YOU RECEIVED AN OFFICE ACTION…NOW WHAT?We are trademark experts with more than 30 years of experience and thousands of trademark applications under our belt. Flat fees. Great quality work.
Our Commitment to YouExemplary customer service Your Office Action response filed An expert trademark paralegal and quality of work within 30 days* and attorney assigned to you
What is an Office Action?A trademark application Office Action is an official letter from the United States Patent and TrademarkOffice (USPTO) identifying problem(s) with your trademark application and rejecting the registrationof your mark. The USPTO invites you to respond to the Office Action, providing you a limited periodof time to explain the reasons why you should receive a registration for your trademark in light of thereasons the Trademark Office Examining Attorney rejected your application. Types of Office Actions Administrative RejectionsAdministrative rejections can usually be overcome by providing additional information to the USPTO ormaking focused revisions to your application in conformity with the trademark regulations and U.S. law.Administrative rejections typically include Improper/Missing Specimens Unclear Identification of Goods/Services Missing Disclaimers Missing Information Likelihood of Confusion/Descriptiveness:A likelihood of confusion rejection is where the USPTO considers your applied-for trademarkconfusingly similar to an earlier filed trademark application or registered trademark. Descriptivenessissues arise when the applied-for mark describes (or misdescribes) an ingredient, quality, characteristic,function, feature, purpose or use of the identified goods or services. These rejections typically requireattorney expertise to properly provide argument, cite case law and distinguish your applied-for trademarkfrom the marks cited by the USPTO.
WHY IS A TRADEMARK REGISTRATION SO IMPORTANT?A trademark is more than just a calling card. It can be your company’s most valuable assetdue to its ability to be recognized by your customers as the mark of quality and highreputation for your goods and services. Your trademark tells your customers that they aredealing with you! Registering your trademark with the USPTO provides you importantrights to protect and defend yourself.
BENEFITS OF TRADEMARK REGISTRATION PROTECT YOUR MARK Trademark Registration grants you nationwide rights to protect against infringement and gives you the ability to bring an action concerning your trademark in federal court PRIORITY FOREIGN REGISTRATION Use your U.S. trademark registration as a basis to obtain your trademark registrations in foreign countries U.S. CUSTOMS PROTECTION U.S. trademark registration gives the U.S. Customs Service the ability to protect you from imported knockoffs and counterfeits PROTECT AGAINST CYBERSQUATTER INFRINGEMENTRegistering your trademark provides options to cancel or transfer an infringing domain name
Contact Us Headquarters: Orange County Office: San Jose Office: 1519 26th Street 19900 Macarthur Boulevard, 2033 Gateway Place, Ste. 500Santa Monica, CA 90404 Ste. 1150 San Jose, CA 95110 Phone: 424-229-6800 Phone: 424-229-6800 Irvine, CA 92612 Fax: 424-229-6815 Fax: 424-229-6815 Phone: 424-229-6800 Fax: 424-229-6815
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