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my book

Published by Guset User, 2022-10-03 08:32:20

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My discourse book Submilled to Submiltled by Feminapal chandy Hvin Teacher educator D. . &d St. Joseph'sT.T1 4th sem PAVARATTY S.JPoAsVgpAhR'sATTTTY1

IT'S RAINiN9, IT'S POURIN9 It's raining. It's pouring The old man is snoring. He went to bed, And bumped his head, And couldn't get up in the morming

Stoy The Ant & The Dove Myself . heAnt last Ns Story's

M The Ant ine that his friend, the Dove, vasin donger He quidilybitthe huntersleg The hunter cried in pain. ferafeudays the Doveas sitting o free. The Ant sau a hantrr giming s arrow atthe Dove. Story's

d te Ant. But neane HELP HELP HELP A Dove s kuce heAetdimbed e lest tarkedthe Don fr sing Wa ufe Story's

Enqlish proverbs Teowrngs dent make ariht Rs never right to wrongsomeone, even if they nave wronged you trst. Atriend in ned is a Iriend ndeed Beauty is in the eye of the beholder someone helps you when you have problems, or you are in trouble, that person is a true friend Everyone has ther own ideas of what is beautifud Practice makes perfect you towant be perfect at something, you need to Haste makes waste practice every day. When you try to work too quickly, you usualy make mistakes. Better late than never r's better if you do something later, than not do it at al Actions speak louder than words What you do matters- not what you say. Easy come, easy go When something, especialy money, s easlygotand6:47 Great minds think alike thensoonspentorlos Smart people usualy have the same ideas.

Tdioms& Meaning Daredevil: someone who takes unnecessary risks Cheapskate: someone who hates to spend money Joined at the hip: to be exceptionallyclose to someone Elbow grease: hard physical effort Oddball: a weirdo or a strange person Down-To-Earth: sensible and realistic As red as a cherry: Very red To go bananas: To go crazy The apple of someone's eye: At the present moment; for now Second banana: A person in a subservient position The cherry on the cake: The final thing that makes something perfect A bite at the cherry: An opportunity to achieve something A plum job: An easy,pleasant job that also pays well Go pear-shaped: To fail; to go wrong8 Cool as a cucumber: Calm even in difficult or frustrating situations Go-Getter: a personwho is active, energetic, and has the initiative to pursue the things they want. Break a leg: good luck Cutting corners: Doing something poorly in order to save time or money Hang in there: Don't give up

1. Abargain is a bargain. &nglish Proverbs 2.4blind man would be qlad to se. 3. Hbird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 4. cat in gloves calches no mice. 5. rter dinuer comes the rechoning. 6. Penny-ulse and potundJoolah. 7.One auallow does not make a summer 8.lightingales will not sing in a cage. 9. Many agoodfather has bul a bad son. 0. eaal aaid, sooncst mended. 1. Mecp a thing seven yeara and youwiljinda usefor il. 12.heep your mouth ahut and your ears open. 13. Al are not merry that dance lightly. 4. tn oah is notfeled at one slrohe. 15. The camed going to sech horns lost his ears. 16. So many countries, ao many cuatoma. n. da you breu so musl you drink. 18. Beol defense ia offenae. 19. Better be bern luchy than rich.

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Ldbargain isa bargain. &nglibh Proverbs 2. Ablind man would be glad to see. 3. bird in the hand is wvorth luo in the buah. 4. d cat in gloves calches no mice. 5. tler dinner comes the rechoning. 6.Pern uioe andpeund joolia. 7. Onesuvalow does not mahe a aummer 8.lightingales uwill not sing in a cage. 9. Many agod father has but a bad aon. 10. aal aaid, sooneatmended. . Keep athingacven years and youwillfind ausefori. 12. heep your mouth ahut and your eara open. T8. fl are net merry that dance lightly. H.n oak is notfelled at one stroke. 15. The camed going to sech horns lost his ears. 16. So many countries, s0 many customa. 7. flo you breuu, ao musl you drink. 18. Beal diefenae is effenae. 19. Betler be born luchy than rich.

My Favorites game torApleyers Nddiee, cout n Pceocuentoerniehcaotumnatenryosnptahceesstaanrtoyer taewns ro When the countergets to themiodetum aroun nded The game ends when the counter reaches tne sat dgn avorite Favorite Favorite color lavor day ofthe START Ovont Favorite avonte vornte relative insect fruilt book avonte Favorite Tum Favorite Favorite piace toP movie eable season Play avorite avorite back to pot to aVorite ace to number Bwim POrs Paay vonte team Favorite nit avorite Favorite Fhaovbobryite arm sea anima animal avorite avorite avorite andy ame to o P we Favon ie

Jack and Jill Jack and Jill went up thehil To fetch a pail of water Jack fell down and broke his crown, And Jll came tumbling after


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