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Published by GIFTOFJUMUAH.COM, 2023-02-15 16:54:12



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DARKNESS AND LIGHT Darkness and Light When Allāh created the heavens and the earth, He also made Ẓulumāt (darkness) and Nūr (light). Allāh says: ‫ ﵑﵜ‬: ‫ﵹ َخ َل َق ٱل َّس َمَٰ َوَٰ ِت َوٱل ۡ َأۡر َض َو َج َع َل ٱل ُّظلُ َمَٰ ِت َوٱل ُّنو َرَۖﵸ ﵝال َأ ۡن َعام‬ “He created the heavens and the earth and made the darkness and the light.” (Anʿām 6:1) • These two phenomena are also for all to witness, and they keep fluctuating. • The alternation of darkness and light indicates that there is a Being in control of all of this. • It does not require much thought to conclude that all these things needed a Creator. • Furthermore, darkness and light have been made by Allāh to benefit humans in the night and day. • Ḥāfiz ibn Kathīr () has mentioned a noteworthy point concerning this verse of the Qur’ān. He says: .»‫ ِل َكَ ْوِن ِه َا ْش َر َف‬،‫ َوَو َّح َد ََل ْفْ َظ ال ُّنوَر‬،‫« َف َجَ َم َع ََل ْفْ َظ ال ُّظ ُل َما ِت‬ )‫(تفسير ابن كثير‬ “In this verse, Allāh describes darkness in the plural form, Ẓulumāt whereas Ẓulmah is the singular form for darkness and while describing light Allāh used the singular form, al-Nūr, this is because al-Nūr is more honoured.” Tafsīr ibn Kathīr) • Similarly, by mentioning Ẓulumāt (darkness, or layers of darkness) in the plural, and Nūr (light) in the singular, the indication is given that Nūr or light signifies the correct way and the straight path - and that is only one, while Ẓulumāt, or many layers of darkness, signifies the path of error - and their number runs in thousands. Ḥafiẓ ibn Kathīr () writes: 1

DARKNESS AND LIGHT .»‫« َو َّح َد َتَ َعَا َلى َلَ ْفْ َظ ال ُنّوِر َو َج َمَ َع ال ُّظ ُل َما ِت؛ ِل َأ َّن ا ْل َحَ َّق َوا ِح ٌد َواْل ُكُ ْْف َر َا ْح ََنا ٌس َك ِثَي َرٌة َ ُوكلُّ َْها َنا ِ ُّط َل ٌة‬ )‫(تفسير ابن كثير‬ “Allāh mentioned light in the singular form while mentioning darkness in the plural form, because the truth is one, while disbelief comes as several types, all of which are false.” (Tafsīr ibn Kathīr) • Moreover, darkness and light are not limited to what our eyes perceive. • For instance, at times one of us enters a dark room, light radiates into it one can sense and see it. Imām Ghazzālī () has given the definition of Nūr (light) as: .»‫« ُ ّهُ َوال َّظُّا ِهَ ُر ِب َنَ ْْف ِس ِه َواَْل ُم ْظْ ِهْ ُر َِل ِ َع َي ِرِه‬ )‫(مشكاة الأتوار‬ “Something which is bright and manifest on its own and makes other things bright and evident.” (Mishkāt al-Anwār) It is mentioned in Tafsīr al-Maẓharī: ‫ َكا ْل َكَ ْ َن ِ ْف َّ َن ِة اْلَ َفْا ِت َض ِة ِم ْن ال ََّن ِِّي َرْئ ِن َعلَى اْل َأ ْح َسا ِم ا ْل َكَ ِنَيُ َْف ِة‬،‫ َ ِوتِ َوا ِسظُّ ِت ََها َسائِ ُر اَْل ُم ْن ِص َرا ِت‬،‫« َف ِا َّن ال ُّنوَر ِفى اْل َأ ْص ِل َكَ ْنَ ِ ْف َّنَ ٌة ُن ْد ِرُك ََها اَْل َ َنا ِص َرُة َا َّوًلا‬ .»‫ا ْلَ ُم َ َحا ِذ َن ِة َلُّ ُْه َما‬ )‫(التفسير المظهري‬ “Nūr is in fact that condition, which is initially perceived by man’s sense of sight, and then through that perception, he comprehends all those things which can be seen by the eye, such as in the case of rays of the sun and the moon, which on falling upon a solid mass brightens it up, and then through the reflection from solid mass brightens other things.” (Tafsīr al-Mazharī) • However more important and greater than the light and darkness we perceive with our eyes are spiritual light and darkness. ❖ Tawḥīd is light and shirk is darkness. ❖ Knowledge is light and jahālah (ignorance) is darkness. ❖ Sunnah is light and bidʿah (innovation) is darkness, ❖ Obedience is light and disobedience is darkness. ❖ Ḥayā’ (modesty) is light and fāḥishah (obscenity) is darkness. • At present, if a person was to direct their attention and examine society overall, they will find it filled with the darkness of unbelief, shirk, bidʿah, evil, sin, ignorance, heedlessness, corruption, immodesty and immorality. • This is the darkness that overwhelms hearts, threatens tawḥīd in Allāh, endangers the following of the sunnah, and jeopardizes obedience to Allāh. • Hence it is imperative that one familiarize themselves with the path that leads to the light through which the slaves of Allāh become aware of their salvation and success in this world and the Hereafter. 2

DARKNESS AND LIGHT • Just as anyone of us is reluctant to walk down a dark path or enter a dark place, in the same way, it is extremely vital to prevent our hearts from entering the darkness of shirk, innovations, heedlessness, ignorance and disobedience. • It is beyond doubt that when Allāh created us and sent Muḥammad () as a Messenger and revealed His Glorious Book the Qur’ān; He did not want to leave us wandering in the depths of darkness. • The Qur’ān has shown us three exceptional ways through which we can acquire the light that will drive away the turbulent darkness of the world today. 1) The first of these ways is seeking the protection of Allāh by being subservient to Him and having perfect tawḥīd of Him. • This means that we need to single out Allāh for all forms of worship, outwardly and inwardly, in speech and action. • Moreover, we also need to have taqwā of Allāh in our lives. • When we pursue the protection of Allāh through these means Allāh will grant us this Nūr (light). Allāh says: ‫ ﵗﵕﵒﵜ‬: ِ‫ﵹٱََّّل ُل َول ِ ُّي ٱلَّ ِذي َن َءا َم ُنواْ ُيخۡ ِر ُج ُهم ِم َن ٱل ُّظلُ َمَٰ ِت إِل َي ٱل ُّنو ِرِۖﵸ ﵝال َب َق َرة‬ “Allah is the Protector of those who believe. He brings them out of the depths of darkness into the light.” (Baqarah 2:257) NOTE: The Arabic word walī refers to an aid, ally and friend. Allāh is the walī of the believers. He takes them out of the darkness of kufr, shirk, and evil and brings them into the light of Islām. He thus keeps them steadfast in the light and saves them from the darkness of disbelief, sin and ignorance. Ḥafiẓ ibn Kathīr () asserts: ‫ا ْل َجِل ِِّي‬ ‫ا ُّْل َوا ِ ِضح‬ ‫ا ْل َحَ ِِّق‬ ‫ُتِو ِر‬ ‫ِا َلى‬ ‫َوال َّريْ ِب‬ ‫َوال َّس ِِّك‬ ‫ا ْل ُكُ ْفْ ِر‬ ‫ُ ّطُ ُل َما ِت‬ ‫ِم ْن‬ ‫اْلَ ُ ُمّ ْوِم ِنَي َن‬ ‫ِعِ َ َنا َذ ُه‬ ‫َف ُي ْحَ ِر ُج‬ ،‫ال َّسلَا ِم‬ ‫َس ُ َنل‬ ‫ِر ْ ّضُ َوا َن ُه‬ ‫ا َّب َنَ َع‬ ‫« ُيْخ ِي ُر َتَ َ َعا َلى َا َّن ُه َي ْهَ ِدي َم ِن‬ .»‫ا ْلَ ُم ِنَي ِن ال َّس َْه ِل اَْل ُم ِ َني ِر‬ )‫(تفسير ابن كثير‬ “Allāh stated that whoever follows what pleases Him, He will guide him to the paths of peace, that is Islām or Paradise. Verily, Allāh delivers His believing servants from the darkness of disbelief, doubt and hesitation to the light of the plain, clear, explained, easy and unequivocal truth.” (Tafsīr ibn Kathīr) • Therefore, whoever will venerate Allāh by loving Him, obeying Him and fearing Him, will be blessed with the light. 2) The second way in acquiring the light is by following the Prophet (). Whoever follows the Prophet () and observes his ways, Allāh will make a light for him. Allāh says: 3

DARKNESS AND LIGHT ‫ ﵑﵜ‬: ‫ﵹل ِ ُت ۡخرِ َج ٱل َّنا َس ِم َن ٱل ُّظلُ َمَٰ ِت إِل َي ٱل ُّنو ِر بِإِ ۡذ ِن َربِ ِه ۡمﵸ ﵝإِبۡ َراهِيم‬ “So that you may deliver the people, with the will of their Lord, out of all sorts of darkness into the light.” (Ibrāhīm) • Allāh sent Prophet Muḥammad () to bring us out of the darkness of shirk, doubt, ignorance, misguidance and evil, into the light of Islām, tawḥīd, knowledge and obedience. • So, whoever follows the Prophet () in word and deed Allāh will make a light for him. 3) The third way in acquiring this light is through the Qur’ān. • The Qur’ān is such a book that no falsehood can approach it from any direction. • It was protected as it was being revealed, and its words and meanings are also protected. • The One Who sent it down has guaranteed to preserve it. Allāh says: ‫ﵒﵔﵜ‬ : ‫ﵝ ُف ِصلَت‬ ‫َخ ۡل ِفهَِۖۦﵸ‬ ‫ِم ۡن‬ ‫َول َا‬ ِ‫يَ َديۡه‬ ‫َبيۡ ِن‬ ‫ِم ۢن‬ ‫ٱلۡ َبَٰ ِط ُل‬ ِ‫يَأۡتِيه‬ َّ ‫ﵹلا‬ “No falsehood can approach (come near) it from the front or the back (from any direction).” (Fuṣṣilat 41:42) • Allāh has made the Qur’ān a source of light for His servants. Allāh says: ِ‫ َي ۡه ِدي بِهِ ٱََّّل ُل َم ِن ٱ َّت َب َع رِ ۡض َوَٰنَ ُهۥ ُس ُب َل ٱل َّس َلَٰ ِم َو ُي ۡخرِ ُج ُهم ِم َن ٱل ُّظ ُل َمَٰ ِت إِل َي ٱل ُّنور‬١٥ ‫ن‬ٞ ‫ب ُّمبِي‬ٞ َٰ‫ر َوكِ َت‬ٞ ‫ﵹقَ ۡد َجآ َء ُكم ِم َن ٱََّّللِ نُو‬ ‫ ﵖﵑﵜ‬- ‫ ﵕﵑ‬: ‫بِإِ ۡذنِهِۦﵸ ﵝال َمائ ِـ َدة‬ “Without doubt, there has come to you from Allāh a light and a clear Book by which Allāh guides to the paths of peace those who seek His pleasure and removes them from the depth of darkness into light by His will.” (Ma’idah 5:16) Ḥāfiẓ ibn Kathīr commenting on this verse states: ‫ َ ئوُ ْر ِس ُد ُه ْم‬،‫ َوَب ْنَ ِفي َعِ ْت ُهَ ُم ال َّضلَا َل َة‬،‫ َوُيَحَ ِِّض ُل َلُّ ُْه ْم َا ْيَخ َب اْل ُأ ُ ُمّوِر‬،‫ َ ُوتِ َو ِِّض ُح َلُّ ُهْ ْم َا ْن َي َن ا َْل َم َسا ِل ِك َف َيْ ْص ِرف َعِ ْت َُه ُم اْلَ َم ْ َح ُدوَر‬،‫ َن اَْل َم َْهالِ ِك‬.‫وُِبم ْنَ َِحَحاَتلَِهٍْةم»ِم‬:َ ‫ِا َل« َاى َْا ْيق‬ )‫(تفسير ابن كثير‬ “Allāh saves them from destruction and explains to them the best, most clear path. Therefore, He protects them from what they fear, and brings about the best of what they long for, all the while ridding them of misguidance and directing them to the best, most righteous state of being.” (Tafsīr ibn Kathīr) • The Qur’ān illuminates the darkness of ignorance and the blindness of misguidance. In this regard, the Prophet () said: .»‫ َوَم ْن َجَ َعَ َل ُه َح َْل َف َظ ْهَ ِرِه َفا َذ ُه ِا َلى ال َّْيا ِر‬،‫ َف َم ْن َجَ َعَ َل ُه ا َما َم ُه َفا َذ ُه ِا َلى ا ْل ََح َّنَ ِة‬،‫ َوَما ِح ٌل ُم َض َّد ٌق‬،‫«اْلَ ُفْ ْرا ُن َسا ِفِ ٌع ُم َشَ َّْف ٌع‬ 4

DARKNESS AND LIGHT )‫(مصنف ابن ابي شيتة‬ “The Qur’ān is an accepted intercessor and a disputant whose claim is upheld. He who keeps the Qur’ān in front of him, it will lead him to Paradise, and he who kept it behind his back, it will drive him into the Fire.” (Muṣannaf ibn Abī Shaybah) NOTE: “The Qur’ān is an accepted intercessor and a disputant whose claims are upheld”, means that it will successfully argue in the court of Allāh for those who recited and acted upon it, and it will demand its rights from those who ignored it. • When the darkness of the world becomes intensified by unbelief, shirk, bidʿah, evil, sin, ignorance, heedlessness, corruption, immodesty and immorality, we need to seek the light by seeking refuge in Allāh by obeying Him, fearing Him, following the Prophet (), reciting the Qur’ān, understanding it and acting according to it. • If we do this then Allāh will make for us such a light by which we will be able to distinguish between truth and falsehood, and by means of which we will be to follow the path leading us to salvation in this world and the Hereafter. • The darkness of unbelief, shirk, bidʿah, evil, sin, ignorance, heedlessness, corruption, immodesty and immorality has rapidly begun to creep into the hearts of many with great ease. • Modern technology that has found its way into our homes and hands is a key cause of that darkness for many among the young and old. • The protection of Allāh, submission to His Messenger (), and holding firm to the book of Allāh is the one and only means of security that will provide each one of us with a light through which we can be saved in both worlds from this darkness. • It is also essential that we remember three significant points in this regard: 1) The first; is to be able to get to this light and acquire it is a great bounty from Allāh. Allāh says: ‫ ﵒﵒﵑﵜ‬: ‫ﵹأَ َو َمن َكا َن َم ۡي ٗتا فَأَ ۡح َي ۡي َنَٰ ُه َو َج َعلۡ َنا لَ ُهۥ نُو ٗرا َي ۡم ِشي بِهِۦ ف ِي ٱل َّنا ِس َك َمن َّم َثلُ ُهۥ ف ِي ٱل ُّظلُ َمَٰ ِت لَيۡ َس ِبَخارِ ٖج ِم ۡن َهاۚﵸ ﵝال َأ ۡن َعام‬ “Is it (conceivable) that the one who was dead and to whom We gave life, and set for him a light with which he walks among men, (is held to) be like the one whose condition is such that he is in total darkness, never coming out of it?” (Anʿām 6:122) • Allāh gives life to people with the light of knowledge, faith and obedience, so they begin to walk among people aware of what they are doing and where they are going, knowing what is good and giving precedence to it, striving to implement it regarding themselves and others, and are aware of evil and hating it, striving to avoid it and remove it from themselves and others. • Can such people be equal to those who are lost in the darkness of ignorance, misguidance, disbelief and sin? Ḥāfiz ibn Kathīr () writes: ‫ِلا ِِّب َنَا ِع‬ ‫َوَوَّّفَ َفْ ُه‬ ‫َل ُه‬ ‫َو َ َه َدا ُه‬ ،‫ِناْل ِأي َمْا ِن‬ ‫َف َْل َ َن ُه‬ ‫َا ْح َ َنا‬ :‫ َا ْي‬،‫ َف َا ْح َ َنا ُه الَّل ُه‬،‫َ َها ِل ًكا َحاِئ ًرا‬ ،‫يِف[ىِناِهل] َّضَكَلَْ َناََل ِةف‬:‫ْهَ َََنا ِْدي‬،‫يْاَي‬:ً ‫َم{ ََنَو ٌَلجَ َ َع ََْلص ََنَرَنا َُله ُهالُّتَِل ُهوً َتَراَعَ َيا ْْمَل ِىشِل ْليُّمُِنْ ِوِهم ِفِنىاَّلالِ َّذيْا ِي َكسا}َ َنا َ ْم ْ َني‬ ‫« َ َه َدا‬ .»‫ َوَكَ ْنَ َف َب َنَ َص َّرف ِن ِه‬،‫يَ ْس ُل ُك‬ .‫ُرس ِل ِه‬ 5

DARKNESS AND LIGHT )‫(تفسير ابن كثير‬ “This is an example that Allāh has given of the believer who was dead, meaning, wandering in confusion and misguidance. Then, Allāh brought life to him, by bringing life to his heart with faith, guiding him to it and guiding him to obey His Messengers. “And set for him a light whereby he can walk amongst men” meaning he became guided to where he should go and how to remain on the correct path.” (Tafsīr ibn Kathīr) • This is a light which surrounds everything in the heavens and the earth. • Whoever has this light by their side, they don’t only save themselves from the consequences of everything harmful and injurious but can also help others to stay safe from them. • However, those who do not have access to this light remain in the dark. • As a result, they do not have an all-encompassing view of the realities. • They can’t see life as a whole, neither beginning nor end. • They cannot distinguish between what is beneficial and what is not. • At best what they can do is grope around like a blind person and use their senses of touch to figure out where they are, at least to some extent. • Life in this world as we know it is all about the environment most of us live in and are surrounded by. • As such, those who do not have this light do find out the life around them and the benefit and loss it has to offer within that limited framework. • But they have no idea or awareness of what lies ahead in the eternal life to come later, nor can they comprehend how beneficial or harmful it can be for them. This is what Allāh explains when He says: ‫ ﵗﵜ‬: ‫ﵸ ﵝال ُّروم‬٧ ‫ﵹ َي ۡع َل ُمو َن َظَٰ ِه ٗرا ِم َن ٱلۡحَ َي َٰوةِ ٱل ُّد ۡن َيا َو ُه ۡم َع ِن ٱٓأۡل ِخ َرةِ ُه ۡم َغَٰفِلُو َن‬ “They only know the superficial realities of the worldly life and they are unaware of the life to come.” (Rūm 30:7) The Prophet () also said: .»‫ َوَم ْن َا ْجَ ُّظ َا ُه َص َّل‬،‫ َف َم ْن َا َصا َن ُه َذلِ َك ال ّنُوُرا ْهَ َ َن َدي‬،‫ ُث َّم َر َّس َع ََل ْتَِه ْم ِم ْن ُتِوِرِه‬،‫«ِا َّن الَّل َه َح َلُّ َق َح َْل َ ْف ُه ِفى ُ ُطّ ْل َم ٍة‬ )‫(رواه احمد‬ Allāh created His creation in darkness, then He showered His Light upon them. Whoever was struck by that light is guided, and whoever was deprived of it went astray.” (Aḥmad) • Hence the light that we enjoy as Muslim servants of Allāh is indeed a great blessing from Allāh. • It requires us to thank Allāh for it. • And at the same time, we must ensure that it does not vanish. • Just as blessings come, they can also go, and how easy it is for them to go! • How many people have left Islām after being Muslims? • How many people became involved in innovations after following the sunnah? • How many people are engaged in major sins after being devoted to Allāh? 6

DARKNESS AND LIGHT • The depravation of this magnificent blessing can only lead to huge disappointment and loss in this world and the Hereafter. • Allāh has made this evidently clear in the Qur’ān by saying: ‫ ﵒﵒﵑﵜ‬: ‫ﵹ َك َمن َّم َثلُ ُهۥ ف ِي ٱل ُّظلُ َمَٰ ِت لَ ۡي َس ِبخَارِ ٖج ِم ۡن َهاۚﵸ ﵝال َأ ۡن َعام‬ “Like him who is in a multitude of darkness from which he will not come out.” (Anʿām 6:122) 2) The second; is to know that this light is exclusively from Allāh. Allāh says: ‫ ﵐﵔﵜ‬: ‫ﵸ ﵝال ُّنور‬٤٠ ‫ﵹ َو َمن لَّ ۡم َيجۡ َع ِل ٱََّّل ُل لَ ُهۥ نُو ٗرا َف َما لَ ُهۥ ِمن نُّور‬ “There can be no light for the one for whom Allāh has not ordained any light.” (Nūr 24:40) • There is nothing that can be contained within our hearts of goodness and light except what Allāh bestows on us. • This Nūr that Allāh has blessed us with is not because of our lineage, our wealth, or not because of our social standing, intelligence, or rank. • It is merely due to Allāh’s grace, and His special mercy towards us. • When a servant of Allāh understands this then they will know that there is no other way to attain this light except through Allāh. • Moreover, they will realize that there are no other means by which their hearts can be inclined and oriented to this light but through the benevolence of Allāh. This is why whenever the Prophet () used to leave his home for prayers he would supplicate: ،‫نُو ًرا‬ ‫َا َما ِمي‬ ‫َوِم ْن‬ ،‫نُوًرا‬ ‫َخ ْْل ِفي‬ ‫ِم ْن‬ ‫َوا ْجْ َ َع ْل‬ ،‫نُو ًرا‬ ‫َنَص ِري‬ ‫ِفي‬ ‫َوا ْجْ َ َع ْل‬ ،‫نُو ًرا‬ ‫ِفي َسْمَ ِعي‬ ‫م!َ َواا ْْعْجَِْ ِطعَ ِْبلي‬،َّ ‫نُالوًَّلَّراه‬،‫ْنَوَِفتْحيِب ِلَي َنُساوًِنراي‬،‫وًَوِرام‬،ُ‫َالواَّلَّ ْهجَّْ َم َع ْا ْلجَِْمَع ْْنل َفِْفوِفييَق ْلنُِبوًيران‬ .‫نُو ًرا‬ )‫(منفق علته‬ “O Allāh, place light in my heart and light on my tongue. Place light in my hearing and light in my seeing. Place light behind me and light in front of me. Place light above me and light below me. O Allāh, grant me light!” (Agreed Upon) • Furthermore, Allāh points out to His slaves His greatness, His perfect power and authority, and the need of all created things for Him, to take care of them and their need to worship Him. 3) And the third; is to remember that this light that we enjoy, regardless of how much of it we have, many factors can take us out of this light and plunge us into the depth of darkness. Allāh says: ‫ ﵘﵜ‬: ‫ﵹيُرِي ُدو َن ل ِ ُي ۡطفِ ُـواْ نُو َر ٱََّّللِﵸ ﵝال َّصف‬ “They want (wish) to extinguish the light of Allāh.” (Ṣaf 61:8) Imām al-Qurṭubī () has narrated from ʿAbdullāh ibn ʿAbbās () that: 7

DARKNESS AND LIGHT ،‫َع ََل ْنَ ِه‬ ‫ُن ْي ِرُل‬ ‫َكا َن‬ ‫ِفيْ َما‬ ‫ُتِوَر ُمحَّم ٍد‬ ‫الَّل ُه‬ ‫َا ْطْ َفْ َا‬ ‫َفَّ َفْ ْد‬ !‫ َايْ ِش ُروا‬،‫ َنا َم ْ َع َش َرا َْل َت ُُهّوِذ‬:‫ئْ ُن اْل َأ ْش َر ِف‬ ‫رَ َفَّلَْفاالََّللُه َََتكْ َْعَعَا َلىب‬،َ ‫ْوَفً َمائْا‬،ِ‫ظُّ ََفاجََ َِع َرَلَْ َنن ِ َهرا ّْلُ ُّسَووُْحلُيالَّاَلْ ِ َرهَت ِ َعي َنﷺَت‬،‫َوَ« َمااَّ َنكاالََّنَنِبِلََُّنَي ِت َّم َا ْمﷺ َ َرُاهْت‬ .»‫َهَ ِد ِه اْلأ َن َة َوا َّت َض َل ا ّْلُ َو ْح ُي ََت ْ َع َد َهَا‬ )‫(تفسير الفرطبي‬ “Once when waḥī (divine revelation) did not come for forty days, a Jewish man Kaʿb ibn Ashraf said to his people, “You have cause to rejoice because Allāh has extinguished the light of Muḥammad, and it appears as if his religion shall never reach completion.” The Prophet () was naturally hurt by this remark. It was then that Allāh revealed the above verses. Thereafter, waḥī (revelation) continued to come to the Prophet () uninterrupted.” Imām al-Qurṭubī () has reported the following five interpretations of “Allāh’s light”: 1) The Qur’ān. 2) Islām. 3) The Prophet () himself. 4) The proofs of Allāh’s existence. 5) Just as one cannot prevent sunlight from spreading, one cannot stop the dīn of Islām from spreading.1 • One of the greatest challenges we face as a society today is not the challenge of acquiring wealth and worldly materials but rather the challenge of upholding our Muslim identity to such an extent that Islām for many has just become a slogan without its realities. May Allāh protect us from that. • Therefore, we must safeguard this light by taking care of ourselves, our families, our offspring, and our communities by making them and us resolute on dīn. • There is no doubt that the light of Allāh will always thrive and continue to shine because Allāh is the Light of the heavens and earth. ‫ ﵕﵓﵜ‬: ‫ﵹ۞ ٱََّّل ُل نُو ُر ٱل َّس َمَٰ َوَٰ ِت َوٱل ۡ َأۡر ِ ِۚضﵸ ﵝال ُّنور‬ “Allāh is the Light of the heavens and the earth.” (Nūr 24:35) NOTE: This is true in both a literal and metaphorical sense, for Allāh is Himself light and His ḥijāb (veil) - which, were it not for His kindness, the splendour of His Countenance would have burned everything of His creation as far as He can see - is also light. By that light, the Throne, Footstool (kursī) the sun, the moon and all light are illuminated, and by it, paradise is illuminated. This is also true in a metaphorical sense. As a result, His Book is light, His law is light, faith and knowledge in the hearts of His Messengers 1 The Arabic text to this is as follows: ‫ل َاََّّنشَُهْم ُمِحَّم ٌدس‬-‫يَف َامَل ُْهناَال َ ُّراسَ ِّذِدِا ْْطي َْفاال ََّْءياُتِلِوِربا‬،ْ ‫ا َِام‬،َ‫ئَُاَِّنرن ُ ُهد َموَنََنٌلَذَ ْفِم َعَ ْ ُصهُ ِرناوْل ٌَكتل‬:،‫ااْل ِْلأخَ ْا ِسملَا ُمس‬.‫َيَْحَا َّنٍ ُره‬:‫ َفَاوَلالُهَّْياائِْن ُنى‬.،‫ت َف ّظُا َالَلُُّهَهْاائْ ِنُِان ْت ََكعِ َّاَنِارِهٍ ْم َسوَتَواْكئْ ُِدنت َِتِْرَهن ٍْمد‬،ْ ‫ ُئُه ِ ِرنناَُْلد َفَ ْو َو ِن ِلا‬،‫وحَ َجَن ُِاجْتالُّّظَلاَِله ُهَوََذوَتَلاْكِن ُِلدُهب ََن‬.‫دق‬:ُِِّ ‫راائُِتَِْلُ َرحنَع‬،َّ‫اا َُالنل‬.ُ‫نل ََاا َََّّنضَرُاهََّذحَاَِْلاا ُْتْفُ ْكرّظ‬:‫حَ َفُكدا َل ََهَُمهاْا‬،َ ‫ك ََادفِل‬:َ ِ ‫َق َئُوَ ِورَرنحاُلَّدَلد ُِوهه َُنُم َه ََْنَ َهساَيِلَحَ َاَنج َكْملً َُهاسِنُمُاةْمْْل ََانََأَفَِْياًرِاعَوناِحَ َفنَل‬،ِ‫ََِت ِِوْففنَىِهَﷺُت‬ )‫(تفسير الفرطبي‬ 8

DARKNESS AND LIGHT () and His believing servants are light. Were it not for His light, darkness would have accumulated. Therefore, every place in which His light is lacking is a place of darkness and constraint. (Tafsīr al-Saʿdī) • But the issue at hand and the question we must ask ourselves is, will any of us remain among those who enjoy Allāh’s light till death, or will we be among those who get lost in the depth of darkness? • Consequently, we need to seek refuge for ourselves so that Allāh’s light remains in us, and we need to strive to preserve our dīn. • We need to strive to preserve our values, strive to preserve the name of Islām and its realities within us, our families, and our communities. • And all this time we should never lose hope and never give up! ‫ ﵙﵓﵑﵜ‬: ‫ﵸ ﵝآل ِع ۡم َران‬١٣٩ ‫ﵹ َول َا تَ ِه ُنواْ َول َا َتحۡ َزنُواْ َوأَن ُت ُم ٱل ۡ َأ ۡعلَ ۡو َن إِن ُكن ُتم ُّم ۡؤ ِمنِي َن‬ “So do not lose heart nor grieve, for you will overcome if you are (truly) believers.” (Al-ʿImrān 3:139) 9

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