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Home Explore 2013-2014 Literary Magazine

2013-2014 Literary Magazine

Published by Jacquelyn Kunkelman, 2017-05-22 07:28:21

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Wide-open spacesThe Gregg Middle School Literary & Fine Arts Magazine Volume II May 2014

Dear readers, Welcome to the Spring 2014 edition of the Gregg Middle School literary and fine arts magazine. In this publication you will find original student works of prose, fiction, poetry and art. I’m excited to see increased participation for this edition, and once again, I’m astonished by the high quality writing and artwork I received. Well done! Don’t forget, it’s never too early to start working on something for the next edition. Without further ado, please take a moment to enjoy these fine examples of your classmate’s or child’s artistic accom- plishments. Yours in life and literature, Jacquelyn Valencia Kunkelman Literary & Fine Arts Magazine Advisor GMS 6th Grade Reading Teacher “After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.” ― Philip Pullman2

Contents Letter to Readers, 2 Dancer, 26 Table of Contents, 3 Cali Mae, 26 Early Humans, 27 The Truth, 4 Through the Mind’s Eye, 5 Cliff, 28 Anna, 29 America ‘01-’02, 6-7 Black Plague Edition, 30 Nero the Armadillo, 8 Fleas On Rats, 30 The Black Death, 31 Aztecs, 9 Rustle, 32 Alexander the Great, 9 Infographic, 33 Calm As I Am, 34 Insect Haikus, 10 Selected Poetry, 35 Black Hole, 11 A Dead Tree, 36 This World, 12 Autumn Leaves, 36 Sister Days, 37 Freak, 13 Fields, 37 Zen Poetry, 14 1920s, 38-39 Japan Song, 15 Emily Dickinson, 40 Japan Peasants, 15 Perched, 41 A Horse's Life, 16 Galaxies, 42 Rain Storm, 43 Magic, 17 Peace Not War, 44 Mustangs, 18 Speak!, 45 That One Moment, 19 Summertime, 46 Anubis, 20 Sea of Pieces, 47 Pyramid, 20 Nightmare Called Snow, 48-49 Peloponnesian War, 21 Wishes—Little Things, 22 Blue, 23 The Old World, 23 Black Out Poetry, 24 The Haunting, 253

THE TRUTH Megan Kovacs poetry The truth can be like a bullet to the heart, or it can be a life saver: never doubt its power. The truth can be like a celebration, or it can be a party-crasher: never underestimate its strength. The truth can be like a photobomb, or it can be picture-perfect: never believe it will always be the answer. The truth can be overpowering— it will take over. But when tamed, it makes a happy ending.4

Through the mind’s eye Mackenzie lewis colored pencil5

America ‘01-’02Max jollyshort story I walked to mom, but I did not tell her anything. I saw them Anakin went to me and said again the next day. “I hate you!” Sorry, I’m getting I woke up in the middle of ahead of myself, aren't I? my the night, and lo and behold, name is Scourge, and this is a Ross was in the living room and story of tragedy, of hope, and of having a huge argument with a hatred so strong that I suc- mom over something about me cumbed to the Dark Side of the leaving home. I was just eaves- Force. To understand the events dropping on them. Near the end, of this tragedy, and why I went to I stepped out and Ross turned the Dark Side and betrayed Ross, around and said, “want to be a Sam, and other friends, we must Jedi?” I said, “Heck yes, for it go back to the days of when I has been my one and only was in the Jedi Order, and on the dream!” Ross then said, “Then it Council… is decided. You will go to Corus- In 2009, two Jedi, disguis- cant, and train at the Jedi Tem- ing themselves as Ross and Sam, ple.” I asked, “What’s your looked for a Force-sensitive per- name, young Jedi? I mean, your son to take back to the Temple. real name, not your fake name.” Now, I was just walking around Ross said, My real name is Ross near the town hall when Ross Newton.” “Good, let’s go!” We found me. I immediately sensed walked to the ship, which looked that he was not to be underesti- like a creepy, old star fighter mated in a fight. Ross then said, from the Old Republic Days. “I am a doctor, and I want to ask I went in and Sam (though I if I can take a blood sample.” I did not know him by Sam at the said, “Sure. Why not? At least time) greeted me, saying that I I’ll know my blood type, right?” was the Chosen One. I was like, so he took the blood sample, and “What the heck?6

What is this ‘Chosen One’?” I I arrived in a scene of car- then asked if I could pilot the nage, with Palpatine shocking ship. Ross put his foot down on Windu, and acting like an old the idea, saying that I was too person, but I was loyal to the young to pilot this old ship. Two Chancellor, so when he told me hours later, we arrived at our des- to kill Windu, I did. tination: Coruscant. When we landed, Obi-Wan and Anakin were there to meet us. Apparently, Obi-Wan was training Anakin to be a Jedi Master, and here I was standing before my heroes—the two Jedi who I would emulate, and later, betray. So I passed the training, and I was a knight; then, the Clone Wars erupted, and as you may expect, I was a general fighting alongside Anakin and Obi-Wan, once again. The Clone Wars end- ed shortly after and I had been approached by Chancellor Pal- patine, who claimed to know the ways of the force now—unlike the lies that have been distribut- ed across America—it was I who turned in Palpatine.7

Nero the armadillo Ashley blankenship tack. He quickly moved to a higher short story level while Nero caught his breath. Nero jumped up to the second level Under the bright sunshine of the building with ease since there walked a happy armadillo. He was a was no ceiling between the two cheerful being with a pretty good floors. He ran at the fat man again. life. He had many friends and a good The man quickly pulled out a sy- home. When he wasn’t out ringe. “You can’t beat me having fun with his friends, hedgehog, for I am the supe- he was going on adventures. rior of us both!” The insane He would venture through man laughed. He taunted deadly forests, swim Nero while the animal ran at through shark-filled waters, him. He side-stepped the at- survive going to the mall with tack, grinning like a psycho. lots of girls, and even dive into vol- He quickly shoved the syringe canos. He had knowledge on almost forward hoping to hit the animal. But anything, but he and all his friends when the syringe hit the animal’s thought he was a hedgehog. That back, it broke. Reality came falling ended on his latest adventure. down onto the young armadillo, and Nero, the armadillo who thinks Nero’s eyes went wide. He threw off he’s a hedgehog, was running his shirt. “I...AM AN ARMADIL- through the forest. He was wearing LO!” he screamed. “What? How’s his usual white shorts and yellow t- that possible?” the fat man ques- shirt. He was going to save the world tioned. “I thought you were a hedge- from his enemy, again. This hap- hog.” pened a lot, but Nero never got bored Nero lunged at the man, push- of it. He came up to an opening in ing him down and knocking him out. the forest and noticed a large, almost \"I thought I was a hedgehog, too,” mansion sized, building. Knowing Nero said to the passed out man. what was up ahead, Nero prepared Then he left to meet up with his himself. He was ready for anything. friends and tell them what he had He raced off towards the building. found out. Who would’ve thought The fat man jumped to the side that he was an armadillo? in the nick of time, dodging the at-8

aztecs Kayla hopkins informational I am an Aztec warrior. I fight for my life. Our people have migrated from the north to central Mexico in search of goods and other things. We have built an empire, getting around to lots of places by causeways. We use them because we are over water and cannot get around without them. Alexander Mackenzie Perkins informational Alexander the Great Made his own fate He built a large empire With much land to acquire. The Persians, he defeated, Their armies retreated. He spread the Greek way Without a delay. Hellenistic, the land became; Traditions and customs weren't the same. As he headed homeward bound, Pharaoh he was crowned.9

Insect haikus 6th graders poetry 1. Flies buzz in my ear Spiders are sucking my blood Insects are creepy 2. Yellow bumblebees But if you dare to sting me You will surely die 3. Noisy grasshoppers Sleeping on the green, dirty grass Dreaming—dancing dogs 4. Spider: fat creature The web-maker of the year Segmented worm slime 5. Flies, flies, buzzing flies Buzzing here, buzzing there flies Buzzing everywhere10

Black hole — Brian mageau —- abstract poetry11

This world Party sheep poetry The world we live in is horrid and cruel. Trust me, I know it is true. There are people who fight and bicker. A society that beats one another to a wither. The world we live in is sometimes great. Even if you’re running super late. There are bullies and robberies, yes I know. There are parents who run away and never come home. But don't tell me that this isn’t true. There are tons of people who try to help, too. Yes, we might still be waiting for somebody loving to the core. Somebody ought to be out there that is your amour. Someone to keep the horrible things away. Someone who you also need to keep safe.12

freak John fender poetry Inspired from the novel Freak the Mighty He might be tiny The size of a tee Part of Freak the Mighty Running from Tony D. From stranger to close friend. Smart as a teacher His friend’s dad dread Face getting peacher. Wearing Star Wars Wandering through Going through stores Asking who is who. On his shoulders Catching his breath Dodging boulders Until his death.13

Zen poetry — ross newton —- abstract poetry Wondrous reeds amongst the weeds Dirt paved roads flow Tile walls move Water rushing by Trees dance happily together Faded jade glimpse14

Japan song Destine miller poetry Japan, Japan, Japanese people live in those flat areas— Coastal plains— On flatland and the sea. Japan’s neighbor, Korea, Korea Korea and the Pacific Ocean. The Ainu , the culture that was developed In Japan, Japan Some people think the Ainu came from Siberia, in Eastern Russia. Fashion, the novels love of the beauty Beginning with their own appearances. Women— Long gowns decorated with— Fans attached— With flowers JAPAN PEASANTS AARON VANGORDON colored pencil15

A horse’s life Tes cooper short story & essay To my friend Magic, who was a friend to me when I needed one. I feel the boots sink in the mud as I walk. I hear the horses nay as I call them. Just hearing them makes me feel like I belong. They don’t talk but if they did they would understand how much I love them and how much like family they are to me. The sun warms my face as I put up the buckets and get a nudge on my arm. It is a reassuring touch of faith and hope, telling me its okay, they understand me better than others. They make my life a little more brighter. This is my safe place, where I belong and where I can be myself: free. Horses make me who I am. ———————————————— The best part of a horse’s life is when they have a little girl to love them, because they are important and they matter. As they grow up together, they become a team. They work to- gether, not just to get first place, but to earn the horse’s trust and the girl’s love. Some horses have bad owners that don’t love or care about them, and some don’t even notice them at all. A horse’s main purpose in life is not to waste money on or ride, but to be a friend to someone who needs one.16

magic — tes cooper —- drawing17

mustangs LAINIE WILLIAMS poetry Our feet are pounding It echoes in our surroundings We feel its red flame burn We’re here to learn We nay our PRIDE That struts in our stride We blast with the colors From green to white to blue You dare not diss us ‘cause you can’t miss us You’ll hear our feet pounding Throughout your surroundings We blast with colors From green to white to blue ‘cause we’re the Mustangs From Gregg Middle School18

That one moment Jada savela poetry Life is an open door So open the door And step through it Once you miss that chance You can’t get it back Never waste a moment Wondering what people think of you Or that moment is gone forever Life is an open door So open the door And step through it If you see someone fall Will you take time to Help them back up? Life is an open door So open the door And step through it19


Peloponnesian war Darius capers poetry Spartans were mean, Athens were not Spartans were brutal, Athens were soft When it came down to fighting, Spartans were the one. Face to face, Spartans grow Face to face, Athens grow, Even though they didn't like each other They were meant to work with one another. They worked, until the last day, Which was the final battle Of who would be slayed. Even though they lost their fight, Still, they fought with all their might.21

Wishes—little things ABI NELSON short story I sometimes wish that my dreams were a reality. Being able to be what I need to be. I would be an all “A” student. I could be my- self. No secrets. Nothing to hide. No reason to hide. I would wish away most of everything that I despise. It would be gone. Poof. I would have all my hopes come true. Life would be nice. Simple. But that’s not how it is. Not even clo s e. Mo re lik e th e o p p o s it e. I b a re l y h av e A’s an d B’s. s ec r ets from everyone. Friends, family. Everyone. There’s always something to hide from someone about something. Most things I hate become worse. All the things I hope to happen never do. Life is hard. Always has been. Always will be. Even how hard, I hope, I wish, I long, I dream. Usually, there is always that one person, that one group, that one thing that makes it seem possible. The way they make you smile for no reason; the way your friends make you laugh so hard your sides hurt; the way that thing makes you feel like you are mov- ing. It’s those things that make it possible. The things that make it bearable. Just enough strength to let you make it to the next day: the next hour, minute, second. When that is in your life, whatever it may be, it’s not that bad. Yo u j u st n e ed t o f o c u s o n th e l i t t l e t h i n g s .22

Blue — Michael Pollack —- drawing The Old World— anonymous —- block poetry They’d come up with the, DISEASE, knowing it would go back to “Spooky.” Before she disappeared, she’d nev- er eaten much: worse and worse, until she wound upstarving herself. These people had forgotten what the old world was really like. One of them, cutting down trees, looking down into the little eye-print.23

Black out poetry — Corey faeharman — poetry24

The haunting Bailey ford short story The pale figure drift- wrapped around my neck. ed towards me. Its yellow As I looked for something eyes gleamed menacingly. to use The red liquid against the dripping from ghoul, I its fingers knocked make a PLINK the lamp to sound as it hits the floor the floor, but it which made no stain. shattered A croaking on impact. groan escaped The groan the creature’s of the un- lips as it began dead beast to come at me intensified with increasing as every- speed. I turned thing faded to run, the hid- into dark- eous groan fol- ness. lowing me down the halls of my cabin in the woods. I woke in my bed. When I went to get a glass of wa- The green light ema- ter I saw bruises covering nating from the deadly me in the mirror. When I spirit suddenly flared as walked into the hall, I saw the moist, green fingers pieces of a shattered lamp littering the floor.25

Dancer — Chloe hill — poetry I am a dancer I don't dance because I want to I dance because I simply need to I tell stories by moving my body I dance because it makes me happy I dance to show expression I’m an artist, athlete, and a dreamer Without dance, I’m pointless I am a dancer Cali mae — Mrs. kunkelman — photography26

Early humans Mackenzie Sutton color pencil27

Cliff Eva hindman poetry I stand silently at the cliff's edge, The wind pushing my hair in my face. All I can do is stare while everything is silent Except for the wind whistling through the cracks and holes of the rocky face. “What is left?” My thoughts echo in my head, Bouncing back and forth in my brain as if it were the cavernous moun- tain I now stand on. I continue to stare blankly, It is all I can do Except resisting falling. “Who are you?” The question echoes once again in my head. “Can you really survive?” “Can you walk away from the edge?” “You, my dark child, are just lost, and need to come home with me.” A tear slides slowly down my face. I look down And see the rocks below me. “Go ahead, just one more step and your suffering will end.”28

I look back up at the sky As more tears begin the fall and clash with ground. I took a step back away from the edge. “You won’t have me today.” I said aloud Only to myself. I walked away slowly, Watching each step And hearing each step echo off the walls. And then I looked back only once and said “You will never have me.” Anna — skyler — drawing29

Black plague edition Mya long color pencil Fleas on rats Cedrum coleman poetry Fleas on rats Fleas on rats The ship arrived in Europe from the east With rats and fleas If you get bit your finger will turn black If you die, let me tell you something… Yo u a in ’t n e v er co mi n g b a ck30

The black death Isabel diaz short story There once was a rat named ing around seeing everybody Leonard. He was on his way to scratching themselves. “Better Europe. “Is this the wheat ship- find a good place to sleep,” ment,” the captain asked?. said Leonard. Leonard found an “ Yes, ” sa id th e s ailo r. Su d d en - o ld b o x an d w e n t to sl eep … ly, Leonard was tossed and turned, then slammed to the The next day, Leonard saw ground. When Leonard got his piles of bodies and the next sight back, he saw a bright day, and the next day, and so light. So he walked straight to- on. Leonard lived his life see- ward the light, then a broom ing dead bodies for years. Then came and wacked Leonard a one morning, Leonard went mile away from the dock. looking for food. On his way, he realized that he didn’t see “Good riddance,” said the any more bodies. He saw people old man while scratching his laughing and having a good arm. Leonard finally got away time. Leonard said to himself— from the lady and started walk- ”The Dark Ages are over.!31

Rustle Mackenzie lewis color pencil If the Black Plague were to happen today, it would be dev- astating. The sick would die first, passing it to the middle class, then to the rich. We, as a society, would crumble.32

infographic Richard bartlett color pencil Between 1347-1351, the Black Death swept through Europe. The Black Death was caused by a certain type of flea. The Black Death killed between 25-36 million people. It spread through villages so fast that villagers had to move or abandon their manors, forcing them into the city. The manors fell apart since there weren’t enough people to work the fields. As a result, the Black Death killed so many, so fast that many people were buried without a priest or a ceremony.33

Calm as I am Shaylahbear allen poetry So in depth, hold on with all of my might. Waiting in the rain, a cold winter night. Inhale, exhale Calm as I am. Hair blowing in the wind Somebody take my hand. My eyes they close; as I breathe in deep You run through my mind And my life is complete. I open my eyes but you’re still not there No one could take your place .With you my heart I share A cold afternoon. Hands as cold as ice Thoughts go through my mind My feelings are concise Lying in your arms We are the perfect match The distance is discouraging Yet still I am attached Sitting by the fire, thinking in a distant stare.34

Selected poetry Shaylahbear allen poetry They are the strongest wall They are the largest net They are the safest vault They are the first car They are a cool crisp night on the lake They are losing your mind and not caring They are a partner in crime They are the loving spouse They are the patient donor. ——————————————————— A lion’s heart could not rival the strength within his heart The dog who is ever vigilant does not compare to his loyalty The clever crow cannot confuse his wit The wise owl wanders to him for wisdom The singing sparrow sleeps to the sound of his voice ——————————————————— The artist’s brush The architect’s pencil The author’s word Unrefined talent A fiery passion Rivaling the lover’s fire The singer’s voice The sculptor’s chisel The sage’s mind Unstoppable determination Unneeded worry Untold beauty35

A dead tree — Jade clark — drawing Autumn leaves Alexander Borusiewicz poetry In shades of red, yellow, orange, and even brown: Autumn leaves are falling down. Falling, flying soaring, and spinning around: Autumn leaves are falling down. Wind is blowing, making quiet whistling sounds: Autumn leaves are falling down. Every step I take a crackling noise abounds: Autumn leaves are falling down.36

Sister daysSarah walkerpoetryWhen trouble comes to me, Now it feels likeI think simply Yo u ’ re f a r a w a yOf those sister days Just because I see youWhere problems melt away. Less than half a day.From tea parties So, when trouble comes to meTo dollhouse dolls, I think simplyWe would always Of those sister daysHave a ball. Where problems melt away. fields — Lindsey kimball — watercolor37

1920s — Harley legnard — drawing38

1920s — Harley legnard — drawing39

Emily Dickinson, inspired poem Evan brittan poetry “Hope” is the thing with feathers - That perches in the soul - And sings the tune without the words - And never stops - at all - Yet in its mute song it always finds the right thing to say- To get me through the darkest day- And late at night when I am scared and alone and the “monsters” are on the prowl- That little bird sings louder to drown them out- And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard - And sore must be the storm - That could abash the little Bird That kept so many warm - Acting as a protector- And a well needed push to drive people to safety - When the raft of life is hopelessly lost at sea I’ve heard it in the chillest land - And on the strangest Sea - Yet - never - in Extremity, It asked a crumb - of me- I have lived and loved- And lost a lot- But never in my wildest dream- Or worst nightmare, did that little birdy ever leave me.40

Perched — Cyrene gaddist — drawing41

galaxies Dylan johns Poetry Galaxy pictures from Hubble That look like a bursting bubble All are colorful and twisted But at least I'm not being tested On every single bright Shining star Some are huge Like a track luge Others are small Like a two inch fall But at least I’m not being surveyed On every single conveyed Known solar system42

Rain storm Dylan johns Poetry Falling drops of quiet rain Can cause such little pain Made by God’s merciful cry They fall silently through the sky A windy thundery storm From cloud clusters it forms From the crack of lightening To thunder ’s laugh traveling All of this sound Is the pound Of rain on metal That causes the fall of a petal43

Peace not war— tamir Kenley — water color I believe it is better to have peace because war can ruin lives and kill innocent people.44

Speak! Joe cannavaro poetry A voice is a weapon So be heard, Not hurt. Do not let somebody push you Into the dirt. To tell a lie Is not using it right. If you use it wrong, You ’ ll w ind up a v illa in Like evil King Kong. If a voice is a weapon That everyone has, Do we use it to fight? NO! We make things right!45

Summertime Bobby ard poetry Long sweltering hot days of children laughing. Short cool nights of cloudless skies. Sleepovers, pool parties, and time to relax. Summertime, a time to Stay up late and sleep until noon. Flowers exploding with vibrant c ol ors. Ye l l ows, pi nks, purpl e s, re ds, and blues. Summertime.46

Sea of pieces — jaedyn brown —- abstract art47

Nightmare called snow Jenna zaremsky poetry The bitter-cold wind With a glowing white trail Pulled the tree down With the heavy, thick ice The tree fell, breaking the window As my cousin carried me downstairs He turned on the light And locked the door The house groaned When the chimney collapsed The heater broke Soon the ceiling cracked As all that happened upstairs The basement grew colder and colder And with three blankets to spare My cousin tried to keep us warm My cousin prayed when the ceiling fell The wind picked up speed Causing more windows to break And more crashes to be heard48

At the highest point We were forced to the darkest room in the basement When it was over, he realized something… We couldn't get out When the neighbors came to check out the destroyed house, he called out with a sense of hope It took an hour to get us out And to the hospital Behind us, the rest of the house gave out And fell When you go through that You ne ve r l ook a t snow t he sa me way I owe my cousin a lot for that night I was really young, but I remember it all That nightmare called snow...49


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