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Home Explore Copy of Paleozoic Era

Copy of Paleozoic Era

Published by jdickinson, 2018-02-05 11:56:58

Description: Copy of Paleozoic Era


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Before the Dino EraIn the PBaeggein1ning PabgeWegha2enre it allBy. Karissa Finley , Adeline Crosby, Jake Jensen And Jade Wadsworth

The paleozoic era The Paleozoic Era was a time of great change to ourplanet. It was as long as 542 million years ago to 251 million years ago. This was the longest and oldest era in historyNew lifeforms firststarted toemerge inthis era 1

Where it all beganThis is the Erawhere the earthfinally becamealive. Plants first became widespreadTwo of the mostimportant events foranimals happened inthis time period. 2

Permian PeriodA 3

Carboniferous Period 4

Devonian Period 5

Silurian Period 6

Ordovician Period 7

Cambrian Periodjakessssss 8

In the end

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