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Home Explore theomnibuzz-com-how-to-start-a-business-in-abu-dhabi-


Published by almashora02, 2022-06-02 10:28:43

Description: theomnibuzz-com-how-to-start-a-business-in-abu-dhabi-

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Step 3- Business Setup in Abu Dhabi x Get an address  Depending on your type of business, you might need office space, a work address, or a PO Box. In the case of office spaces, there is a bit of a legal paradox at play in Privacy - Terms terms of getting the necessary documentation. To obtain your license for business, you first need a lease. But you can’t get an office lease without already having a license! ‘In order to solve this problem, the way to proceed is to register their company first as an ‘Incorporation’ as opposed to an actual company and obtain the tawtheeq,’ says Ziad. ‘The tawtheeq is a file that will contain all your details concerning the business venture and the lease requirements. In most cases, if you are renting an office space in a building, the landlord will obtain this document for you for a specific fee.’ If all you require is a postal address, then setting up a PO Box with Emirates Post will suffice. Find an Emirati So you’re ready to be your own boss. But a word of advice. Any expert living in Abu Dhabi needs to have an Emirati partner to register a company. ‘Sole proprietorship of businesses here can only be done by locals,’ says Ziad. ‘In any company started by an expat, 51 percent of shares should belong to one or several locals. However, this does not mean that 51 percent of profits go to the local; the the agreement could be tailored so that the expat gets the majority of the profits.’ Step 5 Money, money, money Everyone knows that you can’t start a business without some capital. In the past, a person needed to have Dhs150,000 in the bank in order to be able to get a license for a small business but this rule was removed in 2009. ‘Although this law was officially removed, it is still common practice to require that sum before granting a business the right to operate,’ Ziad informs us. Step 6 Protect yourself A key part of your business will be patenting your ideas and copyrighting your material. After all, you don’t want people copying your idea. The UAE follows stringent copyright laws that are in line with international standards, such as Federal Law No. 7 of 2002. Abu Dhabi has many mechanisms and resources for helping people succeed in their careers. A notable case was Mosa Isa Mosa, a UAE national, versus Etisalat. In 2010, Mosa sued Etisalat for using his mobile TV invention without his permission and subsequently won Dhs30 million. Want to Business Setup in Abu Dhabi? Almashora Services is best for you. 0  Share        almashoraservices

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