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Home Explore LAMINARIA JAPONICA English Version


Published by marketingnhf, 2021-06-04 04:25:04

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Contents 1 What is Laminaria Japonica? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Great Source of Iodine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 Manages Blood Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 Helps Lose Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 Reduces Heart Diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6 Slows Cancer Growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 7 Stronger Bones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

CHAPTER MALTODEXTRIN ADDITIVES WE MUST AVOID 1 What is Laminaria Japonica? www.nhf.comL.myaminaria Japonica (Kelp) belongs to the brown al- gae class (Phaeophyceae) and is specifically in the order Laminariales. Visibly, it’s a large seaweed that grows in shallow, under- water forests. It’s often sur- rounded by plentiful marine and plant life. Kelp plays an important role in the underwater ecosystem. Kelp forests, which grow primarily on the Pacific Coast, provide food and shelter for thousands of fish and marine mammal species. Kelp is also one of the fastest-growing plants on earth and can grow as much as 300 feet in a single year, meaning it can feed and shelter a lot of fish. 1

CHAPTER MALTODEXTRIN ADDITIVES WE MUST AVOID 2 Great Source of Iodine .myodine helps the thyroid I w.nhf.comrun properly and make thyroid hormones, which are in charge of a variety of essential functions in- cluding metabolism, bone wwstructure and brain devel- opment (during pregnan- cy and infancy), among other important functions. So, it’s a good idea to keep them in check—es- pecially since iodine deficiency is on the rise among women. A trial tested 7 patients who had severe disability along with hypothyroid- ism [1]. During the kelp study, the participants were administered a daily dose of 1 to 2gms of kelp powder. At the end of the study, it was found that these the patient had normal thyroid functioning along with regular urine iodine concentration. 2

MALTODEXTRIN ADDITIVES WE MUST AVOID CHAPTER 3 Manages Blood Sugar www.nhf.comK.myelp is a rich source of the trace mineral Va- nadium, which may have potent hypoglycaemic effects [2]. This means it naturally lowers your blood sugar, helping maintain healthy blood glucose levels over time. And although scientists are still learning how va- nadium works, research published in Bioscience Horizons has found that vanadium can suppress enzymes involved in glucose production and the development of type-2 diabetes [3]. A 2015 study reported similar results, stating that kelp extracts can inhibit enzymes that increase blood glucose levels [4]. What’s more, researchers cites animal studies that have found “kelp may improve beta-cell function in the pancreas, resulting in a reduction of fasting blood glucose [5]. 3

MALTODEXTRIN ADDITIVES WE MUST AVOID A Korean study published in Nutrition Research and Practice found that kelp consumption greatly improved blood glucose levels, positively influ- enced glycemic control and increased antioxidant enzyme activities in patients with type II diabetes [6]. An eight-week study in 60 Japanese people revealed that Fucoxanthin, a substance in brown seaweed kelp, may help improve blood sugar con- trol [7]. Participants received a local seaweed oil that contained either 0 mg, 1 mg or 2 mg of fucoxanthin. The study found that those who re- ceived 2 mg of fucoxanthin had improved blood sugar levels, compared to the control group. 4

CHAPTER MALTODEXTRIN ADDITIVES WE MUST AVOID 4 Helps Lose Weight Not only is kelp a nutri- ent-rich food that’s beneficial to any diet, but it also has specific fat-fighting properties. A protein found in most va- rieties, known as Fucox- anthin, has been shown to significantly reduce fat tissue. A study out of Moscow also found that a combination of pomegran- ate seed oil with fucoxanthin promoted weight loss and increased liver function [8]. Researchers in Japan concluded that Laminaria Japonica has the capabil- ities of inhibiting triglycerides absorption in a high-fat diets [9]. 5

MALTODEXTRIN ADDITIVES WE MUST AVOID Another way kelp can be helpful when losing weight is by the presence of particular molecules known as Alginates. One study studied the effect of kelp on pancreatic lipase, finding that its consumption reduced this pro- cess by which the pancreas overprocesses fat and stores too much in the body .[10] Instead, this seaweed was a vital factor in helping the body expel fat via excrement, rather than absorb large amounts. A 2012 study found that, when combined with energy or calorie-restricted diet, Alginate supplementation was associated with greater weight loss in people with obesity .[11] The researchers attributed this effect to alginate’s fiber content, which can keep hunger at bay by increasing satiety. 6

MALTODEXTRIN ADDITIVES WE MUST AVOID CHAPTER 5 Reduces Heart Diseases www.nhf.comT.myhere’s a power nutri- ent found in many varieties of kelp that, among other things, has shown effectiveness against blood-related problems. It’s called Fu- coidan. Fucoidan has shown ef- fectiveness in prevent- ing blood clots that can lead to dangerous health problems, including stroke and heart attack. It’s so effective, in fact, that researchers cite it as having potential to be used as an oral anti-throm- botic agent, potentially reducing the need of prescription drugs to treat clotting problems .[12] 7

MALTODEXTRIN ADDITIVES WE MUST AVOID Fucoidan also protects cells in your body from ischemic damage, meaning damage caused by improper levels of blood flow to certain parts of the body .[13] 8

CHAPTER MALTODEXTRIN ADDITIVES WE MUST AVOID 6 Slows Cancer Growth .myultiple nutrients in M w.nhf.comkelp function in tan- dem to give you protec- tion against cancer. The presence of fucoxanthin was found to be effective wwagainst a number of types of prostate cancer. In ad- dition, fucoxanthin can help remove drug resis- tance in cancer patients undergoing dangerous chemotherapy treatments, thereby reducing the amount of harmful drugs introduced into one’s system in order to treat cancer .[14] When it comes to cancer-fighting nutrients, fucoidan wins the top spot. Studies on fucoidan have found that it causes cancer cells to die (a pro- cess known as “Apoptosis”) in leukemia, colon, breast and lung cancer .[15,16,17] It’s the fucoidan and fucoxanthin combo that makes this sea veg- etable one of the most effective cancer-fighting foods. 9

MALTODEXTRIN ADDITIVES WE MUST AVOID CHAPTER 7 Stronger Bones www.nhf.comF.myirst, it’s a rich source of Vitamin K — you get almost a quarter of the daily recommended intake of vitamin K in just one serving. One of the many benefits of vitamin K is its role in creating denser bones that don’t as easily succumb to arthritis and osteoporo- sis. It’s also worthwhile to note that if you’ve been on antibiotics lately, you might need to increase your vitamin K intake to avoid vitamin K deficiency. However, people on blood-thinning drugs ought to avoid extra vitamin K, as it can affect how the drugs work. Fucoidan also contributes to healthy bones. Low molecular weight fucoid- an helps prevent age-related bone loss and improves the mineral density in bones .[18] 10




MALTODEXTRIN ADDITIVES WE MUST AVOID References 1. Takeuchi T, Kamasaki H, Hotsubo T, Tsutsumi H. Treatment of Hypothyroidism due to Iodine Deficiency Using Daily Powdered Kelp in Patients Receiving Long-term Total Enteral Nutrition. Clin Pediatr Endocrinol. 2011 Jul;20(3):51-5. doi: 10.1297/cpe.20.51. Epub 2011 Oct 7. PMID: 23926395; PMCID: PMC3687637. 2. Treviño S, Díaz A, Sánchez-Lara E, Sanchez-Gaytan BL, Perez- Aguilar JM, González-Vergara E. Vanadium in Biological Action: Chemical, Pharmacological Aspects, and Metabolic Implications in Diabetes Mellitus. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2019;188(1):68-98. doi:10.1007/ s12011-018-1540-6 3. Saima Shehzad, The potential effect of vanadium compounds on glucose-6-phosphatase, Bioscience Horizons: The International Journal yof Student Research, Volume 6, 2013, hzt002, .mbiohorizons/hzt002 w.nhf.com4. Chin, Y.X., Lim, P.E., Maggs, C.A. et al. Anti-diabetic potential of selected Malaysian seaweeds. J Appl Phycol 27, 2137–2148 (2015). 5. Long SH, Yu ZQ, Shuai L, et al. The hypoglycemic effect of the wwkelp on diabetes mellitus model induced by alloxan in rats. Int J Mol Sci. 2012;13(3):3354-3365. doi:10.3390/ijms13033354 6. Kim MS, Kim JY, Choi WH, Lee SS. Effects of seaweed supplementation on blood glucose concentration, lipid profile, and antioxidant enzyme activities in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Nutr Res Pract. 2008;2(2):62-67. doi:10.4162/nrp.2008.2.2.62 7. Mikami N, Hosokawa M, Miyashita K, Sohma H, Ito YM, Kokai Y. Reduction of HbA1c levels by fucoxanthin-enriched akamoku oil possibly involves the thrifty allele of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1): a randomised controlled trial in normal-weight and obese Japanese adults. J Nutr Sci. 2017;6:e5. Published 2017 Feb 14. doi:10.1017/jns.2017.1 14

MALTODEXTRIN ADDITIVES WE MUST AVOID 8. Maeda H, Hosokawa M, Sashima T, Funayama K, Miyashita K. Fucoxanthin from edible seaweed, Undaria pinnatifida, shows antiobesity effect through UCP1 expression in white adipose tissues. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2005 Jul 1;332(2):392-7. 9. Shirosaki M, Koyama T. Laminaria japonica as a food for the prevention of obesity and diabetes. Adv Food Nutr Res. 2011;64:199- 212. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-387669-0.00015-6. PMID: 22054948. 10. Matthew D. Wilcox, Iain A. Brownlee, J. Craig Richardson, Peter W. Dettmar, Jeffrey P. Pearson, The modulation of pancreatic lipase activity by alginates, Food Chemistry, Volume 146, 2014, Pages 479-484, ISSN 0308-8146 11. Morten Georg Jensen, Mette Kristensen, Arne Astrup, Effect of alginate supplementation on weight loss in obese subjects completing a 12-wk energy-restricted diet: a randomized controlled trial, The American yJournal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 96, Issue 1, July 2012, Pages 5–13, .m w.nhf.com12. Zhao X, Guo F, Hu J, Zhang L, Xue C, Zhang Z, Li B. Antithrombotic activity of oral administered low molecular weight fucoidan from Laminaria Japonica. Thromb Res. 2016 Aug;144:46-52. doi: 10.1016/j. thromres.2016.03.008. Epub 2016 Mar 9. PMID: 27289072. ww13. Han YS, Lee JH, Jung JS, Noh H, Baek MJ, Ryu JM, Yoon YM, Han HJ, Lee SH. Fucoidan protects mesenchymal stem cells against oxidative stress and enhances vascular regeneration in a murine hindlimb ischemia model. Int J Cardiol. 2015 Nov 1;198:187-95. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2015.06.070. Epub 2015 Jun 27. PMID: 26163916. 14. Farooqi, A.A., Butt, G. & Razzaq, Z. Algae extracts and methyl jasmonate anti-cancer activities in prostate cancer: choreographers of ‘the dance macabre’. Cancer Cell Int 12, 50 (2012). https://doi. org/10.1186/1475-2867-12-50 15

MALTODEXTRIN ADDITIVES WE MUST AVOID 15. Atashrazm F, Lowenthal RM, Woods GM, Holloway AF, Karpiniec SS, Dickinson JL. Fucoidan Suppresses the Growth of Human Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Cells In Vitro and In Vivo. J Cell Physiol. 2016 Mar;231(3):688-97. 16. Park, H., Kim, I., Kim, J., & Nam, T. (2013). Induction of apoptosis and the regulation of ErbB signaling by laminarin in HT-29 human colon cancer cells. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 32, 291-295. 17. Moussavou, G.; Kwak, D.H.; Obiang-Obonou, B.W.; Maranguy, C.A.O.; Dinzouna-Boutamba, S.-D.; Lee, D.H.; Pissibanganga, O.G.M.; Ko, K.; Seo, J.I.; Choo, Y.K. Anticancer Effects of Different Seaweeds on Human Colon and Breast Cancers. Mar. Drugs 2014, 12, 4898-4911. 18. Hwang PA, Hung YL, Phan NN, Hieu BT, Chang PM, Li KL, Lin YC. The in vitro and in vivo effects of the low molecular weight fucoidan on ythe bone osteogenic differentiation properties. Cytotechnology. 2016;68(4):1349-59. 16

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