1990.11.03 Holy Virginia’s speaking with the Holy Trinity1 − Mother Gigi2 sees a waiting; she sees that you want it and mother Gigi sees many things.Mommy sees everything, children. Oh, how much fight for me and you, but you knew well becauseI told you, mommy; you knew that you could not do and that you were tender and you knew thatyou could no longer make it without me on your side. The evil spirit is fighting with his last powers to stop my word coming to you, for he seeshow much power of life and how much enlivening my word works now. Now is my time, sons; theyare the days of my victory. He can no longer prevail against me for he has no way, but he foundyou and saw that I came down to work powerfully upon you and started a war against you to tearyou down, children. Oh, this is not possible and if you believe that it cannot be possible then yourfaith will prevail against any power of evil spirit. I told you that I have always been praying at thethrone of the Holy Trinity and bring that prayer which is for my people, and you shall see too howI speak and how the Holy Trinity speaks with me and tells me: − Oh, Verginica, the Holy Trinity3 is waiting for you victory; It waits for you to get outwith your people, Verginica. Your children are tender and few, but they have to do it for you sothat you may overcome. − Oh, Lord Sabaoth, rise and come next to me that we may come together to the help of mychildren, for the evil spirit rose to war with them to steal my victory. Do not let them fall down; donot let them hit each other; do not let them hurt each other, for You see that I have to overcometogether with them. − Oh, Verginica, I come next to you, daughter, and here is what We are doing: We giveour children a threefold power, as no one had to fight with what those in this time have to fight.Your children are few and We have to give them all the power to be able to overcome, and see Myloved one, that the threefold power of the Holy Spirit is great and We will overcome as it is thetime for Us to overcome. My Son has been always with them, Verginica, and He is the victor overthe death and hell. Do not be afraid for all the heavenly power is with them and you are alwayswith them, and you are victorious, but give them always advice of strong faith, great patience andmuch love, and give them your word to be fulfilled. − Oh, Son of heavenly Father, do not let my children go weak. Be with power upon themand make their way victorious for I cannot overcome without them. − Verginico, I am the Son, Who came from the heavenly Father to show My power to thosewho had to work for Me and when it came to show My love for all creature, I let Myself to besacrificed; and I also was afraid of the hard hour and called out to My Father so that this hourmight pass away from Me, but then I repented and cried for forgiveness for I did not want to doMy will, rather I let My Father’s will be done and I was a Son of obedience and patience and Icould make it to the end what I had to be able to; I could do it in the name of Our Father, Verginica.I walked on that way of temptation so that My Father might show His power in Me then too, andthe devil had nothing not to bring to My feed, but I was unabated and answered him: «Get behind 1 Translated by I.A., r.n. 2 Saint Virginia, the sixth apocalyptic trumpet (See selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n.) 3 God’s Word in Romania, r.n. 1
1990.11.03Me satan, for it is written: Serve God and worship Him only!», and then the evil spirit went awayashamed and I overcame. I came with the body on earth and humbled Myself coming down from the glory of theMost Holy Trinity and became man, to give power to the man, and when I left I let a word to thosewho wanted to do greater things than those, for I let much power upon those that were with Me inthe world. I do lot leave alone the one that is with Me, but let him be with Me, for if he is with Me,I will be and work in him, and I am not overcome. This way you should teach your children,Verginica. Teach them and tell them about My victory and tell them that everything is possible tothe one that has faith and to the one who listens as I did. Amen. − Oh, sons, the sons of this age do not complain anymore that they cannot do what theyhave to do against life, and you, who fight against death, who always die to the sin, come mommy,to step down with death upon death, for the Victor of the death is in us. Well children, let it be nofearful heart, for the Lord is in all His fullness with you. You are great with God for through youheaven has joined the earth and the earth has risen to heaven through you and started to celebratethe eternal Passover; the Lord has been working the power of resurrection through you. Only beof the heaven, for those that are in heaven are the sons of life and are no longer as they were onearth. Do sons, and all of you work the spirit of peace here, for then I will always be with you inall freedom and joy, and be careful, as what you eat from this table is the fruit from the treeof life. So stay alive and be sober now for look the day is breaking and we will be a light upon theearth and the sons of the day. Do not look to the earth anymore, for your bodies have to be thebodies with heavenly power, with incorruptible power. Let yourself be worked out, so that the Lordmay present you as honorable vessels, you that are well pleased to him. The Lord wants to seeHimself in you. He walked before you through the multitudes strayed from the truth and made themultitudes believe and wake up from ignorance. The time is coming for the Lord to be seen workingopenly and these miracles will testify and work out resurrection and knowledge, but you do nothave to be without patience, for it is by your patience that we will win the multitudes over, and theworld will rise. Let you be under the wisdom and ask to have wisdom and believe that the Lord isclose to come. Peace to you my children, for I wish you nothing more than peace. Mother Gigi brings youpeace from God. Let the Spirit of my peace be upon you, that your spirit may be full of peace.Receive me with peace, for I am peace for you, as the Lord, Jesus Christ is peace; and for you Iam also love, as the Lord is love. Amen. Peace to you Israel! Amen, amen, amen. 03.11.1990 Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). 2
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