.packaging Literature An ebook portfolio for Kate Waine at Zeta PLC Identity Marques Brand guuiiddeelliinneess Packagingg Multimeddiiaa Campaiggnnss
Literature Identity Marques Brand guidelines Packaging Multimedia Campaigns.folio“ To package a product in a way that instantly informs, allows the item to stand out in a crowded environment and imparts product and brand values takes a degree of cool analysis coupled with keen design skills. We create works of art that speak a visual language appropriate for their context. ”And of course, we make sure that the contents don’t spill out or get crumpled.
client...Beauty Worksproject...Own label beauty products packagingOur target audience; design sensitive, image conscious brandexperimenters. Our solutions helped our client to be listed withseveral new retailers.
[email protected] 020 8853 3028client...Milk Marketing Boardproject...Flavoured milk packagingGreenwich Design created these packs with the emphasis on funand freshness. Aimed primarily at children, they represent ahealthy alternative for parties, where drinks laden with e-numbersare the norm.
client...Happy Chocolateproject...Branded confectionery packagingA start up business that saw a gap in the market - seriouschocolate with a smile, that has powerful, off-the-shelfpresence in a highly competitive sector. MMMIIINNNMMMTTTIIIEEELLLDDDKKK MMMMMMAAAGGGIIILLLIIIKKKCCC TTTHHHEEE DDDAAARRRKKK
[email protected] 020 8853 3028client...The Food Service Centreproject...Own label snack food packagingSnacktime is FSC’s own food label, whose products retail inFMCG stores. Our simple typographic solution emphasisesthe ‘snack’ element, positioning the offer as quick ‘on themove’ meals.
client...RoquesONeilproject...Branded beauty products packagingA start up business for one of the world’s leading aromatherapists,we created the brand identity for RoquesONeil and the packagingfor the Therapie range. Created to appeal to both femal and male,young and older audiences. Our aim; to create brand loyalty bothfor product and image.
[email protected] 020 8853 3028client...Laboratoire Rivadis: Miltonproject...Branded baby products packagingWorking in close collaboration with product designers WrightDesign, we breathed new life into the Milton brand with a freshcontemporary image aimed at a new generation of parents.Helping Milton to gain more shelf space, thereby more brandpresence with retailers in the UK, France and Australia.
client...Pennzoilproject...Branded lubricants packagingThe first phase was to develop a product identity for Pennzoil ‘LongLife’, a HeavyDuty Lubricant offering to the commercial market. Once this was completed,we applied it to the full range of communication elements including packaging,signage and marketing materials. A set of implementation guidelines followed tohelp local markets to implement the programme correctly. Packaging - Label The Pennzoil® Long-Life labels have been developed using the equity existing in the current Pennzoil product range. As a result the product has a presence that is it’s own, but continues to present a consistent offer when displayed with other product lines. Common Terminology In order to ensure text is positioned correctly within a label, we have established the following common terminology to avoid any confusion. The ‘Long Life’ Sub-brandContinued Master Truck image Time-Release icon The Relationship between the Pennzoil® logo and the ‘Long Life’ sub-brand Application icons Though two separate identities, the Pennzoil logo and the Long-Life namestyle need to work together on all Pennzoil Long-Life Pennzoil Logo communications. There are two versions of the relationship, either Horizontal or Vertical: ‘Long Life’ namestyle The relationship between the logo and the namestyle can vary, within given parameters, according to the space available and Racing Stripe the accent of the communication. Brand Suffix Minimum clear space - a clear space of half the height of the Pennzoil logo must be applied to the identity at all times to Viscosity ensure it does not become crowded. Lubricant type Don’t use more than one Pennzoil Long-Life identity per item, per view. Volume Colour - don’t use any other colour than those indicated, see page 1.9. Descriptor Minimum size the Pennzoil logo may be reproduced is to a height (W) of 6.5mm (1⁄4 inch) or the imperial equivalent. The Minimum size for the Pennzoil logo The logo must always be centred above the entire width of the Long-Life namestyle. Its minimum size is half the width of the namestyle. ® ®Visual Identity Rules The Maximum size for the Pennzoil logo Its maximum size is diagonally aligned to the ‘L’ of Issue 2 2009 ‘Long’ and centred above the Long-Life namestyle. ® 2.1 Master artworks - All approved versions are available from: www.Pennzoil.com/Long-Life. Ensure you use the correct version and do not alter in any way. 1.4
[email protected] 020 8853 3028client...Katsouris Brothers: Cypressaproject...Branded food packagingSuppliers of authentic Meditteranean foods, Cypressa required newand elegant design for their Halloumi Cheese to get shelf spacein Waitrose supermarkets. Our solution had to work as a brandedproduct and at the same time, be sympathetic to the Waitrose ownlabel style.
client...Harrodsproject...Own label relish packagingHarrods invited us to create a number of packaging‘gift-wraps’ for their range of mustards and horseradishes.We delivered three richly textured designs for this Christmasperiod launch.
[email protected] 020 8853 3028client...Marks and Spencerproject...Own label food packagingIn a conscious effort to evoke a warm sense of nostalgia,these packs call to mind design work from days gone by.The labels are award-winners: featuring in ‘the Best ofBritish Packaging’.
client...Shell Selectproject...Own label pasta salad packagingShell Select asked us to create the designs for their pasta saladrange, and we responded with friendly, appealing designs,punctuated by witty icons. A summer range that proved its successin the ‘on-the-move’ market when relaunched for the following year.
6 David Mews.London SE10 8NJt: 0044 020 8853 3028e: [email protected]
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