My Journal Entries 2015-2016 By Abigail Tower
Some things that I find interest in are baking and playing myclarinet. I enjoy playing baking because I enjoy making sweets for otherpeople. I find baking very fun. It is fun to bake different things and trynew recipes. I like to play my clarinet because I it entertains me. Playingand practicing my clarinet helps me to do better in band. It also helps me to be able to play my instrument better.
One of my greatest accomplishments is getting to be in first chair. Iam now the first chair clarinet in Intermediate Band. This is a reallygreat accomplishment for me because I have been working hard to achievethis goal all year. I am very excited to be in first chair. I know that Iwill have to work even harder now to be able to stay in first chair.
A person that I really admire is my Great Grandma because I thinkthat she is amazing for having lived so long. She is in her 90s and stillhas amazing health. Her memory is as sharp as a whip and she can stilltell incredible stories of her childhood and life. Her stories that she tellsare absolutely amazing and unbelievable. She doesn’t even live at thenursing home any more. She now lives in an assisted living home. She isespecially special to me because I am her oldest great granddaughter.
I would describe myself as crazy because in the words of Aulani, “Idon’t know why you’re crazy, you just are.” I am always on the moveand you never know what I might do next. I am always excited andenergetic. I love being crazy because it is always interesting when you arecrazy. One minute you might be doing one thing and the next minute youare doing something different.
What Thanksgiving means to me is family, food, and fun. It meansfamily to me because Thanksgiving is when we all gather around the tableas family. It means food because Thanksgiving is when we eat ahomecooked meal. It means fun because Thanksgiving is always a funtime and I really enjoy it. Most of all Thanksgiving is about givingthanks for everything that we have that others may not have. There areso many things that we take for granted and Thanksgiving is when weremember those things and give thanks for them.
This Thanksgiving holiday was fun because I got to go to Georgiawhere my grandmother and my uncle live. We got to have Thanksgivingwith them and we had a lot of fun. It was the first time I got to see myuncle in like seven years so I really enjoyed getting to see and visit withthem. We ate lots of good food like turkey, macaroni and cheese, rolls,and green beans. I had a lot of fun playing with my two cousins who aretwelve and three.
It really gets on my nerves when people with rolling backpacks walkin the hall. This gets on my nerves because it makes it very hard to walkin the hall. It is almost impossible to walk without tripping over theirbackpack multiple times. Rolling backpacks really do just aggravate me.It doesn’t help when the person with the rolling backpack walks reallyslow either.
My favorite game is Quelf. I like Quelf because it is a hilariousgame and it is very entertaining. It is a game where you draw cards andyou have to do whatever the card tells you to do. The card might say topretend that you are an interior designer and start moving furniture in theroom. It could also say that you need to go find a spatula and hold it inyour hand for the rest of the game. There are just lots of silly things likethat that you have to do. I also like this game because it doesn’t take anyskill to win it. Even if you are terrible at games, you can still win thisone.
I like to spend my free time baking. I like to do this because I findbaking very fun and it makes me happy to bake for other people. I like tobake all kinds of sweet treats. Some of my favorite things to bake arefudge, marble bars, brownies, and cookies. I like to bake for both myselfand other people. Baking is something fun for me and I love seeing thefaces on the people that I give my baked goods to. I also enjoy eatingwhat I bake of course.
My dream house would have fifteen floors. On the first floor therewould be twenty-seven T.V.s. The next floor would have eighteen pools.The next floor would have twelve hot tubs. The third floor would be agame room filled with games like air hockey and pool. The fourth floorwould have an arcade full of fun games. The fifth floor would have all ofthe bedrooms. The sixth floor would have a huge kitchen. The seventhfloor would have a master pantry. The eighth floor would have a masterroom that had every hair and nail thing that you could imagine. The restof the floors would have a whole bunch of amusement park ridesincluding roller coasters, zero gravity rides, and other very fun rides. Thehouse would be located on a beach. Outside there would be even moreamusement park rides and the weather would always be perfect. Theroller coaster would go from the top floor all the way down, so you wouldget on the roller coaster and go to whatever floor you needed.
My favorite pet is named Jerry Bob. He is a fish. He name is JerryBob because the type of fish that he is is called a Cherry Barb. I thoughtCherry Bob sounded like Jerry Bob so I name him Jerry Bob. He is a veryenergetic fish. He is red and he is very small. I have had him for aboutthree months now. I also have four other fish. Their names are GreenLantern, Pineapple, Dave, and Dave. Green Lantern is a Platy,Pineapple is a Pineapple Swordtail, and I can’t remember what kind offish the Daves are.
This holiday I would like to go to Gunstock. Gunstock is a very funplace in New hampshire. You can go tubing and skiing there. There arealso other fun activities. I am really looking forward to going tubingbecause tubing is very fun. At Gunstock, they hook your tube up and thepulley pulls you all the way up to the top of the hill and then you get toslide all the way down. You can also hook tubes together and ride downwith other people.
My holiday break was full of surprises. We drove up to NewHampshire (a 15 hour drive in one day!) and visited my aunt, uncle,cousins, grandma, and grandpa. Unfortunately, I did not get to go toGunstock like I had hoped to because there was no snow, but we did getto go to Funspot which is the world’s largest arcade. After NewHampshire we drove down (this time we stopped along the way). Myparents surprised my brother and I by stopping along the way at my bestfriend’s (from when I was in 3rd and 4th grade) house. I had so much funthere and this was a really great surprise. Then we drove back down anddidn’t really do much the next week. We celebrated my dad’s birthday onthe 31st though.
My New Year’s resolution is to be more patient. I want to be morepatient with others because it will help me. It will help me to listenbetter and be kinder. I want to be able to not get angry with someonewhen they don’t know something. I want to be able to help them andhave patients.
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