Scope and Sequence INTRODUCTION Page 5 UNIT / PAGE VOCABULARY GRAMMAR & STRUCTURES LISTENING WE’RE A FAMILY 1 Family Personal pronouns Identify family Extended family Present be verbs (affirmative) members Page 10 Jobs & personal information Present be verbs Basic descriptions (yes / no questions) BACK TO SCHOOL 2 School supplies Present simple (negatives) Understand who School faculty Present be verbs (Wh- the people at Page 22 School equipment questions) school are Page 34 Review 1-2 School subjects Basic prepositions of time and place 3MYHOUSE, MYHOME Rooms in a home There is / are Understand when Furniture Basic prepositions of place people talk about Page 36 Living spaces where things are in Parts of a house a house WHATTIME IS IT? 4 Modes of transportation Telling time Understand a Routine activities What time and when schedule Page 48 Time of the day, week, questions Listen to people talk Page 60 Review 3-4 month, and year Prepositions of time about their free- Adverbs of frequency time activities TIME TO PLAY! 5 Hobbies play vs do for sports Instruments Present simple Page 62 Sports Time phrases Games LOOKING GOOD! 6 Appearance Present simple (has / have) Understand a basic Clothing Present continuous description of Page 74 Seasonal clothing Adjectives joined with and someone’s Page 86 Review 5-6 The weather appearance 7WHAT’S FOR LUNCH? Kinds of foods I would like Understand likes Ingredients Countable and uncountable and dislikes Page 88 Quantifiers for food nouns Expressions for ordering much / many 8BUSY ON THE WEEKEND Indoor chores Present continuous Identify the chores Outdoor chores can / can’t people are doing Page 100 Page 112 Review 7-8 Places around town Past be verbs (was / were) Describe past 9WHATDIDYOU DO? Errands Simple past events Arrangements Page 114 Emotions 10SUN’S OUT! Weather conditions Time clauses Understand a Weather forecasts Future be going to weather forecast Page 126 Seasonal activities Page 138 Review 9-10 2
Grammar Reference Page 140 Wordlist Page 144 SPEAKING READING WRITING PRONUNCIATION PROJECT Ask and answer Talk about family Write about family personal questions members’ jobs members Introduction to Your Family Tree vowel sounds (1) Talk about the things in Describe the things Write about what you Introduction to Club Notice your classroom you need for school need for class vowel sounds (2) Talk about what is in a Read about homes Write a description of /ʃ/ vs /tʃ/ Dream House house around the world what’s in your house Builder Talk about your routine Read about modes of Write a daily schedule /ə/ Your Daily transportation Schedule Have a conversation Read and respond to Read an email and /Ɵ/ and /ð/ Social Media about hobbies a simple text about write a reply Post hobbies Ask and answer Learn about the Describe your /I/ vs /i/ Find the Thief! questions about what clothes people wear appearance in a someone looks like in other countries message Order food in a Read about Write about the food Plural sounds /s/, Healthy Eating restaurant interesting street food you eat /z/, & /iz/ Survey Talk about outdoor Read about people in Describe what people Expansion: /ə/ Helping Others chores and activities different time zones are doing Talk about weekend Read about a Write about how a /dʒ/ vs /g/ Storytelling activities fantastic weekend trip past experience made Trip Planning you feel Talk about what you do Learn about different Write a party /n/ vs /ŋ/ in different seasons weather conditions invitation 3
Un it 1 WE’RE A FAMILY Scan for Audio WHAT YOU WILL DO IN THIS UNIT A Listening Identify family members B Reading Talk about family members’ jobs C Speaking Ask and answer personal questions D Writing Write about family members E Project Make a family tree 10
Look at the photo and answer the questions. 1. Who are the people in the picture? 2. Where are they? 3. What are they doing? 4. What do you do with your family? 11
A Listening Aim Identify family members Vocabulary 1-01 1 Listen and number. grandmother grandfather mother father uncle aunt uncle sister me brother cousin 2 Which family member are they talking Focus about? Listen and write the word. 1-02 3 Talk with a partner. Ask about 1. __________________________________ the family tree above. 2. __________________________________ 3. __________________________________ Who is he? 4. __________________________________ 5. __________________________________ He's my brother. 6. __________________________________ Who is she? 12 She's my mother.
4 Listen and circle. 1-03 1. Mary 2. Jack 4. Janet 3. Kevin Listen Up 1-04 5 Where is Lisa? Listen and number. at school at the park at home at the bookstore 6 Listen again. Circle the words you hear. 1-04 mother father sister cousin brother grandmother grandfather aunt uncle 7 Circle true or false. 1-04 1. Steve is Lisa’s grandfather. true false NOTE 2. Jane is Sam’s sister. true false 3. Lisa buys a book for her grandmother. true false 's in Lisa's means belonging to Lisa. 4. Jerod is Lisa’s brother. true false Challenge 1-05 8 Listen and answer the questions. 1. Where are Becky and Steven? a. at school b. at the bookstore c. in the cafeteria 2. Who is tall? b. Becky’s mother c. Becky’s cousin a. Becky’s father true false 3. Circle true or false. true false a. Steven sees a photo of Becky’s cousin. true false b. Steven sees a photo of Becky’s mother. c. Becky sees a photo of Steven’s cat. 13
B Reading Aim Talk about family members’ jobs Vocabulary 1-06 soccer player 1 Listen and repeat. artist police officer singer doctor pilot farmer 2 Listen and match the person with the job. 1-07 chef 1. aunt • • a. artist • b. farmer 2. mother • • c. police officer • d. pilot 3. uncle • 4. grandfather • Pre-reading 3 Fill in the blanks. Then talk with a partner. What do the people in your family do? What do you want to do when you grow up? 14
4 Read the letter. 1-08 NOTE We use I, you, he, she, we, they for people. Circle these words in the letter. Dear Sophie, How is France? Thanks a lot for your last letter. You asked about my family. There are eight people in my family. First, there’s my mother and father. My mother is a singer, and my father is a doctor. I also have a brother and a sister. I also live with my grandmother and grandfather. My grandfather is a farmer. He grows vegetables. And my grandmother is a chef. She cooks well. They are really kind. My aunt lives with us, too. She’s an artist. We are a big family! How about you? Do you have a big family? Write back soon, Maria Comprehension true false true false 5 Circle true or false. true false true false 1. The letter is to Maria. 2. Maria’s mother is a singer. 3. Maria lives with her uncle. 4. Maria’s grandmother is a farmer. 6 Talk with a partner. 1. How big is your family? 2. Do your friends have big families? 3. What do your family members do? 15
C Speaking Aim Ask and answer personal questions Vocabulary 1-09 Focus 1 Listen and number. 3 Circle the correct word. name age 1. He’s my cousin. His / Her eyes are blue. 2. She’s my mother. His / Her birthday is birthday address today. 3. They are my cousins. Their / Our hair is black. 4. This is my phone. My / Their phone number is 434-2312. NOTE They’re is short for they are. Their means belonging to them. Use the right one. 4 Talk with a partner. Ask about personal information. email phone number What's your name? My name is David. What color is your hair? eye hair My hair is black. 2 What is the speaker talking about? Listen Expressions and number. 1-10 Asking personal questions name age 5 Listen and repeat. 1-11 birthday address What is your My address is 123 address? Main Street. What color are His eyes are brown. his eyes? email phone number eye hair NOTE His is used for boys or men. Her is used for girls or women. Their or our is used for groups. 16
D Writing Aim Write about family members Vocabulary 1-14 1 Listen and repeat. smart funny kind shy big small tall short young old 2 Listen and match the person with the description. 1-15 1. uncle • • a. smart 2. brother • • b. funny 3. grandmother • • c. tall 4. cousin • • d. kind 3 Fill in the blanks with the words. Answers will vary. 1. My grandfather is ______________________. My sister is ______________________. 2. My aunt is ______________________. She is ______________________. 3. My father is a doctor. He’s ______________________. 4. My mother is a singer. She’s not ______________________. Focus 4 Listen and circle the mistake. Then write the sentence correctly. 1-16 1. My uncle am a firefighter. 2. My sister’s eyes is blue. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 3. My father are tall. 4. My brother is phone number is 656-2332. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 5. They’re address is 3242 Elm Street. 6. Her name are Julie. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 18
Grammar 1-17 5 Look at the table. Then listen and repeat. be verb Example I am I am smart. He is He is funny. She is She is tall. They are They are short. We are We are a family. 6 Fill in the blanks. 2. My aunt ____________________ kind. 4. My sister and I ____________________ tall. 1. I ____________________ young. 6. My grandparents ____________________ old. 3. My brother ____________________ short. 5. We ____________________ smart. 7 Write two sentences for each picture. Ex. My grandfather is funny. 3. _____________________ 5. _____________________ 1. _____________________ 4. _____________________ 6. _____________________ 2. _____________________ Writing 8 Think about two people in your family. Write about them below. Name Name Description Description 9 Talk about your family with the class. My father's name is David. He is kind. 19
E Project Aim Make a family tree Video 1 Look at the pictures. What do you think the video will be about? Talk with a partner. NOTE We use over there to point to something far away. 2 Watch the video. Put a check mark ( ) on the family members they talk about. Video 1 sister father grandmother mother brother uncle aunt grandfather cousin 3 Watch again. Circle the word you hear. Video 1. How’s it doing / going? 1 2. What are you doing here at the school / park? 3. I’m here with my family / friends. 4. I don’t see him / her now. 4 Circle the correct answer. a. black b. brown c. silver a. short b. kind c. tall 1. Alice’s mother has ____________________ hair. a. shy b. old c. short 2. Ben’s brother is very ____________________. a. old b. tall c. short 3. Ben’s sister is ____________________. 4. Ben’s uncle is ____________________. 20
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