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Home Explore 2017 Business Climate Survey Portrait Orientation

2017 Business Climate Survey Portrait Orientation

Published by dtowne, 2017-05-16 16:44:08

Description: 2017 Business Climate Survey Results for Grant County


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2017 Business Climate Survey 2012, 2014, & 2017

Would You Encourage Others To Start A Business In Grant County?454035302520151050 Neutral Somewhat Discourage Highly Discourage Highly Encourage Somewhat Encourage 2012 2014 2017

Would You Encourage Others ToStart A Business In Grant County?• There has been a slight polarization of answers to this question in the past survey. More business would encourage others to start a business in Grant County, however more would also discourage other to start one as well.

How Supportive is Grant County of Small Business Owners?50454035302520151050 Neutral Somewhat Very Unsupportive Very Supportive Somewhat Supportive Unsupportive 2012 2014 2017

How Supportive is Grant Countyof Small Business Owners?• According to our survey results, Grant County is seen as being mostly supportive of its small business owners. Very few respondents in any of the surveys we’ve administered noted Grant County as being unsupportive of their small businesses.

How Easy Or Difficult Is It To Start A Business In Grant County?454035302520151050 Somewhat Easy Neutral Somewhat Difficult Very Difficult Very Easy 2012 2014 2017

How Easy Or Difficult Is It To StartA Business In Grant County?• There was significant polarization in answers in this year’s study compared to previous year’s responses. Many more listed it as easy to start a business, but many more also stated that it is difficult to start a business.

Over The Past 12 Months Revenues…6050403020100 Increased Slightly Neutral Decreased Slightly Decreased Greatly Increased Greatly 2012 2014 2017

Over The Past 12 MonthsRevenues…• In all three studies, the vast majority of businesses reported that they saw slight increases in revenues.

In The Next 12 Months WeExpect Business to be706050403020100 Slightly Better Neutral Slightly Worse Substantially Worse Substantially Better 2012 2014 2017

In The Next 12 Months We ExpectBusiness to be• There is a very favorable outlook for businesses when considering their next year of operations.

Grant County Compared To The Nation6050403020100 Slightly Better Neutral Slightly Worse Substantially Worse Substantially Better 2012 2014 2017

Grant County Compared To TheNation• There is a disconnect between the overall positive outlook on individual businesses and the more negative perception of Grant County’s economy as a whole. This division leaves the question as to what other influences are shaping business owners’ perceptions of Grant County’s economy.

What Type Of Internet Does Your Business use?120100806040200 Broadband Satellite No Internet Dial Up 2012 2017 2014

Nature Of Business6050403020100 Manufacturing Professional Services Wholesale Online Retail 2012 2014 2017

Location Status90 Leased Multiple Locations80 2012 2014 201770605040302010 0 Owned

Location Status• According to this study, more businesses are leasing instead of owning, however this could just be a result of sampling different businesses during the different studies.

Number Of Employees454035302520151050 6-24 employees 25-100 employees Over 100 employees Less than 5 employees 2012 2014 2017

Key Factors Of Success 2012 2014 2017 Lower State taxes 4.00 3.79 3.57 4.20 3.96 4.15Being price competitive 3.71 3.68 3.86 4.05 3.86 4.16 Ability to enter new 3.97 3.82 3.38 markets 3.51 3.4 3.6 3.98 3.84 3.65 Controlling labor costs 2.97 2.91 3.21Fewer local government 3.73 3.43 3.62 regulations Ability to bring new products to marketManaging energy costs Better transportation access Ability to reach andserve customers via the internet

Constraints To Growth 2012 2014 2017Global/ national economic performance 3.88 3.73 3.76 3.49Rising overhead and utility costs 4.03 3.86 2.97 4.27Declining demand from customers 3.45 3.32 3.22Availability of skilled workers 3.79 3.86Problems with State and Local regulations 3.77 3.52Expanding output through improved 3.53 3.50 3.74quality and performance 3.69 3.60 3.26Rising transportation costs 3.40 3.40 3.33Increased competition from low cost 3.66 3.60 3.42imports 3.20 2.82 2.85Price pressures from suppliers 3.05 2.95 2.98 3.09 3.00 3.31Difficulties in obtaining financing 3.15 3.16 3.44Transportation infrastructureBroadband and information technologyaccessAccess to employee training

What Can The Growth Council Do? 2012 2014 2017Improving local business climate 3.97 3.98 3.88 3.64 3.77Fostering collaboration among 3.62 3.72 3.90local elected officials 3.91 3.16 3.72 3.73 2.88 3.16Attracting new business to the 3.54 3.00 3.24community 3.25 3.79 3.93 3.84Assisting entrepreneurs tosuccessfully launch newbusinessesProvide financial assistance suchas low interest loansHosting private forums for you andyour local peers to discusscommon concernsAssisting local firms to grow

2017 Business Climate Survey 2014 & 2017

Skills Deficiencies In Rejected Employees9080706050403020100 Lack of basic Lack of tech skills Inadequate reading Inadequate Inadequate math Inadequate training problem solving employability 2014 2017

Skills Deficiencies In RejectedEmployees• Inadequate employability is the highest skill deficiency noted by businesses. Between both years, responses to the question were very constant.

Business Performance6050403020100 Stable Healthy Challenged 2014 2017

Majority Of Customers Are Located454035302520151050 In Indiana In the other 49 states Outside the US In Grant County 2014 2017

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