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Home Explore DIPLO MAGAZINE 2/2023


Published by DIPLO Sarajevo, 2023-06-30 08:12:17

Description: Second edition of DIPLO MAGAZINE.


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Hall of Fame for Social and Institutional Development, Bo now I happily divide my time as a where after a few years (and 25 years as a pensionada between The Hague and Sarajevo. diplomat) I decided to take early retirement. I enjoy the city and the country, meet with my To be honest, after my years in the Balkans, I friends here and entertain visiting friends found the work in the Ministry, as well as the from the Netherlands and elsewhere, travel prospect of other postings, less than exciting. around in the region in my car and to the coast And early retirement also gave me a chance to now and then, follow events in BIH and in the join my partner when he returned in 2006 to wider region with the same interest as always, Sudan for his next and last posting. To a trying to steer an even keel between all the country that he and I knew well from previous impassioned opinions around me. Often postings and that is now of course in a very thinking, as I did back then, that this place difficult and dramatic situation. As is Yemen, really could do with less drama and a bit more the wonderful country where I served before boredom…. but little chance of that, I am sure. coming to BiH in 1996. The world can be a very sad place indeed. We have been coming back to Sarajevo on a regular basis after retirement and we have traveled in the region extensively.Sadly, my partner died in 2019 and in the years that followed COVID kept me in The Hague for a while. But when a close friend, in the summer of 2021, sent me some information on a nice new small apartment, for sale in the center of Sarajevo, walking distance from our then embassy (that still has the graffiti on it…), it only took me a few days to decide. Ambassador Sluijter at the \"Park prinčeva\" Restaurant in Sarajevo, with ambassador Marion Kappeyne van de Copello, who was in charge of humanitarian help to BiH during the 1992-95 war. 50 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

ARBITRI (Association) is a non- profit professional association focused on supporting the creation of a modern system of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Our mission is to enhance the quality of dispute resolution mechanisms in BiH though projects concerned with the education, promotion, and legal reform of arbitration in this jurisdiction. OUR WORK Promotion & Raising Awareness Sarajevo Arbitration Day Capacity building Judiciary Vis Moot Publications Arbitration resources Training & Education With a broad network of supporters in academia and international arbitration practice, ARBITRI engages in formal and informal collaboration with international partners, such as Arbitral Women, The US State Department’s Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP), GIZ, AmCham and others in capacity development for government institutions and legal practitioners in B&H and the region. +387 61 862 844 [email protected] Obala Kulina bana 7, Sarajevo

CELEBRATION OF THE DAY OF THE Newsletter REPUBLIC OF ITALY IN BIH The Italian Embassy in Sarajevo organized a vibrant and diverse program for the Italian Republic Day celebrations in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The events garnered significant public engagement and extensive media coverage, reinforcing Italy's influential presence in the country. The commemoration of Italian Republic Day in The Ambassador highlighted the strong bilateral Bosnia-Herzegovina was accompanied by a series of relations between Italy and Bosnia-Herzegovina, significant cultural and diplomatic events. The emphasizing economic cooperation, cultural festivities began on June 01 with the opening of the initiatives promoting reconciliation, Italian exhibition \"The Horse's Move\" at the National development projects, and the ongoing support of Gallery of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Curated by artist Italian civil society. He expressed gratitude to the Luigi Ballarin, the exhibition highlighted the cultural Italian soldiers serving in the country under the fusion between East and West and emphasized the EUFOR-Althea mission. multicultural heritage of Sarajevo. Italian Ambassador Marco Di Ruzza highlighted the For the first time, the celebrations extended to exhibition's significance during a live interview on Tuzla, recognizing the city's significance and paying N1 television. tribute to the \"Association of Citizens of Italian Origin Rino Zandonai\" on its 30th anniversary. The On June 02, the Italian military contingent at Camp event included the inauguration of the exhibition Butmir celebrated Republic Day, emphasizing Italy's \"Sculptural forms\" by artist Leonardo Lebenicnik, commitment to maintaining a safe environment for representing the longstanding connections between Bosnia-Herzegovina's institutions, businesses, and Trentino and Tuzla. citizens. Later in the day, a reception was held at the House of the Armed Forces of BiH attended by more The Italian Republic Day celebrations in Bosnia- than 400 guests representing various sectors of Herzegovina highlighted the deep-rooted ties and society. The event also featured the presentation of collaborations between the two countries, spanning the exhibition \"Roma Eterna Evoluzione,\" supporting various sectors and contributing to their mutual Rome's candidacy for hosting EXPO 2030. development and growth. Ambassador Di Ruzza emphasized the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Italy and Bosnia-Herzegovina and the importance of Euro-Atlantic integration for both countries. He encouraged political leaders to seize the momentum of Bosnia-Herzegovina's candidate status for EU membership and focus on the necessary reforms for progress along the European path. \"Italy is among BiH's main trading partners, with a large network of companies which produce 12,000 jobs, leading to the setting up of the Association of Companies to further explore potential synergies in the economic field for Italian companies in BiH.\" 52 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

THE 12TH SARAJEVO BUSINESS FORUM - Newsletter THE LEADING PLATFORM FOR CONNECTING DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BUSINESSMEN The eagerly anticipated Sarajevo Business Forum 2023 took place at the Congress Center in Hotel Hills on May 17-18, 2023. With a lineup of distinguished speakers and panel discussions, the event aimed to foster regional cooperation and sustainable development in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The opening ceremony featured welcome notes from Keynote speeches by notable figures such as Nermin the organizers, including Mr. Alek Bakalović, CEO of Nikšić, the Prime Minister of the Government of the Bosna Bank International, and Dr. Denis Bećirović, a Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Dr. Thani member of the Presidency of Bosnia and bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, the Minister of State for Herzegovina. In his address, Mr. Bakalović extended Foreign Trade from the Ministry of Economy in the gratitude to all partners and participants for their UAE, shed light on the importance of international unwavering support of this esteemed business event. collaboration and investment. The Prime Minister of He underlined the Sarajevo Business Forum as the the FBiH, underscored the paramount importance of flagship socially responsible project of BBI Bank, such gatherings in propelling domestic economic recognizing its profound significance to the growth and extended his unwavering support to the community. Dr. Denis Bećirović, a member of the organizers of the Forum. A special address was BiH Presidency, had the distinct honor of formally delivered by Mr. Zlatko Mijatović, the Minister of inaugurating the 12th Sarajevo Business Forum. In Economy of Sarajevo Canton, who highlighted the his speech, Dr. Bećirović emphasized the event's potential for investment in the region and stressed pivotal role in the development of Bosnia and the importance of cooperation between state Herzegovina, as well as the broader region. The institutions and business leaders. forum provides an invaluable platform for fostering business ties and attracting investments, thereby fostering growth and prosperity. Olivér Várhelyi, EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement, also addressed the audience via video link, who emphasized the EU's commitment to the economic development of the WB. \"The EU has prepared an economic and investment plan for the WB, which aims to collect 30 billion euros. In order to implement the plan, the EU relies on the Investment Framework for the WB, which is the leading regional investment platform. One of the novelties of this platform is the Guarantee fund for the WB, which will begin to develop this year and which is expected to collect 20 billion euros from private and public sources,\" said Várhelyi and added that investments are key to the economic development of the region, but that a common regional market is key for economic development and job creation. 54 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

Sarajevo Business Bridge Newsletter Awards Recognize Excellence Among the key speakers at the conference were the State Minister of Foreign Trade of the UAE Mr. Thani The Sarajevo Business Bridge Awards bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, as well as the Minister of ceremony celebrated outstanding Foreign Affairs of BiH Mr. Elmedin Konaković. They achievements in Bosnia and Herzegovina. emphasized the importance of international Edin Džeko was honored as a brand cooperation, investments and market development ambassador, while STUDEN & CO Holding in the region. received the \"Employer of the Year\" award. KLIKA was recognized for their The event also included panel discussions covering commitment to youth employment, and the various topics, such as the role of regional business Women's Mentoring Network received the cooperation in driving prosperity and economic \"Social Impact Award.\" BH Tech Lab of BH progress. Renowned personalities like H.E. Stjepan Telecom was honored for their innovative Mesić, the former President of Croatia, and H.E. Dr. contributions to sustainable development. Zlatko Lagumdžija, the former Chairman and Minister of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and The Sarajevo Business Bridge Awards not Herzegovina, provided their insights on the subject. only celebrate remarkable achievements Next panel focused on establishing solid foundations but also serve as a testament to the vibrant for sustainable development. Esteemed participants, and thriving business community in Bosnia including representatives from the European Bank and Herzegovina. These inspiring for Reconstruction and Development and Sarajevo individuals and organizations exemplify the International Airport, discussed strategies for potential for growth, innovation, and achieving sustainable growth. Another noteworthy positive social impact within our nation. panel, delved into resilience, innovation, and their Their dedication and accomplishments impact on tourism investment and growth. Experts serve as an inspiration to aspiring from organizations like Expedia Group Media entrepreneurs and business leaders, driving Solutions and Tripadvisor shared their perspectives us all towards a prosperous and sustainable on driving tourism development. The event also future. featured discussions on successful investment stories from the region and the future of the financial industry in the digital age. These panels provided valuable insights into investment opportunities and the evolving landscape of finance. Sarajevo Business Forum is organized by Bosna Bank International (BBI) in cooperation with its shareholders Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), Dubai Islamic Bank and Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank in cooperation with strategic partner - Ministry of Economy of Sarajevo Canton, under patronage by the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and numerous domestic and foreign partners. 55 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

DIPLO Team Extends Deepest Condolences to the Victims of the Belgrade School Shooting Sarajevo, June 2023 - It is with profound sorrow that the DIPLO team extends our deepest condolences to the victims and their families affected by the tragic school shooting that unfolded in Belgrade. Our thoughts are with the entire community as they navigate through this unimaginable loss. The events that unfolded have left us heartbroken and shaken. We mourn the innocent lives lost and stand in solidarity with the families who are enduring unimaginable pain. No words can fully express the grief and anguish we feel as we contemplate the senselessness of such a devastating act of violence. In closing, we extend our deepest sympathies to the entire Belgrade community, including the students, teachers, staff, and all those affected by this tragedy. May the memories of the lives lost be forever cherished, and may the community find strength, unity, and healing as they navigate through this dark time together. Sincerely, DIPLO Team

IMPRESSUM PUBLISHER DIPLO d.o.o. Sarajevo Skenderija 33, 71000 Sarajevo CHIEF EDITOR Ambassador Mirsada Čolaković EDITORIAL OFFICE Graphic Design Zarja Marković \"DIPLO Magazine\" is registered in the ISSN center of Bosnia and Herzegovina under the ISSN number: ISSN 2831-1159

Magazine [email protected]

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