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Home Explore Manufacturing Control Tower™

Manufacturing Control Tower™

Published by SIMTech, 2021-09-14 10:41:30

Description: Manufacturing Control Tower™


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MCT™ Manufacturing Control Tower™ Total Visibility Powered by the Manufacturing Control Tower™ (MCT™) platform developed in SIMTech, the Cyber-Physical Production System (CPPS) is enriched by algorithms developed with deep expertise and understanding of industry needs, and made simple by on-the-go Smart Tools. The CPPS concept supports Sense and Response manufacturing and operations, enabling the entire operation across all aspects and layers in your palm - Shopfloor, Enterprise and Supply Chain. MCT™ solutions are also made available through a suite of modular technologies to assist companies in keeping at the forefront of technology through the integration of information and decision-making across the value chain. Relevant Industries Aerospace Built General Logistics Environmentt Manufacturing Marine & MedTech & Modern Precision Offshore Healthcare Services Engineering

Model Factory@Simtech “ The Model Factory@SIMTech is part of the Manufacturing Control Tower™(MCT™) programme, offering and showcasing Industry 4.0 manufacturing technologies and know-how. From a research standpoint, the environment provides an ideal platform for the development of critical technologies such as Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS) and flexible automation across the three layers in a manufacturing environment, namely Shopfloor, Enterprise and Supply Chain. The Model Factory@SIMTech offers a learning platform to understand the Sense & Response manufacturing paradigm, and a conducive environment for customers and partners to prototype new technologies. From an industrial viewpoint, it provides an experiential and collaborative platform for companies to learn, experiment and most importantly, co- create new technologies for next-generation factories. The Model Factory@ SIMTech is able to provide these critical learning and practice opportunities through SIMTech’s proven Learn-Practise-Implement (LPI) model before actual implementation on-site. “ The Model Factory allows SMEs to experience digitalisation technologies first-hand in a learning environment, without affecting their existing business operations. Participating SMEs can try out new ideas that could increase the competitiveness of their businesses…I encourage our companies to tap on the technological solutions of the Model Factory for business growth Dr Koh Poh Koon, Senior Minister of State for Trade and Industry Source: Speech at the Launch of Model Factory@SIMTech on 5 October 2017 MORE STORIES? SCAN HERE Technologies for Transfer Timely Supply & Logistics Worry-free Shopfloor Features the ability to respond to customers’ Features the use of technology in a connected needs in a timely manner through a connected environment to reduce non-productive environment, from customer order to delivery “firefighting” activities • Multi-site Orders Allocation & Tracking • Smart Engineering System • Supply Chain Planning & Tracking • Real Time Machine Analytics • Sentiment Analysis • Sense and Connect (S&C) • Predictive Maintenance Management (PMM) Predictive Enterprise • Online Quality and Process Monitoring (OPQ) Features the planning and control capabilities, • Real-time Tracking from understanding changes in the supply • AR@Shopfloor chain to influencing activities on the shopfloor Pervasive Nerve Centre • Real Time Planning and Scheduling Features the command and control capabilities • Inventory Analytics and Planning of the manufacturing ‘control tower’, where total • Facility Layout Planning (FLy) visibility and “what-if” analyses are enabled • VR@Virtual Model Factory Tour • Real-time Dashboard (RTD) • Online Simulation Singapore Institute of Dr Xu Chi +65 6319 4457 Manufacturing Technology Group Manager (MCT™) 2 Fusionopolis Way, #08-04, Innovis, [email protected] Singapore 138634 09/21

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