Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 57th Louisiana District Conference Host Chapters: Zeta Xi and Eta Gamma Lambda University of Louisiana at Lafayette January 24-26, 2020 “Preparing the Youth for Civic Engagement” Bro. Nick Landry Louisiana Assistant District Director Bro. Keith V. Dillon Louisiana District Director
ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. ® LOUISIANA DISTRICT 8814 Veterans Memorial Blvd. #3-310 | Metairie, Louisiana 70003 | [email protected] Tarryance Robinson Keith V. Dillon Southwestern Regional Vice President Louisiana District Director Russell Williams, III. Nicholas Landry Southwestern Regional Assistant Vice President Louisiana Assistant District Director January 24, 2020 Dear Brothers of the Louisiana District: On behalf of the Leadership Team of the Louisiana District of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., I welcome you to the 57th Louisiana District Conference here in Lafayette, Louisiana. The Brothers of Zeta Xi and Eta Gamma Lambda Chapters have worked around the clock to ensure that all Brothers leave the conference with value added to their lives and memories of having a great time in Lafayette, Louisiana. I want to especially thank the Host Chapter Conference Chairman Bro. David Lewis for his leadership, dedication, and vision in helping ensure we have a successful conference. I want to thank Bro. Ron Smith, Executive Director and Director of Conventions, Bro. Nick Landry, Assistant Louisiana District Director, and Bro. Alvin J. Cavalier, District Treasurer, for their hard work and dedication in the planning of our conference. Also, our District could not operate efficiently without the leadership and commitment of our Chapter Presidents, Chapter Advisors, and Area Directors. Brothers, while in the beautiful city of Lafayette, please take time to visit the many venues the city have to offer. After we finish conducting the business of Alpha, I am asking that you fellowship with one another so we can strengthen our bond of Brotherhood. The theme for the 57th Louisiana District Conference is “Preparing the Youth for Civic Engagement” Fraternally, Brother Keith V. Dillon Louisiana District Director Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. ® LOUISIANA DISTRICT 8814 Veterans Memorial Blvd. #3-310 | Metairie, Louisiana 70003 | [email protected] Tarryance Robinson Keith V. Dillon Southwestern Regional Vice President Louisiana District Director Russell Williams, III. Nicholas Landry Southwestern Regional Assistant Vice President Louisiana Assistant District Director Greetings Brothers, I would like to personally welcome you to the 57th annual Louisiana District Conference. I also would like to thank the host chapters Zeta Xi and ETA Gamma for making everything happen. As your 2019-2020 Assistant District Director, it has been a pleasure and an experience to serve you all. Special thanks to Brother Keith Dillion, Brother Cavalier, Brother Matthew Miles, Brother Rodney Welch, and Brother Tyrone Walker for all grooming me and showing me to the light. I would like to thank the district for supporting me and participating in the following programming efforts: Voteless People is a Hopeless People, national awareness initiatives, Career Day, and supporting the “Our Next Gen Leaders, College Brothers Retreat.” Looking forward to having a great conference with everyone. Fraternally yours, Brother Nicholas (Nick) Landry Fall 2018 Theta Chi Chapter
EVERETT B. WARD, Ph.D. GREG PHILLIPS GENERAL PRESIDENT INTERIM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TARRYNCE ROBINSON RUSSELL WILLIAMS, III. REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT REGIONAL ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT SOUTHWESTERN REGION January 1, 2020 To Whom It May Concern: It is with pride that I bring greetings to you as the Southwestern Regional Vice President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. This letter is written in support of the 57th Louisiana District Convention, District Director Keith Dillon, and the convention host city of Lafayette. It is my hope that following your attendance you will be reenergized to provide the programs of Alpha throughout your respective communities throughout the state of Louisiana. The host chapters of Zeta Xi and Eta Gamma Lambda is planning an entertaining convention for you and your special guests. On behalf of the Southwestern Regional Leadership Team, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to those brothers who have poured themselves into this convention. Some may never know the work required of a program and event of this magnitude; it is important that we always recognize and appreciate those who give selflessly of themselves for the betterment of others. The leadership of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated, and the Southwestern Region commends the brothers of the Louisiana District for setting the standard. It has often been said that a goal without a plan is merely a wish. Brothers, you have gone beyond making wishes. Your thoughtful planning and irreproachable work ethic have again paved the way for the molding of men and making of leaders. I am humbled to stand in bonded brotherhood with you. Again, I salute the District of Louisiana, District Director Keith Dillon and the host chapters on their investment into the betterment of mankind. Fraternally Submitted, Tarrynce Robinson 23rd Southwestern Regional Vice President ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY | GENERAL OFFICE | 2313 SAINT PAUL STREET, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21218-5211 W: APA1906.NET | P: 410.554.0040 | F: 410.554.0054 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.
EVERETT B. WARD, Ph.D. GREG PHILLIPS GENERAL PRESIDENT INTERIM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TARRYNCE ROBINSON RUSSELL WILLIAMS, III. REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT REGIONAL ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT SOUTHWESTERN REGION January 24, 2020 To My Brothers of the District of Louisiana, Congratulations and a job well done on what I am anticipating will be a great gathering of the Brotherhood at the 57th Annual Louisiana District Conference. To the Brothers of the host chapters – your dedication, diligence in planning, and level of engagement are noted and greatly appreciated. I would like to extend a thanks to District Director, Brother Keith Dillon and Assistant District Director, Brother Nicholas Landry, for their continued service and leadership to the Region. “Preparing Our Youth for Civic Engagement.” Our history book boldly states, “To the youths who march onward and upward toward the light, this volume is respectfully dedicated.” We have to admire the foresight and cognizance of Brother Charles H. Wesley, Ph.D for recognizing the very reason why we as Alpha Men must continue our aims of Manly Deeds, Scholarship, and Love for All Mankind – to afford a more just, equitable, and opportunity filled future to our scholars and leaders of tomorrow. Let’s continue to press forward, not hesitant of our stance in the community, and as alluded to by this year’s theme, within our education system and governing bodies. Brothers, workshops and meetings have been scheduled for the betterment of both your Fraternal and personal endeavors. Your planning committee has put forth a great deal of effort and I ask that you not forsake a moment to thank them. I ask that our College Brothers seek feedback and guidance from our Alumni Brothers, for most of the answers that we have and resources we need truly lie within the Fraternity. Let us embrace the dialogue and most importantly, the fellowship - that is sure to occur. I wish you a successful Louisiana District Conference. Fraternally, Bro. Russell R. Williams III Southwestern Assistant Regional Vice President ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY | GENERAL OFFICE | 2313 SAINT PAUL STREET, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21218-5211 W: APA1906.NET | P: 410.554.0040 | F: 410.554.0054 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Zeta Xi Chapter, Key #344 University of Louisiana at Lafayette Post Office Box 41889 | Lafayette, LA 70504 January 12, 2020 My Brothers in Alpha: On behalf of the Brothers of the Zeta Xi Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. domiciled at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, welcome to the wonderful City of Lafayette and the heart of the Acadiana region! The region and city are filled with culture, art, fine cuisine, great social entertainment and wonderful people. We are pleased to be one of the host chapters for the 5 7t h Louisiana District Conference. The Brothers have worked very hard to make your short stay educational, inspiring, and entertaining. We encourage you to attend the workshops that have been prepared for you, participate in the electoral process, enjoy the special events designed for your pleasure, and take advantage of the time afforded for real brotherhood. We are here to serve you and make your stay in the House of Alpha an enjoyable one. Please do not hesitate to call on us for assistance. Fraternally yours, Javin Carter Bro. Javin D. Carter Chapter President
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Eta Gamma Lambda Chapter, Key #256 Post Office Box 5224 | Lafayette, LA 70502 January 20, 2020 Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated: It is an honor to welcome you to Lafayette, LA., the Heart of Acadiana and an educational and economic center of Southwestern Louisiana! We are known for our hospitality, great southern Louisiana cuisine, and French/Creole culture. We are delighted to host Brothers from across the great State of Louisiana. As one of the host chapters, it is our mission to make this a memorable experience for all Brothers attending the 57th Louisiana District Conference. From our initial plunge into the Acadiana Community at Second Harvest Food Bank on Friday morning to the Miss Black and Gold Scholarship Competition on Saturday evening, we have worked to prepare an engaging, brotherhood-filled weekend for all to enjoy. If there is anything we can do to assist during your visit, please do not hesitate to ask one of the local Brothers who are prepared to serve and assist. Fraternally, Earl Godfrey Earl Godfrey Chapter President
I invite all brothers to join The Alpha Movement today! MISSION 36TH GENERAL PRESIDENT NOMINEE MODERNIZATION MONEY
CONFERENCE AGENDA Fraternity House THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 2020 7:00pm – 9:00pm Conference Planning Team Meeting FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 2020 Teche Room Vermilion Room 9:00am – 6:30pm Set up Displays Second Harvest Food Bank 9:00am - 8:00pm Vendors Open 215 East Pinhook Road 9:00am – 12:00pm Community Service Project Union Hallway 12:00pm – 6:00pm Registration/Delegate Certification Atchafalaya Ballroom A 1:00pm – 2:30pm Opening Business Session Call to Order Brother Keith V. Dillon Welcome Brother Nick Landry Prayer Host Conference Chairman Brother Reverend Ray Larry Special Acknowledgments Brother David Lewis Treasurer’s Report Brother Keith V. Dillon Brother Alvin Cavalier Area 1 Area 2 Area Directors’ Reports Area 3 Area 4 Brothers Gilbert Jones and Joseph Byrd Area 5 Brother Alvin Cavalier Area 6 Brother Richard Travers Area 7 Brother Kedrick Nicholas Brother Ron Smith Brother Chris Jackson & Brother Rodney Welch Brothers Shawn Franklin
Alpha Day at the Legislature Committee Reports Brother Mark Barnes Awards Adjournment Brother Gary Jackson Time & Place Brother Rodney Welch March of Dimes Constitution & Bylaws Brother Dennis Sigur Rules & Credentials Brother Charles Stokes Resolutions and Recommendations Brother Richard Travers Elections/Nominations Brother Joseph Byrd Brother Gilbert Jones 2:45pm—4:00pm Neophyte Workshop Bayou Bijou Theatre Mandatory for Fall 2019 Brothers Bayou Bijou Theatre 4:00pm – 5:30pm Self-Care from A Trauma Perspective Bayou Bijou Theatre Bro. Dr. Arnold James, Clinical Psychologist (Mental Health Workshop) 5:45pm – 6:45pm Should You Run for Office (or can you help)? Bro. Telley Madina, The Madina Group 6:00pm – 9:00pm Miss Black & Gold Competition Rehearsal Pelican A and Bayou Bijou Theatre 7:00pm – 8:30pm Public Program Atchafalaya Ballroom A Topic: “Preparing Our Youth for Civic Engagement” 8:45pm – 10:00pm Welcome Reception Atchafalaya Ballroom B 9:30pm – 1:00am Hospitality Suites Open Drury Inn and Suites SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 2020 Union Hallway Shadows A & B 7:30am - 12:00pm Registration/Delegate Certification 7:30am – 8:45am Life Membership Breakfast Vermilion Room Teche Room 8:00am -5:30pm Vendors Open 8:30am – 6:00pm Awards Competition
9:00am – 9:30am Morning Praise Bayou Bijou Theatre Brother Reverend Ray Larry Constantine Fourm 9:00am – 3:30pm Collegiate Scholars Bowl 9:30am – 10:00am District Leadership Addresses Bayou Bijou Theatre Brother Nick Landry, Assistant District Director, Louisiana Brother Keith Dillon, District Director, Louisiana 10:15am – 11:45am Southwestern Regional Addresses Bayou Bijou Theatre Brother Russell Williams, III., Regional Assistant Vice President - Southwest Brother Tarryance Robinson, Regional Vice President - Southwest 12 Noon – 2:00pm Fraternal Luncheon and Atchafalaya Ballroom A & B Belford V. Lawson Oratorical Contest Presiding: Brother Nick Landry, Assistant District Director, Louisiana 2:00pm – 2:30pm Polls Open for V oting Pelican B Room 2:45pm – 3:45pm Meet the Candidates for General President Bayou Bijou Theatre 3:45pm – 3:55pm District Photo Bayou Bijou Theatre 4:00pm -5:15pm College Brothers’ Caucus Constantine Forum Presiding: Brother Nick Landry, Assistant District Director, Louisiana College Brothers Only 4:00pm -5:15pm Financial Literacy Workshop Bayou Bijou Theatre Concurrent Committee Meetings: Teche Room 4:00pm – 5:00pm Awards Committee Derrick Conference Room 4:00pm – 4:30pm Resolutions & Recommendations 4:00pm –4:30pm Time and Place Pelican B Room 4:30pm – 5:00pm March of Dimes Pelican B Room
5:30pm – 6:30pm Final Business Session Bayou Bijou Theatre Final Conference Reports Brother Gary Jackson Awards Brother Rodney Welch Time & Place Brother Richard Travers Rules & Credentials Resolutions & Recommendations Brother Joseph Byrd Elections Brother Gilbert Jones Omega Service Brother Reverend Ray Larry Asst. District Director’s Closing Remarks District Director’s Closing Remarks Brother Nick Landry Brother Keith V. Dillon Fraternity Hymn / Prayer 8:00pm – 10:00pm Miss Black & Gold Pageant Bayou Bijou Theatre NOTE: All Louisiana Conference Awards will be announced during the Miss Black & Gold Pageant 10:00pm – 1:00am Hospitality Suites Open Drury Inn & Suites SUNDAY, JANUARY 26, 2020 Drury Inn & Suites 8:30am – 9:30am District Executive Team Meeting SAVE THE DATE: 2021 LOUISIANA DISTRICT CONFERENCE JANUARY 29-31, 2021 MONROE, LOUISIANA
To: Brother Keith Dillon District Director From: Bros. Joseph K. Byrd & Gilbert A. Jones Area 1 Co- Directors RE: Chapter Reports Date: January 10, 2020 Beta Phi- Dillard University ❖ Finished Fall 2019 with a 3.4 chapter GPA ❖ Initiated 7 new brothers ❖ Led various voter registration drives ❖ Co-host a march to the polls for the gubernatorial elections ❖ Week of events for Prostate Cancer Awareness ❖ Brought 75 students to the library for our kickoff event ❖ Project Alpha at St. Augustine High School Theta Phi ❖ Initiated two new brothers ❖ Volunteered for St. Jude Children’s Hospital during WYLD radiothon to raise money Rho Iota Primary Elections Pie a Greek Car wash Black Greek History Forum: Difference challenges we face, being founded on an HBCU or PWI January MLK Day of Service 1/20 March from City Hall with Sigma Lambda District 1/24-1/25 February Women’s Appreciation Day: Certification + Roses to Faculty Pie A Greek Black History Jeopardy / Game Night March Regional 3/5-3/8 Alpha Week 3/22-3/28 Sunday 3/22: Sunday Church Service Monday 3/23: Barbershop Talks w/ Free Haircuts • Challenges on a PWI vs. HBCU Tuesday 3/24: Resume Workshop and Professionalism • Financial Literacy • Preparing for Life After Graduation
Wednesday 3/25: Free Massages, Blue Cliff Co. Thursday 3/26: Friday 3/27: 3v3 Basketball Tournament Saturday 3/28: Alpha Party? Insurance 21 days in advance. April Cookout/ Volleyball Tournament Rho Epsilon Chapter at Loyola University New Orleans This semester we: • Initiated 4 new brothers, a completed successful IMDP Process, and held a New Member Presentation • Hosted a Voteless People is a Hopeless People Voters Registration Drive • Collaborated with our SGA to provide Mental Health Goodie Bags for free to our students during exam time • Held two popular Debate Watch Parties to encourage political participation among Loyola students • Served the elderly and homeless community at New Home Ministries We are looking forward to even greater successes and advocacy for the spring 2020 semester. Beta Tau ❖ Inactive Kappa Mu Chapter at Nicholls State University – Thibodaux, LA Fall semester 2019 we: • Participated in Move – N - Day • Moms Pantry – donated 300 items • Voters Registration Drive – 50 participants • Prostate Social Media video + Awareness Event Sigma Lambda Chapter • Partnered with Red Cross for MLK Day of Service • Participated in the MLK March as a sponsored • Raised $5,000 for Give NOLA Day for the scholarship foundation • Hosted hospalitity for the AKA regional convention • Hosted hospalitity for the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. National Convention • Raised $12,500 for the scholarship foundation during founder’s week • Hosted a scholarship breakfast and awarded $6,000 in scholarships • Honored the legionary Leah Chase by serving as ushers during her service
• Served as mentors at Warren Easton High School through our Alpha Youth Leadership program • Hosted successful reclamation & brotherhood events in New Orleans area Epsilon Upsilon chapter highlights • PhirstPham Karaoke joint program with AKAs • Breast Cancer Awareness Balloon Release • Voters Registration Drive • Escorted Miss Alpha Kappa Alpha at 2019 SUNO Homecoming Coronation Ball • Study With The Alphas Epsilon Upsilon chapter highlights Pi Pi Lambda supported the following events in Calendar Year 2019: 1. Participated in the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. march and program, hosted by the Mt. Olive A.M.E. Church and led by Rev. Bro. Earl Robinson Jr. 2. Supported the St. Tammany Parish School Board \"What to do after Graduating from High School\" College Fair at Salmen High School. 3. Participated in Alpha Day at the Capital. 4. Supported the Black History Month Program at Boyet Jr. High School. Bro. Mark Ross was the Chair and Master of Ceremony for this event. 5. Participated in \"Greek Day\" at Living the Word, International Ministries. 6. Supported the bi-annual \"Keep Slidell Beautiful\" campaign and planted flowers around the Slidell Auditorium. Brothers also painted benches, flower beds, and playground equipment in the neighboring Griffith Park. 7. Hosted and facilitated a Meet the Author/Book Signing with Bro. William Thrasher for his book \"Good Citizenship for Today: A Mind Set on Civil Virtue\". 8. Hosted the 23rd Annual Education Foundation Scholarship Golf Tournament at Pinewood Golf Club. As a result, awarded raised over $7,000 in funds to award college scholarships to local graduating High School Seniors. Presented five (5) students with scholarships during a program at the Providence Missionary Baptist Church, Pastored by Rev. Bro. Ray L. Larry. 9. Participated in the Northshore Greek Picnic at Fontainebleau State Park in Mandeville, LA hosted by the Hammond Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi. 10. Supported the City Court Judge Meet and Greet event prior to the local elections. 11. Participated in the St. Tammany Parish School Board Minority Teacher Reception.
12. Supported the College and Career Fair at Covington High School. 13. Participated in the Area 1 Fall 2019 IMDP Process and welcomed one (1) new brother to the chapter, Bro. Steven Patterson. 14. Supported the Mt. Olive A.M.E. Church Feeding Ministry's \"Running to Feed the Hungry\" Thanksgiving 5K event on Thanksgiving morning. 15. Hosted a Chapter Founder's Day Luncheon. 16. Marched in the Lacombe Christmas Parade. Passed out candy and small toys to children along the parade route. 17. Participated in the Northshore Greek Christmas Holiday Mixer hosted by the Slidell Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta. Donated hats and gloves for youth at two (2) Elementary Schools in Slidell, LA. Sorry for the late email. Let me know if you require anything further. Fraternally, Bro. Southers
LOUISIANA DISTRICT CONFERENCE 2020– LAFAYETTE, LA AREA DIRECTOR’S REPORT – AREA II – BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA JANUARY 24, 2020 Area II, which consists of 3 college chapters and 2 alumni chapters, is alive and well. The chapters, Beta Iota Lambda of Baton Rouge, Xi Nu Lambda of Baton Rouge, Beta Sigma of Southern University, Kappa Nu of Southeastern Louisiana University, and Nu Psi of Louisiana State University continue to hold high the name of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity by providing services to the community and college campuses. I will attempt to share just a few noteworthy accomplishments of these outstanding chapters. Beta Iota Lambda (Chartered in 1939) In February, the chapter held its annual Henry Bellaire Memorial Senior Citizens Dinner at Greater King David Baptist Church for more than 100 senior citizens. In April 2019, the Beta Iota Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. hosted its 23rd Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament at Copper Mill Golf Course. In the spring of 2019, after completion of the Initial Membership Development Process (IMDP) the chapter welcomed a record number 18 new brothers by way of initiation into our esteemed Brotherhood. The Beta Sigma Chapter also participated in this IMDP process. Beta Iota Lambda Chapter held its 4th annual Juneteenth Celebration on Saturday, June 15, 2019 at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Catholic Student Center on the Campus of Southern University. The Brothers recognized eight individuals who are doing great things in the Baton Rouge Community. Governor John Bel Edwards attended the event and extended a proclamation to the chapter. The Brothers also awarded 4 young men with college scholarships. This event raised more than $10, 000 to be used for future scholarships Beta Iota Lambda shared various service projects in conjunction with the Beta Sigma Chapter and throughout the year the chapter conducted all of the mandated National Programs and/or Special Projects. Also, the chapters joined together to provide 45 families with Thanksgiving baskets for their annual Thanksgiving Turkey Drive and adopted local Head Start families for Christmas 2019. The chapter also participated in the annual March of Dimes “Walk for Babies” along with 3 other Area chapters.
Xi Nu Lambda (Chartered in 1983) Longtime chapter Vice-President and Chapter Dean, Malcolm G. Carpenter was elected president of the Xi Nu Lambda chapter in May 2019, succeeding Brother Michael J. McKnight. The newly elected Vice- President is Brother Brandon V. Lewis. The Xi Nu Lambda Chapter conducted its annual Thanksgiving Baskets Giveaway that benefited indigent families throughout the Greater Baton Rouge Area. These families received bountiful food baskets that ensured them of an enjoyable holiday. The chapter did not participate in IMDP in 2019 but reclaimed some Brothers and welcomed several transfer Brothers from other Districts and/or Areas to the chapter. It also assisted the Nu Psi Chapter with its Initial Membership Development Process (IMDP) in the Fall semester of 2019. Xi Nu lambda continues to serve as the advisory chapter for the Nu Psi and Kappa Nu Chapters. The Chapter fulfilled it obligation to award a scholarship to last year’s Beautillion winner for furthering of his academic pursuits. One of Xi Nu Lambda’s members and former financial secretary (Brother Lamar Batiste) comntinues to serve as pastor of the Mt. Gideon Baptist Church in South Baton Rouge. The chapter again had strong participation in the annual Back-To- School Expo spearheaded by Councilwoman Donna Collins Lewis, hosted at Baton Rouge Community College’s gymnasium in August 2019. Kappa Nu and Nu Psi Brothers also partcipated in this outstanding community service project. It also hosted/conducted a number of the National Programs and/or special projects of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. as well as chapter- specific projects/programs. A great example is the anual March of Dimes‘ Walk for Babies held in 2019 on the grounds of the the Pennington Biomedical Reaearch Center in the Kenilkworh Area of Baton Rouge where its goal of $500.00 was reached.
Kappa Nu Chapter (Chartered in 1975) Kappa Nu did not participate in IMDP in 2019 but a total of 6 Brothers graduated during the 2019. Kappa Nu completed 75 hours of community service and 3 of our Fraternity’s Special Projects including the March of Dimes Walk for Babies along with Nu Psi, Xi Nu Lambda and Beta Iota Lambda Chapters. The Kappa Nu Chapter participated in Southeastern Greek Life’s Annual Spring Greek Week, its team finishing 2nd overall. The chapter was awarded the Department of Student Affairs Student Organization Award of Excellence. Brother Keenan Austin was selected the 2019 Homecoming King making this the second consecutive year that a Kappa Nu Brother (Cedric Dent) was selected for this honor. Kappa Nu members are currently holding a number of positions outside of Alpha Phi Alpha on the Southeastern Louisiana University’s campus. Some of those positions are: Brother Charles Augustus: Awarded thre Profit Asses Award for Distinguished Marketing Research in the College of Business Brother Richard Davis; Awarded the 2018-2019 Southeastern Man of the Year; and sat on the Board of the University of Louisiana System as the only student representative. Brother Hendrick Foster: 2018-2019 Greek Man of the Year; Brother Keenan Austin: 2018-2019 Tutor of the Year and Senator of the College of Science and Technology/Director of Academic Affairs; Brother Charles Augustus: SGA Assistant Director of communications and Marketing. The chapter also hosted an outstanding commemorative candlelight march and program in honor of Brother Dr. Martin L. King in January 2019. The program was well attended by students, SLU Administrators and faculty, visitors and Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity.
Brother Dr. Alejandro Perkins, chairman of the University of Louisiana System Board of directors served as the keynote speaker. Beta Sigma (Chartered in 1936 being Louisiana’s oldest chapter) During 2019, Beta Sigma Chapter participated in IMDP and 20 excited Brothers were added to the chapter’s roster. This was a very diversified group of Brothers where there were outstanding football players (Team Captain and Honor Student Benjamin L. Harris, Jamar Washington, Arvin Huff and Landon Auzenne); Band members including (Carrington Hall, Kenyen Martin, Phong Nuygen); track star Wallace Douglas Smith; SGA President Anthony Kenney; Anthony Price, Military Sergeant; Makenzie Richard, President of the Southern University NSBE Chapter and so on. The chapter’s membership also includes the Drum Major of the Human Jukebox, Brother Traevon Caesar of Lake Charles, La. Seven chapter members were able to attain summer internships in their respective fields of concentration. Sixteen Brothers graduated in 2019 and several are already enrolled in Graduate school at Southern University. The Beta Sigma Chapter hosted 15 social and/or educational events in 2019 that were focused on the preparation of the student body for life after college in the areas of finance, police engagement, career paths, professionalism and other topics. The chapter partnered with other organizations on four of these activities. Total event attendance was more than 1, 300 for all events combined. The chapter sponsored its annual Turkey give-a-way along with Beta Iota Lambda, where 45 - 50 families were presented Turkeys and all the trimmings for their holiday dinners affording the opportunity to give back to the community and help those who are less fortunate.
Nu Psi Chapter (Chartered in 1978) Five Brothers graduated in 2019. Seven Brothers joined the chapter through the IMDP in the Fall of 2019. The advisory alumni chapter, Xi Nu Lambda assisted with this effort. The chapter qualified for the “Order of Omega” outstanding chapter award in 2019, awarded by LSU Greek Life. Several Brothers received NPHC awards during 2019. The chapter also participated in the annual Dr. M. L. King Commemorative candlelight march and program held in January 2019 and also was a sponsor of the “Phood” for the Soul Food Drive. It also participated in the annual March of Dimes “Walk for Babies” along with 3 other Area chapters. In the fraternity, Nu Psi was awarded the 2019 District Collegiate Scholars’ Bowl Winner and the 2019 District and SW Regional Stroll- Off Competition Winners. Submitted by Alvin J. Cavalier, Director Louisiana Area II Friday, January 24, 2020
Annual Report of Area 3 Louisiana District ETA GAMMA LAMBDA CHAPTER (Lafayette, LA) Current Membership: 45 Initiated during 2019: 3 Community Service Involvement Adopted the Dr. Raphael A. Baranco Elementary School Angel Tree Project with the Trinity CME Church Project Alpha Brother’s Keeper Voter registration drives Boy Scouts of America Big Brothers Big Sisters of Acadiana Bowling for Kids’ Sake Lafayette Parish School Board Coat Drive MLK Holiday Observance Donated Thanksgiving boxes FoodNet Lafayette Consolidated Government Front Yard Project St. Joseph’s Diner Award three (3) scholarship to college-bound high school graduates NU THETA LAMBDA CHAPTER (St. Martinville, LA) Current Membership: 9 Community Service Involvement Conducted Project Alpha with Catechism students at Notre Dame Catholic Church in St. Martinville Awarded scholarships to two (2) college-bound St. Martin Parish high school graduates and one (1) college-bound Iberia Parish high school graduate. Conducted 2nd annual po-boy sale to fund community service programs and scholarships. Held chapter picnic in the fall for fellowship among Brothers and their families. Provided Thanksgiving baskets to St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church in Cecilia, LA. Planned the chapter’s 40th Anniversary celebration to be held on Saturday, February 8, 2020 with 30th General President, Bro. Adrian Wallace, as the guest speaker. ZETA XI CHAPTER (University of Louisiana at Lafayette) Current Membership: 9 Initiated: 3 Six (6) brothers awarded the bachelor degree Seven (7) alumni brothers awarded the master degree Two (2) alumni brother awarded the PhD degree
Chapter designated a 5-star rating by the university (10th consecutive year) Eight (8) brothers named to the Dean’s List 2019 Outstanding Greek Chapter President, Bro. Jonathan Alexander 2019 Homecoming King, Bro. Jonathan Alexander 2019 Homecoming Court, Bro. Yusef Davis NAACP President, Bro. Brent Bailey Black Male Leadership Association President, Brother Tyler Holmes NPHC President, Bro. Adam Eugene Black Student Union President, Bro. Yusef Davis SGA Senate Chairman, Bro. Jonathan Alexander Two SGA Senators, Brothers Dalon Coleman and Jonathan Alexander. Completed 1,387 community service hours Donated $10,685 to philanthropic purposes Community Service Involvement MLK Holiday observance Boys and Girls Clubs of Acadiana Boy Scouts of America Brother’s Keeper Voter registration drives Americorps FoodNet Lafayette Christian Academy St Joseph’s Diner Sponsored Mental Health Awareness Day at ULL SMILE Community Action City-Wide Health Expo Lafayette School Board Coat Drive Project Alpha Clearport Learning Center tutoring Bowling for Kids’ Sake Big Brothers Big Sisters of Acadiana Lafayette Consolidated Government Front Yard Project Educational Talent Search Adopted Dr. Raphael A. Baranco Elementary School Games of Acadiana (Miles Perret Cancer Center) IOTA XI LAMBDA CHAPTER (Opelousas, LA) Current Membership: 13 Will observe the chapter’s 50th anniversary in 2020 Hosted Area 3 Founders Day program Presented the Iota Xi Lambda Chapter’s annual scholarship to a high school student Participated in “Take Back the Night” (Domestic Abuse Awareness) Participated in the Annual Martin L. King, Jr. celebration Participated on the Holy Ghost Catholic Church Black History Program
Area 4 Report 57th Louisiana District Conference – Lafayette, LA Area 4 is based in Lake Charles, LA consisting of two chapters: the Theta Theta Chapter at McNeese State University and the Zeta Psi Lambda Alumni Chapter. Name AREA 4 LEADERSHIP Chapter Bro. Kedrick Nicholas Office Zeta Psi Lambda Bro. Robbie Smith Zeta Psi Lambda Bro. Eric Fry Area Director Zeta Psi Lambda Bro. Peter Sheppard, Jr. President Theta Theta Bro. De’Angelo Vaughn-Allen Vice-President Theta Theta President Vice-President AREA 4 MEMBERSHIP Chapter Number of Active Brothers Graduates Reclamation Theta Theta 1 12 Spring 2019 – 2 Zeta Psi Lambda 4 Fall 2019 – 2 41 AREA 4 – 50 YEAR BROTHERS Name Initiation Joseph Bellard Zeta Psi Lambda ‘63 Johnnie Mouton Delta Sigma ‘64 George Coney Delta Sigma ‘53 Wilson Pete Delta Sigma ‘65 Frank Pryce Beta Phi ‘48 Leroy Sanford Delta Sigma ‘52 Johnny Thomas Delta Sigma ‘62 Patrick Potier Zeta Psi Lambda ‘68 Omega Chapter 2020 Name Initiation George Coney Delta Sigma ‘53 Area Awards (2019) Award Recipient Chapter Zeta Psi Lambda Warren H. Combre Alpha Service Award Bro. Eric Fry Zeta Psi Lambda N/A Alpha Man of the Year (Alumni) Bro. Robert Shelton, Jr. Zeta Psi Lambda Dr. Leonard C. Breda, Jr. Community Emily Ashworth Theta Theta Theta Theta Service Award Theta Theta N/A Outstanding Neophyte Award Stanley Alexander, Jr. Robert Boxie, Jr. Chapter Service Award Bro. Peter Sheppard, Jr. Alpha Man of the Year (College) Bro. Jacoby Sam Neophyte of the Year Bro. Jonta Jones Dr. Whitney Harris Community Services Jarmanni Comeaux Award
Fall 2019 initiates of Area 4 Brotherhood in Area 4 Zeta Psi Lambda Chapter Highlights Founded July 12, 1975 – Lake Charles, LA The chapter meets once per month at Southwest Louisiana Center for Health Services. ▪ Participated in the Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend Celebrations: MLK Unity Community Clean-up at the MLK Community Center and Park ▪ Martin Luther King Jr. Parade & Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Breakfast ▪ 5 Brothers attend the 56th Louisiana District conference January 25-27, 2019 in Alexandria, LA. ▪ NPHC Literacy Extravaganza – March 2019 ▪ 2019 Lake Charles Black Heritage Festival Promoting “A Voteless People Is A Hopeless People” and March of Dimes ▪ Chapter representation at the 73rd Southwestern Regional convention April 4-7, 2019 in Houston, TX. ▪ Bro. Eric Fry, Sr. – Espirit de Fraternite’ Award recipient ▪ Five chapter brothers attended Alpha Day at the Capitol in Baton Rouge, LA ▪ 2019 Dr. Ulric Pryce Memorial Scholarship – recipient was Nicholas St. Mary
Scholarship presentation ▪ Prostate Cancer Awareness Month promotions o Promoted wearing blue around the city of Lake Charles. o Men’s Health Day with Southwest Louisiana Center for Health Services Men’s Health Program ▪ Lake Charles NPHC Greek Unity Day at Greater St. Mary Missionary Baptist Church ▪ Four brothers attended the General Convention in Las Vegas, NV. ▪ Zeta Psi Lambda Alpha Day of Action against Domestic Violence-Oasis Women Shelter Flowers by the Lake ▪ Annual Founder's Day Dinner and Awards Banquet – keynote speaker was 35th General President Adrian Wallace Domestic abuse awareness event
Theta Theta Chapter Highlights Founded January 1, 1973 – McNeese State University The chapter meets bi-weekly on McNeese’s campus. Community Participation ▪ Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Breakfast ▪ Martin Luther King Jr. Community Parade ▪ Association of Fraternal Leadership Values Conference in Indianapolis, IN ▪ Oak Park Elementary- Field Day Program ▪ Lake Charles, LA NPHC Literary Extravaganza ▪ March of Dimes community fundraising event. ▪ Oak Park Elementary- Red Ribbon Week MLK Day Parade Fraternity Compliance ▪ Louisiana District Conference – 4 registrants ▪ Southwestern Regional Convention – 6 registrants ▪ General Convention – 2 registrants ▪ Mentorship sessions with Southwest Louisiana Charter School basketball team Chapter Programs ▪ Mental Health Awareness ▪ Canned good donation drive ▪ A Voteless People is a Hopeless People- voters registration Field day at Oak Park Elementary
Membership ▪ Initiated 4 new brothers in spring of 2019 and 4 new brothers in fall of 2019 Category Chapter GPA Data Campus Rank Spring 2019 Semester Average 9th Spring 2019 Cumulative 11th Fall 2019 Semester 2.73 10th Fall 2019 Cumulative 2.72 11th 2.72 2.72 The Theta Theta Chapter is a “B” graded chapter at McNeese State University. Fraternally Submitted, Bro. Kedrick A. Nicholas Area 4 Director – Louisiana District
Click to buy NOW!PDF-XChange PDF-XChange omw.docu-track.c w.docu-track.c Click to buy NOW! om ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. LOUISIANA DISTRICT Area V Director 2334 3rd St. | Alexandria, LA 71301| [email protected] ww ww January 21, 2019 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Brother Keith Dillon, District Director Louisiana District Director Re: Area V Report Epsilon Psi Lambda The chapter held its inaugural Black & Gold Scholarship Ball on January 12, 2019. The ball was successful and garnered thousands of dollars in scholarship proceeds. The chapter participated in a Heritage Quiz Bowl during MLK weekend January 2019 and placed first. The Alpha Ambassadors participated in a Heritage Quiz Bowl and won first place. This activity was designed to teach teenagers about Black History. The Chapter conducted, “Go to High School Go to College” at Peabody Magnet High School where they talked with ninth and twelfth grade students about the importance of staying in school, making good grades and going on to high School. The chapter awarded five scholarships to students in Rapides Parish. The Chapter continues to hold monthly Alpha Ambassadors Club meetings at the fraternity house. The following topics have been discussed. 1. Planning educational goals 2. Study Habits
PDF-XChange PDF-XChange w.docu-track.c Click to buy NOW! om Click to buy NOW! om 3. Preparing to take the ACT 4. Importance of Reading for knowledge 5. How to tie a neck tie and bow tie 6. Bullying 7. Basic Finance 101 8. Sexting 9. Sexual Assault 10.Respect of women 11.Table Etiquette ww ww w.docu-track.c The brothers participated in the local March for Babies Campaign. Project Alpha was held in October 2019. Record attendance was captured for this man to man talk. The chapter provided 25 holiday food baskets for low income families. The chapter continues to pursue establishing a chapter at LSUA. The chapter conducted IMDP in Fall 2019 and brought four men into the fraternity (Bro(s). Keyland Lamar, Ashton Taylor, Quincy McKinney and Gregory Sampson. The chapter reclaimed two brothers into the chapter, bringing our number of active brothers to record breaking levels. This document is for information purposes only. Brother Ron Smith Area V Director Louisiana District Henry A. Callis Charles H. Chapman Eugene K. Jones George B. Kelley Nathaniel A. Murray Robert H. Ogle, Vertner Woodson Tandy
Louisiana District Area VI – Area Director’s Report January 24, 2019 Area VI – Consists of Eta Chi (University of LA at Monroe); Eta Kappa (LA Tech University); Delta Sigma Chapter (Grambling State University); Epsilon Kappa Lambda (Grambling) and Eta Delta Lambda (Monroe). All chapters came together to have an Area VI Founder’s Day. Eta Chi: Bro. Regginald Goode – President GPA – 2.75 Total members – 8 • Participated in Move in Mania at the beginning of school. • Hosted weekly TAM day sessions which focused on Breast Cancer Awareness, credit building, Project Alpha, health and wellness, suicide and sexual assault. • Held tailgate for the Grambling/ULM game in August • Browse on the Bayou • Led Stroll like an Alpha Competition • Participated in Adopt-A-School with Madison James Foster Elementary. • Chapter concluded 2019 fall IMDP with 4 neophytes were made. • In 2019, 8 brothers graduated. Eta Kappa: Bro. Michael Martin – President Chapter GPA – 2.66 Total members – 11 • Held a Pizza Party for Ruston Elementary & Cypress Elementary for academic performance • Participated and lead disaster relief efforts with LA Tech and City of Ruston for tornado that occurred in March 2019. • Held fundraiser “Pie an Alpha” • Participate in the Unity Greek Step Show • Held a seminar on voter awareness, and held 2 voter registration drives. • Chapter volunteered at Med Camps and Disability Center. • Participated in 2019 fall IMDP in which 4 neophytes were made. • In 2019, a total of 5 brothers graduated. • Chapter was released from Social Suspension as of December 2019. Delta Sigma: Bro. Major Woods – President Chapter GPA – 3.3 Total members – 10 • Hosted Project Alpha called Cocoa and Condoms, financial literacy workshop that focused on insurance and budgeting, and Barbershop talk with men that focused on men health. • Participated in the Homecoming and Bayou Classic Step Show.
• Lincoln Prep community event such as “House Party” where they had fellowship with kids. • Trunk or Treat with Boys and Girls Club • Four Paws rescue where they cleaned the animal shelter and groomed dogs. • Ice & Alpha in which funds raised were donated to March of Dimes. • Participated in High School day in partnership with University Recruitment. • Brotherhood fellowship with Alumni Brothers for Brother’s Keeper. • Total of 9 brothers graduated in 2019 Eta Delta Lambda: Bro. Mark Wilson - President Total members – 28 • Participated in the MLK Celebration at WFR Church • Participated in Calvary Baptist Church Annual Greek Day • Alpha Knights participated in fraternity initiatives: Go to High School, Go to College and Project Alpha • Held Annual Scholarship Banquet where they gave 7 scholarships to deserving high school students. • Hosted its annual toy drive where they rewarded 8 young men with Christmas gifts. • Chapter held it’s first trail ride as a fundraiser. • Hosted a Mental Heath Awareness Seminar in which brothers held led the panel discussions. Epsilon Kappa Lambda: Bro. Emmanuel Seals Total members – 15 • Participated in the MLK Celebration at Grambling in conjunction with Delta Sigma • Held a candidate forum for November election. • Held Annual Christmas Toy Drive.
ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. ® LOUISIANA DISTRICT 8814 Veterans Memorial Blvd. #3-310 | Metairie, Louisiana 70003 | [email protected] Tarryance Robinson Keith V. Dillon Southwestern Regional Vice President Louisiana District Director Russell Williams, III. Nicolas Landry Southwestern Regional Assistant Vice President Louisiana Assistant District Director To: Bro. Keith Dillon, District Director From: Bro. Rodney Welch, Time & Place Chair Date: January 23, 2020 Re: 58th District Conference (2021) The 58th District Conference will be held in Monroe, LA. The proposed conference dates are January 29- 31, 2021 to be held at either the Monroe Civic Center or the University of LA at Monroe. The proposed host hotel is the Courtyard by Marriot (Monroe Airport), and Town Place Suites as an overflow located at 4915 Pecanland Mall Dr, Monroe, LA. All locations have been blocked until the District Director and Conference Team can negotiate rates and sign contracts. Host Chapters will be the Eta Delta Lambda Chapter and Eta Chi Chapters, and we will also be reaching out to the other chapters within the Area VI: Epsilon Kappa Lambda, Delta Sigma and Eta Kappa.
REPORT OF THE RULES AND CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE Louisiana District Conference ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. Lafayette, LA January 24-26, 2020 Page 1 of 3 1. All chapter fees (state and national) must be paid prior to any delegate being certified. 2. Delegates shall present their credentials: convention badge and current pass card, life membership card or special pass signed by the representative of the national office to the Rules and Credentials Committee. 3. Delegates shall be seated in a designated section of the assembly and shall be identified by convention badge bearing his name and some other “over print symbol.” 4. Visiting Brothers shall be seated in other specific sections of the assembly. 5. There shall be an easily identifiable space between the various sections. 6. Past General Presidents, General Officers, Regional Officers, and Past Louisiana District Directors shall be seated on an identifiable row. 7. The Parliamentarian shall be privileged to be seated on the podium near the rostrum. 8. There shall be a Sergeant-at-Arms at the entrance of the assembly to facilitate the identification and admission of Brothers and to maintain order. 9. Entrance and exit to the assembly shall be through the main door. 10. No Brother can be admitted without the convention badge. 11. The conference shall be governed by Roberts’ Rules of Order, Newly Revised except that in the matter of debate, each speaker shall be limited to not more than three (3) minutes. Additional time may be granted at the discretion of the presiding officer. 12. The Louisiana District Director shall be ex-officio on all committees. 13. The Rules and Credentials Committee shall report to the assembly at the opening of each business session.
REPORT OF THE RULES AND CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE (continued) Page 2 of 3 14. A Brother shall give his name and chapter affiliation after being recognized before addressing the Chair. 15. One fourth (1/4) of registered delegates shall constitute a quorum, as provided in the constitution and by-laws of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc… Article II, Section 9.9.1. 16. In a scheduled session, the necessity of a quorum shall apply at the initiation of a scheduled session or in incidence of organic legislation. 17. There shall be no verbal reports of committee chairmen except the essential working committees of the Louisiana District Conference. 18. Time not to exceed five (5) minutes, shall be given committee chairmen for emphasis, summaries, and recommendations of their reports. 19. The Louisiana District Conference shall not entertain for discussion at the time of its presentation any matter by a visitor or member of the convention which in the course of convention procedure can be considered by an existing or established committee. 20. The printed program presented by the Louisiana District Conference shall be the official program of the conference. 21. No chapter can register for special events at this conference (step contest, Chapter of the Year, etc.) unless there is 100% of delegates assigned to that chapter registered for the conference and the chapter has not be suspended. 22. Registration for special events shall be conducted in the same area provided for the Rules and Credentials Committee. 23. There shall be no smoking in the assembly hall. 24. All matters pertaining to distribution of funds or other matters of finance shall be referred to the Budget and Finance Committee or other proper committee(s) prior to extended discussion and/or voting by the Louisiana District Conference. 25. All visiting Brothers shall have all rights and privileges of delegates, including the right to address the assembly, raise points of order, state an unreadiness, and take other parliamentary action inherent in a deliberative body, provided that they hold a current membership pass card – but they shall not have the right to vote.
REPORT OF THE RULES AND CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE (continued) Page 3 of 3 26. All cell telephones must be turned off in the assembly hall. 27. Fifty (50) year Brothers shall be seated in a designated section near the front of the assembly hall. ELECTION RULES 1. All nominating speeches shall be limited to not more than three (3) minutes. 2. All seconding speeches shall be limited to not more than two (2) minutes. 3. There shall be one (1) nominating speech and not more than two (2) seconding speeches. 4. The list of Eligible Voters certified by the Rules and Credentials Committee shall constitute the “Official Voting Personnel” of the Louisiana District Conference. 5. All candidates MUST be able to complete a one year term (where required) in order to meet basic qualifications for the office he is seeking. Fraternally submitted, The Rules and Credentials Committee January 24, 2020
ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. ® Louisiana Convention Committee on Nominations and Elections January 24, 2020 By the authority invested in me as chairman of the Committee on Nominations and Elections, I hereby submit that the following rules and guidelines that shall govern the voting for All (District Director, Assistant District Director, Treasurer, Chaplin) positions to be declared opened during this 2020 conference: Rules permit that a time and place be set aside for the election of the above 2 positions of the Fraternity. Rules also permit nominations from the floor during the Regional Convention. The full process should be on Friday or such time as stated by the Election Committee at the Convention. Rules governing the nomination and election of officers are as follows. 1. Eligibility The eligible voters shall be the certified delegates to the convention as deemed such by the Committee on Rules and Credentials. The delegate strength is determined by the number of delegates each chapter is entitled in accordance with the table of apportionment under article II, Section 41 of the Constitution. 2. Nomination Speeches There will be a time limit of (3) minutes for a nomination speech. Seconding Speeches shall be limited to two (2) minute speeches. There shall be only one nomination speech and no more than two seconding speeches by active brothers. • A motion to close nominations for a particular office will be recognized after no further nominations are offered. • After nominations have been formally closed a motion to this effect may not reopen them if the voting has not commenced. This motion requires a majority vote • Should only one candidate for an office be nominated, the chairman will accept a motion that such candidate is “elected by acclamation”
3. Acceptance Speeches Each candidate will be limited to (3) minutes to accept his nomination. The sequence of the candidate speaking will be based upon the draw of lots or cards with the lowest card going first. There will NOT be a question and answer period (Candidates Forum) from the floor. Note these questions will be written on cards, drawn and answered by all candidates. There will be at least two rounds of question for each candidate giving each an opportunity to respond first. (If more than one.) 4. There shall be no campaign material, banners, or demonstrations within the Convention meeting halls nor within 100 feet of the doors leading up to the Meeting halls. This does not include committee meeting rooms. 5. The polling must be free of any campaign materials, signs, slogans, or buttons. No candidate may be within 100 feet of the voting site except to vote. 6. There shall be no campaign material affix in any way to the hotel walls, columns, or any other hotel permanent fixtures. However, you may place material in the chairs only at the luncheons. 7. Campaign tables may be used at the request and approval of the Director of Conventions who will provide them. 9. There will be an allotted time to vote on Saturday at this conference after the Luncheon. Because there are only ( ?? ) DISTRICT DIRECTOR candidates ( ??? ) ASSISSTANT DISTRICT DIRECTOR candidates the voting will take place by secret ballots 10. During the election, all delegates must present their convention badge and, if identity questions arise, some other form of fraternal ID may be requested. 11. Each candidate may have only one (1) observer inside the polling room. The polling site will be open and presented by the Committee the day of the vote. Other procedures may be established by the Election Committee as transmitted to the Convention. 12. After the tabulations, except where there is only one nominee, election shall be decided by majority vote. (51% present and voting). If there are more than two and no one has (51%) then there will be a run off of the top two. In the event for a need of a runoff election, a
time and place will be designated immediately after the results of the initial election has been revealed to the candidates and the top two candidates will be given an opportunity to make a three (3) minute address to the General Convention. The candidates that do not advance forward will have (1) minute to make comments on the top two candidates if so chose. 13. Should there be the need of a second vote for the above office(s) it will also take place by secret ballot. 14. The committee on nomination and election shall report the results of the election during the final business session. • The District Chaplain (if available) shall serve as the observer during the tabulation of the ballots • Candidates having the largest number of votes shall be declared winners and shall be duly sworn in. Fraternally Submitted, Gilbert A Jones Gilbert A. Jones, Chairman Committee on Nominations and Elections
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