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Edubeanz Guide 2014

Published by rockin4blue, 2014-11-17 22:48:58

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EDITOR’S NOTETO ENSURE YOURCHILD’S SUCCESSThe 2014 World Reputation Rankings Industry-academic interface. IITs, IIMs, are incapable to reach at a decision(WRR) by Times Higher Education IISc, IISER, Manipal, Amrita, Symbiosis, though information is at fingertips….Magazine has been released with Har- Bits-Pilani, IIITs and hundreds of others Edubeanz Guide throws light on bestvard, MIT and Stanford in the first three are striving to achieve that coveted po- colleges of India for undergraduate andspots. Around 20 countries have been sition. But this journey will take some MBA studies. Don’t forget to consultrepresented in this list, while India has time to come to fruition. with a qualified education counselorno representation in the top-200. During Higher education is the best invest- before getting into a final decision.the 2013 ranking Indian Institute of ment for your child. And that happens And I have an advice to the parents.Science (IISc) and IIT Bombay placed at only once…Edubeanz Guide for Higher Don’t misunderstand the passion of130th and 192nd places. It is pathetic Education- 2014 opens a window of your child. Many of them may be theto know that no Indian institute in the opportunities. After higher secondary next Sachin, Bill Gates or Shah Rukhtop 200 of the Times Higher Education and graduation, the destiny of a student Khan. Don’t kill your kids’ passion forRanking. is at the crossroads. Few with strong the sake of a Medical or Engineering de- ambition and passion will walk through gree. You need an immense self-controlNow another admission season is their pre-planned future. to keep you out of the herd instinct. Ev-around the corner. After higher second- erybody runs after “goldmine” degreesary and a slew of entrances, students But the doubtful majority will undergo which can bring 6 or 8 digit salaries.are gearing up for their undergraduate sleepless brainstorming mode to decide But don’t forget to read your kid’s mind.studies. Though India has no Institute on their future- Engineer, doctor, fashion Parents’ worry obviously matters….to be proud enough in the league of designer, financial analyst, sound Their worry are to make a safest bet fortop 200 institutes of the world, we engineer, journalist, or what? Honors their kid in future. But all students arehave world-renowned great brands in USA/UK or BBA in India? Foreign or not cookie-cutter type. So try to hearlike IITs and some top engineering and Indian MBA? Thousands of professions, the inner voice of your child. You cannotb-schools in both public and Private millions of educational institutions, hun- make it in a day or two…You have tosectors. These entities are trying to dreds of streams, glitzy ads to lure in… embed this culture into your DNA. Thenup their ante in pedagogy, infrastruc- you may lose ways at this juncture. you can shape their future in anotherture, student-teacher ratio, R&D and Don’t worry. In spite of Internet, many more exciting way…. Best of luck Gireesh Balan, Editor Edubeanz EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014 3

CONTENTS Chief Executive Officer Krish 06 BEST ENGINEERING Editor Gireesh Balan COLLEGES Deepa Warrier OF INDIA E Executive Editor Hari, Remya, Lopez Assistant Editors Shibu Pathoor 09Senior Graphic Designer Mohan Nila Gopal HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR Design Advisor Manu John ENGINEERING COLLEGE? Online Content ManagerPhoto Shoot Co-ordinator 11 WHY AND HOW TO CHOOSE AN IDEAL BRANCH ? All photographs unless otherwise indicated are used for 14 illustrative purposes only SPECIALISED BRANCH Printed and published by: Mohan for and on behalf of owners IS THE WAY AHEAD 44 Media 22 WHICH IS THE BEST A3, Ambadi, Chilavanoor Road, Elamkulam P.O., Kochi-682020 ENGINEERING COURSE For editorial queries, email: [email protected] FOR GIRLS? And printed at Orakle, Near Highcourt, Banerjee Road Kochi- 682018 and Published at 44 Media, A3, Ambadi, Chilavanoor Road, Elamkulam P.O., Kochi-682020 Editor: Gireesh Balan Published for the period of June 2014- June 20154 EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014


BEST ENGINEERING COLLEGESOF INDIA AT A GLANCETHE ENGINEERINGLANDSCAPEThere are about 4000 Engineer- ing Colleges in India. Due to this “Missile Man of India”, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Engineering and Civil Engineering. over proliferation, an Engineering Kalam(Aero Space Engineering), N.R. Interdisciplinary engineering studies aredegree is losing its sheen. But engi- Narayana Murthy(Software Engineering) the new flavor of the season. So theneers from reputed institutions are still of Infosys, E. Sreedharan(Civil Engi- Mechatronics, biomedical engineering,in demand. neering) of Konkan Railway and Delhi plastic engineering, Textile engineeringFrom construction of roads and Metro, Sabeer Bhatia (Electrical Engi- and medical electronics etc are alsobuildings to automobiles and telecom- neering) of Hotmail, and Oscar winner gaining popularity.munications, engineers are required in Resool Pookkutty(Audio Engineering)- In this Engineering Guide, Edubeansalmost every area of human endeavour aspiring engineers in India have a lot to presents to you a list of best Engineer-one can think of. It should come as no look up to. ing colleges of India. A state wise listsurprise to anyone that the only Indian Though engineering has continuously was also given. We share the idea oneducation brand recognized worldwide, been growing with new and exotic how to select a branch/college. A briefnamely the Indian Institute of Technol- branches, there are some that are time- on new branches will help you a lot.ogy (IIT), belongs to engineering. tested and hugely popular like Com- So the Edubeanz Engineering guide willList is long if we try to pick up leg- puter Science Engineering, Information give insight to those serious engineer-endary engineers of India. With role Technology, Electronics & Communica- ing aspirant who wants to pursue amodels like former president and the tion Engineering, Electronics Engineer- decision based on facts. We wish you a ing, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical fruitful career in Engineering!This is a glance at the best engineering colleges of India. We list here 115 colleges from across India. All of them arereputed for its innovative pedagogy, infrastructure, faculty, Industry-integration and placements. If you want to build afruitful career go for the best....1. Indian Institute of Technology(IIT),Kharagpur 9. Punjab Engineering College University of Technology, 2. Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Kanpur Chandigarh3. Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Chennai 10. National Institute of Technology(NIT), Warangal4. Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Delhi 11. National Institute of Technology(NIT), Tiruchirappalli5. Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Bombay 12. National Institute of Technology(NIT), Rourkela6. Indian Maritime University, Chennai 13. National Institute of Technology(NIT), Kurukshetra7. Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu 14. National Institute of Technology(NIT), Durgapur University(BHU), Varanasi 15. Birla Institute of Technology and Science(BITS), Pilani8. Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Roorkee 16. BIT, Mesra, Ranchi6 EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014

17. College of Engineering, Anna University, Guindy 43. Dirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and18. Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal Communication Technology, (DAIICT), Gandhinagar19. Jadavpur University, Faculty of Engg & Tech, Kolkata 44. Govt. College of Engineering, Pune20. Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad 45. PSG college of Technology, Coimbatore21. Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Indore 46. National Institute of Engineering, Mysore22. Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Hyderabad 47. Bengal Engineering & Science University, Shibpur, 23. Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Guwahati Howrah24. Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, 48. International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Valiamala, Trivandrum Hyderabad25. Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala 49. Malavya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur26. Delhi Technological University, Delhi (Formerly known 50. Harcourt Butler Technological Institute(HBTI), Kanpur as Delhi College of Engg.) 51. Osmania University College of Engineering,27. Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur Hyderabad28. Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of 52. College of Engineering, Andhra University, Technology(SVNIT), Surat Visakhapatnam29. Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, Delhi 53. SRM University (Formerly known as SRM Institute of 30. National Institute of Technology(NIT), Surathkal Science and Technology), Kattankulathur31. National Institute of Technology(NIT), Jamshedpur (Main campus), Chennai32. National Institute of Technology(NIT), Jaipur 54. M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore33. National Institute of Technology(NIT), Delhi 55. Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal34. National Institute of Technology(NIT), Kozhikkode 56. ICFAI Institute of Science and Technology35. National Institute of Technology(NIT), Srinagar (ICFAITECH), Hyderabad36. National Institute of Technology(NIT), Arunachal 57. Jamia Milia Islamia(Faculty of Engineering and37. Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Technology), New Delhi Allahabad 58. Shri Chithira Tirunal College of Engineering,38. Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Jodhpur Trivandrum39. Maharashtra Institute of Technology(MIT), Pune40. Amrita University, Coimbatore EDUBEANS GUIDE 201441. Amity School of Engineering, Noida42. Nirma Institute of Technology, Ahmedabad 7

59. P.E.S. Institute of Technology, Bangalore 88. The Technological Inst. of Textile & Sciences,60. Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore Bhiwani, Haryana61. S.S.N. College of Engineering, Chennai 89. Gitam University, Vishakhapatnam, Andhra62. Bangalore Institute of Technology, V V puram, 90. Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad Bangalore 91. Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and 63. Karunya University, Coimbatore Manufacturing (IIITD&M), Chennai64. Viswakarma Institute of Technology (VIT) 92. Shri Ramdeo Baba K.N. Engineering College, Nagpur Bibwewadi, Pune 93. Muffakham Jah Engineering College, Hyderabad65. MKSSS’s Cummins College of Engg for Women, 94. D.J. Sanghvi College of Engineering, Mumbai Pune (MKSSS is the short form for Maharshi Karve 95. Sathyabhama University, Chennai Sthree Shikshan Samstha) 96. Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode66. College of Engineering, Trivandrum 97. Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi67. Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and 98. Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana Manufacturing, Jabalpur 99. Hindustan Institute of Engineering Technology,68. Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai Chennai69. Thangal Kunju Musaliar(TKM) College of Engineering, 100. SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Kollam Dharwad70. Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow 101. R.V.R. & J.C. College Of Engineering, Guntur71. Sri Venkateshwara University, Tirupati 102. Koneru Lakshamaiah (K.L) College of Engineering, 72. Faculty of Technology, Dharmsinh Desai Guntur, Andhra University(DDU), Nadiad, Gujarat 103. Dharmsinh Desai Institute of Technology, Nadiad, 73. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University(JNTU), Gujarat Hyderabad 104. Shri Govindram Seksaria (S.G.S.) Institute of74. YMCA University of Science and Technology, Technology & Science, Indore Faridabad 105. Jabalpur Engineering College, Jabalpur75. Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang 106. G.H. Patel College of Engg & Technology, Anand, 76. Andhra University(AU) College of Engineering, Gujarat Visakhapatnam 107. Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology,77. National Institute of Technology(NIT), Silchar Bhubaneshwar, Odisha78. Govt. Engineering College, Calicut 108. ABV- Indian Institute of Technology and Management, 79. Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak Gwalior80. Hindustan University (Formerly known as Hindustan 109. National Diary Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana College of Engineering), Chennai 110. National Institute of Technology, Patna81. Government Engineering College, Rewa, 111. Nationa Power Training Institute (NPTI), Faridabad, Madhya Pradesh Haryana82. University School of Information and Communication 112. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology Technology, Delhi (RGIPT), Rai Bareilli, UP83. B.M.S. College of Engineering, Bangalore, Karnataka 113. University Visveswaraya College of Engineering, 84. Laxminarayan Institute Of Technology, Nagpur, Mysore Maharashtra 114. Alliance College of Engineering and Design, Bangalore85. S.J. College of Engineering, Mysore 115. Manav Rachna International University, Faridabad86. Chaitanya Bharathi Inst. of Technology, Hyderabad87. Shanmugha Arts, Science, Technology & Research Academy (SASTRA), Thanjavur, Tamilnadu8 EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014

HOW TO CHOOSEYOUR ENGINEERINGCOLLEGE?Good college changes the way With over 13,00,000 seats being made available atyou study, the peer group is dif- AICTE-approved institutions and another 85,000ferent, and the quality of place- seats at State private and deemed universities, it isments is much better not that difficult to be an engineer. It is just about get into a programme and a better institution that offers value. Take the story of Rahul, a student of Tamil Nadu State Board. He is tense. His IIT-JEE results are out and he does not stand a chance. He is confident of cracking AIEEE, but the scores will be out only by June 6. He has given the State Boards exam but awaiting results. He has offers of admissions from two private universities and both want him to join before May 31. If we were to advise Rahul, we would suggest that if the private university has a reason- ably good placement record and the branch offered is to his EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014 9

liking, he must take it. But Rahul did not like the branches How good are labs in the discipline ofhe was offered by the private university…..So your choice your choice? Do they have desirablyis important. Selecting an engineering course is a difficult adequately enough modern equip-choice because either your choice makes you happy rest of ments? How many books per studentyour life or after four years of engineering you try to change are there in the library? What e-jour-your field. nals do they subscribe to? How much per capita spending do they have?How to rate your college These are difficult questions that canGood college changes the way you study, the peer group is get answers from the website alone.different, and the quality of placements is much better. Whilechoosing your college, you should take into consideration to acquire. How good are labs in the discipline of yourabout the following four main factors and the weightage to choice? Do they have modern equipment adequatelybe allotted to each when making a decision: enough? How many books per student are there in the library? What e-journals do they subscribe to? How much1.Quality of placements bandwidth on a per capita basis do they have? These areTwo issues have to be kept in mind when you look at place- difficult questions that can get answers from the websitements- numbers and the type of companies that recruit the alone.bulk of students. First, identify the average percentage ofplacements by looking at the Mandatory Disclosures (down- 3.Quality of facultyloadable from the website). If the list of companies and the This is impossible to assess correctly for any youngnumber of offers are given, it is a good sign. See the per- student. But be on the lookout for years of experience of thecentage of students placed. Since the biggest recruiters are faculty. Verify how many of them have less than three toIT companies, and since they recruit from circuit branches five years of experience; they would be greenhorns with no(ECE, EEE, IT, CSE) branch-wise placement record is quite teaching experience. The more the number of faculty in theessential. team between 10-20 years, the better would be the quality. This is only a ballpark measure so take it as such. Speak2.Quality of Infrastructure with your seniors to see if the quality of faculty is good.Do not go by buildings and land asset. They are the easy 4.Quality industry interface Look for tie-ups with Industry, like the Microsoft Research Centre, IBM Research Centre or Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC) core. See if the institute has a tech park. Find out whether it has received funding from external agencies for research. Study their website thoroughly. The engineering ball game Admissions is a complicated process because it varies by the entrance exam, the type of institution and the state in which the institution is located. Like Rahul, one in four en- gineering aspirant takes the IIT admission test JEE. May be one in two would take AIEEE and almost everyone eligible would look at the state-level test/admission. The students have a hierarchy of admissions. 1. Established IITs- Top Priority10 EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014

2. Established NITs- Second Priority WHY AND3. Established Engineering colleges HOW TO CHOOSE in Government/Private sector AN IDEAL4. New Engineering colleges who BRANCH ? have strong brand recall5. Other reputed private engineering The job preferences for branches keep colleges on changing. So do not consider the jobHarish Iyer, a PhD scholar at IIT Madras, opportunities only while selecting yoursays that only for the top 50-60 Engi- branch.neering colleges in the country matters.According to him as one moves beyond In selecting a branch your first priority must be your passion. Whilethe top 100 colleges, there is very little some students run after branches that open up maximum jobs, someto differentiate other than the infra- students prefer to go by personal likes. Interest is the prime concern.structure, location, some tie-ups and But if you are not too particular, then go for a branch which opens upthe effectiveness of their PR. And most oppor tunities.of them, according to him are hunting But keep in mind one hard fact. Opportunities would change accordinggrounds only for those IT services com- to the market. Core branches in engineering such as civil and mechani-panies which have massive manpower cal are believed to be the oldest branches in engineering study and arerequirements. considered to be evergreen branches. But in the mid 1980s the demandSo according to Harish, college would for civil engineering students saw a slump. At present it has regained itstake priority over the branch, only if you importance and is today considered to be one of the most sought afterare discussing the top 50-60 colleges branches. “At present every fresh graduate has at least three offers from the coreB. Com. (Hons.) with specializa- sectors. A couple of years back when engineering colleges were spring-tions in Accounting and Financial ing up at every nook and corner, the colleges were setting up shopManagement, Human Resource with only a few branches such as computer science, IT and EEE. NowManagement and Marketing most of the colleges are trying to develop the civil engineering branch.Management is a good offer This trend proves that the branch is once again looking up,” says K.from Alliance University, Ban- Rambabu, professor at Andhra University.galore. The curriculum of the B. But Zahid, a blogger and a PhD graduate from IIT Rourkee has a dif-Com. (Hons.) degree course isrigorous and progressive, and EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014prepares its graduates for ca-reers in commerce and accoun-tancy as well as for other pro-fessional roles such as security,economic and business analystsin financial institutions and stockbroking firms. B.Com graduatescan later pursue Master’s-levelcourses such as M. Com., MFMand MBA as well as other pro-fessional courses in commerceand accountancy such as CA,CS, ICWA and CIMA. 11

ferent story to say: “When I passed out in 2001 most of 3.Mechanical & Production Engineeringthe dotcom companies failed leaving many of us jobless.During that everyone just ran for Electronics and commu- 1. 1.Do you like physics?nication engineering or Electrical Engineering. Adding more 2.Have you attempted repairing your bike yourself?to depression, parents of first year students started ranking 3.Can you get your hands dirty, and don’t mind the grease?Computer Science below Civil Engineering. Instead of do- 4.Can you stand strenuous physical labour?ing little research or listening to the people in the industry 5.As a child are you interested in bikes and cars?most of parents just read news paper to make conclusions, 6.Do you have a good hand at drawing?which in long run make a deep impact on career and in 7.Do you like to make some new mechanism?turn whole life. During 2009, due to the global recession If yes, then you are at right place. Mechanical Engineeringand Satyam scandal, once again most of the people are is your thing. This branch requires a real hard work. Me-in dilemma about Computer Engineering and Electronics chanical engineering field requires an understanding of coreEngineering.” concepts including mechanics, kinematics, thermodynam-So the above experiences bring forward a hard fact that ics, materials science, structural analysis and electricity.the job preferences for branches keep on changing. So donot consider the job opportunities only while selecting yourbranch. If you have a real passion in the branch, you canfind out new opportunities….So ask your inner consciencethose hard questions before choosing your branch:1.Computer Science & Engineering1.Do you like computer? (Not the computer games orinternet but the machine and its operation)2.Do you understand logic very well?3.Do you always experiment with your computer andsurprise others?4..Can you handle high-end algorithms and do patternrecognition?5.Does writing machine-level code excite you?6. Do you design games and small softwares to ease yourwork?7. Do you like puzzles?Computer engineers continually push the capability andapplicability of computers in every industry and everyfacet of modern life. Computer engineers are improving theability of computers to “see” and “think”. They are makingcomputers more mobile and even incorporating computersinto fabrics, clothes, and building materials. They can alsobecome programmers.2.Electrical & Electronics1.Do you like to repairing electrical appliances?2.Have you had the urge to open the calculator to see itsfunctions?3.Do capacitors, transistors and ICs excite you?4. Have you ever do any electrical jobs like repairingswitches, changing tubes and replacing fuse etc.5.Have you assembled a PC after buying the components?6.Is transmission and distribution of electricity of interest toyou?7.Do you want a personal robot?So, if you get “YES” for 5 questions, this is your destiny. Remember that a degree in electrical and electronic engi-neering prepares you to work in the vast range of engineering sectors, including aerospace, automotive, energy, information technology and telecommunications.12 EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014

As one goes down the pecking 4.Civil Engineeringorder, a good branch would standyou in good stead, because af- 1.Are you interested in construction?ter all the college is useful only 2.Do built environments fascinate you?until you get your first job. Then 3.Do you have a sense of proportion and aesthetics?on, a student is on their own. 4.Can you visualize structures over different landscapes? 5.Do enjoy making people comfortable? 6.Can you handle sociological and psychological issues? If answer is yes, best of luck and go ahead. Keeping in mind that, a Civil engineer is a person who practices civil engineering and it comprises the jobs like the application of planning, designing, constructing, maintaining, and operat- ing infrastructures. Irrespective of the number of entrances you give or col- leges you apply to, have a list of branches you would prefer. But group them in lots of three. For example, like Mech, ECE, and IT or something else. This is your first group. Have four such combinations. This would help you in deciding between colleges much more easily. Though college matter a lot, unless you are in a branch, which has larger employment potential you may not be picked up by employers. So the branch matters. As one goes down the pecking order, a good branch would stand you in good stead, because after all the college is useful only until you get your first job. Then on, a student is on their own The Bachelor of Finanical and Investment Analysis is a six-semster professional degree pro-gramme for those interested in the Indian financial markets. The course is offered by AmityUniversity and Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies (University of Delhi). Eligibility:Plus Two.Language skills opens up a range of exciting opportunities in the corporate world.The course, BA Diploma or certificate in Foreign Languages opens good job opportunity beforethe students. Languages like French, Spanish, German, Italian, Chinese and Korean bring goodjob openings. JNU, Delhi, Jamia Milia University, EFLU and Delhi University are the major cen-tres which provide these foreign language courses. EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014 13

SPECIALISED BRANCHIS THE WAY AHEAD With the advent of new technologies the boundaries between engi- neering branches are fast diminishing. Engineering also is evolving fast and multidisciplinary studies are par for the course.Going beyond primary branches like Civil, Mechani- Engineering and Semiconductor Devices. cal and Electrical, there’s scope in myriad areas, Students are trained in programming techniques, design from Industrial Design to Dairy Technologies. communication networks composed of sensors, actua-In the earlier era, engineering meant either Civil or Me- tors, PLCs, Control theory and so on. Major Powerchanical or Electrical. Interdisciplinary meant Electronics plants, refineries, compressor stations, and several otherand Telecommunications. With the advent of comput- manufacturing plants and research institutions needing, Information Technology became the new craze. As well equipped manpower with good understanding ofknowledge expanded and new challenges rose in the modern equipments used in the industry. This branchcorporate field, new disciplines emerged as potential of engineering finds application in robotics, chemicalfields of study in many academic domains. With the engineering, rolling mills, process control and manyadvent of new technologies the boundaries between such engineering disciplines across the spectrum. Theengineering branches are fast diminishing. Engineering opportunities are galore for electronics and commu-also is evolving fast and multidisciplinary studies are par nication engineers as they are employed in variety offor the course. While disciplines like Textiles, Power and sectors such as Indian Telephone Industries, Civil Avia-Petroleum have been in existence for quite long, new tion, Development Centers in various States, Defense,verticals are on the rise. NPL, A.I.R, Posts and Telegraph Department, Railways,We present some specialized branches and job opportu- Bharat Electronics Limited, D.R.D.O, Telecommunication,nities entail with it: Software Engineering/IT, Power sector, Hardware Manu- facturing, Home Appliance and VLSI design, TelevisionApplied electronics and Instrumentation Industry and Research & Development.Creation of well equipped devices for various purposes Engieering colleges offer Applied electronics andis unavoidable in the emerging era of automation and instrumentationprocess driven industries. Typically, a B.Tech. (Applied 1. Bengal Institute of Technology, Dwaranda, west Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering) is a four Bengalyear course. Applied Electronics and Instrumentation 2. Adishankara Institute of Engineering & Technol Engineering is a field that focuses on the development ogy, Kaladyas well as implementation of electronic and electrical 3. College of Engineering Roorkee, Haridwar, Ut instruments for measuring, monitoring as well as record- tarkhanding the physical phenomena. Subjects studied under 4. College of Engineering, Trivandrum, Keralathis degree are Mathematics, Digital Electronic Circuits, 5. Dr. B.C. Roy Engineering College, Durgapur, West Electrical Machines, Engineering Economics, Electrical14 EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014

Bengal Ceramic Engineering6. Govt. Engineering College, Gandhinagar, Gujarat7. Kannur University, Kannur, Kerala friendly coatings for the aerospace industry.8. KMCT, Kozhikkode, Kerala Ceramic engineers use basic principles from chemistry9. Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar and physics to understand how to design new materials10. Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology, Ernaku at the atomic level, then process these materials into lam useful forms. You might develop exterior tiles for the11. Sarabhai Institute of Science and Technology, Trivan next Space Station, cathodes for fuel cells, conductive drum ceramics used in microprocessors and solar panels,12. Seth Jai Parkash Mukand Lal Institute of Engineering bioactive glasses that help cure liver cancer in humans, and Technology, Yamuna Nagar flexible prosthetics for Paralympic athletes, or lenses in13. MES, Kuttipuram night-vision goggles for pilots.14. C.V. Raman College of Engieering, Bhubaneswar Ceramic engineers can join in Government institutions like Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute andCeramic Engineering SAIL etc. In US, you will get better chances- both small and big. Companies such as Corning, Kohler, Alcoa,Ceramic engineering deals with the creation of objects Caterpillar, Boeing, 3M, General Motors, NASA, Motorolafrom inorganic and non-metallic materials by using heat, and many more are there. Ceramic materials are used inor lowering temperatures through precipitation reactions a wide range of industries, including mining, aerospace,from high purity chemical solutions. Ceramic materials, medicine, refining, the food industry, the chemicalbeing heat resistant finds usefulness in mining aero- industry, packaging science, electronics, industrial andspace, refinery, medicine and a wide range of industries. transmission electricity, and guided light wave transmis-Looking for new ways to use ceramic materials and sion.glasses that withstand high heat and resist corrosion, Engineering colleges offer ceramic engineeringceramic engineers create materials that repair human 1. Department of ceramic engineering, Indian Institute bone with bio-glasses, treat cancer, power the internet of Technology (BHU), Varanasivia fiber-optic cables, and provide environmentally 2. Govt. College of Engineering and Ceramic Technol ogy, Kolkata 3. National Institute of Technology,Rourkela 4. Anna University, Chennai 5. PDA engineering college, Gulbarga 6. Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute, Kol kata EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014 15

Dairy TechnologyDairy Technology technology. It offers B.Tech. in dairy dairy plants in our country and technology, and Master’s and Ph.D. many dairy equipment manufac-The growth and expansion of programmes in dairying. These turers. Graduates from this fielddairy industry has opened up vast programmes are also available at can seek employment in govern-job opportunities. A professional its Southern Regional Campus at ment and private organizationsdegree programme like B.Tech. in Bangalore. Admissions to these such as rural banks, manufactur-dairy technology or dairy science courses are through the all India ing firms, cooperatives, milk prod-and technology offers intensive entrance examinations conducted by uct processing and dairy in milk processing and the ICAR, New Delhi. Food and dairy processing indus-quality control, and engineering NDRI is a deemed university func- tries are creating fast employ-aspects of dairy processing equip- tioning under the Indian Council of ment abroad. There are also bigment. The course duration is four Agricultural Research (ICAR), Karnal. research opportunity abroad inyears. Detailed information can be had from food science and technology.Students are also learning to work Professionals in this career canwith dairy processing equipments. also opt for teaching jobs inApart from working in the role of Other study facilities universities and colleges. Qualitydairy scientists who analyse the Some State universities and a few control departments also recruitproduction aspect of a company, institutions offer B.Tech. or B.Sc. dairy technologists. This fieldsuccessful graduates also get to Dairy Science and Technology has lot of opportunities for thosework in quality control department courses. Among them, the National who want to pursue a career as aof milk plants, ice cream units and Dairy Research Institute (Karnal and on. Bangalore) and the Sheth MC College of Dairy Science (Anand) have been Electronics EngineeringNDRI identified as centres of excellence.National Dairy Research Institute In most States, admission is made Careers for electronic engineer-(NDRI), Karnal, Haryana, is a on the basis of entrance examina- ing graduates can be found in aleader in research and education tion. The eligibility requirement is a whole host of industries, fromin the field of dairy science and pass in Plus Two with minimum 50 automotive to utilities. Electronics per cent marks in physics, chemistry engineering equips students with and mathematics taken together. designing analysis and manu- Presently there are more than 400 facturing of electronic devices (including wireless devices),16 EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014

integrated circuits and so on. telephone industries, civil aviation Biochemical EngineeringBeing one of the fastest growing department, laboratories and so on.fields of engineering, there is a lot 1. Indian Institute of Technology pioneering stem cell therapies orof scope for innovation and at the (BHU), Varanasi green sustainable technologies,same time scope of employment 2. Vidyalankar Institute of Technol then Biochemical Engineering istoo in this field. Electronics plays ogy, Mumbai for you.a significant role in increasing the 3. Aligarh Muslim University, Biochemical engineering collegesefficiency level of productivity in Aligrah, Uttar Pradesh 1. Indian Institute of Technology major industries including energy, (BHU), Varanasiagriculture, petroleum, chemical Biochemical Engineering 2. Thapar University, Patialaand lot of other industries. Even 3. Harcourt Butler Technological health care industry uses electron- Biochemical engineering is a branch Institute, Kanpuric instruments to perform various of chemical engineering or biological 4. BMS College of Engineering, tests. Electronics engineering is engineering that mainly deals with Bangalorealso involved in transport, factory the design and construction of unit 5. Kumaon Engineering College, and domestic sectors. Electronics processes that involve biological Almorais now an important part of the organisms or molecules, such asautomotive industry, for example bioreactors. Biochemical engineering Naval architecture andfor engine control units, dash- is often taught as a supplementary ship building engineeringboard indicators, air-conditioning, option to chemical systems, braking systems Naval architecture and shipbuild-and info-tainment systems. Its applications are used in the food, ing or ship technology deal withElectronics engineers have good feed, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, the study of the design, construc-scope of employment in both cen- and water treatment industries. tion, maintenance, and repair oftral and state government as well Biochemical engineers translate marine vehicles such as shipsas private organizations including exciting discoveries in life sciences and submarines. into practical materials and pro- Those who desire to become a cesses contributing to human health naval architect or a ship technolo- and well-being. If you are interested gist can opt for the BE or B.Tech. in applying your skills and knowledge courses in naval architecture and to meet global challenges relating to shipbuilding or naval architecture the development of novel medicines, and ocean engineering, which, however, are rare in India. Naval architects and ship EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014 17


technologists are in high demand didates who can study the BE or eligible for admission. Selection isin the shipbuilding industries, B.Tech. course in marine engineering based on the rank obtained in thenaval dockyards, the Merchant are as follows: IIT-JEE and an interview.Navy, shipping companies, and so Candidates can directly join the Some other colleges or instituteson. They can join ships for duty second year of the course on com- offering the BE or B.Tech. courseafter undergoing practical training pleting the first year of the alternative in marine engineering are as fol-onboard for a year and a half and training scheme approved by the lows. Names of more institutesreceiving certification from the Directorate-General of Shipping (this and colleges can be had fromDirectorate-General of Shipping. will not applicable to courses at the Marine Engineering and Research C.V. Raman College of Engi-Evergreen Engineering branches Institute [MERI], Kolkata, a unit of neering, Bhubaneswar. Indian Maritime University); first year Academy of Maritime Educa-Marine engineering of any stream from an engineer- tion and Training (AMET) Univer- ing college with minimum 60 per sity, Chennai.To become a marine engineer cent average marks; or a three-year Noorul Islam University, Kum-or engine officer, one should diploma course in mechanical, aracoil, the BE or B.Tech course in marine, electrical, or electrical and International Maritime Institutemarine engineering. The job will electronics engineering from college Ltd., Greater aboard ships carrying cargo or or institutes approved by the All Coimbatore Marine College,passengers all over the world. A India Council for Technical Educa- Coimbatore.marine engineer will be in charge tion or the State Board of Technical PSN College of Engineering andof engine maintenance. The excel- Education with minimum 55 per cent Technology, Tirunelveli.lent pay and promotional opportu- aggregate marks in the final year. RL Institute of Nautical Sci-nities make the career attractive. The Kunjali Marakkar School of ence, Madurai.Students should join the engineer- Marine Engineering of Cusat offers Vel’s Academy of Marine Edu-ing course in colleges or institutes a self-financing B.Tech. course in cation and Training Chennai.approved by the Directorate- marine engineering. Tolani Maritime Institute, Pune.General of Shipping. MERI, Kolkata, offers a B.Tech. Euro Tech Maritime Academy,Some other categories of can- course in marine engineering. Those Kochi. who have passed Plus Two or equiv- Samudra Institute of Maritime alent examinations with physics, Studies, Lonavala. chemistry, mathematics, and English Mangalore Marine College, with at least 60 per cent marks are Mangalore. EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014 19


Oil Excavation siteInternational Maritime Academy, Chennai. 4. Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University (PDPU), Mohammed Sathak Engineering College, Kilakarai, GandhinagarTamil Nadu. 5. Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Pune 6. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology Petroleum Engineering (RGIPT), Uttarpradesh 7. L.D. College of Engineering, AhmedabadPetroleum engineering is a field of engineering 8. G.H. Patil college of Engineering, Vallabh Vidyanagar, concerned with the activities related to the production Gujaratof hydrocarbons, which can be either crude oil or 9. Department of Petroleum studies, Aligarh Muslim natural gas. Petroleum engineering requires a good Universityknowledge of many other related disciplines, such as 10. Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Chennai geophysics, petroleum geology, formation evaluation(well logging), drilling,economics, reservoir simula- Fashion Communication at NIFTtion, reservoir engineering, well engineering, artificialliftsystems, completions and oil and gas facilities The four-year fashion communication programmeengineering. at National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT)Core subjects – The core subjects of Petroleum looks at the core of the whole business of fash-Engineering are as follows: ion as well as integrated course study relating toa. Petroleum Operations graphic design, fashion journalism, visual mer-b. Thermodynamics & Heat Engines chandising, styling and photography, advertis-c. Drilling Engineering & Well Completion ing, public relations and space design. Media,d. Offshore Drilling & Production Operations advertising, marketing, photography and public relations are some of the popular career optionsBest Petroleum Engineering Colleges for graduates in this field.1. Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai2. Indian School of Mines University(ISM), Dhanbad3. University of petroleum energy studies (UPES), Dehradun EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014 21

WHICH IS THE BESTENGINEERING COURSEFOR GIRLS?Zahid A PhD graduate from IIT Rourkee in Computer Science Now working in Samsung Electronics, South Korea inspiring engineering aspirant through his blog: time I visit India, many of my relatives Petroleum Engineering, even if you get a in-house and known people visit me for seeking advise job, for your course work one need to work outside regarding engineering courses. This always without thinking about weather and environment.made me to think about the latest courses and their For the above said courses you get ample and wellscope in view of a middle class family. Speciallly paid opportunities in teaching as well as researchfor girls, Parents are always worried about which and Industry, which usually girls preferis the best engineering course for girls? Instead ofdirectly taking to my advise in this regard I wouldlike to mention a little about most popular engineer-ing streams first and leave to make a decision. But Ialso give a choice of my preference.If you look at my series of posts on Engineeringcourses prospects and future, I clearly mentionedthe scope of every engineering course with corecompanies and also stated that every engineeringfield have good opportunities provided you workhard and be sincere. Apart from this I would like torecommend that the courses for the girls can be inthe below priority.1. Computer Science and IT2. Electronics and Communication Engineering3. Biotech or Bioengineering4. Electrical Engineering5. Chemical EngineeringAll the above courses have both teaching, lab exper-iments and job are within the building and you don’tneed to go out for educational reasons. Whereasother engineering course like Civil, Mechanical,22 EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014

CSE V/S ITWHICH ONE IS RIGHTFOR ME?Computer science Engineering (CSE) is - “What CSE is good if you want to get intois a computer and how it works?” very technical/mathematical-relatedInformation technology (IT) is - “what and how jobs like game programming, certaincan i do with computers.” finance IT related jobs (not most butUnless you are keen on a career in research, the some), and in research companiestwo engineering branches could be disarmingly like Google.similar. “Computer science Engineering (CSE)is no more about computers than astronomy isabout telescopes”- Renowned computer sciencesEdager W. Dijkstra made this observation.CSE is the study of computers. You typically learnabout hardware and operating systems. Thingslike registers, multitasking kernels, data buses,address buses. It’s real techy stuff.Information Technology is the more about thestudy of the use of computers to solve human/business problems. You study some program-ming, databases, applications, etc.Computer Science engineers are involved in manyaspects of computing from the design of indi-vidual microprocessors, personal computers andsupercomputers to circuit design and writing soft-ware that powers them. They are also suited forrobotics research, which relies heavily on using EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014 23

CS is meant to be a scientific prospects. Mostly corporate make little difference between degree and IT is more “ap- these disciplines while selecting students for their compa- plied”. Some people say that nies. computer science is to phys- Curriculum at a glance ics, where IT is to electrical/ Ultimately, what would really matter to you as a student mechanical engineering. is how far the course curriculum is different. Most of the top-notch institutes (Including all IITs, IIITs and most NITs)digital systems to control and monitor electrical systems have either CSE or IT but not both. This clearly signals thatlike motors and sensors in different machines. the difference between the two branches is not significantInformation Technology (IT) deals with the use of elec- enough to warrant their simultaneous presence on a cam-tronic computers and computer software to store, protect, pus, at least in the eyes of the top engineering colleges inprocess, transmit and securely retrieve information. IT the country. Furthermore, for the few colleges that do offerProfessionals perform a variety of duties that range from both IT and CSE, the differences in the course structure areInstalling applications to designing complex computer net- and Information databases. They are suited for data How to make a choice?management, networking, engineering computer hardware, The fact that the creators of Google, Facebook, YouTube,database and software design, as well as the efficient man- etc. have all done Computer Science degrees instead of I.Tagement and administration of entire systems. shows why Computer Science is superior.Why the two branches? For the average IT professional, an IT degree will suffice.The CSE programme usually deals with how to build micro Majority of IT jobs are business-focused, which means youprocessors, how to write a compiler etc. IT is the business are there to implement and maintain tools to supplementside of computers usually dealing with databases, busi- business processes. IT will allow you to broaden your skillsness and accounting. One way to think of it is that IT deals beyond just technical skills. You will have more non-techni-with the application of computing technology to real life cal subjects and electives that allow you to study subjectsprocesses and CSE deals with the “science” that facilitates from other disciplines.these applications. CS is good if you want to get into very technical/mathemat-Further, while CSE focuses on the foundation of computing, ical-related jobs like game programming, certain finance ITIT as a discipline focuses on satisfying the computing tech- related jobs (not most but some), and in research compa-nology needs of organizations. So, in a continuum between nies like Google.principles and application, IT focuses more on application, IT may be a better chocie as you solve more real worldwith the goal being to apply knowledge of computing sci- problems and focus on more real world IT scenarios. Justences for solving problems. However, as the foundations of saying... a good chunk of IT jobs are in infrastructure, andIT are in Computer Science, Indian universities and colleges I know a crapload of infrastructure guys with backgroundsdeem it feasible to have a CS-based IT programme. This in CS and EE. TBH, those degrees are overkill if you endallows a graduate of the programme to choose a career up being sys/net admins, or solutions architect. IT will givein CS or IT, based on their choice and availability of job you a much broader perspective for those type of jobs. If you have to choose between IT and CSE, and have both options in hand, it would be wise to decide it on the basis of the reputation and standing of the college rather than the branch. If you have to choose between IT and CSE, in the same college, see what excites you more, design of com- puters and computing system or using computers to solve information management requirements of organization. IT will not open your career prospects overseas, it’s very business minded and what differentiates you from the immense amount of those studying IT, especially in India where they come cheaper (no offence). you will learn more programming in a Computer Science degree, and are able to gain more experience and knowl-24 EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014

Google Office IISER & NISERedge in computation, programming, networking, A.I, etc. The Indian Institutes of Science Education and Researchmore. Computer Science will better equip you to be a better (IISERs), and the related National Institute of Scienceprogrammer and a better computer expert. If you can Education and Research (NISER) are a group of premierhandle the mathematics and abstract logic involved, it is science education and research institutes in India. Indianmuch better to do a Computer Science degree. Although it Institue of Science education and Research(IISER) provideswill be harder, you will get much more out of it, the critical a dual degree BS-MS programme of 5 years. There arethinking skills obtained will be invaluable. five IISERs in India- IISER Kolkata in West Bengal, IISERProf. Ravichandra, Head of the Department, Computer Pune in Maharashtra, IISER Mohali in Punjab, IISER BhopalScience at Acharya Institute of Technology, Bangalore in Madhya Pradesh and IISER Thiruvananthapuram in Ker-explains more:“ When the two were introduced at the ala. Students qualifying any of the following examinationsundergraduate level, Computer Engineering and Informa- will be eligible for admission: Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahantion Technology had different objectives. But today, they Yojana (KVPY) and IITJEE . Now IISERs prefers top 1 % ofappear as synonyms. Computer Science and Engineering State and Central Boards students.(CSE) and Information Science and Engineering (ISE),offered by Visvevaraya Technological University, Belgaum, IIScKarnataka have minor differences in the subjects they offer.For instance, subjects such as File Structures, Management Indian Institute of Science (IISc) is a public university forand Information Systems MIS are covered by ISE whereas scientific research and higher education located inBenga-Computer Graphics and Advanced Microprocessors are luru (formerly Bangalore), India. IISc is widely regarded ascovered only by CSE. But there is a misconception among India’s finest institution and has made significant contribu-parents and the student community at large that Computer tion to advanced computing, space, and nuclear technolo-Science and Engineering has wider scope than Information gies. IISc provides a 4 year BS undergraduate programmeScience and Engineering (ISE), thereby leading to more in six disciplines, namely Biology, Chemistry, Environmentaldemand for CSE. Truth to be told, both have equal scope Science, Material Science, Mathematics and Physics. IIScand students from both branches are equally employable in BS 2014 Admission Selection Procedure: Candidates willthe IT industry. ” be selected on basis of following entrance exams: . KVPY, IIT-JEE-Main, IIT-JEE-Advanced, NEET-UG. EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014 25

BEST ENGINEERING COLLEGES STATE-WISE LIST DELHI Central Institutions / Universities 1. IIT Delhi, New Delhi 2. Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, Delhi 3. Jamia Milia Islamia, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, New Delhi State Universities/Affiliated Colleges 4. Delhi Technological University (DCE), Delhi 5. Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, New Delhi 6. Amity Institute of Engineering and Technology, Bijwasan 7. Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology, New Delhi 8. Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology, New Delhi HARYANA Central Institutions/Universities 1. NIT-Kurukshetra, Kurukshetra 2. Manav Rachna International University, Faridabad 3. Maharishi MarkandeshwarUniversity, Mullana 4. Lingayya’s University, Faridabad State Universities/AffiliatedColleges 1. Apeejay College of Engineering, Sohna, Gurgaon 2. YMCA University of Science and Technology, Faridabad 3. Institute of Tech & Mgmt., Gurgaon 4. University Institute of Engineering & Technology, Kurukshetra 5. Institute of Instrumentation Engineering (Formerly USIC), Kurukshetra 6. Vaish College of Engineering, Rohtak 7. Deen Bandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, Murthal 8. NC College of Engineering, Panipat 9. Ch. Devi Lal Memorial Government Engineering College, Sirsa JAMMU & KASHMIR Central Insitutions/Universities 1. National Institution of Technology, Srinagar State Universities/Affiliated Colleges 2. Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Jammu Tawi 3. Model Institute of Engineering & Technology, Kot Balwal26 EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014

HIMACHAL PRADESHCentral Institutions/Universities1. IIT-Mandi, Mandi2. NIT, Hamirpur (HP), Hamirpur3. Jaypee University of Information Technology, SolanState Universities/Affiliated Colleges4. Institute of Engineering & Emerging Technology (HPU), Solan5. University Institute of Information Technology(HPU), Shimla PUNJABCentral Institutions /Universities1. Dr. BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandar2. IIT-Ropar, Ropar3. Thapar University, Patiala4. Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology (SLIET), LongowalState Universities/Affiliated Colleges1. Lovely Professional University, Phagwara2. Chitkara Institute of Engineering and Technology (CIET), Rajpura3. Adesh Institute of Engineering and Technology (AIET), Faridkot4. Guru Kashi University, Bathinda, Punjab5. Guru Nanak Dev University Regional Campus, Jalandhar6. Guru Nanak Dev University Regional Campus, Gurdaspur7. Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College (GNDEC), Ludhiana8. University College of Engineering (UCoE), Punjabi University, Patiala9. DAV Institute of Engineering and Technology (DAVIET), Jalandhar10. College of Agricultural Engg. & Technology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana11. Chandigarh Engineering College (CEC), Mohali12. Chandigarh Group of College, Faculty of Engineering, Landran Campus, MohaliUTTAR PRADESHCentral Institutions / Universities1. IIT-Kanpur, Kanpur2. IIT-BHU, Varanasi3. Motilal Nehru national Institute of Technology, Allahabad4. Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad5. Indian Institute of Information Technology, Amethi6. SRM Institute of Management and Technology, SRM University7. Shobhit University, MeerutState Universities / Affiliated Colleges1. Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur2. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology, Ratapur Chowk, Rae Bareli3. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Information Technology, Amethi4. Amity School of Engineering, Amity University, Noida EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014 27

5. Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida 6. Zakin Hussain College of Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 7. JSS Academy of Technical Education, Noida 8. Sharda University, Greater Noida 9. Central Institute of Plastic Engineering Technology, Lucknow 10. Chhatrapati Sahuji Maharaj University, UIET,, Kanpur 11. Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur 12. GLA Institute of Technology & Management, Mathura 13. Madan Mohan Malviya Engineering College, Gorakhpur 14. Greater Noida Institute of Technology, Greater Noida 15. ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad 16. IMS Engineering college, Gaziabad 17. Shri Ram Swaroop Memorial College of Engineering & Management, Lucknow 18. Shri Rammurti Smarak College of Engineering & Technology, Bareilly UTTARAKHAND Central Institutions/Universities 1. IIT-Roorkee, Roorkee 2. National Institute of Technology, Uttarakhand, Pauri Other Deemed Universities / Central Universities 3. Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar 4. ICFAI University, Dehradun 5. Graphic Era Institute of Technology, Dehradun State Universities / Affiliated Colleges 6. College of Engineering , Roorkee 7. Dehradun Institute of Technology, Dehradun 8. Quantum School of Technology, Roorkee ANDHRA PRADESH Central Institutions/Universities 1. IIIT Hyderabad, Hyderabad 2. NIT- Warangal, Warangal 3. IIT-Hyderabad, Hyderabad 4. GITAM Institute of Technology, Vishakapatnam 5. KL University, Vaddeswaram State Universities / Affiliated Colleges 1. College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad 2. Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad 3. Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad 4. BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus 5. ICFAI campus, Hyderabad 6. Vignan University, Vadlamudi 7. Andhra University, Visakapatnam28 EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014

8. JNTU Hyderabad, Hyderabad9. Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology & Sciences, Bheemunipatnam, Vishakapatnam10. Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad11. GMR institute of Technology, Rajam, Andhra12. Kakatiya Univeristy, Warangal13. Gayatri Vidya Parishat College of Enginering, Kakinada14. CMR college of Engineering and Technology, HyderabadKARNATAKACentral Institutions/Universities1. NIIT Surathkal, Surathkal2. IIIT Bangalore, Bangalore3. Manipal Institute of Technology, ManipalState Universities/Affiliated Colleges1. BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore2. R.V. College of Engineering, Bangalore3. PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore4. Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bangalore5. M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore6. Sir. M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology, Bangalore7. Acharya Institute of Technology, Soldevanahalli8. The National Institute of Engineering, Bangalore9. University Visveswaryya College of Engineering, Mysore10. B.N.M Institute of Technology, Bangalore11. BMS Institute of Technology, Avalahalli12. Sri. Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysore13. Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore14. JSS Accademy of Technical Education, Uttarahalli15. PES, Mandya16. MVJ College of Engineering, Bangalore17. Garden city college, Bangalore18. Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur19. Nittle Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Gollahalli20. Alliance College of Engineering and Design, BangaloreKERALACentral Institutions/Universities1. NIT-Calicut, Calicut2. Indian Institute of Space Technology, ThiruvananthapuramState Universities/Affiliated Colleges3. College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram4. MES College of Engineering, Kuttippuram EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014 29

5. T.K.M. College of Engineering, Kollam6. College of Engineering, Adoor7. College of Engineering, Chengannur8. Govt. College of Engineering, Mangattuparambu9. Rajiv Gahndhi Institute of Technology, Kottayam10. Federal Institute of Science & Technology, Angamaly11. Govt. Engineering College, Thrissur12. Govt. Engineering College, Thiruvananthapuram13. Govt. Engineering College, Calicut14. Govt. Engineering College, Mananthavady15. Govt. Engineering College, Painavu16. Govt. Engineering College, Sreekrishnapuram17. LBS Institute of Technology for Women, Thiruvananthapuram18. Mar Athanasius College of Engineering, Kothamangalam19. SCMS School of Engineering & Technology, Karukutty20. Sree Chitra Thirunal College of Engineering, Pappanamcode21. Viswajyothi College of Engineering & Technololgy,Muvattupuzha22. NSS college of Engineering for Women, Palakkad23. University College of Engineering, Kariavattom24. Calicut University Institute of Engineering & Technology, Tenhipalam25. Mohandas College of Engineering, Trivandrum26. Vidya College of Engineering, Thalakkottukara27. Sreenarayana Gurukulam College of Engineering, Kolenchery28. SaintGits College of Engineering, Pathamuttom29. Baselios Mathews College of Engineering, Sasthamkotta30. TocH Institute of Science & Technology, Arakunnam31. College of Dairy Science & Technology, Mannuthy32. Carmel College of Engineering, PerunadTAMIL NADU Coimbatore.Central Institutions/Universities1. IIT-Madras, Chennai2. NIT-Tiruchirappalli, Tirchy3. Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University, Coimbatore4. National Institute of Technology, Puducherry5. IIIT D&M, Kancheepuram6. Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore7. Indian Maritime University, Chennai8. Bharath University, Chennai9. Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Chennai10. Karunya University, Coimbatore11. SASTRA, Thanjavur12. SRM Engineering College, SRM University, Kattankulathur13. Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science & Higher Education for Women,30 EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014

14. B.S Abdur Rahman University, Chennai15. Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Vishwa Mahavidyalaya, Kancheepuram16. St. Peter Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai17. Satyabhama Engg College, Chennai18. Vel Tech Rangrajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai19. Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Higher Education, Virudhunagar20. Vel’s institute of science, Technology & Advanced Studies (VISTAS), ChennaiState Universities/Affiliated Colleges21. College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai22. PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore23. Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore24. Tamil Nadu Agriculture University, Coimbatore25. Saveetha University, Chennai26. Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design, and Manufacturing, Kancheepuram27. Academy of Maritime Education and Training, Kancheepuram28. Sri. Periyar Maniammai University- School of Architecture Engineering and Technology, Tanjavur29. Vinayaka Mission’s University- Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Salem30. Noorul Islam University, Kanyakumari31. Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute University, Chennai32. Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai33. Govt. College of Engineering, Coimbatore34. Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Virudhunagar35. Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai36. Easwari Engineering College, Chennai37. K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode38. Sona College of Technology, Salem39. Sri. Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering40. St. Jospheh’s College of Engineering , Chennai41. Velammal Engineering College, Maduravoyal42. Vel Tech Multi Tech Dr. Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College, Thiruvallur43. Vel Tech High Tech Dr. Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College, Annamalainagar.44. Annamalai University, Annamalainagar45. Central Institute of Plastic Engineering and Technology, Chennai46. Institute of Road and Transport Technology, Erode47. Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology, Kancheepuram48. Sri Sai Ram Engineering College, Chennai49. Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur50. Panimalar Engineering College, ChennaiBIHARCentral Institutions/ Universities1. II T-Patna, Patna2. National Institute of Technology, PatnaState Universities/Affiliated Colleges3. Birla Institute of Technology, Patna EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014 31

JHARKHAND Central Institutions/ Universities 1. National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur 2. ISM University, Dhanbad 3. Birla Institute of Technology Mesra, Ranchi 4. Birla Institute of Technology, Deogarh, Deogarh 5. BIT Sindri, Sindri 6. National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology, Ranchi ODISHA Central Institute /Universities 1. NIT-Rourkela, Rourkela 2. IIT-Bhubaneswar, Bhubaneswar 3. Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT), Bhubaneswar 4. Shiksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar Central Institutions/Universities 5. College of Engineering & Technology, Bhubaneswar 6. University College of Engineering (VSSUT), Burla 7. Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang 8. Krupajal Engineering College, Bhubaneswar 9. National Institute of Science & Technology (NIST), Berhampur 10. Orissa Engineering College, Bhubaneswar NORTH EAST Central Institutions /Universities 1. IIT-Guwahati, Guwahati 2. National Institute of Technology, Agartala, Tripura 3. National Institute of Technology, Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar 4. National Institute of Technology, Meghalaya, Shillong 5. National Institute of Technology, Mizoram, Aizawal 6. National Institute of Technology, Silchar, Silchar 7. Tezpur University, Tezpur 8. National Institute of Technology, Manipur, Imphal 9. National Institute of Technology, Nagaland, Dimapur 10. North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology, Itanagar State Universities/ Affiliated Colleges 11. Assam University, Silchar 12. ICFAI University, West Tripura 13. Mizoram University, Aizawal32 EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014

WEST BENGALCentral Institutions/Universities1. IIT-Kharagpur, Kharagpur2. NIT-Durgapur, DurgapurState Universities/Affiliated Colleges3. Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata4. Bengal Engg & Sc Univ. Shibpur, Howrah5. Asansol Engineering College, Asansol6. College of Engineering & Management, Kolaghat7. Government College of Engineering and Ceramic Technology, Kolkata8. Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia9. Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata10. Institute of Engineering & Management, KolkataGUJARATCentral Institute /Universities1. Sardar Vallabhai National Institute of Technology, Surat2. IIT-Gandhinagar, Gandhinagar3. DA-IICT, GandhinagarState Universities/Affliated Colleges4. Birla Vishvakarma Mahavidyalaya (Engineering college), Anand5. Dharamsin Desai University, Nadiad6. Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahamedabad7. Faculty of Tech & Engineering, Maharaj Sayajirao (MS) University, Baroda8. LD College of Engineering, Ahamedabad9. CK Pithawalla College of Engineering and Technology, Surat10. GH Patel College of Engineering, AnandMAHARASHTRA & GOACentral Institutions/ Universities1. IIT-Bombay, Mumbai2. VNIT, Nagpur3. International Institute of Information Technology, Pune4. Mumbai Institute of Chemical Technology (UDCT), Mumbai5. National Institute of Technology, Goa, Goa6. BITS Pilani-Goa Campus, Goa7. NMIMS College of Engineering(MPST&M), Mumbai8. Symbiosis International University, Pune9. Bharti Vidyapeeth University College of Engineering, Pune10. Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014 33

State Universities/Affiliated Colleges 11. College of Engineering, Pune, Pune 12. Veermata Jiabai Technological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai 13. Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune 14. DKTE Society Textile and Engineering Institute , Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur 15. Dr JJ Magdum College of Engineering, Kolhapur 16. Government College of Engineering, Karad 17. KJ Somaiya College of Engineering, Vidyanagar 18. Sardar Patel College of Engineering (Andheri west), Mumbai 19. Sri Ramdeobaba KN Engg College, Nagpur 20. Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, PuneDatta Megha College of Engineering, Airoli 21. Dwarkadas J. Sanghvi College of Engineering, Mumbai 22. Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering, Mumbai 23. Goa College of Engineering, Ponda 24. Government College of Engineering, Aurangavad 25. Government College of Engineering, Amravati 26. Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College, Aurangabad 27. Maharashtra Academy of Engineering, Alandi (D) 28. Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Pune RAJASTHAN Central Institutions/Universities 1. MNIT, Jaipur 2. IIT Rajasthan, Jodhpur 3. BITS, Pilani, Pilani 4. LNM Institute of Information Technology, Jaipur 5. I.I.S. University, Jaipur 6. Mody Institute of Technology & Science, Lakshmangarh State Universities/Affiliated Colleges 7. Jai Narayan Vyas Univ (Fac of Engg) Prev: MBM Engg, Jodhpur 8. Arya College of Engineering & Information Technology, Jaipur 9. Banasthali Vidyapith, Banasthali 10. Gyan Vihar College of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur 11. Jaipur College of Engineering & research center (JCERC), Jaipur 12. Swami Keshvanand Inst. Of Tech. Management & Gramothan , Jaipur34 EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014

CHATTISGARHCentral Institutions /Universities1. National Institute of Technology, Raipur, Raipur2. State Universities/Affiliated Colleges3. Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg4. Institute of Technology, Guru Ghasidas Vishwa Vidhyalaya, Bilaspur5. Rungta College of Engineering & Technology, Bhilai6. Sri Sankaracharya College of Engineering and Technology, Bhilai7. Shri Shankaracharya Engineering College, Junwani8. Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Professional Management and Technology, RaipurCentral Institutions/Universities9. MANIT, Bhopal10. IIT Indore, Indore11. Atal Bihari Vajpayee Indian Institute of Technology & Management, Gwalior12. PDPM Indian Institute of Information Technology Design & Manufacture, JabalpurState Universities/ Affiliated Colleges13. Institute of Engineering and Technology (DAVV), Indore14. Jabalpur Engineering College (JEC), Jabalpur15. Madhav Institute of Technology and Science (MITS), Gwalior16. Shri G S Institute of Technology and Science (SGSITS), Indore17. Govt. Engineering College, Bastar18. Institute of Technology, Korba19. O.P. Jindal Institute of Technology, Raigarh20. Raipur Institute of Technology, Raipur21. Institute of Technology and Management (ITM), Gwalior Rare B-Techs: IIT Rourkee offers a B-Tech in Pulp and Paper Technology through its department lo- cated at Saharanpur campus. This four years course admits students through IIT-JEE entrance test. 70 seats are available. 100% placement with a salary of 6 to 8 lakh per annum. A B-Tech in Textile Technology is a rarest B-Tech with much job opportunities in textile manufacturing sector. IIT(Delhi, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Mumbai, Guhawati, Chennai), PSG Technology, Coimbatore, MS University, Baroda, NIT, Jalndhar, University College of Engineering, Hyderabad, Osmania University, Institute of Textile Technology, Cowdwar, Cuttak are offering this B-Tech. B-Tech in Polymer Technology is in great demand. But the admission to this programme is based on the ranking in JEE Mains. Maharashtra Institute of Technology (MIT), Pune, Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) are the two institutes offering a B-Tech programme in Polymer Technology. Paid training and plum jobs are available once completed the course. Apart from the classic career oppotunity in the current market, there is good chance to start your own business. EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014 35

WHY CAREERCOUNSELING ISIMPORTANT?Chitra Menon Career counselor, Mumbai There are many dangers if you fol- or an engineer and many people said deteriorating things low your passion blindly, without ad- when I decided to go for career in singing and did not take equate skill and hard work. Following up science. My parents never let my moral go down at any an alien professional programme for point in time. They let their daughter follow her heart!”. It is the sake of a better job is also equal- proved that her journey was in right direction for Shreya … ly hazardous. So better is approach So here the question is going after passion or safeguarding a professional career counselor to a better job by following a professional course. The answer get an answer…. is hard to come by. There are many dangers if you follow your passion blindly,Let us take the story of Famous bollywood singer without adequate skill and hard work. Following an alien Shreya Goshal. Shreya’s father Biswajeet Ghoshal professional programme for the sake of a better job is also is a nuclear power plant engineer and works for the equally hazardous. So better is approach a professionalNuclear Power Corporation of India, and her mother is a career counselor to get an answer….literature post-graduate. She is from the family of doctors, What is career?engineers and big professionals. Obviously there were It is not just a job. It is a way of life, and your achieve-compulsions from her relatives on her to focus on study ments and happiness depend on it. Today, innumerable newand become either a doctor or engineer or a scientist. avenues have opened up. Do not get into a course or a jobShreya at the age of 20, graduated in English Literature just because everyone else is rushing for it.from SIES College, Mumbai. But her true calling was for How do you select your career?music. And she persisted on her passion and rest is the Very often we are pushed into jobs and careers which arehistory. Now Shreya says “ The Ghosals are ‘idiots’ as they not suitable for us. To really be able to succeed, progresslet their daughter follow her heart .The Ghosals are also and enjoy our work, it is necessary that we should have‘idiots’! In our colony when everyone aspired to be a doctor interest in what we are doing, and also have an aptitude for it. Aptitude is the potential to develop the skills that are required in any particular field. Important decision You should understand that each career has different apti- tude requirements, and only by matching them scientifically we can be sure that we are heading in the right direction. Selecting an effective and satisfying career path is one of the most important decision a person makes in life. But as a student, facing such a crucial choice is difficult as their self-understanding and awareness of the world is very modest.36 EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014

In the best-case scenario, student discusses about their Just look at this question from a student:higher education dreams and career path with their parents I really want to study medicine and becoming a doctor. Butand who help them to achieve their dreams and provide right now I realised that I’m scared of dissecting dead bod-them with right information. Still, it is not easy for parents ies and surgery,to understand the specific personal qualities and hidden Is it common for a medical student to feel that way beforeabilities of their child and match them with viable occupa- they were expose to those stuffs??Is it possible for me totions. So this important decision needs a career counsel- overcome the fear?ing process which involves self-analysis, formulation of Ans: Medical doctors have at least one year of anatomypersonal values and goals, realization of educational and and they dissect a human cadaver. Medical students don’tprofessional requirements and an all-round analysis of necessarily have to do surgery but you will be getting veryspecific careers that have been suggested based on the up close and personal with lots of very sick people. It isabove information. possible to overcome your fears but I suggest you do itFigure out early before you start to go to your medical school.Merchant Navy is good profession for boys as it is gold- Importance of counsellingmine offering six digit salaries. You should possess good So figuring out a career path early on has become increas-mental and physical health (keen eyesight is a prerequisite) ingly important. Parents usually turning to career counsel-and zero body defect to interfere with the efficient perfor- ing services for their teens, sometimes as young as 14, tomance required at the sea. So if you do not have these help give their kids a career reality check and to figure outqualities, you can earlier drop “Merchant Navy dream”. which academic areas they should focus on.And women are not fit for defense services as it needs Tough economic times, the rapidly changing job market,great physical involvement. Basic problem lies in structure and the skyrocketing cost of post-secondary educationof our society where men are on upper tier. So it is not easy have put pressure on many parents to help their kids figurefor a woman to get into these fields unless she is having out career goals. So they do not waste money or time onimmense support from her family. education programme that might not suit them. There are options today for career counseling. One can get basic career advice from a school’s guidance counselor. Now all kind of information (including live video) is available online. EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014 37

Career assessment A DOCTOR The goal of career assessment is not to choose one specific profession or career path but rather to identify two IS NEXT TO or three general areas and to highlight the educational path that leads to each of them. This usually creates a sense of GOD! purpose and confidence as people can now visualize their future and the road that lead to it. Medicine is one of those colleges where it is Despite the increased attention to career education in our never too late to start studying. Whether you schools, we find that the adolescents are very poorly in- are already studying medicine or just plan- formed about the world of work and have little understand- ning to do so, you must have wondered what are the ing of how to create a viable career plan for themselves. true reasons to enroll in this field, which is according to This often leads to anxiety, confusion, and avoidance of all many the most responsible one there is. efforts to deal with the issue when it is approached by the Before you determine what field you are interested in, parents. you will have most certainly pondered all the pros and Psychological testing cons of your potential choice. With just over 40,325 Type theory suggests that human behavior is not random seats, it is also one of the most competitive degree but predictable and classifiable. What type you are says programme to enter. The number of seats has grown quite a bit about you -- your likes and dislikes, your likely up definitely from 1,200 coming out of the 19 medical career choices, your compatibility with others, and so on. schools in 1974 to 335 schools currently churning out Typologists have devised your pairs of preference alterna- 40000+ doctors. But as a percentage of population, that tives as stated below: is a sorry figure. So the demand for a medical seat is 1. Introvert or extrovert huge. That is why MBBS still remains the ultimate choice 2. Sensing or intuitive for any medical aspirant. Once you have considered 3. Thinking or feeling medicine as a possibility, things might complicate - the 4. Judging or perceiving first issue being whether to listen to your heart or your In-depth individual interview is needed to know the person- mind. Our minds often impose subjective points of view ality type which sleeps inside a student. There are formal of the society and our immediate surroundings, which psychological testing which include a measure of the will undoubtedly encourage us to choose medicine up student’s aptitude for different types of learning or a test of to that point when we forget what our heart’s and our cognitive ability, a formal assessment of their personality, own desires are. In this article we bring ten (objective) and an occupational interest survey. An in-depth discussion reasons why to study medicine. with the career counselor allows the student to make sense People’s person? of the information obtained through formal testing and to A lot of students name working with people as their analyse the suggested choice. We believe that the student’s primary reason to study medicine. If you are a people unique personality, their special gifts and talents, as well as person, medicine is the right choice for you. It is of their interests and aspirations should be the starting point. vital importance to stress that to work with people you Through this process of self-exploration, students become absolutely must have a great deal of tolerance towards active participants in planning their future. Together with endangered social groups, e.g. the old and disabled. the counselor, they begin to understand how their unique In course of your studies you will be able to improve profiles map to a range of today’s professions and occupa- this skill even if you do not have a particularly developed tions. affinty towards working with people. Psychological assessment-based career counseling services can be provided by psychologist, professional career counselor, or social worker trained to provide such services38 EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014

Help people and happy Best Medical Colleges of IndiaThe progress of the human kind and civilization is thepurpose of almost all of the college programmes. Medicine 1. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), participates in this process in the most direct way. The Delhimost doctors would say that there is no greater joy than the 2. Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC), Puneone you feel when you manage to help a very sick patient 3. Christian Medical College (CMC), Velloreor when a group of scientists discovers a new medicine for 4. Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education a certain disease. and Research (JIPMER), PuducherryContinuous learning 5. Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC), DelhiThe end of medical studies does not mean the end of 6. Lady Hardinge Medical College, Delhilearning. Quite the opposite - your college is providing 7. Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung you with basics for further knowledge and skill develop- Hospital, Delhiment. Summits and seminars are often organized in exotic 8. University College of Medical Sciences (UCMS),locations in order to attract as many doctors as possible. DelhiA lot of students see this reason as the significant differ- 9. Madras Medical College, Chennaience in comparison to other studies and for this they point 10. Bengaluru Medical College, Bangaloremedicine out as a unique example of constant professional 11. Kasturba Medical College (KMC), Manipalperfecting 12. St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore 13. Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Kochi 14. Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad 15. Grant Medical College, Mumbai 16. Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU, Varanasi 17. University College of Medical Sciences, (UCMS) Delhi 18. Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute, Chennai 20. Seth G.S. Medical College, Mumbai 21. B.J. Medical College, Pune 22. B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad 23. M.S. Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore 24. King George’s Medical University, Lucknow (Its old name was Chathrapthi Shahuji Maharaj Medical University) 25. Christian Medical College (CMC), Ludhiana 26. Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata 27. Govt. Medical College, Chandigarh 28. Stanley Medical College, Chennai 29. Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Re search, Kolkata ( It also called as Seth Sukhlal Karnani Memorial Hospital) 30. Amala Institute of Medical Sciences, Amala, Thirssur, Kerala 31. Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Chennai 32. Kempe Gowda Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore 33. Govt. Medical College, Mysore 34. Govt. Medical college, Kottayam 35. Shriram Chandra Bhanj Medical college, Cuttak EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014 39

BBA IS THE  Corporate Management (Symbiosis)NEW RAGE  Banking & Finance (Christ, Narsee Monjee, Madras Christian College, Amity, Gurgaon) If a student opts for MBA after his/her BBA  Finance& Accounting (Christ, Symbiosis) degree then there are many advantages  Human Resource Management (Symbiosis, Madras as he already had the knowledge of what Christian College) will be covered in the MBA programme he  Insurance (Christ, Amity Dubai) can grasp things very easily and will have  Real estate (Amity Noida) clear idea when choosing specializations.  Marketing management (Symbiosis, Narsee Monjee, Madras Christian College, Amity Noida)Bachelor of Business Administration(BBA) is the  General BBA (Christ, Madras Christian College, Narsee undergraduate programme which is getting popular- Monjee, Wilson College, SRM, Amity, Ethiraj College ity among youngsters nowadays. For the past few for women )years, the course has been extensively improved in order to  Business Management (Narsee Monjee, Alliance reach the great expectations of various core based indus- University, Bangalore)tries that are involved in managerial business as well as the  Company Secretary (Christ Bangalore)human resource areas. This reason shows the importance  Environment Management (Symbiosis)of the course.  Entrepreneurship Management (Symbiosis, Amity This is a 3 years program available by most of the universi- Noida, Amity Dubai)ties in India and abroad. Students having BBA degree are  Healthcare (Amity, Noida)considered competent candidates for junior level man- BBA degree has more value when completed in a reputedagement positions. They are extremely employable and college. BBA graduate is also eligible to be a Charteredcan easily progress to higher positions in any business Accountant, a Cost and Works Accountant, a Charteredorganizations. Financial Analyst, Company Secretary. While doing theSpecializations: course itself you can have idea about which field you wantBBA is one such degree that offers complete knowledge to continue in, which field you are more interested and whatabout business and principles of management. The major exactly you have to do to achieve your goal. Most of thespecializations in BBA in India are: students, who take up BBA, choose to be entrepreneurs in International business (Symbiosis, Amity International, their life. They gain complete knowledge about marketing, Amity Noida) advertising, finance, human resource, banking, during their course and then start their own business. During the course of BBA, students can get complete knowledge about marketing, sales, human resource, finance etc. It not only gives book knowledge but also pro- vides practical knowledge through projects and practicals. BBA qualifies you for various master degrees. One of the famous and most considered master degrees after BBA is MBA. If a student opts for MBA after his BBA degree then there are many advantages as he already had the knowl- edge of what will be covered in the MBA programme he can grasp things very easily and will have clear idea when choosing specializations. The value of BBA degree depends on the university and the college you study. So choosing the best university and a re- puted college is very important. A reputed college will have the best teaching faculty who can guide you in the right direction. So before you choose any college or university , make a good research and then finalize the best college. Make sure that the college you choose has on campus40 EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014

placement cell that will help you to get job easily and very Established in July 1969 and affiliated to Bangalore Uni-soon. The colleges Edubeans listed here offers placements versity, Christ University is a premier educational institutein Citibank, Kotak Securities, O&M, Crisil, GATI, PWC, of Bangalore. The college has an innovative and modernEdelweiss Capital & lots more. And most of them have af- curriculum.filiations with Universities in UK and US. 3. Amity International Business SchoolGlobal BBA Building future professionals rather than mere degreeTwo global BBAs conducted by Indian Management holders. The course is designed to give students the basiccolleges which also operates in Dubai is really drawing understanding of the management concepts and an under-quality students from all over the world. SP Jain and Amity standing of doing business internationally. This programInternational are the two institutions which offer global BBA. also lays a knowledgeable foundation for students who mayWhile SP Jain’s Global BBA is a 4 year programme which want to pursue higher education in India or internationally.send their students to three international campuses in 4. Shri Narsee Monjee College of Commerce and Dubai, Singapore and Sydney and Amity’s 3 Continent BBA Economics (Anil Surendra Modi School)send their students to UK and USA after a first year study at Narsee Monjee College is one of the leading colleges inNoida, India. the Commerce stream in Mumbai by assimilating to global development in education and adopting the technology.Best BBA Colleges BBA allows the students to specialize in their final year in areas of finance or marketing and benchmarks the content1. Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies against global standards.Symbiosis BBA is one of the most sought after undergradu-ate programme in India. Infrastructure, pedagogy, high-level 5. Madras Christian College, Chennaiplacements, brand reputation etc are some of the reasons The college was founded as a school in 1837. It is knownbehind it. as much for its academic standing and leadership building,2. Christ University as it is for social commitment. Today, the college has moreBangalore-based Christ University’s Bachelors in Business than 5,000 students and over 220 faculty members servingAdministration (BBA) course is the unrivalled superstar. in 31 departments. 6. Wilson College Wilson College is a junior and degree college affiliated to the University of Mumbai. The college was established in EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014 41

1832 and has played an important role in the foundation of campuses in Noida, Kolkata, Lucknow, Gurgaon, Jaipur,the Mumbai University and the Asiatic Society. Gwalior and Dubai. In 2014, Amity University has been7. Department of Business Adminstration- named by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) as one of Asia’s top SRM University 300 universities.The department of Business Administration was started in 9.Alliance University, Bangalorethe year 2007 with 49 Students. Now it grows to thou- Alliance University is the top 5th B-School in India bysands. SRM believes in giving quality education and to International linkage. Alliance has four academic schools-enable the student community to take up responsibility of Alliance School of Business, Alliance School of Law,building managerial skills. Alliance College of Engineering and Design and Alliance8. Amity University & Amity International Ascent College. Amity University is a private university in India. It hasCAREER IN LAWLaw is one of the popular career choices in our coun- studies along with in depth knowledge on law. There are try for a long time. Those whose families have been 900 law schools in India approved by Bar Council of India. into the profession for generations in India usually opt So consider the quality of Law School of your choice isto study law too. Anyone can choose to study law as long most one has the passion for it. SET: Symbiosis conducts their in-house entrance testProgrames: BA-LLB, BSc-LLB (Honours), B Com called Symbiosis Entrance Test (SET).LLB(Honours), BBA LLB(Honours) Step-by-StepDuration: Five years Students interested in making a career in law can either doEligibility: +2 a three-year law course after graduation in any disciplineEntrance Test: Common Law Admission Test (CLAT): CLAT or a 5 years’ course after 12th class. In fact, the 3 years’is a centralized entrance test for admission to 14 prominent course is now giving way to the 5 years’ one which is seenNational Law Universities in India. Other four reputed law as a better option. In most cases, colleges run the 3 years’colleges also consider the CLAT rank as the criteria for course only for those who wants to turn into Law afteradmission. graduation or working professionals who want to do an LLBUPES Law Studies Aptitude Test (UL-SAT) : UL-SAT is a as an additional qualification. The LLB course is regulatedlaw entrance test conducted by University of Petroleum and by the Bar Council of India which sets rules and regulationsEnergy Studies(UPES) to grant admission to their two law regarding legal practice in the country.programmes- BA-LLB and LLB in Corporate Law, Cyber Start EarlyLaw and Intellectual Property Law. A candidate can start preparing for law entrance examLaw School Admission Test, (LSAT): LSAT India designed conducted at national level for 5 years’ BA LLB at variousby USA-based Law school Admission Counci(LSAC) is National Law Schools soon after completing the seniorused by IIT Kharagpur- School of Law, Jindal Global Law secondary exam. The national law entrance exam, CLATSchool, UPES and 60 other institutes. (Comon Law Admission Test) basically tests the student’sStudents can also opt for BSc LLB(H), BCom LLB(H), BBA general english, legal aptitude, general awareness, logicalLLB (H), integrated courses which provide holistic under- skills, etc.standing of principles of science, commerce, business Some universities which offer the three years’ LLB conduct42 EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014

entrance exam which have a syllabus on the same lines. BangaloreIs It the Right Career for Me? 2. National Academy of Legal Studies & ResearchLaw is a career which requires loads of patience and logical (NALSAR) University of Law, Hyderabadskills. It takes immense hard work and dedication to be- 3. Faculty of Law University of Delhi, Delhicome a successful lawyer. Three years’ LLB course usually 4. National Law Institute University (NLIU), Bhopalinvolves lesser expenses in the range of Rs 20,000 to Rs 5. The West Bengal National University of Judicial30,000 for three years. The 5 years’ BA LLB in a good law Sciences (WBNUJS), Kolkatacollege comparatively costs little more in the lieu of about 6. Symbiosis Law School, PuneRs 3,00,000 for five years. Hostel expenses are exclusive 7. National Law University Jodhpur (NLUJ), Jodhpurof the tuition fees. 8. Faculty of Law, Aligarh Muslim University, AligarhJob Prospects 9. Faculty of Law, Banaras Hindu University, VaranasiThere are a plethora of opportunities for a law graduate. 10. Gujarat National Law University (GNLU), GandhinagarOne can either practice as an advocate in a court of law or 11. Amity Law School, Noidawork with corporate firms. By clearing exams conducted by 12. National University of Advanced Legal Studies, KochiPublic Service Commissions, a law graduate can become 13. Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia National University, Lucknowa judge. After gaining experience, they can hope to become 14. Hidayathullah National Law University, RaipurSolicitor General, a Public Prosecutor or offer services to 15. National Law University, Delhigovernment departments and ministries. One can also work 16. Christ University, Bangaloreas a legal adviser for various organisations. Teaching in col- 17. Faculty of Law, Jamia Millia Islamiya,New Delhileges, connecting with NGOs and working as a specialised 18. The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law Universityreporter for newspapers and television channels are other 19. Government Law College, Mumbaiattractive choices. 20. KLE Society’s Law College, BangaloreFields of Specialisations: 21. ILS Law College, PuneCriminial Law, Civil Law, Administrative Law, Human Rights 22. Bangalore Institute of Legal Studies, BangaloreLaw, Family Law, Taxation, Corporate Law, Business Law, 23. Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia College, BangaloreInternational Law, Labour Law, Intellectual Property Rights 24. Faculty of Law, ICFAI, Dehradunand Patent Law, Real Estate Law. 25. Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law, IIT KharagpurBest Law Colleges in India 26. School of Legal Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology1. National Law School of India University (NLSIU), 27. K.C. Law College, Mumbai 28. M.S. Ramaiah College of Law, Bangalore 29. College of Legal Studies, University of Petroleum and 43 Energy Studies (UPES), Dehradun 30. Alliance School of Law, Bangalore EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014

JOURNALISM ANDMASS COMMUNICATIONJournalism is a tough field to get into, but if you’re will- Journalism, Online Journalism, Magazine Journalism etc. ing to put in the work, then you could be on your way Moreover, according to your taste, you can specialize in to an exciting and fulfilling career! particular subjects and can turn into mavens. There areWith rapid expansion of media in the last few decades has innumerable opportunities for a journalist to zero in on,not only changed the perception of the people towards like Agriculture, Cinema, Law, Business, Politics, Environ-journalism as a career. It has also increased the demand for ment, Gender issues, Diplomacy, Share market etc. Aftercompetent media persons, well-versed in latest commu- graduation, according to the passion you can choose thesenication technologies. The new age Journalism Schools, specializations.promises to teach the “craft of journalism” with a span of Few people do media for the sake of money. .” The media10 months to two years. The problem that arises for the industry has many vices, but it is extremely valuable toaspirants is selecting the best institute. The points that society.the students should keep in mind while choosing the bestcolleges are:- Best Mass Communication CollegesThe first thing that a student should consider is placement.High placement figures substantiate the fact that the train- 1. Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC), Delhiing imparted at the College is held in high esteem in the 2. Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communication, Puneindustry. 3. Asian College of Journalism, ChennaiSecondly, the Infrastructure and facilities is the factor 4. Xavier Institute of Communications, Mumbaito be taken into consideration. One should check out if 5. Lady Shri Ram College for Women, Mumbaithe institute has proper computer labs with facilities for 6. Manipal Institute of Communications, Manipalphotography, video editing and producing lab journals. The 7. Indian Institute of Journalism & News Media (IIJNM), other factors that guides are one in deciding his/her college Bangalorefaculty, class strength, ties up with other media houses and 8. Dept of Communication & Journalism, Pune University, practical exposure given during the courses. PuneQUALIFICATION: 9. Times School of Journalism, DelhiTo become a journalist, one can complete a Bachelor’s in 10. Dept. of Media Studies, Christ University, Bangaloremass communication/ mass media/journalism after +2. 11. AJK Mass Communication Research Centre, DelhiAfter completion in a related graduation field, one may 12. Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, complete a Master’s in journalism or mass communication. SRM, ChennaiSKILLS: 13. Amity School of Communication, NoidaInvestigative, Mind alertness, Adaptive and tolerant in 14. Kamala Nehru Collge, Delhinature and good communication skills also, Command 15. Madras Christian Collge, Chennaiover language, Confidence, Enthusiasm are some of the 16. Indraprastha College for Women, Delhiimportant skills required by a journalist. 17. Manorama School of Communication, KottayamSPECIALIZATIONS: 18. AJK Mass Communication Research Centre, jamia Mil Now Journalism has branched out into many routes. lia Islamia University, DelhiEarlier Journalism was synonymous with print journalism. 19. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, DelhiAs the technology improved, it can be called in myriad 20. Mudra Institute of Communications, Hyderabadnames like: broadcasting journalism, TV journalism, Radio44 EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014

Best Commerce Colleges 16. R.A. Podar College of Commerce & Economics, Mumbai1. Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi 17. St. Joseph College, Bangalore2. Loyola College, Chennai 18. KPB Hinduja College of Commerce, Mumbai3. Lady Shri Ram College for Women, Delhi 19. K.J. Somaiah College of Arts and Commerce, Mumbai4. St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata 20. Indraprastha College for Women, Delhi5. St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai 21. Goenka College of Commerce and Business6. Christ University, Bangalore Administration, Kolkata7. Hindu College, Delhi 22. Nizam College, Hyderabad8. Narsee Monjee College of Commerce and Economics, 23. Brihan Maharashtra (BM) College of Commerce, Pune Mumbai 24. H.R. College of Commerce & Economics, Mumbai9. Hans Raj College, Delhi 25. Elphinstone College, Mumbai10. Madras Christian College, Chennai 26. Shri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce, Delhi11. Ramjas College, Delhi 27. Jyothi Nivas College, Bangalore12. Stella Maris College, Chennai 28. Alliance University, Bangalore13. Mount Carmel College, Bangalore 29. Jesus & Mary College, Delhi14. Symbiosis College of Arts and Commerce, Pune 30. Shri Bhagwan Mahaveer Jain College, Bangalore15. Presidency College, ChennaiBest Hotel Management Colleges 16. Rizvi College of Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Mumbai1. Oberoi Centre for Learning and Development, Delhi 17. Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & 2. Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology Applied Nutrition(IHM), Bhopal and Applied Nutrition(IHM), Mumbai 18. Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Hotel Management 3. Welcomgroup Graduate School of Hotel Administration, and Catering Technology (BCIHMCT), Delhi Manipal 19. Institute of Hotel Management(IHM), Dehradun4. Institute of Hotel Management, Catering & 20. Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Nutrition(IHM), Pusa, Delhi Applied Nutrition(IHM), Guhawati5. Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & 21. Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition Nutrition (IHM),Chennai Applied Nutrition(IHM), Meerut6. Institute of Hotel Management, (IHM) Bangalore 22. Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Hotel Management, Catering 7. Institute of Hotel Management,(IHM), Aurangabad & Nutrition, Chandigarh8. Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & 23. SRM Institute of Hotel & Catering Management, Applied Nutrition(IHM), Hyderabad Chennai9. Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & 24. Institute of Hotel Management, Trivandrum Applied Nutrition(IHM), Kolkata 25. Amity School of Hospitality, Noida10. Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & 26. K.C. College of Hotel Management, Punjab Applied Nutrition(IHM),Goa 27. M.S. Ramaiah College of Hotel Management, Bangalore11. Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & 28. Acharya Institute of Management & Sciences, Applied Nutrition(IHM), Ahmedabad Bangalore12. Department of Hotel Management, Christ University 29. T. John Institute of Hotel Management, Bangalore13. Institute of Hotel Management(IHM), Lucknow 30. Munnar Catering College, Munnar, Kochi14. Institute of Hotel Management(IHM), jaipur15. Institute of Hotel Management(IHM), Gandhinagar EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014 45

Best Travel & Tourism colleges in India 8. Heritage Institute of Hotel & Tourism, Agra 9. Amro Tourism Academy, Nashik1. National Institute of Tourism & Hospitality 10. Amity Institute of Travel and Tourism, (AITT)Noida Management(NITHM), Hyderabad 11. Manyawar Kanshiram Institute of Tourism Management, 2. Indian Institute of Travel and Tourism Management Lucknow (IITM), Gwalior 12. National Institute of Hotel Management & Tourism, 3. Sita Travel and Tourism Academy, New Delhi Bhubaneswar4. Kerala Institute of Tourism and Travel Studies (KITTS) 13. Dr. YSR National Institute of Tourism & Hotel5. Anand Institute of Management Science (AIMS), Anand, Management, Hyderabad Gujarat 14. Ramee Academy of Catering, Tourism & Hotel6. College of Vocation Studies, Delhi Management, Tirupati7. College of Hospitality and Tourism (CHAT), Gurgaon, 15. Aptech Hospitality & Aviation Management, Delhi HaryanaBest 20 Arts Colleges of India 11. Fergusson College, Pune 12. Presidency College, Chennai1. Lady Shri Ram College for Women (LSR), Delhi 13. Stella Maris College, Chennai2. St.Xavier’s Collge, Mumbai 14. Ramjas College, Delhi3. St. Stephen’s College, Delhi 15. Jesus and Mary College, Delhi4. Loyolla College, Chennai 16. Mount Carmel College, Bangalore5. St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata 17. St. Joseph’s College, Bangalore6. Christ University, Bangalore 18. Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai7. Hindu College, Delhi 19. Sophia College for Women, Mumbai8. Miranda House, University College for Women, Delhi 20. Mumbai College of Arts, Mumbai9. Hans Raj College,Delhi10. Madras Christian College, Chennai 10. Fergusson College, Pune 11. Miranda House, DelhiBest 20 Science Colleges of India 12. Stella Maris College, Chennai 13. Ramjas College, Delhi1. St. Stephen’s College, Delhi 14. Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai2. Loyola College, Chennai 15. Mount Carmel College, Bangalore3. St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai 16. Gargi College, Delhi4. St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata 17. St. Joseph’s College, Bangalore5. Hans Raj College, Delhi 18. Shir Venkateswara College, Delhi6. Presidency College, Chennai 19. St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad7. Madras Christian College, Chennai8. Christ University, Bangalore9. Hindu College, DelhiBest Fashion Colleges 5. National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT),Chennai 6. Pearl Academy of Fashion, Delhi1. National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), Delhi 7. Symbiosis Institute of Design, Pune2. National Institute of Fashion Technology 8. National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT),Bangalore (NIFT),Hyderabad3. National Institute of Fashion Technology 9. National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT),Ahmedabad (NIFT),Gandhinagar4. National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT),Mumbai46 EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014

10. SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai 17. International Institute of Fashion Technology, Delhi11. School of Fashion Technology (SOFT), Pune 18. International Institute of Fashion Design(INIFD, Pune12. National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT)-Tirupur 19. Pearl Academy of Fashion, Chennai Exporters Association (TEA) Institute, Tirupur 20. Lexicon School of Fashion, Chennai13. National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT),Kannur 21. Apparel Training and Design Centre, Chennai14. JD Institute of Fashion Technology, Mumbai 22. SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai15. Amity School of Fashion Technology, Noida 23. Vogue Institute of Fashion Technology, Bangalore16. Northern India Institute of Fashion Technology, Mohali 24.Whistling Woods International Neetu Lulla School of Fashion, MumbaiBest design colleges in India sign, Guhawati 6.Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)- Design Programme,(Here we consider mostly Industrial Designing) Kanpur2 Entrances: 8. Instrument Design and Development Centre, IIT DelhiCEED- Common Entrance Examination for Design 9. Maeer’s MIT Institute of Design, PuneNEED- National Entrance Examination for Design 10. Centre for Product Design Manufacturing (CPDM),1.National Institute of Design, Delhi Indian Institute of Science(IISc), Bangalore.2.Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)- Industrial Design 11. M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies, BangaloreCentre, Mumbai 12. Indian School of Design Innovation(ISDI), PARSONS,3.Srishti Institute of Design, Bangalore Mumbai4.Symbiosis Institute of Design, Pune 13. DSK International School of Design, Mumbai5.Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)- Department of De-Practical needs of the industry create more and more specialisations now. Students who are look-ing for specific career in life go for it. This new trends forces Pearl Academy of Fashion, Bangaloreto start a new programme in Luxury Fashion. Instead of studying fashion widely, here students learnonly the depths of luxury fashion. The luxury market in India has been growing at over 20 per centevery year and is estimated to be worth $14.72 billion by 2015. Brands such as Hermes, ChristianLouboutin, Missoni, Emilio Pucci, and Roberto Cavalli have recently expanded their retail opera-tions in India. The four-year programme in luxury brand management at Pearl Academy has beendesigned to help students understand all aspects of the luxury industry and its management strate-gies. The course has a four-week module training at fashion capital Milan where students receivetraining in luxury retail operations and luxury retailing management along with merchandising on aglobal scale.Medical Imaging Technology at Sharada University is a three year programme which introducesstudents to dark room procedures, radiography, advances in imaging, radiation hazards and ba-sics in physics, electricity, magnetism and radiation physics. Modern growth in the medical fieldhas created strong lacunae for professionals in Medical Imaging Technology. That is why SharadaUniversity created this course. Many advances happened in the field of imaging technology. X-rays,ultra-sound, sonography, CT-scanning, MRI scans and PET scans are increasingly becomeimportant in treatment aspect. EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014 47

After graduation what? MBA: PERFORM OR PERISH What makes the Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) degree so desir- able is its guarantee on fat salary packages. Generally speaking, getting an admission into a good Indian B-school is just like giving a man a spade and telling him where the treasure is buried. That is why once a QS (World famous Quacquarelli Symonds, a British-based educational ranking and careers ad- vice company) Business school Report had said that the Indian MBA gradu- ates are “academically most distinguished”.48 EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014

During the year 2000, an IIM student got an offer of $225,000 annual pay packet from a New York based investment bank. That was then roughly one crore of rupees. In the year 2009, an IIM graduate was offered a salary package of Rs.1.44 crore per annumby Deutsche bank. In 2012, an IIM, Indore student was recruited by a Singapore-based Infra-structure firm on an annual salary package of Rs.53lakhs. These stories reveals the fact thatwhy admissions in reputed Business schools are so popular in India. What makes the Master’sin Business Administration (MBA) degree so desirable is its guarantee on fat salary packages.Though the average salary package in 2014 is not at that excited level, IIMs still have man-aged to maintain an average salary of 15-17 lakhs per annum, which is a 10-15% higher thanthe previous year. (You should remember that the MBA job market is highly affected by macroeconomic trends. So a batch graduating in one particular year may be inundated with attrac-tive job offers and stunning salaries, but a batch graduating a year later can find the situationtotally different, because the economy and industry may have gone into a recession). Sogenerally speaking, the fact is that, getting an admission into a good Indian B-school is justlike giving a man a spade and telling him where the treasure is buried. That is why once a QS(World famous Quacquarelli Symonds, a British-based educational and careers advice com-pany) Business school Report had said that the Indian MBA graduates are academically mostdistinguished.But we should not forget the fact that all MBA graduates do not get six-figure or eight figure EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014 49

salaries. These salaries are usually offered only to the B-school last year. After long search, he found a job withproducts of the top few B-schools in the country, the Indian an ordinary salary in a Travel & Tourism company. He earnsInstitutes of Management (IIMs) and a few others. Indeed less than what he paid to get his MBA.many blue chip companies have different salary packages So from the story of Ramesh Menon brings out the fact thatand different career growth paths for graduates of the top if you have invested unwisely in Management educationB-schools and those coming from the lesser ones. from institutions that are simply not respected by employ- ers, your career path will not be a cakewalk.Eligibility for an MBA Now in India there are more than 4000 B-schools offering an MBA or PGDM. All India Council of Technical EducationA bachelor’s degree (BA/BSc/B Com/BBA/BBM/BE/B Tech (AICTE), accredited MBAs are highly recognised in Indiaetc.) under the 10+2+3 system from a recognised or and now there are around 4.25 lakh AICTE-approved MBAdeemed university. Students appearing for final year gradu- seats are up for grabs. And there are around 65 MBA pro-ate level exam can also apply. grammes are available from Finance to Entrepreneurship. So the available choices for an MBA-aspirant are plenty. OfGood Story of Indian MBA late, the churn at the lower end of the B-school spectrum has begun and many institutes find it difficult to fill theirThere are innumerable great personalities cut out by IIMs- seats.RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan (he was the ex-chief econo- So the fact is that MBA education in India has been seeingmist of the IMF and professor of finance at the University of a sort of consolidation. Those who have a history of repu-Chicago Booth School of Business), Indra Nooyi, Chairman tation are gaining more brand appeal and cannot manageand CEO of PepsiCo., Sunil Gupta, professor of business the rush of MBA-aspirants. But many run-of-the-mill andadministration at Harvard Business School and Chetan medium-class B-schools are struggling for survival. LowBhagat, renowned author, columnist and motivational student enrollment and the heavy fall in campus recruitmentspeaker, to name a few. (Campus recruitment have fallen by 40 %) are the majorGood story of Indian Management degree starts with issues.India’s liberalisation and globalisation process. The biggest Last year, around 180 B-schools have been closed in majorboom in the Indian economic reforms has created the cities of the country due to the lack of desired strength ofbusiness school (B-school) explosion in India. During that the students. Another 150 MBA colleges are expected toperiod a management degree has become the hottest and close this year due to low student enrolment. Hundreds ofmost coveted academic qualification in the country. MBA colleges are having 100 % placements only on paper. In many B-schools, the standard of pedagogy of MBA isFlipside of Indian B-schools gradually deteriorating. Even though the number of insti- tutes offering management courses has risen, the qualityBut during 2014, the story is different. For Ramesh Menon, of education being offered has declined sharply. There hasa job hunt was a Herculian task. The reason is that he been a sharp drop in registration for entrance examinationwas a relatively new MBA graduate from a relatively new50 EDUBEANS GUIDE 2014

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