Program Guidebook Academic Year 2020 Master of Education Program in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (International Program) Faculty of Education Chulalongkorn University -1-
Table of Contents Program Objectives.................................................................................................................................. - 3 - Program Intended Learning Outcomes....................................................................................................... - 3 - Curriculum Structure and Plans of Study ................................................................................................... - 7 - Plans of Study .............................................................................................................................................. ‐ 7 ‐ Enrollment ............................................................................................................................................ - 8 - Grading System ..................................................................................................................................... - 9 - Thesis Hour Enrollment ........................................................................................................................ - 9 - Publication Requirements ...................................................................................................................... - 9 - Comprehensive Examination ................................................................................................................. - 9 - Chulalongkorn University Graduate Studies Regulations, 2008 ............................................................ - 10 - List of Courses ..................................................................................................................................... - 11 - Foundation courses (S/U) (6 Credits) ...................................................................................................... ‐ 11 ‐ Required courses (3 Credits) ..................................................................................................................... ‐ 11 ‐ Required courses for TEFL students (12 Credits) ................................................................................... ‐ 11 ‐ Elective Courses ........................................................................................................................................ ‐ 11 ‐ Group 1: English Language Education ................................................................................................ ‐ 11 ‐ Group 2: Linguistics, Language, and Culture ...................................................................................... ‐ 12 ‐ Group 3: Educational Research and Innovations ................................................................................ ‐ 12 ‐ Tentative Plans of Study....................................................................................................................... - 13 - Plan A: Thesis ............................................................................................................................................. ‐ 13 ‐ Plan B: Thesis and Coursework ................................................................................................................... ‐ 14 ‐ Plan C: Coursework and Master Project ...................................................................................................... ‐ 15 ‐ Faculty Members ................................................................................................................................. - 24 - Current Students in the Program.......................................................................................................... - 25 - Office Directory................................................................................................................................... - 25 - Appendices: TEFL Program Forms ..................................................................................................... - 26 -
Master of Education Program in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (International Program) The TEFL master’s program is a two-year program designed for both pre-service and in- service teachers of English to speakers of other languages. The program offers three plans of study with either research or coursework emphasizing on serving different backgrounds and needs of our students. Students have up to four academic years from the date of entry into the program to complete all the requirements. For the thesis plan of study, the students’ research proposals must be approved within the first two academic years after entering the program. Program Objectives 1. To produce graduates with knowledge and competence in English as a foreign language curriculum development and instructional management. The graduates should be able to integrate knowledge in linguistics, instruction, and research and innovations in designing and improving the instruction effectively. They should also be able to use English with an awareness of cultural diversity when working in multicultural society in Thailand and other countries effectively. 2. To produce research or develop new knowledge in providing English instruction, developing English learners, and improving instructional models and methods to be suitable for the learners and instructional contexts. Program Intended Learning Outcomes University Graduates Attributes Program Intended Learning Outcomes 1. Being knowledgeable 1. Students will be able to apply knowledge in 1.1 Possessing well-rounded areas related to the principles of education for knowledge sustainable development and educational 1.2 Possessing in-depth knowledge research in conducting living and pursuing career in teaching English as a foreign language with updated knowledge about society, economy, and environment.
University Graduates Attributes Program Intended Learning Outcomes 2. Having good morals 2. Students will be able to apply key content in 2.1 Being moral and ethical the areas of English instruction, educational 2.2 Having an awareness of innovations, and linguistics and culture and etiquette will be able to develop new knowledge in the field. 3. Students will be able to behave as a good Thai and global citizen with responsibility, morality, prudence, honesty, and be able to live with others in society peacefully. 4. Students will be able to conduct and discipline themselves in compliance with norms and rules in society and ethics for education professionals and researchers. 3. Having higher order thinking skills 5. Students will be able to analyze and 3.1 Being able to think critically synthesize with reasons in a holistic way. 3.2 Being able to think creatively 3.3 Having skills in problem solving 6. Students will be able to evaluate and apply appropriate knowledge. 4. Possessing essential capabilities 4.1 Having professional skills 7. Students will be able to develop academic 4.2 Having communication skills concepts in education creatively. 4.3 Having skills in information technology 8. Students will be able to solve complex 4.4 Having mathematical and problems by choosing appropriate problem- statistical skills solving processes. 4.5 Having management skills 9. Students will be able to provide English instruction in compliance with teacher professional standards in society, which is diverse in ideas and culture, and be able to conduct the research, get updated, apply the research findings, solve problems, and develop new knowledge. 10. Students will be able to use English appropriately with a multicultural awareness when communicating, conveying messages,
University Graduates Attributes Program Intended Learning Outcomes 5. Having an inquiring mind and presenting academic work, and learning and knowing how to learn sharing. 5.1 Having an inquiring mind 11. Students will be able to use suitable 5.2 Knowing how to learn information technology when communicating, learning, searching, 6. Having leadership qualities analyzing, researching, and presenting academic work in the areas related to English language teaching. 12. Students will be able to apply mathematics and statistics skills in reading, analyzing, and interpreting data for research and instructional purposes 13. Students will be able to plan, conduct, and assess work to achieve the goals effectively; create relationships with others; work independently and collaboratively; and have potentials to be entrepreneurs. 14. Students will be able to seek additional knowledge from various learning resources regularly and continuously. 15. Students will be able to appropriately apply learning techniques, methods, and processes in seeking knowledge by themselves. 16. Students will be able to demonstrate academic leadership appropriately to the situations and contexts of changes; be committed to ideology; be open to other people’s ideas; collaborate with others in arriving with solutions that benefit all parties using moral reasoning; be responsible for one’s own duty as both a leader and a team member; create academic networking; and be a leader with ideas and readiness to help colleagues, friends and families, society, and the nation.
University Graduates Attributes Program Intended Learning Outcomes 7. Maintaining well-being 17. Students will be able to take care of their 8. Being community-minded and own physical and psychological health; form appropriate character; be adaptive and deal possessing social responsibility with conditions under pressure. 9. Sustaining Thainess in a globalized 18. Students will be able to demonstrate their world concerns of society, environment, and public property; volunteer and be committed to 10. Possessing teachership work for the advancement of society academic community, and learning society. 19. Students will be able to demonstrate their awareness of self-value and national identity; and determine the norm for moderate lifestyles in multicultural and fast changing society to be able to live and work with people from different cultural backgrounds when preserving one’s own identity and culture in an independent, sustainable, and peaceful way. 20. Students will be able to demonstrate their teacher spirit, love, and be considerate to students; be committed to enhancing the learning of the learners up to their potentials; conduct themselves as a good model for students; and demonstrate moral courage.
Curriculum Structure and Plans of Study The Master of Education Program in Teaching English as a Foreign Language offers three plans of study as follows: Plan A (Thesis only) Students are required to conduct a thesis with no coursework requirements. Some students may be required by the program committee to take some courses as non-credit courses (using S/U evaluation criteria) if needed for their research purposes. Plan B (Coursework and Thesis) Students are required to take 36 credit hours of courses and conduct a thesis. Plan C (Coursework and Master Project) Students are required to take 33 credit hours of courses and conduct a three-credit hour of research-based master project. In addition, the students in this plan must pass a comprehensive exam as a requirement for graduation. Plans of Study Plan A Plan B Plan C credits 36 36 36 credits Total credits - 24 33 credits Courses - (6) (6) credits - Foundation courses (S/U) - 3 3 - Required course credits - Required courses - 12 12 credits for TEFL students - 9 18 credits - Elective courses - - - credits - Professional teaching experiences 36 12 - credits Thesis - - 3 Master Project - - Comprehensive Exam (S/U) -7-
Enrollment All students must enroll in at least 9 credits and no more than 15 credits each semester. Permission is required to enroll in fewer than 9 credits during any regular semester.
Grading System For coursework hours, students will receive a letter grade of A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, or F. For thesis hours, students will be issued an S (Satisfactory) or a U (Unsatisfactory) based on the assessment of their progress in their work on the thesis each semester and will receive a final grade of Very Good, Good, Pass, or Fail after taking the thesis examination. Students must receive an average GPA of 3.00 or higher throughout the program to avoid probation and retirement. Thesis Hour Enrollment The students in Plan A and Plan B need to consult with their thesis advisor before enrolling in the thesis hours each semester. A proposed plan for their work on the thesis (Appendix A) must be submitted to the thesis advisor every semester. This plan will be used to estimate the number of credit hours to enroll as well as to assess their progress in their thesis work at the end of the semester. At the end of each semester enrolled in thesis, the students must submit the Work-in-Progress Report (Appendix B) to the Program Director. If obtaining the result of U (Unsatisfactory) in two consecutive semesters from the thesis, the student status will be terminated. Publication Requirements To graduate, parts of the thesis (Plan A, B) and output from the master project (Plan C) must be published or accepted to be published in an academic journal with peer review or presented in an academic conference with full proceedings. Comprehensive Examination Students in Plan C can enroll in a comprehensive examination after taking all four required courses by the program and must pass the exam before graduation. Students who receive a U must apply for re-examination within the subsequent semester. If the second examination results in another U, the student status will be terminated. The tentative schedule for the comprehensive examination in each semester is as follows: Written Exam First Semester Second Semester Oral Exam 3rd week of November 1st week of April 1st week of December 1st week of May -9-
Chulalongkorn University Graduate Studies Regulations, 2008 Students must study other regulations for graduate studies from Chulalongkorn University Graduate Studies Regulations, 2008 from
List of Courses 3(3-0-9) 3(3-0-9) Foundation courses (S/U) (6 Credits) 2716600 Pedagogical Sciences 3(3-0-9) 2746502 Principles of Education for Sustainable Development 3(3-0-9) Required courses (3 Credits) 3(3-0-9) 2725739 Research Design in English Language Teaching 3(3-0-9) 3(3-0-9) Required courses for TEFL students (12 Credits) 2725634 Principles of English Language Teaching 3(3-0-9) 2725636 Foundations of English Language Study 3(3-0-9) 2725637 English Language Assessment and Evaluation 3(3-0-9) 2725708 English Language Curriculum Development 3(3-0-9) 3(3-0-9) Elective Courses 3(3-0-9) Group 1: English Language Education 3(3-0-9) 2725727 Teaching English Speaking Skills 3(3-0-9) 2725728 Teaching English Interactive Listening Skills 3(3-0-9) 2725729 Teaching English Interactive Reading Skills 3(3-0-9) 2725731 Teaching English Writing Skills 3(3-0-9) 2725702 English Language Teaching Materials and Media 3(3-0-9) 2725704 Supervision of English Language Teaching 3(3-0-9) 2725705 Selected Topics in English Language Teaching 3(3-0-9) 2725706 Teaching English for Workplaces 2725707 Community-based English Language Instruction 2725726 Second Language Teaching and Learning 2725733 Teaching English for Young Learners 2725734 Teaching English for Adolescent Learners 2725735 Teaching English for Adult Learners 2725741 Teaching English Literacy - 11 -
Group 2: Linguistics, Language, and Culture 3(3-0-9) 2725710 Reading and Writing for English Language Teachers 3(3-0-9) 2725711 Professional Oral Communication Skills 3(3-0-9) 2725712 Second Language Acquisition 3(3-0-9) 2725713 Syntax and Semantics for English Language Teaching 3(3-0-9) 2725714 Discourse and Pragmatics for English Language Teaching 3(3-0-9) 2725715 Phonetics and Phonology for English Language Teaching 3(3-0-9) 2725716 Sociolinguistics for English Language Teaching 3(3-0-9) 2725717 Selected Topics in Language and Linguistics 3(3-0-9) 2725732 Academic Listening and Reading Skills 3(3-0-9) 2725737 Pedagogical English Grammar 3(3-0-9) 2725738 Multilingual and Multicultural Education Group 3: Educational Research and Innovations 2725703 Seminar in English Language Teaching 3(3-0-9) 2725721 Action Research for English Language Teachers 3(3-0-9) 2725722 English Language Teaching Management 3(3-0-9) 2725723 English Language Teaching Innovations 3(3-0-9) 2725724 Individual Study 3(3-0-9) 2725742 English Language Learning and Teaching through Multimedia 3(3-0-9)
Tentative Plans of Study Plan A: Thesis 1st Year Semester I 2725816 Thesis 2725816 Thesis Total 9 credits 2725816 Thesis 9 credits 2725816 Thesis 1st Year Semester II 9 credits Total 9 credits 2nd Year Semester I 9 credits 9 credits Total 9 credits 2nd Year Semester II 9 credits Total
2716600 Plan B: Thesis and Coursework 3 (S/U) credits 2746502 3 (S/U) credits 2725634 1st Year Semester I 2725636 Pedagogical Sciences 3 credits Principles of Education for Sustainable 3 credits 2725708 Development 3 credits 2725637 Principles of English Language Teaching 12-15 credits Foundations of English Language Study 2725739 Elective courses 3 credits 2725811 Total 3 credits 2725811 1st Year Semester II 3-9 credits English Language Curriculum Development 12-15 credits English Language Assessment and Evaluation 3 credits Elective courses 6 credits 9 credits Total 2nd Year Semester I 6 credits Research Design in English Language Teaching 6 credits Thesis Total 2nd Year Semester II Thesis Total
Plan C: Coursework and Master Project 2716600 1st Year Semester I 3 (S/U) credits 2746502 Pedagogical Sciences 3 (S/U) credits 2725634 Principles of Education for Sustainable 2725636 Development 3 credits Principles of English Language Teaching 3 credits 2725708 Foundations of English Language Study 3 credits 2725637 Elective courses 12-15 credits 2725739 Total 3 credits 2725896 1st Year Semester II 3 credits English Language Curriculum Development 3-9 credits 2725730 12-15 credits English Language Assessment and Evaluation Elective courses 3 credits S/U credits Total 2nd Year Semester I 9 credits Research Design in English Language Teaching 12 credits Comprehensive Exam Elective courses 3 credits 0-3 credits Total 2nd Year Semester II 6 credits Master Project Elective courses Total
Course Description 2716600 Pedagogical Sciences PEDAGOGICAL SCI 3(3-0-9) Application of concepts and theories of pedagogical sciences, educational psychology, and guidance and counseling psychology for instructional processes; inclusive education; curriculum design and development based on national and international standards at all levels and systems; analysis of instructional models and learning management techniques for designing instruction and learning assessment; management of learning resources, learning environment, and learning centers in schools; design, implementation, and evaluation of media, innovations and technology for learning and communication in ubiquitous learning; classroom management; and educational quality assurance. 2725634 Principles of English Language Teaching PRIN ELT 3(3-0-9) Roles of English language teaching and challenges for English language teachers and learners; English language teaching methodology and psychology; principles of developing learners’ communicative competence; educational innovations and technology for English language teaching; factors related to second language learning and teaching; teaching practices and classroom management; development of teacher qualities. 2725636 Foundations of English Language Study FOUND ENG STUD 3(3-0-9) Essential linguistic concepts of English language study; major subfields of linguistics for English teachers; and application of linguistic knowledge in English language teaching in the context of World Englishes. 2725637 English Language Assessment and Evaluation ENG ASESS EVAL 3(3-0-9) Fundamental considerations in assessment and evaluation of English language; issues and trends in language assessment in the context of World Englishes ; types of language assessment; designing assessment and evaluation; feedback and results report of English language learning assessment and evaluation; roles of language assessment and evaluation in English language teaching research. - 16 -
2725702 English Language Teaching Materials and Media ELT MAT MEDIA 3(3-0-9) Concepts in designing English language instructional materials and media; analysis, selection, application, and evaluation of instructional materials and media effectively in various contexts. 2725703 Seminar in English Language Teaching SEM ENG LANG TCHG 3(3-0-9) Issues and trends in English language learning and teaching; recommendations for the development of English language learners and instruction; arrangement of academic seminars in English language instruction. 2725704 Supervision of English Language Teaching SUP ENG TCHG 3(3-0-9) Principles of language teacher supervision, supervisors’ roles, observation procedures and data collection techniques; issues related to post-observation conference and evaluative criteria; supervision practices in classrooms. 2725705 Selected Topics in English Language Teaching SEL TOP ENG TCHG 3(3-0-9) Selected topics in English language education that influence English learning and teaching in the local and global contexts. 2725706 Teaching English for Workplaces TCHG ENG WKPL 3(3-0-9) English for specific purposes curriculum development; learning needs of personnel in workplace; workplace English teaching and training methodology; assessment and evaluation of English used in the workplace; effective workplace communication. 2725707 Community-based English Language Instruction COMMUNITY ENG INS 3(3-0-9) Principles of community-based instruction; partners for learning management; academic and social empowerment; utilization of local wisdom and learning resources in the community in English language learning and teaching.
2725708 English Language Curriculum Development ENG CUR DE 3(3-0-9) Theories of English language curriculum and instructional design; development of school- based curriculum; development of English language curriculum in accordance with local and global contexts; and analysis and evaluation of English curriculum and instruction. 2725710 Reading and Writing for English Language Teachers READ WRIT ENG TCHR 3(3-0-9) Principles of effective reading and writing; research writing with cohesion and clarity; referencing other people’s ideas in writing. 2725711 Professional Oral Communication Skills PRO ORAL COMM 3(3-0-9) English oral communication skills for negotiations, discussions, meetings, and presentations; use of English as the medium of instruction and for moderating meetings; and politeness and appropriateness in communication in multicultural contexts. 2725712 Second Language Acquisition SECOND LANG ACQ 3(3-0-9) Second language acquisition theories and processes; factors affecting second language acquisition; second language acquisition research and implications in second language teaching. 2725713 Syntax and Semantics for English Language Teaching SYNTAX SEMAN ELT 3(3-0-9) Basic concepts of linguistic analysis on English word and sentence structures; syntactic theories within contemporary grammatical frameworks; introductory linguistic study of syntactic meanings, different types of meanings, semantic features, literal and figurative usage; research and implications for English language learning in the context of World Englishes. 2725714 Discourse and Pragmatics for English Language Teaching DISCOURSE PRAG ELT 3(3-0-9) Analysis of oral and written discourse; language use in contexts; intentional acts of speakers; understanding and misunderstanding between interlocutors; research and implications for English language learning and teaching in the context of World Englishes.
2725715 Phonetics and Phonology for English Language Teaching PHONE PHONO ELT 3(3-0-9) Analysis of sounds and sound systems in English language; speech production mechanism; articulatory system; description and transcription of English sounds; phonological analysis; patterns of stress and intonation; research and implications for English language learning and teaching in the context of World Englishes. 2725716 Sociolinguistics for English Language Teaching SOCIOLING ELT 3(3-0-9) Basic sociolinguistic concepts; language and society; language and culture; language variation; language and education; research in sociolinguistics and implications for English language learning and teaching in the context of World Englishes. 2725717 Selected Topics in Language and Linguistics SEL TOP LANG LING 3(3-0-9) Selected topics in language and linguistics that influence English language learning and teaching; review of research studies in language and linguistics in the context of World Englishes. 2725721 Action Research for English Language Teachers ACT RES ENG TCHR 3(3-0-9) Principles and application of action research in English language teaching contexts; roles of teacher researcher; action research processes; evaluation of action research in English language learning and teaching; publication and presentation of research work; English teachers’ research trends. 2725722 English Language Teaching Management ELT MGT 3(3-0-9) Principles of English language teaching management for language schools; policy and strategic management; government policy related to English language instruction; quality assurance for English language teaching programs; educational resource management; development of partnership for language school management. 2725723 English Language Teaching Innovations ELT INNOVATIONS 3(3-0-9) Principles, roles, and application of Information Technology in English language instruction; selection, evaluation, and design of technological materials; management of Information Technology in English language classroom suitable to local and global contexts.
2725724 Individual Study INDIVIDUAL STUDY 3(0-0-12) Self-study planning; review of research articles and studies on the topic of interest; analysis and synthesis of related research studies. 2725726 Second Language Teaching and Learning SEC LANG TCHG LRNG 3(3-0-9) Approaches and methods of English language teaching; instructional design for learners at different educational levels; characteristics and needs of second language learners in multicultural society; developing a long-range plan, unit plan, and daily lesson plan; analysis of major characteristics of current English communicative approaches and methods; and microteaching. 2725727 Teaching English Speaking Skills TCH ENG SPEAK SK 3(3-0-9) English speaking skills and strategies; theories of and approaches to teaching English speaking skills; instructional strategies, activities, materials, and assessment for teaching speaking; designing and implementing English speaking instruction; factors affecting English speaking instruction; and research in teaching speaking skills and its implications. 2725728 Teaching English Interactive Listening Skills TCH ENG INT LIS SK 3(3-0-9) English interactive listening skills and strategies; theories of and approaches to teaching English interactive listening skills; instructional strategies, activities, materials, and assessment for English listening instruction; designing and implementing English interactive listening instruction; factors affecting English listening instruction; and research in teaching listening skills and its implications. 2725729 Teaching English Interactive Reading Skills TCH ENG INT RE SK 3(3-0-9) English interactive reading skills and strategies; theories of and approaches to teaching English interactive reading skills; instructional strategies, activities, materials, and assessment for English reading instruction; designing and implementing English interactive reading instruction; factors affecting English reading instruction; and research in teaching reading skills and its implications.
2725730 Master Project MASTER PROJECT 3(0-0-12) Research and literature review on the topic of interest in English language teaching; conducting research; research report writing; and research publications under the supervision of the thesis advisor. 2725731 Teaching English Writing Skills TCH ENG WRIT SK 3(3-0-9) English writing skills and strategies; theories of and approaches to teaching English writing skills; instructional strategies, activities, materials, and assessment for English writing instruction; designing and implementing English writing instruction; factors affecting English writing instruction; and research in teaching English writing skills and its implications. 2725732 Academic Listening and Reading Skills ACAD LIS READ SKL 3(3-0-9) Principles of effective listening and reading for English language teachers; strategies for generating ideas from academic texts; note-taking strategies for listening and reading in academic contexts; critical reading and listening; and synthesis of information for discussions and writing. 2725733 Teaching English for Young Learners TCH ENG YOUNG 3(3-0-9) Concepts, theories, and factors related to second language acquisition of young learners; educational innovations and learning resources for English language development of young learners; teaching strategies, instructional activities, instructional materials, and assessment for English language development of young learners; designing and implementing English instruction for young learners; and research in teaching English for young learners and its implications. 2725734 Teaching English for Adolescent Learners TCH ENG ADOL 3(3-0-9) Concepts, theories, and factors related to second language acquisition of adolescent learners; educational innovations and learning resources for English language development of adolescent learners; teaching strategies, instructional activities, instructional materials, and assessment for English language development of adolescent learners; designing and implementing English instruction for adolescent learners; research in teaching English for adolescent learners and its implications.
2725735 Teaching English for Adult Learners TCH ENG ADULT 3(3-0-9) Concepts, theories, and factors related to second language acquisition of adult learners; educational innovations and learning resources for English language development of adult learners; teaching strategies, instructional activities, instructional materials, and assessment for English language development of adult learners; designing and implementing English instruction for adult learners; and research in teaching English for adult learners and its implications. 2725737 Pedagogical English Grammar PED ENG GRAM 3(3-0-9) English language grammar based on linguistic schools of thoughts; designing grammatical instruction based on the needs of English as a second language learners. 2725738 Multilingual and Multicultural Education MULLING MULCUL ED 3(3-0-9) History and principles of Multilingual and Multicultural Education, and pluralism; instructed approaches in Multilingual and Multicultural Education; curriculum development in Multilingual and Multicultural Education and teaching strategies used in schools; interactions among teachers, students and families with linguistic and culture diversity; Bilingual and multilingual education programs; factors affecting Multilingual and Multicultural Education., and related research and issues. 2725739 Research Design in English Language Teaching RS DSG ELT 3(3-0-9) Conceptualizing and designing the research learning process; exploration of some of the current topics and issues of interest in the English language teaching area; key research designs and connection between research and classroom-based teaching and learning; and data elicitation and interpretation for second and foreign language research; and framing of research proposal 2725741 Teaching English Literacy TCH ENG LITERACY 3(3-0-9) Principles and practices of literacy instruction, materials and resources; design and implementation of literacy instruction and assessment; and related research in teaching English literacy and its implications.
2725742 English Language Learning and Teaching through Multimedia ENG LT MULTIMEDIA 3(3-0-9) Theories, applications, and implementation of multimedia and multimedia activities for English language learning; awareness of the pedagogical and methodological skills to implement multimedia activities in classroom and to design language teaching materials; and related research. 2725811 Thesis THESIS 12(0-0-48) Research and literature review on the topic of interest in English language teaching; conducting research report writing; and research publication under the supervision of the thesis advisor 2725816 Thesis THESIS 36(0-0-144) Research and literature review on the topic of interest in English language teaching; conducting research; research report writing; and research publications under the supervision of the thesis advisor. 2725896 Comprehensive Exam COMPREHENSIVE EXAM 0(0-0-0) Fundamental concepts, theories and principles in English language teaching 2746502 Principles of Education for Sustainable Development PRIN ED SUS DEV 3(3-0-9) Principles and foundations of education in philosophical, historical, religions, social, cultural, economic and political aspects; principles of teaching profession; characteristics of teacher tasks; characteristics of teaching profession; teacher professional standards; laws and regulations related to education and teaching profession; educational management and quality assurance in education; crises in development; educational provision and teaching profession around the world; needs for paradigm shift in educational provision and teaching profession for enhancing international understanding, global citizenship, and creative society, and including sustainable development; educational provision and teaching profession development strategies for sustainable development.
Faculty Members Assistant Professor Pornpimol Sukavatee, Ph.D. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Ph.D. in English as an International Language, Chulalongkorn University Associate Professor Sumalee Chinokul, Ph.D. E-mail: [email protected] Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics, University of Sydney Assistant Professor Apasara Chinwonno, Ph.D. E-mail: [email protected] Ph.D. in Reading, Ohio University Assistant Professor Chansongklod Gajaseni, Ph.D. E-mail: [email protected] Ph.D. in Second Language Acquisition and Teacher Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Assistant Professor Jutarat Vibulphol, Ph.D. E-mail: [email protected] Ph.D. in English (TESL), Oklahoma State University Assistant Professor Ruedeerath Chusanachoti, Ph.D. E-mail: [email protected] Ph.D. in Curriculum, Instruction, and Educational Policy, Michigan State University Assistant Professor Maneerat Ekkayokkaya, Ph.D. E-mail: [email protected] Ph.D. in English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick Major Ra-shane Meesri, Ph.D. E-mail: [email protected] Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction, Chulalongkorn University
Current Students in the Program Academic Year Thai Students International Total Students 2015 - 1 1 2016 4 - 4 2017 7 3 10 2018 15 3 18 2019 8 7 15 Total 34 14 48 Office Directory Graduate School, Chulalongkorn University Tel. 0-2218-3501 Website: Office of the Registrar Tel. 0-2218-0016 Website: Faculty of Education Tel. 0-2218-2565-97 Website: Office of Academic Affairs Tel. 0-2218-2565-97 Ext.6739 Website: TEFL Program Tel. 0-2218-2565-97 Ext. 8140 Fax. 0-2218-2563 Website: E-mail: [email protected]
Appendices: TEFL Program Forms
Thesis Plan Report Appendix A M.Ed. Program in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (International Program) First semester Second Semester Academic year……………. Student’s name: Mr./Miss/Mrs./Ms./Other…………………………………………….………………….. Student’s ID: ……………………………….. 1. The total credits of thesis registered this semester ………… credits The total credits already registered ………… credits The credits receiving ‘Satisfactory’ result ………… credits 2. The due date for thesis completion First Second Semester Academic year………. 3. Thesis planning for this semester: 3.1 Proposing the thesis proposal by ……………………… 3.2 Developing the research instruments and testing their qualities by ……………………… 3.3 Collecting data by ……………………… 3.4 Analyzing data by ……………………... 3.5 Writing up thesis report by ……………………... 4. The plan to publish thesis within First Second Semester Academic Year …………. in the form of A research article in journal……...………………………………by ………………… A paper presentation in an academic conference (with full proceedings) …………………………………………………………………………… by………………….. ……………….…………………..…. …………….…………………….… (…………………………………….) (…….…………………..………….) Student (Thesis advisor) Date ……/……/…….. Date ……/……/…….. The TEFL Program Committee approved this thesis plan in the …./…… .Meeting on …./…./…… ………..…………………………… (Asst. Prof. Dr. Pornpimol Sukavatee) TEFL Program Director Note: Students enrolled in thesis hours must submit this form to the TEFL Program Director within the first month of each semester.
Thesis Work‐in‐progress Report Appendix B M.Ed. Program in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (International Program) First semester Second Semester Academic year……………. Student’s name: Mr./Miss/Mrs./Ms./Other: ………………………………………….…………………… Student’s ID: ……………………………….. ………… credits 1. The total credits of thesis registered this semester The total credits already registered ………… credits The credits receiving ‘Satisfactory’ result ………… credits 2. The due date for thesis completion First Second Semester Academic year………. 3. The plan to publish thesis within First Second Semester Academic Year …………. in the form of A research article in journal ……...……………………………… by ………………… A paper presentation in an academic conference (with full proceedings) …………………………………………………………………………… by………………….. 4. The progress of the thesis work (* Please mark where applies) Proposed Thesis processes to Accomplished Problems encountered conduct this semester* during the process(Please this identify) semester* 4.1 Proposing the thesis proposal 4.2 Developing the research instruments and testing their qualities 4.3 Collecting data 4.4 Analyzing data 4.5 Writing up thesis report The difficulties/ problems that keep you from following your proposed plan (if any) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Plans to solve the problems: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………….… (……………..………….………….) Student Date ……/……/……..
Comments from the thesis advisor: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………….… (……………..………… .………….) Thesis Advisor Date ……/……/…….. The TEFL Program Committee has acknowledged this thesis work‐in‐progress report in the ……/…… meeting on ……/……/…..……. ………..…………………………… (Asst. Prof. Dr. Pornpimol Sukavatee) Program Director Note: Students enrolled in thesis hours must report their progress by submitting this form to the TEFL Program Director within the first Monday of October (for the first semester) and the first Monday of March (for the second semester).
Research Proposal Appendix C Title (English) Title (Thai) Researcher Student ID number Advisor Program of Study Academic Year
Table of Contents Page Background of the study Research questions Objectives Definitions of terms Research framework (if any) Scope of the study Significance of the study Review of the literature Methods Research Design Population and Participants Instruments Data Collection Procedures Data Analysis Research plan References Appendices
Background of the Study Research questions Objectives Definitions of terms Research framework (If any) Scope of the study Significance of the study Review of the literature
Months Methods Research Design Population and Participants Instruments Data Collection Procedures Data Analysis Research plan Procedures 1. 2. 3. 4.
Appendix A
Appendix D Thesis Proposal Evaluation Form Master of Education Program in Teaching English as a Foreign Language First Second Semester, Academic year …………….. Student’s name: …………………………………………………………….. Mr./Miss/Mrs./Ms./Other Student’s ID: ……………………………….. Plan of Study Plan A Plan B Part 1: Quality of the thesis proposal (60%) Results Topics for Evaluation Very Good Satisfactory Need Notes good improvement 4 3 2 1 1.Research Title (English and Thai) 2.The significance of the study (Research focuses and background of the study) 3.Research questions 4.Research objectives 5.Definition of terms 6. Research framework 7. Scope of the study 8. Benefits of the study 9. Theory and other related works 10. Research methodology 11. Research plan 12.References …………/60 % Total Part 2: Thesis proposal presentation (40%) Results Topics for Evaluation Very Good Satisfactory Need Notes good improvement 4 3 2 1 1.The knowledge and understanding of the research proposal 2. The ability to explain and make connection to the research design in the following aspects: 2.1 planning on selection of research participants 2.2 planning on research instrument validation process and collection of data 2.3 planning on data analysis and research report
2.4 the ability to handle the questions 2.5 having a logic and reasonable thoughts on the research plan 2.6 the overall quality of proposal presentation 2.7 Readiness and the ability to conduct the research Total …………/ 40% Total score: Part 1 + Part 2 = ……………% In the program committee meeting ……/…..…., on ……………………………….., the program committee has reviewed this thesis proposal and have decided on the following issues. 1. Approve this thesis proposal Approve this thesis proposal with suggestions for revision as follows: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Disapprove this thesis proposal and request the student to submit a revised version of the proposal to the committee by ………………………………………………… with the following revisions: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Approval granted by Thesis committee Chair …………………………………………………………………….…………….. Thesis advisor …………………………………………………………………….…………….. Co‐advisor (if any) ………………………………………………………………….…………….…. External Reader ………………………………………………………………….…………….…. Date: …………………………………………………… Acknowledged by: ……………………………..……………… (Dr. Pornpimol Sukavatee) Program Director Date …………………….......…...
Master Project Proposal Evaluation Form Appendix E 1. Master Project title English: _____________________________________________________________ Thai: ________________________________________________________________ 2. Student’s Name: _____________________________________ ID. ________________ 3. Master Project Advisor’s Name: _____________________________________________ 4. Brief Rationale and Background of this study: a) Approved with no correction b) Approved with minor correction c) Approved with major correction d) Re‐submit for further decision 5. Re‐submit for further decision Master Project objectives: a) Approved with no correction b) Approved with minor correction c) Approved with major correction d) Re‐submit for further decision 6. Re‐submit for further decision Master Project research design: a) Approved with no correction b) Approved with minor correction c) Approved with major correction d) Re‐submit for further decision 7. Re‐submit for further decision Research procedures (in brief): a) Approved with no correction b) Approved with minor correction c) Approved with major correction d) Re‐submit for further decision 8. Re‐submit for further decision Significance of the study: a) Approved with no correction b) Approved with minor correction c) Approved with major correction d) Re‐submit for further decision Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Acknowledged by: _______________________ Date: ______________________
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