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Home Explore Medical Services Proposal Rise Personalagentur

Medical Services Proposal Rise Personalagentur

Published by Rise Personalagentur, 2022-07-12 15:32:35

Description: Medical Services Proposal Rise Personalagentur

Keywords: LubecaVax


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LubecaVax Medical Recearch Prepared by: Prepared for: Elisha Odhiambo | CEO Rise Personalagentur Kenya Medical Reserach Pharmacy Limited Institute - KEMRI

Table of Contents Medical Services Proposal Executive Summary Relevant Licenses & Quali cations Services Offered Risk Management Staf ng Key Personnel Approval of the project Operations Director Update on the individual anti-corona vaccine from Lubeck Approval

Executive Summary This document is a medical Recearch services proposal for Kenya Medical Research Institute, prepared by Rise Personalagentur on 18th, March 2021. This proposal contains a summary of the services being offered, tables detailing associated costs, and a projected timeline for beginning services. Any questions or comments related to this medical services proposal should be directed to the following point of contact: Rise Personalagentur Pharmacy Limited Rise Personalagentur Email: [email protected] Kibuye Oginga Odinga Road Kisumu, Behind Avenue Hospital Phone: +49 (30) 616 475 43 Phone:+254 728714277 Email: [email protected] Phone:+254 791233694 Web: Rise Personalagentur Pharmacy Limited is a company based in Berlin, Germany and Kisumu, Kenya, specializing in the permanent and temporary placement of foreign, competent and culturally well- integrated medical professionals, as well as an agency that connects companies to solve medical problems. Rise Personalagentur Pharmacy Limited Service company based in Berlin, Germany and Kisumu, Kenya specializing in distribution and partnering for multiple disruptive COVID-19 Vaccines with protection against hepatitis B and rapid tests. We are now offering an opportunity for 5 interested countries in Africa with our partners in the fight against the corona virus. Kenya is one of them and we would like to find out about the current status. Is MoH/KEMRI in Kenya interested in collaborating to be the first country in Africa to conduct the clinical trial? Then we urgently need your feedback and a letter of motivation from you as well as an idea of the total costs for the implementation of the clinical study, all inclusive, and the postal address of the institution. Once we have received this we will review and send out a LOI along with all the necessary documents to take the next steps for this. We would like to work closely with the Kenyan healthcare sector to bring the revolutionary German COVID vaccine developed by a German specialist. The issue is urgent now. The German specialist must carry out the clinical phase 3 study as quickly as possible. Together against the corona virus. Please note that due to the high demand for the vaccine in East Africa, we ask that you take the above steps as soon as possible so that we can take the next steps to express your interest.

After the approval from KEMRI we receive the 100% Certi cate of Sale and Limerence in Kenya All medical devices we distribute and sell receive a seal of quality that has been proven by the Kenyan health government. Relevant Licenses & Quali cations Rise Personalagentur Pharmacy Limited is fully licensed and quali ed to provide the services listed in this medical services proposal. Relevant licenses and quali cations include: • Medical Device Certi cate and National Medical Distribution Approval for our Company • Corporate trade License Rise Personalagentur Pharmacy Limited hereby guarantees that the above-listed licenses and quali cations will be maintained during the entire period during which medical services are provided to KEMRI. Services Offered Rise Personalagentur Pharmacy Limited hereby submits the following services for consideration by KEMRI: Protection against corona virus infections can be achieved effectively and harmlessly by vaccination with a tiny, inconspicuous protein. As early as March 2020, we used the recombinant receptor-binding domain (RBO) of the corona virus for human immunization for the first time worldwide. The antigen was produced by genetic engineering in cell culture. The protein corresponds exactly to the structures of the virus, which it uses in unvaccinated individuals to bind to the angiolensin-2 receptors of the capillary endothelium. the alveolar epithelium of the lungs and many other cells. The induced antibodies block the receptor binding domain of the virus so that the virus cannot find a hold on the cells and cannot infect them. The LubecaVax antigen is non- replicating. In the scientific community, my approach is now considered the best way to vaccinate against the coronavirus, as published in Nature, for example: H. Kleanthous et al.: ScIenbhc rationale for the development of potent RBD-based vacancies targeting COVIO-19. Nature, npj Vaccines 6, 128 (2021.10.28). LubecaVax with its small, trivial vaccination protein produced outside of the body, as well as different RBD-base d vaccines are best choice for boosters and already available. Novavax also contains a ready synthesized immunogen, consisting of whole spike proteins S 1 + S2 (possibly unnecessary big). The adjuvant consists of saponins and phospholipids. We do not have experience with !his vaccine. A basic Novavax immunization is told to consist of only two doses, which seems to be not sufficient. The antibody Uters should be analyzed anyway and, if necessary, a booster vaccination should be given

Risk Management Staf ng Rise Personalagentur Pharmacy Limited Rise Personalagentur Pharmacy Limited employs a comprehensive risk employs a staff of highly trained, management program to mitigate experienced, and licensed individuals to potential risk, exposure, or liability support clients’ needs. Each member of wherever possible. A detailed summary our staff has a minimum of Seven years’ of this risk management program is not experience in their eld, and has been included in this medical services put through Rise Personalagentur’s proposal, but is available by request. rigorous training and vetting process. Key Personnel The following individuals are considered “key personnel” due to the critical nature of the roles they play in providing the services listed in this medical services proposal: Account Manager DOCTOR IN CHARGE. Dr. Frederick Ochieng will serve as project manager for this project. Primary responsibilities will include daily management and oversight of the services being provided to Kemri. Email: [email protected] Phone: +254 720 082440 Approval of the project CEO Elisha Odhiambo will Approve all necessary documents for this project. Primary responsibilities will include serving as chief advisor and supporting the project execution team. Email: [email protected] Phone:+254 791233694 Phone: + 49 17673977241

Operations Director Operations Director. Jane Aluoch Otieno will serve as the operations director for this project. Primary responsibilities will include oversight of all project execution and implementation of the risk management program. Email: [email protected] Phone:+254 728714277 Phone: + 49 (30) 616 475 43 Update on the individual anti-corona vaccine from Lubeck The table below details the actual Vaccine that will be recherched by Kenya Medical Reserach Institute - KEMRI in this proposal. LübecaVax Vaccination with LübecaVax resulted in high levels of antibodies against corona viruses in 97% of vaocinated individuals. The vaccination is almost free of side effects and does not pose the innate risks of RNA- and virus-based vaccines. It does not contain any foreign geneuc material -neither RNA nor the DNA of weakened viruses. and would by far be better accepted by the public. since many people regard! vaccinations with gene-ferries dangerous. LubecaVax hardly triggers allergic reactions, is low-priced, easy to be produced and to handle, does not need to be transported deep-frozen, can be stored in the refrigerator and any physician can administer it in his practice. After lyophilisation, the vaccine can be distributed in developing countries without cryopreservation. The few well-meant donations of provisionally approved vaccines in many cases fail due to logistics and the requirement of a cold chain. It is highly likely, that with the anti-corona virus vaccine I developed in March 2020 and recommended to the Paul Ehr1ich Institute in September 2020, the whole of Germany would be free of the corona virus epidemic by now. If self-lmportant authorities would not have prohibited the development and application of this vaccination. Our estimate is that 10 million people in Germany would like to receive the Lübeck vaccination before anything else. They do not want to be hindered by authorities and instead be forced to take a dreaded gene-ferry-based vaccine. Free citizens in a democratic society do not want to be patronized neither by their government nor by an obedient press. We thought to have put this behind us Please note that due to the high demand for the vaccine in East Africa, we ask that you take the above steps as soon as possible so that we can take the next steps to express your interest.

Client References The following Rise Personalagentur clients have given permission to be contacted by Kenya Ministry of Health for vetting purposes: Rise Personalagentur UG Company Name Company Name Elisha Odhiambo | CEO Thomas Rieger | CEO Felix Bold | CEO Phone: +493061647543 Phone:+49 (30) 221 80913 Phone: +49 (0) 30 Email: Email: 62937962 [email protected] [email protected] Email: [email protected] MILESTONES Rise Personalagentur , in cooperation with KEMRI, strives for a cooperation on a national and international level, which affects not only medicine, but also technical possibilities. As a company that plays a role on an international level, with KEMRI we want to bring Kenya's health closer not only to the revolutionaries, but also to the next level of health knowledge. Approval After reviewing the contents of this medical services proposal, Kenya Medical Reserach Institute may sign below to indicate approval of the listed services and costs, and willingness to proceed with a formal medical services agreement. Rise Personalagentur Pharmacy Limited Kenya Medical Reserach Institute Berlin,11.07.22 Mr.Elisha Odhiambo / CEO Rise

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