A Woodcraft Camp- a guide for newbies (and a reminder to everyone else!)
We’ll be going on ournext district camp inAugust - booking formswill be circulatedshortly.But some of you whohave never campedwith us have beenasking what happensat camp.The following pages tellyou something abouthow the camp isorganised and what wedo.However, pictures andtext can tell only part ofthe story.
At camp, adults andchildren are organised intoclans – your camp family.Clans are reposnsible forthe clan chores – cooking,washing up etc. We sharethe chores so that we getto spend as much time aspossible having fun.
A typical day at campbegins with the cookingclan getting up beforeeveryone else andmaking breakfast.Then, to get everyoneup, they recite (quiteloudly!) the Rising Cry. Awake! Arise! All ye who dwell within this camp Give ear! For the earth has cast off the black cloak of night And is arrayed in the bright sunshine of the day Awake! Arise!
During the the day we’ll either go off site and takea packed lunch with us, or stay on the site foractivities. Our main meal is in the evening.
We have a programme of activities forthe week that might include climbing on a climbing wall,
or a pole,
or crates,
or a rock face.
We might go caving,
or raft building,
or sailing,
or kayaking,
or canoeing.
Older children will do a droop,
and we'll all go for a ramble
where we mightencounter some wildlife,
or play in a park,
or slide down muddy hills,
or hunt for geocaches,
or climb a tree,
or eat an ice cream,
or fly a kite.
During free time on site youmight play with the giant ball,
or build a den in the woods,
or make music,
or play chess,
or read a book,
or do some crafts,
or dance?
You might go on the water slide. (adults too!)
We usually have acampfire in the evening.
Sometimes we wear fancy dress for a camp ‘theme’!
And on the last night we have the Camp Show!
But, as I said at the start, words and pictures cannot do justice to the real thing. You have to be there! Perhaps the following film clip, made a few yearsago by the Pioneers, tells it better.
Click this link to see a clip of film made by our Pioneers about camp.
And if you’d like to see more aboutWoodcraft camps, there’s a longer video on our Vimeo site. Click this link ������
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