FEATURE NOTE FROM EDITOR... PILOT INNOVATION FACTORY @ SIMTECH Dear Friends and Industry Partners Innovation is critical for businesses to Public-private partnerships to open up new possibilities for move up the value chain. The current businesses to ideate new innovative products and become economic climate has accelerated the need product owners for companies to build capabilities and innovate, in order to emerge stronger in the A*STAR officially launched its pilot Innovation Factory @ SIMTech, in post-COVID world. collaboration with Enterprise Singapore (ESG). This is a platform aimed However, the road to successful innovation at accelerating the design thinking and innovation journey, and the is filled with unexpected bumps, and transformation of ideas into commercially viable products that are ready sometimes businesses do not know where for market adoption. to begin, or may not know what kind of resources or R&D they need. Graced by Second Minister for Trade and Industry Dr Tan See Leng, the As such, A*STAR’s Singapore Institute of launch event held on 15 December 2020 at SIMTech Valley Block, was Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech) attended by partner agencies, members of Innovation Factory and media, in partnership with ESG, spearheaded both physically and virtually. the Innovation Factory @ SIMTech. The Innovation Factory is an initiative to plug Addressing the audience at the event, Dr Tan See Leng said: “I am very the gaps that companies face when they happy to know that our local SMEs are not standing still and waiting for try to develop new products, by finding the situation to blow over. Instead, they are looking ahead by continuing to ideas faster and accelerating the process invest in R&D during these challenging times, and I encourage other SMEs from idea to reality. It is a one-stop design to also develop new business lines and existing ones, to increase revenue, and solution centre for SMEs in Singapore, profits and strengthen their competitive advantages.” and will arm them with the technology and capabilities they need to stay ahead of competition. Read on to find out more about how the Innovation Factory @ SIMTech can help local companies become product owners and venture into higher value markets. WISHING OUR FRIENDS AND INDUSTRY PARTNERS A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS LUNAR NEW YEAR Ms Yap Yi Jin Editor, Manufacturing Matters Email: [email protected] 2 MANUFACTURING MATTERS | JANUARY 2021
FEATURE can tap ESG’s library of biomedical and Industry 4.0 standards. ESG and the Singapore Standards Council will also work with the Innovation Factory @ SIMTech to engage training providers to organise workshops and training programmes to help companies use these standards effectively. A full-scale version of the Innovation Factory @ SIMTech is slated to open at CleanTech Park in the Jurong Innovation District this year, spanning 5,000 sq ft to 6,000 sq ft. To date, 14 local SMEs and two trade demands and identify key challenges The Innovation Factory associations joined the pilot Innovation and skills gaps faced when developing @ SIMTech is the starting Factory @ SIMTech as members and new products. point for companies strategic partners respectively. Under the who are trying to initiative, SIMTech has kicked off more Once a company is ready to scale up figure out how they can than 10 projects to co-create products production for a newly developed develop new products to with these companies. product, such as when a prototype differentiate themselves is ready, it could move to the from the competition. It Ideation Journey complementary Model Factory @ helps companies design At this new co-creation space, A*STAR’s A*STAR to manufacture it using the most the right products for the scientists and engineers will facilitate suitable smart manufacturing solutions business, while the Model the process for companies, particularly drawn from Industry 4.0 technologies. Factory helps them make local SMEs, to become product owners those products right by helping them to design and create Offers new products. This will help them move With a floor area of about 1,400 sq ft Dr David Low, Executive Director, SIMTech up the value chain and become more at SIMTech, the pilot set-up features competitive. a design workstation with software For enquiries, please contact tools, a workshop with electrical Mr Rayner Ng, Deputy Director, IF The journey will take place in four and mechanical design tools, and Email: [email protected] stages: ideation, design, engineering manufacturing equipment such as 3D Website: www.a-star.edu.sg/SIMTech/ and application. A*STAR will use design printers. Innovation-Factory thinking strategies and advanced manufacturing technologies to help To speed up adoption of new Innovation Factory companies, and pull expertise from across technologies and practices, and @SIMTech its research units and the rest of the R&D ensure that newly developed products ecosystem for these collaborations. adhere to international safety, quality Scan for more information A*STAR worked with ESG to reach out to and interoperability, and reliability on Innovation Factory@SIMTech SMEs across sectors to understand market standards, participating companies 3MANUFACTURING MATTERS | JANUARY 2021
SUCCESS STORY FIGHTING COVID-19 WITH T-UP A mobile robot intended for painting was improvised for disinfection purpose Transforma Robotics is a spin-off tech hospitals clean. This prompted Dr has a 6-axis robotic arm that can mimic company from Nanyang Technological Quek’s team to improvise on the mobile human movement to reach awkward University (NTU), which offers robots robot for this purpose, leading to the locations such as under tables and beds, and robotic services to the construction birth of eXtreme Disinfection roBOT as well as doorknobs, tabletops and industry, specifically in indoor wall (XDBOT), a semi-autonomous robot light switches. Instead of a conventional painting and construction quality that can disinfect large surfaces quickly. pressure-spray nozzle, the XDBOT also assessment. With XDBOT, the manpower resources uses an electrostatic-charged nozzle to SIMTech’s Research Scientist Dr Quek for such labour-intensive and repetitive ensure a wider and further spread of the Zhanfan was seconded to Transforma disinfecting tasks can be reduced disinfectant, behind and over hidden from August 2019 to July 2020, to lead by three times. As the robot can be surfaces. a team to design a new mobile robot wirelessly controlled via a laptop or Transforma expects to sell 100 units of originally intended for painting, a tablet, it also removes the need for XDBOT by the second year of its launch, labour-intensive job facing with labour cleaners to be in contact with surfaces, which will help to grow the company shortage problem. thereby reducing the risk of picking up size from the current 8 employees to When COVID-19 broke out in Singapore the virus from potentially contaminated 20. The company is also intending to file early last year, Prof Chen I-Ming, CEO of areas. patents for the robotic and spray-gun Transforma, discerned that one effective Comprising a semi-autonomous control design. way to fight the pandemic is to keep unit with motorised wheels, XDBOT all indoor environments, especially The T-Up programme has provided critical talent support for Singapore SMEs to accelerate widespread robotics adoption in the future Prof Chen I-Ming, CEO, Transforma Robotics Pte Ltd Note: The T-UP initiative, a multi-agency effort by A*STAR, the Economic Development Board, For more enquiries, please contact SPRING Singapore (now Enterprise Singapore), IE Singapore (now Enterprise Singapore) and the Mr Lee Hock Wee, at Infocomm Development Authority (now Media Development Authority) to access the pool of R&D [email protected] talent in Research Institutes. 4 MANUFACTURING MATTERS | JANUARY 2021
PRECISION MATTERS SIMTECH - GF MACHINING SOLUTIONS JOINT LAB A public-private partnership to develop and showcase Additive Manufacturing (AM) solutions to accelerate the adoption in the industry A*STAR’s Singapore Institute of manufacturers of precision components. joint collaboration will further promote Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech) GF Machining Solutions has developed open innovation and develop market- and GF Machining Solutions, a integrated manufacturing solutions, driven products and solutions. division of George Fischer AG, signed based on the new generation of 3D In the first year of the collaboration, an agreement in November 2020 metal additive equipment, combining both GF Machining Solutions and to establish a joint research body metal AM expertise with subtractive SIMTech will work closely to address dedicated to advanced metal additive fabrication expertise, which are geared the process challenges in 3D printing manufacturing (AM) work flow for towards a seamless and efficient of advanced materials, post machining various in-demand AM solutions, such workflow for the end-users. and heat treatment. System validation as the selective laser melting (SLM) studies for industrial metal 3D Printer technology and wire cutting for AM. DMP Flex 350 will be carried out on advanced and in-demand materials, SIMTech has been engaging industry The SIMTech- GF Machining Solutions such as AlSi10Mg, Ti6Al4V and partners from various sectors to Additive Manufacturing joint lab Maraging steel. Powder and printed build the AM ecosystem in Singapore aims to drive the development of part characterisation studies will also through R&D collaborations. The strong the next-generation metal additive be carried out for quality assurance public-private partnership with the manufacturing process technologies of the process flow in industrial part AM equipment maker, GF Machining by combining SIMTech’s metal additive printing. Through this partnership Solutions, is another milestone to bring manufacturing capabilities and GF with SIMTech, GF Machining Solutions the AM technology to the local and Machining Solutions’ state-of-the-art will be able to provide comprehensive regional market. equipment and unique know-how. The end-to-end engineering solutions to Founded in 1861, GF Machining their end-users and potential clients, Solutions is one of the world’s leading allowing them to stay ahead of the providers of machines, automation growing competition in the AM market. solutions and services to the tool For enquiries, please contact and mold making industry and to Mr Tan Chee Tat, Director, PE COI Email: [email protected] With the combined expertise in SIMTech’s Web: www.a-star.edu.sg/SIMTech-PECOI manufacturing processes and GF Machining Solutions’ equipment know-how, we are confident Scan for more information that the collaboration will create market-relevant on Precision Engineering innovations and solutions for greater AM adoption and Centre of Innovation commercialisation Mr Carlos Gazio, Managing Director of South East Asia/Pacific, GF Machining Solutions 5MANUFACTURING MATTERS | JANUARY 2021
SUSTAINABILITY MATTERS SMART PROTECTION APPARELS FOR COLD CHAIN WAREHOUSE Industrial grade heated apparels using printed electronic technology A cold chain is a temperature-controlled Through this collaboration, SIMTech This collaboration with supply chain for perishable food products, provides the thin, flexible and washable SIMTech has pushed pharmaceuticals, and chemicals in order heating solution, electrical power Flemings to the forefront of to maintain their quality and increase system and manufacturing process wearable technology, which their shelf-life. Due to strict temperature design, while the Flemings Safety team is growing at exponential requirements, employees working in provides material choice and garment rate globally. Very exciting cold chain warehouses have to withstand manufacturing innovations to develop journey and opportunities extreme cold working environment comfortable, lighter and less bulky cold ahead if we can make with temperatures below -20°C, which room apparels. this breakthrough for a can very harsh for them to work in and new generation of safety perform their activities productively. With the smart heated apparel, the apparels in the global amount of heat can be adjusted in real market place While there are cold room apparels in the time depending on individual needs or current market, they mainly make use whenever required. This allows workers Mr Eugene Lim, Managing Director, of heat insulation and fabric material to to be adequately protected from Flemings Safety conserve the body heat. To combat the extreme cold so they will be able to extreme temperature gradient, the work work more comfortably and not affect For enquiries, please contact wear is usually packed with thick heat their health. The smart heated uniform Dr Ng Sum Huan Gary, Deputy Director, SEAC trapping material, making the apparel will also be lighter and less bulky, Email: [email protected] heavy and bulky. which will further improve the workers’ Web: www.a-star.edu.sg/SIMTech/SEAC movement and agility while working To improve the comfort, productivity within a limited space. Scan for more information and health of employees working in on Sustainability & Emerging prolonged cold environment, local SME Upon completion of the project, Applications Centre Flemings Safety Pte Ltd collaborated with Flemings Safety will acquire the SIMTech to develop an improvised version capability to design and manufacture of cold room apparels using printed variations of the cold room wear, not electronic technology. Flemings Safety only for industry but also for general was established in 1994, specialising in winter wear with the possibility manufacturing and distribution of safety of extending to adjacent product workwear. innovations such as heated footwear. 6 MANUFACTURING MATTERS | JANUARY 2021
PRODUCTIVITY MATTERS TRANSFORM AND SHINE Increasing machine efficiency and productivity through Overall Equipment Effectiveness Monitoring System (OEEMS) Shine Precision Engineering Pte Ltd is The SIMTech team also trained 8 retrieval, and adopted a cloud-based a specialist in CNC machining of high- Champions on “OEE Methodology to HR app. mix low-volume medium-to-complex Improve Productivity” by using the components and assemblies, with over system where staff from different In December 2020, Shine was awarded 30 years of experience in aerospace, departments including production the overall winner for SwissCham’s semiconductor, optics, medical, supervisors, operators and planners Business Excellence Award 2020 for the automotive, oil and gas industries. participated. newly created Digital Transformation Award and the Advanced Manufacturing Under the Industry 4.0 initiative, Shine The OEE data is analysed weekly to Subcategory. conducted a detailed study on the identify the top losses and a fish- production facilities and processes. bone diagram is used for root-cause- The user-friendly OEE Realising the importance of improving analysis. Most importantly, employees methodology empowers process capability and efficiency, the can provide suggestions to reduce our staff to be creative with company collaborated with SIMTech to the losses. For example, job setting their ideas upon analysing implement an integrated OEE monitoring stoppages were reduced by 43 to 47% issues and encourages system for 40 CNC milling and turning through enhanced fixturing, optimal continuous improvement machines on the shopfloor. The 10-month scheduling and preparation in advance. through fostered teamwork project was successfully completed in Job stoppages due to ‘Pending for Jobs’ August 2019. were reduced by 47% through the visual Mr Aaron Teo, CEO, Shine Precision indication of job queues via the OEEMS. Engineering Pte Ltd The OEEMS provided a real-time dashboard with live statuses of all 40 Shine continued their Industry 4.0 For enquiries, please contact machines with indication of individual journey through the implementation Mr Rick Yeo, Director, MPTC machine’s performance, OEE Availability- of the Enterprise Resource Planning Email: [email protected] Performance-Quality components, job system, where they set up robotic cell to Web: www.a-star.edu.sg/SIMTech-MPTC status and alerts to management when automate material handling, installed stoppages exceeded a pre-set threshold. solutions that facilitate efficient tool Scan for more information on Manufacturing Productivity Technology Centre 7MANUFACTURING MATTERS | JANUARY 2021
SKILLS MATTERS TRAINING WITH IMPACT More than 6,000 Professionals, Managers, Engineers and Technicians (PMETs) have been trained and over 7,600 Statements of Attainment (SOAs) have been achieved, benefiting more than 1,680 companies In the wake of COVID-19 where digital transformation has been accelerated, the need for reskilling and upskilling has never been more pressing. To date, SIMTech-SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) launched 24 WSQ training programmes, more than 30 advanced manufacturing modular programmes, and more than 30 Master Classes in the areas of advanced manufacturing processes, automation, operational management systems and emerging technology. To support reskilling and upskilling of workers and jobseekers in this difficult time, SIMTech has also collaborated with SSG to provide seven SGUS full-time Train & Place programmes. Let’s hear from the recipients of the‘Most Inspiring Trainee’ We established multi-year R&D collaboration with A*STAR’s SIMTech. and ‘Best Industry Training Partner’ awards. By leveraging SIMTech’s expertise and technology, we are able to grow our manufacturing capability and boost our competitive advantage Having gone through this programme with my staff, I must say that now and in the years to come the instructors are very good and practical in their approach. They are able to contextualise our learning to our businesses and my guys find Mr Mark Chua, General Manager Alcon Manufacturing and Logistics Pte Ltd the sessions very useful SIMTech is our important strategic partner which develops high-value Mr Roy Chiang, Chief Executive Officer & President CBM Pte Ltd manufacturing technology and human capital. It has a strong pool of expertise and vast practical experiences. The collaboration with I am extremely satisfied with the course and wish I had attended it SIMTech will shorten our learning curve to digitise our manufacturing earlier. I am eager to continue applying the knowledge, ideas that I environment and level up our manufacturing competitiveness have gained and would like to thank the instructors for their strong support and tutelage Mr Philip Chong, Deputy Director, Corporate Services Support & Governance Division, Shimano (Singapore) Pte Ltd Mr Gondo Daiki, Principal Engineer Murata Electronics Singapore Pte Ltd Wah Son launched the 12-week Lean programme to encourage The trainers at SIMTech were very knowledgeable and informative, continuous improvement, which is also one of our core values. This they were always there to address our concerns and questions. There was done in 2 batches with 26 employees participated, including the were also hands-on lab practices I could learn from management team. During the training programme, 40 improvement projects were initiated. Today, our continuous Kaizen effort has Mr Teoh Joo Fei, 3D Printing Sales and Application Delphic Manufacturing Solution Pte Ltd brought us to 57 improvement projects and we have seen some positive outcomes Ms Ong Hui Rou, Engineering Leader, Wah Son Engineering Pte Ltd 8 MANUFACTURING MATTERS | JANUARY 2021 For enquiries, please contact: Dr Fannon Lim, Deputy Director, Knowledge Transfer Office Email: [email protected] Web: www.a-star.edu.sg/SIMTech/KTO
RESEARCH SPOTLIGHT BETTER BONE IMPLANTS WITH 3D PRINTING Binder jetting of Mg-based and Ti-based materials – the future of orthopaedic implants processing Demand for orthopaedic devices In collaboration with NUS, SIMTech high specific strength and corrosion is thriving, primarily due to aging team has developed a unique binder resistance within the human body population where there is a higher jetting printing (BJP) process work environments. However, Ti materials occurrence of age-related conditions flow (see Fig. 1) for AM of Mg, involving exhibit high Young’s modulus (105GPa) like osteoarthritis, leading to injuries capillary-mediated binder-less BJP to leading to stress shielding effects, and requiring orthopaedic devices. Additive form green Mg parts at near-ambient insufficient osteointegration with the manufacturing (AM), also known as temperature and then transforming the connecting bone during the early stages 3D printing, has been developing green parts into functional components of implantation. These factors cause pre- very rapidly into a game-changing via sintering process. This enables the mature failure of implants. technology for biomedical applications fabrication of interconnected open- In another collaboration to improve the as it allows for unprecedented design porous structures of Mg-based alloys implants, SIMTech and NUS successfully freedom for fabrication of patient- that have comparable mechanical developed a hybrid implant solution specific implants. properties and porous characteristics by combining the stronger BJP Ti Magnesium (Mg) is a biodegradable to those of human cortical bone types. interconnected open-porous structures metal.When Mg is implanted, it degrades However, Mg resorbable implants matrix and subsequently filling the pores and is eliminated safely from the body degrade spontaneously under aqueous with low modulus and biodegradable over a period of time, as compared to medium and controlling its degradation Mg via capillary mediated infiltration. permanent implant materials such as rate is difficult due to the presence of Over time, the Mg phase in the implant Titanium (Ti) and Cobalt-Chromium high concentrations of chloride ions will improve osteointegration with the alloys. However, Mg’s inherent properties within the human body. The next stage connecting bone and slowly degrades, – such as high affinity to oxygen and low of research and development will focus leaving behind open pores within the Ti boiling temperature – make it one of on the approaches to better control the implant, favouring bone in-growth. The the most challenging materials for AM degradation rate. fabricated Ti + Mg composites exhibited processing. Currently, Mg material and Among the permanent implants, Ti superior compression properties with processing is not offered by any AM’s alloys have been widely employed for high ultimate compressive strength original equipment manufacturer. direct bone replacement due to their and low Young’s modulus properties, matching that of the human cortical bone. In recognition of the scientific novelty and potential applications, these works have been published in the Materials Science and Engineering: C, Acta Materialia, Materials & Design, Additive Manufacturing and reported by professional media. Current developments in BJP of Mg-based and Ti- based materials can help to accelerate the demonstration and adoption of 3D printed implants in the medical field. Fig. 1. The process flow for binder jetting of degradable Mg implants, a) For more information, please contact Dr depositing the ink into the overspread layer of powder, b) forming a solid inter- Seet Hang Li, Section Manager, Metal & particle bridge in the previous layer of powder and deposing the ink into a Ceramic Forming Group at seet_hang_li@ designated area of the new layer of powder, c) repeating steps a and b to build SIMTech.a-star.edu.sg the entire implant, and d) the macrograph of screws made of Mg powder. 9MANUFACTURING MATTERS | JANUARY 2021
PAST EVENTS Events were organised to engage the industry and forge partnerships SIMTech-SSG Graduation Ceremony, 25 November Due to the current pandemic situation, the 9th SIMTech- SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) Graduation Ceremony was held virtually for the very first time, with a turnout of over 200 graduands and industry guests. This year, the joint-effort saw the largest cohort of 840 graduands from 23 WSQ training programmes and advanced manufacturing modular courses. Graced by Mr Ong Tze-Ch’in, Chief Executive of SSG, the virtual graduation ceremony started with Dr David Low, Executive Director of SIMTech, welcoming the graduands and guests, followed by welcome messages from the Guest-of-Honour Mr Ong Tze-Ch’in and Professor Alfred Huan, Assistant Chief Executive, Science and Engineering Research Council, A*STAR. To recognise the support by trainees and industry partners, SIMTech and SSG Singapore jointly conferred the ‘Best Industry Training Partner Award’ and ‘Most Inspiring Trainee Award’. Alcon Manufacturing & Logistics Pte Ltd, Shimano (Singapore) Pte Ltd and Wah Son Engineering Pte Ltd were bestowed the Best Industry Training Partner Awards, while the Most Inspiring Trainee Awards were presented to the top three trainees Mr Teoh Joo Fei Billy, Mr Gondo Daiki and Mr Roy Chiang. Visit by Minister of State for Education and Manpower Gan Siow Huang, 6 January 2021 Minister of State for Education and Manpower Gan Siow Huang visited A*STAR’s Model Factory @ SIMTech. She observed SGUnited Skills (SGUS) programme training courses where SIMTech equips trainees with industry-relevant skills in an immersive learning environment through a Learn-Practise-Implement training model, to prepare them for new opportunities in the manufacturing sector in this fourth industrial revolution. MOS Gan also conducted a dialogue session with three local SMEs to understand how SIMTech’s advanced manufacturing training programmes, supported by SkillsFuture SG, helped them embark on their transformation journey for productivity improvement and digitalisation successfully through practice and implementation of the new skills and methodologies learnt. 10 MANUFACTURING MATTERS | JANUARY 2021
UPCOMING CIPs Collaborative Industry Projects (CIPs), initiatives, programmes and ready-to-go technologies are available to assist industry Real-time Dashboard A real-time dashboard that is customised to suit the company needs and to connect to multiple sources for congregation and analysis of real-time data. For enquiries, please contact Mr Gary Kwok at [email protected] Inventory Planning This programme aims to facilitate the decision-making and development of inventory policy to control rightsized inventory with the evolution of data & analytics techniques to maximise inventory performance. For enquiries, please contact Mr Chai Lai Sing at [email protected] Advanced Machining Dynamics Analysis Energy Efficiency Monitoring and Technology for Productivity and Quality Analysis System (E2MAS) Improvement This programme helps companies implement Energy This programme aims to improve the machining productivity Efficiency Monitoring and Analysis System (E2MAS) to assess and quality of local manufacturing industry in precision the equipment’s energy usage in real-time and identify machining of steel and non-ferrous metals through technology hotspots of excessive energy usage. These hotspots can then transfer and customisation. be analysed to derive quantifiable energy improvement. For enquiries, please contact Dr Sun Zheng at For enquiries, please contact Mr Joshua Thong at [email protected] [email protected] Collection & Delivery Management Manpower Scheduling System (MSS) System (CDMS) This programme aims to equip companies with a manpower This programme aims to equip companies with a real-time scheduling solution that enables users to create schedules collection and delivery management solution with Cloud-based with one click, reassign tasks effortlessly and share Mobile Apps to support courier/logistics industries in service scheduling changes with employees instantly. improvement at reduced cost and time to achieve information accuracy, process efficiency and resource optimisation. For enquiries, please contact Mr Chua Tay Jin at [email protected] For enquiries, please contact Mr Chai Lai Sing at [email protected] Last Mile Logistics A planning and tracking solution to improve the management of drivers/vehicles to effectively meet customer-imposed pickup and delivery requirements amidst resource contraints. For enquiries, please contact Mr Gary Kwok at [email protected] 11MANUFACTURING MATTERS | JANUARY 2021
EVENTS UPCOMING ACTIVITIES Advanced Manufacturing Processes for Sustainable Polymer-based Materials 25 February 2021 | 10.00am – 11.00am | Webinar Due to an increasing number of regulations targeting environmental protection and sustainability, new technologies and best practices have to be adopted by manufacturers and users of polymer products worldwide. This course introduces alternative polymer materials, assesses respective changes to polymer processing technologies and outlines quality control measures that are of emerging interest in view of this global trend towards sustainability. Advanced sustainable polymer processing solutions are essential to be considered across a wide range of industry sectors. The course imparts concepts of sustainability and methods of assessing environment impact and carbon footprint influenced by the choice of polymer-based materials and processes through the use of case studies based on SIMTech’s long-standing expertise in polymer processing. For enquiries, please contact Ms Joyce Ling at [email protected] Watch this space for more exciting upcoming events for 2021! Scan for more events COURSES PE WSQ Graduate Diploma in Mechatronics Masterclass in Supply Chain Analytics – Descriptive, Predictive & Prescriptive Analytics Module 1: Design Precision Machines 2 February 2021 | 6.30pm - 9.30pm | SIMTech, Fusionopolis 2 15 March 2021 | 8.30am - 5.30pm | SIMTech, Fusionopolis 2 PE WSQ Graduate Diploma in Industrial Automation Masterclass in Mastering Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) Process To Align Strategies To Module 4: Automation Design and Simulation 17 February 2021 | 6.30pm - 9.30pm | SIMTech, Fusionopolis 2 Operational Excellence PE WSQ Dimensional Measurements and Metrology 18 March 2021 | 8.30am - 5.30pm | SIMTech, Fusionopolis 2 18 February 2021 | 6.30pm - 9.30pm | SIMTech, Fusionopolis 2 PE WSQ Graduate Diploma in Additive Manufacturing PE WSQ Engineering Optics & Optical Measurements Module 3: High Speed Additive Manufacturing Processes Corporate batch for JM-VISTEC System Pte Ltd for Metallic Components 18 March 2021 | 6.30pm - 9.30pm | SIMTech, Fusionopolis 2 / 23 February 2021 | 6.00pm - 9.00pm | Company Premises NTU@Valley Block PE WSQ PE WSQ Review Processes for Strategic PE WSQ Inventory Management Technology & Operation Roadmapping (STORM) 5 April 2021 | 6.30pm - 9.30pm | SIMTech, Fusionopolis 2 1 March 2021 | 9.00am - 6.00pm |SIMTech, Fusionopolis 2 PE WSQ Graduate Diploma in Advance Welding For course details and registration, please visit Scan for Technologies https://www.a-star.edu.sg/SIMTech/KTO more courses For general enquiries, please contact Module 3: Review Welding Operation & Quality Control Tel: 6590 3193 or 11 March 2021 | 6.30pm - 9.30pm | SIMTech, Fusionopolis 2 / email: [email protected] NTU@Valley Block Editorial Committee About SIMTech Dr John Yong Advisor The vision of the Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech) is a world-class innovation partner in Ms Yap Yi Jin Editor advanced manufacturing technologies, systems and capabilities. It develops targeted high-value manufacturing Dr Goh Kiah Mok Member technologies and human capital to enhance the competitiveness of Singapore’s manufacturing industry. It collaborates Mr Joshua Thong Member with multinational and local companies in the precision engineering, medtech, aerospace, automotive, marine, oil & Ms Charlotte Lim Member gas, electronics, semiconductor, logistics, and other sectors. Ms Connie Ng Member Ms Nurul Ain Designer SIMTech is a research institute of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR). We are committed to serving the manufacturing industry to develop the human, intellectual, and industrial capital in Singapore. 12All rights reMsAeNrvUeFdA.CCToUpRyINriGghMtA©TTSEIRMSTe| cJhAN|USAiRnYg2a0p2o1re Institute of Manufacturing Technology, 2 Fusionopolis Way, #08-04, Innovis, Singapore 138634 01/2021 For enquiries, please contact us at Tel: 6501 1800 | Fax: 6250 3659 | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.SIMTech.a-star.edu.sg
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