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Home Explore London Super Prime Team

London Super Prime Team

Published by sara.allin, 2016-06-07 10:07:28

Description: Knight Frank London Super Prime Team

Keywords: London,super,prime,super-prime,super prime


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London Super Prime Team b


Knight Frank The London Super Prime Teamoffers a unique and complimentary service specifically created for our most valued clients. 1




The serviceThe London Super Prime Team draws upon Knight Frank’snetwork of London, national and global offices to provideyou with a bespoke and confidential property searchservice. Their focus on building excellent long term rela-tionships provides you with continued and direct accessto Knight Frank’s full range of services. 5




The teamThe London Super Prime Team are highlyspecialist, dedicated and professionalpartners with unrivalled industry experience.Their outstanding track record and dominantposition in the market ensures you gainaccess to London’s finest homes.


Tim WrightTim is one of London’s most respected and experiencedagents with a career spanning over 30 years. He joinedKnight Frank as a proprietary partner in 2003 to headthe Kensington office. In 2012 he became chairman ofthe Global Wealth trading team, a group of partnersdrawn from relevant residential and commercial divisions,who meet weekly to ensure that Knight Frank’s clientsreceive a co-ordinated and comprehensive service. Inthe same year, Tim and Richard Cutt joined forces tocreate the London Super Prime Team. Tim’s renownedexpertise has seen him handle some of London’s highestvalue property transactions, including a number of highprofile sales in Kensington Palace Gardens.“Tim has been advising me on all myresidential property transactions for thelast 10 years. I know many experiencedagents in London but very few have thedepth of knowledge and understandingof the London super prime market thathe possesses. This, combined with hisintegrity and sound advice, sets him apartfrom the rest. I would never make a movewithout consulting him first.”Michael Evans – ChairmanEvans Randall 11


Richard CuttRichard is recognised as one of London’s leadingagents with a career spanning over 20 years. Hisprofessionalism, insight and experience have earnedhim the trust of clients across the globe. A proprietarypartner and member of RICS, he ran Knight Frank’sMayfair office before forming the London Super PrimeTeam with Tim Wright in 2012. Richard has been thedriving force behind some of London’s highest valueand most notable sales and developments includingCarlton Gardens, One Hyde Park and Clarges Mayfair.“Whenever I think of super prime propertyI think of Richard Cutt. He knows what isavailable on the market and what is rightfor that individual client. One of Richard’skey strengths is his in depth interior designknowledge. Having developed numerousproperties over the years, I always involveRichard during the design process as heknows what sells. When I have a problemwith a professional I am using or just needadvice, I have him on speed dial. I haveknown Richard for over 10 years and Ihope we will continue to work togetherfor many years to come.”Amit Chadha – Managing DirectorLuxlo 13

Daniel DaggersDaniel is one of Knight Frank’s top selling agentsand has dominated the North London marketthroughout his 19 year career. His outstandingreputation is built on discretion, passion and anability to build strong, longterm relationships. Thesuccess of the London Super Prime Team led toDaniel making the move from Knight Frank’s StJohn’s Wood office in 2015. His valuable marketknowledge along with his drive and enthusiasm hasadded further strength to the team.“I have known Daniel for over ten years.His advice and timely assistance hasenabled me to build successful residen-tial and commercial portfolios both inLondon and internationally. Proactive andextremely knowledgeable; Daniel goesabove and beyond, always with a smileon his face. He is always the first personI go to for guidance, whether it be ourown home, investments for our childrenor commercial space.”Steven Collins – DirectorMarcol London 14




London QUEEN’S HAMPSTEADfully covered PARK ST JOHN’SKnight Frank’s network of 30 London WOODoffices spans the length and breadthof the capital. The London Super Prime MAIDA VALETeam will liaise with each office to sourcea bespoke portfolio of properties thatmeet your criteria. PARK ROYAL NOTTING HILL HOLLAND PARK EALING SHEPHERD’S BUSH CHISWICK KENSINGTON SOUTH KENSINGTON KNIGHTSBRIDGE CHE FULHAM BARNESRICHMOND WANDSWORTH WIMBLEDON 18



One point of contactThe London Super Prime Team is your passport to thefinest residential and commercial property, not only inLondon but across the globe. Whether you’re lookingto buy, rent, invest or develop, the London Super PrimeTeam will liaise with the relevant Knight Frank partnersin each department to ensure you receive the highestlevel of service.International homesThe International Super Prime Team has an unrivalledreputation. The team specialises in the sale of propertyand estates including villas, chateaux, apartments andchalets across Europe, North America, the Caribbeanand beyond.New developmentsThe Residential Development team is a market leader,covering all aspects of the development function includ-ing land sales, development consultancy and new buildsales agency.Country homesThe Country House Department handles the sale of thefinest country houses, farms and estates across theUK, Ireland and Channel Islands.Commercial propertyThe Commercial division operates globally, providinginvestment, agency and professional consultancy ser-vices covering all aspects of the commercial propertymarkets. This includes offices, retail, industrial, logistics,hotels, student accommodation and healthcare.Whatever your individual requirements, London SuperPrime Team is here to help; one point of contact for allyour property needs. 21

ResearchKnight Frank’s research teams produce market leading reports andindices that are relied upon by a wide spectrum of institutions andmedia across the globe. They also produce bespoke research andconsultancy projects for clients including developers, investors,government organisations and lending institutions. This cuttingedge research is utilised by the London Super Prime Team to ensurethey are always up to date with the ever evolving super primeLondon residential market.RWTHEEPEAOLRTTH 2016The global perspective on prime property and investment10th Edition 22

SUPER-PRIME LONDON INSIGHT SPRING 2016 Despite a fall in the number of super-prime deals in 2015, a sense of momentum is returning to the market, as Tim Wright, Richard Cutt and Daniel Daggers explain to Tom Bill The number of super-prime (£10 million-plus) However, the safe haven appeal of prime central property transactions in London fell by a third London property continued to support demand in 2015 as the impact of a stamp duty increase in a year marked by economic volatility centred at the end of 2014 made buyers more price- on events in China and geopolitical concerns sensitive. around the world. However, there are indications vendors have “The wealth preservation appeal of prime 3 Queen’s Ride, Barnes started to factor in higher transaction costs and London property among UK and overseas the annual decline was accentuated by a series buyers remains significant, most recently against Prime Central London Team of deals before the new rates came into effect on the backdrop of falling commodity prices,” said Tim Wright and Richard Cutt launched Knight 4 December 2014. The number of Knight Frank Richard Cutt. Frank’s Prime Central London Team in 2012. Both super-prime transactions fell 16% over the same proprietary partners, Tim and Richard have nearly period. There were mixed fortunes for London’s different 50 years unrivalled experience between them in prime central London markets in 2015, as the the prime central London market. In May 2015 the The stamp duty increase meant the transaction map in figure 1 shows. team expanded when Daniel Daggers joined from tax on a £10 million property rose to £1.1 million the St John’s Wood office. Daniel, a partner, is one from £700,000, or an additional 4% of the sale The blue areas indicate where fewer sales took of Knight Frank’s most talented and successful deal price. The 2014 reform is likely to be followed in place compared to 2014 and the red areas show makers. The Prime Central London Team is based April 2016 by a further three percentage point a higher number. at Knight Frank’s global headquarters in Baker Street increase for buy-to-let properties and second and purely focuses on the property requirements of homes. Kensington and Mayfair continued their upwards ultra-high net worth individuals in the super-prime trajectory in 2015, which is underlined by figure (£10 million-plus) market. Despite the resulting slowdown in activity, there 4. Both areas grew their super-prime market are signs the market has begun to absorb the share and Kensington was the largest super- Top: Left to right 2014 changes and asking prices that increasingly prime market in 2015. reflect the more subdued state of demand have Tim Wright: ended the stand-off between buyers and sellers. “It was becoming obvious by the beginning of [email protected] +44 7786 312408 2015 that Kensington was looking very good “To some extent buyers and sellers have become value in comparison with other prime central Richard Cutt: tired of the inaction,” said Tim Wright. “As asking London locations, which is surprising given the [email protected] +44 7765 220529 prices become more realistic, buyers have seen obvious benefits of living there,” said Tim. “I think the market is flat rather than falling off a cliff and it remains under-priced.” Daniel Daggers: are therefore encouraged to act” [email protected] +44 7879 848374 Meanwhile, Mayfair has benefitted from a “The market needed to correct,” said Daniel high-quality development pipeline. “These Daggers. “However, that’s not to say it’s ready for developments are some of the very best take-off. The overriding mood is one of caution residential schemes in London and continue to but at the right price demand is strong and fuel Mayfair’s return to the top of the list of most momentum is returning.” desirable addresses in London,” said Richard. Annual price growth in the super-prime market The high-quality of London’s super-prime remains subdued, standing at 0.5% in December pipeline is evident in the growing share of new- after a marked slowdown in recent years, as build deals done above £10 million, which has figure 3 shows. gone from a fifth in 2012 to over a third in 2015, as figure 2 shows.23

ContactTim WrightM: +44 (0)7786 312408E: [email protected] CuttM: +44 (0)7765 220529E: [email protected] DaggersM: +44 (0)7879 848374E: [email protected] 24



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