TO BE, OR NOT TO BE? In the last edition of the Newsec Property survive the pandemic. I dare to state the Outlook we concluded that the pandemic had opposite – the concept of the office will not accelerated several developments and trends be rendered obsolete. already taking place in society pre-covid-19. The concept of the office in the wake of the In the history of humanity, the office is a pandemic has been under a lot of scrutiny and relatively new phenomenon driven by our urge we will now take a closer look at this theme. In to enable communication, increase efficiency this edition of the Newsec Property Outlook, and fulfill the organization’s goals. The office we explore what the future holds for the office also works like a glue in sticking the individual market in the Nordics and Baltics. pieces together, by offering a physical place where the members of an organization socially Over time, we have seen a gradual shift in terms interact with one another to build the company of office space. The trend has been fewer square culture and enforce its core values. meters per person, as we have gone from working in individual rooms to open landscapes I strongly believe that the office will hold even and activity-based offices. Not to mention co- more importance in terms of a company’s working that has experienced a great hype in the competitiveness going forward. Having the last few years. right kind of office in the right location will be key to attracting and retaining the most sought Then the pandemic struck, really putting after employees. And after all, the employees digitalization and flexibility to the test as are one of, if not the most, important asset of governments urged offices to close and every- an organization. We will surely see continued one that possibly could to work from home. developments and new usages as our behavior It is impressive to see the giant leap that we have changes, but I am certain that the office will taken in these last months, but I also think that continue to evolve and meet our needs. As Mark this has made one point very very clear, at least Twain put it: “the reports of my death are greatly for me personally… Fine, it works. But nothing exaggerated”. more than that. With that, I wish you an interesting read! Rather, it has reenforced my belief in the importance of the office. Nothing can compete Max Barclay, with meeting in person. What happens in the Head of Newsec Advisory human interaction when we meet face to face is irreplaceable, whether it is about creativity, creating a sense of community or building a company culture. Some voices have been certain that the office as a concept will not 3
CONTENTS Property in uncertain times............................................................................................. 7 The death of the office has been greatly exaggerated ........................... 12 The Swedish Property Market .................................................................................... 18 The Norwegian Property Market ............................................................................. 20 The Danish Property Market ....................................................................................... 22 The Finnish Property Market ...................................................................................... 24 The Estonian Property Market .................................................................................. 26 The Lithuanian Property Market ............................................................................. 28 The Latvian Property Market ..................................................................................... 30 European Property Markets ........................................................................................ 32 Macroeconomic data.......................................................................................................... 34 Property data ........................................................................................................................... 37 Definitions .................................................................................................................................... 41 The Newsec Property Outlook Team ................................................................... 42 The Full Service Property House ............................................................................ 44 Newsec’s market reports ............................................................................................... 45 Contact and addresses .................................................................................................... 46 Copyright Newsec © 2021 This report is intended for general information and is based upon material in our possession or supplied to us that we believe to be reliable. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy and completeness, we cannot offer any warranty that factual errors may not have occurred. Newsec takes no responsibility for any damage or loss suffered by reason of the inaccuracy of this report. Newsec, Box 7795, SE-103 96 Stockholm, Sweden. Phone + 46 8 454 40 00, You may use the information in the Newsec Property Outlook but acknowledge- ment must be made for all quotations and use of data/graphics. Cover photo: iStock 5
YOUR PARTNER IN THE NORTH Newsec, the Full Service Property House in Northern Europe, is the solid choice of partner within Advisory and Property Asset Management. With sharp analyses, hard facts and just the right skill set, we’ve got you covered.
NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 PROPERTY IN UNCERTAIN TIMES ● Photo: Maskot PROPERTY IN UNCERTAIN TIMES Klas Eklund, Senior Economist, Mannheimer Swartling We live in strange and turbulent times. In 2020, the economies of all Nordic countries contracted. Still, their property markets showed strong resilience – both prices and transaction volumes. The main reason was strongly expansionary policies in all countries. Asset markets – both stocks and real estate – are supported by monetary policy, in particular negative real interest rates. Thus, an analysis of future developments must factor in actions from central banks to a larger extent than usual. The basic forecast is continued strength of the property markets in 2021 and 2022 – but with downside risks in the longer run. Wild swings Differences between sectors and nominal key rates were negative in The economic development in Europe countries have been large. Manufac- both Finland and Denmark, and zero in showed strong gyrations in 2020, as turing has fared better than services. Norway and Sweden. Thus, real rates the pandemic spread and lockdowns A number of countries like the UK, were negative in all countries. Central followed. There was a sharp contrac- Spain and Italy on the one hand con- banks also pursued QE, quantitative tion in Q2, a bounce-back in Q3, and tracted by some 10 per cent in 2020. easing, meaning they bought large then a second slowdown in Q4, leading On the other hand, the Nordics did amounts of bonds to press down to a new, but milder contraction in better, with GDP shrinking by 2–4 per market yields. 10-year real govern- Q1 of 2021. The pattern, consequent- cent. Bad numbers, but not as abysmal ment bond yields are negative in all ly, has been similar to a W, with the as was feared in the spring of 2020. countries. In all four Nordic nations, second downturn less severe than the Strong support from fiscal and mon- fiscal policy also turned expansionary first. etary policy gave relief. By year-end, →last year, with budget deficits rising. 7
● PROPERTY IN UNCERTAIN TIMES NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 »There is a good chance that growth numbers, in particular for private consumption will be strong in 2022« These efforts supported asset good chance that growth numbers, in inflation. American bond yields have markets. After the initial fall of stock particular for private consumption will started to move up – albeit from low markets as the pandemic broke, mon- be strong in 2022. levels. A return of inflation obviously etary support made equities bounce would have massive repercussions on back and stocks reached all-time highs However, the expected upturn starts bond yields – and real estate. by year-end. Real estate markets from a low level of capacity utilization, were resilient in all four countries with high unemployment. In this In the spring of 2021, consumer throughout 2020, and segments of respect, annual numbers for the whole prices (CPI) are rising sharply in most the markets reached all-time highs. of 2021 may not look particularly advanced economies. But this is a Transaction volumes were also strong, strong, even if growth rates per se will temporary phenomenon, caused by in several cases also surpassing be high during H2. Sticky unemploy- “base effects”. Firstly, the pandemic previous peaks. ment means that economic policy will is changing the weights of different remain expansionary throughout all of consumption items in the CPI basket. Looking ahead 2021. Key rates will stay low. Secondly, a year ago, oil prices col- The outlook is uncertain. A gradual lapsed. Now both oil and other com- recovery is the baseline scenario, but This will continue to support asset modities are rising again, and as last there are upside as well as downside markets. The question that will arise year’s negative values fall out of the risks which are impossible to quantify. is whether the boom has gone too 12-month statistics and are replaced On the one hand, vaccines are being far. Equity valuations are indeed very by positive numbers, reported prices rolled out and pent-up demand may be high: for the US S&P 500 the p/e ratio on an annual basis automatically rise. unleashed as a return to some kind of is now the highest since 1929 (after In several countries, CPI will reach 2 normalcy ensues. On the other hand, which came the stock market crash) per cent or above. there is a risk of a third wave of infec- and 1999 (after which followed the IT tions and lockdowns, as new forms of crash). No wonder some investors are But this is a one-off effect, which will the virus emerge and vaccination is starting to fret, searching for alter- ease as soon as more new numbers delayed. native investments, creating froth in are incorporated into the 12-month subsegments of risky assets. series. The consensus view is there- While this creates uncertainty in fore that inflation will fall back, due to the short to medium term, we also However, if we study historical yields, low capacity utilization. So in H2, infla- encounter uncertainty concerning we find that this peak is different. Real tion numbers should be back down to structural changes as a result of the bond yields are negative – at the same low levels again. But looking further downturn and technical change. Dig- time as inflation is extremely low. ahead – into 2022 and 2023 – raises italization has taken a leap forward, Thus, it would seem that the key to several uncertainties. affecting shopping, working, living high equity valuations is the low level and commuting. This will have conse- of interest rates. With rates as low as Wages have historically been a pri- quences for real estate. today, it is not difficult to justify high mary driver of costs and inflationary equity valuations. pressure. Given that unemployment A reasonable starting point is that is high and capacity utilization low, the first quarter of 2021 will prove to Inflation? it is difficult to see any rapid, cost- be weak, and that the cycle bottoms Will rates remain low? This raises the inflating rise in wages in the near out in the second quarter. This would issue of inflation. For years, inflation future. A more difficult issue is that imply an upturn during the second has stayed low; in most countries of the massive liquidity stimuli from half of the year. This could be brisk as (including the Eurozone) clearly below central banks. Traditional monetary households spend more of the savings inflation targets. Now, however, the theory claims this should be inflation- that have been amassed during combination of a possible strong ary. But so far, we have not seen any the lockdowns, and as corporates cyclical rebound and massive increase inflationary impulses. increase investments again. There is a in liquidity has raised the specter of 8
NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 PROPERTY IN UNCERTAIN TIMES ● Photo: iStock How will central banks react? Thus, from 2022 on, I presume infla- home. Travelling patterns – both That may change as capacity utili- tion in the US will rise somewhat, but long-range and commuting – changed. zation picks up. The combination of nominal interest rates will stay low, Sure, many office workers will come rising capacity, liquidity and perhaps rising only slowly. Bond yields will back after the pandemic, but working rising inflationary expectations could move higher than short-term rates; from home has nonetheless proved to very well end the period of ultra-low yield curves will steepen. Europe will be an efficient complement. We can inflation. As we move into 2022, lag, but here, too, the same forces therefore expect demand for extra inflationary pressures gradually may will gradually materialize. As a result, space at home to increase. Demand start to increase. For whatever it is real yields will stay negative in most for co-working space in residential worth, I believe that inflation will see a countries – preserving favourable areas may also increase. As a result, short-term spike in H1, fall back in H2 conditions for asset markets. there will be – ceteris paribus – a 2021, but then gradually climb from movement out from city centers and 2022. This process will be stronger in But there are inherent risks in this smaller apartments, to bigger houses the US, because of more rapid growth Goldilocks-situation. Inflation may in suburbs and smaller towns. and more expansionary policy. suddenly pick up – and markets rate as well, threatening confidence in central On top of this, we have seen another, Central banks will not react to the banks’ abilities to handle the situation. unexpected and possibly temporary spike in H1 by tighter policy. They will, effect of the pandemic. As more peo- rightly so, see the uptick as tempo- So: my base case with regard to ple work from home and have been rary. And my guess is that they also monetary policy is one of beneficial hampered by lockdowns while ser- will be reluctant to hike key rates even conditions for real estate for yet an- vices like restaurants and travelling if inflation starts to move up in 2022. other year or two, but with increasing have been restrained, some house- The reason is the huge pile of debt risks of a set-back. holds have started to spend more on which might unleash a financial crisis, housing consumption; rejuvenating, should rates be hiked too rapidly. Also, Structural changes decorating and refurbishing. the Fed and some other central banks This general picture should be clearly have stated that they will accept complemented with a realization that The Nordics somewhat higher inflation, partly as real estate also will be influenced a compensation for many years of by technological and demographic These trends apply also to the Nordic unders hooting inflation targets. In- trends which intensified during the stead, they will attempt to hold down pandemic. region. In 2020, the four Nordic coun- market rates via “yield curve control”, which in essence means further inter- Digitalisation took a quantum leap, tries – Denmark, Sweden, Norway and ventions on the bond markets. with e-commerce and working from Finland – all suffered recessions, but less severe than continental Europe. Initially, Norway was hardest hit, given its dependency on oil and gas – the → 9
● PROPERTY IN UNCERTAIN TIMES NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 Photo: Shutterstock prices of which tumbled. With regard the pandemic hit. That hurt both GDP As vaccination spreads and if the virus to political reactions, Sweden was the and the housing market. However, is contained, pent-up demand should odd man out, initially implementing both bounced back in the autumn of mean a strong rebound. As the krone weaker restrictions and more lenient 2020, and the long period of rising is tied to the euro, but in the stronger lockdowns. The number of infected real estate prices took a new optimis- part of the trading band, the National and dead turned out higher than in tic turn. bank has room for a small rate cut. the neighbouring countries, while it is difficult to see any beneficial effects The Danish economy managed better As a result, the real estate market is on Swedish economic performance. than most in 2020. The reasons expected to stay strong. Bubble risks were swift measures to prevent the are contained by a slew of macro With regard to monetary policy, virus from spreading, a diversified prudential regulations, e.g tougher Finland is a member of the Eurozone, export sector (including both foods credit standards and higher required while Denmark has a fixed exchange and pharma), and financial resilience down payments. rate to the euro. Both Sweden and courtesy of a strong savings buffer. Norway have floating national curren- Government support schemes worked Finland cies. All four countries have strong well. Consumption was stimulated by The Finnish experience is similar fiscal positions. As a result, they have one-off disbursements. At the end of to the Danish. A quick and decisive all been able to undertake strong the year, though, Denmark suffered lockdown in spring of 2020 contained supporting policy measures. a new virus scare as a mutation came the contagion and made a gradual from minks. New lockdowns were im- opening up possible during summer. Denmark posed in Q4 of 2020, which is hurting As a result, the GDP contraction was Denmark quickly chose a hard line in the economy going into 2021. less than half that of fellow euro mem- closing down part of its economy as ber states. Within manufacturing, 10
NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 PROPERTY IN UNCERTAIN TIMES ● »In general, the Nordic countries have fared better than countries on the continent« structural ailments in the forestry and enforced at the same time as com- The Swedish economy is expected to pulp industry hurt. modities prices collapsed. Norway was rebound in H2 2021. The Riksbank is hit by a double whammy. Construction still expected to keep rates low for the Restrictions in services have held back was scaled back. remainder of 2021 and 2022. The bank household consumption, but as they has signaled it will pursue a similar are lifted, pent-up demand is expected Still the housing market turned out strategy to that of the Fed and the to cause a strong upturn. Construc- to be strong in 2020. One reason was ECB, i.e to allow inflation to gradu- tion has turned up. Key interest rates swift action by the central bank, which ally crawl up, without hiking rates in remain negative and the Financial cut its key rate to zero – the same level advance. This is a positive signal to Supervisory Authority has raised the as in Sweden. This gave a new boost to the real estate market. However, the cap on home loans. real estate and weakened the krone. Financial Supervisory Authority has said it wants to re-tighten amortiza- Finland is a member of the Eurozone, Looking ahead, Norway will probably tion rules which were relaxed during meaning that monetary policy is set in be the first country to hike key rates, the pandemic. The net effect is none- Frankfurt and is based on the perfor- maybe even before the end of 2021. theless a continued strong real estate mance of the entire Eurozone, not just The central bank is afraid of over-heat- market. Finland. More specifically, this means ing and high debt levels. Possibly, that the refi rate will stay low for long, this will mean a slower growth of real All in all even if inflation were to gradually rise. estate and house prices. An outright The major European trends also fall is less likely, as underlying demand characterize the Nordic region. But This will contribute to another strong growth still will be strong. in general, the Nordic countries have year on the housing market. But fared better than countries on the urbanization and migration to the Sweden continent. The health care systems Southwest is causing house prices to Sweden is the largest economy in the are universal and well-funded. Public diverge, with asset prices and wealth Nordic region. Although authorities finances are sound. Low interest rates rising primarily in the greater Helsinki employed a lighter hand in applying have supported asset markets in the area. corona restrictions than its neigh- midst of the pandemic. bours, the economic outcome was Norway roughly the same in 2020, i.e a sharp Looking ahead, these trends will con- For years, Norway’s housing market drop in Q2 followed by an autumn tinue. Falling savings ratios may cause boomed, driven by strong demand, bounce-back. When the second wave strong growth in 2022, too. The two not least from rising incomes in the oil of the virus came, at year-end, the major risks are that 1) a third wave of and gas sector. Disposable household Swedish strategy was no longer an the pandemic will cause new lock- incomes have doubled since the start outlier, as the government started to downs and a new recession, 2) that a of the millennium and borrowing costs apply the same kind of restrictions as bout of inflation and rising inflation- have fallen. Norway is now by far in the other Nordics. All in all, growth ary expectations would force central the wealthiest country in the Nordic in 2020 came in at minus 3 per cent, banks to abandon their low interest region. which is the average for the region. rate strategies. That seems less likely today. But the Norwegian central bank Since Norway is not an EU member, Fiscal policy turned expansionary. will nonetheless cautiously prepare to Norges Bank is independent, and the The Riksbank kept the repo rate start raising rates from the zero lower krone is floating. Due to inflationary at zero throughout the year and bound. pressures from the commodities sec- intensified quantitative easing. This tor, key rates historically have been supported real estate, which despite higher than in neighbouring countries. the pandemic showed a stellar per- However, when the corona pandemic formance, with strong price increases struck, a strict lockdown was rapidly and record-setting transactions. 11
● THE DEATH OF THE OFFICE HAS BEEN GREATLY EXAGGERATED NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 THE DEATH OF THE OFFICE HAS BEEN GREATLY EXAGGERATED Just shy of one year ago, soon after the pandemic begun to escalate, Twitter was one of the first companies to announce that they would move to a permanent work-from-home model, which would extend beyond the end of the pandemic. Many other companies, including a number in the Nordics & Baltics, were quick to follow suit, and virtu- ally every company in the region has adopted some form of remote working in 2020 and 2021. This has led some to believe that the suit & tie era of commuting to a physical office is under pressure, and that the future of the office market is bleak. In this edition of the Newsec Property Outlook, Newsec looks at some of the changes that the future holds for office space, and highlights a few lesser known trends that will come to impact the office market – in markedly different ways than those that are currently the talk of the town. 1. The rise of the regional city naturally been influenced by covid-19, Definitions but in the long-term is being driven by Over the past few years, Newsec has a changing family cycle, a perceived Capital cities highlighted the positive net internal rise in crime and lack of safety in major Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen, migration that regional cities have cities, and generally changing prefer- Helsinki, Vilnius, Tallinn, Riga been experiencing in the Nordics. Since ences. 2016, net internal migration to the Major cities capital cities in the Nordics has been Office developers have not been Gothenburg, Malmö, Bergen, negative, and since 2019, even the particularly influenced by this trend. Trondheim, Stavanger, Turku, Greater Metropolitan capital regions Diagram (1) shows the office space Tampere, Aarhus, Odense, have seen negative net internal migra- currently under development, that is Kaunas tion. Meanwhile, net internal migration set to be completed in 2021 and 2022. to the regional cities has remained The graph clearly shows that both in Regional cities positive. In 2020 and early 2021, this absolute terms, and on the per capita All other cities with a population trend has strengthened further, with a level, capital cities are expected to see above 50,000 in the Nordics & fall in international migration meaning around twice as much development as Baltics that many of the Nordic capitals have regional cities, with major cities also seen their population decline for the being well ahead of regional cities. This is despite many internal migrants, first time in decades. This trend has who tend to be more qualified and prone to office work than international 1. Office space under development 40 migrants, flocking to the regional 30 cities. While some of these workers Sqm 20 will work from home, and others might 2,000,000 10 commute to the head office in a larger 0 city a few times a week, Newsec can 1,500,000 still clearly identify a continued need for modern, attractive office space 1,000,000 in regional cities that is not currently being met. 500,000 Of the regional cities that do have 0 Major cities Regional cities expected office space under de- Capital cities velopment, cities like Lund, Vaasa, Kristiansand and Tartu come out Expected office space (sqm, left axis) on top, while others like Eskilstuna, Expected office space per capita (right axis) Jyväskylä, Fredrikstad/Sarpsborg and 12
NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 THE DEATH OF THE OFFICE HAS BEEN GREATLY EXAGGERATED ● »Newsec can clearly identify a need for modern, attractive office space in regional cities that is not currently being met« Photo: i Stock Aalborg have relatively little planned despite rental potential in absolute office space in regional cities, as it is new production of office space. This terms being more limited. This in turn easy to rent out new space in these is despite the latter cities generally means that the gap in quality between areas to tenants at strong rental levels. experiencing strong inflows of internal the existing office stock and new migration, and having relatively young production is wider. In addition, there is Should more actors look to build in populations. also more prestige attached to sitting regional cities, the transaction market in the few newly produced office build- will be impacted, too. Currently, the Further, in most regional cities, market ings that are produced, and vacancy transaction market in many ways rents are between 10-15% higher for rates tend to be low. This results in mirrors the office development market newly produced office space than ex- newly produced properties often being – with the capital and larger cities being isting grade A office space, and in some fully let before completion, as was the red hot, while demographically strong regional cities can skew even higher. case in e.g. the office and retail project cities like Östersund and Oulu see little This is partly because much of the in Kuopio, Finland, which Lapti sold to activity. As a result, there is clearly existing office stock is generally not as Aberdeen Standard Investments in a lot of untapped potential in Nordic modern as in the major cities, because early 2021, where Newsec advised the regional cities – for both developers renovations are not substantially seller. Hence, there is a strong case for and investors alike. cheaper than in the major cities, new production of → 13
● THE DEATH OF THE OFFICE HAS BEEN GREATLY EXAGGERATED NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 »Investors and tenants increasingly require office properties to be environmentally certified in order to even consider a purchase or tenancy« 3. Capital cities 10 % 4% 2. S ustainability – a mainstay 2. Environmentally certified office space under construction 22 % 64 % on the office market Sqm Per cent While regional office markets have 2,000,000 100 strong potential to thrive, other trends 1,500,000 3. Capital cities 75 are also increasingly impacting the ■ BREEAM market. One such trend is environmen- tal sustainability, with different types 1,000,000 10 % ■ LEED of environmental certifications rising 4% ■ WELL50 substantially in popularity over the ■ Other past few years, and quickly developing 500,000 Capital cities 22 % 64 % 25 into mainstays on the commercial 0 Major cities Regional cities property market. This is shown in 4. Major cities diagram (2). Today, virtually all office 0 space being produced in capital and Total (sqm, left axis) Certified of total (per cent, right axis) 11 % major cities is environmentally certi- ■ BREEAM 9% fied, and a lower amount (though still the majority of space) in regional cities ■ LEED 57 % is certified. This further increases the favourable financing possibilities. As o■f WELLments. As a result, in a number of t2h3e% attractiveness of the relatively few year-end 2020, 59 per cent of all listed■ OtheNr ordic & Baltic countries, Newsec has modern, environmentally certified Nordic property companies have is- noted evidence of a green premium office buildings produced in regional sued3g. rCeaepnitbaol cnidtise.s62 per cent of listed be4in. gMpajaoirdcaitmieosng large international cities. companies have set up a framework for corporations for environmentally green financing, the majority having sustainable space. As green fi■naBnRcEiEnAgM Investors and tenants increasing- looca4cnu%srrce1a0dn%ienit2h0e1r9boerl2in0k2e0d.tTohsepseecgifriceen and11s%ustainability agendas co■ntLinEEuDe to ly require office properties to be green goals or projects as set out in a seems i■neWvEitLaLble environmentally certified in order to 9%grow in prevalence, it certified■oOfftihceer that environmentally even consider a purchase or tenancy. g2r2ee%n framewor6k4(e%.g. many Nordic & space will con5t7in%ue be sold at a premi- Indeed, Newsec has identified a clear Baltic companies adhere to the Green 2u3m%, and attract higher rents, than an5y. Regional cities rise in retrograde certification of exist- Bond Principles), or linked to the com- non-certified grade A office space in ing properties, as well as a rise in green pany’s own goals in terms of sustaina- the entire Nordics & Baltics. tenancy agreements and green financ- bility, ESG or a specific project. This has ing. The importance of green financing indirectly led to increased prevalence Which types of environmental certifi- 29 % ■ BLOWaooERtEmffhEELfecDiELbrceAiertMtiboifuuicisladgtiirnoegnesna, omfifnoteannngcrneineqgwurliyreeqpdurotirodefu-uclefid■■■■ll LWBOERtEhEELeDELcNcrAeaoMrtritodifniicessda&oreBffdaicletevicsestl?oopcOkef,rtjsuhgseottoionvtgaelfroe6rx0iisn%t4tin3hge% 21 % in particular has risen substantially, ■ as sustainability-linked and other ■ forms of green loans allow for more ■ 3. Capital cities 4. Major cities 5. Regional cities 8% 10 % 11 % ■ BREEAM 4% 9% ■ LEED ■ WELL 22 % 64 % 23 % 57 % 43 % 29 % ■ Other (national 21 % certifications etc.) 8% ■ BREEAM ■ BREEAM ■ BREEAM ■ LEED ■ LEED ■ LEED ■ WELL ■ WELL ■ WELL ■14 Other ■ Other ■ Other (national 4. Major cities 5. Regional cities certifications etc.)
NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 THE DEATH OF THE OFFICE HAS BEEN GREATLY EXAGGERATED ● »Newsec expects international certifications in particular to rise further in popularity, in step with globalization and international investor interest for the Nordic & Baltic property market« of office properties are certified with Photo: i Stock national certifications. However, the popularity of different certifications 3. T he office market overall and in modern office space, is for office properties currently under of the future set to decrease further in the long-run, construction is shown in diagrams as offices become even more efficient. (3), (4) and (5). BREEAM is the most Closely connected to the sustainability Newsec notes a slightly higher amount popular certification for office proper- of office space is the degree to which of office space per worker in the major ties under construction in capital and this office space is being used in effi- cities, and the highest in the regional major cities, while in regional cities, cient ways. Diagram (6) highlights the cities, owing to inefficiency and a lot where perhaps the brand appeal of usage of office space per worker of potential to build or repurpose into BREEAM and LEED is perceived to be in different regions in the Nordics & more modern and effective office more limited, national certifications Baltics. The average worker in the Nor- space. The lowest amount of office tend to be more popular. International dics & Baltics has 18 sqm available to space per worker is found outside of certifications account for 90% of certi- them. This is despite the most modern the cities, where traditional office work fications for coming projects in capital office space being closer to 10 sqm per is performed from home, from a make- cities, and 58% in regional cities. The office worker or lower. The average shift office, or other non purpose-built WELL health certification remains the space available per worker, both least popular of the three major inter- national certifications, but is rising in 6. Average sqm of office space per worker importance as more developers seek 25 to both health and environmentally certify their projects. Newsec expects 20 that certain forms of certifications will become more attractive than others to 15 investors going forward. 10 What does the future hold in terms of sustainability on the office market? 5 Environmental certification is a prod- uct of the wider sustainability drive 0 in society today, and this is likely to Capital cities continue to intensify in the Nordics & Baltics. Newsec expects international certifications in particular to rise fur- ther in popularity, in step with globali- zation and international investor interest for the Nordic & Baltic prop- erty market. Among international purchasers, these certifications in particular are likely to carry an increas- ing green premium in the long-run. Properties with both environmental and health certifications are likely to thrive, while property owners of older properties will continue to play catch- up and invest increasingly in retro- grade certification. Major cities Regional cities Rest of country → 15
● THE DEATH OF THE OFFICE HAS BEEN GREATLY EXAGGERATED NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 »Newsec expects that most employees will work from the office for 3–4 days a week post-pandemic, meaning that offices will continue to play a prime role in the society of the future« commercial space. Somewhat para- needs to be flexible and adapted to In 2020 and so far in 2021, institutions doxically, as a result of missing out on match the rapidly changing needs of have been the second largest purchas- many of the different waves of office modern tenants. Further, shorter and er, but have accounted for a very small development (e.g. cellular offices), more flexible leases with more meeting amount of sales. The impacts of these office space in rural areas is in some spaces (and less fixed workspaces) long-term trends are shown in diagram ways the most efficient of all, in that it are likely to be required, as well as a (7). The diagram shows the % of the does not exist in abundance. number of smaller meeting rooms, office stock in the capital city CBD’s, to enable e.g. video meetings to take and in the major cities in general, Beyond an increased drive for effi- place from the office. For employers, that is effectively “stuck.” This office ciency and sustainability, though, employer branding and culture is also stock is controlled by pension funds, what does the future of the office likely to become even more key. New institutions and other very long-term market hold, and how will an increased office clusters are under development investors who have sold less than 10% propensity to work remotely impact in all of the Nordic & Baltic countries, of their office stock in the past 5 years, it? Some parts of the office market and where this office space meets the who are highly unlikely to divest. As will suffer. Office space in some outer above requirements and has access to can be seen, in the capital cities in the suburban areas, with poor access to public transport links, it is likely to be Nordics & Baltics, over 50% of the public transport and services or in successful. Newsec expects that most office stock is controlled by such actors socio-economically vulnerable areas, employees will work from the office for (highest in Oslo at 67%, and lowest in is likely to be increasingly consolidated 3-4 days a week post-pandemic, mean- Stockholm at 47%), while in the major or converted into other uses. Equally, ing that offices will continue to play a cities in general (including outside the Newsec believes that some office prime role in the society of the future. CBD), over 20% of the office stock is market subsegments remain underde- effectively stuck in this way. veloped, and that with the right market While the office of the future will knowledge, office investors will contin- certainly be more efficient, the office In the future, Newsec expects long- ue to prosper. This is because the office market as a whole is also likely to look term investors to further increase their as a concept will continue to fulfill a different to today. The average office presence on the transaction market. number of key functions, particularly transaction is increasing in size, and The allocation strategy among pension in terms of allowing for the exchange of existing property owners are growing funds is likely to increase from today’s ideas, scrum space, and certain types larger, while the absolute number of ~12% to closer to 20% of capital being of deskwork. However, office space office transactions continues to fall. allocated towards properties. If allo- cation were to reach 20% and be pro- 7. Office space available to the investment market portionally spread across the segment 100 around the Nordics & Baltics, 40-50% of the office stock will be owned by 75 long-term actors in the capital cities, as well as almost all of the office stock 50 in the CBD’s. Since offices account for over a quarter of the annual transac- 25 tion volume in the Nordics & Baltics, a change like this could lead to increased 0 Capital cities in general turnover of the remaining office stock. CBD in the capital cities Less office properties being accessible to investors could also lead to a lower overall transaction volume, or higher transaction volumes within other segments. Percentage of office space that is available to the market Percentage of office space that is effectively stuck 16
NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 THE DEATH OF THE OFFICE HAS BEEN GREATLY EXAGGERATED ● »The transaction volume in the Nordics & Baltics as a whole was comparable to that noted in the UK in 2020 – despite the population in the region being roughly half of the UK« 4. Offices stand strong 8. Office transaction volume Per cent 50 Despite all the talk of transformation MEUR and change, the office market has gen- 15,000 erally remained robust in the Nordics & Baltics throughout 2020 and so far in 12,000 40 2021. Diagram (8) shows the transac- tion volume on the office market. The 9,000 30 volume in 2020 saw a slight decline, but still remained mostly in line with 6,000 20 the historical average, both in absolute terms, and in terms of the percentage 3,000 10 of the total transaction volume that the office segment accounted for in the 0 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 0 Nordics & Baltics. 2015 A number of large office transactions Office transaction volume (millions of EUR, left axis) have served to drive up the transac- Per cent of total transaction volume (right axis) tion volume in the Nordics & Baltics in 2020, with 2021 set to bring many Country 2020 transaction strong year ahead of it, with Newsec more major office acquisitions. A prime volume expecting record volumes of SEK 225 example of a recent major transaction 1 Germany (bn of euros) billion in Sweden, NOK 120 billion in is Reinvest’s acquisition of the newly 2 UK Norway, strong volumes in the other produced SEB HQ in the Vilnius CBD 3 France 59.8 countries, and a record EUR 50 billion in Lithuania in December, in a record 4 Sweden 48.7 in the Nordics & Baltics as a whole. transaction for the Baltic market, 5 Norway 28.2 where Newsec acted as adviser for the 6 Netherlands 18.0 The office looks set to remain an seller Lords LB Asset Management. 7 Denmark 10.6 attractive investment for a broad The other Baltic markets, as well as 8 Italy 10.4 range of different kinds of investors the Norwegian market in particular 9 Spain 9.3 going forward – as long as it is located have also been active in 2020 and 10 Finland 8.8 in the right place and managed in the early 2021, with 50 bps drops in yields 7.7 right way. Are you unsure of how to in Norway over the past year, as well 6.0 meet the needs of the future in your as a number of record-breaking office office portfolio, or are you struggling transactions. Investor interest for the transaction volume in the Nordics & to identify which office submarkets are office segment since covid-19 hit has Baltics as a whole was comparable to likely to outperform others in the long- also remained substantial in Denmark, that noted in the UK in 2020 – despite run? Newsec, the full service property Sweden and Finland, although single the population in the region being house, is always here to help you make property transactions have been a roughly half of the UK. The volume in sense of the Nordic & Baltic commer- little smaller in size. Sweden was not too far off the French cial property market. transaction volume – even though In general, interest in the commercial France is six times larger than Sweden Adam Tyrcha, PhD property market in the Nordics & in terms of population. Amid all of this, [email protected] Baltics was very strong in 2020. The early indications for 2021 are that the Ulrika Lindmark total transaction volume ended up Nordic & Baltic market has yet another [email protected] at EUR 44.6 billion, in line with the historical average - an exceptionally strong result, given the turbulent year that 2020 was. This means that the 17
● THE SWEDISH PROPERTY MARKET NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 THE SWEDISH PROPERTY MARKET AN INCREDIBLE END TO 2020 – WITH MORE TO COME IN 2021 Photo: Shutterstock 2020 was an unusual year for Sweden, spite this. In 2021, the Swedish econ- of SEK 74 billion set in Q4 2016. As much like for the rest of the world. The omy is expected to rebound and grow such, it is clear that market sentiment covid-19 virus had substantial impacts by around 3.5 per cent. This will entail in Sweden is currently very strong. on the Swedish economy, which ended a strong recovery, though pre-covid A number of major transactions have up contracting by 2.9 per cent – one levels of GDP are not expected to be already been completed in 2021, of the best performances among the reached until 2022. Naturally, the and many more are currently being major economies in Europe. Though strength of the recovery will continue initiated and likely to be completed in this was a less severe contraction than to indirectly depend on epidemiolog- Q2 and later throughout the year. As a initially expected, there were still clear ical considerations in Sweden and result, 2021 is set to be yet another impacts on e.g. unemployment, which abroad, as well as the success of the very strong year for the Swedish rose by around two percentage units vaccination process and return to rela- transaction market – with Newsec throughout the year. The relatively tive normality that follows. expecting a new record transaction light restrictions instituted in Sweden volume of SEK 225 billion. contributed to the economy outper- Despite a shaky economy, the Swedish forming much of the rest of Europe, real estate market performed incred- Contact: though the other Nordic countries, ibly well in 2020. The transaction Adam Tyrcha, PhD which introduced more severe restric- volume in 2020 ended up at SEK 189 [email protected] tions, performed similarly to Sweden. billion – the third strongest year on Alexandra Lövgren Inflation remains below the goal of 2.0 record by some margin. Q4, with a vol- [email protected] per cent, but the Swedish Riksbank is ume of SEK 82 billion, ended up being likely to leave the key interest rate at 0 the strongest quarter of all-time in per cent for the foreseeable future de- Sweden, breaking the previous record 18
NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 THE SWEDISH PROPERTY MARKET ● »2021 is set to be yet another very strong year for the Swed- ish transaction market - with Newsec expecting a new record transaction volume of SEK 225 billion« Interesting occurrences on the Swedish property market in 2020 and 2021 LOGISTICS STEPS UP AND BECOMES SEK 189 BILLION INTER-NORDIC INVESTMENT THE SECOND LARGEST SEGMENT REBOUNDS Total investment volume After a number of major invest- in 2020 After a relatively quiet 2019, so- ment deals were completed in Q4, called inter-Nordic investment logistics crept past offices and be- SEK 225 BILLION was once again very strong in came the second largest segment 2020. Foreign investment in total on the transaction market in 2020. Total investment volume accounted for 27% of the Swedish The segment accounted for 18% expected in 2021 transaction volume, and just shy of the total transaction market, of half of this comprised purchases which can be compared to 16% for +3.5% made by Norwegian, Finnish, and offices, and 33% for residential. Danish investors. This means that International investors have shown GDP growth expected 13% of the total transaction vol- particular interest in logistics and in 2021 ume in 2020 in Sweden was made accounted for around half of the up of Nordic investment. Newsec transacted volume in 2020. With INVESTORS LOOK TO REGIONAL CITIES expects inter-Nordic interest in the further growth in e-commerce all Swedish market to remain strong but guaranteed, the future looks As new segments have gained in in 2021. bright for logistics. popularity, so too have new invest- ment locations around the country. M&A DEALS ABOUND RETAIL HAS A STRONGER YEAR “Other major cities” and the “rest THAN EXPECTED of Sweden” together accounted For some time now, Newsec has for just shy of 50% of the total forecast that M&A deals will Despite the doom and gloom that transaction volume in 2020, and continue to rise in prominence. perpetuates the retail sector in the have had a strong start to 2021 Indeed, in 2020, M&A acquisitions media in particular, retail transac- as well. This is largely a result of accounted for over SEK 20 billion tion volumes in 2020 and thus far many public properties, residential of the total transaction volume in in 2021 have been stronger than properties and logistics properties Sweden. While there was no single many would expect. After account- being located in less traditionally enormous acquisition in 2020, ing for just 6% of the total transac- core areas. As these segments the year still saw a number of tion volume in 2019, the segment continue to rise in popularity, it is major deals, such as e.g. Fredens- strengthened in 2020 and account- likely that investment activity will borg’s acquisition of the Veidekke ed for 9% of the total volume. persist outside of the three major property development arm, SBB’s While this is a far cry from record Swedish cities. acquisitions of Offentliga Hus and years of the past, it still signifies a Sveafastigheter, and Balder’s strong recovery for the segment, acquisition of Masmästaren. Look- despite covid-19. The strength of ing to the future, M&A activity on the segment has been particularly the Swedish and Nordic markets is driven by big box and retail park likely to intensify further. investments, which have continued to attract strong interest from consumers and investors alike. 19
● THE NORWEGIAN PROPERTY MARKET NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 THE NORWEGIAN PROPERTY MARKET WHAT A YEAR IT HAS BEEN – WHAT'S NEXT FOR NORWAY? Covid-19 had a strong impact on experience an accelerating recovery. the number of transactions in 2020 Norway in 2020, with the Norwegian The interest rate is expected to be was far higher than in the record year economy contracting by 3.6% in kept at the 0% level, but increases are of 2015, ending with 323 completed 2020. The recovery continued until possible in the coming years, although transactions compared to 198 in the end of the year and initial projec- not expected in 2021. Inflation has 2015. This shows the high, increasing tions were outperformed, however, as been pushed down because of the liquidity on the Norwegian real estate the virus caught traction towards the crisis but is again being driven up by market. Access to capital and financ- end of Q3 and more so during Q4, the growth and a weaker currency. The ing has continued to be easy, both be- economy recovered at a slower pace level of unemployment is projected to cause investors are on the lookout for than projected. In 2021, GDP growth increase in Oslo and will flatten out at alternative investments, and due to an is expected to increase substantially a level of 8%, rising from the current active and functioning capital market, by 2.6%, and a strong growth is also 7.3%. as well as a continued willingness expected in 2022. However, a full among banks and other market actors recovery of the economy is not ex- The commercial real estate market to issue debt because of low interest pected until the autumn of 2022. The also saw a turbulent year with a record rates. The transaction market ended substantial fall in consumption that start and a deep fall as the pandemic 2020 red hot and going forward the took place in 2020 will thus be offset spread across Europe. The end of the projection for the transaction volume by savings and an increased growth year experienced a strong rebound in 2021 is in line with the record year of in the coming years. An increased ac- and once the dust settled a transac- 2015 at NOK 120 billion. tivity among Norway’s trade partners tion volume amounting to NOK 113 will lead to an increase in export and billion was recorded, which is slightly Contact: economic activity. The infection rate below the record year of 2015 when Øyvind Johan Dahl is expected to go down in the first half the transaction volume amounted [email protected] of 2021, and as vaccination is pro- to NOK 120 billion. The intensity on gressing, the economy will hopefully the transaction market was high and Photo: Shutterstock 20
NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 THE NORWEGIAN PROPERTY MARKET ● »The intensity on the transaction market was high and the number of transactions in 2020 was far higher than in the record year of 2015« Interesting occurrences on the Norwegian property market in 2020 and 2021 YIELD COMPRESSIONS ON NOK 113 BILLION which has seen a yield compression THE OFFICE MARKET and has also sent international Total investment volume investors on a shopping spree. Although the turbulent year left in 2020 This led international investors to many offices empty, in Norway become slight net buyers in 2020, the segment did well and experi- NOK 120 BILLION compared to previous years when enced yield compressions, which is international investors have been quite an unusual occurrence when Total investment volume clear net sellers. compared to the rest of Europe. In expected in 2021 Oslo, the average office rent ended STRUGGLE FOR MALLS AND the year at the highest levels since +2.6% SUCCESS FOR GROCERIES 2008, at NOK 2,470 per square meter. GDP growth expected As shopping goes digital, retail has in 2021 been struggling and has been the A STRONG RENTAL MARKET hardest hit real estate segment in WITH AN EXPECTED INCREASE tions). The office market in Norway the crisis of 2020 and thus far in IN TENANT MOVEMENT is all in all one of the most attractive 2021. Parts of the segment such as and stable markets in the Nordics, malls and other retail are expect- Over the past year, many contracts after the bizarre year of 2020. ed to continue to have problems have been re-negotiated, with prop- throughout 2021, although areas erty owners giving discounts today LOGISTICS IN THE SPOTLIGHT which typically lose customers to but in return receiving higher rents cross-border shopping have expe- and longer contracts in the future. Among the segments that expe- rienced a slight increase in sales in This has pushed property values rienced a strong year, one of the some cases. As the crisis and the upwards. Once again, Newsec has hottest is without a doubt logistics consumer behaviour shift contin- observed that investors attach a ues, malls are expected to continue premium to stable tenants and sta- their struggle to survive. On the ble cashflows, and although returns other side of the segment, grocery have fallen, a lack of alternative stores are doing well and supermar- investments has led to yield com- kets are considered highly attrac- pressions. This is because a low risk tive tenants, meaning an increase in investment might not yield that low transactions in that sub-segment is of a return, meaning that relatively expected in 2021. speaking properties as a segment are highly attractive (this applies especially to buildings in prime loca- 21
● THE DANISH PROPERTY MARKET NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 THE DANISH PROPERTY MARKET STRONG RECOVERY IN Q4 TURNED 2020 INTO A SATISFYING YEAR Photo: Shutterstock The Danish economy contracted Danish bond yields rose and share return on real estate investments. The sharply in Q1 and Q2 and unemploy- prices fell in March as uncertainty challenging conditions impacted the ment rose from 3.6% in February to about the impact of covid-19 spread. market in Q2 and Q3 where invest- 5.5% in May. Restrictions were briefly However, these movements were soon ment activity was low, but Q4 saw a relaxed during the summer, which led redressed and by the end of 2020 strong return of activity – most signif- to a rapid economic recovery and a share prices were higher and yields icantly the transaction of a residential drop in unemployment in Q3. How lower than at the beginning of the portfolio for DKK 12.1 billion. The ever, due to a second wave of covid-19, year. outlook for the property investment infection lockdown was reimposed in market in 2021 is positive as market Q4 and restrictions tightened further Meanwhile, the transaction volume on conditions will be more favourable at the beginning of 2021. GDP is esti- the Danish real estate market ended than in 2020. mated to have fallen by approx. 4% up at DKK 70 billion, up by 25% com- in 2020. The economy is expected pared to 2019 and above the 5-year Contact: to start growing again in 2021 with historical average. Investment activity Robin Rich GDP increasing by approx. 2.9%. was surprisingly high considering the The Danish government has financial difficult macroeconomic situation. Daniel Nielsen leeway to address the situation with In addition, new housing regulations [email protected] stimulus packages. It has adopted for residential rental properties and huge fiscal and financial schemes to changes in taxation of commercial support businesses and households. estate caused uncertainty about the 22
NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 THE DANISH PROPERTY MARKET ● »The outlook for the property investment market in 2021 is positive as market conditions will be more favourable than in 2020« Interesting occurrences on the Danish property market in 2020 and 2021 RESIDENTIAL DOMINATES DKK 70 BILLION mercial properties with effect from 2023. Although the final legal text Residential properties were the Total investment volume has not been finished yet, an effect most traded property type in 2020 in 2020 on the investment market is ex- with transactions of approx. DKK 38 pected ahead of 2023. The change billion. This was largely due to some DKK 75 BILLION in property taxation from a tax on very large portfolios and develop- actual capital gain to a tax on no- ment projects being transacted. Total investment volume tional gain is expected to increase A large proportion of the buyers expected in 2021 the effective taxation, even though were foreign investors. Residential the nominal tax rate is expected to property is expected to be very pop- +2.9% remain unchanged at 22 per cent. ular amongst investors in 2021 too, The second theme is about the driven by strong fundamentals in GDP growth expected government's plans for a new model terms of demographic growth and in 2021 for public appraisals of commercial household income. real estate. The proposal presented however, may create possibilities is anticipated, in its present form, to MOVEMENTS ACROSS for these segments. diminish transparency and market MANY SEGMENTS conformity. INVESTMENT MARKET WILL Offices were also attractive with LOOK FOR ANSWERS FROM LONGER TERM IMPACT OF deals in this segment at DKK 13 POLICY MAKERS COVID-19 WILL EMERGE billion. The buyers were primarily Danish investors. The outlook for In 2020, the investment market The economy is expected to recover office buildings is also strong in was affected by the uncertainty rapidly in 2021 when covid-19 is 2021. Many industrial properties concerning residential rental brought under control. However, were also traded in 2020, the major- properties due to changes in the businesses will enter 2021 suffer- ity of which were sales of smaller legislation. In July 2020 the amend- ing from the reimposed lockdown properties for less than DKK 100 ments to Section 5.2 of the Housing caused by the second wave of cov- million. The segment accounted Regulations Act came into effect. id-19, and the economic recovery for DKK 7 billion of real estate In 2021, two “political” themes will will be uneven between industries. investments. There was a pre- be of relevance to the Danish real The short-term outlook is weak for dominance of foreign buyers for estate investment market. One is industries within e.g. tourism and properties in this segment. Modern the change of taxation of large com- travel, while many other industries industrial and logistics properties may rebound quickly. The different are scarce and will be sought after fundamentals between industries by investors in 2021. Meanwhile, will present different challenges trade in retail property was DKK 4 and opportunities for the various billion, while hotels accounted for segments of the property market. only 1 billion. Retail as well as hotels are suffering from covid-19 which hit traditional shopping, tourism and business meetings hard. Market fundamentals for retail and hotels will be difficult in 2021 too, which 23
● THE FINNISH PROPERTY MARKET NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 THE FINNISH PROPERTY MARKET STRONG PEAK IN Q4 2020 – WITH SUBSTANTIAL POTENTIAL IN 2021 The Finnish economy was substan- which will continue to support the increasing urbanization and e-com- tially impacted by the covid-19 virus Finnish economy. merce being the main drivers. Public in 2020 and thus far in 2021, with GDP properties have also been seen as a dropping by -4.3% in 2020. Much like Amid covid-19, Finland saw a real very interesting segment, which has the rest of the Nordics and in Europe estate transaction volume of EUR 6.0 also been a trend in the other Nordic in general, unemployment rose in billion in 2020, in line with the histor- countries. Some transactions were Finland, too, with relatively severe ical average. The Finnish transaction postponed to 2021 and the beginning restrictions being introduced in the volume in 2020 was u-shaped, with a of the year has been active. Investors country. However, Finnish covid-19 very active first quarter, and a second are clearly searching far and wide for death and infection rates have also quarter that was very quiet. In the property and there is still a lot of cap- been among the lowest in Europe, third quarter, activity remained low, ital trying to find good investments. and a solid recovery in GDP growth while the last quarter was more active As a result, 2021 is expected to be a of 2.9% is expected to follow in 2021. than 2019. Shopping centre and hotel strong year for the property market. Finland also has strong state finances investments froze at the beginning and is able to enact further stimulus if of the pandemic, especially when the Contact: required. The European Central Bank restrictions kicked in. Many investors Olli-Pekka Mustonen is also likely to keep the key interest turned to more defensive investments [email protected] rate low for the foreseeable future, such as residential and logistics; with Photo: Shutterstock 24
NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 THE FINNISH PROPERTY MARKET ● »The transaction volume for public properties has increased clearly in the past few years. In 2020, the public properties share of the total transaction volume was 24%, while in 2019 the same figure was 14%« Interesting occurrences on the Finnish property market in 2020 and 2021 PUBLIC PROPERTIES ARE HOT EUR 6.0 BILLION shopping centers. Retail is a more cyclical asset class than residential. The transaction volume for public Total investment volume Residential apartments will bring properties has increased clearly in 2020 customers to shopping centres in the past few years. In 2020, the as well, meaning the two asset public properties share of the total EUR 6.0 BILLION classes complement one another. transaction volume was 24%, while In addition, traditional big box in 2019 the same figure was 14%. Total investment volume retail is looking into more logistic The largest sub-segment is care expected in 2021 elements, as e-commerce has properties, with the aging popu- increased. lation being the underlying driver. +2.9% The investors in the segment are INTERNATIONAL INTEREST REMAINS mostly Nordic investors, as most GDP growth expected international investors require in 2021 In 2020, domestic investors di- larger volumes to enter the market. vested residential to cross border are currently very selective, but investors. International investors POLARIZATION FOR RETAIL the office is still an attractive are interested in the steady income investment segment. Demand is from residential investments and The investment market for retail especially strong for core prop- find these to be an easy way to properties has become strongly erties, but core+ properties also penetrate the market with a pre- polarized. Certain retail seg- attract strong interest. 2020 saw pared portfolio. The investor base ments are under the microscope an increase is core+ office trans has diversified and there are many and there is demand for these. actions in Finland. investors with different strategies Grocery store properties are one on the Finnish residential market. example. However, investment HYBRID BUILDINGS ON THE RISE One signal of the high demand demand for large shopping centres for residential investments is has dropped almost completely. Hybrid buildings are increasingly that international investors are Meanwhile, demand for logistics attracting real estate investors. willing to invest as early as the is still very strong. The yields for Hybrid concepts generate steadi- building phase, or into portfolios prime logistics have dropped and ness for portfolios. A good example that require substantial work. The are now approaching the low levels is Citycon, which has decided to defensive nature and urbanization seen in mainland Europe. There is build residential units among support the demand for residential. particular investment demand for The only restriction on the market properties supporting the last mile is the supply of the investments. logistics chain. THE CONCEPT OF THE OFFICE IS CHANGING The wellness and health demands are increasing in the office sector which is putting pressure on the older office stock. Demand and supply of different co-working concepts will increase. Investors 25
● THE ESTONIAN PROPERTY MARKET NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 THE ESTONIAN PROPERTY MARKET ESTONIAN INVESTORS BELIEVE THAT THE TIME FOR NEW TYPES OF INVESTMENTS IS NOW Photo: Shutterstock Compared to the other Baltic States, Baltic transaction market. In the first developers are starting, or continuing, Estonia implemented the fewest eco- half of 2020, Estonia attracted inves- large-scale office projects in the coun- nomic restrictions due to COVID-19. tors who concluded several large- try’s most extensively developed It is therefore likely that the Estonian scale deals. In the second half, and in Tallinn market. Though it was a rela- economy will be among the first to re- the fourth quarter in particular, the tively weak year on the transaction cover in 2021. According to the latest market saw a greater number of small- market for retail, at 4% of total trans- assessments, the Estonian economy er transactions. Active investment action volume, the country’s retail declined by 2.5% in 2020, and is esti- managers – and Estonian managers market grew the most among the mated to grow by 2.9% this year. Like in particular – are ready to take even Baltic States. The segment of shop- in other European countries, more more significant steps forward but a ping centres was highly impacted rapid growth is expected in the second lack of suitable properties prevents a by the pandemic, with a large gap half of the year, following a success- more substantial growth in real estate forming between successful shop- ful vaccine distribution. The Bank of investment transaction volumes. The ping centres and those struggling to Estonia expects economic growth to acquisition of a residential portfolio compete (e.g. those focused on large return to the 2019 level by mid-2022. consisting of 1,200 apartments in tourist foot traffic). In 2021, uncertain- Unemployment is estimated to keep Tallinn was responsible for 73% of the ty continues to face the retail segment rising throughout 2021, potentially overall investment volume. Invest- in Estonia, while other segments are leading to 10% of the population being ment in the office segment was more thriving. out of a job. modest and constituted only 24%. The recently dominant office seg- Contact: 2020 saw a total transaction volume ment will likely become attractive to Kristina Živatkauskaite˙ of EUR 235 million in Estonia, which investors again once 120,000 sqm of [email protected] was more than 2.5 times as much as in new office space is introduced within 2019, and roughly a third of the total the next two years. Many experienced 26
NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 THE ESTONIAN PROPERTY MARKET ● »Deals concluded in Estonia usually stand out in the Baltic market and are often among the first of their kind, are the most innovative, or designed to test new possibilities« Interesting occurrences on the Estonian property market in 2020 and 2021 NEW NICHE PROPERTIES ATTAIN EUR 235 MILLION mies, recent years saw the begin- INTEREST FROM INVESTORS ning of a new stage of hotel devel- Total investment volume opment. In Tallinn alone, the hotel Deals concluded in Estonia usually in 2020 market expanded by roughly 1,000 stand out in the Baltic market and new rooms during the past three are often among the first of their EUR 260 MILLION years. Hanging on by a thread, the kind, are the most innovative, or hotel segment – with an occupancy designed to test new possibilities. In Total investment volume rate of chain-branded hotels barely 2020, the Estonian market saw the expected in 2021 exceeding 26% in 2020 – decided first deal concluded in a niche seg- to stage a revival. In quick suc- ment for the Baltics. This consisted +2.9% cession, the Tallink City Hotel, the of EfTEN Capital purchasing a re- Nordic Hotel Forum, Radisson Blu tirement home currently being de- GDP growth expected Sky Hotel, and others fully closed veloped in Tallinn, whereafter they in 2021 for renovation. During this period, established a residential property the average planned investment development fund, attracting EUR scheduled to open in 2021. How- per room reached 26,000–30,000 33 million in capital. Another devel- ever, the property – co-funded by EUR. In addition, an announcement opment tendency most character- foreign investors and enmeshed in was made about a new project near istic of the Estonian market is mixed a scandal by its owners – will likely Tallinn’s Old Town and harbour use offices, where commercial, face further problems and will not territory – the first 168-room Hyatt storage, and productive functions be finished on time. Place Tallinn hotel in the Baltics, are consolidated within a single scheduled to open in 2023. project. These properties, usually HOTEL OWNERS DIRECT INVESTMENT small in scale, attract attention INTO THE RENOVATION OF LIDL TO HAVE AN IMPACT ON RETAIL both from small local investors and THE STAGNANT HOTEL MARKET players managing large investment A big challenge for the retail market portfolios. Even though tourism accounts for is expected to come once Lidl enters only a small part of Baltic econo- the grocery store market this year. UNENVIABLE SITUATION IN THE NEW Considering the performance of COMMERCIAL FACILITIES MARKET this market player in Lithuania during the past several years and its The T1 Mall of Tallinn – built during impact on the market, Estonian re- an economic upturn, but never tailers can expect positive changes reaching full capacity – was struck and active competition. by the pandemic. Successful shop- ping centres growing stronger and struggling ones growing weaker is a clear trend observed in Estonia. The retail mall belonging to the Porto Franco multi-functional project was 27
● THE LITHUANIAN PROPERTY MARKET NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 THE LITHUANIAN PROPERTY MARKET THE REAL ESTATE MARKET WITHSTOOD THE PANDEMIC-RELATED SHOCKS 2020 was a truly unprecedented, The intense second half of 2020 has also increased, and is closing in on unique and interesting year – both allowed the Lithuanian real estate the European average (6.8%). Among for the world and the Baltic Region, investment segment to end the year other segments, retail has experi- including Lithuania. In 2020, the on a high note. Rapidly growing enced a long winter, in every sense of Lithuanian economy contracted by as interest in the logistics and warehous- the word. However, e-commerce grew little as 0.9%, and most economic sec- ing segment, and stable demand for by 50%, with the winners being the tors fared better than expected. Even prime offices, were the main driving businesses who took the long-term though unemployment increased to forces. In 2020, the total volume of discussions about omnichannel sales 8.8% (estimate) and the country went investment deals made in Lithuania seriously and had already invested in under lockdown twice, wages in- was 60% of last year’s and reached relevant areas. This also benefitted creased by 9.2%. Despite the negative EUR 265 million, over a third of the the logistics segment, which saw the retail sales volume growth in the sec- total volume in the Baltic region. Just share of investment into this segment ond quarter, the total annual growth like during the past several years, the in the Baltic States increase to 15% in 2020 was 2.5%. The prospects for market saw new investors and large from the long-term average of 10%. 2021 are slightly dimmer due to the prime office deals, while yields in the The stable, or even rising, rental levels uncertain timeline of normal econom- office segment reached new lows. and the pressure put on yields in- ic activity resuming. Hopes for the Total market supply on the Vilnius creased the prices of this type of asset future mostly hinge on the successful office market increased by 16%, by roughly 10–20%. vaccination of the population. Since reaching 844,000 sqm, and accord- Lithuania’s economy saw among the ing to Newsec’s estimates, the market Contact: lowest degrees of contraction in the will be supplemented with another Kristina Živatkauskaite˙ European Union, GDP growth in 2021 250,000 sqm of high-quality, modern [email protected] is estimated to be around 1.8–3%. office space in 2021–2022. With A more rapid economic upturn is ex- market supply growing by 15% per pected in the second half of 2021. year, on average, the vacancy level Photo: Shutterstock 28
NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 THE LITHUANIAN PROPERTY MARKET ● »Just like during the past several years, the market saw new investors and large prime office deals, while yields in the office segment reached new lows« Interesting occurrences on the Lithuanian property market in 2020 and 2021 THE DISRUPTED RETAIL SEGMENT WILL EUR 265 MILLION completion of the second stage of SEE GROWING COMPETITION the Park Town transaction, with Total investment volume Zenith AM purchasing the entire The property managers operating in 2020 project – confirming investors’ faith in the market are strengthening in both the Baltic Region and the their positions by implementing EUR 300 MILLION office space market. new projects or expanding already operational retail objects. Vilnius Total investment volume ALL INDUSTRIAL SEGMENT CLASSES ARE Outlet – a new retail centre – is expected in 2021 IN HIGH DEMAND scheduled for opening in the north- ern part of the city in 2021, and in UP TO +3.0% Moving away from retail properties, 2022 the shopping centre Olinda investors are especially interested will expand the retail and leisure GDP growth expected in the potential of the industrial seg- market by more than 70,000 sq. m. in 2021 ment, such as warehouses, logistics Property developers are interested properties and factories. In Lithu- in these parts of the city, which have grade in the New Buildings catego- ania, most properties of this asset been expanding for many years. ry. 2020 also saw the execution of class are currently concentrated several previously completed office in the hands of their end users. In THE PRIME OFFICE SEGMENT HAS sales transactions – the transfer of 2020, this segment saw an increase REMAINED ATTRACTIVE TO INVESTORS the stage three S7 Office Complex in demand from different funds and into the hands of Eastnine, and the private investors active in the Baltic Properties within the Vilnius CBD States. prime office segment have shined on the property investment market GROWING MARKET LIQUIDITY in 2020, just as they had in recent years. Investing for the first time The growing circle of potential in the Baltic States, REInvest Asset private investors in the Baltic States Management bought the 12,900 and the increasing strength of fund sqm SEB Bank Headquarters pro- managers is increasing the liquidity ject, completed in 2020, from the of the Baltic real estate market. In Lords LB Asset Management fund. 2020, more than 60% of invest- Following construction, the project ments were made by long-term was immediately BREEAM certified, investors in the Baltic States seek- receiving the highest Outstanding ing to expand their portfolios. 29
● THE LATVIAN PROPERTY MARKET NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 THE LATVIAN PROPERTY MARKET INVESTORS WERE MORE ACTIVE THAN IN 2019 IN LATVIA Photo: Shutterstock Despite the global pandemic, Latvia’s by 2023, although that will depend on to struggle, similarly to the rest of economic decline was not as pro- future covid-19 scenarios. Europe. The year 2021 will be the time nounced as many were expecting. In to absorb currently vacant spaces and 2020, the preliminary drop in GDP was The real estate investment market to prepare for new projects. Lords LB smaller than the EU average, hovering was significantly more active in 2020 had already started demolition work at roughly 3.5%, whereas the Bank than it was in 2019, and saw roughly at the Presses Nams site in September of Latvia had forecasted a 6.5% de- the same in transaction volume as in 2020 and plans to deliver the first crease in March and a 7.5% decrease 2018. The total transaction volume stage in 2022. SBA has started its in June 2020. However, Latvia’s GDP reached around EUR 250 million in Verde project on Skanstes and intends drop is the largest among the Baltic 2020. Two office deals, both involving to deliver the first stage in 2022. All in States. Latvia’s unemployment rate major banks as occupiers, were closed all, the coming years are expected to reached 8.3% by the end of 2020. last year. Further, EfTEN Capital was be exciting for both the Latvian office However, the unemployment rate is among the most active investors in and transaction market as a whole. not critically high, increasing by 1.7% 2020, acquiring four properties – compared to 2019. At the end of 2020, three logistics centres and an office Contact: inflation in Latvia was close to zero building. The total area acquired in the Inita Nitiša but as the economy recovers, inflation industrial market exceeded 100,000 [email protected] is likely to return to previous levels. sqm, thereby breaking previous Kristina Živatkauskaite˙ The Latvian economy may recover records and confirming investor [email protected] in line with or even outperform other interest in this segment. The retail EU countries. A return to 2019 levels segment also saw some significant of economic growth may be achieved changes in landlords, but continues 30
NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 THE LATVIAN PROPERTY MARKET ● »The next important office space delivery will take place in 2022, with more than 100,000 sqm scheduled to be delivered« Interesting occurrences on the Latvian property market in 2020 NEW OFFICE PROJECTS BRING EUR 250 MILLION RESILIENT SEGMENTS MAINTAIN NEW TENANTS STABLE YIELDS Total investment volume Despite having the highest number in 2020 The logistics and office markets of offices and the largest total were among the least impacted office area, Riga’s central district EUR 260 MILLION by covid-19. Prime office yields lacked new Class A offices. With remained at 6.1% but are project- the expansion of the Origo retail Total investment volume ed to decline in the coming years. mall, its Origo One business centre expected in 2021 The yields of the rising industrial was able to supply 11,000 sqm of market segment declined to 7.25%. new high-class office space at the +2.8% The retail sector became subject to very heart of Riga, in the busiest more risk, raising the required level and most crowded part of the GDP growth expected of yield to 7.25%. This segment city. 2020 also brought to life the in 2021 is subject to the largest degree of highest and longest-running office investor hesitation, making future project – the Z-Towers, which can ping centres of an as-yet-unseen development forecasts rather offer tenants 25,000 sqm of Class format were opened in 2020, conservative. A office space. Z-Towers contain namely – the Via Jurmala Outlet both office and residential areas. Village in Pinki, focusing mostly GREEN CORRIDOR – POSITIVE CHANGES The next important office space on wealthy shoppers, and the IN CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL delivery will take place in 2022, family-oriented Saga shopping with more than 100,000 sqm and entertainment centre located In November 2020, the Riga City scheduled to be delivered, 75% of on the outskirts of Riga in Dreilini, Construction Board established which will be Class A. Two major next to IKEA. A total of 16% of the Green Corridor, intended to foreign companies, Norwegian Air currently available shopping centre facilitate the approval process. Shuttle and Swisscom, also opened stock was delivered in 2020. Developers will now have the op- offices in Riga in 2020. portunity to submit draft projects and receive conceptual assess- NEW FORMATS OF SHOPPING ment results within two weeks. The CENTRES DELIVERED time-limit for the performance of the design conditions was short- Riga’s shopping centre market is ened to ten working days. In the continuing to grow, with strong future, developers will also be able availability of quality investment to submit pre-drafted parts of projects. A new part of the Origo building projects before soliciting shopping centre was opened in the opinions from other institutions. city centre. However, by the end of 2020, construction was still not fully completed. Two more shop- 31
● EUROPEAN PROPERTY MARKETS NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 EUROPEAN PROPERTY MARKETS 2020 AND 2021 – EVENTFUL YEARS FOR THE REAL ESTATE MARKET Since 2012, Newsec has been a BNP Paribas Real Estate Alliance Partner, which gives Newsec access to an international network of clients and relevant connections. The alliance allows for both Newsec and BNP Paribas to expand coverage, and help to advise you and drive your real estate strategy internationally. 2020: Unprepared for what was 2021: Understanding what matters flect on how they can reposition them- in store Real estate investment will recover selves and what property types will 2020, a year that took everyone by to strong levels of activity in the best meet their goals. Repositioning is surprise. The European real estate latter part of 2021. Despite most of likely to concentrate on the resilience market started the year with a few Europe being in and out of lockdowns of buildings and their adaptability. challenges but equally with many op- over the course of 2020, investment Especially important is how well they portunities. Large amounts of capital volumes fell to below their 5-year operate in the ESG framework that continued to purse real estate oppor- average of €168 billion in Europe, but covid helped accelerate throughout tunities and the gap between real still remained substantially above the 2020. estate yields and bond yields re- period running up to the GFC in 2008. mained favourable. Only three months Total European take-up in 2019 was 15 Retail: A year of the essential goods into the year, covid’s impact would million sq metres. In 2020 it is likely Prime high street yields for Europe as turn things around, making 2020 to have fallen by 41% to 8.8 million a whole increased from approximate- arguably the most memorable year sq metres. We anticipate recovery ly 3.45% in 2019 to approximately in history. Lockdowns halted activity growing in tandem with vaccination, 3.70% in 2020. They are likely to across Europe. Real estate like all meaning take-up will expand to 10.6 continue expanding over the next sectors was affected. Big European million in 2021 and 11.7 million in few years as the sector continues markets suffered falls in investment 2022. to restructure. The yield does vary transactions over the year, United considerably across European cities Kingdom (-20% pa) and France (-31% To everyone’s surprise pricing has and between retail types. pa). The CEE was the worst affected been relatively unscathed in 2020. with Czech Republic (-66% pa). Lockdowns made valuation difficult Gateway cities will see retail yields Germany (-3%) and Italy (-19%) less to ascertain (itself contributing to expand from approximately 3.20% so. One common factor that prev ented reduced activity), and the transac- to 3.45% in 2021. Secondary cities’ large falls in volumes was the degree tions that have gone forward have yields are set to increase from ap- to which countries had a strong first seen little reduction in pricing. proximately 3.75% to 4.10% in 2021. quarter. Nonetheless, a shock to the economy London increased 50 bps from 3.00 is still a shock and we expect prime to 3.50% and Paris 2.40% to 3.00% Over the course of the year another initial yields to expand for Europe as in 2020. Milan, Italy’s key retail city, emerging trend was the fall in small a whole. Decompression is likely to moved from 3.10% to 3.30% and and mid-sized deals that were down by prove transitory overall; with resump- Madrid moved from 3.25% to 3.50% around a third, in comparison to large tion in activity, yields may compress These are yields for the very best deals (€100 mil plus) which declined back to approximately 3.20% in 2022 retail located in the city centres driven less than 10%. Small sized deals are and even further to approximately by luxury goods retailers. the first to stop before they get going 3.15% in 2023. and larger deals are mostly driven by Among the most badly damaged of foreign investors. Travel restrictions Real estate remains part of the infra- all retailing types during 2020 were inhibited cross border activity, espe- structure of an economy and its use shopping centres. The defining retail cially from the US, Asia and Middle often reflects the type of economic conundrum of the year was how land- East, where activity was down by activity, meaning that real estate will lords could effectively collect rents over 50% in all cases. Consequently, reorganize to adapt to the change in from retailers in shopping centres investment activity, particularly for economic activity. Investors will be that were closed. It was a universal large deals, was front loaded in 2020. using the time during lockdowns to re- problem across Europe. 32
NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 EUROPEAN PROPERTY MARKETS ● »Investors will be using the time during lockdowns to reflect on how they can reposition themselves and what property types will best meet their goals« Photo: Shutterstock Investors continue to operate a ‘wait average declining from 4.80% in 2019 The logistics sector remains a firm and see’ approach at least until the to 4.60% in 2020. The greatest com- favourite amongst investors who are vaccine program has reached a point pression was seen in Vienna where all chasing limited stock. where there is no danger of further yields fell from 5.40% to 4.50% in lockdowns occurring. Until then 2020, around 90 bps. Amsterdam also Sukhdeep Dhillon, shopping centres are likely to see witnessed a large fall of 40 bps from Senior Economist & Associate Director, higher risk premiums attached across 5.00% to 4.60% in 2020. It is likely BNP Paribas Real Estate Europe. that yields in Europe will continue to remain under downward pressure Logistics: Unwavering demand over the next few years as logistics Logistics yields continued to com- represents a property sector with press over 2020 with the European unambiguous growth prospects. 33
● MACROECONOMIC DATA NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 MACROECONOMIC DATA Sweden Economic Indicators Source: Newsec Interest Rates Source: Swedbank, Swedish Central Bank 2019 2020 2021E Per cent Per cent 3 5 4 2 3 2 1 1 0 0 2016 2017 2018 -1 -1 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021E -2 -3 -4 -5 2012 2013 2014 2015 GDP, Annual Percentage Change Employment, Annual Percentage Change Central Bank Interest Rate STIBOR 3M STFIX 5Y Private Consumption, Annual Percentage Change Inflation, Yearly Average Norway Source: BNP Interest Rates Source: BNP Economic Indicators Per cent 3 Per cent 4 2 2 0 -2 -4 1 -6 -8 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021E 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021E GDP, Annual Percentage Change Employment, Annual Percentage Change Central Bank Interest Rate NIBOR 3M SWAP 5Y Private Consumption, Annual Percentage Change Inflation, Yearly Average Finland Source: BNP Interest Rates Source: BNP Economic Indicators Per cent 3 Per cent 6 4 2 2 1 0 0 -2 -4 -6 -1 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020E 2021E 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021E GDP, Annual Percentage Change Employment, Annual Percentage Change Central Bank Interest Rate EURIBOR 3M SWAP 5Y Private Consumption, Annual Percentage Change Inflation, Yearly Average 34
NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 MACROECONOMIC DATA ● BUY THE COMPLETE FORECAST [email protected] Denmark Source: BNP Interest Rates Source: BNP Economic Indicators Per cent 3 Per cent 6 4 2 2 1 0 0 -2 -4 -6 -1 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021E 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021E GDP, Annual Percentage Change Employment, Annual Percentage Change Central Bank Interest Rate CIBOR 3M SWAP 5Y Private Consumption, Annual Percentage Change Inflation, Yearly Average Estonia Source: BNP Interest Rates Source: BNP Economic Indicators Per cent 3 Per cent 6 4 2 2 1 0 0 -2 -4 -1 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021E 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021E GDP, Annual Percentage Change Employment, Annual Percentage Change EURIBOR 3M SWAP 5Y Private Consumption, Annual Percentage Change Inflation, Yearly Average Latvia Economic Indicators Source: BNP Interest Rates Source: BNP Per cent Per cent 6 3 4 2 2 0 -2 1 0 -4 -6 -8 -10 -1 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021E 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021E GDP, Annual Percentage Change Employment, Annual Percentage Change EURIBOR 3M SWAP 5Y Private Consumption, Annual Percentage Change Inflation, Yearly Average 35
● MACROECONOMIC DATA NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 MACROECONOMIC DATA Lithuania Source: BNP Interest Rates Source: BNP Economic Indicators Per cent 3 Per cent 6 4 2 2 1 0 0 -2 -4 -1 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021E 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021E GDP, Annual Percentage Change Employment, Annual Percentage Change EURIBOR 3M SWAP 5Y Private Consumption, Annual Percentage Change Inflation, Yearly Average GDP Growth GDP Growth 2020–2021E Source: Newsec, BNP Per cent 6 4 2 0 -2 2020 2021E -4 -6 Sweden Norway Finland Denmark Estonia Latvia Lithuania 2020 2021E 36
NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 PROPERTY DATA ● PROPERTY DATA BUY THE COMPLETE FORECAST [email protected] Office rents Source: Newsec Prime Office Rents (CBD) | Baltic Region Source: Newsec EUR/m2 Prime Office Rents (CBD) | Nordic Region 800 Per cent EUR/m2 2 300 Per cent 8 6 600 1 200 4 400 0 100 2 200 0 Oslo 0 -1 Tallinn Riga Vilnius 0 Stockholm Gothenburg Malmö Helsinki Copenhagen Average Annual Rental Growth 2016–2020 (left axis) Average Annual Rental Growth 2016–2020 (left axis) Forecast Average Annual Rental Growth 2021E–2023E (left axis) Forecast Average Annual Rental Growth 2021E–2023E (left axis) Rent Level 2021E (right axis) Rent Level 2021E (right axis) Office yields Prime Office Yields | Nordic Region Source: Newsec Prime Office Yields | Baltic Region Source: Newsec Per cent Per cent 5.5 8 5.0 4.5 7 4.0 3.5 6 3.0 2.5 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021E 5 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021E 2013 2014 Gothenburg Malmö 2013 2014 Riga Vilnius Stockholm Helsinki Copenhagen Tallinn Oslo Retail rents Source: Newsec Prime Retail Rents | Baltic Region Source: Newsec EUR/m2 Prime Retail Rents | Nordic Region 4000 Per cent EUR/m2 2 500 Per cent 4 2 3000 1 400 0 300 0 2000 -1 200 -2 1000 -2 100 -4 Stockholm Gothenburg Malmö Oslo 0 -3 Tallinn Riga Vilnius 0 Helsinki Copenhagen Average Annual Rental Growth 2016–2020 (left axis) Average Annual Rental Growth 2016–2020 (left axis) Forecast Average Annual Rental Growth 2021E–2023E (left axis) Forecast Average Annual Rental Growth 2021E–2023E (left axis) Rent Level 2021E (right axis) Rent Level 2021E (right axis) 37
● PROPERTY DATA NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 PROPERTY DATA Retail yields Source: Newsec Prime Retail Yields | Baltic Region Source: Newsec Prime Retail Yields | Nordic Region Per cent 9 Per cent 6 5 8 4 7 3 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021E 6 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021E 2013 2014 2013 2014 Riga Vilnius Gothenburg Malmö Tallinn Stockholm Helsinki Copenhagen Oslo Logistics rents Prime Logistics Rents | Nordic Region Source: Newsec Prime Logistics Rents | Baltic Region Source: Newsec EUR/m2 EUR/m2 Per cent 150 Per cent 80 5 4 120 4 3 60 90 3 2 40 60 2 1 20 30 1 0 0 -1 Stockholm Gothenburg Malmö Oslo Helsinki Copenhagen 0 Riga Vilnius 0 Tallinn Average Annual Rental Growth 2016–2020 (left axis) Average Annual Rental Growth 2016–2020 (left axis) Forecast Average Annual Rental Growth 2021E–2023E (left axis) Forecast Average Annual Rental Growth 2021E–2023E (left axis) Rent Level 2021E (right axis) Rent Level 2021E (right axis) Logistics yields Source: Newsec Prime Logistics Yields | Baltic Region Source: Newsec Prime Logistics Yields | Nordic Region Per cent 10 Per cent 8 7 9 6 8 5 7 4 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021E 6 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021E 2013 2014 Gothenburg Malmö 2013 2014 Riga Vilnius Stockholm Helsinki Copenhagen Tallinn Oslo 38
NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 PROPERTY DATA ● BUY THE COMPLETE FORECAST [email protected] Residential Source: Newsec Prime Residential Yields | Nordic Region Source: Newsec Prime Residential Rents | Nordic Region EUR/m2 Per cent 400 5 Per cent 4 3 300 4 3 2 200 2 1 100 1 0 Malmö Helsinki 0 0 2018 2019 2020 2021E Stockholm Gothenburg Copenhagen 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Malmö Average Annual Rental Growth 2016–2020 (left axis) Stockholm Gothenburg Copenhagen Forecast Average Annual Rental Growth 2021E–2023E (left axis) Oslo Helsinki Rent Level 2021E (right axis) Public Properties Source: Newsec Prime Public Properties Yields | Nordic Region Source: Newsec Prime Public Properties Rents | NordicRegion EUR/m2 Per cent 300 6 Per cent 6 4 200 5 2 100 4 0 Gothenburg Malmö 0 3 Stockholm 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021E Average Annual Rental Growth 2016–2020 (left axis) Stockholm Gothenburg Malmö Forecast Average Annual Rental Growth 2021E–2023E (left axis) Oslo Helsinki Copenhagen Rent Level 2021E (right axis) Annual transaction volumes Source: Newsec Transaction Volumes — Annual | Baltic Region Source: Newsec Transaction Volumes — Annual | Nordic Region MEUR 500 BEUR 25 20 400 15 300 10 200 5 100 0 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021E 0 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021E 2013 2014 Norway Finland Denmark 2013 2014 Latvia Lithuania Sweden Estonia 39
● PROPERTY DATA NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 PROPERTY DATA BUY THE COMPLETE FORECAST [email protected] Transaction Volume Transaction Volumes — Quarterly | Nordic Region Transaction Volumes — Quarterly | Baltic Region BEUR Source: Newsec MEUR Source: Newsec 250 8 6 200 150 4 100 2 50 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021E 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021E 2013 Norway Finland Denmark 2013 Latvia Lithuania Sweden Estonia Office new construction Office stock Office New Construction (Capital Office Market) Source: Newsec Office Stock Q4 2021E (Capital Office Market) Source: Newsec Per cent of stock Thousand m2 Million m2 200 16 14 12 150 12 10 100 8 8 6 50 4 4 2 0 HMA Copenhagen Tallinn Riga 0 0 Oslo Copenhagen Tallinn Riga Vilnius Stockholm Oslo Vilnius Stockholm HMA 2020 (left axis) 2021E (left axis) 2021E (right axis) 40
NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 DEFINITIONS ● DEFINITIONS General Logistics Public Properties • All rents, yields and vacancies are • T he forecast is referring to ware- • A public property is defined as a end-of-year values. houses and logistics premises. property used predominantly for tax-financed operations and specifi- • A ll forecasts are referring to nominal • T he rents are referring to premises cally adapted for community service. values. of 5,000-10,000 sqm with a 10 year In this document, public properties lease agreement. are limited to schools (pre-schools • T he rental levels are the most and primary schools), hospitals, and probable prime rent when signing • T he rent is excluding heating and elderly care homes. a new lease agreement. property tax. • T he market data refers to public • All yield levels are referring to net • T he rent refers to modern, newly property premises of normal to initial yield. built premises with a solid lease con- modern standard with normal space tract and tenant A properties. efficiency. Offices • The forecast is referring to new/re- Residential • The market rent refers to the rent • T he forecast is referring to attractive excluding supplements. furbished modern and flexible office premises with normal area effective- locations with an area of around 80 Exchange rates ness. sqm. All rents and transaction volumes • The rents are referring to premises • D efinitions generally, as well as of are calculated using the average of at least 500 sqm. new and old housing depend on the exchange rates in 2021. country. • The rent is excluding heating and excluding property tax. Retail • The rents are referring to modern retail premises of 70–250 sqm. • The rent is excluding heating and excluding property tax. • The rents refer to prime areas with definitions by each country. 41
● THE NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK TEAM NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 PTHREOPNEERWTSYEOCUTLOOK TEAM Max Barclay Head of Newsec Advisory Ulrika Lindmark Alexandra Lövgren Adam Tyrcha, PhD Head of Valuation & Head of Strategic Analysis Head of Research Strategic Analysis [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Øyvind Johan Dahl Karen Cecilie Thunes Christian Hagen Head of Research Senior Analyst Analyst [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 42
NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 THE NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK TEAM ● Morten Jensen Robin Rich Daniel Nielsen Head of Newsec Advisory Head of Research Analyst Denmark [email protected] [email protected] Olli-Pekka Mustonen Kauri Melakari Head of Research Head of Data Science [email protected] [email protected] Mindaugas Kulbokas Kristina Živatkauskaite˙ Inita Nitiša Head of Research & Analysis Senior Analyst Real Estate Economist [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 43
● THE FULL SERVICE PROPERTY HOUSE IN NORTHERN EUROPE NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 THE FULL SERVICE PROPERTY HOUSE IN NORTHERN EUROPE Newsec — The Full Service Property The Group expanded internationally across the seven Nordic and Baltic House in Northern Europe — is by far into Finland in 2001, Norway in 2005, countries. Newsec has approx. EUR 65 the largest specialised commercial the Baltic countries in 2009 and billion under management and annu- property firm in Northern Europe. Denmark in 2016. The Norwegian asset ally signs lease agreements of approx. and property management companies 1.6 million square meters, transactions Newsec manages more properties and First Newsec Asset Management and of some EUR 7.6 billion and does real carries out more transactions, more TM Partner were acquired in 2012. In estate valuations with an underlying lettings and more valuations than 2013, Newsec acquired Jones Lang property value worth almost EUR 188 any other firm in Northern Europe. LaSalle’s Swedish property manage- billion. Thanks to large volumes and Through this great volume, and the ment operation. In 2017, Newsec grew local presence combined with in-depth knowledge and depth of our various with the acquisitions of Norwegian understanding of a range of operations, we acquire extensive and Basale and Danish Datea, further businesses, Newsec has a unique detailed knowledge of the real estate strengthening the position within expertise of the real estate market market. In turn, we can quickly identify Property Asset Management. In 2018, in northern Europe. business opportunities that create Newsec opened a London office to as- added value. sist international investors interested in the Nordic and Baltic region. Our prime market is Northern Europe, but through our alliance membership Newsec was founded in 1994 and is with BNP Paribas Real Estate, we offer today a partner-owned company with our services on the global market. This some 2,000 co-workers, spread makes Newsec Northern Europe’s only full service property house, and provides us with a unique ability to forecast the future. A history of growth Newsec is the result of a unique his- tory of growth, characterised by con- stant originality of thinking. The first issue of the comprehensive market analysis, Newsec Property Outlook, was published in 2001. 44
NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 NEWSEC’S ANALYSIS PRODUCTS ● NEWSEC’S MARKET REPORTS REQUEST ANY REPORT IN ENGLISH [email protected] Thanks to Newsec’s comprehensive knowledge we are able to offer a number of analyses and segment market reports which provide you with a valuable summary of the property market. Market Report Market Report Market Report Market Report Residential Construction Rights Future Growth Markets Office Market Report Market Report Market Report Market Report Logistics Projects Retail Public Properties Sedis Report Newsec's Valueguard Market Report Transaction List Nordic Market Access Newsec’s market report portal here: 45
● CONTACT AND ADDRESSES NEWSEC PROPERTY OUTLOOK • SPRING 2021 CONTACT AND ADDRESSES Sweden Norway Finland Lithuania [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Stockholm Oslo Helsinki Vilnius Stureplan 3 Filipstad Brygge 1 Mannerheiminaukio 1 A Konstitucijos ave. 21C, P.O. Box 7795 P.B. 1800 Vika P.O. Box 52 Quadrum North, 8th floor SE-103 96 Stockholm, NO-0123 Oslo, FI-00101 Helsinki, LT-08130 Vilnius, Sweden Norway Finland Lithuania Tel: +46 8 454 40 00 Tel: +47 23 00 31 00 Tel: +358 207 420 400 Tel: +370 5 252 6444 Stockholm Trondheim Tampere United Kingdom Humlegårdsgatan 14 Beddingen 10 Aleksanterinkatu 32 B P.O. Box 5365 NO-7042 Trondheim FI-331 00 Tampere, London SE-102 49 Stockholm, Norway Finland The Clubhouse 50 Sweden Tel: +358 207 420 400 Grosvenor Hill Tel: +46 8 55 80 50 00 Denmark W1K 3QT London Newsec Advisory Turku Gothenburg in Denmark Yliopistonkatu 16 C Sankt Eriksgatan 5 [email protected] FI-20100 Turku P.O. Box 11405 Finland SE-404 29 Göteborg, Copenhagen Tel: +358 207 420 400 Sweden Silkegade 8 Tel: +46 31 721 30 00 1113 Copenhagen Estonia Tel: +45 33 14 50 70 Gothenburg [email protected] Kungsportsavenyn 33, 5 tr Aarhus SE-411 36 Göteborg, Skanderborgvej 277, Tallinn Sweden 1. sal, blok 1 Pärnu mnt 12 Tel: +46 31 733 86 00 8260 Viby J EE-10146 Tallinn, Tel: +45 87 31 50 70 Estonia Öresund Office Tel: +372 533 05313 Davidshallsgatan 16 Newsec Property Asset SE-211 45 Malmö, Management in Denmark Latvia Sweden [email protected] Tel: +46 40 631 13 00 +45 26 01 02 [email protected] Lyngby Riga Lyngby Hovedgade 4 Vesetas iela 7 2800 Kgs. Lyngby LV -1013 Riga Latvia Aarhus Tel: +371 6750 84 00 Viby Ringvej 2B, #. 8260 Viby J Næstved Ringstedgade 24, 4700 Næstved 46
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