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Home Explore Maintenance Management System (MMS)

Maintenance Management System (MMS)

Published by SIMTech, 2020-03-03 02:20:10

Description: Maintenance Management System (MMS)


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Maintenance Management System (MMS) BACKGROUND OBJECTIVES Most maintenance service providers usually To help companies to implement a Maintenance collect and compile maintenance data manually, Management System (MMS) to improve making it hard to effectively manage their productivity and service quality by capturing maintenance operations. Hence, the need of all maintenance data digitally and providing a digital platform to capture maintenance data information for quick decision-support. and present analysis information for decision support DELIVERABLES TOTAL COST: S$25,000 + GST TYPE CONSULTANCY $16,000 ESG FUNDING FOR SME Consultancy Set-up and Implementation (SUBJECT TO APPROVAL) Hardware Tablet and/or Computer (FOR SMES ONLY) Software (capped at $3,000) For enquiries, please contact: 1 x MMS Software License Dr Luo Ming 12 months Cloud Hosting (in- Tel: 9159 0479 | Email: [email protected] clude MS SQLServer) or 1 x Mr Wong Ming Mao Tel: 9850 8595 | Email: [email protected] MS SQLServer (5 CAL) BENEFITS • Digitalised maintenance activity logging for data analysis and decision-making • Improved maintenance work order management • Improved machine uptime and reduced maintenance cost PRODUCTIVITY EXPECTED INDICATOR IMPROVEMENT 30 - 80 per cent Manual documentation 20 - 40 per cent reduction 15 - 20 per cent Machine down-time reduction Maintenance cost reduction TECHNOLOGY FOR PRODUCTIVITY & DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION 26

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