CUSG CHRONICLEOCTOBER 26, 2018 VOL. 1, ISSUE 1Clemson's Undergraduate Student Government Newsletter
OCTOBER 26, 2018 VOL. 1, ISSUE 1CUSG CHRONICLE Clemson's Undergraduate Student Government NewsletterCUSG traveled to Ridge IN THIS ISSUEHaven, NC, for annualFall Retreat PROJECT SPOTLIGHT: LIVE WELL WEEKRecently, all three branches headed to Ridge PROFESSIONAL CLOSETHaven, NC, to have their annual Fall CUSGretreat. This was a weekend where everyone could CONFEDERATE FLAGcollaborate and prepare for the upcoming term LEGISLATION PASSEDwhile also seeing what team was the best at tug awar! CUSG BRANCHES BREAKDOWNThis retreat allowed for the judicial, executive,and legislative branches of CUSG to understand ITSAB ALLOCATINGeach of their respective roles as representatives of OVER $500K FORClemson and getting to know everyone involved in STUDENT PROJECTSstudent government.Overall, this experience challenged everyone asleaders and allowed them to set goals to bring backto campus.
OCTOBER 26, 2018 VOL. 1, ISSUE 1Project SpotlightClothes JC Penney Suit up EventCloset Leading up to the grand opening of the clothes closet,Project Overview JC Penney sponsored an event where students couldWho: CISG partnered with the career center attend and receive heavily discounted professionalWhat: Grand Opening of the professional wear clothes wear. Almost 500 students were able to make it out tocloset this event and take advantage of this opportunity!When: Friday, November 16th from 10 am - 2 pmWhere: CUSG offices, refreshments outside in the Did you know, The Universitylobby, tour of the closet at the end of the hall offers an overall 17-to-1Why: The idea started last fall semester to open a faculty/student ratio, and nearlyclothing closet for students to rent used professional half of Clemson's classes havewear. We applied for capital improvement funding and fewer than 20 studentswon $10,000 and have used that to furnish the closetand buy some clothes! The career center and severalsenators have reached out to the alumni center (flyerssent to 60,000 alumni), the experience Clemson centerin Greenville, and current staff to donate and we havereceived a lot of clothing! The plan now is that studentscan get one free outfit a semester and keep it or bring itback and trade it in for another new outfit. Housingand dining are covering the dry cleaning of theclothing. Morgan Weaver
OCTOBER 26, 2018 VOL. 1, ISSUE 1Clemson Live Well Week is an event that was put on by Mrs. Kathleen SwinneyCUSG to commemorate Mental Health Week, a helped take part in ournationally recognized week, during the month of Healthy Cooking Demo inOctober. Our goal was to raise awareness about how collaboration with ClemsonClemson students can “Live Well” holistically. We Homesought to draw attention to important health topics thatcan positively impact the student body. In addition, wewanted to bring attention to the stigmas surroundingmental health. We desire for students to feel comfortablewith talking about mental health in all facets includingmental, physical, and social. Throughout the week wehosted various events that all tied in with our goals.Students were able to get involved and excited about thisweek all while learning about the many great resourcesthat we have to offer here on Campus and in thesurrounding community. Diamond BrownThe IT Student Advisory Board is a governance group comprised of undergraduate students from across the collegesat Clemson University. The Board’s main purpose is to provide feedback to the CIO and CCIT senior staff on businessand strategic decisions, but also boasts the unique opportunity to drive 10 percent of the student IT fees (over$500,000) towards IT-related and innovative project. Over the years, this 10 percent has led to the funding of projectsranging from mobile development to the purchasing of new printers and other technologies in the library andacademic buildings across campus.“Student-Driven, Results Focused”, is the slogan that ITSAB lives by. Over the years, they have helped turn manyprojects into innovative realities. From SolarStations in the Watt Family Innovation Center to the fully-loaded andupgraded Makerspace for 3D printing, list of ITSAB-funded is long and diverse. One of the most recent projects thatwere awarded funding was Clemson’s first 23-hour University-wide, student-run Hackathon. ITSAB has taken ideasand made them a reality.Like previously stated, ITSAB has over $500,000 to allocate to IT-related projects. For students, this may seem likean intimidating number. However, when you choose to apply to ITSAB, they look at the story behind the project, andalways strive to help students’ aspirations come to life. So if you are on the fence about applying, go ahead and apply!It is something you do not want to miss. Make your dream, reality with ITSAB.Ashley Girvin
OCTOBER 26, 2018 VOL. 1, ISSUE 1 CUSG in a Timeline Over 4,000 students and CUSG partnered with 350 student organizations CUPD to host a self attended fall tiger prowl in defense class this past Death Valley. September. Off-Campus Housing Fair Agricultural awareness was held to inform students week is going on nextabout the multiple off-campus week Oct. 29th until housing vendors in the area. November 2nd. November 10th from 8am until 12 pm there is a Look out for CUSG pancake breakfast tabling on library bridge benefiting the Student to pass out candy on Veterans Association at Halloween Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
OCTOBER 26, 2018 VOL. 1, ISSUE 1Fellow Tigers,My name is Mason Foley and I am currently serving as the UndergraduateStudent Body President alongside the Vice President Logan Young.Since I have been a student at Clemson, we have prospered in ways unlike anyother university. If we look to the answer of why we have achieved so much, itis because at Clemson we have a culture of individual excellence that hasallowed our student body to unleash an energy of self-pride to a greater extentthan ever before.The Student Body President’s role is to be the voice of all 20,000 undergraduatestudents. I am the chief advocate for the student body to upper administration,the Board of Trustees, and legislators. The executive branch is made up of 28cabinet members. We also have 16 committees that encompass everything fromTiger Prowl to the Walk For Veterans. Our administration’s main goal is torealign CUSG’s mission to the reasons people choose to come to Clemson in thefirst place: focusing on academics, community, and school spirit.Clemson is special in a way that it is all designed for you. Every building onthis campus, every faculty member, and even I myself am here so youindividually can reach your highest potential. When we all thrive asindividuals, we achieve the greatness that is now a staple on this campus. Thevalue of the tiger paw has never been higher so take advantage of all theexciting opportunities and resources Clemson has to offer.With You, For Clemson.Mason Foley
OCTOBER 26, 2018 VOL. 1, ISSUE 1Hello Clemson Family!My name is Dae’Shawn Scott and I am the Attorney General for the Judicial Branch of CUSG. TheJudicial Branch of Student Government is unique because we meet with students weekly and discussconduct matters with them on an individual basis. So how does this impact you? The Judicial Branchonly hears cases of students who have alleged to violate Clemson's Student Code of Conduct. The processof finding students in violation or not in violation of the Student Code of Conduct is an educationalprocess and is designed to not be punitive. Our goal of Judicial Branch is not making your life as aClemson Student harder, but just making sure that you are making responsible choices during your timehere at Clemson and you are safe. We receive several cases from university and city officials.My main job as the Attorney General is to oversee my five Assistant Attorney Generals, the SupremeCourt, all of the Branch members and be apart of the Cabinet. I work closely with the Office ofCommunity and Ethical Standards to promote Clemson’s Core Values of Integrity, Honesty, and Respect.My other duties include working with the Dean of Students office and taking part of AdministrativeHearings.For being apart of the Judicial Branch, I try to give our members career opportunities like hearingspeakers from Law Enforcement Agency, the Michelin Career Center and many more. There are manystudents from different backgrounds within Judicial Branch including Bioengineering, Psychology,Biology, English, Criminal Justice and many more! You do not have to be a law focused student to jointhe branch if you are interested!Some responsibilities of members are meeting at least once a week with their board to hear cases withintheir board time, this is usually around 2 hours at a time. Students are able to gain leadership experienceby being a student advisor, where they help counsel student who has alleged to have violated the Code ofConduct and help them through this process. Also, there is an appointed position of SenateParliamentarian, where this member goes to Senate meetings every week and makes sure that all therules and regulations are followed. This is just a small description of what the Judicial Branch does forCUSG. There are more opportunities available including the option of sitting on Administrative Boardhearings and Title IX Board hearings after you have been Title IX trained.The Judicial Branch also offers thirty (30) free minutes of legal aid by area lawyers if you are need oflegal help. If you are in need of legal aid please feel free to contact me at [email protected] and I willbe more than happy to help you.The best part of the Judicial Branch of CUSG is the family atmosphere. We are all from different majorsand backgrounds but we are all able to come together as the Clemson Family that we truly are and helpguide our fellow students in their journey here at Clemson.With Love,Dae'Shawn ScottGo Tigers!
OCTOBER 26, 2018 VOL. 1, ISSUE 1Hello Clemson!My name is Christian Jones, and I am the President of the Undergraduate StudentSenate here at Clemson! For those of you who don’t know, Senate is the LegislativeBranch of Student government. So what does that mean for you? Well, every MondaySenate meets to vote on Bills and Resolutions that affect the Undergraduate Students.Bills are used to approve funding allocations to student organizations and also tochange the structure of CUSG. Resolutions are Senate’s way of speaking on behalf ofUndergraduate Students and telling the greater Clemson community what changesUndergraduate Students want to see. Individual senators also work on projects to bettercampus and the students on it. Bike Share, Multicultural Dining Hall days, ClemsonLive Well week, the All In Farmers Market, and countless others are all projects thatsenators have led the charge on over years!My job as Senate President is to lead Senate on Monday nights and make sure that all64 members of Senate have the resources and tools they need to do their part in makingClemson a better place! So far, Senate has been doing a phenomenal job this semester.However, our term is not over yet, and we plan to keep working to improve Clemsonuntil our very last day in office! From advocating for a new, revamped bereavementpolicy to working to bring scooters to campus to promoting Clemson Against DrunkDriving, Senate has many things we are going to continue to work on to make sure theUndergraduate Student experience is the best it can possibly be! Additionally, Senateitself may look very different by the end of our term as we are about to embark on athorough evaluation of our policies and procedures.That’s a little about Senate, but I hope that you engage with us going forward! We meetMonday nights at 7:00 in the Student Senate Chambers behind Holmes and McCabe. Ifyou have any comments, concerns, projects you would like to see us work on, or issuesyou would like us to fight for, feel free to reach out! My email is [email protected], if you are interested in becoming a senator, elections are held everyMarch and our terms run from March to March. We in Senate are here for you!Go Tigers!Christian Jones
OCTOBER 26, 2018 VOL. 1, ISSUE 1 Senate secretary Madison Bolick was nominated as the CUSG homecoming representative for the 2018 school year. CUSG worked together to create a Pop UpMuseum to be presented during homecoming week. The purpose of the museum was to have a display on Clemson's history and traditions to show to the student body.Fun Fact Nate Olivier Outreach Chair Nate was a member of the club water polo team for the last few years and is all the way from Southern California
OCTOBER 26, 2018 VOL. 1, ISSUE 1 Administration came from both theInclusion and Equity Office and GanttCenter and spoke to different studentleaders of minority organizations on campus. CODA President's Table This event included a dinner and an open table discussion about improving relations with each other and administration.The All In Farmers Market, founded by Senator Emily Anne Godbold, started in the Spring of 2018 as a one-day event. This farmers market was created by students for students, faculty, and staff. The All In FarmersMarket is all about Fresh, Healthy, Local products and services. This event aims to address and tacklesustainability and food resource issues along with supporting local farmers and businesses. In addition, themarket hopes to increase overall student wellness and sense of community and Clemson Family. The marketwas created to connect students to fresh, healthy, local vendors. This creates a win-win situation between theClemson Family and local farmers and businesses.The All In Farmers Market has now grown into a monthly event as the season permits. The market can befound on Fridays at the Carillon Gardens when scheduled. This Fall semester the market was open inSeptember and October. The bulk of the work this semester was completed in collaboration with the CUSGSustainability committee, specifically Bryson Daniel and Josh Tedder, and the Sustainability Aramark/DiningInterns. This partnership allowed for more innovation, collaboration, and enthusiasm behind the market’ssuccess.Check out the All In Farmers Market Facebook and Instagram page for more information and upcomingevents. Emily Anne Godbold
OCTOBER 15, 2018 VOL. 1, ISSUE 1 RESOLUTION REVIEWBack on August 26th, 2018, a group of local community members rode nearbyClemson’s campus on Highway 93 and gathered on Highway 123 pedestrian bridge. Asa university and as an undergraduate student government sitting within the middle ofa local community, this raises no red flags, until flags were raised. These communitymembers thought to express their freedom of speech and right to protest in the form ofwaving and displaying Confederate flags. In response to this flagging, on September3rd, CUSG passed a public denouncement and took a stand against the public displayof the Confederate flag.Moving quickly, CUSG took this stand because: - Throughout history, the Confederate flag has been seen as a symbol of divisiveness, hatred, racism, and slavery. - This flag is associated with organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi Party. - The Confederate flag promotes racial tensions at this University looking to forward its values of Honesty, Integrity, and Respect.The passing of this denouncement brought media attention, and even a response fromthe South Carolina Secessionist Party, calling the elected student government“children commenting on subjects of which you have no foundational understanding”.Offering up a debate, the Secessionist Party wanted a response. CUSG felt as if noresponse was warranted, our point was made and stance given. Working closely withadministration it is our job as elected officials to be able to speak on behalf of studentsand fight to keep pushing the vision of this University forward, all while keepingstudents’ best interests at heart.With You, For Clemson,CUSG
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