THE STRAIGHT ROAD TO SUCCESS RED DRIVING SCHOOL 2017FOR DRIVING INSTRUCTORSINTROTHE RISE OF THE SELF-EMPLOYEDT he UK jobs market But there’s one self-employed is a seemingly group in particular that are unpredictable one, thriving in this changeable with the number of jobs market. Who are they? people in and out of They’re the unsung heroes ofemployment forever rising and our communities, the friendlyfalling and employers nervously faces who make learning fun,anticipating the effects of Brexit. the ones teaching peopleIn the midst of the madness, young and old a valuable lifethe self-employed are standing skill: driving instructors. Yes,strong – in fact, they’re getting the current driving instructingstronger. According to the Office industry is thriving, withof National Statistics figures, specialists in this field some ofthe number of self-employed the highest earners in the entirepeople rose from 3.8 million in self-employment sector.2008 to 4.75 million betweenAugust and October 2016.That’s 15% of all people in work. 3
THE STRAIGHT ROAD TO SUCCESS RED DRIVING SCHOOL 2017FOR DRIVING INSTRUCTORS While thousands the largest of its kind in the UK, life balance is good, wellbeing of workers this white paper will show how rates are high, and when it comes across the UK a career as a driving instructor is to gender pay equality, this sector bemoan their not just a great earner, but it’s also bucks the trend with women long working great for improving your overall typically making more than men. hours, holiday clashes and difficult quality of life. managers, driving instructors What’s more, when compared are relishing the freedom that When it comes to the financial with other driving jobs such comes with being self-employed. side of things, because you have working in deliveries and heavy However this isn’t the only somuchfreedomoveryourhours, goods, a career as an instructor advantagetoditchingtheofficejob the amount you earn is up to you, came up trumps in the key areas and training as a driving instructor, but even a 30-hour week can see of annual income, satisfaction and as research has found that this you taking home more than the growth. What separates driving career move could actually be a national average. Then when it instructing from these other real money-maker. comes to job satisfaction, whether professions is the social element you work for a top franchise such – teaching the next generation of Using official stats from the Annual as RED Driving School or become drivers a valuable life skill. Driving Instructors Review 2017 an independent instructor, by specialist accountancy service research shows that the driving FBTC, as well as data collected instructing industry ticks all the by RED Driving School, one of boxes for a satisfying career. Work- EXEC. SUMMARY4
THE STRAIGHT ROAD TO SUCCESS RED DRIVING SCHOOL 2017FOR DRIVING INSTRUCTORSKEYTAKEAWAYS£1.37 £££Female driving instructors Top earning drivingare making just as much, if instructors in the industrynot more, than their male have a substantially higher income than people in other counterparts, with the average rate £1.37 more driving jobs. per hour. 93% 8% Job satisfaction is high The 8% year-on-year hourlyamong driving instructors, rate increase for RED driving with almost all of them instructors is the highest(93%) claiming to be happy growing rate in the industry in their jobs. 5
THE STRAIGHT ROAD TO SUCCESS RED DRIVING SCHOOL 2017FOR DRIVING INSTRUCTORS ‘WHO RUNS THE WORLD?’ AN INDUSTRY CHAMPIONING1.GENDER PAY EQUALITY The gender pay gap Yes, women are the biggest 19.5%% in the UK is currently winners in the driving instructing 9.4%, but with female sector, reporting a year-on-year Year-on-year weekly driving instructors average gross income increase gross income has risen making more money of £123.10 a week. This takes per week on average than their their total earnings to £754.53 a by 19.5% for female male counterparts, this industry week on average – a whopping driving instructors. is proving to be one of the most £35 more than men working the progressive. The average female same hours. Why? Well, partly £25.84 driving instructor makes £25.84 because they’ve increased their The average female an hour – £1.37 more than hourly rate industry-wide, but driving instructor makes the average male instructor – also, simply, because they’re £25.84 an hour – £1.37 and works 29.2 hours a week, working more than before. This more than the average compared to 29.4 hours for highlights just how profitable men. On top of this, female this industry can be, with a male instructor. instructors have reported a flexible working schedule 10.9% average hourly rate price allowing instructors to work as 29.2 increase over the last year, and many or as few hours as they a year-on-year weekly gross choose – regardless of gender. Female driving instructors income rise of 19.5%. work an average of 29.2 hours a week.6
“MILLENNIALS IN PARTICULAR ARE ONE GROUP BENEFITTING FROM GREATER GENDER PAY EQUALITY [...] RECENT FIGURES SHOW THE GAP BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN IN THEIR 20S HAS HALVED IN A GENERATION TO 5%. “ 2.7%% Millennials in particular are parenting, whether your little one group benefitting from one is still an infant or starting Year-on-year weekly greater gender pay equality, school, can make going back to gross income has risen with data from the Office for work feel daunting – but that’sby 2.7% for male driving National Statistics, analysed why driving instructing, a job by the Resolution Foundation, that easily fits around family instructors. showing the pay gap between and other commitments, is such men and women in their 20s a great option. Mothers and£24.47 has halved in a generation to fathers returning to work as a 5%. This is compared to 16% driving instructor can benefitThe average male driving for baby boomers (those born from working around childcare instructor makes £24.47 between 1946 and 1965). and reducing their hour – £1.37 less than However, there’s still work to the average female be done, particularly when it instructor. comes to those in their 30s and 40s, who still face wider gender 29.4 pay inequality as a result of having children and taking time Male driving instructors out of work. The demands ofwork an average of 29.4 hours a week. 7
THE STRAIGHT ROAD TO SUCCESS RED DRIVING SCHOOL 2017FOR DRIVING INSTRUCTORS THE SKY’S THE LIMIT FOR2.EARNING OPPORTUNITIES Acareer as a driving instructor can “WORKING SMARTER, RATHER come with huge financial rewards, THAN HARDER, IS IMPORTANT TO with the highest GETTING THE MOST OUT OF YOUR earners in the industry taking CAREER home £50,000 a year. Because you have complete control over “ the number of hours you work, you can do as much as your significantly higher than that of home an average of £507 a schedule allows, boosting your employees across all sectors in week before tax. earning potential. the UK, who in December 2016 were reported by the Office for There’s certainly money to be Research shows that the average National Statistics to be taking made as an instructor – indeed, driving instructor in the UK makes £731 in a week, based on just 29 hours’ work. For those working for a franchise, this figure rises to £762 for 30 hours’ work. This weekly wage is also8
the FBTC report shows that instructors such as those who 15%%15% are now achieving a gross work for RED Driving School,income of £1,000 or more a there is the opportunity to earn The percentage ofweek. However, it also suggests while you train, taking some of driving instructorsthat working smarter, rather the pressure off those who have making a gross incomethan harder, is important to had to leave behind other paid of £1000 or more agetting the most out of yourcareer, so instead of packing in %work or commitments to study. week.the hours to up your earnings,think about ways to capitalise £731on demand. For example, byorganisingsessionswithstudents The average weeklywho live close to each other income for drivingto cut down on driving timebetween lessons and fuel costs. instructors.The point at which drivinginstructors can begin makinga living also works in theirfavour, as for franchised driving £0 £200 £400 £600 £800 £1000 £1200 AVERAGE UK DRIVING INSTRUCTOR ANALYSIS OF THE DRIVING INSTRUCTOR LANDSCAPE £731 FRANCHISED AND RED DRIVING INSTRUCTORS ARE TOP EARNERS COMPARED TO INDEPENDENT DRIVING INSTRUCTOR INDEPENDENT DRIVING INSTRUCTORS. £671 FRANCHISED DRIVING INSTRUCTOR £762 AVERAGE RED DRIVING INSTRUCTOR £795RED DRIVING INSTRUCTORS TOP EARNERS £1000 RED Driving Salaries source: FBTC Annual Driving Instructors Review 2017 Data source: Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings9, Office for National Statistics, 2015
DRIVING INSTRUCTORS:THE STRAIGHT ROAD TO SUCCESSRED DRIVING SCHOOL 2017 THE CHAMPIONS OFFOR DRIVING INSTRUCTORS3.DRIVING JOBS“THE BIGGEST APPEAL OF THIS INDUSTRY IS THEFACT IT PAYS WELL – BETTER, IN FACT, THANMANY OTHER COMMON DRIVING JOBS. “ Let’s take franchisees of RED Driving is arguably the Thousands of people in the UK Driving School as an example. most essential life reach driving age every day, so The top 18% of earners make a skill, with a driving rest assured there’s always going gross annual income of £50,000 licence a prerequisite to be demand for instructors. a year – considerably higher for jobs in a wealth But perhaps the biggest appeal than the average UK wage, of industries. Remember the of this industry is the fact it pays which is currently at £26,300. By excitement of turning 17 and well – better in fact, than many comparison, HGV drivers make having your first driving lesson? other common driving jobs. just over £27,000, while delivery drivers make the least at around £18,500 a year on average. This means that, in total, the top RED10
HERE’S A MORE IN-DEPTH BREAKDOWN OF HOWTHE VARIOUS DRIVING JOBS EARNINGS COMPARE £10K £20K £30K £40K £50K £60KRED DRIVING INSTRUCTORS TOP EARNERS COMPARISON OF AVERAGE ANNUAL EARNINGS OF DRIVING JOBS £50 000 RED DRIVING INSTRUCTOR INCOMES ARE COMPARABLY HIGH TO OTHER DRIVING PROFESSIONS.RED DRIVING INSTRUCTORS AVG. EARNERS £39 732 UBER DRIVERS £37 023 HGV DRIVERS £27 268 BUS DRIVERS £25 418 COURIER DRIVERS £23 000 DELIVERY DRIVERS £18 548Driving School earners can take and repairs, research shows RED Driving School Salaries source: FBTC Annualhome substantially more than that RED driving instructors Driving Instructors Review 2017those in other driving jobs every spend less in this area than Data source: Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings,year. Uber drivers, and the costs Office for National Statistics, 2015 are fairly set, giving instructors Uber driver salary: National average calculated fromWhat’s more, while anyone the opportunity to organise data provided by Uber blog: ‘I Drive with Uber’.working in a self-employed their finances much better.driving job will need to payregular costs for the likes of fuel 11
“DRIVING INSTRUCTORS ALSO HAVE Research suggests that franchised instructors haveAMONG THE HIGHEST ANNUAL GROWTH maintained their year-on-yearOF ALL DRIVING PROFESSIONS. income despite working fewer hours than their independent “ counterparts, highlighting theDriving instructors also have is the difference in growth benefits of working on behalfamong the highest annual between franchised instructors of a driving school. According togrowth of all driving professions, and independent instructors. FBTC, franchisees have reducedwith earnings beating those of This could be explained by their average working weekHGV drivers, bus drivers and the fact that, depending on from 32.4 hours to 30 year-on-delivery drivers. The average which company they belong to, year, and are now making £1.51UK driving instructor’s income franchisees often benefit from an hour more than independentis growing by 6.5% year-on- access to a support team and instructors.year – by comparison, delivery client database, freeing themdrivers are seeing annual growth from some of the hassles of Insights have also revealed thatof just 1%, while HGV drivers running a business. Meanwhile, RED Driving School franchiseesare experiencing growth of 2%. independents will need to take are faring better than black cabOne particularly striking finding careoftheseaspectsthemselves. drivers in terms of their income, with the former enjoying a muchCOMPARISON OF AVERAGE ANNUAL INCOME OF DRIVING INSTRUCTORS more stable gross hourly rate. As for black cab drivers, theirWEEKLY RED FULL INDEPENDENT hourly rate tends to fluctuate FRANCHISEE INSTRUCTOR dramatically across the different levels of experience, and is in factGROSS INCOME £795 £671 much lower on average – £9.40, compared to £25.40.WEEKLY COSTS £95 N/A Instead of steadily increasing, the CAR COSTS INCLUDED £95 income of a black cab driver dips £16 £75 after five years – meanwhile, PUPIL £50 £50 RED driving instructors only seeMARKETING COSTS their income grow with more experience. Factors such as PETROL COSTS location also affect cab drivers’ income, with rates differing considerably around the UK due to city-specific congestion charges and varying demand*. NET INCOME £554 £451 *While the RED Driving School data has been N1E2T annualised £27 700 £22 550 obtained from a primary source, the figures for cabincome (50 weeks) drivers’ salaries are estimates based on a number of different sources.
THE STRAIGHT ROAD TO SUCCESSFIRST CLASS JOBRED DRIVING SCHOOL 2017FOR DRIVING INSTRUCTORSSATISFACTION AND4.WELLBEINGIt doesn’t matter what point with their job, with more than communities, and the job comes you’re at in your career, one-third (39%) claiming to be very with plenty of social interaction and feeling satisfied in your role satisfied. As for RED Driving School the chance to make a noticeable and having a good work- instructorsspecifically,43%describe difference to people’s lives. life balance is essential to themselves as very satisfied. And your overall wellbeing. You want with the flexibility of working hours, Autonomous teaching jobs to take pride in what you do increased autonomy and potential such as driving instructing can and make sure you’ve got time for a higher income, it’s easy to see even boost your wellbeing for your other commitments, why. Not to mention the fact that and decrease stress. whether you’re a parent or instructors play a major role in their Research shows that having want to explore a new hobby.Having a career that allows you “ACCORDING TO THE FBTC, ALMOSTto help out those in your localcommunity and decide your ALL (93%) OF DRIVING INSTRUCTORSown schedule are just two of the ARE SATISFIED WITH THEIR JOB,many benefits on offer when WITH MORE THAN ONE-THIRD (39%)you become a driving instructor. CLAIMING TO BE VERY SATISFIED.According to FBTC, almost all (93%)of driving instructors are satisfied “ 13
54% 39% OF DRIVING OF DRIVING INSTRUCTORSARE QUITE SATISFIED INSTRUCTORS WITH THEIR JOB. ARE VERY SATISFIED WITH THEIR JOB. control over your work, 93% WELLBEING managing your time and making decisions are all Almost all of driving Research shows that associated with greater life instructors are satisfied autonomous teaching satisfaction, with those who jobs such as driving had the most freedom at with their jobs. instructing can boost work reporting lower levels of stress and fewer complaints your wellbeing and about working extra hours. decrease stress. It all comes down to the fact that people who love what “THEJOBCOMES WITHPLENTYOF they do are willing to spend more time working, and those SOCIAL INTERACTION AND THE in self-employed careers are CHANCE TO MAKE A NOTICEABLE more likely to love what they DIFFERENCE TO PEOPLE’S LIVES. do. “14
THE STRAIGHT ROAD TO SUCCESSTHE IDEAL CHOICE FORRED DRIVING SCHOOL 2017FOR DRIVING INSTRUCTORSGRADUATES AND CAREER5.CHANGERS is Self-employment“BOREDOM RATINGS FOR becoming an increasinglyGRADUATES IN TEACHING attractive option, butJOBS SUCH AS DRIVINGINSTRUCTING ARE LOW AT not just for those inJUST 4 OUT OF 10, COMPAREDTO 8 OUT OF 10 FOR GRADS IN their thirties or fortiesADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS. looking to try something new. “ Graduates too are opting to jump into freelance or self-employed careers straight from university, preferring to go it alone and work for themselves rather than be tied to a company. Being your own boss, booking holidays when you want and having control of your hours – sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? Well, in a career such as driving instructing, this is the kind of experience you can expect. 15
“THE FACT YOU DON’T NEED AN ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION TO UNDERTAKE TRAINING IN THIS AREA MAKES IT BOTH A COST-EFFECTIVE AND ACCESSIBLE OPTION, AVAILABLE TO A WIDE RANGE OF PEOPLE AND SKILL SETS. “ And as well as being a flexible forties or seventies – the fact and empowering career move, you don’t need an academic research from the University of qualification to undertake training Kent has shown that it’s also an in this area makes it both a cost- enjoyable one, with boredom effective and accessible option, ratings for graduates in teaching available to a wide range of people jobs such as driving instructing and skill sets. low at just 4 out of 10, compared to 8 out of 10 for grads in As long as you have time and administrative positions. With resources to study towards the 86% of graduates in autonomous approved driving instructor (ADI) teaching jobs surveyed attributing qualification, you’ll be set up for their satisfaction to interaction your new career. Depending on with others, it’s clear to see the your lifestyle and current working benefits of working for yourself in schedule, you could earn your a people-focused environment, ADI qualification in just six to nine dispelling myths of freelancing months. Another benefit is being being solely a solitary career move. able to study part time, so you can easily fit it around your other29.4Driving jobs are also perfectly commitments suited to those who want to do something new later in life. It doesn’t matter if you want to change paths in your twenties,16
WHAT DOES THE FUTURETHE STRAIGHT ROAD TO SUCCESSRED DRIVING SCHOOL 2017 LOOK LIKE FOR DRIVINGFOR DRIVING INSTRUCTORS6.INSTRUCTORS?If the FBTC report is anything “MORE THAN A MILLION PRACTICAL AND to go by, the future looks pretty bright for driving THEORY DRIVING TESTS WERE TAKEN instructors. The research BETWEEN JULY AND SEPTEMBER 2016, revealed that the majority of UP 3% ON THE SAME PERIOD IN 2015. instructors – 54%, in fact – believe theirearningswillincreaseoverthe “ coming 12 months. Meanwhile, 40% think their earnings will remain the same, and just 6% see their earnings decreasing.Why are instructors’ earnings than a million practical and theory of instructors had dropped 2.6%on the rise? Well, According to driving tests were taken between from the same time in 2015, andDepartment of Transport statistics, July and September 2016, up 15.6% from September 2011.demand for their service remains 3% on the same period in 2015. This means that the instructorshigh, with the number of learner who do train will benefit fromdrivers in the UK booming as However, the supply of driving more students, competitivemore people rely on their cars to instructors is decreasing – in pricing and consistent demand.get them to work. Indeed, more September 2016, the number 17
New changes to driving instructing September 2016 to improve the 54%%practices announced in an open training and testing of drivingconsultationbyroadsafetyminister instructors, with focus being given Of driving instructorsAndrew Jones in December 2016 in particular to the ADI part 3 test, believe their earningscould also see instructors’ salaries which currently consists of pre-set will increase over theincrease. The plans, which will tests and role play exercises. The coming 12 months.allow learner drivers to undertake changes, which are set to comedriving lessons on motorways, into effect in autumn 2017, willcould encourage students to book see the test become completelymore lessons, incorporating this competency-based, with traineesspecialist area into their training. being evaluated in the areas ofThe more lessons booked per lesson planning, risk managementstudent, the higher the earning and teaching and learningpotential for instructors. The strategies, alongside 17 extra sub-government is continually competencies. Instead of role playinvesting in driving education, with a DVSA examiner, traineewith other measures being instructors must demonstrateimplemented including updating their ability to teach a real pupil,the practical driving test and a £2 and record all their progress in amillion research programme. special log book to ensure they’ve obtained all the required skills.What’s more, DVSA registrarMark McGee shared plans in“THE GOVERNMENT IS 6% 40%CONTINUALLY OF DRIVINGINVESTING IN INSTRUCTORS BELIEVEDRIVING EDUCATION, THEIR EARNINGS WILLWITH OTHER STAY THE SAME OVERMEASURES BEING THE NEXT 12 MONTHS.IMPLEMENTEDINCLUDING UPDATING 14%THE PRACTICALDRIVING TEST AND A£2 MILLION RESEARCHPROGRAMME. 40%“18
THE STRAIGHT ROAD TO SUCCESSJOINING THE RANKS OFRED DRIVING SCHOOL 2017FOR DRIVING INSTRUCTORSTHE UK’S DRIVING7.INSTRUCTORSIn terms of making the we say: do it. In the long run, you change, earning your ADI could see your annual income qualification is a core part rise and your wellbeing improve, of the training process. all the while enjoying the Consisting of three freedom that comes with being different sections, you’ll need to your own boss. Whether you’ve pass all three in order to qualify, got a passion for driving, want to but once you’ve retrained pass on an essential life skill to you can get started with your others within your community new business straight away. or just fancy doing something With some driving schools, different, becoming a driving such as RED, there’s even the instructor is a lucrative, satisfying opportunity to earn while you avenue to explore. learn and take on students while you’re still studying yourself. JOIN RED! If you’re looking to boost your DISCOVER THE BENEFITS OF BECOMING A DRIVING earning potential by starting a INSTRUCTOR FOR YOURSELF WITH RED DRIVING new career as a driving instructor, SCHOOL. FOR INFORMATION ON OUR TRAINING OPTIONS OR 19 ADVICE ON GETTING YOUR NEW CAREER STARTED, GIVE US A CALL ON 0330 332 2684, OR HEAD TO OUR WEBSITE TO FILL OUT AN ENQUIRY FORM.
THE STRAIGHT ROAD TO SUCCESS RED DRIVING SCHOOL 2017FOR DRIVING INSTRUCTORSSOURCESOFFICE FOR NATIONAL STATISTICS DATA FBTCUK LABOUR MARKET: DEC 2016 FBTC - ANNUAL UK DRIVING INSTRUCTOR REVIEW 2017:employmentandemployeetypes/bulletins/uklabourmarket/dec2016#main- s-uk-driving-instructor-review- hourly-rate-earnings-and-job-TRENDS IN SELF-EMPLOYMENT IN THE UK: 2001 TO 2015 satisfaction PAYSCALEarticles/trendsinselfemploymentintheuk/2001to2015 PAY SCALE HUMAN CAPITALANNUAL SURVEY OF HOURS AND EARNINGS, OFFICE FOR NATIONAL, 2015 BTpeopleinwork/earningsandworkinghours/bulletins/annualsurveyofhoursandearnings/2015provisionalresults BT ARTICLE ‘HOW TO BECOME AN UBER DRIVER AND HOWEARNINGS AND WORKING HOURS MUCH YOU COULD EARN’ money/money-tips/how-to- become-an-uber-driver-and-what-ANNUAL SURVEY OF HOURS AND EARNINGS, OFFICE OF NATIONAL you-could-earn-11364045373669STATISTICS, 2016 I DRIVE WITH UBERpeopleinwork/earningsandworkinghours/bulletins/annualsurveyofhoursandearnings/2016provisionalresults I DRIVE WITH UBER FOR TRANSPORTDRIVER AND RIDER TESTING AND INSTRUCTOR STATISTICS: JULYTO SEPTEMBER 2016 NOTEAn overarching caveat when interpreting these results is that while we wereable to use primary data for the RED driving numbers as supplied by REDDriving School, the figures we sourced for Uber drivers and Cab drivers areabrees2tf0aeisrtiinmdaicteatsioannsd averages based on a number of sources. Although they they should be accepted with this in mind.
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