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Home Explore 2017_FullTimetable


Published by sphereprogramme, 2016-12-15 06:18:14

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CONFERENCE TIMETABLE09:15 Registration09:30 Welcome Address and Overview of the last 12 months of SPHeRE Prof. Steve Thomas, Trinity College Dublin, Director of SPHeRE09:45 Keynote Address: “Connecting research, policy and practice” Prof. Mike Kelly, University of Cambridge, Chaired by Prof. Anne Hickey, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland10:30 Coffee11:00 PARALLEL SESISONS 1 Econmomic Evaluation (TR1) Complex Interventions (TR2&3) Maternal & Child Health (TR4) HRB Session (EH) Chair: Dr. Eamon O'Murchu, Chair: Dr. Siobhan Kelly, HSE Chair: Dr. Colette Kelly, NUIG HIQA11:00 Dr. Linda Murphy “Cost of care Ms. Lauren Boland “OPTIMAL, Dr. Aimee Fox “Estimating the Dr. Laura Murphy,11:2011:40 for cervical cancer treatment in a self-management interven- cost of pre-eclampsia in the Dr. Marie Sutton,12:00 Ireland: a health care payer tion for cancer survivors”12:20 perspective” health system: a cross-sectional analysis using data from the Ms. Louise Farragher, Dr. Caragh Behan “Use of the Dr. Niamh Merriman Screening for Pregnancy End- Mr. Martin Keane, Net Benefit Framework to eval- “Overview of the StrokeCog points (SCOPE) study” Ms. Mary Dunne, Ms. Mairea Nelson, Ms. Caragh Flannery “Health care professional’s experiences uate the cost-effectiveness of study: modelling and modifying of lifestyle management in Dr. Deirdre Mongan, Early Intervention in Psychosis – should the health service be the consequences of stroke- overweight and obese pregnant related cognitive impairment women: a qualitative study” Dr. Anne McCarthy willing to pay to implement the through intervention” intervention?” “Needs, Evidence, Action: Ms. Miriam Coghlan “Hepatitis Dr. Elaine Toomey “Using an Knowledge brokering and evi- Dr. Frank Moriarty “Economic C pre-treatment pharmacist infant feeding intervention to dence synthesis at the Health impact of potentially inappro- assessment: the development target childhood obesity: Back- Research Board” priate prescribing in older peo- process for a complex interven- ground, rationale and impact of ple in Ireland: a Markov model study” tion tool” the HRB Interdisciplinary Ca- pacity Enhancement (ICE) Childhood Obesity project” Ms. Marian Hernon “Costing Mr. Niall Turner “A Clinical Trial Dr. Karen Matvienko-Sikar self-management for chronic musculoskeletal pain condi- of Supported Employment (IPS) “Development of an evidence- tions in the Irish Primary Care setting” and the Workplace Fundamen- based pilot intervention to pro- tals Module with People mote healthy infant feeding Attending an Irish Early Inter- behaviours in Irish primary vention for Psychosis Service” care: The HRB Interdisciplinary Capacity Enhancement (ICE) Childhood Obesity project” Ms. Helen O'Donnell The po- Dr. Frank Doyle “Medical Stu- Ms. Emily Kelleher “Translation tential budget impact of PCSK9 dent INtervention to Promote of a multidisciplinary family- inhibitors in Ireland Effective Nicotine Dependence focused childhood weight man- and Tobacco HEalthcare (MIND agement programme to the -THE-GAP): Feasibility random- real world setting: Barriers and ised trial (NCT02601599)” facilitators to success”

CONFERENCE TIMETABLE12:40 Lunch13:30 Keynote Address: “Self-harm and suicide in young people: Associated risk factors and evidence based interventions” Prof. Ella Arensman, National Suicide Research Foundation, Chair TBC PARALLEL SESSIONS 2 Diabetes (TR1) Healthcare Reform (TR2&3) Dementia (TR4) Access to Healthcare (EH) Chair: Dr. Patrick Moore, TILDA Chair: Dr. Niamh O'Rourke, Chair: Dr. Anne-Marie Miller, Chair: Dr. Teresa Maguire, De- Department of Health Dementia and Neurodegenera- partment of Health tion Network Ireland14:20 Ms. Kate O’Neill “Health ser- Dr. Conor Foley Ms. Suzanna Dooley Dr. Padhraig Ryan “Interaction vice utilisation and related “Understanding perspectives “Assessing Functional Retained Analytics for Automatic Assess-14:40 costs associated with diabetes” on major system change: Ex- Communication Skills in De- ment of Communication Quali-15:00 ploring the impact of public mentia: A scoping review” ty in Healthcare” consultation on the implemen- tation of urgent and emergen- cy care system reconfigura- tion” Dr. Jenny McSharry “Exploring Ms. Brenda Lynch ”Diminished Dr. Louise Hopper “A National Ms. Bridget Johnston Barriers and Facilitators to At- improvements in outcome indi- Dementia Registry for Ireland: “Assessing Financial Protection tendance at Diabetes Struc- cators for emergency condi- A Feasibility Analysis“ in Ireland: The Affordability of tured Education Programmes tions in national and regional Private Health Expenditure” in Ireland: A Qualitative Study” population systems of care” Ms. Lucy Whiston “Patient and Dr. Fiona Keogh “The Use of Mr. Kieran Walsh “Influences Mr. Padraic Fleming “Past, Present and Future: Mapping Family Participation in National Databases for Service on Decision-Making Regarding day-service provision for peo- ple with intellectual disabilities Healthcare Design and Delivery Planning: An analysis of region- the Prescription of Antipsy- over 15 years” - Delphi Technique Experi- al differences in the provision chotics to Nursing Home Resi- ments to identify the intensity of disability services” dents with Dementia: A Sys- and composition of an inter- tematic Review of Qualitative vention to encourage participa- Evidence” tion in an outpatient psychiat- ric service and an outpatient type 2 diabetes service in Dub- lin, Ireland”15:20 Coffee & moderated poster presentations15:50 Keynote Address: “Evidence-based public health and policy: the role of evaluation” Prof. Mark Petticrew, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Chaired by Prof. Steve Thomas, Trinity College Dublin16:35 Closing Address16:40 Wine and Cheese Reception & Poster Prize

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