’s youth see the compliance burden. the Indian youth that enables them to achieve a better life for nothing as unattainable and Like entrepreneurship, their family. India has become a preferred destination for aspire to make India a global sports was considered a investment, and employment opportunities are being created leader in unchartered territories forbidden field for most for crores of young Indians. The massive rise in new that earlier generations youngsters. It used to be viewed EPFO accounts confirms the Modi government’s success usually avoided. Rather than merely as a leisure activity, and in creating new formal jobs. Consistent efforts to assist dismissing their ‘can do parents usually discouraged MSMEs and programmes such as Production Linked spirit,’ the Prime Minister has children from professionally Incentive Scheme for domestic production have contributed consistently created a conducive pursuing sports. PM Modi towards job creation. The record exports achieved in environment through an brought a crucial mindset 2021-22 have taken job creation and hiring to a positivity level enabling policy framework. change and introduced various that is better than even the pre-pandemic years! Moreover, Unlike earlier generations policies that have allowed the current unemployment level is lower than the pre- that used to aspire for salaried innumerable youngsters to fulfil pandemic levels indicating new employment opportunities for jobs, a large segment of today’s their dream of pursuing sports crores of youngsters. youth seeks to explore self- as a career. India saw its best *** employment opportunities. performance ever in the Tokyo In multiple addresses since Olympics and Paralympics 2014, the Prime Minister has recently. This has been an encouraged the Indian youth outcome of long-term planning to pursue their desire to start and support through the entrepreneurial ventures and flagship TOPS programme. become job creators rather World class education and than just job seekers. His skill development opportunities encouragement has played an being created by the Modi instrumental role in creating government are empowering a critical attitudinal shift in our youth and contributing to society, the cornerstone of the collective dream of building the success of India’s startup a strong labour force. In the ecosystem. Today, youngsters last eight years, record numbers are willing to take risks to fulfil of new IITs, IIMs, medical their dreams. They know that colleges, and universities have PM Modi will provide constant been opened across the country. 40 8 Saal - Seva, Sushasan aur Garib Kalyan

National 100-fold Close to Education jump 150 athletes being supported Policy in the number of recognised through after nearly four decades! start-ups TOPS since 2016 programme Best ever c1r.o3r4e 7 new Olympics IIMs people trained (7 medals) and under established, Paralympics bringing the total (19 medals) in PM Kaushal to 20 as of 2022 Tokyo 2020 Vikas Yojana c3r.o5r2e 23 Number of AIIMS lakh new EPFO tripled, subscribers direct and indirect jobs India soon to added in have 22 AIIMS 2017-2022 created by tech start-ups in 7 new IITs 2017-2021 opened across 1,000 320 the country, total Khelo India new IITs now 23 centres universities (as of 2022) being set up established Universalizing Benefits For All 41

Indian youth: from job record success. • 3.52 crore new EPFO seekers to job creators • Extensive support to subscribers added between 2017 and 2022 – • PM Modi is changing sportspersons through each is one formal job! societal mindset TOPS programme. and creating wider • Khelo India is making • 1.2 crore new EPFO acceptance for risk sports a mass movement accounts added in takers. and building a sporting 2021-22, despite the culture across India. pandemic. • Self-employment and entrepreneurship are Ensuring jobs for young • Most surveys becoming popular India indicate robust hiring occupational choices. sentiment and lesser • Robust economic policies unemployment than • Various schemes are creating lakhs of new pre-pandemic years! are aimed at giving employment opportunities institutional support to annually. • MUDRA Yojana entrepreneurs. supported crores of new • Record goods exports entrepreneurs and created 2021: A remarkable year for of over $420 billion in jobs. Indian sports 2021-22, of which massive engineering exports were • Tech start-ups created • India won the highest a part. 23 lakh direct and ever medal tally in its indirect jobs in the history in Tokyo Olympics • 1.34 crore people skilled 2017-2021 (NASSCOM) and Paralympics. under PM Kaushal Vikas Yojana, improving *** • Long-term planning employment prospects. since 2014 led to this Did you know? Direct Job Indicators • EPFO subscribers increased by 3.52 crore from 2017 to 2022 • Over 1 crore youth between the ages of 18-28 years added to EPFO since April 2020 • India’s start-up ecosystem created nearly 23 lakh direct and indirect jobs in 2017-2021 as per a NASSCOM report • Hiring activity in pandemic-hit 2021 was 34% higher than 2020 as per a CII study • The Naukri Job Speak Index saw an impressive 41% rise from 1,925 in January 2021 to 2,716 in January 2022 Indirect Job Indicators • India’s goods exports hit a record $420 billion in 2021-22 • Engineering exports in 2021-22 were 45% more than 2020-21 • Apparel exports in 2021-22 showed a 30% growth. It is estimated that each additional $1billion of apparel exports creates 1.5 lakh jobs! 42 8 Saal - Seva, Sushasan aur Garib Kalyan

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