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Home Explore SHDS 72nd Anniversary Dinner Journal

SHDS 72nd Anniversary Dinner Journal

Published by SHDS, 2020-09-21 15:23:38

Description: SHDS 2020 Flipbook Journal


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Scranton Hebrew Day School !‫מזלטוב‬ Inhonorofour AviandEsther GRANDCHILDREN Schultz AvrohomandRivka Schwartz Ronald&BernardTroy MazelTov Classof1957 REBBI onthiswelldeservedtributeof recognitionforthe40yearsof personallove,care,anddevotionyou haveputintoSHDSanditstalmidim! Yaakov,MenuchaLeah,and DonielVann Inmemoryof WithBestWishes! RABBITURIN AdeleGreenberger Wyner JosephJ.Vidal&Sons ElectricalContractors& Engineers

Scranton Hebrew Day School LeeandJoeBlotner RabbiYaakovEisgrau Yosef&TehilaKarp Yehoshua&Esther Ottensosser LynnShaffer NeillandMichelle Ackerman KalmanandRochelBrody RabbiandMrs.Doneel Edelson SusanKatzEhrenfeld TheFallkFamily PhyllisE.Feibus Mr.HowardFeinberg AharonandBasya D'vora/DoloresGruber& Fensterheim Family

Scranton Hebrew Day School RabbiandMrs.Avrohom LaurieandJerryKasdan Karp Mr.andMrs.Naftali Mr.andMrs.M.Kramer Katzenstein ChaimandMalka RivkahLuchins Kugelman RabbiandMrs.Yehoshua Anonymous Penstein ChaimandRochellePresby StevenandLaurie Rashkin AvigayilReichman JayRoth AvrohomandEtel Nachum&Rivky Schwartz Schwartz

Scranton Hebrew Day School 540 Monroe Ave Scranton, PA 18510 570.346.1576 [email protected]

Scranton Hebrew Day School ShiraSilverberg SwiftFamily RabbiandMrs.Ilan EliandChevie(Fine) Weinberg Weissler PhyllisWint

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