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Published by shawn, 2015-05-22 10:03:37

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199 2 127 6 53 199 53PRIMARY SE15RVIC2E4 ARE108 A 75 4 24 15 23 36 12 Ottawa Findlay Putnam County 224 15 Bluffton Van Wert Hancock CountyVan Wert County 309 75 30 Lima Ada 309 Allen County Kenton Hardin County 33 Auglaize County 309 68 Celina Wapakoneta29 Saint Marys 31Mercer County Bellefontaine 127 Shelby County Sidney Logan County 3336 4 40 49 75TABLE OF CONTENTSAbout Us..............................................................1Residential Fire...............................................2–5Commercial Fire........................................... 6–9 71Residential Water....................................... 10–13 Swartz Contracting & Emergency Services 2622 Baty Rd. • Lima, OH 45807 62Commercial Water.....................................14–17 Phone: 419.331.1024Wind & Storm............................................ 18–19 Toll Free: 800.462.1024Vandalism/Vehicle Impact 68 22Damage Restoration......................7.5................20 35 Web: SwartzContracting.comAccreditation and Affiliations.........................21Testimonials.........................................4.2........... 22 Connect: 73 28Before & After............................................23–24 28 28Restoration Process......................................... 25 73 50Web: • Phone: 800.462.1024

ABOUT US 1At Swartz Contracting & Emergency We comprehensively document whatServices, we know how frustrating it can happened and each restoration step to have an unexpected disaster disrupt Our project managers will stay in touch withyour life. Since 1987, we have taken pride in our customers as often as desired, even dailyguiding home and business owners through if desired.the restoration process and helping them torebuild their dreams. We stand by our work This handbook introduces and outlineswith a standard 5-year workmanship warranty. the restoration process. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact aSatisfied, repeat customers and dedicated representative of Swartz Contracting &employees who focus on achieving top quality Emergency Services. We thank you forcustomer service are the foundation of our choosing us as your “one call does it all”company success. Each of our employees restoration contractor, and we lookhas the communication and technical skills forward to serving you and developingto meet our customers’ needs. a mutual lasting relationship!What sets us apart is mitigation-focused, Sincerely,full-service restoration where we do what ittakes to restore your property to pre-loss Paul Swartzcondition as fast as possible and at the lowest Presidentpossible cost to conserve policy limits. Web: • Phone: 800.462.1024

RESIDENTIAL FIRE Few events can be as devastating to a family as a fire. Swartz Contracting & Emergency Services has restored hundreds of fire losses since 1987 and will help homeowners take the necessary steps to resume normal life after a fire-related disaster. We have the skills, equipment, and systems necessary to return fire-damaged structures back to pre-loss condition quickly, efficiently and professionally.Web: • Phone: 800.462.1024

RESIDENTIAL FIRE 3Web: • Phone: 800.462.1024

4 RESIDENTIAL FIREWeb: • Phone: 800.462.1024

RESIDENTIAL FIRE 5Our services include: Smoke Damage Remediation• B oarding up and/or installation of protective If residue from smoke damage is not handled roof covering to secure and protect the quickly and properly, permanent damage can property from further damage. occur to your belongings and property within hours. This includes stains on clothes and• A careful assessment of the damage and yellowing on walls, as well as to the structure the creation of an action plan for mitigation if action is not taken within 24 hours of and reconstruction. the fire. The hotter the fire, the higher the potential for damage.• T he involvement of expert project management staff to ensure the project No matter the type of fire or structure is scoped properly and completed affected, Swartz Contracting & Emergency on schedule. Services’ staff has the knowledge and tools to completely eradicate smoke odor from• Application of Applied Structural Drying the property. In fact, we offer a 100% principles and procedures to minimize cost smoke-free guarantee! Keep in mind that and mitigate water damage resulting from some items may have to be removed for the extinguishing of the fire. specialized cleaning.• R emoval of soot damage and eliminating Because of the extinguishing process, smoke odor—guaranteed! every fire loss is also a water loss and represents a variety of technical challenges.• Contents cleaning and storage, Swartz Contracting & Emergency Services duct cleaning, dry cleaning, handles every aspect of the restoration and electronics cleaning. process through one point of contact.• In-house supervision for any necessary reconstruction. Web: • Phone: 800.462.1024

6 COMMERCIAL FIREWeb: • Phone: 800.462.1024

COMMERCIALFIREWe know that a fire can be devastating fora business or commercial property. Every daythat the business is closed means a hardshipto the bottom line. Since 1987, SwartzContracting & Emergency Services hasbeen helping business owners and propertymanagers restore fire losses in order to getback to normal operations. We can helprestore your structure to pre-loss conditionquickly and professionally. Web: • Phone: 800.462.1024

8 COMMERCIAL FIREOur Services Include Fire Damage Cleanup and Remediation• Securing your property from further damage from weather or trespassers. Fire can swiftly bring an enterprise to its knees. The mitigation of damage by providing• Working to get power restored to your smoke cleanup and water restoration property as soon as possible. immediately is crucial to maintaining business continuity. Fortunately, processes available• Working directly with your insurance today can restore most mission critical assets, company to restore your property to helping avoid costly capital expenditures and pre-loss condition. long lead times for replacement.• E xpert project management staff to ensure The first 24 to 48 hours after damage has proper evaluation and completion timeline. occurred are the most important hours of recovery. An effective emergency• P roviding a “No Smoke Odor” Guarantee. response that quickly stabilizes the facility ensures the recovery of as much property• C ontents cleaning and storage, as possible. After the building is secured, duct cleaning, dry cleaning and Swartz Contracting and Emergency Services’ electronics cleaning. technicians will quickly turn to the task of controlling ambient conditions, cleanup of• In-house supervision for any smoke, and rescuing assets. Also, every fire necessary reconstruction. loss is also a water loss and can represent its own challenges. Our technicians can handle every aspect of the restoration process through one point of contact. Knowing who you will call for help prior to flames being seen is the best thing you can do to ensure an immediate response and effective loss control.Web: • Phone: 800.462.1024

COMMERCIAL FIRE 9 Web: • Phone: 800.462.1024

RESIDENTIAL WATER When you have a flood, a pipe break, an unexpected roof leak or sewer/sump pump backup, water damage can become your home’s worst enemy. With hundreds of water restoration projects completed, Swartz Contracting & Emergency Services is the best solution to get your home back to its pre-loss condition and life back to normal.Web: • Phone: 800.462.1024

RESIDENTIAL WATER 11 Web: • Phone: 800.462.1024

12 RESIDENTIAL WATERWeb: • Phone: 800.462.1024

RESIDENTIAL WATER 13Drying Your Home Why Is It So Important to Use a Professional Restorer for Drying?Any saturated materials have the ability toquickly breed mold, regardless of weather Special equipment, techniques andconditions, and some molds can become professional judgment reduces the need forvisible after only 48 hours. To prevent mold reconstruction, which gets things back togrowth, wet building materials and contents normal faster. For example, proper placementmust be dried as soon as possible. and monitoring of drying equipment prevents warping and cracking of certain materials.There are two stages to drying the structure: What Are Some1. Removing liquid water. Potential Consequences of Improper Drying?2. Removing moisture from the air and building materials. If your property is not dried quickly and thoroughly, the most likely result will beNormal household dehumidifiers cannot mold growth. Mold can grow in visibleadequately remove all moisture. Swartz locations or hidden recesses. It can be veryContracting & Emergency Services uses damaging to a home, especially if a largehigh-performance commercial dehumidifiers, amount of standing water is left from theair movers and other equipment to typically extinguishing process related to a fire.dry items in 72 hours or less. Web: • Phone: 800.462.1024

14 COMMERCIAL WATERWeb: • Phone: 800.462.1024

COMMERCIALWATERLarge structures can present large problems.Whether you have a faulty sprinkler system,a pipe break, an unexpected roof leak orsump pump backup, water damage can be avery costly disruption. The longer that yourbusiness or commercial property is disrupted,the more it can affect your overall operation.Swartz Contracting & Emergency Services isthe best solution for getting your propertyback to pre-loss condition and operationsback to normal as quickly as possible. Web: • Phone: 800.462.1024

16 COMMERCIAL WATERDrying Your Business Commercial Water Damage Restoration ServicesSwartz Contracting and Emergency Servicesis committed to getting your business Companies can experience a sudden floodor commercial property back to pre-loss from broken pipes or sprinkler system releasescondition as soon as possible. We work at any time. If not promptly and properlywith business owners and property managers dealt with, water damage can cause majorto help minimize the time until project interruption to services and operations, posingcompletion. We will work directly with a serious threat to contents, commercialyour insurance company to quickly and building components and the health ofprofessionally restore your property. occupants. The result can be costly repairs and replacement as well as potential liability.There are two stages to drying the structure: The harmful effects of water are sharply1. Removing liquid water. reduced by prompt and effective intervention, especially within the first 24–48 hours.2. Removing moisture from the air and An immediate emergency response by building materials. Swartz Contracting and Emergency Services’ knowledgeable technicians will quickly stabilizeNormal household dehumidifiers cannot your property and mitigate damage, keepingadequately remove all moisture. Swartz your restoration project to minimal damage.Contracting & Emergency Services useshigh-performance commercial dehumidifiers, Even though flood and water damage mayair movers and other equipment to typically look severe, current restoration services candry items in 72 hours or less. produce surprising results. Swartz Contracting and Emergency Services Water Mitigation Technicians will quickly begin to assess damages. From proprietary chemicals for decontamination to full service reconstruction, we can provide the processes, resources, services, and talent to quickly and successfully restore commercial and industrial companies to normal operations in a very timely manner.Web: • Phone: 800.462.1024

COMMERCIAL WATER 17 Web: • Phone: 800.462.1024

18 WIND & STORMStorm Damage? Wind Loss? After the property has been secured, a SwartzSwartz Can Repair It Contracting & Emergency Services estimator will assess the damage to your property andWhen high winds, ice storms, lightning, provide a detailed written estimate to bothhail or tornados arrive, significant damage you and your insurance your property can happen in the blink ofan eye. Swartz Contracting & EmergencyServices provides emergency roof tarps andboard-ups for all wind and storm losses.With thousands of projects completed,we know how to get your home or businessback to pre-loss condition fast.Web: • Phone: 800.462.1024

WIND & STORM 19Once the Swartz Contracting & Emergency Our in-house production supervisors alsoServices team starts repairs on your property, make sure that your project is done withwe stay on the job until completion. dedication, quality and timeliness from startWe offer weekly project restoration updates to finish. Swartz Contracting & Emergencyin order to ensure all involved parties have Services understands the severity of yourthe same information regarding the property situation and how to minimize your timerestoration and the project completion date. away from your home or business. Web: • Phone: 800.462.1024

20 VANDALISM/VEHICLE IMPACT DAMAGE RESTORATIONVandalism Is Unexpected Vehicle Impact May Damageand Scary Structural IntegrityWhether it is repairing drywall, windows, When a vehicle impact happens to your homesiding or any other damage resulting from or business, prompt restoration is essential forvandalism, Swartz Contracting & Emergency safety. With our 24-hour, 365-day emergencyServices is the solution to get your home or service, Swartz Contracting & Emergencybusiness back to its pre-loss condition. Services can secure your home or business fast. Our estimators will check for structure stability and fully explain the process to return your property back to its pre-loss condition.Web: • Phone: 800.462.1024

ACCREDITATION 21 AND AFFILIATIONSSwartz Contracting & Emergency Services Swartz Contracting & Emergency Services ishas experience in restoring insurance losses also a member of the following organizations:with virtually all national and regionalinsurance carriers. Whatever insurance • B etter Business Bureau of Limacarrier you use, we most likely have (BBB) since 1997experience in working with that carrier. • Lima/Allen County Chamber of CommerceWe are proud to be a member of theNational Institute of Restoration (NIR) • L ima Adjuster’s Associationand the Institute of Inspection, Cleaningand Restoration Certification (IICRC). • T oledo Claims AssociationAs a part of these organizations, our staffhas been trained on the latest restoration • Allen County BBBtechniques and will help rebuild yourdreams and livelihood. • National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) • R estoration Coach National Mitigation Program • Certified EPA Lead Firm Web: • Phone: 800.462.1024

22 TESTIMONIALSI just am so happy and excited to get I would like to take this time to commendmy house back after my fire. Swartz Swartz Contracting and your employees,Contracting did an excellent job on my especially Bruce Gessel and his crew,house. It turned out better than expected for their diligence in the reconstructionplus they were easy to work with. of my building after the fire we sustained on June 10, 2010. Bruce and his crew’s workPatricia W. ethics were unsurpassed. They had an extra challenge on their hands, as I continuedThese were polite, hard working, to operate my business (Streicher’smen – non intrusive and respectful to Quickprint) out of the building during theany requests or ideas! Thanks to Nate, reconstruction. Bruce’s knowledge andBruce, Randy, Shane and Chris!! concern to my situation allowed him to keep interruptions to my daily businessMargaret G. activities to a minimum. For which I am grateful. I would highly recommendThank you so much for a job well done! Swartz Contracting to anyone in needI appreciate the level of professionalism of their services.and the fact that the staff is beyondaccommodating. The crew made sure their Thank you,work area was clean at the end of each day Thomas D.and when the project was complete, it was President, Streicher’s Quickprintso clean you wouldn’t have known they werehere! I was kept informed throughout the Dear Paul,entire process, the job was done quickly and Thank you for the excellent job you andmy concerns were made a priority. your associates did at my house.We would certainly call Swartz Contractingin the future and highly recommend them! It’s rare in today’s world when someonePlease know that your work isn’t just a job exceeds expectations…or a business, you are giving your customerback something priceless. A home!! If I am in need of any contracting work in the future, believe me you will be the personKarissa M. I call. Thanks again for all your help. Thomas M.Web: • Phone: 800.462.1024

BEFORE & AFTER 23Web: • Phone: 800.462.1024

24 BEFORE & AFTERWeb: • Phone: 800.462.1024

RESTORATION PROCESS 251. Restoration Analysis 2. Owners Sign Work 3. D etailed Estimate 4. Insurance Negotiations 5. Owner Signs Authorization Prepared Completed Repair Contract6. Building Permit 7. C hange Order Written 8. O wner Signs 9. O wner Makes 10. Materials Ordered Obtained (If Needed) (If Needed) Change Order Materials Selection11. M aterials Obtained 12. Job Scheduled 13. Estimated Completion 14. D emolition Performed 15. Repairs Performed Date Given16. P rogress Billing 17. P unch List Created 18. P unch List Scheduled 19. P unch List Completed 20. Owner Signs Off (If Needed) (If Needed) on Punch List21. O wner Signs 22. Work Complete 23. F inal Billing 24. W arranty Issued Completion Form & PaymentAll steps may not apply or occur in order depending upon the type of loss. Web: • Phone: 800.462.1024

24 HOUR EMERGENCY RESPONSE: 800.462.1024 MITIGATION FOCUSED, FULL SERVICE.TRANSPARENT. FASTER TO COMPLETION. Swartz Contracting & Emergency Services 2622 Baty Rd. • Lima, OH 45807 Phone: 419.331.1024 Toll Free: 800.462.1024 Web: Connect:

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