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ICTAD ID 07 - Formula Mmethod (2008)

Published by Ruwan Sampath Wickramathilaka, 2023-01-19 04:45:00

Description: ICTAD ID 07 - Formula Mmethod (2008)


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CONTENTS CONTENTS \\ Page INTRODUCTION (i) 1 ABBREVIATIONS 2 SECTION 1 The Formula Method for Contracts Exceeding Rs. 10 million SECTION 2 The Formula Method for Contracts Not Exceeding Rs. 10 million {Simplified Formula) 11 ANNEXURES ANNEX A A Suggested Method for Computation of Input 17 ANNEX B Proportions ANNEX C ANNEX D Specimen Calculation Sheet for Monthly Price Fluctuation 43 Claim 45 51 Example for Computation of Price Fluctuation for Works Exceeding Rupees Five Million (>Rs. 10m) Example for Computation of Price Fluctuation Using Simplified Formula (<Rs. 10 m) (i)

First Edition - January 1993 Revised Edition - September 1998 Second Edition - June 2008

ICI AD l-'ORMl'l-A Mi lHOI) liUt'ocliicliun INTRODUCTION The ICTAD Formula Method for reimbursement of price fluctuation of materials, labour and equipment in construction projects was introduced in January 1993. The Revised Edition which was published in September 1998 introduced the simplified Formula Method for contract values less than Rs. 5 million. With this Second Edition - June 2008, the applicable limit of the Simplified Formula has been increased to Rs. 10 million from the original value of Rs. 5 million. As in the previous edition, this publication will also illustrate in details the method of application of the formula method and example for using the formula. The publication is divided into two sections and Section 1 covers the Formula Method applicable to contracts exceeding Rs. 10 million. Section 2 describes the simplified method of the Formula Method for contracts not exceeding Rs. iO million. Due to the varied size and complexity of large projects, when using the method described in Section 1, the input proportions shall be computed by the Employer and included in the bidding documents. The simplified formula described in Section 2, recommended to be used for small contracts, is based on same concepts as that for major contracts, but the input proportions are built into the formula itself. SECOND lain ION. .K \\K 2008 li.Mitutc for Consiruction Training and Development (ICTAD)

KTAD I OHMU.A MKTIIOD Abbreviations ABBREVIATIONS F Price adjustment for the period h Price index for input X, published by ICTAD Ixh Base index for input X, published by ICTAD I\\c Current index for input X Mc 80% of the cost of the materials delivered to the site, to be used for permanent works on current valuation Mp 80% of the cost of the materials delivered to the site, to be used for permanent works on previous valuation P* Percentage cost contribution of input X V Valuation of work done during the period concerned Vc Cumulative value of certified work done up to current claim Vp Cumulative value of certified work done up to previous claim Vna Value of net non-adjustable element I.C Current Composite Index for the type ofwork published by ICTAD I.b Base Composite Index for the type of work published by ICTAD SIT ONI) KI)I I ION,.UM. 2008 Institute lor Construction Training and Development (KTAD)

K'TAI; I t)KMl I.A MK'iilOl) Section i The formula Method for ConiriicF Exceeding Rs. in Million SECTION 1 THE FORMULA METHOD FOR CONTRACTS EXCEEDING RS. 10 MILLION 1.1 THE FORMULA The Formula for the contracts above Rupees 10 m, when expressed mathematically shall be as follows : F 0.966 (V - Vna) Z P> dxc-Ixb) 100 all Ixb inputs 1.2 VALUATION OF WORK FOR THE PERIOD (V) The conditions of contract requires the contractor to submit monthly statements which will also include the 80% of the cost of materials delivered to site for permanent Works but are not incorporated in Works. Accordingly, valuation of work done during the period concerned is computed by the difference of the cumulative certified work done including the 80% of the cost of materials delivered to the site but has not been incorporated in permanent works and corresponding cumulative payments certified up to the previous bill. Hence, (Vc + Mc) - (Vp + Mp) V 1.3 NON ADJUSTABLE ELEMENT Non-adjustable element shall be the items which will not be considered for price adjustment and have been listed accordingly in the contract. six ono i:nn io\\ isr.:;o«8 3 liisiiuac l<-i Construction S rainiiiu and Development (1C l AD)

ICIAI) IOUMI I MKHIOP Section I • 1 iv: l<”rmils .VlellvU Ioi (. ontmcls lAo-wInt',1 Ks 10 Million Three categories of items will be generally considered as non-adjustable elemcnl: a. Items in the BOQ for which the expenditure will be fixed and will be executed at early stages of the contract.. Most of the preliminary items fall under this category; b. Provisional sum items; and c. lixtra works items for which the new rates are agreed or arc priced at Day-work rates. The net Non- adjustable clement for the current valuation is computed by deducting the cumulative non adjustable element of the previous bill from the current cumulative non adjustable clement. Hence, V nac cumulative value of work certified under items if. specified as non-adjustable element up to the current bill Vnap cumulative value of work certified under items specified as non-adjustable elemcnl up to the previous bill then, - vnac nap vna sir<>N*> i:miK)N..MNj;2fi08 ■I l;;.-:linik- lui t’or.M-iuiori i'liiiniiv.' unit 1 Jcvoiopmcni (l(' I At u

in \\\\) i-'okmu.v ms: i non >,cciion I - T'v: 1 t>i!i>ula Method liv Coiitiiids 1 Accediii;: Us 10 Million 1.4 INPUT PERCENTAGES (Px) The percentage cost contribution of major materials, plant and labour to the contract shall be listed in the bid document. It is suggested to exclude the less cost significant items, in computing the input percentages, since the combined effect of such items will be less than 10% of the cost of total inputs. Hence the total contribution of the major inputs will be considered as 90%. The computation of input proportions is based on the costing of major input items required for the proposed construction. The costs will be calculated using the prices that prevailed at the time of bidding. The cost of major inputs will be considered as 90% of the total cost. The total costs of all the inputs will be then derived by dividing the cost of major inputs by 0.9. Input proportion of a particular input will be computed as the ratio between the cost of the input and the cost of ail inputs. A suggested method for computing input percentages is illustrated in ANNEX A. 1.5 INDICES The indices used in the formula shall be those published by the Institute for Construction Training and Development (ICTAD). Monthly indices will be published in Bulletin of Construction Statistics. The type of indices applicable to this Formula shall be Materials (M indices), Labour (L indices) & Plant & Equipment (P indices). When there are more than one index published for same input the appropriate index shall be indicated in the bidding document. For example, four types of indices are being published for cement: One based on ex-factory prices; one based on imported cement; one for open market price; and the fourth for the weighted average. SIX ■<)'*•) KDmON. n \\1 lir.ilmie i v, !'nii;iii’u 5 5)»Y.mcnU iC I -\\1)|

JCTAb J-ORMHI-A METHOD Section i • I iie I'oiTimla Method lor Contracts Lxcecdmy Rs 10 Million 1.5.1 Isb - BASE INDICES Definition - Month: For the purpose of base indices the month is defined as the time period between the first and the last day of any month in the Gregorian calendar inclusive of the first and the last day. \"Base Indices\" shall be the indices for the inputs, prevailing for the Month, one Month prior to the Month on which the last date for submission ofBids falls. For example, ifthe bids were closed on any date ofthe month ofSeptember, the base indices applicable shall be the indices publishedfor the month ofAugust ofthe same year. Ifthe relevant indices have been published at the time of preparation ofthe bid document, the Employer may include same in the space provided in the Contract Data. 1.5.2 Ixc - CURRENT INDICES Definition - Month; For the purpose of current indices the month is defined as the time period between the first and the last day of any month in the Gregorian calendar inclusive of the first and the last day. The “current index” of a particular input shall be the index published by ICTAD for that input for the Month applicable as described below. In the case of first monthly statement the current indices shall be taken as the indices prevailing on the Month where the Start Date / Commencement Date falls. For any other monthly statement or for the statement at completion the current indices shall be taken as the indices prevailing for the Month where the first date of the current valuation period falls. SECOND EDITION, .11 NM 200# 6 Institute lor Construction Tiaining and Development (ICTAD)

!(TA»> tORMl’I.A MCIUGO Section ! - The I oimnin Method for Cmiuv. ts l;xcecdm» Rs. 10 Million Example for use of current indices: Details of monthly statements submitted by the contractor Case a month 1 * month 2 month 3 month 4 month 5 month 6 Case b Claim 1 Claim 2 Claim 2 Final Claim 3 Final Case c Claim 1 Claim 1 Claim 2 Claim 3 Final * month 1 (where Start Dale / Commencement Date falls) Applicable Current indices: Case a Claim 1 Claim 2 Claim 3 Final Claim Case b month 1 month 2 month 3 Case c month 1 month 3 month 6 month 1 month 2 month 2 month 4 month 3 1.6 ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR PAYMENT OF ESCALATION To accommodate the price variation payments, it is necessary to include a price contingencies item in the BOQ described as 'Allow for price contingencies'. The amount can be worked out by studying the Cost Indices published by ICTAD for the type of work. 1.7 METHOD OF COMPUTATION OF PRICE FLUCTUATION The Formula is considered in two parts for the purpose ofcomputations: 0.966 (V - Vna) 100 as the first part and S (l\\e ~ l\\h) all Ixb as the second part inputs> »:i>moN..)t m zw 7 institute lor Constructior; Training nml Development (1C I ADi

• A -V.r-iVJhi St.-iion • - Tiv i ■.mivil.i I'.lciiiod i»j (V.iitracls lixcccOina Rs. 10 'viiilion Step 1: Valuation of work done during the period (V) Fhc conditions of contract requires the contractor to submit monthly statements which will also include the 80% of the cost of materials delivered to site for permanent Works but are not incorporated in Works. Accordingly, valuation of work done during the period concerned is computed by the difference of the cumulative certified work done including the 80% of the cost of materials delivered to the site but has not been incorporated in permanent works and corresponding cumulative payments certified up to the previous bill. Hence V (Vc + Mc) - (Vp + Mp) Step 2: Excluding the non-adjustable element The net Non- adjustable element for the current valuation is computed by deducting the cumulative non adjustable element of the previous bill from the current cumulative non adjustable element. Hence. if, Vnac Cumulative Value of work certified under items specified as non- adjustable element up to current claim Vnap - Cumulative Value of work certified under items specified as non- adjustable element up to previous claim. then. V„a = Vnac - Vnap Si:< OM> 21)08 8 Institute for ConslructHV Tr.iininp. tmu Development {1C I AD)

l(.TAI) i ()inn I A METHOD Svciion 1 - '1 Inj r.'nmik) Method lor fund ails i iiii.> Rv Jit Step 3: Computation of first pas t of the Formula Calculate the factor. 0.966 (V - V.J 100 Step 4: Base Indices The information relevant to columns 1 & 2 of Annex B (sheet 2 of 2) is given with the contract. The appropriate base indices with respect to each input can be entered in column 3. Once these columns arc filled the sheet could be used repeatedly for computing price adjustment for all future price fluctuation claims. Step 5: Current Indices The appropriate current indices as described in Section 1.5.2 of this publication, can be entered in column 4 ofAnnex B. Step 6: Computation of second part of the Formula The specimen compulation sheet provided in ANNEX B (sheet 2 of 2) can be used to compute the second part of the Formula. a. T he factor Px(IxcjiI\\b) for each listed input will be l\\b computed and entered in the column 5 of the sheet. b. Column 5 is totalled to obtain Z Px(U£ - Kh) l\\b si:< oni) j;i)inoN,.nM. 2ot>8 <) los'.iiurc for Cunsimc'.ion 1 raining an*’!)cvclopnu*ni (1C! A! >)

i< i vi> i oinit» a ms: inon faction I - The i-ornn'ii Method ihr Contacts I xcocdin^ IK 10 Million Step 7: Computation of total price fluctuation Multiplying the total obtained in Step 6 by the factor 0.966(V^V,a 100 computed under Step 3, the price adjustment due for the current valuation could be computed. Step 8: Value Added Tax (VAT) As in the case of any other payment made to the contractor the amount computed as price adjustment shall be subjected to the VAT. An example for computation of Price Fluctuation for Works exceeding Rupees 10 million is given in Annex C. '.( COM) KDlTION-.irNI': mu 10 Institute; for Const met hin Trnininy and I).'\\elo|uncnl (1C I'AI )i

l(T.\\i> H)K\\» i.A mi: I uo» Seclioii ■? • The lomiula Melhod I'nrConiracls nui 1 \"wctliny tv's. I<> Million SECTION 2 THE FORMULA METHOD FOR CONTRACTS NOT EXCEEDING RS. 10 MILLION {Simplified Formula) 2.1 THE FORMULA The Formula for the category of contracts up to Rupees Ten million, when expressed mathematically is as follows: F 0.869 (V-V„a) * (LcJib) Itb 2.2 VALUATION OF WORK FOR THE PERIOD (V) The conditions of contract requires the contractor to submit monthly statements which will also include the 80% of the cost of materials delivered to site for permanent Works but are not incorporated in Works. Accordingly, valuation of work done during the period concerned is computed by the difference of the cumulative certified work done including the 80% of the cost of materials delivered to the site but has not been incorporated in permanent works and corresponding cumulative payments certified up to the previous bill. V (Vc + Mc) - (Vp + Mp) 2.3 NON ADJUSTABLE ELEMENT Non-adjustablc element shall be the value of work done under the items which will be not considered for price adjustment and have been listed accordingly in the contract. KIXOND l !'<■)• Oiisii ucuon [\"raining aiui Dcvclopim'iU (K' I AD)

in Vl> FOKMCLA MKTliC!) Section ? - Inc I\\mmil> Method 'orCunlrncls not I xccaling Ks Id Millioi Three categories of items will be generally considered as non-adjusUiblc element: a. Items in the BOQ for which the expenditure will be fixed and will be executed at early stages of the contract. Most of the preliminary items fall under this category; . b. Provisional sum items; and c. Extra works items for which the new rates are agreed or are priced at Day-work rales. The net Non- adjustable element for the current valuation is computed by deducting the cumulative non adjustable element of the previous bill from the current cumulative non adjustable element. Hence. Viiae cumulative value of work certified under items specified as non-adjustable element up to the current bill ^nap cumulative value of work certified under items specified as non-adjustable clement up to the previous bill then. V nac V nap v na i:i>moN, jcnk 2nox li’Siituie lor Consmiuion Training and LVvolopmont (1C I AD)

ICTAD I'OJi'.'l'I A METHOD Section 1 - Tiic formula Method for Contracts not Exceeding Rs. 10 Million 2.4 INDUCES The indices used in the formula shall be those published by Institute for Construction Training and Development (ICTAD). Monthly indices will be published in Bulletin of Construction Statistics. The type of indices applicable to this Formula shall be the composite indices for type of work (T - indices) 2.4.1 I(b - BASE COMPOSITE INDICES Definition - Month; For the purpose of base composite indices the month is defined as the time period between the first and the last day of any month in the Gregorian calendar inclusive of the first and the last day. \"Base Composite Indices\" shall be the indices for the type of work, prevailing for the Month, one Month prior to the Month on which the last date for submission of Bids falls. For example, if the bids were closed on any date ofthe month ofSeptember, the base composite indices applicable shall be the indices publishedfor the month ofAugust of the same year, f the relevant indices have been published at the time of preparation of the bid document, the consultant may include same in the space provided in the Contract Data Sheet. 2.4.2 IIC - CURRENT COMPOSITE INDICES Definition - Month; For the purpose of current composite indices the month is defined as the time period between the first and the last day of any month in the Gregorian calendar inclusive of the first and the last day. The “Current Composite Indices” shall be the indices for the type of work for the Month applicable as described below; In the case of first monthly statement the current composite indices shall be taken as the indices prevailing on the Month where the Start Date / Commencement Date falls. For any other monthly statement or for the statement at completion the current composite indices shall be taken as the indices prevailing for the Month where the first date of the current valuation period falls, SECOND EDITION, JUNE 2008 Institute for Construction framing and Development (1C1 AD)

1(1 Alt IORMI I.A Mi l IIOI) Section 2 - The I’omnihi Mt'llioJ lor C'tnHiacis not lAcccdinu Rv 10 Million Example for use of current composite indices: Details of monthly statements submitted by the contractor Case a month 1 * month 2 month 3 month 4 month 5 month 6 Case b Claim 1 Claim 2 Claim 2 Final Claim 3 Final Case c Claim 1 Claim 1 Claim 2 Claim 3 Final * month 1 (where Start Date / Commencement Date falls) Applicable current coinposite indices : Case a Claim 1 Claim 2 Claim 3 Final Claim Case b month 2 month 3 Case e month 1 month 3 month 6 month 1 month 2 month 2 month 4 month 1 month 3 2.5 ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR PAYMENT OF ESCALATION The Contract Price need to be adjusted to accommodate the price variation payments. To accommodate the price variation payments, it is necessary to include a Price Contingencies item in the BOQ described as 'Allow for price contingencies'. The amount can be worked out by studying the indices published by ICTAD on quarter!) basis for the type of work. sr.coM) i:i>moN..u'\\K2008 u Institute lor Construction I mining and Development (K I M)i

K 1AI) 1'OHMll.A Ml.11)01) Section 1 - i he formula Method for Contracts not I Acceding Rs. 10 Million 2.6 METHOD OF COMPUTATION OF PRICE FLUCTUATION Step 1: Valuation of work done during the period (V) The conditions of contract requires the contractor to submit monthly statements which will also include the 80% of the cost of materials delivered to site for permanent Works but are not incorporated in Works. Accordingly, valuation of work done during the period concerned is computed by the difference of the cumulative certified work done including the 80% of the cost of materials delivered to the site but has not been incorporated in permanent works and corresponding cumulative payments certified up to the previous bill. I lence V (Vc + Mc) - (Vp + Mp) Step 2: Excluding the non-adjustable element The net Non- adjustable element for the current valuation can be computed by deducting the cumulative non adjustable element of the previous bill from the current cumulative non adjustable element. Hence. Cumulative Value of work certified under items specified as non- if. Vnac adjustable element up to current claim Vnap - Cumulative Value of work certified under items specified as non- adjustable element up to previous claim. then, Vna = Vnac - Vnap SM ON!> 1.1)11 IOM.J1 Ni: 2008 15 Institute iVr Construction Training and Developme nt (ICTAD)

l( TAD I'ORMI I.A MK i ll01) Section 2 - 1 iic I'prmiihi Mclivnl lor Cunimch nol I uxotlini* Rs. 10 Million Step 3: Computation of price fluctuation a. Calculate the factor, 0.869 (V - Vna) b. Using the appropriate base and current composite indices compute (be \" 1(h) I.b c. By multiplying the results obtained from Step 'a‘ and Step *b‘ above the price adjustment due for the current valuation can be computed. Step 4: Value Added Tax (VAT) As in the case of any other payment made to the contractor the amount computed as price adjustment shall be subjected to the VAT. An example for computation of Price fluctuation for Works not exceeding Rupees 10 million is given in Annex D. SIX ONI) I 1)1 MON, JUNK 2008 16 Institute lor Construction I mining am! Development (1C I AD)

I( IAl) I OK,Ml I .A .METHOD Annex A ANNEX A A SUGGESTED METHOD FOR COMPUTATION OF INPUT PROPORTIONS A suggested method for computing input proportions for the BOQ given in Sheet No A1 of this Annex is given below. The BOQ consist of 169 work items and two contingency items. The total contract sum is Rs. 11,555,005.55. The value of work item (excluding the contingency items) is Rs. 10,504,550.50. The first step in computing input proportions will be the identification of non-adjustable element. Step I: Identification of Non-adjustable element The following are specified as Non-adjustable element for the reasons explained. Item A! - Providing of a Performance Bond Performance Bond is submitted at commencement of the contract. Item A2 Therefore it is not time dependent. Any cost associated with the Item A3 extension of the performance bond can be dealt with the contractors Item A4 claim for extension. - Providing an advance payment guarantee. This item is also done at the commencement. Therefore its expenditure is not time dependent. - Providing an Insurance Cover Similar to Items A1 & A2 -Construction and maintenance of an office for Engineer Providing the facility is done at commencement. Only the maintenance of it (which is comparatively less) is time related. SIX DM) I J>; i ION. JUNE 2008 17 Institute for Construction Training and Development (ICTAD)

l(TAI) I OKMl'I.A Mil l IJO!) Annex A Item AS - Construction and maintenance of an office for the contractor Item A6 Similar to Item A4 - Construction and maintenance of temporary stores Similar to Item A4 Item A7 - Provide sanitary facilities for staff and workers Similar to A4 Item A9 - Allow for stamp duty B7 & B8 I bis is a fixed sum incurred at commencement - Earth work support Since the item has to be done only if directed by the Engineer, the risk is passed to the bidder. G3, G6,1130 & Ml - All provisional sum items PI & P2 - Contingencies items When the non-adjustablc element (which works out to about 5.7% in the example) is reduced the total of the BOQ is adjusted to Rs. 9,767.815.50. si com) ia>mo.\\..H m; zoos is Institute for Construction Training and Development (ICTAI))

iri'AD iormi i a mi:i non Annex A Step 2: Dis-regarding of items for which the breakdown of inputs cannot be given easily There may be some items in the BOQ, lor which break down of inputs cannot be easily worked out. Lump sum items is a good example for this. Due to the difficulty of estimating the inputs for such items, they are disregarded in computing the input proportions. The contribution from such items to price variation is considered as the weighted average of all the other items. However, unlike the non-adjustable element these items are considered for final computations of fluctuations. The items disregarded for computation of inputs in the example selected are listed below and are struck off from the BOQ in Sheet A1 A8. B9, F3, F4, G1, G2, H21 - H24, H27 - H29 and J1 - J5 The disregarded items in the BOQ contribute to about 3.6% of the value. This percentage should not be a considerable amount. When the items are disregarded the total of the BOQ reduces to Rs. 9,395,465.50. Step 3: Grouping of items When scrutinizing the balance items of the BOQ. it is seen that similar or marginally varied items are listed separately. The inputs for these similar items will be either same or differs marginally. Hence to facilitate the computations, those items are grouped together. In some instances the same item when applying for different components is measured in different units [example : RCC concrete in slab (CA8) and RCG concrete in beams (CA9) measured in m2 and m3 respectively)]. These items were also grouped together by converting the quantities in to a common unit. SECOND KD1 NON. Jl NT. 2008 19 institute for Construction framing and Development (1C I'AD)

Id \\l) I ORMU A Ml i HOI) Annex A Sheet A2 indicate the grouped items, the common description, the quantity, the unit and the amount against each group selected. Important notes on grouped BOQ. (Sheet A2) a. Marginally varied items are grouped together, (c.g. different in location, type of finish) b. No items arc grouped when the mixing proportionate are different, (e.g. 1:2:4 concrete is not grouped with 1:3:6 concrete) c. Generally, inputs of the items grouped, should be similar [exception for that in the example considered is in the case of DPC which needs an additional input (tar) but is grouped under cement plaster due to the fact that only a small quantity of DPC is involved]. d. Items, related to aluminium windows, PVC products and electrical installation are grouped separately without indicating the quantity and the unit. e. Since the input items of 1:2:4 (20 mm) concrete and 1:3:6 (40 mm) concrete differ only from the aggregate size (apart from mixing proportions) and due to the reason that a common index is being published for aggregate (metal) the two items are considered as two sub-groups under the main group No. 3. Two sub-groups are necessary due to the reason that vast variation of input proportions between the items. Similarly cement plaster and lime plaster are also considered as sub-groups under main group 8. SH'OM! 1.1)1 !'IO\\, JI NK 200X 20 Institute for Construction Framing and Development (1C I AD)

l(TAI) lOKMl'I.A iUITIIOl) Annex A 24 main groups are identified. Sheet A2 indicate the main group no., the item numbers allocated to the group, description, the cumulative quantity, unit selected, and the cumulative amount under the each group. Step 4: Identification of cost significant groups The groups are re-arranged on the descending order against the amount and are shown in Sheet A3 (The re-arranging is done purely for explanatory purpose and is not required in actual computations). The 6th column represents the cumulative amount. The 7th and 8lh columns show the percentage of the cumulative amount and percentage of cumulative items respectively. When scrutinize the re-arranged items in Sheet A3 it is seen that; a. about 9% of the items representing more than 28% of the cost. h. about 20% of items representing 57% of the cost. c. 80% of the cost represent by about 40% of the item. d. To represent 90% of the cost about 60% of the items are needed. The formula considered 90% of the inputs directly while the balance 10% of inputs are considered indirectly. I Ience in the example under consideration the following are selected as cost significant groups. (Falling around 90%) a. Brick work b. Asbestos roof with frame c. Cement and lime plaster d. Aluminium glazed windows SKCOM) 1.1)1 i ION, JIM. 2008 2i Institute for Construction Training and Development (IC I \\l»

iCTAI) IOIIMI I A MI I IIOI) Annex A e. 1:2:4 & 1:3:6 concrete I' Internal Electrical Supply g- Rubble masonry h Earth excavation 1 Plywood doors J- Reinforcement k. Emulsion paint PVC products m. Ceramic floor tiles n. Wall tiles The groups selected represents 58.33% of the total and the cost contribution is 90.63%. The selected cost significant groups are shown in Sheet A4. Step 5 : Computation of input quantities The next step in the process is to compute the quantities of inputs required for the selected groups. This is done by using standard norms used in the industry. Sheet A5 (2 of 2) indicates the quantity of inputs required for one unit of the representative items of the groups. Sheet A6 (Sheet 2 of 2) computes the quantity of inputs required for the items identified. The total quantities of each input are also shown at the bottom of the schedule. SE< OM) EDITION. .U'NK2G08 22 Institute lor Construction Training and Development (ICTAD)

K.'TAI) FORM11LA METHOD Annex A The cost of inputs for the following items are calculated based on the percentage contribution of each input to the respective item. The specimen calculations are given in Sheet No. A7, a. Aluminum windows b. PVC products c. Internal electricity supply Step 6: Contribution of inputs to the cost fhe inputs computed under Step 5 arc costed based on the prices of inputs considered while preparing the estimate. The costs of inputs are shown in Sheet No. A8. fhe input items are listed in Sheet No. A9 showing the percentage cost of contribution. It should be noted that the total cost of selected inputs (Rs. 7,212,665.31) represent about 85% of the cost of significant items in Sheet A4 (Rs. 8,515,361.00). (This difference is due to the overheads . and profits included in the cost). The contribution from four of the items is below 0.50%. Step 7: Computation of input proportions The less cost significant inputs (say less than 0.50% contribution) are eliminated from final computations and the balance items only are shown in Sheet No. A10. 'fhe total amount of cost significant inputs is computed as Rs. 7,154,670.51. According to the concepts of the formula this should represent only 90% of the cost of inputs. Hence the total cost of inputs is estimated as Rs. 7,949,633.90 by dividing the 90% of cost by 0.9. fhe input percentages of each input is then computed in relation to the total cost of inputs. The final input proportions together with the reference indices are shown in Sheet No. All. SI ( ONI) KIMTION, JUNE :()08 23 Institute for c onslructiou Framing and Development (ICTAD)

ICTAI) l-OKMC'I.A Ml.TIIOI) . Annex A Sheet AI I of 6 SUMMARY OF BOQ (SPECIMEN) ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT RATE AMOUNT A - PRELIMINARIES NOTE 1. For items Al, A2 A3 only the commission charged by the bank/insurance agencies will be reimbursed subjected to the maximum quoted. 2. For items A4 to AS payments will be made asfollows: a. 50% ofquoted amount on providing the facility. b. Balance amount proportionate to the construction period. , m■ jm xr:: ,0.000.00 *>,00,0 M18 m I IT mAS il ■ 20,000.00 1 HeiVi . 20.000.00 A9 20rO0fr0O IIIA ■: V-1 25,000.00 B - EARTH WORKS fflm\\\\ \\ \\ ,wm :i 1804)00:00 B4- ■t-Jr 5,500.00 m*m m:j.j 1-04)00:00 item B2 Excavate over site to remove top soil,depth 150mm ave. 855.10 m2 90.00 76.959.00 550.00 84.150.00 B3 Excavate for column bases <lm depth 153.00 m3 560.00 42.840.00 550.00 187,000.00 B4 Excavate for column bases > I m depth 76.50 m3 560.00 34,608.00 B5 Excavate for »t'*r>en\\ di]es <*ltn depth 340.00 m3 500.00 104,250.00 550.00 ,!0.000.00 B6 Excavate for trenches > I m depth 61.80 m3 60,-000.00 400:00 85,400.00 B9 Remeve-exc-avated-materiaEfrem-site mts 2•:0v'8\"'X.5.'0 700.00 ... ■mm mi 600.00 m4 B10 Hard core filling and compaction 122.00 m3 C - CONCRETE WORKS CAI 50mm thick cone. l:3:6-(40mm) under column footings 31.10 m2 450.00 13.995.00 250.00 m2 900.00 225,000.00 CA2 100mm thick cone. 1:3:6-(40mm) under strip fdns 431.10 m2 650.00 280,215.00 m3 10,000.00 25,000.00 CA3 75mm thick cone. 1:3:6 (25mm) for floors 2.50 m3 10,000.00 36.800.0 3.68 CA4 RCC 1:2:4 in column footings CA5 RCC i:2:4 in ground beams A »Urrw. i W'.nu. SKCONP i i'l I 2008 25 Institute for Construction Training and Development (1C I AD)

ICTAI) lORMl'I A MI!11100 Annex A Slice! AI 2 of 6 IT KM DESCRIPTION QIY UNIT RATE AMOUNT 55.000.00 CA6 RCC 1:2:4 columns up to Is1 floor level 5.00 m3 11,000.00 19.550.00 55.770.00 CA7 RCC 1:2:4 columns from Is' floor level lo roof 1.70 m3 11.500.00 7,350.00 50.400.00 CA8 RCC 1:2:4 for 125mm thick 1st floor slab 42.90 m2 1,300.00 21.400.00 41.040.00 CA9 RCC 1:2:4 for lsl floor beams 0.70 m3 10.500.00 38.778.00 19.670.00 CA10 RCC 1:2:4 for lintels in ground floor 4.80 m3 10.500.00 23.184.00 ■ 2.00 m3 10.700.00 10.500.00 IcAl 1 RCC 1:2:4 in staircase and landing 28.152.00 5,482.50 CB1 Formwork to sides of column footings 91.20! m2 450.00 39.675.00 CB2 Formwork to sides of column from ground to Is' floor level 56.20 m2 690.00 28.520.00 54.625.00 ,033 Formwork to sides of columns from Is' floor to roof 28.10 m2 700.00 19.550.00 21.600.00 ICF34 Formwork to soflt of lsl floor slab 33.60 m2 690.00 18,000.00 35.400.00 CB5 Formwork to sides and sollts of Is' floor beams 15.00 m2 700.00 21.000.00 18.515.00 CB6 Formwork to sides and soflts of lintels 41.40 m2 680.00 6,210.00 7.820.00 CB7 Formwork to staircase 7.31 m2 750.00 8.165.00 3.220.00 CC1 10mm Tor Steel in foundations 345.00 kg 115.00 560,000.00 CC2 I Omni Tor Steel in columns 248.00 kg 115.00 1,234,800.00 CC3 10mm Tor Steel in lsl floor slab 475.00 kg 'A 115.00 31,040.00 CC4 10mm Tor Steel in linels kg\\ 115.00 CC5 I Omni Tor Steel in staircase 170.00 120.00 22,008.00 180.00 kg X\\ 75,000.00 CC6 12mm Tor Steel in foundations , 150.0Q . kg, 120.00 44,200.00 102,000.00 CC7 12mm Tor Steel in columns V295.00 120.00 CC8 12mm Tor Steel in lsl floor beams -A ■ } 75.00 kg 120.00 CC9 6mm Mild Steel in columns 115.00 CC10 6mm Mild Steel in 1st floor slab 'i 115.00 CC11 6mm Mild Steel in 1st floor beams 115.00 \\\\ 161.00 \" kg \\ ,>'54.00 kg \\ \\ 68.00 kg CC12 6mm Mild Steel in lintels 71.00 kg 115.00 CC13 6mm Mild Steel in staircase 28.001 kg 115.00 ^ \\ \\\\ j I) - MASONRY WORKS D1 Rubble masonry work in 1:5 cement sand in foundations 200.00 m3 2,800.00 1.500.00 D2 225mm brick work in 1:5 cement sand from DPC to Ist floor 823.20 m2 1.600.00 D3 225mm brick work from DPC to I s' floor to roof 19.40 m2 800.00 D4 I 12mm brick work from DPC to 1st floor 27.51 m2 750.00 500.00 D5 338x338mm brick work in columns from DPC to 1st fir 100.00 m 400.00 D6 3/4\" thick DPC in 1:2 cement sand mortar 88.40 m2 D7 75mm thick brick paving with cement sand mortar 255.00 m2 E - DOORS AND WINDOWS 17.00 nr 14.000.00 238.000.00 El Dl type plywood door 900x2400mm with 100x75 frame & 6 nr 14,500.00 87.000.00 E2 D2 type plywood door 900x2400mm with 100x75 frame & 2 nr 15.000.00 30.000.00 E3 D3 type plywood door 1200x2400mm with 100x75 frame & 6 nr 38.000.00 E4 Aluminium glazed window type WI 3500x1800mm 15 m 20.000.00 228.000.00 E5 Aluminium glazed window type W2 size 1900x1800mm 300.000.00 SECOND EDITION, .IUNE 2008 26 Institute for Construction Training and Development (ICTAI))

in Ai) i<)rmh.a Million Annex A Sheet AI 3 of 6 ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT RATE AMOUNT 7,000.00! E6 Aluminium glazed window type W3 size 600x1800mm 1 nr 7,000.00 3 nr 25.000.00 75.000.00 E7 Aluminium glazed window type \\V4 size 2500x1500mm 12 nr 10.000.00 120,000.00 2 nr 15.000.00 30.000.00 E8 Aluminium glazed window type W5 size 1250x1200mm 3 nr 3 nr 6.000.00 18.000.00 E9 Aluminium glazed window type W6 size 1900x1200mm 6,500.00 19,500.00 E10 Aluminium glazed window type W7 glazed 900x1000mm El 1 Aluminium glazed window type FW1 glazed 900x1200mm F - ROOF WORK 842.50 m2 1,400.00 1,179,500.00' FI Corrugatted asbestos roof on timber frame in ground fir F2 Corrugated asbestos roof on timber frame in lsl fir roof 62.50 m2 1,500.00 93.750.00 fF3— Irttying-haIFroimd-tiles-at ground-floor 842,50 m2 500.00 Rate-eniy F4— Laying half round-Tiles at-T'1 fleer 62r50 m2 550.00 Rate-only F5 Ridge tiles for ground floor roof 123.00 m 250.00 30.750.00 F6 Ridge tiles for 1st floor roof 24.00 m 260.00 6,240.00 F7 900mm wide vally gutter 34.00 m 2,000.00 68,000.00 F8 225mmx25mm valance board for ground floor roof 202.00 m 350.00 70.700.00 F9 225mmx25mm valance board for lsl floor roof 39.00 15.600.00 m\\ \\ 400.00 F10 150mm wide square type PVC gutters for ground floor 202.00 .p \\ 400.00 80,800.00 FI 1 150mm wide square type PVC gutters for Ist floor \\ 39.00 m 450.00 17,550.00 V FI 2 PVC down pipes V (*\" \\\\ \\240;00 in 250.00 60,000.00 \\V A,000,00 G- CARPENTRY WORKS • W'(\\ \\ ■'S Vw nr 6,000.00 G4- Weeden-4ieket-c-ounter \\ 5.000,00 i \\ \\ w\\ -Hf . ,G2 -Woodeiv servicecounter . }2 \\\\ \\\\ +1 ar Allow provisiolial siii'i (or pifltr^'diipboaiUV } ' SUM' 100,000.00 :G4 Timber railing for the stair, case \\ item 20,000.00 20.000.00 V 28.00 m 1,000.00 28,000.00 05 Wooden balcony j'Slkj,!5? G6 Wm mmwm mm ;S'c-m?s H - PLUMBING WORKS AUin .'-'M. V, 50,000.00 HI 1/2\" dia PVC pipe (type 1000) 38.00 m 100.00 3.800.00 H2. 3/4\" dia PVC pipe (type 1000) 25.00 m 150.00 3.750.00 H3 1\" dia PVC pipe (type 1000) 50.00 m 200.00 10.000.00 114 1 1/2\" dia PVC pipe (type 1000) 10.00 m 250.00 2.500.00 115 2\" dia PVC pipe (type 1000) 20.00 m 150.00 3,000.00 H6 l/2x3/4\" PVC reducer nr 40.00 117 l/2x3/4\" PVC tee 8 nr 50.00 320.00 118 3/4\"xl\" PVC reducer 6 nr 65.00 300.00 H9 1/2x1\" PVC reducer 5 nr 60.00 325.00 H10 l/2x!\" PVC tee 5 nr 100.00 300.00 HI I 3/4x1\" PVC tee 5 nr 120.00 500.00 1112 1/2 PVC elbow 5 600.00 nrJ 25.00 500.00 i2l SIX ONI) EDITION. JUNE 2008 * 27 Institute for Construction framing unci Development (K'TAU)

in Al) 1OUMI i.A METHOD , Annex A Sheet AI 4 of 6 ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT RAPE AMOUNT 1113 3/4 PVC elbow 15 nr 35.00 525.00 250.00 1114 I PVC elbow 5 nr 50.00 350.00 450.00 H 15 1 1/2 PVC elbow 5 nr 70.00 60,000.00 5 nr 90.00 48.000.00 1116 2\" PVC elbow 4 nr 15,000.00 6,000.00 H17 Imported low level closet 20.000.00 32OO20 1118 Supply and fix imported wash basin 6 lu­ 8,000.00 i on ll 19 Supply and fix imported squatting pan 3,90020 2 nr 3.000.00 3504)0 2,000.00 1120 Supply and fix imported automatic flushing cistern 2 nr 10.000.00 2,400.00 6 nr 50020 4 non on 44-24 f/T^dfu-b+bOaps 2 nr 60020 ZJ ,\\A7\\7.\\/U 142-2 4-,000.00 1420 1/2-\" dia stoptaps 6 nr 65020 500.00 1424 4 nr 7\"5QrGQ 60,000.00 H25 Supply and fix toilet paper holder 4 nr 500.00 1126 Supply and fix ceramic soap trays 4 nr 600.00 1427 4 nr 420020 1428 Gateh-pit-6!-'x6\" 8 nr 5004)0 1429 4 nr \\ 50020 1130 Allow provisional sum for the water tank sum allow J- DRAINAGE WORKS A\\ \\\\ 44 Construct-of septie tank-siz-e-54Q0x42OQmin \\ c\\ 25.4)00.00 25;000.00 .42 . . A \\ C' V \\ '5 2020020 -43 Goirstruet-briek-masonryHnanliole -600x600m m nr 52003)0 40.000.00 422100.00 44 . , I • l . Ii 1r 4 nr -3200.00 28.000.00 8.00 nr 320020 12.250.00 45 ..'V 35.00 m 18.200.00 350.00 46 2\" dia PVC waster water pipe\\\\ 7,800.00 47 Supp. & lay 100mm PVC pipes from fitting to manhole 28.00 m 650.00 48 100mm PVC soil pipes from manhole to septic tank 12.00 m 650.00 K - FINISHES 255 m2 3,000.00 765,000.00 KI 16mm thick cement sand rendering in 1:3 cement sand 1,105.00 6.5 m2 170.00 mortar on brick paving K2 16mm thick cement sand rendering in 1:3 cement sand 11.9 m2 180.00 2,142.00 mortar on concrte slab 67.00 m 120.00 8.040.00 K3 16mm thick cement sand rendering in 1:3 cement sand 10.00 130.00 1.300.00 17.00 m 140.00 2.380.00 mortar on staircase 175.80 m 300.00 52.740.00 39.00 m2 1.500.00 58.500.00 K4 100mm thick cement & sand skirting in ground floor 23.60 m2 1.600.00 37.760.00 K5 100mm thick cement & sand skirting in 1st floor 27.90 m2 1,600.00 44.640.00 K6 lOOiiim thick cement & sand skirting in stair case 235.00 m2 300.00 70.500.00 K.7 20mm thick cement sand plinth plaster in 1:3 mortar K8 Ceramic floor tile at ground floor m K9 Ceramic floor tile at entrance step K10 Ceramic floor tile at lsl floor K 1 1 lOOmm thick ceramic tile skirting in ground floor SECOND I 1)1 MON. JUNE 2008 28 Institute lor Construct ion Training and Development (ICTAD)

1(1 Al) FORMULA METHOD . Annex A Sheet A1 5 of 6 hem DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT RATE AMOUNT 30.00 m 350.00 10,500.00 K12 100mm thick ceramic tile skirting in 1st floor 150.00 81,900.00 546.00 m2 K13 20mm 1:1:5 lime, cement and sand plaster to external walls 160.00 5,120.00 32.00 m2 in ground floor 135,150.00 K 14 20mm 1:1:5 lime, cement and sand plaster to external walls 5,238.00 in lsl floor 9,196.00 K15 20mm thick 1:1:5 lime, cement sand plaster to internal walls 795.00 m2 170.00 3,460.00 in ground floor 29.10 m2 180.00 15,040.00 K16 20mm thick 1:1:5 lime, cement sand plaster to internal walls in 1st floor 80,550.00 101,250.00 K17 20mm 1:1:5 lime, cement sand plaster to isolated columns in 48.40 m2 190.00 10,000.00 ground floor 17.30 m2 200.00 2,500.00 K18 20mm 1:1:5 lime, cement sand plaster to isolated columns in 1st floor 97.920.00 5.760.00 K19 20mm 1:1:5 lime, cement sand plaster to reveals in ground 188.00 m 80.00 floor 139.744.00 10.829.00 K20 Glazed wall tile lining to toilets 53.70 m2 1,500.00 7.600.00 1.900.00 K21 Glazed wall tile lining to kitchen 67.50 m2 1,500.00 65.100.00 23.100.00 K22 12mm thick 1:3 cement sand plaster o soft of slabs and 40.00 m2 \"\\\\ 250.00 beams 10.00 m'2 A 250.00 K23 12mm thick 1:3 cement sand plaster to under side of staircase and \\\\ \\ L-PAINTING \\V Weather sheild paint to external walls in ground W MV \\LI 170.00 s\"\\\\-f \\ \\ \\\\ y \\ W 5\\76.0\\\\0 \\w-A \\\\ floor J m2 L2 Weather sheild paint to external walls,in l5! flooi \\ 3-32.00 m2 180.00 L3 Emulsion paint to internal walls in ground floor 873.40 m2 160.00 L4 Emulsion paint to interna^ walls ip 1st floor 63.70 m2 170.00 L5 Emulsion paint to soffit ofslab 40.00 m2 190.00 L6 Emulsion paint to edges of slab gnd beams 10.00 m2 190.00 L7 Enamel paint to doors and windows 325.50 m2 200.00 L8 Enamel paint to valance ahd barge board 110.00 m2 210.00 M - LANDSCAPING /? 100,000.00] m i ....-.. -..........i ,!■ N - ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 1 nr 30,000.00 30,000.00 N 1 D Board 24 way with isolator, ELCB, 2 Nr 15amp MCB, 300.00 nr 30,000.00 30,000.00 N2 D Board 36 way with isolator, ELCB, 3 Nr 15amp MCB, nr 30,000.00 30.000.00 N3 D Board 36 way with isolator, ELCB, 3 Nr 15amp MCB, 23 nr N4 100mmx2000mm GI earth electrode 83 m 1,000.00 1,000.00 N5 4x7/1.044mm PVC cable 18 nr 500.00 150,000.00 N6 Supply & fix spot light nr 800.00 nr 18,400.00 ;n7 41 long 40 watts single fluorescent fitting 2,500.00 207,500.00 1,000.00 N8 Supply & fix pendant lamp 18.000.00 sr.COND EDI I ION, JUNE 2008 29 Institute for Construction Training and Development (ICTAD)

K i At) I'OKMIIA METHOD Annex A Sheet AI 6 of 6 MEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT RATE AMOUNT 25 N9 5 amp switch socket outlet 8 nr 1,000.00 25.000.00 10 nr In io 15 amp switch socket outlet nr 1,500.00 12.000.00 item Nil 56\" ceiling fan and regulator 6,000.00 60,000.00 sum N12 Testing the electrical installation 500.00 500.00 IN 13 Allow sum for the supply 50,000.00 SUB TOTAL 10,357,565.50 TOTAL 517,878,28 Total, less non-adjustable element 11,393,322.05 Total, less non-adjustable element & dis-regarded items 9.767.815.50 9.395.465.50 j \\ SECOND EDI I K)\\. It ,\\E 2008 30 Institute lor Construction t raining and Development (1C I AD)

l( TAD FORMl'LA MKTIIGD Annex A Sheet A2 GROUPED BOQ GROUP ITEMS DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT AMOUNT NO 1 B2-B6 Earth excavation 882.57 m3 425.557.00 2 B10 Earth filling 122.00 85,400.00 25.74 3 3 CA1 -CA3 1:2:4(20) Concrete 58.89 790,480.00 272.81 m CA4-CA11 1:3:6(40) Concrete 2420.00 rn3 166,806.50 200.00 282,300.00 4 CB1-CB7 Form Work 204.09 m2 560,000.00 596.00 1,362,848.00 5 CC1 -CC13 Reinforcement 1482.03 JSL 1,144,511.00 255.00 6 D1 Rubble masonry m3 102,000.00 25.00 m3 355,000.00 7 D2 - D5 Brick work m2 \\ 797,500.00 505.0.0 '.1,273,250.00 8 D6, K1-K7, K22-K23 Cement plaster — 147 00 2 36,990.00 K13-K19 Lime plaster \\ 34:00 m 68,000.00 241.0.0 86,300.00 9 D7 Brick paving m\\ 224,070.00 117.00 48,000.00 10 E1 - E3 Plywood doors 121.20 m2 . 60,000.00 1595.10 m 138,400.00 11 E4 - E11 Aluminium glazed windows 435.50 221,900.00 \\m“ 181,800.00 12 F1 - F2 Asbestos roof with frame 263,753.00 m 88,200.00 13 F5 - F6 Ridge tiles__ 632,400.00 m2 14 F7 Valley gutters rn2 m2 15 F8- F9 Valance board <\" \\ m2 \\ 16 F10-F12, H1-H16, J3-J8[PVC Products \\ 17 G4 - G5 Timber railing \\ 18 H30 Sum for water tank 19 H17-H20, H25-H26 Sanitary fittings Ceramic floor tiles 20 K87KT2 V Wall tiles Emulsion paint 21 K20-< K21 Enamel paint Internal electrical supply 22 L1 - L6 23 L7-L8 ' J 24 N1 - N13 TOTAL 9,395,465.50 six <)M> i:i)ition,.jim: 2o»s 3I Institute for Construction Framing and Development (ICTAD)

s. CONTRIBUTION FROM GRO 2 sr. GROUP! ITEMS DESCRIPTION AMOU y NO NO \\ 1,362, 1,273, 3 1 7 D2-D5 Brick workX-x^ 1,144, 2 12 F1 -F2 2 Asbestos roof with frame 797, 2 8 D6. K1-K7, K22-K23 Cement piaster^ 790, Iy Aluminium glazed windows! 4 11 E4-E11 e- Concrete 5 3 CA1-CA3 T. § 6 24 N1 -N13 Internal electrical, supply.^ 632, ie 7. 6 D1 Rubble masonry ___ 560, H- 8 1 B2-B6 Earth excavation \" 425, r. 355. 9 10 E1 -E3 Plywood doors . 282, ?! 10 5 CC1 -CC13 n 11 Reinforcement \\ 263. c 12 22 L1 -L6 Emulsion paint 224. | 13 16 F10-F12, H1-H16, J6-J PVC Products 221, 2 14 ' 1817 £ 15 20 K8-K12 Ceramic floor tiles ^166,8 =• 17 21 K20 - K21 Wall tiles \\ 133^ 3 18 rT02^C 19 4 CB1 -CB7 Form Work *-3!. 86r i- 20 19 H17-H20, H25-H26 Sanitary fittings J . ' 63 85, 21 9- D7 Brick paving c. 68, * 22 23 L7. - L8 Enamel paint £ 23 ' 60, c 24 15 7 F8-F9 - Valance board 2a 48, r. 2 810 Earth filling__ _ 36, —r 14 F7 Valley gutters . > 18 H30 Sum for wafer tank t-J 17 G4-G5 [Timber railing 13 F5-F6 Ridge tiles\" 9,395,

OUPS TO THE TOTAL ' !“ UNT CUMULATIVE % OF CUMULATIVE GROUP □lg AMOUNT CUMULATIVE Is3 AMOUNT C ,848.00 1,362,848 00 14.51 % 4,17% (1/24x 100) 2 ,250 00 2,636,098 00 8.33% (2/24x 100) 28.06 % 12.50% (3/24x100) g 16.67% {4/24x 100) ,511.00 3,780,609.00 40 24 % 20 83 % (5/24x 100) > ,500.00 4,578,109.00 48.73 % 25.00 % (6/24x 100) ,480.00 5,368,589.00 29.17% (7/24x100) 3 ,400.00 6,000,989.00 57.14 % 33 33 % (8/24 x 100) 3 63.87 % 37.50 % (9/24x100) X ,000.00 6,560,989 00 69 83 % 4167% (10/24x 100) > 74.36 % ,557.00 6,986,546.00 78.14 % 45.83 % (11/24x 100) 81.14 % 50.00 % (12/24 x 100) .000.00 7,341,546.00 83.95 % 54.17% (13/24 x 100) 36 34 % 58.33 % (14/24 x 1C0) ,300 00 7,623,846.00 38.70 % 90.63 % 62.50 % (15/24 x 100) .753 00 7,887,599.00 92.41 % 66.67 % (16/24 x 100) .07000 8,111,669 00 . 93.88 % 70.83 % (17/24x100) 75.00 % (18/24x100) ,900 00 8,333,569 00 I 94 97 %• 7800.00 8,515,369.00 9591 % 79.17 % (19/24x100) 806750 96.82 % 8,682,175.50 9?,73 % 83.33 % (20/24 x 100) ^406.0^ 98,46 % 87 50 % (21/24100) C)0g.Oo4- 8,820,575.50 99.10 % 99.61 % 91.67 % (22/24 x 100) 8,922,575.50 95.83 % (23/24 x 100) ^ 9,010,775.56 'i y i 00.00 % (24/24x100) r30tX?0 ^9s.,097.075.50 ,40^00^ ,9.182,475.50 ,000:00\" 9,250,475.50 ,000.00 9,310,475.50 9,358,475 50 ,000.00' ,990.00 9,395,465.50 100.00 % ,465.50 7) O o >

/ V-\\ COST SiGNIFICANT GROU | GROUP ITEMS DESCRIPTION Q NO NO Tz. 1 1 B2-B6 Earth excavation I 2 3 CA1 -CA3 1:2:4(20) Concrete i CA4-CA11 1:3:6(40) Concrete 3 5 CC1 -CC13 Reinforcement ' 4S 6 D1 Rubble masonry r 5: 7 D2 - D5 68 D6, K1-K7, K22-K23 Brick work K13-K19 Cement plaster —- —\\ V Lime plaster I 7 l 10 E1 - E3 Plywood doors \\ ’£■ 8 \\ 11 E4-E11 Aluminium glazed windows] £ £ ' ol 12 F1 -F2 Asbestos roof with frame ■r F10-F12, H1-H16, J6-J: PVC Products 10 16 Ii 20 K8- K12 Ceramic floor tiles 11 § 12 21 K20- K21 Ceramic floor tiles \\T 2' 13 « 22 L1 -L6 Emulsion paint =.i 14 24 N1 - N13 Internal electrical supply a: 3 o o 5 r. s

UPS UNIT AMOUNT w“ m3 QTY m3 425,557.00 T. 790,480.00 v 882.57 kg 25.74 224,070.00 > 58.89 „3 560,000.00 •>* 1,362,848.00 2420.00 m 1,273,250.00 g 200.00 m3 204.09 355,000.00 596.00 _v,2 797,500.00 1655.80 1,144,511.00 25.00 m 233.753.00 221,900.00 \\ m2 181,800.00 ''..905.00 m2 282,300.00 T17.00 632,400,00 T\" 121.20 „2 8,515,369.00 1529:401 m m2 __2 m TOTAL cr, > o Ic > > -U

■J- T. / — NORMS FOR COMMON ITEM - >. 3 — SR § o 75 r* Mo eQrr uantity ~ X3 ■g ro O Group ‘.2 ■g TO x 1 day no Description Unit day 1 1 Earth excavation m3 1 0.40 0.60 2 3 1:2:4(20) Concrete m3 1 \\ ' 2.55 6.20 1:3:6(40) Concrete , - 0.56 340 3 5 Reinforcement kg 1 X. 6:02-. I -0.02 4 6 Rubble masonry m3 1 1.41 ...2.12 \\ 5 7 Brick work m3 1 1.10 •1.50 3 6 8 Cement plaster m2 1 0.11 0:16 c r. Lime plaster 0.11 p-0.13 o- n 7 10 Piywood doors „2 1 0.50 0.40 § m =a 8 11 Alumin. glazed windows 2 3 12 Asbestos roof with fram m2 1 0.10 0.15V. 3 10 16 PVC Products 3 rv,2 11 20 Ceramic floor tiles m 1 0.43 0.38 § 12 21 Ceramic wall tiles m2 1 0.43 0.46 3. w m2 1 0.10 H, 13 22 Emulsion paint <n _o 14 24 Internal electrical supply 3 s >

MS TcO =TO T3 E E 9 & 5 E C E E c E TO 8 -g •g > .39- CD o TO S' CO 1 3 m •I o 3(D E TO mJ rrT rr.'> cc nr w .§9■- TO 50kg 1.02 w to X TO hr c CO 0.10 hr 7.00 0.20 0.97 5.10 0.55 0.83 0.12 1.76 0.03 1.30 0.82 0.40 540 \\ 0.15 0.02 0.09 0.02 L \\.-e- \\ 0.13 0.02 0.24 0.02 c/r > o 3 or a> o r _> 'to >

s. re- NORMS FOR COMMON ITEMS ; i /t\" rr SR ' i £ No 5 Group N:__ 2 o nc Description ■o O cUnit Quantitys4---'\"'Il E 1 Earth excavation 3 1\\ -- nr m \\ 2 3 1:2:4(2Q) Concrete m3 1 i5 1:3:6(40) Concrete 3 5 Reinforcement kg 1 !----4: 5 Rubbie masonry m3 1 .. m3 1 _l 5 7 Brick work _m2 1 L_ r£ 6 8 Cement plaster re fl ! Lime plaster § Lzo' 10 Plywood doors m2 1 0.90 0.020 x'*' n 8 11 Alumin. glazed windows rv 0.012 §! S 12 Asbestos roof with tram m2 1 2 3 io 16 PVC Products 3 In 11 20 Ceramic floor tiles m2 1 12 21 Ceramic wall tiles m2 1 -Si 13 22 Emulsion paint m2 1 = 14 24 Internal electrical supply re >

S ( contd.) - t•>t); M “ -C £ ~ O. _o > n s I.1CoL 1 (D c & CcD CO CD $re X5 M i trCD oo E u. o' LL ■2> 5re CL Qoc 0. nT kg rir kg Itr kg nr nr 1.16 _ 1.50 2.00 1.10 \\ 1.17 \"\\ 1.10 0.20 0.50 0.25 C/0 > ro r. X o > -- > fO Ui

”/ QUANTITY OF b SR j r? \\ § X3 >■ No O J .o £ 5 1 ■S 2 J \\ JS 3 ■■! ■=g 3 Group — 4 no Description Unit Quantity j CO 3c 5 2 6 day. day rr i7 1 Earth excavation m3 882:57[ 353.03 4 529.54 3 1:2:4(20) Concrete m3 u 8 25:74! 65.64 159.59 9 1:3:6(40) Concrete 58.89 32.98 200.23 i j 10 2420.00 \\ 48.40 1 48.40 11 5 Reinforcement kg 200.00 282.00 .... 424.00 I 12 6 Rubble masonry m3 204.09 224:5Q-| 306.14 13 7 Brick work m3 596.00 65.56 ...-95.36.. « 14 S Cement plaster m2 1482.03 163.02 192.66 25.00 12.50 1.0,00- O' Lime plaster m2 10 Plywood doors rc. 11 Alumin. glazed windows 905.00 90.50 135.75 C I ^2 2 12 Asbestos roof with fram' m C 3 16 PVC Products m2 117.00 50.31 44.46 20 Ceramic floor tiles 121.20 52.12 55.75 3 1595.10 159.51 21 Ceramic wall tiles m 3 22 Emulsion paint m2 -E 24 Interna! electrical supply 'r I TOTAL QUANTITY 1600.06 2201.88 n_o 5 r. 3 > OJ C\\

INPUTS 5 c c c •D E £ CD - £ E 03 03 a£> sCO o S > 8 £ E CD nr' CTJ -Q >■ 3 CD Q. Q. o tu mJ 5 3 2 '5 50kg m-J nr <*\"n S' S' >- 60.07 s ro TO -sCO E <D X nr CO hr day 88.26 21.36 7.07 180.18 5.15 24.97 300.34 32.39 352.00 6.00 260.00 167.35 81.64 110209 \\ 89.40 11.92 \\ 133.38 29.64 L C > 15.21 2.34 29.09 2.42 28.43 88.26 1266.95 171.50 24.97 60.07 260.00 110209 CD > r 2. 3 —. > 3 fO CN 2 >

'■jT. ! QUANTITY OF INPUTS ( r~. SR Group Description Unit /—> - ■§ if) No no if) 7 :\\ \\ O5 1 0>- ra s 1 Quantity o 2 -tn2 _oQ 7 3 1 Earth excavation m3 882.571 F — 4 m3 c rrr 5 3 1:2:4(20) Concrete 7 6 28,74 T 1:3:5(40) Concrete p: 7 58.89 8 5 Reinforcement 5 9 6 Rubble masonry ]<g 2420.00 10 7 Brick work 3 11 8 Cement plaster m3 200.00 12 m3 id 13 m2 204.09 c: 14 £ 596.00 o; Lime plaster 1482.03 n 10 Plywood doors § m2 25.00 22.50 d 11 Alumin. glazed windows 905.00 10.86 - 3 12 Asbestos roof with framl m2 2. o 16 PVC Products 3 20 Ceramic floor tiles m 117.00 3 21 Ceramic wall tiles m2 121.20 3 22 Emulsion paint 1595.10 m2 rn- 24 Interna! electrical supply I TOTAL QUANTITY 22.50 11.36 1 c! 1 _c £ r. > -o

contd.) > <<Du £ X £ 5 > o q o ■£> c cc =£ £ =TO- \"£55 5 <D oQ <D £a; o© £ TO (f) o TO '3 U- .2> Ll. o ■s 5 Q 5 0. C£L < rrr kg nr kg !tr kg nr rrP 2807.20 2964.06 129 23.40 37.50 i 60.60 133.32 \"NL -1058,85 \\ .— _ -ic— __ 398.78 1058.85 2964.06 129 84.00 398.78 2807.20 37.50 133.32 cn > to c n —. > x to CN >

X. COST /OFjlNFftJTS FOR THE SP rr Group Description Total Totals Cost of Al d No Amount 2 \"cost after; •- work Rs. 70 w i a 2rr -ddto/H&p 75% of cost4 ?o :x b = a x 75% l-2 = bx75% O -■-\\ S 11 Aluminium windows 797,500.00 598,1-25.00 448r59.3.75 v 5 =• 16 PVC Products 263,753.00 197,814.75... / s w o \\ o' 24 Internal electrical suppl; 632,400.00 474,300.00 §n TOTAL Rs. V •T. O 448,533.75 ,5 ■ Note * These percentages were arrived using the experience and can feeV 3. V M Cl c s<. _c 3 a Ho 6 OO

PECIAL ITEMS H Cost of Cost of Cost of Cost of Cost of Remarks ■V PVC elec, fittn. elec. Wire 50% of cost * 20% of cost * skilled lab. unsk. Lab. i-2w 0% of cost ’ d = b x 50% c e = bx 20% >— c = b x 70% P3 138,470.33 119,625.00 lab 25% * 29.672.21 29,906.25 sk:un = 4:1 !x lab 30% * •3 29,672.21 sk:un = 1:1 I lab 30% * ! 237,150.00 94,860.00 94,860.00 47,430.00 sk:un = 2:1 \\ 538.470.33 237,150.00 94,860.00 } 244,157.21 107,008.46 Varied-depending on the nature of work & O o to > > —J

KTAI) roil Ml'I,A MF.TIIOI) Annex A Sheet A8 COST OF INPUTS No Input Qty Unit Price* Amount Total Amount ICTAD Name of input No 1 M4 Cement 1266.95 50kg 700.00 886,867.45 886,867.45 2 M6 Rubble 260.00 1,000.00 260,000.00 260,000.00 3 M7 Metal (3/4\") m3 1,600.00 24.97 39,948.48 m3 Metal (1\") 60.07 1,400.00 84,094.92 Total M7 124.043.40 124,043.40 4 M8 Sand 171.50 m3 2.500.00 428,745.25 428,745.25 5 M9 Brick 110209 nr 6.00 661,251.60 661,251.60 6 M12 Lime 2964.06 60.00 177,843.60 177,843.60 7 M13 R/f steel 2807.20 kg 105.00 294,756.00 294,756.00 8 M16 Asbestoes roof 1058.85 m2 325.00 344,126.25 344.126.25 9 M20 PVC pipe from Annex 7 138,470.33 138,470.33 10 M22 General timber 11.36 m3 6,700.00 76,112.00- . 76,112.00 11 M23 Timber products 22.50 m* 1,275.00 28,687.50 28.687.50 12 M25 D & W fittings 38 nr 175.00 6,562.50 6.562.50 13 M26 Electrical wiring from Annex 7 \\ 94,860.00 94,860.00 14 M27 Wall paint__ 231,289.50 398.78 Itr 580.00\\| 231,289.50 15 M32 Floor tile 128.70 m2, 1,100,00 141,570.00 141,570.00 16 M33 wall tile I____ 133;3j> ' m2 93,324.00 t' Y \\ 700.00 93,324.00 17 M35 Colured pigment 84.00 ' ' kg \\ 540:00 45,360.00 45,360.00 18 M36 Aluminium work \\ ' from Annex 7 448,593.75 448,593.75 19 M38 Electrical fittings & from Annex 7 237,150.00 237,150.00 20 L1 / Skilled labour 1600.061 day 650.00 1,040,040.11 from Annex 7 244,157.21 \\ Total L1 1,284,197.32 1,284,197.32 21 L3 Unskilled labour 2201.88 day 450.00 990,844.61 from Annex 7 107,008.40 Total L3 1,097,853.07 1,097,853.07 22,744.80 22,744.80 22 P1 Small equipment 28.43 hr 800.00 38.257.00 88,257.00 23 P2 Heavy equipment 88.26 hr 1,000.00 TOTAL 7,212,665.31 * Price - one month prior to submission of Bid skcono i:mi ion..n m;2058 39 Institute foi Construction t raining and Development (Id AD)

i( i\\>s: i a mkthoi; . Annex A Sheet AO CONTRIBUTION OF INPUTS TO THE COST (Showing the amount with respect to each Input) No ICTAD Bulletin Name of input Amount Percentage No 1 M4 Cement 886,867.45 12.30 % 260,000.00 3.60 % 2 M6 Rubble 124,043.40 1.72 % 428,745.25 5.94 % 3 M7 Metal 661,251.60 9.17 % 177,843,60 2.47 % 4 M8 Sand 294,756.00 4.09 % 344,126.25 4.77 % 5 M9 Brick 138,470.33 1.92 % \\ 76,112.00 1.06 % 6 M12 Lime \\V 28,687.60 0.40 % ,\\ \\ 6,562.50 0.09 % 7 M13 R/f steel 1.32 % 94,860.00 3.21 % 8 M16 Asbestoes roof 231,289.50 \\ 1.96 % 141,570.00 1.29 % 9 M20 PVC pipe 93,324.00 0.63 % 10 M22 General timber 45,360.00 6.22 % 448,593.75 11 M23 Timber products \\ 237,150.00 3.29 % 1,284,197.32 17.80 % 12 M25 D & W fittings \\ 1,097,853.07 15.22 % 22,744.80 0.32 % 13 M26 Electrical wiring i 88,257.00 14 M27 Wall pa\\ int \\ \\ • i \\ 1.22 % 15 M32 . Floor tile 16 M33 Wall tile 17 M35 \\ \\ Colured pigment 18 M36 Aluminium work 19 M38 Electrical fittings 20 L1 Skilled labour 21 L3 Unskilled labour 22 P1 Smallequipment 23 P2 Heavy equipment TOTAL 7,212,665.31 100.00 % st:ro\\i> i:i)moN..n'M: 2008 40 Inslituic for Construction Training and Development (IC I AD)

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