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Published by Team, 2021-09-22 16:25:29

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Welcome to 16 Doller

About Us 16 Doller is a Global Mutual Aid Fund, World people's Bank, Financial Social Network or any definition whatsoever. The point is not in the title. The bottom line is that this is a voluntary informal association of millions and millions of people throughout the Earth, rebelled against the financial slavery, chose to declare war against the Fed and banks. (And to win this war!!) And for this aim they have consolidated their capital even though there are small amounts, owing to a great number, that is millions of people, it's already the power. Awesome and invincible power, growing every day.

Our Helping Mindset

Registration Free Commitment Amount $16 1st Primary Verification Link- 50% 2nd Secondary Verification Link 50%

Daily Benefit 5% Daily Up to 30Days

Booster Benefit 2 Direct Within 48 Hours 10% extra up to 15 Days

Binary Income Matching 5% All Pair 1:1 Daily Capping $100 Note: 1 Direct Compulsory for Binary

Extra Bonus If you Paid within 6 Hours, you will get extra Bonus. Sender Bonus 5% Receiver Bonus 3%

Term’s & Conditions For Booster Benefit 2 Direct with 48 Hours. Daily Closing Daily Payout. Balance Carry Forward in Binary Income. 1 Direct Compulsory for Binary Income. If you Paid within 6 Hours, you will get extra 5% Bonus.

Visit- Email- [email protected]

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