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BROSUR PRODUK HNI 2022_02_14-pages

Published by hni.yudhistira, 2022-04-21 03:31:53

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2022.02 Informasi lengkap hubungi: ANDROGRPHIS BIOSIR CENTELLA Membantu meringankan gejala wasir. Secara tradisional digunakan untuk melindungi Helps to relief the symptoms of hemorrhoids. hati, meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh, Kandungan / Ingredients: menurunkan panas, menghilangkan rasa nyeri Daun Wungu (Graptophylli folium extract), dan antibiotik alami. Temulawak (Curcumae rhizome extract), Traditionally used to protect the liver, boost the Pegagan (Centellae herba extract), Sambiloto immune system, relief fever, reduce pain and as a (Andrographidis herba extract) natural antibiotic. Rp 90.000 (75/20) Rp 85.000 (65/25) 50 caps @500 mg 75 caps @250 mg CARNOCAP BILBERRY Membantu memelihara kondisi kesehatan Membantu memelihara kesehatan mata dan pada penderita kanker. kesehatan tubuh. Helps to maintain the health of cancer Helps to maintain the body and eye health. patients. Kandungan / Ingredients: Bilberry (Vaccinum myrtillus fructus Rp 120.000 (100/30) extractum) 50 caps @500 mg Rp 150.000 (110/42) 50 caps @500 mg

HERBS PRODUCTS DEEP SQUA HARUMI Suplemen untuk membantu menjaga Secara tradisional digunakan untuk kesehatan. A supplement for membantu mengurangi bau badan, bau maintaining the health. pada organ intim wanita, mengurangi Kandungan / Ingredients: lendir yang berlebih, dan menjaga Squalene Oil 100% kesehatan tubuh. 50 softgels Traditionally used to help to reduce body and vaginal odor, excessive vaginal Rp 250.000 (200/65) discharge, and maintain the body health. 100 softgels Rp 70.000 (55/20) Rp 460.000 (375/130) 50 caps @500 mg DIABEXTRAC KELOSIN Membantu meringankan gejala (KELOR SINERGI) kencing manis. Helps to relief the symptoms of Membantu memperkuat daya ingat. diabetes. It can help improving memory. Rp 130.000 (110/40) Rp 90.000 (75/20) 50 caps @500 mg 50 caps @500 mg GAMAT KAPSUL LANGSINGIN Membantu meredakan nyeri sendi. Membantu mengurangi lemak. Helps relieving the joint pains (arthritis). Helps to reduce body fat. Kandungan / Ingredients: Kandungan / Ingredients: Gamat/Teripang Emas (Stichopus hermanii Daun Jati Belanda (Guazumae folium extractum). extract), Daun Ketepeng (Cassiae folium extract), Daun Kemuning (Murrayae folium Rp 130.000 (100/40) extract), Kunci Pepet (Kaemferia angustifolia rhizoma extract), etc. 60 caps @300 mg Rp 120.000 (100/30) GINEXTRAC 50 caps @500 mg Membantu meluruhkan batu urin di saluran kemih dan membantu melancarkan buang LAURIK air kecil. Help to decay urinary tract stones and Membantu meredakan nyeri di persendian, boost urination. encok, asam urat dan rematik. Help to relief joint pains, gout, and Rp 90.000 (75/20) rheumatics. 50 caps @500 mg Rp 65.000 (55/20) HABBATUSSAUDA 50 caps @500 mg HPAI MAGAFIT Membantu memelihara daya tahan tubuh, membantu meringankan gejala asma dan Membantu memelihara kesehatan fungsi melancarkan ASI. saluran pencernaan. Traditionally used to help to maintain body Help to maintain the digestive system health, relief asthma symptoms, and boost organs’ health. breast milk. Rp 90.000 (75/20) Rp 60.000 (50/16) 50 caps @500 mg 50 caps @500 mg

MAHKOTA DARA N-GREEN Membantu mengurangi lendir yang Membantu memelihara daya tahan tubuh. berlebih pada daerah kewanitaan. Help to maintain body immune system. Help reduce excessive vaginal discharge from the female private Rp 130.000 (110/40) organs. 50 caps @500 mg Rp 200.000 (170/55) PEGAGAN HS 3 blisters @ 20 pills Membantu sirkulasi darah. MENGKUDU Help boost blood circulation. Kandungan / Ingredients: Secara tradisional digunakan untuk Pegagan (Centellae herba extract). membantu meringankan gejala tekanan darah tinggi. Rp 90.000 (75/20) Traditionally used to help to relief the symptoms of hypertension. 50 caps @500 mg Rp 80.000 (60/20) PROCUMIN HABBATUSSAUDA 50 caps @500 mg RICH E MINYAK HERBA Membantu menjaga kesehatan. SINERGI Help maintain health. Kandungan / Ingredients: Secara tradisional digunakan sebagai Oleum Nigella Sativa Semen. minyak gosok dan minyak urut untuk membantu meredakan pegal linu dan nyeri Rp 160.000 (130/50) sendi, serta luka memar. Traditionally used as massage oil to relief 50 softgels @500 mg muscle and joint pain, and to treat bruises. PROCUMIN PROPOLIS Wil. 1,2,3 Rp 45.000 (30/10) HABBATUSSAUDA Netto: 100 ml Membantu menjaga kesehatan. Help maintain health. MINYAK KAYU PUTIH Kandungan / Ingredients: Natural Nigella Sativa Oil, Natural Propolis. Membantu melegakan hidung tersumbat, membantu meredakan gatal-gatal akibat Rp 175.000 (140/50) digigit serangga. Helps relieve nasal congestion and itching 50 softgels @500 mg caused by insect bites. Netto: REDANGIN Wil. 1&2 Rp 43.000 (40/9) 15 ml x 10 sachet Wil. 3 Rp 48.000 (45/9) Obat herbal yang membantu meredakan gejala masuk angin Netto: 100 ml dengan bahan baku herbal pilihan. MINYAK TELON PLUS Herbal medicine that helps relieve symptoms of colds with selected Membantu meredakan perut kembung serta herbal. memberikan rasa hangat pada tubuh bayi. Helps relieve flatulence and gives a warm Rp 43.000 (40/10) feeling to the baby’s body. Wil. 1&2 Rp 48.000 (45/11) Wil. 3 Rp 53.000 (50/11) Netto: 100 ml

ROSELLA HS SPIRULINA Membantu memelihara kesehatan dan daya Digunakan untuk membantu memelihara daya tahan tubuh. tahan tubuh dan mengatasi anemia. Helps maintain health and immune system. Help to maintain body immune and treat Kandungan / Ingredients: anemia. Hibiscus sabdari a flos (Hibiscus sabdariffa flos). Kandungan / Ingredients: Spirulina sp Rp 90.000 (75/20) Rp 90.000 (70/25) 50 caps @500 mg 60 caps @300 mg SIENA TRUSON Membantu melancarkan buang air besar. Help to relief constipation. Membantu memelihara stamina pria. Kandungan / Ingredients: Help to maintain male stamina. Daun Senna (Cassia angustifolia folium Kandungan / Ingredients: exctract), Lidah Buaya (Aloe barbadensis Pasak Bumi (Longjack), Purwaceng folium exctract). (Pimpinella pruatjan), Biji Jinten Hitam (Black Cumin), Jahe (Ginger), Cabai Jawa (Javanese Rp 75.000 (60/20) long pepper). 50 caps @500 mg Rp 110.000 (90/30) AL-ARD 50 softgels @500 mg (Palestine Extra Virgin Olive Oil) ETTA GOAT MILK Minyak zaitun premium dari Palestina. Kandungan / Ingredients: A premium olive oil from Palestine. Susu Kambing Ettawa bubuk & gula. Kandungan / Ingredients: Ettawa Goat milk powder and sugar. Extra Virgin Olive Oil 100% Wil. 1 & 2 Rp 200.000 (180/45) Rp 75.000 (60/20) Netto : 250ml Wil. 3 DEEP OLIVE Rp 90.000 (70/20) Kandungan / Ingredients: Extra Virgin Olive Oil 100% Netto: 10 sachets x 25 gr HEALTH FOODS & BEVERAGES Wil. 1 & 2 Netto: HANIA SUSU 10 sachets x 27 gr KAMBING Rp 150.000 (120/30) Kandungan / Ingredients: Wil. 3 Susu Kambing bubuk 100% Goat milk powder 100% Rp 160.000 (127/30) FULL CREAM Netto: 250 ml Rp 195.000 (175/40) CENTELLA TEH SINERGI SKIM (Low Fat & No Added Sugar) Kandungan / Ingredients: Rp 220.000 (200/45) Pegagan, Teh Hijau, Jati Belanda, Jahe Merah. HANIA REALCO Centella asiatica, green tea leaves, bay cedar leaves, red ginger. LATTE & CAPPUCCINO Rp 70.000 (55/15) Co ee latte dan cappuccino bubuk dengan gula aren dan kolagen. 24 pouches @2 gr Coffee latte and cappuccino powder drink with palm sugar and collagen. Each VARIANT (1 pouch) Rp 130.000 (110/30) Netto: 20 sachets x 22 gr

HNI COFFEE MADU KENTAL Kopi dengan kandungan habbatusauda, Madu murni dari nektar buah longan. madu, susu kambing, coklat. Pure honey from longan fruit nectar. Coffee with habbatussauda extract, Rp 250.000 (220/50) honey powder, goat milk, cocoa. Netto: 250 gr Wil. 1 & 2 MADU PAHIT Rp 125.000 (105/30) Kandungan / Ingredients: Wil. 3 Madu 100% (100% honey) Rp 130.000 (110/30) Wil. 1 & 2 Netto: 20 sachets x Rp 120.000 (100/30) HNI HEALTH Wil. 3 Ekstrak buah dan sayur untuk Rp 125.000 (105/30) memelihara kesehatan tubuh. Netto: 250 gr Fruits and vegetables extract to maintain body health. MADU S JAGA Wil. 1 & 2 Membantu memelihara daya tahan tubuh. Rp 80.000 (60/20) Helps maintain body immunity. Wil. 3 Rp 120.000 (100/30) Rp 85.000 (65/20) Netto: 285 gr Netto: 250 ml SARI KURMA Netto: JANNATEA Kandungan / Ingredients: 20 sachets x 50 gr COLD & HOT Sari kurma 100% (100% dates extract) Teh yang diramu dari herba pilihan Wil. 1 & 2 yang mampu memberikan sensasi segar (COLD) dan sensasi hangat Rp 50.000 (45/11) (HOT). Wil. 3 Herbal tea made from selected herbs with a warming sensation. Rp 57.000 (52/11) Each VARIANT (1 BOX) Netto: 350 gr Rp 115.000 (95/30) SINAI OLIVE OIL MADU HABBAT Menjaga kesehatan dan daya tahan tubuh. Kandungan / Ingredients: Maintain body health and immune. Madu 100% (100% honey) Kandungan / Ingredients: Extra Virgin Olive Oil 100% Wil. 1 & 2 Wilayah 1, 2, 3 Rp 130.000 (100/30) Rp 35.000 (30/8) Wil. 3 Netto: 60 ml Rp 135.000 (105/30) Netto: 250 gr MADU MULTIFLORA Kandungan / Ingredients: Madu Multiflora 100% 100% multiflora honey Wil. 1 & 2 Rp 100.000 (80/25) Wil. 3 Rp 105.000 (85/25) Netto: 250 gr

KOPI 7 ELEMEN Kopi dengan kandungan 7 elemen tanaman: biji, akar, batang, kulit, daun, bunga, dan buah. Coffee with 7 elements of plants: seeds, roots, stems, skins, leaves, flowers, and fruit. Wil. 1 & 2 POUCH 20 sachets x 23 gr POUCH 10 sachets x 23 gr Wil. 3 Rp 110.000 (90/25) Rp 60.000 (50/13) Rp 120.000 (100/25) Rp 70.000 (60/13) Rp 75.000KOPI 7 ELEMEN PREMIUM (60/15) 10 sachets x 23 gr ZIDAVIT FACIAL WASH Membantu memelihara kesehatan Pembersih wajah dengan kandungan dengan menambah zat besi dan ekstrak bunga kamboja yang dapat membantu meningkatkan nafsu membantu mengontrol produksi minyak makan. pada wajah. Helps maintain body health by increasing iron level and appetite. A facial wash enriched with plumeria flower extract that can help control oil Rp 80.000 (60/20) production on the face. Netto: 250 gr PERFUMED Rp 30.000 (25/7) NON-PERFUMED DAY CREAM Netto: 60 ml Membantu merawat kulit wajah pada Netto: GREENWASH pagi maupun siang hari. Diperkaya 20 sachet x 25 gr Blue Light Protector, Skin Booster, DETERGENT dan Anti Pollution. Helps to treat skin in the morning and Deterjen konsentrat super tinggi, rendah busa, during the day. Enriched with Blue anti karat, antiredeposisi, terbuat dari bahan Light Protector, Skin Booster, and baku eco-friendly. Anti Pollution. A low-foam, anti-rust, anti-deposition super Rp 75.000 (60/20) high concentrate detergent, made from eco-friendly raw materials. Netto: 15 gr Wil. 1 Rp 42.000 (36/10) Wil. 2 Rp 46.000 (40/10) Wil. 3 Rp 50.000 (44/10) COSMETICS & HOME CARE NIGHT CREAM HAYYA MILD SHAMPOO Membantu merawat kulit wajah pada malam hari. Diperkaya Blue Light Shampoo dengan natural ingredients yang Protector, Skin Booster, dan Anti membantu membersihkan rambut dan kulit Pollution. kepala. Helps to treat skin during the night. Shampoo with natural ingredients, helps Enriched with Blue Light Protector, clean hair and scalp. Skin Booster, and Anti Pollution. Rp 38.000 (35/8) Rp 85.000 (70/25) Netto: 150 ml Netto: 15 gr FOR MEN DEODORANT HNI BODY WASH FOR WOMEN Roll-on deodoran untuk pria & Sabun mandi dengan kandungan ekstrak wanita. Cepat meresap, tidak lengket, propolis yang kaya akan antioksidan dan bebas alkohol & alumunium, dan bekerja sebagai antibakteri alami. bahan aktif lainnya. A roll-on deodorant for men & A body wash made with propolis extract women. Absorbs quickly, not sticky, which is rich in antioxidants and works as a alcohol and aluminum free, and other natural antibacterial. active ingredients. Wil. 1&2 Rp 40.000 (35/10) Rp 27.000 (24/5) Wil. 3 Rp 45.000 (40/10) Netto: 40 ml Netto: 250 ml

HNI SHAMPOO MY SHIELDS Shampoo dengan ekstrak propolis yang kaya Masker medis 3 lapis dengan lapisan akan antioksidan, antibakteri, dan aromaterapi yang mengandung bio-flavanoid alami. Dilengkapi dengan Eucalyptus Globulus (Cineole 80%). formula anti rontok. 3 ply surcigal face mask with aromatherapy layer. Contains Shampoo with propolis extract, rich with Eucalyptus Globulus (Cineole 80%). antioxidants, antibacterial, and acts as natural bio-flavanoids, and anti-harifall formula. Rp 110.000 (95/20) Wil. 1&2 Rp 35.000 (30/8) 50 masks per box Wil. 3 Rp 38.000 (34/8) Netto: 200 ml HIBIS PEMBALUT & PANTYLINER Solusi kesehatan kewanitaan dengan sinergi herba pilihan yang diproses menggunakan teknologi modern. A women healthcare solution with synergy of high-quality herbs processed with modern technology. REGULAR USE HIBIS MIX Rp 225.000 (180/45) Rp 230.000 (185/45) 10 pouches x 4 pads 10 pouchesx 4 pads HEAVY USE PANTYLINER Rp 235.000 (190/45) Rp 225.000 (180/45) 10 pouches x 4 pads 10 pouches x 10 pads na HNI DIAPERS Tipe Cela Fit di badan bayi tidak terlalu ketat, bahan lembut seperti kain, terdapat channelling system untuk mempercepat penyerapan urin. The rubber band fits in the baby's body, not too tight. With a soft cloth-like surface material and a channeling system to accelerate the absorption of urine. SIZE S SIZE M SIZE L Rp 26.000 Rp 33.000 Rp 35.000 (24/4) (30/5) (33/6) Isi tiap size: 10 pads (10 pads each size) PASTA GIGI HERBAL ANAK Pasta gigi yang diformulasikan khusus untuk anak-anak dengan rasa buah-buahan yang disukai anak-anak. Tersedia dalam 3 rasa, yaitu: STROBERI, ANGGUR, dan TUTTY FRUITY. A herbal toothpaste specially formulated for kids in fruits flavors, in 3 variants: STRAWBERRY, GRAPE, and TUTTY FRUITY. Wil. 1, 2, 3 Rp 13.000 (10/2) Netto: 50 gr PASTA GIGI HERBAL (PGH), PGH CENGKEH & PGH PROPOLIS Pasta gigi dengan kandungan siwak, sirih, mint, dan herba lain yang dihadirkan dalam beberapa varian berbeda, seperti PGH CENGKEH dan PGH PROPOLIS. A herbal toothpaste containing miswak, betel leaf, mint, and other herbs, presented in different variants, such as, PGH CENGKEH (clove) and PGH PROPOLIS. Wil. 1, 2, 3 Rp 20.000 (17/3.5) Netto: 120 gr

PASTA GIGI HERBAL 2 strip @8 tablet PROMAX-5 SENSITIF 5 strip @4 tablet Tablet additive bahan bakar organik Membantu membersihkan gigi serta yang berfungsi meningkatkan kualitas menjaga gigi dan rongga mulut tetap sehat. bahan bakar (bensin dan diesel). A toothpaste formulated with natural herbs to helps maintain the mouth and teeth A fuel additive from organic material, cleanliness and health. helps to improve fuel’s quality. Wil. 1, 2, 3 Rp 23.000 (20/5) Promax-5 Mobil (10 liter) Netto: 120 gr Rp 85.000 (75/20) Promax-5 Motor (4 liter) Rp 55.000 (45/11) PROMOL12 Kumpulan Mikro Organisme Lokal (MOL) yang dapat beradaptasi dengan sempurna untuk lingkungan tropis di Indonesia. An assemblage of local microorganisms with high adaptability to the tropical environment of Indonesia. BOX 1 kg BOX 3 kg Wil. 1&2 Rp 250.000 (210/50) Rp 690.000 (590/150) Wil. 3 Rp 270.000 (230/50) Rp 790.000 (640/150) PROMOL12 ECO Wil. 1, 2, 3 (150 gr) Rp 60.000 (50/15) STERILYN ANTISEPTIC, DISINFECTANT, & SANITIZER Sterilyn yang alami, non toksik, dan tidak berbahaya dapat digunakan untuk mendesinfeksi pathogen di berbagai lingkungan. Sterilyn is natural, non-toxic, and harmless that can be used to disinfect pathogens in various environments. ANTISEPTIC DISINFECTANT SANITIZER Rp 80.000 Rp 120.000 100 ml 60/15 90/25 Rp 80.000 (60/15) Netto: 100ml Netto: 500 ml 500 ml Rp 120.000 (90/25) LIFESTYLE & MARKETING TOOLS SABUN TRANSPARAN MADU, PROPOLIS, & KOLAGEN Sabun mandi dengan kandungan madu/propolis/kolagen, membersihkan dan memelihara kesehatan kulit. Body soap with honey/propolis/collagen for clean and healthy skin. Netto: 100 gr SABUN KOLAGEN SABUN MADU & PROPOLIS Wil. 1 & 2 Rp 25.000 (20/6) Rp 20.000 (17/5) Wil. 3 Rp 28.000 (23/6) Rp 25.000 (20/5) PAKET SUPPORT Tersedia 4 warna: QUR’AN SYSTEM ASY SYIFAA’ Biru-Pink, Hijau-Biru, Paket ini berisi 1 buah buku Al-Qur’an hafalan, terjemah, dan tajwid “Paket Agen Sukses” dan 1 buah Biru-Ungu, Merah-Kuning berwarna dengan metode Tikrar. buku “Diktat KHT Dasar”. This package included 1 “Success Al-Qur’an with memorization, Agent Book Set” and 1 “Basic translation, and colored tajwid based on KHT book”. Tikrar method. Rp 130.000 (100/15) Wil. 1 Rp 90.000 (75/10) Wil. 2 Rp 100.000 (85/10) Wil. 3 Rp 110.000 (95/10)

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