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Home Explore Mwangaza Magazine Issue 7

Mwangaza Magazine Issue 7

Published by caloostephen67, 2019-01-04 04:29:47

Description: In our Mwangaza Magazine Issue 7: the Talents Issue.
We feature Kenneth Kaunda Joe, the Co-Founder of Gene Coaching School as he shares on how you can utilise your talents effectively.
Read about how you can make good use of your weaknesses

And so much more...

Keywords: Issue 7,Mwangaza Magazine


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HANDLE YOURWEAKNESSESA guide on how to be a better person THIS IS YOUR TIME How to make use of your youth age wiselyKENNETH KAUNDA JOE How to utilize your talent INSIDE; BENEFITS FOR YOUTH WHO EXERCISE

Editorial Team FROM THE EDITOR Lead Editor Seasons greetings. Stephen Caloo At this festive time of the year, when everyone is in Editors high spirits and in good cheer, I want to talk about Sheillah Maonga what makes us happy and fulfilled. What makes us Immaculate Ajiambo feel contented with life. How do we live our lives in Caren Ojiambo ways that we feel satisfied, purposeful and with enjoy- ment? One sure way is by living a life that is driven Contributors by your talents. For where your talents lie is where Faridah Ali your life’s purpose is. Ernest Chilons Laban Motaroki In this magazine, we heed the advice of our cover Lilian Waithegeni guest Kenneth Kaunda Joe who tells us how our tal- Wakini Kuria ents can be identified, nurtured and utilised. The back Muhia N. up article explores further how talents can be used to further the quality of our lives. Then we have articlesThe Mwangaza Magazine invites that touch on many contemporary issues that affectyour feedback, comments and today’s people. These articles cover diverse thematicsubmissions. Get in touch with us areas such as health, travel, exercise and fitness, re-through; ligion, lifestyle and wellness among others. I hope you will enjoy reading and learning a thing or two from them.Facebook: Mwangaza Magazine Happy festive season to you all.Twitter: @Mwangaza_MagInstagram: @mwangazamagazine The[email protected]


HEALTH KABURI LA SAHAU BUTTON~Wakini Kuria~ broken pieces away.T Another trigger brings in another memory. Blushing, echnology is yet to bring me my much you glance about and around watching if somebody needed 'delete' button for selected memo- caught you, in your naked moment. Phew! Luckily, ries. You know, where you open folder no one. Hereby, you thank goodness that people 'Medulla Oblongata', highlight a few files are yet to start reading minds. It's not so cool toand delete them permanently. SHIFT + DEL + ENTER know that people know you are thinking tabiam-and Pap! You are over and done with. For life! baya. LolMemories of people, instances, circumstances and Another thought crosses your mind. You are nowthings that may have in the past injured your ego, smiling to yourself. It's a good memory. Somethinghurt, embarrassed you and/or others but have re- good happened. Made you happy. You even wish tofused to die with time. relive the moment. You want to cherish and maybe share it forever. You keep this file in folderWaves of remembrance keep flickering with the 'Favourites'.slightest of provocation changing your moods in-stantly. Suddenly, at some memory you want to Please, somebody make me that button already!crawl under the bed and never to come out. Youwant to switch off the lights and stay in the dark-ness forever where nobody can see you. You wantto hide behind masks in public, the sunglassesaren't enough cover and again, the sun does notshine forever.Another memory sees your face turn red in anger,clouding your face in near tears, fists held tightready to crack open some jaw, or just giving in tothat strong urge of hurling the glass against the wallshattering it into a million messy pieces. Poor glass!Little comfort it gives and wonder as you sweep the

HEALTH The Very Many Bene-fits Of Youth Who ExerciseBy Laban Motaroki, exercising regularly, and even engage in When this is achieved, a satisfactoryThe dynamic a sport. This will make them strong and sex life is achieved, and this leads to lifestyles at this more productive. When a young person great romantic relationships including time and age is strong, he is more productive at marriages. has led to the school or at work and at home, hence great output in all arenas. Sport can also become an economicyoung people being sed- activity for young people, especially ifentary and hence ending up As a young person, exercise has one has passion for it. We have seenbecoming unfit- even boosted my self-esteem, which in turn great sports people that make an envi-obese; having poor has created in me a great confidence in able living out of sports. Look at theproductivity and myself and in what I do. When one has footballers, runners, basketballers,making them self-confidence, the feeling is invincible, rugby players, swimmers etc. susceptible to and one is pushed to try new ventures poor lifestyle that sound ambitious. For me, my con- There are many employment opportu- conditions fidence has taken me to my passion, nities in exercise and sports. One can and dis- and I've been successful at it. The confi- be a sports doctors specializing in dence made me more results oriented, sports injuries; one can be a sports nu- eases. which has been my greatest tip to suc- tritionist hence advising athletes on These impact cess. how to improve performance; one can nega- be a sports agent, who will scout for Exercise for young people helps to de- talent hence make money through velop strong bones and muscles. This commissions. One can even be a brand is an investment to our future. Be- ambassador for a sports related fran- cause, as we get older, we are less chise. Or, one can be a sports official, prone to bone diseases called osteopo- whose role would be to officiate rosis and dental problems as well. matches and games. One can also be a At present world, we have an increase sports business manager whose role is of cancerous illnesses which are killing to improve profitability of the club. We a lot of people. It is said that some of also have sports lawyers who oversee these cancers are caused by lifestyle the contracts for the players and tively choices. These diseases would rather teams. We have fitness coaches, on the be prevented than treated, because the physiotherapists, all these amongst quality treatment comes at a heavy cost. The many employment opportunities which of only prudent thing to do is to make their wise lifestyle choices such as eating are available to the youth, should em- lives. clean and exercising. This may not pre- brace sports and exercise. vent the diseases altogether, but it nar- Working out and being involved in a rows down the risk of getting them, sporting activity often leads to a re- especially if we start at a tender age. sponsible life as discipline is part and Our social lives as young people are parcel of it all. Substance abuse often improved when we engage in team does not go hand in hand with an ac- sports, such as playing football, bas- tive lifestyle, so one leads a clean life ketball, rugby, volleyball, swimming, when one chooses exercise. amongst others. Through this interac- tion, social skills are enhanced hence So, my fellow young people, please do great networking with other people. make exercise and clean eating a vital Worthwhile life changing relationships part of your lives for the reasons dis- The have been developed through sports. cussed above. life hence no abuse of only way to drugs and alcohol. Your body, mind andcombat this is foryoung people to As young people when we exercise our soul will thank you for clean and start sex life is also improved. Exercise devel- ops great vascular health, hence great blood circulation in our sex organs.

HEALTH To Be Human Is To Be Emotional By Sheillah MaongaOne thing that keeps popping up all the time is self?emotions. And, it always is along the same theme-one that cautions one against showing one's emo- Or, when someone is grieving the death of a lovedtions. Phrases used are, 'Don't be emotional about one, and we tell her that she should stop weepingit,' or 'you are too emotional' or 'don't take it per- all the time and try to smile and laugh more. Whatsonally' or 'words or people's actions shouldn't af- impact would our sentiments have on this bereavedfect you person? What of when a child falls and hurts herself and shethis much' or 'control your emotions' or 'calm down start wailing loudly. Then the mother smacks her soand relax' or 'take it easy ' and many more senti- that she can stop making noise, what message arements like that. we passing across to that child? Are we telling her that when she hurts, she shouldn’t show it, rather,These sentiments look like good advice at best, and she should bear the pain quietly and stoically?empty clichés at worst. They don't like anythingharmful, and as such, people use them liberally. Or when someone is going through a heartbreak,They use them on others all the time, without think- and his emotions are all over the place, when weing twice. As long as they see one is emotional, they tell him to stop being so emotional and get hold ofblurt it out. Which often causes the intended recipi- himself, aren’t we minimising his pain? Aren’t weent to stop being emotional, and peace is restored. not being very dismissive of his hurt? Will our re- marks bring him closer to healing, or will they takeBut...Has peace really been restored? Or, have we him further?blown up our chance to promote peace in another?For example, if someone was upset because his I believe that we need to think deeply before we tellteam lost a match, and he is crying inconsolably, if someone how to handle their emotions.we tell him to stop crying and act like a man, do we As humans, we have several body systems that keephelp the situation? Does our reaction make him feel us going. Such as the digestive system, the circula-better? If he stops crying, as per our orders, should tory system, the nervous system, the respiratorywe assume that peace is now restored within him- system, the immune system, the muscular system,

the lymphatic system, the skeletal system, the reproductivesystem, the urinary system and the endocrine systemamong others. The human body is indeed a masterpiecethat has all these systems happening in the background allthe time for as long as one is breathing. These systems keep DESERTEDus alive. They also dictate the state of our bodies, minds and By Ernest Chilonssouls. These systems interact with one another to make thebody work in optimal condition. They are all interconnected. I hear a voice proclaimI would like to talk about the endocrine system. This system Then I hear a melody of the samehas major glands that secrete hormones into the blood. A chorus in a chord with a name Holy Holy Holy is the AnthemThese hormones are then transported to other parts of the I straighten my focus: yet desertedbody, using the circulatory system, whereby they regulatevarious bodily functions, among them, our emotions. “Behold, you are not alone son”As humans, we all have a brain and we all have hormones. This time it’s clear and gentle to listenThe brain is the body’s control centre and it is responsible Delight fills me: I feel not the painfor our thoughts, emotions and our perception of the world. I’ve heard the voice; anxious to see this man I press on above from the bed; DesertedThis is arrived at after the brain has received signals from allother parties of the body. The hormones control our emo- My body lays helplesstions, amongst other things. Emotions are part and parcel of I smile seeing science end, doctors are helplessthe human being. To be human is to feel. For as long as wehave a brain and hormones, we will feel. We just feel, based A moment when intercessors are hopelesson what's happening around us. We feel because we are Saints are rejoicing; the earth in silenceliving in our environments and reacting to them. We feel Am reaching out to a hand: So long desertedbecause we are alive and responsive. I’m smilingly see sons of men cryingAs such, to tell someone not to be emotional is akin to tell- I’m reaching out for my beloved; not replyinging one not to be alive to his environment. It is to tell some- I hear some are mummeringone not to honour their feelings. It is to minimise their hu-man nature. It is to dismiss their being. It is to tell them not I see not the reason for their worrying Ave been alone: were they alive? Desertedto live fully, for to separate a human from emotions is to A hand is stretchedtake part of their lives away. It’s radiating glory: I stand mesmerisedWhen we tell someone not to show their emotions we are “Welcome son: you truly persevered”tacitly implying that emotions are a negative thing. Yet, they “Witness my readiness: trumpet’s longare not. Emotions, as mentioned above, are part of a systemthat keeps us alive, and we must fully accept all the emo- awaited” Abiding in glory; whom the world desertedtions we have. All of them are vital to us. All of them impact He releases my hand after a momenton the way we enjoy the environment we live in. “Go son and attest.”All our emotions should be given the time to be felt, so as to “Tell them:door’sopen,waiting for trumpet”understand what they are telling us. And, only after under- “Let them persevere, I overcame the world”standing what the emotions mean to us, would we attain Through it all let’s stand; though desertedinternal peace.

Chronic illnesses: There is a life after your diagnosis. By Wakini KuriaI believe that the greatest gift you can give your family For the next three years, such became my routine. Afterand the world is a healthy you.- Joyce Meyer every three months, I would go for the jab. Blissful life itChronic illnesses can be strenuous to both the patient was up until I became addicted and now I went in afterand their caregivers. I have battled rheumatoid arthritis every single month.(RA) for 16 years. I knew things were bad when the side effects becameIt has been a rough journey, where my family and I evident. I lost my dark skin to rangi ya thao. Whereby,struggled psychologically, emotionally and financially. my skin became more fragile and easy to bruise. WearMaintaining arthritis is extremely expensive, if you con- and tear of muscles, skin thinning, soreness, develop-sider meds, physiotherapy, diet and of course specialists ment of cataracts, redistribution of fat, leading to a swol-don't come cheap. len face (moon face) and abdomen, thin arms and legs (osteoporosis).Back in 2015, I was introduced to corticosteroids, 'thewonder drug' by my then doctor after I limped into his I so badly wanted to quit but I was far too gone to hunched double in massive pains. The so called Then, there is something monstrous about over-the-wonder drug harbours no wonders at all. It is mostly counter drugs. When the pain gets worse you knowused for patients with lupus, asthma and arthritis. where to get your relief from. All good intentions of quit-Corticosteroids treat the inflammation, BUT NOT the ting are kicked out of the window and quickly forgotten.root cause of the inflammation, which essentially means At the tail end of year 2017, I made the bold decisionthat the underlying cause is still present.Without inflam- just not to go for the jab. Now, with steroids you justmation, there is no pain. For three months, I was don't wake up one day and decide 'I quit' but I did. I waspainless. It was bliss. I felt this was it! unceremoniously served the bitter gourd of massive

pains, withdrawal symptoms and quickly graduated to For some chronic diseases, such as RA, keeping warmthe depression class where I just wished and willed for and eating right are best options to curbing this condi-death to save me. tion. Fruit and vegetables help in repairing the wear-and- tear of joints and muscles. I'm a happy vegan.I have come to fully understand that scientific meds canwork against you. In my case, I dealt with the tragedy of Finally, you don't have to walk this difficult journeyfighting arthritis itself, prescription addiction and toxicity alone. Join support groups. Exchanging notes with other(which by the way is very different from side effects). warriors. It goes a long way and the sense of not aloneMy biggest mistake after steroids, was being a lone does wonders to motivate you to keep fighting no mat-ranger. Had I walked this journey with a specialist, I'm ter what.sure as the rain itself that things would have turned outdifferently. 'Everyday with Arthritis' is such one support body where you get support groups and get introduced to specialistsTo all patients out there, increase your contact time with at absolutely no cost.your doctor and make it count. Ask questions: Why thisdrug? Side effects? Allergic? Alternative? It is importantto note that allergic reactions (body rejecting the medi-cine) kills faster than the disease.

COVER Kenneth Kaunda Joe; How to utilize your talents Kenneth is a motivational speaker, lawyer and political analyst based in Finland. He is the Co-founder of Gene Coaching school, a life coaching school for the youth. We caught up with him as he shared on talents and how we can utilize them.

Tell us about yourself respected by other people and your talent will be a markI am Kenneth Kaunda Joe. I am a Kenyan. Born and bred on people’s lives. A talent is something bigger than your-in Kenya. I am a political scientist/analyst/international self. It is something bigger than the individual, the talentlaw expert. I am also a race activist, a motivational holder and it needs to be utilised. To look at it from thatspeaker, a life coach and an aspiring leader. broad perspective, we must be sure and certain that we give it the respect it deserves, and we start that by nur-What is your interpretation of a talent turing it.I have read widely on talents and people’s purpose onearth and I believe that to have a proper and holistic Do you think you are pursuing your talent or is it out ofdefinition of a talent you look at different things. Such as your educational qualifications?passion, purpose, gifts among others. To me, it is some- Am I pursuing my talent? Yes, I am. Does it fall within mything where your passion lies; and you do it effortlessly. education qualifications? No and yes. I will explain.It comes to you naturally. However, that does not mean As said, I believe that I am pursuing my talent. I havethat you don’t need effort, or you never pursue effort gone to school. I grew up in a society where going towhen it comes to your talent. We have so many people school was compulsory. Going to school was a symbol ofthat don’t improve on their talent. This is often so be- success. I appreciate going to school because I gainedcause they do not put in the effort. A talent is something knowledge, skills, experience and exposure that I could-that you do without any kind of reservation. It is some- n’t have got if I didn’t go. I believe that going to schoolthing that you are willing to do for no reward at all. The nurtured my talent and made it possible for me to followreward to you is innate, for you feel fulfilled and satisfied it. The world is constantly changing, globalisation is tak-by doing it. ing over, so if do not have basic information in a certain area, you are not able to have the keys to open the doorA talent is meant to serve people, and not only yourself. to your talents.I believe that our talents are meant to uplift or bringchange to people’s lives. Talents are meant to lead to I am pursuing my talent. However, going to school inour self-actualisation, and one way of arriving at this ac- Kenya meant that I was more focused on achieving cer-tualisation is through serving others and impacting on tain things besides my passion. My talent is my passion.the lives of others. Talent applies to different fields. My talent is coaching people, and it shows itself through motivational speaking, talking, encouraging, lifting themMany think it only applies to athleticism. That is wrong, up, guiding and showing them the right path to go in dif-since talents are in every field that humans engage in. ferent decision making processes. I believe that I haveTalent is innate. It is something that is given to you, the that gift to encourage and lift others; to always pushtalent holder, to leave a mark in the world. Talent re- people towards their goals and ambitions, to spreadquires continuous practice and effort. For you to be- positivity in their lives, to drive people to realize theircome the best, for you to achieve the best, for you to talents among others. It comes naturally and effortlesslyachieve the greatest potential in a particular area, you to me, and people find it so easy to talk to me abouthave to continuously practise and nurture your talent. their lives. I am a motivational speaker and a life coach.And that is why some people don’t achieve or discover This is my talent, and it is my job too, so I am pursuingthat optimal point of their talent. Talent is a gift, you do my talent. However, as mentioned earlier, my educationit naturally and effortlessly, but you still need to practice qualifications are in political science and internationalit to improve on it, put in the effort, nurture it to achieve law. These qualifications enhanced my talent, but theythe best from it. were not directly related to my talent.You need to respect your talent. You need to explore I have co-founded a life coaching school called Geneyour talent. You need to exploit your talent. You need to Coaching School and the reason behind it is that I canbe fully involved in the nurture of your talent. Most peo- pursue my passion fully and thoroughly. In this school,ple, if not all of us, have talents. But if you lack self- people are helped in choosing and honouring their liferespect, most of the time your talents do not show. Tal- paths so that they live according to their purpose onent requires self-respect, dedication nurturing it. It re- earth. People are given direction in life. They are givenquires us to be self-disciplined. It demands that we iden- an education that is not found in the curriculum of for-tify the greatness that is bestowed upon us so as to mal education. We envision an institution that instills anachieve what we need to achieve, which is normally to all round ability in people. The ethos of the school is toleave an impact on people’s lives. So, if you are going to promote growth and awareness of the individual self soimpact the world, the way you view yourself the way you that one can live fully and realize their passions by put-carry yourself, and your self-discipline will ensure that ting their talents into good use. I am able to start andyour talent is more pronounced, more recognised, more run this school not only because of my passion, but also

because of my academic qualifications. ents neither do they make real impact mentors can also be utilised by the youthHaving the talent itself was not enough. I and when the curtain falls on their ca- to discover their talents.needed education to give me that thor- reers, nobody can pinpoint on what theyough grounding to launch it. Education have done. It is therefore important to What is your parting shot?has helped me pursue my talent prop- have a means of livelihood that is de- I would like to tell the youth that all oferly. My education has been a ladder tached from talent especially at the nur- them have a talent, they just need tothat I have climbed to reach the heights turing stage. The main focus and goal discover what that is, then put it intoof my talent. As a political scientist/ should be to make an impact in the lives effective use.analyst, I need to understand people and of other people and financial gains willalso how the society works. So, does follow and the main driver for achieve- I have co-founded an institution thatbeing a life coach. As a lawyer, to repre- ment should be people and that way it aims to make a positive impact in thesent people, one needs to have empa- takes away the selfish view to talent. The world- an institution that will instil cer-thy, an affinity towards to justice and youth should clearly know how to bal- tain values in the youth, such as talenthuge doses of positivity. So, does being a ance between achieving financial gains discovery and recognition. This is an in-life coach. and changing people’s lives and these stitution that will create a generational are some of the issues Gene Coaching shift in the process of thinking. GeneCan the youth sustain their livelihoods will endeavour to tackle and instil in the Coaching will give a platform wherebythrough the utilisation of talents? youth. the youth will be supported and taughtYes, they can. But we have to know that to discover, nurture and utilise their tal-as a livelihood, it may take a long time to How can the youth recognise their tal- ent for greater goals. If we can model adiscover and nurture your talent, there- ents? generation of people who can appreci-fore, relying on your talents to bring in There are many factors that would deter- ate, respect and nurture their talents,financial gains could interfere with your mine whether or not the youth can dis- the future is bright not only for thetalent. With its nurture and discovery. cover/recognise and nurture their talent young people but also for the countryYes, the youth can use their talent for and coming from a developing country, I and the continent at large. With the sup-the benefit of livelihoods financially, but would say it is more challenging to dis- port of the entities I mentioned above,for somebody to achieve the best, they cover and pursue talent. But, we cannot the youth will be able to achieve theirshould utilise their talent and focus more give in to such obstacles and for one to potential.on impacting people and financial gains discover talent, one must be willing to dowill automatically come. When you set so by recognising our strengths and I would also like to encourage the youthoff looking for a livelihood from a finan- weaknesses, giving weight to the things to set their sights on leadership, becausecial perspective, or from a survival per- we like and do comfortably without their talents often promote leadership inspective, you may end up not achieving struggle. their field. With experience of leader-the best. But when you look at it from a ship, one is able to try leadership on abroader perspective, that you want to Parents must also be roped in and en- larger scale. I am an aspiring leader and Ileave an impact in people’s lives and couraged to promote possible talents in hope to serve in some of the most sig-leave a mark, then financial gains will their children. It requires a generational nificant offices in Kenya. We need youngfollow. shift in our parents’ mindsets because leaders for they are most likely to give they have the opportunity to point out due attention to fellow young people soWe shouldn’t just look at talents from a talents from a very tender age and show that we can create an environment of us towards the right path. The parents growth and development. The youth dofinancial perspective have the responsibility of gearing young not survive in a vacuum, they need poli- people towards doing what they like andand it happensa lot that mostpeople focus on giving them the freedom to pursue such. cies, they need resources and they needthe fi- nancial The government and the society at large a sound socio-economic and politicalgains from also has a crucial role to play in this proc- environment to thrive. That is my dream,their talent ess and therefore they must ensure that my hope and what I look forward to.and in most the youth have the support required incases such people do terms of resources, policies and socialnot reach the pinna- pillars to discover their talent. With thecle of their support of the family, the society and the tal- government, the youth will have a stable foundation to discover their talent. The youth also need to shun the so- cietal standards with regards to ca- reers and listen to their inner voice when making certain life choices. They also need to look into their past and identify those things that they can do without reward motivation. Role models and

What Is My Talent and How Do I Use It? By Sheillah Maonga What holds your interest? What is your passion? WhatI am of the belief that each and every one of us has a do you find easy and effortless to do, when others strug-God given talent. This is a gift that we are born with, gle? What comes naturally and with ease to you? What-therefore has been with us from day one. ever answer that stands at the forefront is often where your talent lies.Some of us know what our talents are and are usingthem daily, and our lives and those of others have be- I also believe that we were given talents so that we cancome richer because of them. use them to serve others. The talents are not solely for our benefit; but mainly for those people in our lives andSome of us know what our talents are but for one reason those we encounter. They (the talents) are meant toor another, are not using them at all, and the problem enrich the lives of others, and in the process, our livesthat that causes is that we live unsatisfactory lives. It is get enriched too.frustrating to have a talent that just lies there wasted,when it could be put into use. It is unfortunate that some of us know our talents but are reluctant to use them. Maybe we feel shy. Or we fearSome of us have not discovered our talents yet, so we that people will laugh at us. Or we feel they will make aassume we don't have any. We go through life being av- fool of ourselves. Or we feel that we are too busy. Or tooerage and lacklustre, yet we have a gift within us that is old. Or too young. All these are excuses.gathering dust and rust. Talents are meant to be used for as long as one is alive, so no excuse should hold; unless one is dead.As mentioned above, I believe that all of us have talents. To use your talents will lead to a more happy, fulfilledWe just have to create the time and opportunity to find and satisfied life.out what they are. For they are ingrained deep withinus, and if we give ourselves a chance, we will be able to If you sit or lie on your talents, you choose a path that isunbury them from where they are hidden. strewn with boredom, dissatisfaction, unfulfillment, dis- contentment and frustrations.To find out what your talent is, you must think of whatyour heart desires. Ask yourself what you love doing. Maybe you are good at singing. Or acting. Or sports. OrWhat makes you happy and fulfilled when you do it? life coaching. Or teaching. Or meditating. Or change

making. Or leadership. Or enterpreneuring. Or pick- \"PARADISE\"ing up new languages. Or dancing. Or writing. Oractivism. Or drawing. Or building. Whatever it is Take me to my dream landyou are good at, put it into use, to serve others and The land of promise for the kindin the process, lead to a wholesome life for you. Let For us who could see but lived blindnothing stop you from using your talents. You were Because we outlived self and He took our handgiven them precisely to use them. To the prepared place; the place paradisePlease note that there is no talent that is superior tothe other. They may be different from each other, O someone open my eyesbut they are equal. Therefore, do not look down A minute of glory allow me to behold a glimpseupon your gifts because you think that they meas- Quench not my thirst; constraint not my desireure less than other people’s. All talents have their Am pressing for eternity: living in rehearseplace in the world and thus should be used without To the prepared place; the place paradiseapology. Touch me once more; the touch of purposeSome think that your talents need to bring money Humble me for you: to be meek for inheritanceand fortune to you. No. That is not the primary fo- As I wait on you: my prayers you wouldn’t de-cus of talents. The primary use is to bring you fulfil- spisement and contentment. Not only to you, but to oth- Yet; I tarry for you living as a sacrificeers as well. Money is neither here nor there. Having To the prepared place: the place paradisesaid that, most talents, if used well, often bring infinancial remuneration. But that should be a bonus, The days are wicked and evilsince the main objective (of your talent) is to grant To the overflow: once more impart me and fillyou a purpose, gratification and fulfilment. Your oil upon me; radicalise me for revival Not just as your vessel; more of your OracleIt is imperative to note that the more you put your To the prepared place; the place paradisetalent into use, the better it gets. Your talent thrivesfrom being put into practice. You unlock greater Yes, I know this may sound weirddepths of it by using it, so utilise any opportunity But you know best how I’m wiredthat presents itself to exercise your talent. As much It’s not like a prayer to you lordas you are naturally good at it, you still need to pol- But a conversation of son and Dadish it up. If you are gifted in singing, keep on singing To the prepared place: the place paradisefor you to be excellent at it. If you are gifted in asport, you will improve on it if you put in hours of I know I’ll get there because am a sonpractice. If you are great at public speaking, the Yet; I desire to leave a legacy: a well donemore you speak, the better you get at it. Translate me like you; just as a clown That I may earn points here, before the crownAll in all, we all have talents, and these talents To the prepared place; the place paradiseshould be put into use, for both our sakes and thatof others. As I lift my eyes on you Father It’s my delight that you will hear and answer As I call upon your name I believe you shall take me to a higher realm To the prepared place: the place paradise.

SELF-DEVELOPMENT THIS IS YOUR TIME By Faridah AllyYoung people, there is no better time to work hard, grind and Can't you see how different you are than the person you usedhustle than today, right now. Rome was not built in a day! So to be years or months ago? No? Then you need to look again,whatever dream, vision or plan you have you must start work- you need to look at the long, dark,lonely,old days when youing on it now. were very fast at making conclusions and now you are patient. It is allowed to change for the betterment of yourself, it is yourStart investing your energy, time and money in making those life you can do as you please.things happen. This is the time to DREAM BIG, work hard, 4) Always pray and believe in hard, party less, drink less and play less. When you look This should have been number one,butI feel I should have it asback 5 or 10 years from know you want to be proud that you a topic of its own one of these fine days. Well, we come fromput your youth to good use. You are capable of this. different religions but we all preach and believe in the exis- tence of one supernatural being who is in control of every-This is not the time to play. Build your resume, have some thing we do. Look back to the bad situations you wentgoals for yourself, forget about twerking, boys, turn-ups and through, I guarantee somewhere deep within those situationsany other distractions, you will find them later in your life. God was whispering his unrelenting mercies upon you, and heFocus on your goals. Your future. Your hustle. It is important never stopped, He is right now. Are you listening? Talk to himfor you to develop yourself deliberately. Be an extra ordinary and make it your habit. Always pray. It doesn't matter wherewoman. Start a business. Learn a new skill. At some point in you are, what time it is or what the need is, I assure you Helife being pretty alone won't be enough. You need to bring listens and always answers our prayers.more than good looks to the table. No one can rob you of your Have faith in everything you tell him and you know what? Heachievements in life. It doesn't matter who comes and who always gets back to us and everything happening in our lifegoes. You are a queen. Create your own empire. Intelligence is even the bad. He is the one who is in control and had allowedLETHAL. them for the best and not the bad. Always praise His name and be grateful for everything happen-And these are the lessons that life made me learn and thought ing in your'll be wise if I shared; 5) Make friends who will have an impact in your life1) No situation is permanent. 6) Enjoy everything you do and live life!A fulfilled future belongs to the strong vision and never let the I have a lot to share on living by the ways of God but that isquality of your future be compromised by the experience of just to say my next article will be on the same.your past. You are the one to bring change to the situation you I have learnt a lot and that is just a small summary of the les-are going through since nobody was created to suffer. sons and I think you should listen to the song word by word2) Never give up. think about them and get the strong message.We all have our days where we feel we cannot survive. Some- I have learnt to appreciate people as they are and I applaudtimes dreams are shattered, friendships may fall part, loved people who have been through hell and still haven't given up,ones may hurt us, finances may worry us, sickness may over- still kind, loving towards humans and still live life and enjoystake us, we may even lose people we love but God will always every moment of their there to guide us through even the toughest of times.Never loose faith, hold onto hope. I promised myself to be happy always and I think you too should .3) Allow yourself to make changes in your life.

Attraction and Demons - John's story By Muhia N.\"This world is very spiritual, deeply spiritual and bered the little lesson of attraction and demons.ruled from the spiritual realm.\" After giving his life to Jesus Christ, John was the kind of man any woman would have died toModern technology and the comfiest of the marry. Always truthful and ever well-meaning.emerging New World Order have boxed us in a However, somewhere along the way the issues ofphysical world, killing our sensitivity to the spiri- life choked his spiritual life. The cares of this worldtual world thus leaving us very vulnerable to evil and the pressure to buy the next hot gadget leftspiritual enticements and manipulation. Every- him with very little time to fellowship with God.thing is now possible at the touch of a button, in- I felt for him when he described himself using Lukecluding love - \"just send an sums to 52** with the 8:14 -And that which fell among thorns are they,word love.\" which, when they have heard, go forth, and are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of thisWith the increasing incidents of violence, marital life, and bring no fruit to perfection. John hadbreak-ups and addictions being solely blamed on heard the gospel, grew his faith but slacked alongpsychological states, we ought to re-orient our- the way and now he was staring at the adulteryselves with the truths of the word of God. button. Would he press it or not?The torment of a man I'll just call John is a case of As he continued talking I could see the torment ina little lesson forgotten by a well meaning man. his eyes and face. He knew he was about to loseJohn called seeking counsel on what to do with his marriage. It was like a stone rolling down hill -the deep feelings he was developing for an ex- gaining momentum with every roll. He felt power-lover. John was a happily married and in his own less and hopeless. He looked like a guy drenchedwords he lacked nothing in his marriage that could in a very heavy downpour.make him step outside. Unfortunately, the pres-sure to seek out Jane was just too much to ignore. He came up with a suggestion or it was somethingJane was his last lover before he got married. A which had been in his mind for a while. He wasgirl-friend of five years. Not easy to forget with thinking of channelling his feelings for Jane to amemories of hot sessions. female colleague whom he 'related' well with, meaning they shared a lot about their emotions.Unlike many men today, John was a bit wiser. He Ever well meaning, John was the kind who wouldknew a fling with Jane be disastrous to himself, his give the whole world a shoulder to lean on. Thewife and children. As his feelings grew so did his female colleague had described him as the bestsearch for an answer. On that he was wise. That husband she'll never have. It wasn't meant to stirwas one man without animal instincts. Initially he anything though it might have.thought he was not having enough quality time Suddenly John stood up, looking me straight in thewith his wife. He increased that. He later thought eyes he told me that he knew he was going downit was their sex-life. He secretly consulted a sex but he would do so with a fight. I liked that. Hetherapist. All was well. He thought it was money. added that he wasn't in my office for a pity-partyWith a little effort his business expanded. All along but to get a brother help him roll-up his sleevesthe attraction to Jane who lived in the same city and face his Goliath. It's always a good site to be-was increasing. hold when amen decides to face his inner-man issues. He knew very well that Jane and his femaleAs he narrated his story nothing in this world colleague were not the problem as he quotedseemed to point to the problem until I asked him James 1:14about his spiritual life. That's when he remem-

-But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away evangelist who wanted to win everyone into God'sof his own lust, and enticed. kingdom was now a tribalism who saw everything through the lenses of his tribe. What a sad entice-As he took his seat I took him back to this little les- ment.son about attraction and demons. The fighter's facedarkened and he looked like one cornered by a Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast offierce enemy. I knew we were approaching his the field which the Lord God had made. And he saidbreakthrough and I had to encourage him with Ro- unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall notmans 8:37 and Philippians 4:13. eat of every tree of the garden? Genesis 3:1. (Emphasis added).\"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquer-ors through Him that loved us.\" Romans 8:37.\"I can As he joined the dots to how he became spiritually blind,do all things through Christ which strengthnethme. he couldn't believe how easily he had opened doors to demonic control. From 'small' sins to the verge of break-\"Philippians 4:13. ing a happy marriage. Surely, men donor fall because ofHe wondered how he had forgotten that everything the temptation outside but because of the lust this world has a spiritual dimension, visible to For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and thethose who heed 1 Peter 5:8 - \"Be sober, be vigilant; lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father,because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, but is of the world. 1 John 2:16.John had become of thewalked about, seeking whom he may devour:\"He world and the evil enticements of the god of this world,said he wouldn't be meat for the devil easily. I who is the devil- king of demons, were ruining him. Inthanked God in my heart for the Holy Spirit who whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds ofwas leading John to victory. them which believe not, 2 Corinthians 4:4.John knew he had been attracted to the wrong As he finished sharing the steps of how he was enticedthings and he realized there were spiritual forces into worldliness, he confessed that the feelings for the two women had 'somehow' evaporated. Strange? It was-behind all that had befallen him. With a busy sched- n't.ule he had resorted to button worship. This is thekind of worship where he would wake up in the The moment you start addressing your issues in the lightmorning, name the things he needed and claim of the Word of God and confessing your sins to the rele-them. It's just like pressing a button. Head fallen for vant person(s),the devil can only flee. Coming into agree-easy believer, that mere wishful utterances would ment with the word of God that Head sinned, was head-translate into truckloads of horses. ing to sin more and was seeking a Biblical answer to hisThe good old John was gone. The John who would sin problem, John was actually on the path to submittingstudy the word of God, pray, repent his sins and to God. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist theworship God with Hymns had been enticed to a devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7.Confess yourqueer form of worship. He could no longer remain faults one to another, and pray one for another, that yestill in prayer or Bible study so that he could prove may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a right-what is good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of eous man availed much. James 5:16.God. It was a wonderful moment with John. I was glad to seeHe had conformed to the faiths of this world where him rededicate his life to Christ as he identified his en-God is more of a tool of accomplishing a task thane emy; Ephesians 6:12.For we wrestle not against fleshsovereign God who desires true worship. Easy be- and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, againstlieves had denied him the privilege of sitting calmly spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12.and hearing from God. The Prayer-less lifestyle left Finally, we prayed together, read Psalm chapter one andhim vulnerable to demonic enticements. sang a hymn - the devotion and prayers had to start inAs we read Genesis 3:1 he confessed to have been my office! As he stepped out he asked me \"Do you thinkinvolved in 'small' corrupt activities, giving 'small Christian marriages are hurting because people no'bribes in the name of facilitation fees to win gov- longer worship God in truth and in Spirit?\"ernment tenders, etc. The once firebrand part-time

PERSONALDEVELOPMENTI once lived in a country whereby a good one would get a call that so and so these illnesses reign over our lives.number of people seemed to fiercely couldn’t make it because his ulcers were These weaknesses could be personalityand passionately own illnesses. They playing up. Or so and so couldn’t turn up flaws such as impatience, hot tempera-were so protective of these illnesses because his migraine was blinding. Or, ment, obstinacy, dishonesty, procrasti-that one couldn't give alternative ways one had to give a rain check at the last nation, judgemental nature, malice,of handling them, because they were a minute because her back was painful if bitterness, pessimism, pride, jealousyno go zone. These illnesses were not to she moved even an inch. So, she was and many others. It could be anythingbe talked ill of. They were revered, and bed bound for the rest of the day. that we know acts as a barrier betweengiven all the attention there was. They How these illnesses handicapped them ourselves and development, yet, we(the owners of these illnesses) gave so. They impacted negatively on the decide not to fight it. We let the barrierthem (the illnesses) so much time and quality of their lives. Because not only stay firmly in, it seemed to be the main prior- did they miss out on so many opportuni-ity in their lives. They were ready to ties, but they also sullied many relation- One may have one of these shortcom-sacrifice anything and everything ships because of their unreliability, ings that come between you and youraround them, as long as these illnesses which always made them come across engagement with others. Maybe one isremained undisturbed. as flaky and slippery. These illnesses too quick to anger. Or, too arrogant and made them let people down at the very dismissive of others. Maybe, one can'tThe illnesses commonly 'owned' were last minute. help being a negative critic that alwaysstomach ulcers, backache and mi- sees the glass bring half empty. Or, onegraines. At least one in three people one What always baffled me about the peo- could have a penchant for telling un-met had to be afflicted with one or ple was that they did nothing to remedy truths, where one lies all the time,more of these three illnesses. And, they the illnesses. They accepted them, with even when there is discernible reasonwould let one know which one it was all the challenges and frustrations they to.within minutes of being in their com- came with. They made no move to lookpany. It always weaved itself in the con- for solutions, temporary or permanent. All humans are flawed. There is noneversation, just as you were getting to They chose to deal with the conse- that is perfect. So, it isn't an issue havingknow each other. quences of the illnesses rather than look these faults. What's the issue is how one for help. They knew these illnesses in- deals with them. Do you own themWhy they let one know was often to convenienced them so much, but they fiercely like the people mentionedinform one, in a circuitous manner, that decided to let it lie. They did not even above that own their illnesses fervently?they were not reliable at all, courtesy of seek medical advice at the bare mini- Do you let your flaws take precedencethe illness. One could be planning a ven- mum. They had just decided to be. over everything else? Do you miss greatture, an activity or a meeting, which Now, I see a lot of us nowadays have a chances because your faults alwaysrequired their commitment; they would similar mindset. We have weaknesses come into effect? Do you seek to im-hesitate to make firm plans citing that that we own and hold onto them dearly. prove your life by looking for ways ofthey feared that their illness may strike, Weaknesses that hold us back and alien- minimising your weaknesses? Or, doand if it did, then they would be ren- ate us from people. We refuse to seek you choose to do nothing about them,dered immobile to do anything. So, no help, but rather decide to just deal with choosing them to run amok, therebyplans were ever set in stone with them. the consequences. We choose to let be. impacting negatively on the quality ofAnything they planned to do, it was all We sabotage ourselves by giving priority your life? One's weaknesses are notunder the mercy of their illnesses. And to these illnesses, but it seems like we what holds back, rather, it is one's atti-indeed, before any event happened, don’t mind that. Sadly, we have let tude to them.

Come up again? roots.You are foolish. Should I applaud you for this?Really now! You should join the movement in getting to a societyWhat part of the statement didn't you comprehend? where GBV and sexual abuses are not tolerated. You phoned my line to insult me. I have Where our girls can enjoy staying in school with dig- been patient with you. It is time. I nity. Where women are given opportunities to ven- can't stomach this nonsense. ture into various careers and get fair salaries. Imagine By the time I am through with you, how it would be delightful to sit down in the evening you can go to hell. and watch news without wrenching your guts over a I will hang up now. rape case or a woman who got her limbs chopped off What? because she cannot bear children. Are we together Because I know you belong to until here? Kamiti Maximum prison. You are Go on lecturer. I didn't know you double up as a lec- another doomed con. I am turer. The member of Parliament title is an under- familiar with this script. statement it should be Maya Angelou Malala Youf- I can see how you are joking szai then add your name. with your life. I didn't know assassins can be this humorous. You can What do you know about now call your boss and let them know that I am un- me? bowed. That you just discovered that the seeds of You are now acting brave. I achieving gender equality and gender equity have know your strength comes been planted and scattered across the nation. They from those women. Those have germinated. They are flowering. Who sent you women you gather and lie to anyway? about their freedom being in em- That is not your business. Yours is to call the speaker powerment. Those that make you of the house and cancel the bill you are to table in believe that you are their saviour. the parliament tomorrow. You only have today to So who are you? redeem your life and once you do this a sum of 2mil- I am one of those who would not lion will be deposited into your account. buy time to listen to you. You Forget it! I will not kill the bill. want our women to remain hus- If you know what is good for you just do as I say. bandless like you. You want them Your life is being spared. You are being paid to live. to hawk their bodies so as to ca- Just kill the bill. ter for their children. If I am tell- I will fight to the last drop of my blood for the girls and ing a lie then tell me where is your women of this nation. Now come and pull the trigger husband? How do you fend for on my head because I will be up by dawn to go and be those children of yours because the voice of the girls and the women. I will not kill the your income is not sufficient for bill! Tell that to whoever sent you. that lifestyle? Hallo! Hallo! even have the audacity to hang up I walked out of my abusive mar- on me! riage because I was not weak. Infact 5,000 women have ventured into small About the short story. scale business, over 2,000 have been able to finish their tertiary education and This piece is in honor of two Kenyan women: Lady Jus-more women are embracing the new re- tice Njoki Ndung'u who introduced the bill on sexual harassment and iron lady Martha Karua for their de-productive policy on maternal health termined will and resilient fight for the girls andthanks to our efforts as Women's Guild.Wait! What does my family have to do with women of Kenya. The two have a background in the legal field and are former members of Parliament inthis call? What do you want from me? Kenya.To shut you up.Mmmmh...Just that. Kill The BillTo shut you up means shutting the womenup. To shut you up forever.You should know that this is mission impossi- By Immaculate Ajiamboble. The girls and women you see doing greatworks are the branches of a strong tree. A tree firmlyrooted to the ground with tough roots. Unshakable

RISING STARADRIAN; My dream is to be a recognized authorAdrian is an 11-year old boy going to class seven come His dreams for the futurenext year. He was born in Gilgil in Nakuru county and He would like to be a recognised author in the world instarted his education at the age of 3 years at ACK Jun- future, and wishes to be an army officer just like hisior Academy. His family later on relocated to Coast. grandfather and father.During his childhood he was very charming, creativeand playful, at times he could raise questions beyond Role modelshis age leaving his parents speechless. His role models are Hussein Mohamed and Yvonne Ok- wara Matole because of the way they speak good Eng-Motivation for writing lish.He is motivated by the stories he reads from storybooks, bible stories and newspapers. Adrian loves His Hobbiesreading a lot to the extreme that if he happens to get a He likes playing with his young brother Deryl, they liketattered newspaper he adjoins and reads through it. swimming, playing football and visiting new places andHe also loves reading the Bible such that all the biblical friendsquestions you ask, he has the answers on his finger tips His favourite bookHis writing journey His favourite book is `Pleasing the Ghost.' It is amongHis writing journey has improved his grammatical skills the first story books he read.and also given him an opportunity to be invited over to If he could get a Christmas present, what would it be?one of the local radio stations in Kenya (Lulu FM) It has 1. Student's tabletalso enabled him to score high marks in English gram- 2.Std Seven text booksmar and composition writing, making him the best pu- 3.A trip to Tsavo National Parkpil in composition writing in his class scoring 36 out of40 on the end term exams.

“BEFORE I SAY YES I DO” by Caren OjiamboMarriage is one of the most anticipated moment a man witchcraft? I cannot rule them out. Other factors includeor woman’s life. A big number if not all the unmarried sickness, accidents etc. I acknowledge that other factorswish of the colorful weddings. Don’t get me wrong, it is are beyond us. But what do we do on the one we canokay if not healthy to have such fantasies which some control? At the age of 25, most ladies are being per-become a reality. Have you ever thought of how scented suaded by the society to get married before menopause.your marriage life will be? The thought of this makes me shiver. We have taken the institution of marriage much casual whereby we are re-Most people end up in tears and regret wishing they quested to have HIV test and go for pre-marital counsel-could take time back and consider some of the most vital ing.issues, before they said “yes I do”. The typical Africanmarriage is highly recognized by the presence of chil- How many are asked to go for genetic testing, Rhesusdren, changing of societal standards from a wife or a factor testing? Despite that the tests are not known tomother to a grandmother, great-great grandmother, us, we’ve heard of them while in school especially in thesimilar to the husband. How do you describe a marriage biology lessons in secondary level. We actually ignorethat is dead silent, no children playing around but a com- them or never think of them. Genetic/hereditary dis-pound composed of graves especially of toddlers? The eases such as sickle cell have broken so many families.children are expected to bury their parents, this is ac- They have turned the bed of roses to be bed of tearscepted even spiritually. with a number of hospital admissions and blood transfu- sion to some. Their rooms are now their home basedCan you term such occurrence as a curse, misfortune, or chemist, perfumed with different scents of medicine. It

is said that knowledge is power; I say practiced knowl- another alternative rather than committing this crime?”edge is power. It is very vital to carry such test and know The type of love can only be explained when one is ayour status, learn management measures to those who victim of it.turn up positive. Such issues no longer become abstract I understand possessive love has a very upper hand inlike the days of our youth, but reality in marriage life. most offences if not the victim to the 3rd party; what can we explain about the romantic love which later becomesThis is a courtesy call to each one of us, be bold enough our own created poison. These are so many factors thatand do your body checkup. Medical tests are very vital lead to love. I can say that LOVE is the end result of theespecially genetic and Rhesus factor among other. I friendships process to some but not all.don’t want to be that mother/father who buries his/her Dealing with soul-ties or the bond created by individualschildren nor sister or brother who by the evidence of who love one another is not a one day event healing is atheir sibling graves know that they once had siblings. process; it takes time broken soul-ties hurt, some cannotThe lost love handle it, they result to issues such as murder, suicidalLove seems to be a very mysterical emotion. Why do I ects.term it a mysterical emotion? It just grows from veryfunny and sometimes, not important interest and chats. Love grows and dies too! This qualifies love as a livingI may call it petty stuffs which change and become im- thing. At any stage of growth and death, kindly seekportant. Then grows the bond which is stronger than help. Mind you, it is an emotion, it can’t be seen but felteven the covalent bonds, it is only death that can kill it. and its effect manifests outwardly through our behav-We’ve heard of cases such as murder, depression, suici- iors.dal acts just to name but a few being fueled by LOVE. We Let not the lost love make you live in your past. Alterna-normally ask ourselves “could this person never think of tively make you a subject of the court of law and com- mon candidate the correction facilities.

POETRY Hold Onto Hope GLIMPSE OF A HOPEFUL I could spot, WORLD Pairs of hungry eyes,By Livingston Muchira Wang’oo. By Lilian Waithiegeni Mura- Scheming through bits of printed karu. wit.I know that the days are lingeringly longI can tell the dark nights are a sad song A smile dodged my lips, My heart was glad,My beloved, I beseech you take a mo-ment At the will to live,For your energy is getting sorely spent At the glimpse of a hopeful world. Amongst a society that stillYour problems becoming brazen and bold Amidst the chaos of maddening bleeds.The path you walk windy, super ice cold worksBut can't you see me stoicly standing It was glad,here? I heard,Take my hand I'll be here till it is all clear At the profound peace, A defining moment of silence, In a state of near bleak. of peace and calm.My son, don't think you are not strong In hateful hearts of men, It was glad.These earthly woes won't always be on Stood some amongst them, At the Infinite He,One day you'll ask where they all went With the kind of force that She or It,For with time they lose their hold relent crushes sheets of cold ice hearts. That held all of usChallenges play a role character to mould Love. In perfect bliss.Allow me to lead you my hand you hold That melts giants,You are not alone do not falter or fear By the sway of infants born. All of it a glimpse,Just hold on a little bit longer the end is At a possible perfect world.near There among masses,Where happiness is is where you belong With masked marks,Hold onto hope you won't ever go wrong Painted painless,This pain you bear is getting broken and Of far fetched laughs,bent Were the few that owned theirWith every hope you give it a mighty dent scarsThis too shall pass as you are always told Standing unpretentiously naked,Hold my hand and watch everything un- Real as the hawks of death.foldSoon and very soon, you'll have no fear There were souls that still sang,All will be well you'll find yourself in good As their bodies were ripped apart.cheer Leaves that still hang, As the strong monsoons sprang.LOVE ME WHILE I BREATHE A gesture to the soilby Mwangi Elias A blanket, warming me up Preparing me for the inevitableLove me while I breathe, My last act of good on earthLove me while I live For I shall let my body to the moleHold me while I breathe The termiteCaress me while I smile The treesFell my warmth whist it fans out I shall be goneCry not on my grave Never to be gathered backFor I shall be gone My form incomprehensible to youGone and gone My frame the proof I existedNever to return So love me while I breatheAnd your sore eyes vain

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