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Home Explore Tai Pei book

Tai Pei book

Published by truonghoahai, 2017-03-30 17:29:55

Description: Tai Pei book


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group members:hai | jacqueline | mackenzie | xaymara

TABLE OF CONTENts 02.tai pei’s position 03.Tai pei’s analysis 04.frozen food category 05.consumer trends 06. tai pei’s competitors 11. summary and barriers 12.geographic 13.the audience 15.seasonality 18.theme19.objective, strategies, tactics 28.budget breakdown 29.flowchart 30.appendix

POSITION FROZEN CATEGORY The frozen food business has been “flat or declining in terms of growth for the past several years.”One of the reasons is because people think frozen food is unhealthy. The category needs more excitement, innovation, and more awareness (especially for Tai Pei).Frozen food aisles are one of the most difficult aisles to shop because the products are all behind closed doors and there are many options to choose from. TAI PEI Awareness of Tai Pei is very low: 60.88% of all sur- vey monkey participants were unfamiliar with this brand.There is currently a negative attitude towards Tai Pei because consumers perceive it as unhealthy and un- appealing. The usage of Tai Pei is also very low with 8.57% of all survey participants having purchased Tai Pei before and only 1.90% of those that have previously pur- chased it, purchase it often. 2

SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTHS WEAKNESSESTai Pei is a part of the Ajinomoto Winsor fam- Limited distribution network.Lack of brandily, which is famous for focusing on innovation awareness (60% of people are unfamiliar with Taiand technology in giving their customers better Pei)Lack of attention paid on advertising, as welllives20-year history of delivering easy, conve- as too small of an advertising budget. Lack ofnient, and delicious Asian single-serve frozen en- promotional programs.Although Tai Pei’s goal istree. Provide exceptional and outstanding choic- to provide outstanding choices at affordable pric-es as well as flavor at an affordable price. es, they are still struggling between quality andClean ingredients.Smart, well-designed, and price.convenient packaging. Innovative techniquesthat keep the food’s nutrition and favor, such as THREATSflash freezing, which in enables the high quali-ty of their food.Following the principle of giv- Tai Pei has Many large, well-established, anding consumers restaurant quality in frozen food well-known competitors. Chinese restaurantsform. are also a threat.The category (Asian frozen food) has high competition, compared to oth- OPPOTUNITIES er frozen food categories. Tai Pei also has poor nutritional value, it is considered sugary inAsian frozen food can satisfy currentfood flavor and low in quality. People want fresh foodtrends (taste, health, ease, and convenience) or real Chinese food. They also worry aboutand demands. People like Asian food, especially MSG.The consumers brand perception is aChinese food. (In a survey with 1,899 responses, threat. Most people claimed that they have never80% of respondents said they like Chinese food). heard about the brand. People usually haveMillennials are looking for varying cultural cui- negative feeling towards new products. Since thesines, natural, convenient foods at a reasonable brand is new, people are hesitant to try it.price, therefore,Millennials fit perfectly into theTai Pei’s category. In addition, the Millennialspopulation is increasing. 3

FROZEN FOOD LANDSCAPEFrozen food offers many challenges in today’s ever changing market. With fresh food consump-tion at a 30-year high the challenge to shift consumers back into the frozen food aisle for reasonsother than convenience has never been higher. Consumers want fresh and often times healthconscious options. The stigma that surrounds fast food is a large hurdle that needs to be over-come through advertising. A few key issues of frozen food such as, being unhealthy and of subparquality is no longer the case. Being able to offer quality products that rival those of restaurants isnow possible thanks to technique used by Tai Pei such as flash freezing. Although there was an evi- dent decline for frozen food during 2013 and 2014, this forecast also displays poten- tial growth for the brand in more recent years. If our me- dia plan is well-executed, it could reverse the downfall and make the category rele- vant to the new target audi- ence. 4

CONSUMER TRENDAccording to the Mintel Snacking Motivations and Attitudes – US Report, April 2015, “Snackinghas become nearly universal, with 94% of adults snacking at least once per day.” The lack of free-time for the average adult is an enormous influence on why snack usage has increased so much.Consumers currently desire convenient and quick offerings. Now, roughly 60% of consumers eat atleast two snacks per day.However, more and more consumers want to eat fresh foods as well. Tai Pei has the capacity to ful-fill both roles of being a convenient yet authentic meal. FROZEN SNACK PURCHASE FACTORS, BY PRESENCE OF CHILDREN IN HOUSEHOLD, JANUARY 10 Although freshness is what more and more consumers are searching for in frozen food products, the orig- inal traits of this food category are what draws consumers to the fro- zen food aisle. Both the innovative packaging and the affordable pricing makes Tai Pei a suitable meal for in- dividuals who are constantly on the move, whether it’s at school or work. 5

COMPETITORS* Range is base on Dollar Sales on Asian Single Serve Entrees Brand Ranking - Total US MULO 6

COaMdsP&ETslIoTgOanRS’Culinary inspired meals It’s what’s on the inside that Frozen meals the wholewith a crisp, fresh taste counts family will love Freshly made, We love to cook for you Stir up a full menusimply frozen dinners 7

COMPETITORS SOCIAL MEDIA COMPARATIONFacebook-123,000 liking followers, Customer comments are positive, Tai Pei Customer service re-sponds adequately and in a timely mannerTwitter-1,013 followers, Very little to no customer interaction, Missed opportunities with a lack ofpromotion and awareness.Pinterest-173 followers, Infrequent posting and all at one time, couldbe used to showcase the product instead of the packaging and recipes.Instagram- Tai Pei needs to expand communication 8

COMPETITORS brands’ ad spendings last 12 monthsCompared to the majority of Tai Peis competitors, they are lagging behind substantially in total spenton advertisement, as well as in total sales. We believe this is due primarily to how they are currentlyspending their advertising budget. For instance, Stouffers spent $23765.2 (000) during the previous12-month period with sales totaling $678,326,400. Tai Pei on the other hand spent, $17(000) with salestotaling $80,000,000. Tai Pei received excellent returns on their sales, however they can and will domuch better under our plan, by diversify where they spend their advertising dollars, as well as focusingin on the key market of millennials. 9

COMPETITORS competition’s recapitulationTai Pei is lagging behind the competition in a few key areas that include diverse advertisingstrategies, social media engagement, product portions and brand recognition.Tai Pei is ableto differentiate themselves by offering more variety within the Asian food category. theirpackaging is reminiscent of Chinese take-out, which is eye grabbing and differentiates them-selves from the common bag and box others traditionally use.In order to increase their share of the market we would recommend expanding advertisingand following through with their commitment to healthy meals, while keeping the varietyand unique packaging. 10

SUMMARYCurrently, the frozen food category has the potential to increase exponentially as we shift our tar-get audience from women in their early thirties to millennials. We also plan on changing the con-sumer’s perspective of frozen food into a positive one as well as increasing the brand awareness ofTai Pei itself. Although Tai Pei has many well-known and well-established competitors, we havequick, quality meals that match current eating trends such as snacking. By increasing and diver-sifying Tai Pei’s advertising strategy and social media interaction it will become more relevant tomillennials and inevitably increase the brand loyalty as well. Next, we’ll show you our tactics thatwill transform Tai Pei into a noteworthy and appealing brand to our “on-the-go” consumers. PURCHASE FUNNEL 11

GEOGRAPHIC simply map frozen food consumsions geographic analysisMontana, Wyoming, North/South Dakota, and Maine are the least exposed to frozen food.States in the Northwest and Center regions should be focused on (Primarily the dark pink/redstates)Some states in the East* could be eligible as well.*Kentucky, South Carolina, West Virginia, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire. 12

TARGET AUDIENCEMillennials, individuals that are between the ages of 18 and 24 years old, currently make upalmost ten percent of the United States population, and are expected to surpass the baby boomergeneration in the coming decades. With this knowledge it is vital that marketing and advertisingstarts to not only encompass millennials within their campaigns, but shift some of their focustowards them. Thankfully some of the techniques used with baby boomers are also effective withmillennials, such as their ability to never settle and always achieve more.Many people think of Millennials as lazy, this could not be any further from the truth. Millen-nials may not show motivation and dedication in the same way as other generations because oftheir entrepreneurial spirit.Millennials can be described as explorers with their values consisting of not only adventure, dis-covery, living boldly, but life experiences as well. They can be described as the generation of dis-covery. With being adventurous comes a lack of time, because of this, the convenience of frozenfood should be alluring to them. Currently their health is also of the utmost importance, so thatthey are able to keep up with their busy lifestyles. With their health in mind, millennials are notfrequent visitors to the frozen food aisle because of the stigmas that frozen foods currently have.There are a few brands that have started to take note of what millennials crave, and Tai Pei is atthe forefront of this. With their bold flavors, authentic recipes and health conscious entrees andsnacks, millennials can enjoy quality, health conscious food to keep up with their adventurouslifestyle. The unique flavors of Tai Pei feed their need for discovery and their new and improvedhealth conscious recipes are not only bursting with flavor, but they are healthy and filling as wellenabling them to explore all that life has to offer. The convenience factor and health consciousnature of Tai Pei is the perfect complement to the Millennials need for adventure, discovery anda life lived boldly. 13

TARGET AUDIENCE Our new Target audience is Millennials who MALE are between the ages of 18 to 24. We segmented them into three groups: male, female, and collegestudents. Some of the common desires they shareinclude their desire for convenience, good flavor,and affordable prices. However, their personal valuesinclude a craving for discovery, balance, and newexperiences. Meet Mike, he likes food that keeps him full. He hates feeling hungry after eating. He has people to meet and places to be. He likes to live life to the fullest and enjoys a good dose of adventure. He doesn’t cook and can no longer just go to his parents for food. Between adventures he finds himself eating the easy to make yet filling Tai Pei.femaleMeet Teresa, she values food that has beneficial ingredients and natural content. Shewants to experience life to its fullest and diskies the blandness of constant routine.When she ventures out of routine to something new and exciting, she doesn’t alw-ways have time to prepare a meal but she still needs to fuel up so she ops for thefilling, portable, and flavourful Tai Pei.Meet Amy and Danny, they go to college and are collegeconstantly trying to balance their grades, social life,and work.They like to spend time with friwenwdws. yaonudrcompany.combreak out of the school and work zone.They don’talways have time to have a meal in a restaurant andmany times eat as they work or do school works.Theyreach for tai Pei to keep them fueld up for the workthat is ahead and the fun that waits. 14

SEASONALITY Sales are up during the summer months (June and July) The rest of the months are steady but are dependent on weather Colder weather causes people to eat at home instead of eating out. This leads to more people making frozen food an option. Match is National Frozen food month and is included in the summer months as a time of high sales.Based on survey monkey consumers usually eat frozen food for dinner or for lunch. Thismeans that they are eating it either at their place of work or once they get home from work.Some consumers have it as an evening snack; few have it as breakfast or a late night snack.This means that it may be best to try to reach them at their place of work or school rightbefore the lunch cravings as well as on their drive home from their place of work since theyare probably thinking about what they want to eat and may be too tired to make dinner. 15

SEASONALITY campgain april - marchThe frozen food department tends to show some seasonality during the summer months and alsoin March focused around National Frozen Food Month. The winter months are not top monthsfor frozen food but some variations can be found depending on the temperature. Warm wintersaffect consumer demand for frozen foods negatively. Areas with warmer winters experience adecline in sales. With a mild winter in much of the country, shoppers were more likely to eat out.The overall sales are very close to consistent; they don’t drop or rise sharply in any particulartime. Although it is consistent, the reason of purchase can change based on season and tempera-ture. In the winter cold is good because people are encouraged to stay in instead of eating out.In the summer people are out and ads need to go where the people are. This led us to create aseasonal plan that is tailored to where people spend their time based on the season. 16

SEASONALITY We will kick off our every day adventures campaign in April, because the sum- mer months are good months for frozen food we cant have a slow kickoff. Maga- zines, cable television, social media, out-door ads, and music media would be used. This momentum would push us into the back to school phase where we focus on school events and supplement with smaller doses of all our other ads. Outdoor ads will decrease since these are primarily used in summer. Once winter arrives our focus shifts more towards ads that are mainly in home or in shopping places. This includes Social media, music media, cable commercials, magazine ads and poster size ads in shopping places. We would also partner with coffee shop near shopping areas since warm coffee is popular during winter seasons. We would then end with a bang in the frozen food Isle as we reach frozen food month in March. Wewould mainly used our owned media and set up guerillas near the frozen food isle. KICKOFF BACK TO SCHOOL APRIL - JULY AUGUST - NOVEMBEREvery day adventures Campaign,Facebook ads, Instagram ads, Spoti- In school ads, guerilla tactics infy ads Magazine ads, Pandora ads, school supply section. SchoolCable commercial ads and outdoor events. Facebook ads, Instagramads in popular places of summer ads, Spotify ads, Pandora ads, Maga-gatherings. Search engine adword. zine ads, Cable commercial ads. WINTER NATIONAL FROZEN FOOD DECEMBER - FEBRUARY MARCHCable commercial ads, Ads withinshopping centers and malls. Coffee Facebook ads, Instagram ads, frozenshop ads. magazine ads, Facebook food isle, Instagram ads, Spotify ads. 17

THEME fuel your ADVENTUREThe idea is that Tai Pei can fuel your adventure. It can transport you some-where else or is a way to escape the ordinary. This is the box transportingyou into somewhere else or making your current situation different. Thisis based off the insight that the target seeks new experiences and valuediscovery. 18

OBJECTIVE 1+2 10 MILLIONS CAMPAIGN Objective:To increase awareness 60% for Tai Peiin one fiscal year Strategy:Appling variety traditional as wellas digital forms of media for gainingawareness of the brand.Events and Gorilla are also applied toreach target audience. 19

TACTICS$ In-store TV - Cable TVWhat: We will advertise Tai Pei in Wal-Mart What: We will place 15 minute ads from midnightnear the electronics, magazines, school sup- to 1am on Adult Swim, MTV 2, Teen Nick, andplies, music, and books sections. We will fo- Cartoon Network.cus on major cities within states with high Why: Many Millennials watch Adult Swim andfrozen food consumption. We will divide into MTV 2. MTV 2 has an Index of 322 that includestwo phases: Kick off (180 stores) and back to both genders. Close behind is Adult Swim with anschool (153 stores). index of 285. Following those we have Cartoon Net-Why: Millennials rarely go in the frozen food work and Teen Nick. Millennials top time to watchaisle. In order to get them there we need to Cable Television is from 12 midnight to 1 a.m. frommeet them where they are. Millennials love Monday to Sunday. All four channels cover 64.2%Wal-Mart, which is why we are focusing on of the target audience’s population.Wal-Mart for in-store advertising. How Much: $4.5 MillionHow much: $500,000 How Many: 90,000How Many: 40 Million* Magazine What: We will place a half page, full color ad during the kickoff. Why: Millennials don’t spend the majority of their time reading magazines but at least 20% of them read Parade magazine. How Much: $500,000 How Many: 1 Million* *Agency estimate 20

TACTICS national Tai Pei Events/ Guerilla Out-of-Home EVENTS: What: We will create or sponsor four nationwideWhat: We will use billboards in major cities events during the winter phase with themes relat-within states with medium consumption of ed to “fuel your adventure” such as sport or camp-frozen food. This would be during the kickoff ing events.phase and back to school phase. Why: Winter is a flat season for frozen food. ByWhy: Billboards give us high impression, and having events, we can keep the momentum of thehigh awareness at low cost, especially in states summer months. Although managing an eventwith low or medium consumption of frozen is high cost and low reach, events can help bringfood. We will use a lot of creative to generate potential target markets and generate buzz amongbuzz. Billboards are directional so we will di- them.rect traffic to nearest stores. How much: $700,000How much: $500,000 How many: 20 Million*How Many: 250 Million* GUERILLA: What: Based on the idea of “fuel your adventure,” we will create large Tai Pei boxes which also in- clude chargers for Millennials’ running-out-of- battery power. Happening along with the large boxes other activities to help them to discover the Tai Pei’s world. Coupons will also be provided within a guerilla type ad of a huge Tai Pei box, so we can get Millennials to walk over to the frozen food aisle. Why: Guerilla draw attentions. Guerilla can also be filmed for advertising and commercial purpos- es. How much: $300,000 How many: 10 Million* *Agency estimate 21

TACTICS Facebook/InstagramWhat: We will make Facebook posts that requirethe audience to solve a problem, riddle or anagram.All of the answers will be part of a scavenger huntthat requires clues found on the box as well.Why: Millennials are heavy users of social mediabecause they like to share their experience. Poststhat require finding an answer engage the audienceand may get more shares and comments than poststhat are just an image.How much: $400,000How many: 59 Million Online Radio StreamingWhat: Run 10 seconds ads between playlist. Wewill focus on 4 major online radio channels whichare Pandora, iTunes, Spotify, and iHeart.Why: Millennial score low on the index for radioeven in high quintiles. Most Millennials do notlisten to radio because they usually listen to mu-sic via online radio. Also, traditional radio is localbut internet radio is worldwide, which is the betterchoice for national campaign.How Much: $200,000How Many: 75 Million* *Agency estimate22

TACTICS Youtube Google Adwords What: We will use Google AdWords to directDISPLAY ADS people to the Tai Pei brands website when theWhat: We will place banner ads, and display ads in search words such as frozen food, Asian fro-game walk trough’s, game play, and popular music zen food, Asian food, explore, adventure, ex-videos. perience, and fuel are searched.Why: YouTube has high Millennial usage. Our tar- Why: This will link the thought of these sub-get audience likes to eat and watch YouTube at the jects and ideas with our brand and help bringsame time. By putting ads at the time of need, we our brand to mind when they think of thesecan reach a large number of Millennials. subjects which are common values of our tar-How much: $300,000 get.How many: 40 Million* How much: $500,000YOUTUBERS How many: 150,000 ClicksWhat: We will hire highly viewed Youtubers topublish a series of product reviews and share their 0:00/2:56experiences with the products.Why: Applying similar methods of using celebritiesin advertising, we use famous Youtubers to createbuzz among YouTube society and engage people tothe brand.How much: $100,000How many: 50,000* *Agency estimate 23

BUDGET BREAKDOWN 1+2 8.5MM 1.5MMMedia costs Agency fee, production cost, contingency fundCable TV 4,500,000 MTV2 1,300,000 Adult Swim 1,200,000 TeenNick 1,100,000 Cartoon Network 90,000Magazine 500,000 Parade 500,000In-Store 500,000 Walmart -Kickoff phase (180 stores) *270,000 -Back to school phase (153 stores) *230,000 *Agency estimate for advertising activities is $1,500/store 500,000Out-of-Home 300,000 200,000 Billboards -Kickoff phase 1,500,000 -Back to school phase 400,000Online 300,000 Facebook/Instagram 100,000 Youtube 117,000 -Video ads 34,600 -Sponsors 25,400 Radio Online Streaming 23,000 -Pandora 500,000 -iTune Radio -Spotify 1,000,000 -iHeart Google AdWordsEvents/Guerilla 24

OBJECTIVE 3 5 MILLIONS CAMPAIGN Objective:To gain loyalty 40% for Tai Pei in one fis-cal year Strategy:Promotion, Events and Guerilla events arefocused to encourage the repurchasing ofTai Pei. Appling a variety of traditional aswell as digital forms of media for gainingawareness of the promotion, events, aswell as the brand. 25

TACTICS TRIP travel TO CHINA Specialties PromotionWhat: Hand out special clips used for moun- What: We will have a promotion for winning atain climbing with Tai Pei’s logo on it. Or sim- trip to China for two lucky consumers that foundilar accessories realted to adventures. matching codes, which are printed inside Tai PeiWhy: To remind consumers that Tai Pei boxes. The two individuals will each win a trip forshould be associated with exploration and themselves and one other to China to experiencediscovery at an affordable price. It would the culture, food, and the adventure of visiting aalso be used to keep Tai Pei at the top of our foreign nation. The trip will conclude with a tripconsumer’s minds as they use the clip to help to the Great Wall of China. Moreover, a number ofthem throughout their busy lives. coupons as well as giveaways will be the prizes thatHow much: $300,000 consumers can win by purchasing Tai Pei.How many: 500,000* Why: Promotion and prizes can increase the value of the product or brand by offering an extra incen- tive to purchase it. They also encourage consumers, especially Millennials, to choose Tai Pei and repur- chase. How much: $1,500,000 How many: 3 Million* *Agency estimate 26

TACTICS Events/ Guerilla EVENTS: What: We will host or sponsor some events and concerts, especially during the National Frozen Food phase. Why: National Frozen Food Month is a big chance to boost sales by encouraging consumer repur- chase of Tai Pei. Through a series of activities and events, we can remind consumers to choose Tai Pei. How much: $1,000,000 How many: 20 Miilon* GUERILLA: What: Giant golden chopsticks in high traffic ar- eas. Individuals share photos of themselves pos- ing with them on social media for a chance to win American Express gift cards or some other prize including their own golden chopsticks. Why: Guerilla marketing draw attentions. Gue- rilla can also be filmed for advertising as well as commercial purposes. By including acontest with Guerilla marketing , we can generate more buzz on social media. How much: $550,000 How many: 10 Million* *Agency estimate27

TACTICS Youtube What: We will place banner ads, and display ads on Youtube. We will also create and share videos about our promotions, events, guerillas, as well as video sharing with our events and products. Why: Up to 62.4% of Millenials watch Youtube. They especially like to eat while watching videos on Youtube. It’s a good time to recommend them to get Tai Pei, especially when they can be told about chances to win prizes. How much: $200,000 How many: 40 Million* Facebook/ Instagram Online Radio StreamingWhat: Facebooks post as well as Facebook What: Run 10 seconds ads between playlists. Weads that announce and inform about our pro- still focus on 4 major online radio channels. Wemotions or events. Facebook can be used for will also use internet radio to announce news andMillenialls to share information about our information about out promotions and events.promotion and events. Why: Millennials use online radio rather than tra-Why: Facebook is good to gain awareness ditional radio. Online radio is the best mediumamong target our audience. to notify Millennials about our promotion andHow much: $200,000 events.How many: 59 Million How Much: $150,000 How Many: 75 Million* *Agency estimate 28

TACTICS FUEL YOUR ADVENTURE Out-of-Home In-storeWhat: Along with billboard to gain awareness What: After successfully running a series ofof the brand, we will also place billboards to ads in store to gain awareness of the brand.inform about promotion and events. Some Our next step is to remind Walmart shoppersbillboards will be applied as guerilla tech- to come back to the frozen aisle to pick upniques. more Tai Pei.Also, part of the budget for this, we are going Why: Millennials love Wal-Mart. As theyto use wraped vehicle advertising. are at Walmart, we want them to pick Tai PeiWhy: Billboards are a great medium to gain again.awareness at a low cost. Its will good for high How much: $500,000frequency to gain awareness and make our How Many: 40 Million*message more memorable.How much: $500,000How Many: 300 Million* *Agency estimate 29

BUDGET BREAKDOWN 1+2additional 5MM PLANPromotion 1,800,000 Trip promotion 1,500,000 Specialties 300,000Events 1,000,000Guerilla 550,000 500,000In-Store 500,000Out-of-Home 650,000 Billboards 200,000 Vehicle Wrapped Ads 150,000 200,000Online Facebook/Instagram Online Radio Streaming Youtube30

APPENDIXDatabaseAdspender; SRDS; Media Audit; SimmonsPricing and population Case Study MonkeyNielsenSituation AnalysisMintel Case Study Money 32

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