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Home Explore Montero Magazine

Montero Magazine

Published by Gold Cube Films, 2021-04-06 15:49:07

Description: Best Quality, Best Products, Best Bussiness


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Special time of year for jicama Year-round production “Jicama are generally available year round but it depends on the supplier,” Padilla noted. “They tend to be easier to find in certain months of the year when most producers have them. But it tends to be very scarce later on. It takes a lot of money to invest in year round availability of not only jicama production but also in the complete chain of food safety certifications, this be- ing PrimusGFS in the fields, packinghouse and distribution center located in McAllen TX. Montero Farms is a family owned and operated business that has been supplying jicama for nearly 20 years. Jicama have become the core of our business and as such we have them available year round.” For Montero Farms, this is not the only time they supply jicama from Mexico. Although much of the sales occur during the sum- mer months, the company specializes in the root vegetable and makes sure to have them available year round. They say this re- quires commitment and significant investment. Suppliers say that although jicama remains outside of the main circle of fruit and vegetables most American consumers buy, they are gaining more attention for their reported health properties. Jicama have been the subject of fitness and healthy food trends, and subsequently been featured on social media. Such activity would help jicama expand beyond its traditional markets in the US. Jicama production in Mexico is entering a special time of the year. Growers say this is the time of year of that is known as the ‘water’ jicama season. This is when fresh jicama are harvested and they have just begun to mature and while the skin is still relatively soft. Arturo Padilla of US-based Montero Farms, explained this requires more careful handling of the product, but the upside is that it has a better taste.


Jicama Fries Instructions Preheat oven to 425°F. Peel jicama and cut into ‘fries’. Boil 10-12 minutes. Drain and dab dry. Toss with remaining ingredients. Place on a parchment lined pan and bake 20 minutes. Flip and bake an additional 20 minutes or until golden Serve warm with ranch or aioli.

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