1991.07.15 The Word of God1 to His elected Irineu2 (Translated by I.A.) My love and My peace and My hosts and My word are to My loved one, as I have himfaithful to My work in this time; I have him among all who serve within the order of the church,as for the others it remained an order made by people, as they do not serve to the God of order. Peace to you, My love and My chosen! Peace to you and refreshment to your heart, forgreat is the mystery in your heart as I live in it; I have room in it and I am pleased with it! Peaceto you and peace to Me in you! Joy for you and joy for Me in you! Hope for you and hope for Mein you, for I hope for you to accomplish My visible work and My new light, which makes its ownpath to appear upon this time. This is the time for the kingdom of Israel to be established, andbehold, let us be great and resolute, My child, as we have to work what no one has worked by now.Do not be afraid, do not murmur and do not be afraid of people. What can the man do to you?Nothing. And you will see they who depart from the One Who speaks from heavens, thattheir judgment will be more severe than of those who did not want to listen to the One Whowas speaking on the earth; for the time is coming for the heaven and the earth to be shaken, andthose that are shaken will remain steadfast, a steadfast kingdom and a pleasant worship to God.And in this new beginning, I want to have you as a foundation, as for this you were born, and ifthis was written to Me, I had to have your word as a foundation, and let this word be yours: “Be-hold, I come to do Your will, my God. Be it to me according to Your will.” I have a book that made for you in this time and I have to write in it all that I have to speakand fulfill by you, and then we will speak the words of this book, and they will speak on the heightsand testify about this mystery that we work; a mystery that is still covered for a little while, for amoment, My love, My servant, My anointed, for in the place that I anointed you over the NewJerusalem, behold, we set a rock of witness, and you will be My faithful witness. This mysterywill be hidden under this testimony a very little time, but I had to send you to the one who isgreat on the seat of the church, (The Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, red. note3.),for if he had not known, he would have had no sin and he would have justified before Me. Do not be afraid of them, for they are no stronger than you. Be determined like Nicodemusfrom among the priests of My time, for he did not fear of the scribes and Pharisees when he stoodup and took care of My body’s burial. He was the priest who buried the Son of God, as the Son ofGod totally submitted to the law, «as I did not come to break the law; rather to fulfill it». Oh andthere was no one found among the priests but only one who believed that I was the Son of Godand that I was from heaven and I came to fulfill the Scriptures. Behold, I am now too with Mine through the word, from beginning to the end of the ages;I am forever with Mine, for I am endlessly in they who are Mine, as I promised. I came down withthe word in the midst of this people and I have the manger of My word here, where, look, we builda tower of witness, a strong tower, a rock of resurrection, for the testimony of the word that I 1 God’s Word in Romania 2 Irineu Bistriţeanul, Bishop, redactor (editor) note. 3 Redactor (editor) note 1
1991.07.15worked with; it is the rock that now we build on the new beginning, for it is new, it is a newcovenant; it is a beginning of righteousness, of cleanness, of holiness, as in heaven so upon thisbeginning. And we will establish a word of testimony to this foundation, and new days of feasting,and we will celebrate here the resurrection and the Holy Spirit, and we will celebrate the nameof the trumpet that the Lord worked (Through which the Lord spoke, r.n.) at during this timefor the unsealing of the seven thunders which spoke in the time of the apocalyptic vision,about which the apostle of love, John, the Evangelist, testified, for his spirit was also emptiedinto this vessel that God spoke through during this time, because the angel said then to John:«Take the book and eat it, for you will have to prophesy once more, in the last time». (See theselection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets4”, r.n.) When I came in the flesh on the earth, the Father worked secretly in Me, and no one knewthat I was the Son of God and that I came from the heavenly Father and from the Holy Spirit; noone know until the voice which came from the Father spoke: «This is My beloved Son, in WhomI am well pleased». The Father worked secretly to fulfill His work that was through Me. This wayHe worked during this time as well, as Verginica had carried Me for twenty-five years, and I spokemouth to mouth with Israel during this time, and I spoke through Verginica, and she was hiddenfrom the understanding of those around, as this work was so. I took Verginica to Me and then Isent her again on the earth, as this was written in the book of this prophecy. I raised her spirit andVerginica has sons on the earth, for her sons gave birth and they have sons from Verginica. She isthe one who will stand as the foundation of this rock and on this rock; on this rock, this dwellingwill stand as a witness. (See the Life of Saint Virginia, r.n.) I put the spirit of wisdom upon you, for I am in you, but you should believe that I am inyou. I remind you of the one who prayed to God and said: «Lord, if you can, do well to my sickchild!». And the Lord told him: «If you can believe everything is possible!». And he answered:«I believe, Lord. Help my unbelief!». I remind you something about that time to strengthen you,My child, and be faithful, as through those that are mine by this work, I will work greaterthings than in that time. Take My wisdom and make a foundational work with it and put your name at the founda-tion of this word of new foundation; and put into this word the name of My anointed Michael,(King of Romania, r.n.) for I want to speak his name from the top of this rock when we will finishworking this rock. I am the One Who will bring My anointed. I am the God of the powers, andwhat is impossible to the weak ones is possible with God. But this blessed country will becleansed of all iniquity, of all filthiness, of all injustice, for it will shine on it the glory of theSon of God, Who is coming again, as written, and He comes to establish His footstool on this 4 You can also see on: http://en.calameo.com/books/0010754680bf93fa25bfe https://my.edocr.com/v/55a75cdb/the-word-of-god-about-the-apocalyptic-trumpets https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0VNo1LgWPpsVEhmdFF5R1V3Uk0/edit http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-lord-jesus-the-second-coming-of-jesus-christ-the-apocalyptic-trumpets/ https://app.box.com/s/wvhn0c1min89fmlnp7ui https://docs.zoho.com/file/uboup203196152a6e4297a3360da915a23d4b https://mega.nz/#!wJkWDKaB!WDh3HPbi0TbWQBaudyme40T23PLy4yxzjIETNAynUG8 http://www.mediafire.com/view/8td592wlh27peoo/The_second_coming_of_Jesus_Christ_-_The_Apocalyp-tic_Trumpets.pdf 2
1991.07.15chosen and blessed earth. (See the selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The NewCanaan5”, r.n.) I want to speak with My anointed Michael, with the king of this nation, and I gave you thisheavenly mission to set upon him, upon his house and his offspring that will be on his side, theholiness after God’s likeness, after God’s establishment, which the Lord will be perfecting withon this earth with a holy name, with a name of the New Jerusalem. Be My witness and be the witness of this time of heavenly glory and holiness upon Myanointed Michael, by the words of this testimony and by the establishment of a holy life upon him,according to the godly order, because this order will be the way which will bring him into Mychosen country, into his loved country. He, who loves Romania and is not with Me and My commandments, does not love thispeople and this earth; that one can do nothing for this chosen people. I will make My laws camedown upon My anointed Michael and make the laws of this chosen land come down, for it is theland chosen by heaven and the eye of God is upon him; the eye which sees those that are wickedand hidden and which penetrates and discovers, which cleanses very deeply and takes out fromthis land everything that is filthy and spoiled and given to defilement, so that this new earth maybe new and the rainbow6 of Romania may come down upon it, accompanied by the new glory ofthe heavenly Jerusalem. This is the faith of this land, of this New Canaan, of the new Eden whichwill shine upon the nations, and My anointed Michael and his offspring will be in me, and will notbe without Me on this new land. Now you will come and I will set by your own hand the beginning stone of the dwelling ofGod’s testimony, who is and works by the word, and everything will be worked this way until wefinish; and we will work quickly the new beginning from which the resurrection will arise uponthis nation, and all others shall be added to you by God. Seek first the embodiment of My wordwhich is coming upon you, for My word has to become flesh after I speak it, and the others willbe made easy to you by the Lord, and will be worked out by His power, by His angels, who arealways sent to your service, for your protection and around you. In the beginning was the Word, and the word became flesh, for God said it, and all weremade by the word. The same is now; the Lord speaks a word and the word becomes flesh for theperfection of the kingdom to come. Amen. 5 You can also see on: http://en.calameo.com/books/00107546871bb255a5bf3 https://my.edocr.com/v/ndmze8kz/the-word-of-god-about-romania-the-new-jerusalem-the-new-canaan https://app.box.com/s/dh220ol8y5b8y8i9qsu0fe3cqj5dv7cx https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0VNo1LgWPpsb3RKZngyVVlJSWs&authuser=0 https://docs.zoho.com/file/zjjav8e6a0a51a12449e49a03afe2628aa55e https://mega.nz/#!8AcnVSYA!FanFO3k1dUA8k24WYeK0n-x_ruiUTroTGOA6I8cRqLQ http://www.mediafire.com/view/ea7ve523mo1didb/The_Word_of_God_about_Romania_-_The_New_Jeru-salem_-_The_New_Canaan.pdf http://www.bookrix.com/_ebook-lord-jesus-the-second-coming-of-jesus-christ-romania-the-new-jerusalem-the-new-canaan/ 6 Romanian flag is red, yellow and blue, r.n. 3
1991.07.15 Peace to you, My love, but do not be feeble! Be determined and do not be afraid. I am with you and I will be, and all will be worked out, but let My love be your love. Let your love serve you now for the happiness to come, and we will rest and celebrate new days, a celebration of resurrection and of Holy Spirit, as from this rock it will be heard a hymn of resurrection and the song of the Holy Spirit, the song of the redeemed who will wear white garments and a garment of grace and of righteousness. You should put a celebration of resurrection and of the Holy Spirit coming down upon the blessed people. This is how these days of feasting shall be upon this holy place, which is build now by the power of God in His faithful ones. Peace to you! Peace from the saints in heaven, who look from heaven to the testimony of the day that you were anointed on, in the Jerusalem that was lowered from heaven! Be faithful to the anointment which is on your head, for we will rise and plant fruit trees from place to place, and these fruit trees will be nourished by the sap of the life tree, which is worked here by My faithful servants, and this fruit tree will be placed in Jerusalem. May your faith be blessed in Me and into the work of My word by which I am with you! Keep what you have until I come, and let no one take away your glory, for I come soon. May My kiss on your head and the myrrh of the comforting be with you always! Amen, amen, amen. 15-07-1991 Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here:http://www.scribd.com/collections/4089711/The-second-coming-of-Jesus-Christ 4
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