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MAKING MOTORING FUN VTOHLEUMQEU2A•RISTSEURE L3Y MAGAZINE OF THE AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION PHILIPPINES tihnroafwfrfiotcnotebnoeffhoaarcveer RMOAAKDINSGSAFER FRLOAKASIDDTHHSSCRLAAOEFRUAEDGRTSHYN DCAO’AENPLCEOGUARNSCE FTDHLRORIVOOIDUNGGH Welcome TIMACETIONFOR fDoercRaodaedoSfaAfcettiyosntarts the new AQGus LagmanAAP PRESIDENT Great Road Trip Cars TOKYO, JAPAN: LIGHT FANTASTICPage68 W HEN the Automobile Association Philippines (AAP) decided last year to publish AQ, a full-color, high-quality quarterly Exotic Destinations PIRSJOESUMTURHINEEEER!YES: magazine, we intended it to be a magazine primarily for our members. We have printed five issues, each with a different THE QUARTERLY MAGAZINE OF THE AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION PHILIPPINES theme. We had issues devoted to travel in Europe, travel in Asia, road safety, performance cars, and, for our 80th A European anniversary, an issue on motoring history. It was an ambitious undertaking, and we were able to do ROME ™ VENICE ™ FLORENCE ™ PA R I S it with the support of our ever loyal and very generous advertisers. The magazine was CWPalaamkyeSgbruooraurndder’s delivered right to the homes or offices of our 15,000 regular members – all for free. Fun Getaways CRofeotbchkueinSgouththe Queen City LSaurUfn’sioUnp! After producing five issues, we reviewed AQ and decided to reformat it to serve and Baguio Way communicate more effectively with our members. e Long Starting with this issue, we have incorporated herein our bi-monthly newsletter - AAP Around Drive. We are giving priority to our various advocacies as well as news and information that involve AAP members and the motoring public, in general. Of course, other articles Test Drives VOLUME 01 ISSUE 01 HELMETS FOR KIDS: MICHELLE YEOH of interest to car owners are still included. Page 64 This new AQ has 52 pages which are full of informative and useful articles. Our GREAT ROADTRIP CARS Road and Car Safety mfaoanrruetTofRawOmcAootLrCurkEHrrIioeANonwrwDgGs editorial staff and writers from the old AQ have been retained. Most important of all, we Page 68 still print and distribute 15,000 copies of this high-quality magazine, still for free to our valued members. Environment FTURTOUTARHDEETHE QUARTERLY MAGAZINE OF THE AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION PHILIPPINES THE ENVIRONMENT AND SAFETY ISSUE Since the number of pages has been reduced, we deemed it only proper to lower also Other stories our advertising rates. This is a win-win decision for us and for our advertisers. It is only in in stThaTehefseetm5si-nStagtacrrkatCherlusetb this new AQ that advertisers can find such low rates for their ads to come out in 15,000 Future Cars mHakoewbeextpterHerigshdwsrawiyvaSetyrasrss copies to be distributed to their target market. VOLUME 01 ISSUE 02 We recently did a survey of our regular members – those who receive copies of AQ – and here are some of the things we found out: OF THE AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION PHILIPPINES VOILSUSMUEE 1 3 • The average age of our members is 49. • Almost three-fourths (74%) of our members are male THE QUARTERLY MAGAZINE • Also, almost three fourths (73%) of our members are married. • More than half (55 percent) of our members were born in Metro Manila, hence TEST DRIVESPhilippine student contingent takes on the ShFeOlRl DEcFoIEMSTaArathon TOYOCTHAMECVSIOTTRRSROOUELELBETLITSAEHCDARIILTUATIOZSISNEX can be considered urbanites from birth. NISSAN SENTRA 200 • Seven out of 10 of our members are college graduates • Majority of our members are either businessmen (39%) or employees (36%). FLPIGHHTOOFETHNE IXTHE SLS AMG There are some who are lawyers or doctors (8%), managers (8%), executives (5%) RCEDE S BENZ TTHCHECAEARPPREERRRROFFOUOOUNRRNDMMD-A-AUUNNPPCCEE or retired (2%). • An average AAP member owns three cars. ME STOCK JTUheSATftVAeOrLImUNMa’ErTk2Be•EtUISNTSRuUONnE Ui1InNGgAGHnGuIRnidtUreoBtBoEMRoPtoPAArGGsEEp4o44r2ts The profile of our members makes AAP a truly attractive market for companies with products or services for car owners. With our new AQ magazine and our very affordable VOLUME 01 ISSUE 03 rates, we are confident that more advertisers will support us as we strive to better communicate the hottest motoring issues to our members. 12/5/2010 3:31:09 PM AQ Cover1.3.indd 1THE QUARTERLY MAGAZINE OF THE AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION PHILIPPINES byBackpack OUTDOORLSIFpESecTiYaLlEBoholFamily ParadiseIloilo & GuimarasThe Churches, Beaches and TurtlesDriving CebuA Different Love StoryFvIiAsi’stsJMeaanniTloadftor Road Safety VOLUME 2 • ISSUE 2 TEST DRIVES 8 Cars for LEXUS CT200H • BMW Z4 the Decades JAGUAR XKR • CHRYSLER 300C CRD represAeQntpeicakcshthereavienhmicoletsortihnagtAQcover2.1.indd 2 2/22/2011 2:38:29 PM New Cars THE QUARTERLY MAGAZINE OF THE AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION PHILIPPINES For 2011 Get a glimpse of what’s in the showrooms 80 80 YEARS OF SERVING THE MOTORING PUBLIC AQcover2.2_final.indd 1 AQ MAGAZINE 1 4/28/2011 12:18:36 AM

Masthead / Contents EMAIL US: [email protected] CREW WHATS INSIDE EDITORIAL 08 WELCOME TO AAP’s NEW HEADQUARTERS AAP PRESIDENT More Accessible. More Visible Gus Lagman 10 KIDS LEARN SAFETY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Aida Sevilla-Mendoza Through Flash Cards EXECUTIVE EDITOR 12 IRAP Junep Ocampo Making Roads Safer COLUMNISTS Mandy Eduque 16 STILL DRIVING AT 93 Tito Hermoso AAP’s oldest female member WRITERS Vince Pornelos 24 AAP CONCOURS D’ ELEGANCE Basking in the love and glory of the motorcar Iñigo Roces Kap Maceda Aguila 28 SMALLER SAFER The improving safety of subcompacts cars GRAPHIC DESIGN Danny Hernando 32 DRIVING LESSONS Driving Lessons On The Tollways 38 OH! BEHAVE Conducting yourself in front of a traffic enforcer AQ is published every quarter by the Automobile 42 DRIVING THROUGH FLOODS Association Philippines (AAP), a non-profit, non-tax, Helpful tips for driversnon-governmental organization dedicated to serving and promoting the interests of the motoring public. AAP BOARD OF DIRECTORS Augusto C. Lagman COLUMNS DRIVEN President 01 MAKING MOTORING FUN 18 COOL FACTOR Juan B. Angeles Vice-President Welcome The New AQ 2011 KIA Sportage EX AWDChairperson, Road Safety Committee 04 ROAD SAVVY 22 RETURN TO FORM Driverless Cars 2011 Nissan Teana 350XV Jacinto M. Mantaring Jr. and Road Safety Treasurer Chairperson, Finance CommitteeAida Sevilla-Mendoza Guillermina T. Gabor 06 A SHEEP AT THE WHEEL Director Director Keeping Distance Chairperson, Publication & Chairperson, Travel & TourismPublic Relations Committee Committee David L. Arcenas Nona F. Esquivel COVER STORY Director Director 36 TIME FOR ACTIONChairperson, Government Chairperson, Audit & Good Liaison Governance CommitteeJose Armando L. Eduque Augustus J.V. Ferreria Director Director Chairperson, Motorsports Chairperson, Membership Committee Services & Marketing CommitteeEmail: [email protected] • Website: ADVERTISING BEZAM MARKETING CONSULTANCYPRESIDENT: Bess ZamoraUnit 339, 3/F Mile Long Building, Amorsolo cor. Javier St.,Legaspi Village, Makati CityTELEFAX: (632) 501-9360Email: [email protected] DISCLAIMER No part of this magazine may be reproduced in whole orin part without the written permission of the AAP and the AQMagazine Editors. The AAP and AQ Magazine Editors make no warranties,guarantees, representations assurances of any kind aboutany goods or services advertised in this issue.2 AQ MAGAZINPEERFORMANCE

ROAD SAVVY Driverless Cars and Road Safety IN countries all over the world whereAida Sevilla Mendoza the motoring population is numerically University to focus on Google’s project, said heEDITOR-IN-CHIEF significant, road traffic crashes are often believes that their technology has the potential to cut traced to driver error. Despite the active and the number of fatal road crashes in half. He expressed passive safety features built into cars today confidence that self-driving cars will transform car such as airbags, the anti-lock braking system sharing, significantly reducing car usage, as well as (ABS) with electronic brake force distribution help create the new “highway train of tomorrow.” The (EBD) and electronic stability control, plus “highway train” envisions future cars to be controlled by computers and to drive in tight convoys at highway the improvement of infrastructure to make roads speeds, preventing accidents and improving fuel economy. Soon, you may even call an autonomous safer, the frequency of road crashes continues to soar, taxi by using your iPAD. especially in developing countries like the Philippines. Earlier this year, Google began lobbying in The yearly global toll now reaches 1.2 million deaths Nevada for legislation that will allow driverless cars to be legally operated on the state’s public roads. and 50 million injuries with these numbers forecast Google contended that the autonomous technology would be safer than human drivers, reduce road to increase by 60 percent by 2020, according to the injuries and deaths, increase energy efficiency, lower car emissions and promote economic development. World Health Organization. Aside from a measure amending an electric The idea of developing a driverless car – a.k.a. vehicle bill to provide for the licensing and testing of autonomous vehicles. Google lobbied for a second robotic car, autonomous vehicle, automated automobile amendment that would permit texting behind the wheel of a driverless car. Last month, the state of or self-driving car -- to eliminate human error is not Nevada passed the amendment for driverless cars but the texting amendment was still in debate. new and has been experimented with by universities, the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Critics of the driverless car see a self-serving motive behind the texting amendment lobbied by (DARPA) and car manufacturers like General Motors, Google. The king of Internet research had argued that driverless cars would cut the number of hours wasted Mercedes-Benz, Audi and Volkswagen. in daily commuting Not having to drive while on the road will permit a driver to safely do what we often do Surprisingly enough, the leader in mobile robotics when we’re off the road, such as surf the Internet and use mobile applications. And that’s what motivates research is not an automaker but Google, the giant Google, the critics pointed out. Web search engine company based in California. Indeed, the question of whether computer-driven cars are safe and will reduce deaths on the road Quietly if not secretly, Google modified six Toyota Prius requires further tests and development. Driverless car technology has to be perfected. Robotic vehicles hybrid cars and an Audi TT with a laser range finder have to be inspected before every trip to make sure that everything is in working order. But despite all on the roof, an array of radar and camera sensors and this, what if the computers don’t respond properly a trunkful of computer equipment. In October 2010, to some unusual situations? Many of us have experienced problems with hard drives that crash and Google revealed to the press that its seven human- smart phones that freeze. chaperoned automated cars had logged more than Nonetheless, making mobility safer, faster, easier and cleaner in the future via the use of mobile robotics 225,000 kilometers in a testing program throughout and artificial intelligence is a dream worth pursuing. The possibility is there that robotically run smart cars California sans any road mishaps. will make this dream come true. Since the driverless car is illegal throughout the United States, Google avoided legal action by fielding each car with a “chaperon driver” behind the wheel, ready to override the software in case of any problem, Indeed, the while a second Google employeequestion of whether monitored the equipment from thecomputer-driven passenger seat. Police were alwayscars are safe and notified in advance and the vehicles followed a pre-set route. The cars crossed the Golden Gate Bridge, drove around Lake Tahoe and navigated the Pacific Coast highway,will reduce deaths among other routes taken.on the road requires Artificial intelligence researcherfurther tests and Sebastian Thrun, who gave up his professorial tenure at Stanforddevelopment.4 AQ MAGAZINE

A SHEEP AT THE WHEEL Keeping DistanceTito F. Hermoso ONCE in a while, in our not so small On the expressways, most accidents areCOLUMNIST world of motoring, two of our usually nose-to-tail chain collisions of mostly new ever present daily concerns make and nearly new cars, full of holiday-making families, it to broadsheet front-page and at the brightest times of the day. Most drivers are broadcast headline national news. not used to the faster expressway speeds, and are One is whenever a spectacular inexperienced to the longer lead times and faster vehicular accident happens and, braking response needed. Even if one happens to two, whenever fuel prices rise. avoid hitting the rear bumper of the car ahead, there In the case of No. 1, the public’s knee-jerk is no certainty that the guy behind will apply his brakes in time, too. reaction, as if on cue, is to get the blame game To discourage bunching, French and Chinese rolling, extolling ambulance-chasing lawyers to come expressways have sections that mark out 100m, 200m and 300m gaps and/or 3- to 6-car length gaps out of the woodwork. As always, fault or no fault, that visualize the “3-second” rule. These follow-on distances are enforced by video cameras and stiff the incensed mob will always pummel the moneyed: fines are mailed to violators. If followed, a driver’s view of the car in front is comfortably far that even if luxury car/SUV owners, toll road operators, the one dozed off with the steady speed limit, especially after a high-carbohydrate lunch, there was plenty of government, etcetera, etcetera. time and space for the co-driver to alert you to the impending danger. Sadly, very few drivers appreciate In the case of No.2, every fuel price increase is that keeping distance is more relaxing than battling for every inch of urban space. An added flip is that a veritable green light for cause-oriented groups to every time a slow down comes into view, lifting of the gas is far kinder to fuel consumption than slamming come up with new scripts and gimmicks to punish on the brakes. the “greedy” oil companies while the transport In a relaxed state, drivers will learn to stop treating the accelerator as a foot pump or the brake lobby demands more subsidies from government, pedal as stomping ground. But one up-manship overrides any concern to save money and fuel, leaving more sacrifices from the public that they purport to it to the government to issue fuel discount cards just because the public utility drivers refuse to change serve and more saber-rattling threats of strikes and their ways. Instead of practicing the basic “seeing where you’re going,” the average driver, jealous that blockades. someone might “steal” their precious real estate drives too close to the car in front. It just takes one No one denies the cascading cause-effect chain point and squirt lane-grabbing driver to disrupt the smooth flow of traffic. In this case, high fuel prices do reactions that these national issues trigger and no serve as a carrot/stick that punishes bad driving and rewards good driving. one belittles the impact of these on the non-motoring We have it in our hands and feet to stretch public. True, these are issues requiring systemic every peso we spend on fuel and save our lives in the process. It pays to look where you’re going, so and institutional vigilance, monitoring, panacea and don’t be obsessed guarding that rear bumper. You may just end up paying for it on top of all that fuel solutions. In simplest terms, these issues are about you’ve wasted. safety and economy. Out of our 95 million citizens, there is a group of some 10 million who have in their hands (and feet) to do something about these two issues. Depending on who is counting, these are all the drivers, licensed or unlicensed. All drivers do have this power to make for safer travel, safer roads and lower fuel bills, thus making a difference in everyone’s quality of life. What we can do amounts to two words we see sloppily labelled on tatty jeepneys, It pays to look over-decorated sand-gravel trucks and mud guards of provincial mini buses. Distancia Amigo! Keepwhere you’re going, distance. These displays of literacyso don’t be obsessed are for all the savvy city slickers to seeguarding that rear whenever they hit the expressways for their summer vacation rituals.bumper.6 AQ MAGAZINE

CLUB NEWS Welcome to AAP’s new headquartersMore accessible. More visible.THESE are the two main qualities of the new AAP headquarters at number28 Epifanio delos Santos Avenue (EDSA) in Greenhills, San Juan City. You won’t miss the building where the new AAP The new AAP headquarters even provides freemain office is located. It’s the one that looks like a wi-fi Internet connectivity.sculpture or lego blocks right next to the car dealershipsof Ford and CATS Motors. The building is owned by All applications for membership and PhilippinePacific Office Machines. International Driving Permit (PIDP) are now being processed in the new AAP headquarters on EDSA. “AAP moved to this place to be more accessibleto its members and the rest of the motoring public,” Those who are more familiar with the old AAP officesaid AAP treasurer Jacinto Mantaring. “This new in Quezon City can still go there and apply through theaddress is more convenient for members, our guests desk at the AAP Goodyear Auto Care Center at 682as well as our staff since it is very near the MRT, other Aurora Boulevard, Quezon City, the former serviceprivate and government offices as well as commercial building of AAP which fronts the old office.centers,” he added. However, those who would apply there would get The new hotline for the new headquarters is (02) their PIDPs the following day.655.58.89. Those availing of LTO Registration Assistance AAP has its own building on Aurora Boulevard Service are advised to still go to the old service buildingin New Manila, Quezon City which served as its in Quezon City.headquarters since 1983. The site is now being offeredfor joint venture or long-term lease. This is the fifth time in its 80-year history that AAP has moved its main office. Compared to that building, the Pacific BusinessMachine building has more space for AAP’s growing When it was organized as the Philippine Motorfamily. The entire ground floor of the building has been Association in 1931, AAP held office in a room at thecompletely remodeled to provide efficient working Manila Hotel. After World War II, its office was relocatedenvironment for AAP employees and directors. It has to one of the Legarda Hermanos buildings on R.a spacious reception/exhibit area, rooms for AAP’s Hildalgo Street in Quiapo, Manila. In 1981, AAP movedvarious departments, and a conference facility for to Sta. Mesa, Manila and two years later it acquired themeetings. property on Aurora Boulevard in Quezon City. To date, AAP has satellite offices in Makati, Alabang, Pampanga, Cebu and Davao.8 AQ MAGAZINE

Go further on less fuel ~²Í\"ŸÃlÍØl’ÍyzY‹l›ÏÍA›cͦ{²Í {àÍ0Ïߛ€lÊψA›Š0Ïll’Í Ÿ›€lÃÍ2ÃlAcÍ ‹ylL - Advanced -ßÏlYϋŸ› - Reinforced with DuPontTM Kevlar® to full silica compound combined give you more durability with innovative tread design to and better protection lower the tire’s rolling resistance, against road hazards. ߈‹YˆÍ‹–®ÃŸÞlÆÍyØl’ÍlyzY‹l›YáÍ and tread life.4 Í09#Í;\"- #lßÍÆÆØÃA›YlÍØl’Í\"AàÀÆÍyØl’ÍlyzY‹l›Yá͋–®ÃŸÞl–l›ÏÍYA›Í’lAcÍϟÍÑÖç ͟yÍyØl’ÍÆAދ›€Æ³àA–®’l_ÍyÍAͦ³Ë ÍYAÃ͈AÆÍA›ÍAÞlÃA€lÍyØl’ÍYŸ›Æؖ®Ï‹Ÿ›ÍÃAÏl͟yͦç ̦ç瑖`͋ÆÍzÏÏlcÍߋψÍÆÆØÃA›YlÍØl’Í\"Aà͟›ÍƋålÍ ¦œ{ÌË{/¦{͜¦9ÍA›cÍÏÃAÞl’ÆÍAÍc‹ÆÏA›Yl͟yÍqç`ççç͑–`ÍψlÍ®ŸÏl›Ï‹A’ÍyØl’ÍÆAދ›€ÆÍYA›ÍOlÍYA’YؒAÏlcÍAÆÍyŸ’’ŸßÆ_ÍÍqç`ççç͑–ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍàÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͦç ̦çç͑–ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍàÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ~²ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍuÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÑÖçÍdistance traveled fuel consumption rate fuel saving rate potential fuel saved * Fuel saving value of 4% as evaluated by TUV SUD Automotive GmbH as a technical witness partner in cooperation with Goodyear in Mireval, Report Number 76243002-1, May 2010 as tested on Citroen C4 1.6L on size 195/65 R15. Internal Goodyear test projected Assurance Fuel Max tread life to 85,777km., 15% longer versus conventional technology (Goodyear Ducaro GA). Actual fuel savings and tread life may vary according to other factors including environment, road, vehicle conditions, vehicle model, and driving habits, etc.Dupont™ and KEVLAR® are trademarks or registered trademarks of E.I. du Pont de Numours and Company.

CLUB NEWS A sample Safe-T-Kids Davao councilor Flashcard. commends AAP’s Road Safety Pledge Kids learn road safety IN a privilege speech last May, Davao through flash cards City Councilor Pilar Braga commended the road safety initiatives of the House FOR children to learn, they must first understand. For AAP, as the lead organization of the PGRSP, of Representatives and the Automobile them to remember, they must first be interested. And conducted a series of workshops for teachers on the Association Philippines (AAP). for them to be interested, the lesson must be truly use of the flash cards as instructional tools. interesting! Braga cited House Bill No. 4340 The program was sponsored by Pilipinas Shell submitted by Pampanga Rep. Gloria Making road safety interesting for children ages Petroleum Corp. and the Motorcycle Development Macapagal-Arroyo and Camarines Sur five to 12 is the objective of Safe-T-Kids Flash Cards Program Participants Association (MDPPA). Rep. Diosdado Arroyo, saying, “The program, a project of the Philippine Global Road essence and spirit of House Bill 4340 is Safety Partnership (PGRSP), in coordination with the After the six-month pilot testing, an evaluation to provide mandatory health insurance Department of Education (DepEd) and Metro Manila will be done to assess the children’s knowledge of road coverage for all public utility drivers all over Development Authority (MMDA). safety as well as the program’s efficiency. the country under the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation or PhilHealth and The pilot testing of the program was done on Feb. The assessment will help organizers determine the National Health Insurance Program.” 24, 2011 in 10 schools, namely Bacood Elementary what improvements need to be done with the flash cards School, Bagong Barangay Elementary School, Bagong and the methods of instruction before the program goes With the high cost of medicine and Diwa Elementary School, Beata Elementary School, nationwide. medical care, the bill, if passed, will provide F. Amorsolo Elementary School, Geronimo Santiago public utility drivers an equal opportunity Elementary School, J. Zamora Elementary School, Some of the to become members of PhilHealth as well Pio del Pilar Elementary School, Sta. Ana Elementary participants of as to contribute affordable and reasonable School, and Tomas Earnshaw Elementary School. the Safe-T-Kids regular monthly premiums. Drivers can Flashcards also expect hospitalization fees lower than DepartmentofTransportationandCommunications Teachers the original cost that is not covered by (DOTC) Assistant Secretary Dante Lantin said that the Training. PhilHealth. schools were selected on the basis of their location in accident-prone areas. “Obviously, the impact of public utility drivers becoming members of PhilHealth is More than 200 children get injured in road a boost to the morale of our drivers, they accidents in the Philippines every day. being our undisputed kings of the road”, Braga added. Lantin said the colorful flashcards depict a variety of road scenarios that would educate children on road Braga also commended the campaign safety and instill in them the value of road discipline. of the AAP to promote road safety through the distribution of the Road Safety Pledge “The objective is to teach kids to become which symbolizes commitment to the responsible road users,” Lantin said. initiatives of the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020. DOTC, PGRSP and DepEd Tre-KpirdesseFnlatasthicveasrdast the Safe- “The Road Safety Pledge which states Training Teachers that as a Road User, I pledge not to use my cell phone while driving; not to drive The DOTC, PGRSP and DepEd under the influence of alcohol or drugs; representatives at the Safe-T-Kids to always use a seatbelt while driving; Flashcards Teachers Training together to maintain my car or vehicle in good, with the teachers of the 10 selected roadworthy condition, not to be goaded public schools. into road rage by aggressive drivers and motorcyclists; not to throw garbage out of my car; to always observe and follow road laws, rules and regulations, was produced by AAP to encourage people to make a commitment to be responsible road users”, Braga said. Braga said she hopes that through these initiatives, there will be less road accidents and less motoring-related injuries and fatalities.. “May I, therefore pass a resolution in support of these two noteworthy initiatives, the passing of House Bill 4340 and the AAP’s Road Safety Pledge”, Braga concluded. 10 AQ MAGAZINE

FEATURES iRAP iRAP rMoaakdisngsafer CONTACT AAP “How safe are Philippine roads?” (Cagayan), Tagbilaran North Road, Palo- Carigara-Ormoc Road, and Wright-Taft MAIN OFFICE International experts want to find out and Road (Western and Eastern Samar). 28 EDSA Greenhills, San Juan City, 1500 they are surveying thousands of kilometers of Philippines roads to identify programs on how to make These roads are rated by the DPWH Hotline: (632) 723.08.08 local roads safer. Traffic Accident and Recording System Fax: (632) 726.58.78 (TARAS) as high-risk roads. As of July 15, 2011, some 3,000 ALABANG SATELLITE OFFICE kilometers of roads in the Philippines have After assessing the roads, iRAP Store 1-A Motor Town 2, Alabang Town been surveyed by the International Road Philippines will encode and review the Center, Muntinlupa City Assessment Program (iRAP) together with the collected data and give the roads Star Tel: (632) 850.98.31 Department of Public Works and Highways Ratings according to their level of safety Fax: (632) 850.69.03 (DPWH). Their objective is to develop for car occupants, motorcyclists, bicyclists, doable and affordable programs of safety and pedestrians. A 5-Star rating represents CEBU SATELLITE OFFICE engineering that can reduce the number of the safest road infrastructure design for the 105 CRM Building, Escario corner road crashes. prevailing speed environment while a 1-Star Molave Sts. Cebu City rating represents a road with relatively poor Tel: (6332) 232.64.06 or 233.99.71 A registered charity dedicated to helping infrastructure design for the prevailing speed create safer road infrastructure worldwide environment. DAVAO SATELLITE OFFICE and thus save millions of lives, iRAP was G/F Abiva Building, McArthur Highway, endorsed to the DPWH and Department of iRAP Philippines will then consult and Matina, Davao City Transportation and Communications (DOTC) confer with the steering committee and Tel: (6382) 299.49.61 or 286.21.91 by the AAP. working technical groups to come up with a detailed report of the project outcomes MAKATI SATELLITE OFFICE iRAP, which is supported by the FIA as well as to determine an affordable C-6 Arcadia Building, JP Rizal Extension, Foundation and the World Bank Global Road countermeasure program that can help Guadalupe Cembo, Makati City Safety Facility, has helped survey hundreds of minimize road fatalities and injuries in the Tel: (632) 882.60.39 thousands of kilometers of roads across 60 identified areas. Telefax: (632) 882.59.85 countries so far. The steering committee in which PAMPANGA SATELLITE OFFICE After conceptualizing the iRAP AAP is represented by AAP vice president Unit 11 Northwalk Land 2, Jose Abad Philippines action plan in 2010, the road and road safety committee chair Johnny Santos Avenue, San Fernando City, survey phase was launched on May 6, 2011 Angeles will oversee the implementation of Pampanga at the notoriously dangerous Commonwealth the program. This includes; (1) linking iRAP Tel: (6345) 436.18.16 Avenue in Quezon City. outcomes to planning and policy positions within the government, (2) detailed planning EMAIL: [email protected] Using a specially equipped vehicle activities associated with the review, design, WEBSITE: called the Multi-Infrastructure Distress financing and implementation of iRAP Analyzing System (MIDAS), the iRAP team recommendations, (3) planning the extension12 AQ MAGAZINE headed by highly trained international road of the iRAP survey to other roads as deemed analysts together with DPWH engineers appropriate and (4) involvement in support surveyed Epifanio delos Santos (EDSA), activities in the region as part of the iRAP Radial Road-10 (R10), Quirino Highway Asia Pacific operations (e.g. workshops and (Balintawak to Caloocan), Circumferential sharing of knowledge). Road-5 (C-5), Tandang Sora Road (up to Quirino Highway), President Quirino With approximately 10,000 people Avenue, President Osmeña Highway, killed in road crashes in the Philippines every Marcos Highway, Manila North Road, year, AAP and the other project stakeholders Daang Maharlika (north of Manila, Luzon), are hopeful that this number will decrease Daang Maharlika (south of Manila. Luzon), in the near future when the iRAP program is Daang Maharlika (Samar, Leyte), Gapan- fully implemented. San Fernando, Jct. Bangag-Magapit Road

CLUB NEWSAAP, Goodyear team up for service centerTHE AAP and Goodyear Philippines have This is a strategic and mutually Photo shows (from left)joined hands for an Autocare Service beneficial partnership that gives Goodyear AAP treasurer JacintoCenter to offer topnotch auto repair service access to the AAP’s vast membership Mantaring, AAP presidentat discounted rates to its members. base and services while giving the AAP a Gus Lagman, Goodyear valued presence in Goodyear’s nationwide Philippines managing Now open at what used to be the dealership network. director Gerry Alava andAAP Service Building on the east-bound Goodyear Philippinesside of Aurora Boulevard in Quezon City, Gerry Alava, Goodyear managing marketing director Ernestthe AAP Goodyear Auto Care Service director, says, “We are happy that the AAP Estrera during the contract-Center will provide AAP members with has put their trust in Goodyear for their signing.Goodyear-certified expertise on basic service center and we look forward to aautomotive and tire servicing, as well as fruitful partnership with them.” Filipino Managing Director in its 53-yeardiscounts and promotional opportunities history.from Goodyear. Alava is Goodyear Philippines’ first Goodyear is one of the world’s largest The service center also houses AAP’s tire companies. It employs nearly 70,000Motorpool, 24/7 Road Safety Call Center people and manufactures its productsand a team to carry on AAP services in more than 60 facilities in 25 countriesincluding 24/7 Emergency Roadside Service, around the world.ambulance services, International DrivingPermit processing, and motoring insurance. Its presence in the Philippines dates back to 90 years ago. It is a consistent Goodyear is the only brand that the recipient of the Readers Digest PlatinumAAP has signed up with for a service center. Award as the most trusted tire brand in the Philippines. “The AAP partnered with Goodyearbecause it is the best brand,” says GusLagman, AAP president. “Out of all thebrands we spoke with, Goodyear has thebest offerings in terms of quality products,reach, knowledge and service.”Make way for theSUPER BIG BROTHERSTHE Super Big Brothers have arrived. These brand new trucks will be used to AAP is the exclusive Emergency AAP recently added two heavy-duty Fuso recover cement mixers, dump trucks, heavy Roadside Service provider at the North equipment, buses and other large vehicles Luzon Expressway (NLEX), the Subic-Clark-crane-type tow trucks to its Emergency Roadside that figure in accidents on the SLEX. Tarlac Expressway (SCTEX), the Skyway andService fleet as an answer to the growing needs ground level expressway from Magallanesof South Luzon Expressway motorists. Like other AAP tow trucks, the recovery to Alabang (SOMCO), and South Luzon vehicles will be equipped with GPS tracking Expressway (SLEX) from Alabang to The two new trucks, nicknamed Super devices for faster deployment. The GPS Carmona.Big Brothers, are now stationed at the AAP’s tracking devices allow AAP dispatchers toSouth Operations Office in South Luzon know exactly which ERS truck is closest to the For assistance, call the AAP hotlinesExpressway (SLEX) and at the Skyway O&M site of the accident. 723-0808 or 726-0191.Corporation (SOMCO).14 AQ MAGAZINE

FEATUREStill drivingat 93By JUNEP OCAMPOCANDELARIA Gruet may just be the Philippines’ oldest worker “The only reason why I agreed to LIFETIME MEMBERS and oldest driver. this interview is to encourage other women Born on Feb. 6, 1918, to be proficient in driving. Kung kaya ng 1 Name Age this 93-year-old single woman lalaki, mas kaya ng babae,” she said. 2 Dr. Alice D. Benedicto 74continues to work as executive secretary 3 Juanito L. Benedicto 78at D&L Industries, the mother company of Gruet said that in the ‘50s, male 4 Arturo H. Hidalgo 86biodiesel-maker Chemrez. And she goes to drivers were scared of seeing women 5 Edgar Khron Jr. 82D&L’s office in Libis on board a 1993 silver behind the steering wheel. “Kapag Candelaria S. Gruet 93grey Honda Civic which she herself drives nakikita nila na babae angfrom her residence in San Juan. She does driver, lumalayo na sila.this six days a week. Akala siguro nila hindi marunong,” she said. This has been Gruet’s routine sinceshe was 35, when her elder brother Adolfo But Gruet hasintroduced her to the world of automobiles. proven that women are better drivers. In “Kuya didn’t want me to enroll in driving her 58 years of driving,schools. He said I would only learn the bad she figured in an accident onlyhabits of jeepney drivers if I enrolled. He once. It was in the ‘70s andwas the one who taught me how to drive,” a speeding car hit her Mitsubishishe said. Lancer from the opposite direction. The driver of the other car did not even stop. She was 40 years old when she “I simply forgave him and continued inbought her own car, an Opel. She got it my driving. I had the damage repairedon installment for P7,000 at the Northern afterwards,” she said.Motors dealership along Isaac Peral street(now UN Avenue), the same street where Gruet considers her positiveshe worked as executive secretary for the attitude in life as one of her secrets inStandard Vacuum Oil Company. living a healthy and happy life. Her other secrets are eating fish and vegetables, Gruet thought what she had been eating slowly, drinking nothing but water,doing was fairly ordinary. She never aspired and doing everything in moderation. Shefor records and she was only discovered is also very tolerant and slow to anger.when AAP decided to honor its most seniormembers with lifetime memberships for its “I try to understand why people80th anniversary celebration. behave the way they do. As much as possible, I never get mad,” she said. “Ang Gruet was the oldest woman in the list. madalas magalit mabilis tumatanda”The oldest man, former ambassador RolandoGarcia, is now 96 years old. But Gruet wasthe oldest person who still drives. She said she does not intend to beatthe record of the oldest driver in the world,Verna Truax, of Parkersburg, Iowa, USA,who, at 105 years old, still drives a PontiacSunbird. 6 Amado A. Castro 86 7 Jorge M. Paterno 75 8 Rolando A. Garcia 96 9 Renato S. Ira 8216 AQ MAGAZINE


2011 KIA SPORTAGE EX AWDTO be honest with you, the older generations of the Kia Sportage were never impressive. The first model back in the ‘90s never reallyfelt as good as the first gen ToyotaRAV4, while the 2nd-gen model thatwas sold during the 2000s neverstood out in terms of design or drivingdynamics. That’s all about to change, however, as the all-new 3rd generation model is out to prove that the Sportage has stepped up its game and is now ready for the big leagues. It starts with the design of the car. On the outside, I think it can be unanimously said that the new Sportage is an outstandingly conceived and designed vehicle. The front end looks sleek and properly modern, making full use of that tiger grille and tapered projector headlamps that Peter Schreyer (the genius who designed the original Audi TT) and his design team came up with to full effect. The lines are clean and purposeful, adding sporty character to the new crossover as even the windshield has some cool details. The rear end is unmistakably upmarket, and dare I say, looks quite Audi-ish. The cherry on the Sportage has to be those cool LED strips that run along the base of the headlamps, giving the car a very distinct character, lending many I encounter to ask if those are stock or if I just added them as an aftermarket accessory. The inspired design continues inside, with a very modern dash layout. Like the exterior, the interior also makes use of plenty of cool details. The deep red of the instrument displays are great to look at, and even the seats have cool little roundels that give it a great accent. If there is something lacking for design, then it’s the near-monotone colors of the dash materials, as the interior could certainly make use of some more brushed metal or carbon-fiber-like trim panels.FACTOR By VINCE PORNELOS2011 Kia Sportage EX AWD AQ MAGAZINE 19

DRIVEN Sportage makes use of tactile, upscale surfaces all around, as the plastics and composites feel great to the touch Of course, design is nothing without along with motor-driven power steering. quality feel, and thus Sportage makes use The audio system is the same as the Kia of tactile, upscale surfaces all around, as Soul, minus the funky LEDs. The head the plastics and composites feel great unit has the standard AM, FM, CD, MP3 to the touch. I love that steering wheel, playback and 6 speakers. The audio with its thick rim and excellent leather system adds the convenience of full iPod and stitching. The buttons feel very high connectivity via a special cable, a USB quality, and again, the shifter for the and an auxiliary-in port, while the steering transmission seems very Audi indeed. wheel has buttons to control the audio system. The airconditioning system does For features, the Sportage gets the not have automatic climate control, but fully loaded package. The car comes with I’ve always preferred manual aircons over a full range of power assistance for the the newer computer-controlled types. windows, locks and mirror adjustment,20 AQ MAGAZINE

2011 KIA SPORTAGE EX AWD Now to the nitty gritty. Under the hoodis the new 2-liter powerplant from Kia withcontinuously variable valve timing for boththe intake and exhaust cams. The engine iscapable of 166 metric horsepower and 197Newton meters, and while that sounds goodon paper, however, it does not really translateas much to the road as I would have wanted.Given the heavy body, the engine doesn’tperform as well as I hoped, sometimes havinga relatively difficult time (as noted by thehigh revs) getting up inclines. The 6-speedautomatic transmission and its shorterratios helped, but having a small engine lugalong the extra weight of an all-wheel drivetransmission seems to have cancelled it out.As a result, the engine returns fuel economyfigures of just an average 7.9 km/l in the cityand 9.6 km/l on the highway (both in light tomoderate traffic). What makes up for the lack of punchand just average fuel economy is the handlingand comfort of the car. On winding roads,the drive is progressive and predictable.Of course, at higher revs, economy doesn’tmatter, and the breaks of the transmission’ssix gears come into play. The all-wheel drivetransmission does quite well on slipperyoff road trails, though it’s best to leave theextreme off-road trails to the professionallymodified SUVs and trucks. On rutted concreteand pothole-infested roads that line the Metrohowever, the Kia performs well to contain therough stuff, and on the highway it feels assmooth as the crossovers that Europe has tooffer... at a fraction of the price. As it stands, the Kia Sportage EXD-CVVT All-Wheel Drive model is available atjust PhP 1,258,000 from the dealerships. Ifyou were in the market for this car, however,I would recommend you just get the front-wheel drive, 4x2 model, as it seems to makemore sense... especially if it’s meant to be adaily drive. AQ MAGAZINE 21

DRIVENRETURNFTOOR MBy VINCE PORNELOS I2011 Nissan Teana 350XVT’S tough to break into the executive car segment nowadays, thanks to the introduction of new models like the impressive Hyundai Sonata, not to mention the dominance of the upgraded versions of the Toyota Camry and the Honda Accord. Nissan, however, has a new flagship in its ranks, one that is ready to take on the competition: the Teana 350XV. On the outside, the car looks very fit for a gentleman from the boardroom, especially if the gentleman wants something different from the usual exec cars on the road. It’s a really long car, and it’s sleek all over. The headlamps wrap around the front end of the car, and the grille is as prominent as it should be. There’s a nice treatment of chrome all around, and the rear LED taillights look very cool; same goes for the blacked out panoramic sunroof. The wheel design seems a little too sedate, but a trip to an aftermarket wheel dealer will easily take care of that.22 AQ MAGAZINE

2011 NISSAN TEANA 350XV Inside, there’s a very modern yet conservative the increased weight of the car, it was hard to feeldesign theme; a perfect cabin to relax in on theway home from work. Supple leather lines all of the the difference. With this 350XV version, there’sseats, the steering wheel, shifter and door panels,while the dash is a stylish mix of brushed metal trim now plenty of power on tap.and matte wood panels. It’s a comfortable place tobe in, and definitely at the forefront of its class. The new V-6 engine displaces 3.5 liters, As expected for a top-of-the-line model, there capable of 252 horsepower and 335 Newton-are plenty of electronic features to make sure theowners get what they paid for. There are the usual meters of torque. It’s less powerful than the 3.5power assist features for the steering, windows, locks,mirrors and front seats, and even keyless comfort liter engines from the Camry and the Accord, butaccess for key-in-your-pocket driving convenience.On the ceiling can be seen the panoramic sunroof, it’s definitely much more than the 2.5 liter version.which can be opened at the touch of a button,while the temperature inside is kept cool by a fully Off the line, the Teana can squeal both front tires,automated climate control system. though that’s not really what many would be doing There are some odd features left out for thisprice range. I do feel the Teana should really come with it. The transmission is Nissan’s ownwith a DVD entertainment system instead of justan AM/FM/CD/MP3 player with an aux port. I X-Tronic continuously variable transmission,have driven a Teana with a fully integrated DVDand navigation system, but it’s a costly (probably) which does away with fixed ratio gearsextra. They also didn’t seem to pay as muchattention to the rear seats, as the back doesn’t get for smoother, shock-less acceleration. Onrecline functions or climate and audio controls (likethe Toyota Camry 3.5Q). Nissan has installed an the highway, it pulls cleanly and evenlyottoman in this car, something you would find in aLexus LS or a Mercedes S-Class, though it seems as it should, and is quite silent at have been fitted on the wrong seat: the frontpassenger. Odd indeed, as execs generally prefer In terms of fuel efficiency, well, I neverthe back seat. expected much, but its respectable in the To be honest, this car has been aroundfor a while now; a model already on its second city at 5.9 km/l (light to moderate traffic)generation. The first gen Teana was powered byjust a 2.3 liter V-6 which wasn’t all that impressive and 9-10 km/l on the highway.for performance but definitely delivered on comfort.The initial version of the current generation got an Teanas are not meant for handling,upgraded and uprated 2.5 liter engine, but given thus much body roll can be expected in the corners. However, take it on the open road and there’s an air of confidence as it gets up to speed, and does it in the utmost of comfort and smoothness; a trait that is gradually getting lost with today’s sporty-inclined exec cars. At PhP 2.048M it’s a little pricey compared to its similar competitors. There is now plenty of choice in With this 350XV the market for the discerning executive, from sporty exec cars like the Sonata version, there’s to the standard bearers like the Camry now plenty of power on tap and Accord. If I wanted a relaxing, chauffered ride home, however, I would pick the Teana and it’s ultra-comfortable ottoman... even if I have to be in the front seat to enjoy it. AQ MAGAZINE 23

FEATURES CAodAn’cEPoleugras nceBasking in the love and glory of the motorcarAUTOMOBILES were still pretty scarce on Philippine roads when, on May 25, 1931, a group of motoring enthusiasts - Americans and Filipinos - sat down to organize the first (and still) the only national car club in the country. They named the club the Philippine Motor Association, the name lasting a full 70 years until the club renamed itself the Automobile Association Philippines (AAP) in 2001 to align itself with other Asian car clubs under the umbrella of the Federation Internationale d’Automobile (FIA) which the PMA (now AAP) joined in 1953.24 AQ MAGAZINE

CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE Today, AAP maintains its standing as the sole government- As part of its recent celebration this year of its 80th anniversary,appointed car club in the country. It is also recognized, having AAP held a Concours d’Elegance on May 8-9 at the Philippine Tradebeen appointed by the FIA as the national sporting authority, as Training Center (PTTC) on Roxas Boulevard. The show of vintage andthe governing body of four-wheel motorsports in the Philippines. classic cars was meant to provide a panorama of the evolution of theWith a 50,000-strong membership, AAP continues to render motorcar in the Philippines from AAP’s formation in the 1930’s toservice not only to its members but also to the motoring public the large. The Concours itself comprised two showrooms. As visitors entered the PTTc lobby, they were greeted with a tableau of automobiles representing each decade from the thirties to today’s current models. The oldest car in the lineup was a pristine, elegant yellow Ford Model A from the 1930s, owned by Alex Garcia. Next was the gleaming, gorgeous green 1947 MG TC which proud owner Peter Smith and his wife drove to the Pasay venue allBy ARMANDO EDUQUE, AAP Director AQ MAGAZINE 25

FEATURES the way from Pampanga. Driven regularly by Peter, this 60-year old may be a showcar but definitely not pampered. The decade of the ‘50s was very well represented by Benjo Dizon’s immaculate ivory 1958 Mercedes-Benz 190SL while a 1967 Volkswagen Beetle (was there any other VW then) was lent by the VW Car Club for the occasion to fly the flag for the ‘60s. A 1970 Toyota Corona station wagon was the poster boy for the ‘70s. Two Mitsubishi Lancers stood next to each other - the first a 1980 “Box-type” and then a 1993 model - to close the 20th century. The new millenium was represented by a 2000 maroon Honda Civic and, finally, the 2011 Chevy Cruze was the face of the 2010s, the Cruze only recently having been chosen the 2010 Car of the Year. Beyond the lobby, in the main exhibition hall, seventeen other vintage cars were gathered for viewers to feast their eyes on, each and every one painted, buffed and polished to within an inch of their lives, all eager to be draped with the blue ribbon belonging to the Best-in-Show. Empanelled as jury to evaluate the entries and decide on the eventual winners was the panel of judges made up by Cito Beltran, Boy Ochoa and Popong Andolong, each and all well-versed in the minutiae and vagaries of vintage cars. A number of these show cars had very interesting provenances, in fact. Two of these were Minis - the first one a 1965 Mini Cooper (John Cooper Works) which once belonged to Atty Dodo Ayuyao, AAP’s longest serving President, and the other being a 1969 Morris Cooper S which was raced in the 1st Manila Grand Prix of 1971. Another vintage competition car - a 1980 Mark 2 Ford Escort RS - belonged to race and rally icon Arthur Tuason and was restored to its present showroom condition by his equally well- known son, JP Tuason. A 1968 Opel Olympia still had its original26 AQ MAGAZINE

CONCOURS D’ELEGANCENorthern Motors sticker, as well as a well-preserved PMA sticker, on For many, theits windshield. Concours was a nostalgia trip down Other standouts were a 1965 Ford Shelby GT 350 and a 1967 memory lane. ForFord Mustang GT, both from the restoration workshop of Alex Isip, others, it was a technicalboth Detroit musclecars earning oohs and aahs from many for the exercise in appreciatingoutstanding quality oif their paint and interiors. The yellow 1972 the workmanship andOpel GT of Olson Camacho and the 1982 Mitsubishi Colt were also quality of restoration ofstrong contenders for the Best-in-Show title. the cars on exhibit In the end, after three days of deliberation and diligent inspectionof the entries, the board of judges awarded the blue Best-in-Showribbon to the 1969 Toyota Crown as the most original and bestpresented entry. It was a jewel of a car, down to the trunk fridge,still in perfect working condition. Close behind the Crown was therunner-up Mercedes-Benz 190SL. To be honest, all the entries and their owners/restorers shouldbe considered winners, considering the passion and dedication thatwent into the preparation of each entry. Every one of the entries hadto be in perfect working condition to be eligible for the Concoursand all of them looked as good as when they first appeared in theirshowrooms. The AAP Concours d’Elegance brought home to one and all howmuch the automobile has evolved and developed over the last 80years. For many, the Concours was a nostalgia trip down memorylane. For others, it was a technical exercise in appreciating theworkmanship and quality of restoration of the cars on exhibit. Foreveryone, it was a moment for basking in the love and glory of themotorcar. AQ MAGAZINE 27

FEATURESsmaller safer By IÑIGO ROCES The THE SMALL CAR WE KNEW improving Just a little over a decade ago, buying a small car would earn you some ridicule. safety Sedans dominated the Philippine automotive landscape and small cars, most often in of hatchback form, had a difficult time moving off the showroom floor. The reluctance was primarily due to the idea that small cars wouldn’t fare too well in an accident.subcompact The rampant importation of right-hand trucks at the time hadn’t helped the issue as cars the most dramatic crash images, often involving small hatchbacks flung across the road and into a ditch, were broadcast on TV. It led people to believe that small cars were just as small on safety as they were on fuel consumption. There may be some savings in fuel and parking, but they were certainly not worth losing your life for. THE SMALL CAR NOW Some years later, small cars and hatchbacks have slowly made headway into the market. A quick gander at their brochures would reveal a laundry list of safety features and their Euro NCAP and IIHS scores revealed in big bold graphics. Today, small cars are starting to rival compacts and SUVs in sales figures. Many first- time buyers are choosing them without hesitating, while some of the older, more experienced motorists are having a change of heart as well. What’s driving this change of perception? Small cars are now becoming some of the safest on the road. CRASH COMPATIBILITY For the longest time, small cars have always been tested in crash tests against safety barriers and other small cars. Manufacturers realized that, in the real world, the chance of a small car hitting a larger vehicle was higher than hitting another vehicle of the same size. This led to the latest buzz word in safety we often hear today: crash compatibility. What this means is that cars bearing this phrase are designed to absorb the impact from larger vehicles, especially SUVs. Larger and more massive vehicles are often higher off the ground than most small cars. This means the point of impact on a small car has to be adjusted to compensate for the concentrated forces the larger car can exert here. By making small adjustments to a small car’s design, it can better cope with accidents involving larger cars and better protect the driver and the passengers.28 AQ MAGAZINE

SMALLER SAFEROverall crashworthiness evaluationsMinicarscurrent models | earlier models Good Acceptable Marginal PoorVehicles are listed in order of performance in crash tests. Frontal crashes receive the highest weight, followed by sideand rollover, and then rear crashes. Among vehicles with similar crash test results, vehicles are listed in alphabeticalorder. Frontal and rear crash ratings should be compared only among vehicles of similar weight while side impact androllover crash test ratings can be compared across vehicle type and weight categories.Ford Fiesta sedan Front Side Rollover Rear ESCFord Fiesta hatchback Front12011 models (mfg. after Jul. 2010) Front standardw ith standard side airbags Front Front1 Side Rollover Rear ESCHonda Fit2011 models Front standardw ith standard side airbags Front Side Rollover Rear ESCMazda 22011 models standardw ith standard side airbags Side2 Rollover Rear ESCToyota Yaris2011 models standardw ith standard side airbags Side Rollover Rear ESCMini Cooper Side2011 models standardw ith standard side airbags Rollover Rear ESCHyundai Accent HyundaiKia Rio not available2011 models Kiaw ith standard side airbags Side Rollover Rear ESCChevrolet Aveo2011 models not availablew ith standard side airbags Notes : 1. This rating is assigned by the Institute based on a test conducted by the manufacturer as part of frontal crash test v erif ic ation. 2. Earlier model tested had optional side airbags; side airbags standard in current models. Additional information: How tests are conducted and how the Institute determines ratings Frontal technical measurements for minicars Side impact technical measurements for minicars©1996-2011, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Highway Loss Data Institute1005 N. Glebe Road, Suite 800, Arlington, VA 22201 USA | tel 703/247-1500 | fax 703/247-1588 AQ MAGAZINE 29

FEATURES BETTER EQUIPPED In addition, small cars are no longer the last priority in car line-ups. Just a few years ago, they were often bare-bones modes of transport, many with manual wind-up windows and only a driver-side airbag if you were lucky. These days, even the small cars can boast of dual airbags and ABS being equipped as standard. Some even have traction and stability control thrown in. Some even have features absent in their larger brethren, like pedestrian friendly hoods, voice control or customizable interior lighting. THE RATING BODIES Of course, for those looking to downsize their fuel consumption and up the safety in their next car purchase, there’s an easier way to finding the safest car without reading through every brochure. Two governing bodies in the United States and Europe have been testing new cars for crashworthiness since the ‘60s. You might have seen their logos and rating in the brochures. They also maintain their own websites to provide consumers easy access to their test results. NCAP The first is known as the New Car Assessment Program (NCAP). Started in 1979, the NCAP began crash-testing popular cars and publishing the results, to inform consumers and encourage manufacturers to improve the safety of their vehicles. NCAP tests vehicles for the usual frontal impact as well as side impacts, whiplash protection, pedestrian impact and, more recently, Electronic Stability Control. There is a US NCAP accessible via and the Euro NCAP found in Whether in the US or Europe, NCAP awards vehicles with star ratings based on the performance of the vehicles in a variety of crash tests. Warning! A valid comparison cannot be made between some cars in your selection. C lick here to understand more about comparing safety ratings.New rating system Chevrolet Spark A dd C omparable Honda Jazz A dd C omparable Suzuki Alto A dd C omparable Suzuki Swift A dd C omparable Pre 2009 ratings A dult Child Pedestrian Compare Make and model A dd Ford Fiesta (2008) C omparable Hyundai i10 (2008) A dd C omparable30 AQ MAGAZINE A dd

SMALLER SAFERIIHSvaweuwhtoiwcAi.lneinishsoustar.hsoeerrrwgs,)ge.oellIosnatdascbsfooloinmmmmmmmmWWWWWWWWusrthrrcoooooooocaaaaaaaaeaeerrrrrrrrdsrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeetnnnnnnnntfiaontiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaironnnnnnnnnbbbbbbbb1sggggggggtooooooooca9h!!!!!!!!ofuuuuuuuu5eenAAAAAAAAtttttttt9tsyN.ccccccccuvvvvvvvvooooooooCsLmaaaaaaaacmmmmmmmmiAklllllllleoiiiiiiiiPerddddddddppppppppr,eaaaaaaaaptsccccccccthrrrrrrrrrhoooooooooeiiiiiiiiiennnnnnnnsmmmmmmmmdNggggggggutIhppppppppICcHsssssssseaaaaaaaatAaaaaaaaasSrrrrrrrrIPffffffffniiiiiiiis,sssssssseeeeeeeeisusoooooooottttttttiuctyyyyyyyynnnnnnnnarhparrrrrrrrccccccccrnUaaaaaaaaaoaaaaaaaacsSttttttttdennnnnnnniiiiiiiiucnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnIhcggggggggnoooooooooeisssssssslsnttttttttds........t-ibbbbbbbbptrcuaeeeeeeeerattoriefmmmmmmmmnibtgfooaaaaaaaasoroddddddddrfsHgoeeeeeeeetareigbbbbbbbbnrphieeeeeeeeszowtttttttteapwwwwwwwwaatuiyteeeeeeeeolsaneeeeeeeeS.rnnnnnnnnaWfpfueasssssssshntsooooooooedysmmmmmmmmreee(dnIeeeeeeeeItgHhbeccccccccSeyraaaaaaaarrrrrrrrssssssss iiiiiiinnnnnnn yyyyyyyooooooouuuuuuurrrrrrr ssssssseeeeeeellllllleeeeeeeccccccctttttttiiiiiiiooooooonnnnnnn....... CCCCCCC llllllliiiiiiiccccccckkkkkkk hhhhhhheeeeeeerrrrrrreeeeeee tttttttooooooo uuuuuuunnnnnnndddddddeeeeeeerrrrrrrssssssstttttttaaaaaaannnnnnnddddddd in your selection. C lick here to understanditabNmwreCglpoiuAeaePsvcsaetafstethneitatdyssttsIrmtIaeHatasiSstnnsygwNNNNNNNdbriebeeflfoteeeeeeealetdlrea-iwwwwwwwlrseiifssieltlahuiflsrsorrrrrrrloetwcnraaaaaaaraetrtatrtttttttiehtlgaiiiiiiiesitminnnnnnnhntfelpeoygggggggsarstcbttsrtheussssssssetactarteyyyyyyyesrureirdcassssssstoehalfratttttttfsirsmntieeeeeeeereeptdommmmmmmnaangconettud,ht(.awtoonTfitdhsahiemtvlhaeIuerIhHglaiefcStarleecvp.tSerAhUethrifVcegalrutescmsto.htelolAenisystuisosshneauasscv)oih.edf,feTsdt,hehihfetefaefIIvrrIIoeHHinnnSSgttPre 2009 ratingsmdaphstfrhapiaoofoefpvpfmedeeruUtreoTOQylegESlaaosfnorfucUetmngtchrhlaooyieoIeavatCusueptrftNcokrhrrKosyheerCorenootsbvAtR,luuehamyP(gcwelE.atiaohkkhhUrFTdsesamiIhelaSIEtaeHslesmsvtiRadSh.agtpnnhee.EoilledyeeaixnNabHSSCHHSCHCSSCCHHSSSSSCCSCHSSSSHtEaicgorluhhuhuuuuuhuhuuuuhuhhuuCroeuoooooooofbtetanrazzzzezeezezzzezezeezzzzjnnnnnnnnh,iEoubsnguuuuuuuuuuuuuuurvvvvvvvvpddddddddisulsonettkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkemrrrrrrrraaaaaaaauhaaoooooooofhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisgeeasnhJJJJJJJJohllllllllAASSASSSAAAASASSrceeeeeeeecwaaaaaaaaostmwwwwwwwwwollllllllw,ttttttttttzzzzzzzztttttttthauahiiiiiiiiiiooooooooszzzzzzzztSSSSSSSSmnenffffffffrahkdtttttttttpppppppptnprtehamdyaaaaaaaaarterobysdorrrrrrrrtv.loEr)kkkkkkkketiedThnusaaigh,rinsnoyedri.fineonNlTmoarfshmCoscaeiraAsafmmslePtutticabaocyotcebh.niurrol.Taenmntshthiheaeniasryc,tpltlaeupabsssdreeotttrelmsotfrsaoewembrtsmhluaiveselyetipihsrasnoircootaoealtfrcebllheisysslnoaetcatmvoooreceemffrtatchopphsauearehretrssfevmtiaeidttohtmoseuattsdoesstt A dd C ompa * The Suzuki Celerio iAAAsdddddd CC oommppaa TaTCkinnshhhoEeeetwhvuEorernlouodMlrpaeeoesrta.NtSgtihezpCenaAinerSPkruEaeiztusixuorpkoknAAAAAAAAAAAAAAanipddddddddddddddnoeAdddddddddddddddwlteond C ompa * istnhyceslituredmreastsinlaigkfeestyytrsaatecsmtsiiosntAAAAAAAtodddddddadddddddnd C ompa * CCCCC ooooommmmmpppppaaaaa CC oommppaa stability control sincAAAedddddd CCCCC ooooommmmmpppppaaaaa 2009. C ompa A dd C ompa CCC ooommmpppaaa CC oommppaa C ompa C ompa CC oommppaa C ompa PPPPPrrrrreeeee 22222000000000099999 rrrrraaaaatttttiiiiinnnnngggggsssssMake and model A dult Child Pedestrian Compare Pre 2009 ratingsMMaakkee aanndd mmooddeell AA dduulltt CChhiilldd PPeeddeessttrriiaann CCoommppaarree AAAA dddduuuulllltttt CCCChhhhiiiilllldddd PPPPeeeeddddeeeessssttttrrrriiiiaaaannnn CCCCAAAAAAACCCCCoooodddddddmmmmooooodddddddmmmmmppppaaaappppprrrraaaaaaaaabbbbrrrrreeeeelllleeee MMMMMFFFFFFFaaaaaoooooookkkkkrrrrrrreeeeedddddddaaaaaFFFFFFFnnnnniiiiiiidddddeeeeeeemmmmmssssssstttttttoooooaaaaaaadddddeeeee(((((((2222222lllll 000000000000008888888))))))) A dult Child Pedestrian FHHHHHHHoyyyyyyyruuuuuuudnnnnnnndddddddFaaaaaaaieiiiiiii siiiiiiit1111111a0000000 ((((((((22222222000000000000000088888888)))))))) CCCCCAAAAAooooodddddmmmmmddddd pppppaaaaa rable CCCCCCCCAAAAAAAAooooooooddddddddmmmmmmmmdddddddd ppppppppaaaaaaaa rraabbllee rraabbllee rraabbllee KHiyauPnidcaainit1o0((22000048)) CCCCCCCCAAAAAAAAooooooooddddddddmmmmmmmmdddddddd ppppppppaaaaaaaa rraabbllee KKKKKKiiiiiiaaaaaa PPPPPPiiiiiiccccccaaaaaannnnnnttttttoooooo ((((((222222000000000000444444)))))) rraabbllee rraabbllee rraabbllee MMKMMMMMiaaaaaaaazzzzzzzPdddddddiaaaaaaaca2222222n(((((((t2222222o0000000(0000000277777770)))))))04) CCCAAAooodddmmmddd pppaaa rraabbllee rraabbllee rraabbllee rraabbllee CCCCCCCCAAAAAAAAooooooooddddddddmmmmmmmmdddddddd ppppppppaaaaaaaa rable rable MMaINzIdaCo2o(p2e0r07()2007) CCCCCCCCAAAAAAAAooooooooddddddddmmmmmmmmdddddddd ppppppppaaaaaaaa rraabbllee MMMMMMIIIIIINNNNNNIIIIII CCCCCCooooooooooooppppppeeeeeerrrrrr ((((((222222000000000000777777)))))) rraabbllee rraabbllee rable rable TTTTTMTToooooooINyyyyyyyoooooooItttttttCaaaaaaaoYYYYYYYoaaaaaaaprrrrrrreiiiiiiirsssssss ((((((((22222222000000000000000075555555)))))))) rraabbllee rraabbllee rraabbllee rable CCCAooodmmmd pppaaa rable Toyota Yaris (2005) rraabbllee C omparable AQ MAGAZINE 31

FEATURES DRIVINGBy TITO F. HERMOSOSOME two years ago, Isuzu Philippines invited motoring journalists to a series of road tests of their trucks and buses. Isuzu plotted courses in venues as different as Batangas Racing Circuit and newly built subdivisions in the wide open parts of the Southern Tagalog region. Courses were designed to program and simulate idling in stalled traffic, stop- and-go movement, delivery maneuvers, loading/unloading for buses, and highway cruising. All stages were to be completed within a certain time frame.32 AQ MAGAZINE


FEATURES Good driving is The buses and trucks were laden to their legal maximum capacity with sandbags. rewarded with Isuzu also invited some truck fleet and bus companies to send their best drivers to the a fast, smooth test. All were briefed on tips on how to drive economically. and trouble- free relaxing One would think that bus drivers, ever conscious of their boundary and the fuel journey. And costs that they directly bear, would be best motivated to drive economically. Truck with it, the fuel, drivers, on the other hand, would be motivated to behave, fearing the watchful eyes of stress and time the fleet managers and dispatchers. savings that compensate for But the best results were posted by the motoring journalists, many of whom have the cost of the never driven a truck that weighs over three and a half tons. Their fuel economy gap toll fees, several ranged from 30 to 50 percent better than the best of the experienced truck and bus multiples over. drivers.34 AQ MAGAZINE This, naturally, made a mockery of the so-called experience of several generations of drivers which turned out to be founded on really bad and wasteful driving. The observant among us would notice this in everyday driving. Trucks, when unladen, and buses, whether laden or not, engage in brake stomping, sharp swerving and gas pedal pumping. This kind of mediocre driving is not only wasteful of fuel but also dangerous. When the spate of fuel price increases started some two years ago, Shell and A-1 Driving School devised a program that invited Joe Public participants to drive “normally” and record his/her fuel consumtion for a week. Then the participants attended an A-1 Driving School class to teach the basics of safe and economical driving. Without exception, all the participants recorded a fuel savings between 20 to 30 percent when they learned how to drive “properly”. Honda took several steps further. Allied with occasional and fun fuel consumption challenges to its loyal customers, Honda instituted the Safety Driving School. Complete with an all weather skid pan and various road geometries, Honda’s school is located on prime real estate by the Skyway’s East Service Road. The focus is not just to train drivers and motorcycle riders to pass a driving exam but to experience and feel the various stimuli and risks associated with motoring on Philippine public roads. Honda focused on producing drivers who are not only safe but also economical. Anyone who gets on the road the past two decades or so have the same lament. Why does the government allow lousy drivers to get a license? Why does the government allow rolling coffins on the road? These are the ingredients for accidents to happen and with motorcycles, tricycles, buses, cars and jeeps crowding the nation’s roads, road accidents and fatalities are sure to rise. Shell, Honda, Isuzu and A-1 Driving School show the effectivity of private sector initiative in instances when government is overwhelmed to deliver. But how about drivers who refuse to make time to get a better driving education?

DRIVING LESSON The next best thing to a full-time tutor every time a driver patrols are like exam monitors. And if an emergency develops,gets on the road are within the 250-kilometer privately run toll rescue vehicles deploy instantly and ensure that those otherexpressways. At the NLEx, bright yellow Mitsubishi Stradas TMC motorists not involved can go on their merry way, undisturbed,Patrols have large dot matrix warning lights to pull over motorists to continue to take their “test”. Good driving is rewarded withwho refuse to leave the overtaking lane. NLEx, SCTEx, Skyway a fast, smooth and trouble-free relaxing journey. And with it, theand ACTEx employ CCTV cameras to monitor lane discipline and fuel, stress and time savings that compensate for the cost of therecord violators who get ticketed at any toll gate exit. MATES, the toll fees, several multiples over.operator of the ACTEx, have patrols that pull over motorists drivingbelow the minimum speed limit. Expressways use thermoplastic At the most, 450,000 drivers benefit from the free 24/7road markings that rumble when a tire strays from the straight driving lessons. With more private sector-run expresswayand narrow. All expressways use LIDAR speed cameras to monitor kilometers, more drivers should benefit. Unfortunately, there hasspeed dare devils. Vehicle not roadworthy or overloaded? You can’t been a failure of the PPP (public-private-partnership) to attractenter the expressway. more investors in expanding our toll expressway network. Toll fee increases, due to the implementation of double taxation (VAT), Every time 200,000 drivers a day connect the North via the are sure to discourage drivers from availing of the all inclusiveNLEx and SCTEx and 250,000 other drivers go South through driving lessons that following toll expressway rules provide. Whatthe Skyway, ACTEx, STAR and CAVITEx, they are subjected to a green shoots in proper driving that the Private Sector prodded isrefresher course in good driving. Road signs, orange cone arrays, in danger of being stunted by the very institution that has failedflashing warnings, breakdown distance clearances and road works to prevent the proliferation of unsafe and uneconomical driverslane closures are the daily pop quiz. CCTV cameras and frequent -- the government.24/7 EMERGENCY HOTLINES ROADSIDE SERVICE (02) 723-0808 (02) 726-0191 0917-84 80191 0 9 2 2 - 8 6 0 16 0 3 0 9 17- 8 12 6 0 0 0 0 918 - 8 12 6 0 0 0When you call the ••• Your nameEmergency Roadside AAP membership numberService (ERS) Model, color and make of your vehiclehotlines, remember • License plate number of your vehicleto give the following • Exact location and landmark where stalled vehicle is locatedinformation: • Exact location where the car is to be towed • Describe what you think is the problem with your vehicleAlways appoint a representative to ride with the ERS team while the vehicle is being towed.If you are able to start your vehicle before the arrival of the ERS team, please call to cancel your service booking. AQ MAGAZINE 35

COVER STORYTyrell Duncan of ADB Action Plan, AAP President ATICMTEIOFONRGus Lagman, WHO Country Representative Dr. Soe-Nyunt-U and DOTC Secretary Jose de Jesus (leftto right, seated) listen to ADB VP for Finance andAdministration Dr. Bindu Lohani. By JUNEP OCAMPOAND now for the headlines… At the Quezon Memorial Circle, PGRSP Executive Director Bert Suansing (2nd from the right) leads the Decade of Twelve people on their way Action for Road Safety parade, together with Pilipinas Shell Manager Boy Isidro (leftmost), Cynthia Reyes of AAP to a funeral died and 59 others and Sustainable Development Manager Ronald Suarez . were injured when the dump truck they were riding overturned As the chair of the Philippine Road is a program initiated by the Federationin Balao, Barili town Thursday afternoon… Safety Partnership, the Automobile Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) and Association Philippines (AAP) spearheaded approved by the United Nations General Actor Joseph Bitangcol and five two Philippine launch events at the Assembly. It aims to reduce the numbercompanions sustained injuries when the Quezon City Memorial Circle and the Asian of road crashes globally by five million andvehicle they were riding was sideswiped by Development Bank (ADB) headquarters. save 50 million more from injuries betweena dump truck in Antipolo City… this year to 2020. The Decade of Action for Road Safety A senator sustained slight injuries afterfiguring in a road accident in the Cubaodistrict in Quezon City Thursday night… These are just recent news about roadcrashes that we heard on radio or read innewspapers. As you continue to read thisarticle, at least one person has already diedin a crash somewhere on the world’s roads.That person may be a driver, a passenger, amotorcycle rider, or a pedestrian. Soon, if nothing is done, it can besomeone you know or someone you love. Or it can be you. Enough with the talk. It’s now time forreal action. The world acted as one last May 11,2011, when at least 100 countries cameup with activities to launch the Decade ofAction for Road Safety.36 AQ MAGAZINE

TIME FOR ACTION As part of the Philippine launch, It is endorsed by celebrities worldwide. In Road crashes also cost developingPresident Benigno S. Aquino III signed the Philippines, its prominent endorsers are countries over $100 billion every year – thePresidential Proclamation No. 159 calling Broadway singer Lea Salonga and world same amount as they receive in developmentfor support and adherence to the road safety boxing champion Manny Pacquiao. assistance.initiatives of the Decade of Action. The tag is expected to become a Other major events that took place At the launching ceremony at the ADB in universal icon similar to the red ribbon around the world to launch the Decade ofthe morning of May 11, Department of Public associated with AIDS/HIV awareness. Action for Road Safety were:Works and Highways Secretary Rogelio • Launch with actress and Make RoadsSingson read the presidential proclamation Also last May 11, at the United Nationsin the presence of then Department of headquarters in New York, UN Secretary Safe Ambassador Michelle Yeoh inTransportation and Communications General Ban Ki-moon urged everyone to ChinaSecretary Jose de Jesus, Rep. Roger Mercado “work together to make sure the world’s • A day of campaigning in Vietnamof the House Road Safety Committee, Dr. roads are safe.” • Calls for action by President MedvedevSoe Neunt-U, representative of the World in RussiaHealth Organization, and Mr. Augusto “We need the support from member • A Downing Street launch event withLagman, AAP President. states and community leaders. Most Prime Minister David Cameron, Lewis importantly this UN Decade of Action Hamilton and Jenson Button In the afternoon of the same day, a road for Road Safety is for everybody, every • A launch event with Prince Michael ofsafety park exhibit at the Quezon Memorial expressway, every road and every vehicle. Kent in KenyaCircle was opened followed by games and We need a coordinated effort. If we lead by • A Congressional launch event in Wash-road safety lessons for children. There was example, we can save millions of lives. This ington DCalso a distribution of the Road Safety tag, is what the United Nations is working very • And a Ministerial conference in Mexico.which is now considered a global symbol of hard for – a safer world for all,” he said.the Decade of Action. On May 10, the night before the Decade Statistics reveal that road crashes are launch, the Road Safety tag was beamed The yellow diamond-shaped tag the number one killer of young people over onto high profile landmarks includingsymbolizes the fight against the suffering, the age of 10. And by 2015 it can be the London’s Trafalgar Square, the Moscowgrief and injustice caused by road crashes. leading health burden for children over five State University, New York’s Times Square, as well. and the Sydney Harbor bridge. The Christ Members of various public transport and the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil was motorcycle groups sign the tarpaulin depicting also lit yellow to symbolize road safety. the Decade of Action for Road Safety tag. Did you know that road crashes are now the number one killer of young people over the age of 10 around the world?The Road Safety Tag was beamed in various landmarks all over the world such as the Trafalgar Square in London and the Times Square in New York. The Christ TheRedeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro was also lit yellow to symbolize road safety. AQ MAGAZINE 37

FEATURES behave!Conducting yourself in front of a traffic enforcer By Kap Maceda AguilaLET’S start at the very beginning – a very good place to start, sayeth that song. So, before I even begin outlining de rigueur routinefor motorists when they are apprehended or flagged downby an enforcer, I need to make mention of that special breedof car jockeys who refuse to be pulled over by your friendlyneighborhood traffic official. If I had a peso for every time I saw a vehicle flee the scene of a potential apprehension, I’d have, well, a darn bunch of pesos. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at the sight of a helplessly flailing enforcer as a vehicle speeds off in the distance. “When they don’t have a vehicle, just zoom off. When you see a motorcycle parked nearby, it’s best to stop,” said an unnamed bard to me years ago. Can you blame him? Thing is, the average Filipino driver has a heightened aversion to being pulled over by the boys in blue. One cannot fault us, of course. Ever since those dark days of the “chocolate boys” who mulcted and extorted from poor sods venturing into the dreaded yellow lane, we’ve been paranoid cowards when it comes to being stopped. Then you see those beleaguered souls scratching their heads, gesticulating in desperation in front of the nonplussed enforcers – pen and ticket in hand but never quite setting the ballpoint on the ticket (as if waiting for you-know- what). What gives, you ask? Wrong question; who gives? With that in mind, though, fair play is in order. Not all enforcers are crooks waiting to pilfer your pocket. There are those honest Abes who do their job correctly and with integrity.38 AQ MAGAZINE


FEATURES TRAFFIC ENFORCER The Metropolitan Manila Development If the answer is yes, you can always feign shape the future of traffic enforcers andAuthority released a comprehensive list innocence (this didn’t come from me, okay) change the dynamic of apprehension andof road violations and their corresponding or, better yet, say sorry and explain that you compliance is the so-called “no physicalpenalties ( didn’t mean to do it. Remember to always contact apprehension.”html), as well as the” protocol for traffic assume a nonthreatening disposition. Don’tofficers when apprehending traffic violators.” go ballistic and don’t be arrogant. Don’t By virtue of MMDA Resolution 02-( raise your voice, either. 49, MMDA traffic enforcers can apprehend traffic violators using evidence culled My suggestion would be to print these While we’re at it, don’t go flashing from video cameras – whether borne byout and (seriously) keep in your vehicle the calling card of some politico or VIP strategically posted enforcers or fixed CCTVglove compartment. I mean, wouldn’t it be either. Even if that works for you, that’s cameras located in “high areas.”nice not just to arm yourself with the data – so, ew, cheap. And remember, there’s noaside from shoving the leaf in the face of the law against trying to talk your way out of Meanwhile, speeding vehicles intraffic enforcer who wants to make kotong? a ticket; but there are ones against bribing locations such as Commonwealth Avenue public officials (at least in theory). in Quezon City are “caught using a TruCam Seeing as local traffic laws are basically LIDAR (light detection and ranging) speedculled from the US, we can learn a lot from Also, throwing a hissy fit doesn’t gun that captures the speed of the vehiclethe suggested stateside decorum – which guarantee you’ll get off your fix. It does and takes a photo and video for evidence.parallels, at least in form, our own. assure getting on the bad side of your The photo evidence taken by the LIDA enforcer. This may surprise you, but I feel a contains the speed captured, time, date, Say you’ve committed a traffic violation. lot of them are actually eager to get things and location of the violation. This photoMMDA exhorts its enforcers to: “Flag down over with – perfectly willing to let you off evidence is attached to the summons sentthe vehicle and lead it to the roadside where the hook with a reminder not to repeat the to the violator.”it will not obstruct the flow of traffic.” violation in the future (or even during their watch). Contesting this is still possible, of Our advice to the motorist: don’t be too course. The recipient can plead his caseeager to comply. Turn on your turn signal Once, because of horrendous traffic, by going to the MMDA office, where heand slow down smoothly. Look for a safe I found myself going against a one-way or she can check the actual video of theplace to pull over. And oh, be careful not to street. I was totally oblivious to what I was indiscretion. However, methinks going uprun over the enforcer – should he/she be doing until a traffic enforcer waved at me. against video evidence sounds like a losingstanding just beyond your hood. I apologized profusely, and he must have proposition. seen the genuine “oh, crap” moment in Here’s the rundown of what MMDA my eyes as he directed me the right way The widespread use of this technologyexpects its enforcers to do – their so-called with a smile. We are told that the priority of can broaden the swath of surveillance“apprehension dialogue.” enforcers during rush hours is the facilitation across road networks, and help encourage of traffic. Good. I mean, who’s going to compliance to traffic laws. Of course, nothing• Greet the driver with respect and iden- bother with one violation when rush-hour curbs transgressions more effectively than tify yourself. apocalypse happens? knowing that someone’s always watching.• Inform the driver of his violation. One development that will probably Now, that’s really powerful• State your authority. enforcement.• Respectfully ask for his driver’s license.• Inform the driver not to alight from the vehicle.• Should there be any complaint, state the availability of the TAB (Traffic Adju- dication Board) for lodging a complaint within five days or the Roadside Traffic Arbitration during apprehension (on site). US police material also advises themotorist not to disembark from the vehicle.Rather, ready your license and registration;roll down the window as he arrives at yourwindow. Before you start barking like an irateChihuahua, the first thing to do is listen.Even if you’re in a terrible hurry, calm andrelax yourself with the thought that thissituation could be painless and short if yourtemper’s in check. Again, have your license andregistration ready, but do not shove it in theenforcer’s face when he hasn’t asked forit yet. Listen attentively when you are toldabout your violation. Consider, of course,if you’ve indeed made the said infraction.40 AQ MAGAZINE

I would like to apply Automobile Association Philippines (AAP), the National Auto Club, is the country’s firstYES! for AAP Membership and pioneering auto club. Founded in 1931 and formerly known as the Philippine MotorPERSONAL INFORMATION Association, AAP is a non-stock and not-for- profit organization committed to the generalLAST NAME, FIRST NAME, MIDDLE NAME welfare of motorists in the Philippines. Being the Philippine affiliate of the FederationBIRTHDAY BIRTHPLACE Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), AAP is the only local auto club with international SEX MALE CIVIL STATUS AGE reciprocity agreements with Automobile FEMALE Associations of other countries. OCCUPATIONCITIZENSHIP AAP members enjoy premium benefits such as:HIGHEST EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT 24/7 Emergency Roadside ServiceCONTACT INFORMATION LTO Vehicle Registration AssistanceHOME ADDRESS Free Personal Accident Insurance Free Windshield Glass Etching*NAME OF BUSINESS 24/7 Discounted Ambulance Service*OFFICE ADDRESS Car/Non-Motor Insurance Discounts International ReciprocityHOME PHONE CELL PHONE Discounts from Partner EstablishmentsOFFICE PHONE FAX NO. AQ quarterly magazineEMAIL ADDRESS Additional AAP products and services:REGISTERED CARS • Issurance of Philippine International Driving Permit • Issuance of Competition License for Motor Sports*CAR MAKE MODEL YEAR COLOR PLATE NUMBER • AAP Car Battery1st THREE-YEAR ASSOCIATE • AAP Member Service Vehicle Program*2nd • Advocacy Programs • 24/7 Road Safety Call CenterFor Associate Corporate Group Membership: Total Number of registered cars • Touring AssistanceSubmit photocopy of car registration (O.R. and C.R.) soon to be available in Cebu and Davao*TYPE OF MEMBERSHIP MAIN OFFICE REGULAR ASSOCIATE THREE-YEAR REGULAR 28 EDSA Greenhills, San Juan City, 1500 Philippines Hotline: (632) 723.08.08 • Fax: (632) 726.58.78HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT AAP? ALABANG SATELLITE OFFICE Store 1-A Motor Town 2, Alabang Town Center, Muntinlupa City VILLAGE PAPER LEAFLETS/FLYERS FRIENDS/RELATIVES Tel: (632) 850.98.31 • Fax: (632) 850.69.03 OTHERS CEBU SATELLITE OFFICE NEWSPAPER AD RADIO/TV 105 CRM Building, Escario corner Molave Sts. Cebu City Tel: (6332) 232.64.06 or 233.99.71APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE DATE DAVAO SATELLITE OFFICE G/F Abiva Building, McArthur Highway, Matina, Davao CityPAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS FOR AAP USE ONLY Tel: (6382) 299.49.61 or 286.21.91 MAKATI SATELLITE OFFICEPaid PhP Cash Payment Credit Card SOURCE: ERS RDL PIDP SALES C-6 Arcadia Building, JP Rizal Extension, Guadalupe Cembo, REG Makati CityBPI’s check free payments Tel: (632) 882.60.39 • Telefax: (632) 882.59.85Visit or call 89-100 BRANCH PAMPANGA SATELLITE OFFICE OTHERS Unit 11 Northwalk Land 2, Jose Abad Santos Avenue,Pay through Banco de Oro (institution code #0136) AAP I.D. NO. San Fernando City, PampangaUpon teller’s validation, BDO payment slip serves AMOUNT PAID Tel: (6345) 436.18.16as your official receipt INSURANCE NO. O.R. NO. EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: Payment (payable to Automotibile Association Philippines)DateBankAccount No.

MFEOATTOURRIENSG NEWS DRIVING THROUGH FLOODBest-in-Class offer: 5 year warranty on all new Volvos Premium ownership and guaranteed peace-of-mindVIKING Cars, Incorporated with their loved-ones knowing that (VCI), the exclusive distributor their car is taken care of. This is the and dealer of Volvo cars and kind of security we want to give ourparts in the Philippines, takes the clients. This is the kind of safety andlead in raising the bar of premium quality Volvo is known for”, adds Loiownership experience as offers its Concepcion.5 Year Warranty Program. Now you Volvo’s best-in-class 5 Yearcan drive home a brand new Volvo Warranty Program comes withand enjoy worry free ownership for unlimited mileage and a 5-year,the next five years. 24-hour roadside assistance.“Volvo cars are designed around This guarantees that repairs onpeople. With this in mind, Volvo your Volvo will be done whenPhilippines remains committed in needed regardless of mileage andenhancing ownership experience secure yourself with a hassle freeby giving them peace of mind and experience with you Volvo. Allassuring the best quality of their repairs will be undertaken in Volvo’sVolvo even on their fourth or fifth year of ownership” says Roselyn authorized service center where internationally-trained techniciansM. Dimalanta, First Executive Vice President of VCI. are ready and well-equipped to take care of your car. Driving“Volvo’s core value of safety extends not only to the people inside Visit the Volvo Showroom and find out that safety and security can be achieved without much effort with Volvo’s 5 Year Warrantythe car but also to the people they care for. The 5 Year Warranty Program.through floodprogram will give our customers more opportunities to celebrate lifeThe New Icon of Style and Control: Goodyear Eagle F1 Directional 5F you have a choice, don’t. Never attempt to driveI With new SportGrip Technology for mid sports performance vehiclesbe aware that water hides dips in the road. Worsethrough a flood that you couldn't walk through andMoutsthhhfpraootttuhouCilegsdthhhmnweeecaoakvcrteeeeftrnlrhotatehorftieadtrdIyIOensefoTeomtdcyf.pau’topStyboIhsrutonbooh.rTutueaooIvrnItrdfu,eMowd,1ylrhrdreo2hmiiEccvsuerhleaeipeeTneilaEftisDUlpanelntnehcucsOphaheneclitvhv)kcentrotaegrr.wtdereoieeiofrnrsaRvlashlotrsceetur.BydtehnpyiarterEgcoHuFildmeedotLysotlch1ulhiNeeeipo.airlonagactraeasdGtwTDouua.enhddEpvttennhfpleiaSncvreyoprWtecsiPe(tseDeseoah5vrtoiehesnevhcueisk-Sfrrceretotd3YcewapipufldoerohrsnholraOiwaneretvdarrscewprshmtaideiteUenaxtwntoeGiplyughbachlrdgsii5lnlesliRreotrnaeselshiu.riineiturSSractnpdefbsmernTVatexaosltfganlloaactwhtyTenirbe,tttcwEeoc,my(ieihodeoerUsoosshlfcmuHusrerttantnHdhohycsdacikiteniattnnleinoIethhclPoseahnclhCropoin)ewskesendoiVftarGtsltttLehsgoienhfraa-srncnteoTebAoe.Egigec-adgcarrgltgoriowluyreuansaiJimRtisipntdmgndsnhnnutgomt,wgoeuoytteoeEsirtac8demrsdonahtadharkaGfo,atedeuttitowe,eu.sei9sfssrslrwoIrrfS.eoaspiri,pGStimexgtn.ehitfEnoeoooirransoToaaetpsrrnlimgItpontolhnghftRssc0sebeessrcduaoeeclo,teremscnhAeysclyminaalcmaneeletkobieifnonTFrggssseaeofiesw1ddpdhneoIssdrlc,rlOato,ooiisfaownnNstrttpslwwPtpDor5wierooonourfreonaiiaoegioatprrlttgshtetsskahvdfeeoeeuoicsbikae“rdrsrrrtd,rtrbehu.WiefmeodteainchlsnisitacstotihfwHfwdsfvdtcahespfnlolyaonueorroooilsoholgeuciifthncimtoorvvrnwrepherrrvkiGeoaeedds-secegrrefseewCCweinleneeooalxeool,rdve,ehddodhhvrydtfgnoaetsvohttneeihietimr.ddtnslserrrihnc,dsAPAcaetefneeeoyldehRdickooreyslrdbkEtcecdu-osmeSwaannrnaoSiipoeditetitaeguosSylitngtiiaitidoano-errdyioror.hoRgnotniumcistrotjhdrEGanvnecphtAoeeheenLlinpfoiuaeensatrEfooitryeaowtees,tcosiAarrslutanmhridnsolvSiowftaetgtaiamsnudsEoohsaeeynledkerriurteoaqa.errvhenPvaeoeaheniuysmibtcotie:aiiirrdtaeTnsseneegorcocdkt”cdeahreliicglnalrpntriepmaavi,ewirefissrrfqntesvsiiegldeEeosdadclaetueasperoarerasd.iaaartetrhtifediwtriivcgtivCkronsntvyorhraeayeohed.elieelrsdnPvleneoretirmt.latiwctaneinihosugsoPFdieumtlqmgoaweitsir1nruaettaloiIutslhtorrnafseeypDschnfmeemaithegceslpshopateasiliaeuehewstailprCrletrmfalddo.n.hetperaotexealrooyehdcmdllieardstolmfiehnrtSdb,ttecegupirdoiwodaowoehdrisiloouaomzlwboindiemideogniernngbntumpaeelsstiddgnhhd'geeess,.tt.ttlstill, there may be no road aAtthNeaIlmLlAau,knePdrhsieloiprfpttihhneeesa,wwAaaurdtgeuwrs!itnn2i0n1g1Ea–gFleroFm1 cornering power providing precise handling behavior and outstanding grip performance on various types High molecular weigh polymers and ‘race’ inspired compoundSportGrip Technotlhoegym–imddaxleimnizuemd cboenrtroofl aynoduoruptslatatned:ing grip on all road conditions your shoes, not to mention your pants or ADeDvIeTnISOutNnadAyAonefoLfcoeirslorFenwsseeEmdmefaAsiiarskhrsTerosio,duUtnlidmsiRe.fgprGrEdeyooevSooasedimrgu:y.neeahnaDret itlinpnottsewerponmrnraonlvopinpdetoertisfboceetrmhtchtoeaaimrnswcnp!eeagarteeredsptawintgitgtehersnihtasoowrvpereerddtitemhcaeetsttoshoerreDdthiureececGtoiSovDnea A combination1o,f 2sol&id c3entre 1linsetrwib eanedkcontinuous shoulder rib with high weight polymersanPdRaErSacSeRinEsLpEirAedScE4om, p5ou&nd 6provide2mnadximwuemerikgidity to the tread design, reducing the deformation A smoother andbqeucieatuesr eridtehis can also cause water to beunder heavy force during7ra&pid8steeri3ngrdmowveemeenkt and heavy cornering. This aids improved steering A closedsucskhoeudldebrackdesthigrnouhgehlptshe exhaust.response and cornering p9ow&er,0provid4intghprweceisee khandling behavior and outstanding grip performance provide better wear Lpeattewrnatoeverr intim. eIftoyour wheels start toon various types of surfaces and conditions. Goodyear internal performance tests showed the Eagle reduce overall lonosiesegreimpispsiaorntsw. aGyootdhyeroarugh a flooded sectionF1 Directional 5 outperforms its multi-awarded predecessor in handling and braking on wet and dry internal performiatnceoutelsdtinbgeshtohwaetd tthhaet tchaer is trying to float. To Directional 5 ofcfeorsunmtaerrketdhiims,proovpeemnentaindoor and allow somesurfaces, with a mIaTrke’Sd imTpIroMvemEeTntOin wRetEbrNakiEngWperYforOmaUnceR. DRIVER’S LICENSE worn noise comwpaarteedr winitthoittsheprecdaecr,estshoirs will weigh it down,If your driver’s license is expiring and you the GSD3. enabling the tires to grip again.DON’Tyour license a week before the date ofare celebrating your birthday this August, More even wear Test your brakes. After driving throughSeptember or October, you should renew Optimized acafvloitoy dsheadpesepcrotvioidnesoaf asqruoaaredr ,fotoetsptrinytoaunrdbervaeknes pressure distribu(twiohnilfsort isnctMirolelraesdeevrdeinvawinnedagr csolnotiwnuloyu)sarnoadd bcoentpacret.pTahreedFORGET!your birth. Penalties are now imposed onSSoolildidcceennteterrlslliainnateemerriibberemneownathls. eCCvooennttniinnuuifoouuyssossuhhoourulelddenerrerriwbib on theHigHhimgholemcoullaercwuleaigrhwt peioglyhmt ers arensdublteintgtebrewneeafirtsptvoaaetrrtedyeerrnnyli.hgathhncteOifnolepcrmydrtciemhagwaisrzolelieeipdfdntfaghlcenianbdvvgyieyctryoolosnaftuhtodioanrrcpuuoceolnhucepdsarihftorlioovtlieinandnsdfegogsaconiaonndtsttghabq.ceurettoa.terTaerbhdrwefreocraaoeortsknpuprdelaitnitintttegpaironnbend.ensdeevafeitnsl pressure distribution are enhanced grip le and ‘praoclyem’ inesrpsiraenddco‘rmapcoeu’nd Stay calm, stay safe!*Based on internal tests at the Goodyear Innovation Center in Luxembourg inspired compound42 AQ MAGAZINE Additional features:

Petron EnerTripid promotes The Petron EnerTripid fuel savings and road safety campaign is a fuel conservation advocacy PETRON Corporation is coming out with a series of quick and catchy reminders for in cooperation with the the motoring public as part of its Petron EnerTripid campaign, a public information Department of Energy, and advocacy for fuel efficient driving and road safety. These fuel conservation tips have consists of a series of radio plugs and become more relevant in the light of high oil prices. newspaper ads containing different energy saving tips. Petron EnerTripid educates motorists on how to optimize their resources and get the most value from their fuel expenses. Some Petron EnerTripid tips that can help us save on fuel consumption are: 1. Beating the red light consumes more maintain a steady pace. Even race under-inflated tires result in higher gas. We tend to accelerate as we drivers know that a smooth drive gas consumption. Make sure to have approach an intersection, particularly is also a fast drive. Maintaining a your tire pressure checked each time when trying to avoid getting caught at constant speed at the recommended you gas up. a stop light. More often than not, this speed limit is often the quickest way 6. Plan ahead and combine several trips effort is futile and just wastes gas. to get to your destination. Enjoy the into one. Each time you start your car drive. from a cold start consumes more fuel. 2. Don’t go heavy on the pedal. To save 4. The longer you stay in low gear, the Instead of running several short trips, gas, step lightly on the pedal. A heavy more gas you spend. Shift up to save try to schedule all your errands into foot on the accelerator is not only a gas. Be a mindful driver and take one longer trip to save gas. gas-guzzler, it can also produce an note of your engine rpm. Shift up at 7. Giving your car a regular tune-up uncomfortable, jerky ride with short the earliest possible time, not only to saves gas. Follow your vehicle’s bursts of speed and constant braking. save gas but also to keep your engine recommended service maintenance Save yourself and your passengers running at the most efficient gear. schedule to keep it in tip-top shape. from a high-stress ride, keep your 5. Maintain the recommended tire A well-tuned vehicle is more fuel- foot light on the pedal. pressure. Studies have shown that efficient than a run-down one. 3. Life is not a race. To save gas,ht Petron strengthens road safety advocacy;erall free safety checks now year-roundal 5PD3. ETRON, the country’s leading oil company, is further strengthening its road safety advocacy in response to the global call to action of the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety. Its Free Safety Check, originally offered as a component of Petron Lakbay Alalay, gauges; UNDER CHASSIS - tie rod ends, upper ball joints, lower ball joints, cross the country’s longest-running and most extensive motorist assistance program, has joints, shock absorbers, axle boots; and ACCESSORIES - wiper blades, horn, basic been expanded into a year-round program to encourage motorists to make sure their tools, jack, early warning device. The Free Safety Check is currently offered at 118 participating Petron stations vehicles are roadworthy. The extensive Free Safety covers 38 inspection points as follows: TIRES - tire nationwide, with 48 in Metro Manila, 16 in North Luzon, 10 in South Luzon, 29 in the pressure, tire wear, spare tire; ENGINE - air filter element, fan belt, power steering belt, Visayas, and 15 in Mindanao. Motorists can drive in to any station with the Free alternator belt, air conditioner belt, upper radiator hose, lower radiator hose; ENGINE Safety Check sign to avail of this service. Through its network of service stations nationwide, Petron is in an excellent FLUIDS - engine oil, brake fluid, transmission fluid, clutch fluid, gear oil, power steeringn for fluid, radiator coolant, window washer; BATTERY - battery fluid, battery terminals; position to further promote the road safety advocacy in response to the worldwideevel LIGHTS - headlights, signal lights, brake lights, hazard, fog lights, third brake light, light imperative to prevent accidents and save lives. AQ MAGAZINE 43

FCELAUTBURNEESWS CHAMPIONS OF THE FUTURECHAMPIONS OF THE FUTUREAAP provides THERE’S a new driver to watch out for in Philippine karting. scholarship Raymond Ryan Cudala ruled the 2011 Castrol Champions of the Future Series at the Boomland Kart Track promising The 12-year-old Grade 6 student of Elizabeth Seton School young driver wrapped up the Champions of the Future Series with a total of 120 points, making him the first to claim AAP’s scholarship package to run in the National Karting Series. Under the supervision of veteran race car drivers and “All of them displayed excellent performance duringchampion-makers JP and Mike Tuason. Cudala learned the the race and hopefully in years to come we will be able torudiments of racing and quickly mastered the Boomland gather more participants who will eventually compete intrack. international races.” Cudala also won three consecutive races in Cadet SQ With the success of the Champions of the Future, AAPExpert Class in the ongoing national karting series. is seeking the support of the Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) Foundation’s Motor Sport Development The AAP Motorsports Committee is completely Fund to expand the program nationwide.supportive of the Champions of the Future Series. According to Eduque, the Champions of the Future is “The AAP backs up this series because we want AAP’s response to the FIA Foundation’s call to encourageto encourage more young boys and girls to engage in auto clubs worldwide to develop and promote races formotorsports,” said AAP director and motorsports committee young drivers.chair Mandy Eduque. “Somewhere in the Philippines are champions waiting “The outcome of the program was beyond our to be discovered. Through the assistance of the FIA we willexpectations. Many youngsters participated and we narrowed be able to find those individuals and train them to becomethem down to find the most promising of them all.” our next generation of race car drivers,” Eduque explained. Aside from Cudala, other students showed the potential The Champions of the Future is organized by theto become racing superstars. Tuason Racing School, with the support of Castrol Oil, Peña Motorsports, AUTS Racing, Bridgestone, PUMA, OMP, Although William Casequin was defeated by Bryan Jaguar, Lifeline, Carmona Race Track, The Philippine Star,Joshua Thorpe in the final race and dropped to third place, 99.5RTfm,, Kzone, Top Gear and Timezonehe was still proclaimed the runner-up with a total of 100 aside from AAP.points. He was followed by Iolo Estanislao and Arthur “AT”Tuason who finished in fourth and fifth respectively. To learn more about the Champions of the Future, please call the Tuason Racing School at 817-7795 to 96 or log on to “The races were well attended and it was obvious the participants learned a lot from the Tuason RacingSchool,” Eduque said.44 AQ MAGAZINE

In support of the United MOTORING NEWS Nations Decade of Action fiwnaitGnhceiitnnScgoroeupdl’tidbiolens for Road Safety, Shell retail station managers and forecourt attendantsditsotrmibouttoerdcyrcolaedrsidaeferstyfufleyleinrgs up in Shell retail stations across the country.Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation conducts Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation (Shell) joins MANILA, Philippines—The KIA Soul is aa ‘Road Safety Camp for Children’ in Batangas, hands with the Quezon City government, Metropolitan distinctively styled and youthful car for thewhere the Tabangao Refinery is located. The Road Manila Development Authority (MMDA), Quezon City young and the young-at-heart. The sportySafety program, a module-based type of learning 2nd District Congressman Winnie Castelo and AKO- features and techy accessories of the Kia Soul allowactivities has been organized by PSPC since 2009. Bicol partylist in transforming Commonwealth Avenue the buyer to ‘reflect their soul’ in their choice of whichThe module covers various facets of road safety from an area prone to road accidents into the safest vehicle to drive.such as pedestrian safety, identification of road highway in Quezon City. Shown during the MOA signingsignages, motorcycle and bicycle safety, basic road ceremony are Roberto Kanapi, Pilipinas Shell Petroleum The KIA Soul is an urban crossover vehicle, nimblerules and regulations, and commuter safety. Corporation Vice President for Communications (2nd and fuel efficient like a sedan yet spacious and with from left) and Quezon City Vice Mayor Joy Belmonte a commanding driver point of view like a true SUV. This (3rd from left). With them are (L-R) MMDA Assistant stylish trendsetter boasts a comprehensive list of fun General Manager for Operations Atty. Emerson Carlos features. The boxy exterior’s sharp lines and unique ‘tiger- AKO-Bicol Party List Representative Rodel Batocabe nose grille’ places the Soul as the cool and cosmopolitan and Quezon City 2nd District Representative Winnie choice in KIA’s line-up of high-quality and well-designed Castelo. They are flanked by Quezon City Councilors automobiles. Also, you will love to see a Kia Soul drive away who witnessed the signing of the agreement. because of its light and lofty, almost vertical hatchback rear design. The interior is refined, satisfactorily spaciousPilipinas Shell boosts for up to five passengers and a versatile and roomy trunk space to boot. In addition to luxurious comfort, the KIA SoulAction for Road Safety is powered by a fuel efficient engine that ensures optimumANSWERING the call to action to make roads performance and control. safer for everyone, Pilipinas Shell Petroleum To further propel the advocacy, Pilipinas Corporation (Pilipinas Shell) joins the United Shell has also taken the lead in the distribution The KIA Soul will surely appeal to people who of the Decade of Action Tag and leaflets on Road want to make a statement without saying a word.Nations Decade of Action Road Safety 2011-2020, Safety for Motorcycles. The Road Safety tag is Last July 8, KIA Motors offered an outstanding promo for the KIA Soul and interested buyers were ablea global effort aimed at reducing road injuries and envisioned to become the symbol for road safety to avail one of three incredible financing options: • Low Down Payment Plandeaths. commitment. Yellow in color and diamond- Down payment as low as P89,900 will be offeredRoad accidents have become a leading cause shaped, the Road Safety Tag is a reminder that • Low Monthly Planof deaths not only in the Philippines but around the road safety must be a daily, conscious effort for A low monthly amortization of P8,999 for 60 months with 50% down paymentworld. According to recently shared figures from the every individual. • Zero Interest Plan A zero interest plan for 12 months term with 50%World Health Organisation (WHO), 1.3 million people Education for both motorists and pedestrians down paymentare killed and another 50 million are injured in road is key to road safety. Pilipinas Shell has been at the To make an even better deal, a free 3-year LTO registration will be given to all financing transactions.crashes every year. The loss of life from road accidents forefront of promoting road safety through education. For this financing promotion, CAC arranged a financing tie-up with Maybank and PS Bank. KIA Motors is alsohas surpassed deaths from malaria and tuberculosis. Aside from the Road Safety Camps that the company happy to announce that the promo has been extended up to September 8, 2011. Promo valid only while suppliesIf nothing is done by 2030, fatalities are projected to regularly administers, Pilipinas Shell has also last, so make your reservation now before stocks get Kia Soul’d out!reach 2.4 million. spearheaded the Road Safety for Children Workshops For more information about the Kia Soul and thePledging their support on promoting road safety which has been operating for several years now and latest models of Kia Motors, visit their official Facebook page: Kia Motors, Pilipinas Shell led the Decade of Action the Road Safety Flashcards project for school children, AQ AMQAGMAAZGINAEZINE 4511Road Safety launch events at the Quezon Memorial which was launched recently in 10 elementary schoolsCircle, providing a driving simulator challenge which in the City of Manila.enabled motorcyclists and driver participants to check Commonwealth Avenue, the so-called “killertheir driving habits. highway” in Quezon City, is known to be a high riskStressing the importance of this global area for road accidents. In partnership with the Quezondeclaration, Department of Transportation and City government, MMDA, Congressman Winnie Castelo,Communications (DOTC) assistant secretary Dante and AKO-Bicol Partylist, Pilipinas Shell has also takenLantin marked the role of the International Road the initiative to make Commonwealth Avenue safer,Assessment Program (iRAP) initiated with the by installing place clear road safety signs along theDepartment of Public Works and Highways (DPWH). “It is highway’s stretch.a multi-surveyor vehicle that will go around the country Whether transporting fuel to retail outlets,to assess the road conditions,” he said. Equipped with delivering equipment to construction projects or simplythe latest technology and geo-referencing software, travelling to meetings, road transportation is integral tothe vehicle will measure the roughness of the roads. the way Pilipinas Shell does business. So, getting roadThe challenge, Lantin, added, is to improve our road safety right is a priority. This is integral to Shell’s 12conditions to better help motorists and build a safe Life Saving Rules, which are reminders for all staff onroad community in the country. DOTC, DPWH have the importance of safety.teamed up with other agencies such as Pilipinas Shell Together with its partners, Pilipinas Shellto tackle activities concerning the Decade of Action continues to take action in finding ways to make ourRoad Safety declaration. roads safer for all Filipinos.

MOTORING NEWSPHBILeIPsPt-INinE-SCTlaRsEsEoTfSfeOrC: C5EyeRarTwEaArrMantSy oEnNaDll -nOewFVFolvos Premium ownership and guaranteed peace-of-mindIKING Cars, Incorporated M(VCI), the exclusive distributorVand dealer of Volvo cars andKia and Azkals send off street soccer team in style; gifts them with a brand new vehicle ANILA, Philippines—Columbian Autocar automaker that is adventurous and young-at-heart. Corporation (CAC)- the exclusive distributor of As a wbriatnhd tfhoretirheloyovuendg-aonndetshekynoounwg-inatg-hetharat,t KIA Motors in the Philippines kicked off a new partnership with the Philippine Street Soccer Team to the KIA Motors mthaeinitracinasraisstrtoankgepnresceanrcee ionfy.oTuthhi-spoiswetrheed events, makkining DdyoipfNsi eJucaunrtihteyhwipeanwd haanptpetoninggivpleacoeutorparts in the Philippines, takes the Homeless World Cup 2011 in Paris, France. The team of be. Dyip Ni Jcualineinstasn.oTn-hgiosinisg ctahmepkusintoduor tfhsaat cfeelteybraatnedslead in raising the bar of premium underprivileged youths was given a warm despedida by original Pinoqyumaulsitiyc oVr oOlPvMo. OisrgkanniozewdnbyfoCrh”a,nandeldVs, DLyoipiownership experience as offers its well-wishers last August 9 at the De La Salle-College of Ni Juan inviCtesonloccaelpbcainodns .to play in selected schools all5 Year Warranty Program. Now you St. Benilde (CSB). over the country. LaVsot lAvuog’usstb9e, sKItA-inM-octolarsspsar5ticiYpaeteadrcan drive home a brand new Volvo During their send-off party, the Philippine in the CSB Wstoaproraf tnhteytouPr rmoagderaemven mcoorme meseaninwgiftuhland enjoy worry free ownership for Street Soccer Team proudly wore their KIA jerseys to since it alsousnerlvimediatesdthemseinled-aogffeparatynfdor thae P5hi-lyipepainre,the next five years. acknowledge the support of their new sponsor. Mr. Street Socce2r4Te-ahmo,uwrho wirlol saodonsbideeflying atosPsairsistafonrcthee.“Volvo cars are designed around Boying Soriano of CAC, announced that CAC-KIA will 2011 HomelTeshsisWorglduCaurpa. ntees that repairs onpeople. With this in mind, Volvo award the team with their own vehicle. The Kia K2700 The HyoomuerlessVoWlovrold Cwuipll isbae glodboanl emovwemheenntPhilippines remains committed in is a high quality, and utilitarian people mover, which will founded by nMeeel dYoeudng,reSgchawradbleFselslowofofmthileeaWgoreldaCnudpenhancing ownership experience enable them to travel all over the country to promote Economic fosreumc.uIrteisyaoduisrtsinecltfivwe istohciaal ehnatesrsprliesefrtheaetby giving them peace of mind and soccer and the Homeless World Cup. Mr. Soriano in a utilizes sporet xaps earmieenancseto wallietvhiatye osoucieVtyo’slvpoer.ceptAionllassuring the best quality of their gesture of effusive praise, readily credits Azkals’ team of the homreelepssaiarsndwmillabrgeinaulnizdede.rTtahekepnroijencVt oislvaols’osVolvo even on their fourth or fifth year of ownemrsanhaipge”r sDaanysPaRlaomsi weiltyhncomianguuthpowritizhethde sideearvfoicr ethecentaenr awvehneuerefoirnttehernhaotmioelnesasllyov-terratihneewdotreldcthonciocnianencstM. Dimalanta, First Executive Vice President osfpVonCsoI.rship. Upon hearing the aprroeporseaal,dCyACa-nKdIA wagerelle-dequwipitpheedactho otathkeer. cTharroeugohftyheouinrtecranar.tional language of“Volvo’s core value of safety extends not onlwyitthootuhtehepseitoatpiolen.inside Visit the Volvo Shofwoortobaollm, hoamnedlesfisnpdeoopulet atlhl aovtesr athfeewtyoraldnadresgeivceunrtihteythe car but also to the people they care for. The 5ThYisenaerwWpaartrnrearsnhtiyp aimcsatonshboewcaacsehKieIAveMdotowrsi’thouopt pmorutucnhityetoffionrstpiwreiathndVenoclovuor’asge5eaYcehaorthWer.arrantyprogram will give our customers more opportunciotimemsittmoecntelteobsrpaotretslifaend paPsrsoiognrafomr .football. Their Currently, the Philippine Street Soccer team is support for the Philippine Street Soccer Team is part of getting ready for the 2011 Homeless World Cup to be inThe New Icon of Style and Control: Goodyear Eagle F1 Directional 5the company’s goal to strengthen the brand as a global Paris on August 21-28.S MNissanSRaatniskfsaWcHitthiiognnheeiwnstSthipneoNPrtehGwirlii-ppVpTeeihnciehcsnleoSloaglyesfor mid sports performance vehicles ANILA, Philippines, August 2011 – From cornering power providing precise handling behavior INGAPORE: 8 August 2011 - New-vehiclethsealems akers of the award winning Eagle F1 and outstanding grip performance on various types satisfaction has increased in the PhiliGppSinDes-3 with its iconic V-Tred design comes of surfaces and conditions. The directional design after two consecutive years of daectliinrees thhaattwtearekes style and control to a whole new provides a very dPRyEnSSaRmELEicASElook to the tire allowingcaused by rapid sales growth and inlcerevaesle.d Lcausutnomchered recently, the Goodyear Eagle F1 superb styling for kit-ups and matching alloy rims.expectations, according to the J.D. PDowierer cAtsiioanPaalcif5ic was born of its racing heritage and2011 Philippines Sales Satisfaction Indeinx c(SoSrIp) Sotruadyt.eSsMSportGrip Technology to offer precise 8c8usprDwteoormaicarteeedenrcs“rstt.WiodniistahpletaprrsernioaoEvdndexdnfepoEsrpiXengeon-trrpfTeaioteilmrRsrmontuAahamcneIielcLnppesemMCprafronoeVordvmniTbdastetinylmcwilitesayhxiotimnhgiozwoeeddt Now in its 11th year, the studay nmdearseusrepsonneswiv-e handliTnhge ,stsutdyylefinadns dthpatetrhfeoprmercaenntcaegeoonfvehicle owner satisfaction with the stahlees satnrdeedte.livery who were offered test drives has increased toexperience in seven key factors that contribuBteutioltovfeorarll drivinin20g11efrnotmhu76sipaesrctsentwinh2o010w. aAdndtitiosntyalliys,hfor a sloecooknsd, this new tire is set to conquer the mid sportsWsales initiation; and dealer facility.satisfaction. In order of importance, ptheeryfoarrem: daenlicveeryfor tchonesirecautfitveerymeaar,rtkhee tp-rtoupnoretidonsopf coursttsomcaerrssw, ho apcteuraflolyrmance segmHOesnaty.sGa otoougdhy, emaasrcEualingeleSUFV1cDani’trebectfiuonn, alprocess; delivery timing; salesperson;sppaopretrywocrok;udpeeasl; antdakpeeartfeosrt mdriavencwehecnaornse,isthoifsferteirdehabsrinncgresased5. is built for exhitloaor?Saoltidiocennte,r lgineirvibing drivCoentrinsuoutshsheoulfdrererieb dom High molecular weig fun and adventure with“Gaettoinugcahnoofpgploartmunoituy rttoottehset dmriivde a tvoehtiaclke e control, and enNjisosyanthMeoitrorlifPehislitpyplineess,toInct.he(NMfuPlIl)est polymers and ‘raceOverall new-vehicle sales satisUfaltcrtaionHaivgehragPeesrforpmrioar ntcoepu(rUchHasPe) isebgemcoemnintg. Ganoiontdegyreaal rpart wofiththethe copmutsfo“rfutnt”hiney“fudnectsioenravliety”” assaiitdadPdisenrerwe sCtaondhaardde, inspired compound829 on a 1,000-point scale in 2011, aEnaimglperoFv1emDenirteocftiondaeclis5ioenx-mcealksinignpsrtoecesrsinign trheespPhoilnipspeinaesn,”dsaidPArreosraid. ent offeaGtuoreosdtAoydedtihtaieornaaAlllf-esnaietauwrePsX:a-TcRiAfiILc.CVT – a multimedia10 points from 2010. In addition, all nine brands included “It is critical for dealers to address this evolving need by system thAastmaolostohesrearnvdeqsuiaesteraridneavigation system andin thSeposrtutGdyrihpaTveecihmnporloovgeyd–frmomax2i0m1i0z.eAdmcoonngtrtohleafnadctooruststanpdoisnitgivgerliypaonndapllrormoapdtlycornedspitoionndisng to requests for test reverse camera.A closed shoulder design helps provide better wear pattern over time to reduce ovesiSMsismsaxttionaaallpaehgnnroFuasmrersiau1nddnnotgspiPpraavddne“ApvDfeoeRrreealTaaorrddiyrdrdcrhoEsnreserAeidhroebs.iSoacamsarenieyuc“snStci,,navipseOto1aowevdaeuRlmnvn2tixetynnidnhpeyaedtEmbdyashfeprrcblLoipcaoneenufy5arEoicilddnsastcrnlmreimAeetotetvdntioasuidlumwooSeiseafsdtdvtrnricroEppeusadeyoeikonsr,eurrniopemorrsigyrrnfdeoiavtfsfgapgopricacseainoponormotrcomtrrtrmnooudweialosopsirgsnesdpsu,cerfosndaicaosreradvi,ctteovcmstpneiespsneJmtsisrrdnno.iprmontaoDmoptseevecflnrtv.etlleaciuehcoedinPrmtcdlstnemieititliontisvadiionao-niwiemgentinnagnrteinlhesisdwamyuwobtpri,f,ruxafgnaeareoiaiAfsbtehsmrwtcvtrictdswc.eooetrbhtauieiismnyGmeuasorinmdtcaeeronodeiPehk2nno,pfnhri”rai0ndcirnssstag2ceh1oyg.saaniai”0dea0ndtfalldpn1ehaieve.tiicltied1cdreessiny,nreuihfgtnsoooestbrueaomtesrdcdwsdawvhrhnauavreeyeehsiaainselntavrhoitcvlirctvelrseooeioahpeeeofpsurrmgdaaa.errn,Tislenycerdcdehehafskldaterroeiindpiepvlsisrorinderdnessm8norgswrtgto2ic.iauaehbuguh3aenadnTdipntsovswndhcys,sestateditirosabhecr,tamehaltorebndotsaeavgouirhdnouihrsenaendleictdihnskdfsgvgisaiirigisnehnncvibs8.ghhmdclg”geehew3iousrrtcpscooia0hmesplrotwnege.itohwgmeopeevadwhIfem,edneeartetrerodcreefcfttpmeooacohrusorsadmroesmmtlmnemdeyttpEhdlowmaoeiaipafaemvrrtnhfdeariiegeeonceoerrdrlrrneesgydisreeessadpanowtilwtnicetiis,aohtkrfhsteoisoteiwpADrhdsnhaercdriieotpestdroueirebui.mwuvvssnrrcpeiectfnAidotoahttheaimAnhewomcooitlocthtnmeotepiholiebaheonesrveeeiennlceessgre,rrltf5rotoaAcaesrolnroemlDmdfdfawDnpeqnoreaIafDfsisucsneeiarsTcysiVeeaasrhsteremDIoadettttotOuueuesfeepauerrmcnsewreiNaorltnhELdtmkyrntirtigaoxewettnAhaiCmpilnheardnodssagviCegrtfoLousteif6hnrgeiDsissiiic.ftdrmeaoFeht5iusdsach(nrtn”ooneECimnepiecvosmwwvcTshpreaeAnsh.teoiFiraierssiiagktromveTsnsTrhdennGigneydoodwLpUdetssmnttoeChilisih-mstliolcmaiRefDelC.-emapydehsmfGnoetrEnrissyieopPoeatute.cetsvslSoaoephpvreWradotirdeleemncoe:sywkerr-ehvreaiedrinnaealtnelbhr.grtDitans’eiM,isnendgetetvheoymwavacrietocnenmaoorabendrmnXrlu)ioe-spinnlernTw,ettoearisRtrimitasfthtoiAwieahgeorteImhghcinLdnlmoatlaawiimaaingCstuniclhppdfVlwseeatateT–iyraatmcevesttyedosiatuespstesuswirdilnm.obceaigitinhaesyht,sihtsowpreeddtehcaetstshoer Direction the GSDNissan ranks highest in new-vehicle sales vehicle from the dealership. The proportion invades the SM malls this September: SM Mall of Asia onsatisfaction with a score of 839 and performs particularly who received their vehicle at home in 2011M(5o0re%e)vheanswear September 22 to 28; SM Megamall on September 15 to opnrreessspuoOrnepstiedmsisitzreibductiao2avn1witaafyiontrdschiSunaMscMptroeoNemraoepesrertrevhosdevnEwiddawhseneoasdarfwracoiolmlsnqtvSiuinseauiptrtoeeturmhsebforeXoor-atT1pdRrtAoicnIo1Lt4na.CtanFVrcdTete.embTviaeehslnlewell in the delivery process and salesperson factors. Ford more than doubled from 2010 (23%).follows Nissan in the rankings (835). Although ranking The 2011 Philippines SSI Study is based ima CpgCraoooinnnvtteiinnosuufomo4uu0ossrsepshhotooihnuualtldnsdeerrrribifstbrhtouemidryvmweoharisecHalfteniihgdeHbhal‘pdeinrmgaotehcwo1ldyel,eem4m’fceir6noueons3llrmaepsArcniruawuFeengledewaduibcgr-sro‘hvtwurmtea2apehpcr0ioiogeycl1uy’hl0tmnetodaeoMrnwsdanyFeer2sb0rw1u1ha.oraryenps2duu0rbl1cteih1nta.gtTesbrehedewneeafirtspaatrgdteeiesteprfnnlrae.hyeason–iclOi*fnoeBfgpcriaedlrtctiestmeheagdrNaisrzloaeliieesnpdndnsidaglncaenitanneedvvrgninemctgryaololiesnnafthretodeicsanrtchpuosoceoaialnhutnpdfstaodrhitorrleiioovsloeGinaednnsdoewo-gsacdsonhiayinndeteseatgnabqrceburIyttnooa.toenrToaueorhkdvrweiiafnneoctrigqaoeoo.rtunsnpupiCrrdlaiteneitinnt,ttetgaiaeronrnbnnd.iednnseLevufeixtnsemparbreeosuesrnguhreandcisetdribguritpiolnabnelyowoththeerSibSonroldailduindscdctereinynntetaterhvrleeliirnnaseetgurreiid,bbyKiian (823)from 2010. 2011, inspired compound46 AQ MAGAZINE Additional features:

MOTORING NEWS Petron EnerTripid promotes campaign is a fuel The Petron EnerTripid Toyota Launches conservation advocacy fuel savings and road safety in cooperation with the the New FortunerETRON Corporation is coming out with a series of quick and catchy reminders for Department of Energy, and the motoring public as part of its Petron EnerTripid campaign, a public information consists of a series of radio plugs and newspaper ads containing different P and Hilux!advocacy for fuel efficient driving and road safety. These fuel conservation tips have energy saving tips. becomOeYOmToAreMreoletovranPthinilitphpeinliegsht(oTfMhPig) haonilnporuicnecess. the launch of TSaonmneivPeerstarorny EantertThreipiNd BtiCps TthEaNt Tc,anBohneilfpaucisosaGvleoboanl fuCeiltyc,onthsuemption are: thePmeturochn EanweariTteridpidFoerdtuuncearteasnmdoHtoirluisxt.s oDn uhroinwg toTMopP’tsim2iz3erdtheir resources and get the most value from their fuel expenses.,rodsenrtour.ayidoBwgaaegfgDubLffSpatnvtzgoor,’ltaI(fpinuaaasdaoeeoyaestfhotIafsmooftdeoMecrspssronmsvhahnentnttesawfdlo.,ooo-traercetaaoe’onVidololtgotintis.,psWfmieeksanv.tsrg)nyuamNgidittdegmesgtson1erhlfcooisaezhchoitltoayteongooepaoteipufsazhhfiteanirnwtgnuhrhrthmxnbowrslrneetluegiecathseettaepeitanegpniocnnieg.ftle,Frewsnal-cbaisioeoee,edrihrostrotttol.canlviMwelyaimoartehifiettonygrethncam.tgtuyrldncdeatoa,yreneoicaoietnudtTFoesdnefoojbaehalsrdvatplodneM,aoeoi.ueiedrnrglnosnavensenercssrersiTlrtjPhpekinisnitdtouhdyracetrdSgoagautihytnogiocfseaetaghcmEUdthlnbnctoecgeeosrstullterennxeteo.eletViroamoweiavoIwreeoinddp,dnnrrncwepnintvkcnpaasepeaewktotsehdteesuuaihef,athcesnrsdnctnsrniiueedwftroicaotcpstaogeetsaigactehnosmeahsvldrnsinananhanpleciatwooeat.slicguethwvr.estsett’suloteensTyuateencnbVg,iAvsygeisowvrtnooocrnaune.egrairiroehsamnalucutntgnihseesieyss,aeralkoenkatrlTtthdler.oaaanetheceant-oraidslhhtahnvrrrtgPr,strpfheeliiavieoegfrIaysefHopaenifetyiu.cse2crlapInsaivigiDa0eaiwndeoenddhtd1lgrlvroudelepa541fyyasrrstenarmiobr.e.tiuopgcctginysovpnjtoonrTddmtginsmtcspMtYnesehohSfauvwmpaiorraorbuhrwcfwaoaUeeeeiinseavenitgswjvvateeMceetiiirieosnaeelV.nneleeesveerleashsreGasrlisfetdutt.dr’toeaonoangiudasBaauhnsghcwtlfotrngstalytnliiraeohdcaealiiiinnaikytgeipcamcs-ttetrpoeaussonhdply.ehbsafenaatseostrabihouoduynorasatadpitsjtSamlsumsawerwuoureefhanlyibseptsaptsttirusdweioeimghneiuersdroobndnatoltioenduiieheeaddsdslldrmctpclsttiieifcegsssywiadipsdoonhneeefstvsea...tooisueotyientebsttmalnsanei.tpltnydtohedhmMtasBdarreha.eikpimtcntrlefaveviueiafmmeoSreneioileenecm.qonrdh.eotptcisEuwo.eeaai,SathofihvToynidcntnthEnomgoieottkduocdihiwtengnfuneamgiptrtrajtenirgsleoeoarvulertttayeya,okn(ehtpanGhwcnretletd.yshweaahgar-eaettGetiiyntodvwhereaitadhe76nit.e.sowfyiPutsoIegArsGynnenrreoocafnanlolytixsfyacIwhvvuuosde/imt)tcotnieeerPeeeongcoilmrsdeaoltraagoilani-saou-cndrnmhginsetcecnylnlrtgueuaes,.ohoeofdutenpassluEfhenulatptredr.tdmoeradrdhtae.dtuernuUseFreaccspknditlvhdasnepotSeaadnieurtdelovBrteislitahrneroirtponaemsuceelihgwc.ilcronissrgieCtocvylecsma-eMnyhiniroldogeyncveoe,ebsuiaonuoveessusutcirkew2nluniuragpmkmmeer-eeinlrvesaTan-trcaeosteotrdtlsstiootauinauesrihns.nenevprenrnrihetvmihtieeceaetdofsoeyiyl.uncog-eshrtrDrouoehaahrt’asiueoplnnclet(ph-trrGohtticrfeiamorcpuraei.vpaseeneTs,rlag.rneimdd statement that “We are very excited about the new Fortuner. We have E-Grades). made a lot of improvements and more importantly made its prices In a statement, TMP president Michinobu Sugata stated, “With more affordable for more people to enjoy.” these new models, we offer our customers better products, with The night wouldn’t be complete with out showcasing the other significantly improved riding comfort, handling and style. Another star of the night, the new Toyota Hilux. The no. 1 pick up underwent striking benefit is the very competitive pricing of all Fortuners and major changes with its exterior design with new front bumpers, front some Hilux variants. We remain true to Toyota’s Sure Advantage fenders, engine hood, Radiator Grille, Headlamp, and comes with an of great value with vehicles that offer both high quality and great option for 17” Alloy Wheels for the G-grade variant. affordability.” Castrol puts a premium on road safety “We install Vehicle Data Recorders (VDRs) which are like blackght boxes in airplanes to record harsh braking, over-revving, ande’ over-speeding. We have regular defensive driving training, fatigue Photo courtesy of James Deakind management training, and night driving policies. We do journeyverall Petron strengthens road safety advocacy; risk management plan and we regularly share near-misses so each free safety checks now year-round one learns from these experiences and avoid similar scenarios tonal 5 Sota: prevent accidents,” Sota explained.D3. Castrol Castrol also influences its business partners. Delivery cEaTnRnOoNt,dtoheitcountry’s leading oil company, is further strengthening its road safetyIPn for advocaalcoynien. response to the global call to action of the United Nations Decade of contractors are required to have VDRs on their vehicles and OSlposautofnrobuetpLFbavftdvtTplhrarmheILlreuetSGieehUeieNceTordsHtiirnrIaccyuhrhs,bDenbToloeuenaemSeSAerTIvudjTurxtastehcteDesnsip--ohadtse,caCtsiraaomiFhieearnrotratanrneybenilenkiantremeed’avxagefoesoercsetefisdledrtskonetowadtaiSlslt,aannerirseocygeahgtdtoasinaofRrtiochnahfwiies.sageoleorivfrtthclael,osotetae,saIcoooybsyt,srtdbttnooattpFsspnnyiCaru-hntaiSlriaa,.rnhyg.shydelstcaurkneew.nehceiweirefnoYtancadmetiiaeiantoSorhekfluntei-lisnry,alysudnptureniEes.,eeogofaiosg;ildessntrhruwroCrEfti,natnbgbvey“yNsytincdeieairwsne,neGrcdaolcsarbastapoeoneI,easnrlNtsrmfvasnlnasrouepyhreEtmonk’ogpmrisertorneZsr-saipyryl.cefsa;telefaecasTmi3PsergBeiCcinfrtr8errhohhxiroAoestftnratnatteiTd.ioiehs.sullnd”ftsTtiAn,talsiaeepecnEuta”shpsrnrcorRitpittaedovcieorecaYmzvici,eolryilsnaetceucda-himrmpolerosdiueoalmrnfMeabst,oitsegnatncaftpeneepsoohbttatr,o,ossgrayrttmnfreileifa,assolnlfeasruailotwegltfynNniiltselewhdStetayosbfy,ttrovsroaolosieyiugseftssrp,ltehiiiatHtPdsaptssp,arsfdh,etoparriaairotiatlrcsooborotlncodrotoisawoaihcoltmvlwnbmt,ieeirmiitcdirseprbsLeasah:epo,imrsatpkkioorwyodTttkueesor“esIbnpeegosRtelWsaPrie;rtslerbgEumahyrosieEhSnrlmeymtpeAeeyNotgei,isl-,euseGnpatcblutehrisahehIltteagliaNsiedlnaelhsrsiyaniteiEesgsr..,tf;,, defensive driving and fatigue training for their drivers.level As if these were not enough, Castrol has come up with a pgraougjeesc;t UNcDaEllReCdHACSS.IAS .-St.iTe.Rro.dOe.nLd.s, wuphpiecrhbalsl tjaoinntds,s lowfoerr baCllojollinatbs,ocrraostison tjooinAtsc, tsivhoeclky aSbasofrebgerus,aarxdle Tbhooets;RaidnderAsCCaEnSSdOROIEtSh-erwsi’peLribvleadse.sT, hhoirsn,pbraosjicect itnovoolsl,vjaecsk,ceoalrllay bwoarrnaintgiodnevwiceit.h the government to enforce traffic laws, with TAh1e FDrereivSainfegty tCohecrkeaiscchurroenutlty otofferyeoduant 1g18dprairvteicripsa,tiwngitPhetrmonosttoatriconyscle snaafteiotnywigdeu,rwuitJha4k8einSMwetaronMnatnoilap, r1o6 min oNtoerthsaLufzeotny, 1r0idininSgo,utwh iLtuhzotnh, e29Tiun athseon RVaiscaiynags, Sancdho15olintoMienndacnoauo.raMgoetorraisctsincganodnrivthe einttroaacnkyasntadtionnowtitthh ethsetrFereeets, aSnafdetywCithhecckhsaigmn tpo iaovnailhoiflltchilsimsebrvidcrei.ver Carlos Anton to promote road safetyTharomugohnigts mneotwtoorrksopfosretrsviecensthtautisoinassntsa.tionwide, Petron is in an excellent positi“onRotoafdurtshaerfeptryomisotae tvhee rryoahdusgafeetychadavlolecancgyeintrheasptownsee ctoatnhne owtoraldcwhidieeve bimypoeurartsiveelvtoepsr.eWvenet naceceiddenttos canodllsaabveolriavetse. with all stakeholders. And this is what we’re doing with Project CASTROL,” Sota said. AQ MAGAZINE 47

MOTORING NEWSPHILIPPINE STREET SOCCER TEAM SEND-OFFKia and Azkals send off street soccer team in style; gifts them with a brand new vehicle MANILA, Philippines—Columbian Autocar Corporation (CAC)- the exclusive distributor of automaker that is adventurous and young-at-heart. KIA Motors in the Philippines kicked off a new As a brand for the young and the young-at-heart, KIA Motors maintains a strong presence in youth-powered partnership with the Philippine Street Soccer Team to the events, making Dyip Ni Juan the hip and happening place to Homeless World Cup 2011 in Paris, France. The team of be. Dyip Ni Juan is an on-going campus tour that celebrates underprivileged youths was given a warm despedida by original Pinoy music or OPM. Organized by Channel V, Dyip well-wishers last August 9 at the De La Salle-College of Ni Juan invites local bands to play in selected schools all St. Benilde (CSB). over the country. Last August 9, KIA Motors participated in the CSB stop of the tour made even more meaningful During their send-off party, the Philippine since it also served as the send-off party for the Philippine Street Soccer Team proudly wore their KIA jerseys to Street Soccer Team, who will soon be flying to Paris for the acknowledge the support of their new sponsor. Mr. 2011 Homeless World Cup. Boying Soriano of CAC, announced that CAC-KIA will award the team with their own vehicle. The Kia K2700 The Homeless World Cup is a global movement is a high quality, and utilitarian people mover, which will founded by Mel Young, Schwab Fellow of the World Cup enable them to travel all over the country to promote Economic forum. It is a distinctive social enterprise that soccer and the Homeless World Cup. Mr. Soriano in a utilizes sport as a means to alleviate society’s perception gesture of effusive praise, readily credits Azkals’ team of the homeless and marginalized. The project is also manager Dan Palami with coming up with the idea for the an avenue for the homeless over the world to connect sponsorship. Upon hearing the proposal, CAC-KIA agreed with each other. Through the international language of without hesitation. football, homeless people all over the world are given the opportunity to inspire and encourage each other. This new partnership aims to showcase KIA Motors’ commitment to sports and passion for football. Their Currently, the Philippine Street Soccer team is support for the Philippine Street Soccer Team is part of getting ready for the 2011 Homeless World Cup to be in the company’s goal to strengthen the brand as a global Paris on August 21-28.Nissan Ranks Highest in New-Vehicle Sales Satisfaction in the PhilippinesSINGAPORE: 8 August 2011 - New-vehicle sales satisfaction has increased in the Philippines after two consecutive years of declines that werecaused by rapid sales growth and increased customerexpectations, according to the J.D. Power Asia Pacific The study finds that the percentage of customers Experience Mobility2011 Philippines Sales Satisfaction Index (SSI) Study.SM who were offered test drives has increased to 88 percent and Entertainment with in 2011 from 76 percent in 2010. Additionally, for a second Now in its 11th year, the study measures new- consecutive year, the proportion of customers who actually X-TRAIL CVTvehicle owner satisfaction with the sales and delivery take a test drive when one is offered has increased.experience in seven key factors that contribute to overall WHO says a tough, masculine SUV can’t be fun,satisfaction. In order of importance, they are: delivery “Getting an opportunity to test drive a vehicle too?process; delivery timing; salesperson; paperwork; deal; prior to purchase is becoming an integral part of the Nissan Motor Philippines, Inc. (NMPI)sales initiation; and dealer facility. decision-making process in the Philippines,” said Arora. puts “fun” in “functionality” as it adds new standard “It is critical for dealers to address this evolving need by features to the all-new X-TRAIL CVT – a multimedia Overall new-vehicle sales satisfaction averages positively and promptly responding to requests for test system that also serves as a navigation system and829 on a 1,000-point scale in 2011, an improvement of drives, as this could become a differentiator between reverse camera.10 points from 2010. In addition, all nine brands included dealerships and brands.”in the study have improved from 2010. Among the factors Long drives will never be a bore again – playexamined in the study, satisfaction is highest in the The study also finds that customers whose vehicles DVDs or music with the iPod-ready multimedia system,salesperson and delivery process factors, which have were delivered to their home are more satisfied with the featuring a 6.5” TFT LCD screen. Motorists will always beimproved by 12 and two points, respectively, from 2010. delivery process, on average, compared with customers in touch with the hands-free calling and nationwide touch who picked up their vehicle from the dealership. Among screen navigation system. What’s more, the multimedia “The study finds a strong connection between sales customers whose vehicles were delivered to their home, system also functions as a reverse camera that featuresstandard implementation and overall satisfaction,” said satisfaction averages 830. In comparison, satisfaction a safety CCD (Charge-Coupled Device) with night visionMohit Arora, executive director at J.D. Power Asia Pacific, averages 823 among customers who picked up their feature that can simplify parking, even in tight spaces.Singapore. “Overall improvement in the industry in 2011 vehicle from the dealership. The proportion of customersis largely driven by more rigorous implementation of sales who received their vehicle at home in 2011 (50%) has Experience no limits with the X-TRAIL CVT as itstandards and processes across most manufacturers.” more than doubled from 2010 (23%). invades the SM malls this September: SM Mall of Asia on September 22 to 28; SM Megamall on September 15 to Nissan ranks highest in new-vehicle sales The 2011 Philippines SSI Study is based on responses 21 and SM North Edsa from September 1 to 14. Freebiessatisfaction with a score of 839 and performs particularly from more than 1,463 new-vehicle owners who purchased await customers who will visit the X-TRAIL CVT mallwell in the delivery process and salesperson factors. Ford their vehicle between August 2010 and February 2011. The displays – get Nissan merchandise when you inquire, andfollows Nissan in the rankings (835). Although ranking study was fielded from February to May 2011. get free oil filter and engine oil for on-site booking.below the industry average, Kia (823) improves more thanany other brand in the study in 2011, a gain of 40 pointsfrom 2010.48 AQ MAGAZINE

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