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Home Explore Wellcome Genome Campus Brand Guidelines

Wellcome Genome Campus Brand Guidelines

Published by vile28, 2020-08-10 08:14:05

Description: The official Wellcome Genome Campus brand guidelines.
Please note that the use of the Wellcome Genome Campus logo in any public forum requires documented permission from the Campus. Please email us to obtain consent.

Keywords: brand guidlines,logos,wellcome genome campus


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OUR BRAND CONTENTS 02 Introduction 03 2. Our identity 13 33.. Applications 42 1. Our brand 14 Campus Map 43 04 Overview Signage 45 Proposition Powerpoint Slides 48 Vision 05 Our logos 15 Brochures 49 Values 06 Logos 16 Exhibition Stands 51 Boilerplates 07 19 52 08 Logo exclusion zone and Tone of voice minimum size 53 20 Stationery 10 Logo do’s Logo don’ts 22 Logo positioning 23 4. Contact Logo lock-ups 24 Primary elements 26 Colour palette 27 29 Typeface 30 Typography usage 33 34 Elements 38 Photography 39 40 Photography treatment 41 Typography treatment Infographics Line device

INTRODUCTION 03 The Wellcome Genome Campus is a place where world renowned scientists and scientific institutions are united in the common pursuit of life-changing science. As the Campus continues to grow and evolve, it’s important that we’re aligned behind a shared vision and having an engaging and well-defined Wellcome Genome Campus brand helps us achieve this. Our brand has been designed to capture our shared vision of delivering life-changing science and to represent our collective endeavours. This document aims to ensure everyone responsible for using the brand understands it thoroughly and can use it effectively.


OUR BRAND PROPOSITION 05 This is our purpose. It’s why we are LIFE-CHANGING SCIENCE here and why we do what we do. It is a purpose shared by all the institutes who We believe that to seek and find solutions to humanity’s greatest are part of Wellcome Genome Campus. challenges demands a bold and imaginative approach. It represents our past, present and future and informs and inspires everything We bring together a diverse and exceptional scientific community who we do. will rise to those challenges, in a culture and environment that fosters creativity and rewards bold, ambitious thinking. As a community we are committed to delivering science with the reach, scale and imagination to deliver significant scientific and technical advances and incisive breakthroughs. This is a place where a collaborative spirit of creativity connects to a collective commitment to progressing vital life-changing science for the benefit of the world.

OUR BRAND VISION 06 While our purpose explains what we are As a global hub of knowledge, here for, our vision explains our ambitions innovation and research our for the future. This text aims to help others vision is to drive, catalyse understand why we are here. and lead the advance of life-changing science for the benefit of the world.

OUR BRAND VALUE S 07 Our values underpin everything we do, AMBITIOUS DEDICATED influence every decision we make and will ultimately enable us to achieve our goals. We are audacious and bold. We take on the biggest We are passionate and committed. We won’t stop These values should inform, inspire and challenges and seek answers to the most difficult until we get the job done. We are united in our influence your communications materials. questions. We are undaunted by uncertainty. We are goals and tenacious in our approach to pursuing clear in our opinions and are confident to speak out. the biggest challenges in science today. This means: This means: — We look to tackle the biggest scientific challenges — We are clear in our aims and intents. facing humankind. — We take pride in our rigour and diligence. — We approach our work wholeheartedly for the — We make tough decisions and take smart risks. — We ask hard questions and bring contentious issues greater good. to the fore. COLL ABOR ATIVE C R E AT I V E We are open and inclusive. We work together, We dare to think about and do things differently. blurring disciplinary boundaries to share knowledge We value new ideas and new approaches. We are and ideas and to inspire and encourage. Our constantly pushing the boundaries of the ultimate strength is in each other; interacting, sharing, creative discipline. connecting and co-creating to achieve things greater than we ever could alone. This means: This means: — We challenge conventions and look at things differently. — We create working environments that enable and inspire — We share our problems and challenges to get to the answers more quickly. new ways of working. — We look for answers outside our community and beyond — We partner with specialists from many disciplines, throughout the world. our Campus walls. — We involve the wider public in our work.

OUR BRAND BOILER PLATE S 08 Our boilerplates allow us to succinctly MAIN BOILERPLATE EMAIL FOOTER TEXT THIRD-PERSON VERSION sum up the Wellcome Genome Campus. There are a number of different versions The Wellcome Genome Campus is [Name] The Wellcome Genome Campus is reflecting differing needs whether that be home to some of the world’s foremost [Job title] home to some of the world’s foremost space available or legal requirements. institutes and organisations in genomics Wellcome Genome Campus institutes and organisations in genomics and computational biology. Hinxton, and computational biology. Cambridge, CB10 1Sa, CB10 1RQ, We bring together a diverse and exceptional CB10 1SD or the relevant postcode for the It brings together a diverse and exceptional scientific community in a culture and relevant building, UK scientific community in a culture and environment that fosters creativity and T +44 (0)122 349 [extension] environment that fosters creativity and rewards bold, ambitious thinking. F +44 (0)122 349 [extension] rewards bold, ambitious thinking. E [name] We are committed to delivering The Wellcome Genome Campus is life-changing science with the reach, committed to delivering life-changing scale and imagination to solve some The Wellcome Genome Campus is home to science with the reach, scale and of humanity’s greatest challenges. some of the world’s foremost institutes and imagination to solve some of humanity’s organisations in genomics and computational greatest challenges. (First choice – use where possible. biology. We bring together a diverse and NB legal text will also usually be needed exceptional scientific community in a culture (For use by other organisations in their on publications. If space requires, it can and environment that fosters creativity and publications, when listing details of several be run together as one paragraph.) rewards bold, ambitious thinking. We are organisations, and at the ends of press committed to delivering life-changing releases.) SHORT VERSION science with the reach, scale and imagination to solve some of humanity’s greatest (Needs to appear on all publications; The Wellcome Genome Campus is home to challenges. second sentence can be cut if space is tight. some of the world’s foremost institutes and Also recommended for email signatures.) organisations in genomics and computational biology, committed to delivering life- changing science with the reach, scale and imagination to solve some of humanity’s greatest challenges. (For when space is tight or less detail is appropriate.) For the versions in the first person (“We” etc.), if it’s not obvious from the context that “we” means the Campus, then you can either add a subheading to the top – Wellcome Genome Campus – or change the opening from “We are” to “Wellcome Genome Campus is” - leave any following “we”s as they are.

OUR BRAND BOILER PLATE S 09 Boilerplates also need to be included WELLCOME GENOME CAMPUS WELLCOME GENOME for Wellcome and can help with RELATIONSHIP TEXT SEGUEING CAMPUS RELATIONSHIP explaining the relationship between the INTO THE MAIN WELLCOME TEXT AND WELLCOME TRUST organisations. BOI LERPLATE LEGA L DETAILS The Wellcome Genome Campus is home The Wellcome Genome Campus is to some of the world’s foremost genomic supported by Wellcome. Wellcome is a institutes and organisations, committed to charity registered in England and Wales, No. delivering life-changing science with the 210183. Its sole trustee is The Wellcome reach, scale and imagination to solve some Trust Limited, a company registered in of humanity’s greatest challenges. England and Wales, no. 2711000 (whose registered office is at 215 Euston Road, The Wellcome Genome Campus is part of London NW1 2BE, UK). Wellcome, a global charitable foundation dedicated to improving health by (When space or context make the previous supporting bright minds in science, the version inappropriate; final sentence can be humanities and social sciences, and public cut if space is very tight.) engagement. SHORT VERSION The Wellcome Genome Campus is home to some of the world’s foremost genomic institutes and organisations, committed to delivering life-changing science with the reach, scale and imagination to solve some of humanity’s greatest challenges. The Wellcome Genome Campus is part of Wellcome, a global charitable foundation dedicated to improving health.


OUR BRAND TONE OF VOICE 11 The way we speak and write is a crucial part of expressing our brand. Our tone of voice is inspired by our vision of life-changing science. It is guided by our values, that in turn informs our character and personality. Life-changing science is a bold, positive and exciting idea and we should try to reflect it in every piece of communication and writing we create.

OUR BRAND TONE OF VOICE 12 WE ARE COLLABORATIVE WE ARE DEDICATED The Campus exists as the sum of its significant As a global hub of knowledge and expertise, parts. What makes us unique and effective our purpose is to deliver life-changing are the different institutes, organisations and science that will one day change billions individuals that come together and collaborate of lives. Therefore we should always be to achieve more than we each could alone. straightforward and direct with our language Therefore when we speak and write about and use words and phrases that evoke the Campus, we should consider how we’re optimism and confidence. We should never representing everyone who’s here. And as we sound boastful or resort to hyperbole. move forward, our work will likely involve a much broader audience, beyond the scientific WE ARE CREATIVE community, therefore the way we communicate Science and genomics are the ultimate needs to be grounded, inclusive and easy creative disciplines, which has the potential to understand. to change the world for the better. We’re not afraid to try something new and be a little WE ARE AMBITIOUS creative in our approach. We need never Wellcome Genome Campus exists to underplay this and should ensure it’s achieve life-changing science for the good reflected in the language we use. We should of everyone on the planet. That is quite an never be too dry or uninspiring. enormous ambition, so our language should always reflect not just our positivity, but also our certainty about reaching that lofty goal.

OUR IDENTITY 13 As a place of shared vision and endeavour, our 2 Campus brand identity has been created to express our strong collective commitment and the idea that as a connected scientific community we can achieve our goal of life-changing science. This idea influences all our core brand elements inspiring everything from the design of our logo, our choice of colours, our photographic styling and the words we choose. Applying this consistent design framework will help to unify all our Campus communications and build a strong, recognisable brand.

OUR IDENTITY ELEMENTS 14 Our identity comprises of several core brand elements. This page shows these elements individually, however together these elements create coherence and will help to build a recognisable brand. Our core brand elements include: — Logo — Colour palette — Typeface — Photography — Graphic Patterns Light Light Italic Medium Medium Italic Bold Bold Italic


OUR IDENTITY LOGO 16 Taking inspiration from visualisations WGC_LOGO_LANDSCAPE of genomic data, our logo has been designed to represent the idea of collaboration and collective endeavour. Our logo comprises graphic shapes and colours which represent the individual institutions and entities on campus. These colours and shapes combine to create the ‘G’ of the word Genome. The logo represents the role of the Campus in uniting people to share spaces, knowledge and our vision.

OUR IDENTITY LOGO 17 A strapline has been created to help WGC_LOGO_LANDSCAPE_STRAPLINE communicate our purpose. Our strapline can be used as part of our logo. It can also be used on its own as a heading or as a sign-off line at the end of body copy.

OUR IDENTITY LOGO 18 1. WGC_LOGO_LANDSCAPE Master artwork has been created for 2. WGC_LOGO_PORTRAIT 6 versions of our logo, to accommodate 3. WGC_LOGO_LANDSCAPE_GREYSCALE 4. WGC_LOGO_LANDSCAPE_STRAPLINE a variety of space and print considerations. 6. WGC_LOGO_LANDSCAPE_WHITE_MINIMUM 5. WGC_LOGO_LANDSCAPE_WHITE 1. This is the landscape version, with our primary logo which should be used whenever possible. 2. The portrait version is designed for use in narrow formats. 3. The mono version must be used wherever full colour print is not available. 4. This version incorporates our strapline. 5. This version of the logo uses white opacities and can be used on block coloured backgrounds. 6. This white version of the logo is for use at small scale and can be used on block coloured backgrounds. Please contact Susan Quick (Campus Projects Manager) for master logo files.

OUR IDENTITY LOGO EXCLUSION ZONE AND MINIMUM SIZES 19 We have created an exclusion zone in order to preserve the authority and legibility of the Wellcome Genome Campus logo, which should never appear crowded by other elements. See the diagram on the right for guidance on minimum spacing. Please note the minimum size for the logo with strapline is 40mm for legibility purposes. Should this logo need to be smaller than 40mm, then the strapline is removed and either the landscape or portrait version of the logo should be used. 25mm for print 25mm for print 15mm for print 40mm for print 130 pixels for digital 130 pixels for digital 85 pixels for digital 200 pixels for digital

OUR IDENTITY LOGO DO’S 20 1. WGC_LOGO_G 2. Our identity has been designed to be flexible and adaptable. The two parts of 3. WGC_LOGO_LANDSCAPE_WHITE our master logo (graphic and type) can 70% TINT COLOURED BACKGROUND be separated and used as individual WGC_LOGO_LANDSCAPE elements but we recommend you stick to the suggestions below. 1.  You can play with the scale of the elements. 2. The graphic element may be cropped. 3. Our logo may be used on a white or light grey background. When placing the logo on a coloured background, 70% tints of our colour pallete can be used. When placing the logo on a solid black background, the WGC_LOGO_LANDSCAPE_ WHITE logo should be used, as well as the WGC_LOGO_LANDSCAPE_WHITE_MINIMUM when using the logo at it’s minimum size.

OUR IDENTITY LOGO DO’S 21 4. VARIATIONS OF WGC_G_ROTATION_01 4. The logo can be animated for digital use. 5. For digital applications where space is limited on the web, the icon of the logo can be used on its own (e.g for social media profile pictures like twitter). 5.

OUR IDENTITY LOGO DON’TS 2. 22 1. 5. 3. Although our logo has been designed to be flexible, there are a few things to 4. 6. avoid in order to protect the integrity of our brand. 1. Don’t alter the colours in the logo. 2. Don’t change the colour of the type. This must always be black or white. 3. Don’t alter the alignment or tracking of the type. 4. Don’t flip the logo graphic. 5. Don’t place the logo over a background that will impair its legibility. 6. Don’t place the logo directly onto a 100% coloured background. Please see page 20 to find out how to use our logo on coloured backgrounds.

OUR IDENTITY LOGO POSITIONING 23 The default positioning for all versions of the logo is top left. However, to enable design flexibility, the required logo may be positioned in any of the four corners, always bearing in mind both the page margins and the logo exclusion zone. Where required, on business cards for example, the logo may also be centred.

OUR IDENTITY LOGO LOCK-UPS 24 2-Way Lockups The relationship between Wellcome Genome Campus, its institutes and supporting partners should be illustrated using logo lock-ups. These must follow a standard format. When appropriate a lock-up may involve multiple institutions, partners and supporters. 3-Way Lockups 4-Way Lockups

OUR IDENTITY LOGO LOCK-UPS 25 When appropriate, a lock-up may be stacked vertically.


OUR IDENTITY COLOUR PALET TE 27 Our vibrant, varied colour palette features PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE colours that are strong on their own, but 226C 2395C 711C 198C 158C 1797C 390C YELLOW which also work well together; enabling C0 C 26 C0 C0 C0 C2 C 27 C0 us to evoke the spirit of both individuality M 100 M 90 M 97 M 82 M 62 M 97 M0 M0 as well as collaboration. Y2 Y0 Y 75 Y 37 Y 95 Y 85 Y 100 Y 100 K0 K0 K0 K0 K0 K7 K3 K0 Colour specifications have been given for R 208 R 200 R 203 R 223 R 232 R 203 R 181 R 250 CMYK, RGB and websafe colours. G0 G0 G 44 G 70 G 119 G 51 G 189 G 225 B 111 B 161 B 48 B 97 B 34 B 59 B0 B0 Our primary colours are shown on the Hex D0006F Hex CB2C30 Hex E87722 Hex B5BD00 left hand side of each circle, while on Hex C800A1 Hex DF4661 Hex CB333B Hex FAE100 the right, we have selected a secondary PANTONE complimentary colour. 362C PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE C 78 368C 3262C 320C 3295C 5405C 639C 631C Also in our primary palette are black and M0 C 65 C 76 C 96 C 100 C 68 C 99 C 74 white. Should it be required, tints of black Y 100 M0 M0 M0 M5 M 35 M1 M0 can also be used. K2 Y 100 Y 38 Y 31 Y 65 Y 17 Y5 Y 13 R 80 K0 K0 K2 K 26 K 40 K5 K0 When choosing colours avoid using G 158 R 120 R0 R0 R0 R 79 R0 R 62 too many different colours and tones B 47 G 190 G 191 G 156 G 120 G 117 G 149 G 177 within the same design. We recommend Hex 509E2F B 32 B 179 B 166 B 100 B 139 B 200 B 200 choosing one to four primary colours with Hex 00BFB3 Hex 007864 Hex 00A5D9 their supporting secondary colours, PANTONE Hex 78BE20 Hex 009CA6 Hex 4F758B Hex 3EB1C8 although this will entirely depend on 285C the individual needs of the piece of C 90 PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE Pantone PANTONE Pantone communication. M 48 7461C 2748C 293C 2592C 267C 234C 242C Y0 C 98 C 100 C 100 C 58 C 82 C 18 C 32 K0 M 24 M 95 M 69 M 90 M 97 M 100 M 100 R0 Y1 Y2 Y0 Y0 Y0 Y6 Y 11 G 114 K3 K 10 K4 K0 K0 K 18 K 41 B 206 R0 R0 R0 R 155 R 95 R 162 R 128 Hex 007DC3 G 125 G 24 G 61 G 38 G 37 G0 G 34 B 186 B 113 B 165 B 182 B 159 B 103 B 95 BLACK Hex 001871 Hex 9B26B6 Hex Hex A20067 C0 Hex 007DBA Hex 003DA5 Hex 80225F M0 Y0 WHITE K 100 R0 C0 G0 M0 B0 Y0 Hex 000000 K0 R 255 G 255 B 255 Hex FFFFFF

OUR IDENTITY COLOUR COMBINATIONS 28 This page shows colours from our PANTON E PANTON E PANTON E PANTON E PANTON E PANTON E PANTON E PANTON E primary palette that pair well together 226C 3262 C 711C 158C 158C 390 C 390C 639C when creating printed and digital brand C0 C 99 materials. They can be used with M 100 C 76 C0 C0 C0 C 27 C 27 M1 their complimentary colours, shown on Y2 M0 M 97 M 62 M 62 M0 M0 Y5 page 27. K0 Y 38 Y 75 Y 95 Y 95 Y 100 Y 100 K5 R 208 K0 K0 K0 K3 K3 R0 G0 K0 G 149 B 111 R0 R 203 R 232 R 181 R 181 B 200 Hex D000 6F G 191 G 44 R 232 G 119 G 189 G 189 B 179 B 48 G 119 B 34 B0 Hex 00A5D9 PANTON E B0 362C Hex 00BFB3 Hex CB2C30 B 34 Hex E87722 Hex B5BD00 PANTON E C 78 Hex B5BD00 234C M0 Hex E87722 C 18 Y 100 M 100 K2 PANTON E PANTON E PANTON E PANTON E PANTON E PANTON E Y6 R 80 390 C 3262C 390 C 3295 C 639C 639C K 18 G 158 R 162 B 47 C 27 C 76 C 27 C 100 C 99 C 99 G0 Hex 509E 2F M0 M0 M0 M5 M1 M1 B103 Y 100 Y 38 Y 100 Y 65 Y5 Y5 PANTON E K3 K0 K3 K 26 K5 K5 Hex A20067 285C C 90 R 181 R0 R 181 R0 R0 R0 PANTON E M 48 G 189 G 191 G 189 G 120 G 149 G 149 158C Y0 B 179 B 100 B 200 B 200 C0 K0 B0 B0 M 62 R0 Hex 00 BFB3 Hex 007864 Hex 00A5D9 Hex 00A5D9 Y 95 G 114 Hex B5BD00 Hex B5BD00 K0 B 206 R 232 Hex 007DC3 PANTON E PANTON E PANTON E PANTON E PANTON E PANTON E G 119 390 C 2748 C 2592C 2592C 226C 234C B 34 C 27 C 100 C 58 C 58 C0 C 18 Hex E87722 M0 M 95 M 90 M 90 M 100 M 100 Y 100 Y2 Y0 Y6 K3 K 10 Y0 K0 Y2 K 18 K0 K0 R 181 R0 R 155 R 162 G 189 G 24 R 155 G 38 R 208 G0 B 113 G 38 B 182 G0 B 103 B0 B 182 Hex 001871 Hex 9B26B6 B 111 Hex A20067 Hex B5BD00 Hex 9B26B6 Hex 00BFB3

OUR IDENTITY T Y PE FAC E 29 FUTURA BT Futura BT Arial Futura BT is the typeface used for all Wellcome Genome Campus materials Light Regular when produced by design team. This Light Italic Italic will help keep our communications clear Book Bold and consistent. The typeface can be Book Italic Bold Italic purchased from Medium Medium Italic Futura BT is also a web safe font but Bold a web licence must be purchased. Bold Italic ARIAL Arial is our typeface for internal communications. It is a standard system font and so is available to all. This typeface should only be used when it is not possible to use Futura.

OUR IDENTITY TYPEFACE – USAGE 30 FUTURA BT Futura BT Arial Futura BT is the typeface used for all Wellcome Genome Campus materials HEADING HEADING when produced by design team. This will help keep our communications clear Headings are in caps set in Futura BT Bold, with the When Arial is used for internal communications, and consistent. The typeface can be tracking spaced at 100. the headings are also in caps and where purchased from possible, set with tracking spaced to 100. Body Futura BT is also a web safe font but Body a web licence must be purchased. Body copy uses other weights of Futura BT, which are Medium, Book as well as Bold, whilst being set with Body copy for internal communications uses ARIAL tracking of 30. Arial Regular when the use of Futura BT is not Arial is our typeface for internal available. Arial regular is set with tracking of 30 communications. It is a standard system Statistics where possible. font and so is available to all. This typeface should only be used when it is Any additional copy such as statistics, data and Statistics not possible to use Futura. quotes can be set in Futura BT Book Italic, set with tracking of 75. Any additional copy such as statistics, data and quotes can be set in Arial Regular Italic, set with tracking of 75.

OUR IDENTITY TYPOGRAPHY USAGE 31 On the following few pages, we’ve Futura BT Bold 1 CHANGING THE provided examples on content hierarchy. All Caps SHAPE OF SCIENCE Tracking: 100 Care should be taken to ensure legibility, Leading 35/40 2 Introduction copy Ro volorro 4 Paragraph heading Futura BT Bold particularly on dark backgrounds. More body copy aliquia ium faccusd aestis Sentence case Futura BT Bold exerita samet volor autem. Tracking: 30 1. Headings Sentence case ipit et qui qui berspedit faccus etur. Natenim Leading 10/13 These should be created using Futura BT Tracking: 20 Aqui od mod mod ulpariore qui quam fuga. Unt, qui ut et assus, serum Bold, set in all caps with tracking set at Leading 12/15 il ma sim aperferiam, odita ut labo. Itatiur itatur sitis ius dolore quis 100. Ideally, these should comprise no naturiam, sus, sequi non pore. eat reperfe ribusam ut veliquo quiatur aut more than 12 words. Futura BT Book Sentence case 3 Body copy. Deprorio expelib erepele ntorum eatiorio2. Hillore mendi aceptatiis dolo. Example shown, text is set at 35pt with Tracking: 30 40pt leading. Leading 10/13 going veliquidigni que sed ut peruptur. I for Sunt pre neceatem ea cuptat destota simmer samendi aceptatiis doloris utectur yabba hit usandio idebit et re est molesed 2. Introduction copy da dolupis maximpore si voluptium is labo. itibusapeoing precti intur suntem quae volut Use Futura BT Bold and text size should Magnitatibus es estiaer naturgo. Bus renisqu quos quates is dolorescit officiis sam acimi, be slightly bigger than the body copy. nemodia quiatum inctatur olore quis eat Lendandi ut et autem quunt. Offic tentem qui.Conserum fugiania quos verfero id ut am quat. Os debit maximilis es auditaquis Example shown, text is set at 12pt with pa dis nemquaeris molorestia aceped. exereperovit adicilis andiscipicid quisquost 15pt leading. ariberibus aut eum voluptam or omtorrow 3. Body copy Use Futura BT Book. If words or phases need highlighting within the body copy, the Futura BT Book Italic. Example shown, text is set at 10pt with 13pt leading. 4. Paragraph headings Use Futura BT Bold and should be the same size as the body copy. Example shown, text is set at 10pt with 13pt leading.

OUR IDENTITY TYPOGRAPHY USAGE 32 5. Captions and credits 6 Use Futura BT Medium for captions. For credits, use Futura BT Light Italic. This will “ R O VO LO R R O help differentiate between the two when together. EXERITA SAMET Example shown, both caption and credit IMAGE HERE TOLOR AUTE MFQUI text are both set at 7pt with 9pt leading. OD NATURI AM 6. Pull out statements/quotes Use Futura BT Bold with characters to be ESTE SUSBEA RITIU set in all caps with tracking of 100. Captions text nem fuga yluptam eaquam res dolorem SCI ODIT SUS” Example shown, text is set at 16pt with 5 perum inctur, ut quos intur, omnim corehen iscitatene. 20pt leading. Credits ipsunt, corehen iscitatene quunt intionecto 7. Alternative pull outs When giving visual prominence to key 7 LIFE-CHANGING statements, consider staggering the type GENOMIC as shown, to evoke the feel of the logo. Again use Futura BT Bold with characters DEVELOPMENTS to be set in all caps with tracking of 100. Example shown, text is set at 37pt with 43pt leading. 8. Footnotes Should be positioned at the bottom of the page. Recommended size to use is 6pt, in Futura BT Light. Example shown, text is set at 6pt with 8pt leading. 8 Footnotes: 1. Nem fuga luptam eaquam res doloremperum inctur, ut quos intur, omnim ipsunt, corehen iscitatene quunt. 2. Gusesti off bicte officature derum volor sernatium veribusciis acesequam, inissit aut mo ea culla.

OUR IDENTITY ELEMENTS 33 The design of our core branding is rooted in the iconography of genome mapping. To reinforce this idea, we have created a series of brand patterns that are influenced by the appearance of genomic data. These feature crystal structures, DNA and genomic maps respectively. They are all available for you to use either as a graphic pattern or to interact with imagery and photography and typography. By overlaying these brand patterns and creating an interaction between them and the imagery/typography, it helps to illustrate the idea of science touching and changing people’s lives. Keep in mind that the brand patterns are intended to link ideas and should always tie into the subject at hand.

OUR IDENTITY PHOTOGR APHY S TY L I N G – A R C H IT E C TU R A L/ T E C H N IC A L 34 Examples of imagery for guidance on photographic styling

OUR IDENTITY PHOTOGRAPHY STYLING – EDITORIAL 35 Examples of imagery for guidance on photographic styling

OUR IDENTITY PHOTOGRAPHY STYLING – CUT OUT 36 Examples of imagery for guidance on photographic styling

OUR IDENTITY PHOTOGR APH Y 2 37 1 3 Photography can bring your design to life and create context for your subject. 4 Caption text here Three types of imagery can be used as appropriate: 1. Cut-out monochrome photographs. 2. Close-up images that create an abstract feel. 3. Coloured cut out photography 4. Full bleed photographs in colour and monochrome. Care should also be taken to ensure that any photographic imagery used is: — Natural and un-staged, particularly where people are featured. — Relevant to the content and application. — Helpful in telling the story of the Campus, where appropriate. — Ensure all photography is of good quality and well-lit. — Ensure photography is well cropped. — 300dpi for print or 72dpi for digital applications. Please contact Susan Quick, Campus Project Manager for details of available photographic assets – susan.quick@

OUR IDENTITY PHOTOGR APHY TREATMENTS 38 The brand patterns may be overlaid on monochrome photography only, to help communicate the concept of life-changing science. Where the outline of the pattern interacts with relevant parts of a photograph, it should reveal the original coloured photograph, or a treated monochrome image (duotone imagery for example).

OUR IDENTITY T YPOGR APH Y TRE ATMENT 39 The brand patterns may also interact with headings in order to reinforce the idea of life-changing science. Where the outline of the pattern overlays a heading, it will change the type to a contrasting colour from the brand palette, and the texture or shading of the pattern will remain visible, as shown. This technique should not be overused and should be reserved for showcase pieces of communication such as front covers of brochures, wall graphics etc. Design discretion must be taken to ensure that legibility is not sacrificed.

OUR IDENTITY INFOGRAPHICS 40 Data and infographics play an CANADA EUROPE RUSSIA important part in our identity. Genomic data visualisations should be used as Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet inspiration when creating infographics. consecteur adipiscing elit qulsque consecteur adipiscing elit qulsque consecteur adipiscing elit qulsque NORTH AMERICA 5% 15% 10% 10% 27% NORTH AMERICA ASIA 33% UNITED STATES AFRICA ASIA AUSTRALIA Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecteur adipiscing elit qulsque consecteur adipiscing elit qulsque consecteur adipiscing elit qulsque consecteur adipiscing elit qulsque SOUTH AMERICA Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecteur adipiscing elit qulsque 66% 75% 90% 110 75 55 31 10 75 27 Year 1 19 60 5 55 Year 2 Year 3

OUR IDENTITY LINE DEVICE 41 When appropriate a line device can be 1. 2. used. Examples include: AS A HUB OF SCIENCE, PROJECT COST 1. BUSINESS, EDUCATIONAL Above large statements. AND CULTUR AL ACTIVITIES, Turner and Townsend were instructed to revisit the Gleeds benchmarking report (Appendix 2) proposes a OUR CAMPUS VISION IS TO project construction cost plan and Gleeds were construction value of £9,186m which equates to £2891/ 2. TRANSLATE OUR GENOMIC commissioned to complete a peer review of the cost sq m. The Turner and Townsend scheme’s final Under titles within brochures and leaflets. AND GENETIC SCIENCE plan. Turner and Townsends revised cost plan came in construction value of £9,256m in the table above INTO TRANSFORMATIONAL at a revised figure of £16.7m and the Gleeds report equates to £2913/sq m. Both construction values 3. H E A LT H C A R E B E N E F IT S. challenged some assumptions and highlighted benchmark towards the upper quartile of the Within tables. THIS IS A PLACE OF variations between their cost report and that of Turner benchmarking samples. Gleeds report concludes overall LIFE-CHANGING SCIENCE. and Townsends. The Gleeds report provided a robust that benchmarking in the upper quartile is acceptable. 4. basis for exploring opportunities for realistic reductions in We want to make sure we are able to provide a good Footer and to separate information. cost and as a result savings of £1.4m have been identified offering and standard of accommodation that is from the revised Turner and Townsend scheme. consistent with other accommodation on site. External 5. Elements of the scheme where savings were identified third-parties will expect a good standard of Bullet point styling. included reducing the extent of the photovoltaic panel accommodation and it will be important for our future area, landscaping, internal finishes, fees, reducing the market position to have good quality accommodation GRL Capital Projects costs and re-considering the MEP to offer. However, value engineering exercises will strategy. continue to be undertaken on the site work packages to clarify if further budget reductions can be made. The cost reports and the revised project budget proposed Overall the team is confident that the cost estimate for have been reviewed by Wellcome's finance team. As a the Innovation Centre building is favourable. result of these discussions the project budget has reduced to £15.3m compared to the in-principle approval of £16.6m as a maximum for the project previously granted at the Board’s meeting in April. The cost breakdown for the construction of the project and the comparison between the Turner and Townsend (T&T) and Gleeds figures are in the table below: 3. 5. — Andi officius estorer itiunt hitae YEARS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 volles etur? Imolupicipsa net que 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 volore accum, simil minveli tation poritiamus ex et andiametur ad. TOTAL NEW 25 50 85 117 150 177 200 222 — S equi viderum apitatecea HEADCOUNT quatemos aut vendis ut essi omnimin nus aut pel et quis nis OCCUPANCY RATE 10% 20% 35% 48% 61% 72% 82% 91% dolorro debit. — It quibusdae elitia volupis excerum adiam, que ea vera cum dite laut id quam fugias aut qui cuptaqui doluptassit harum. 4. 40 Wellcome Genome Campus | Biodata Innovation Centre (BIC) | 14 October 2014

42 A P P L I C AT I O N S The following pages contain examples 3 of how the brand elements, patterns and photography can be combined to evoke the concept of life-changing science across our communications.

We believe that to seek and find solutions to humanity’s greatest challenges demands a bold and imaginative approach. We bring together a diverse and exceptional scientific community who will rise to those challenges, in a culture and environment that fosters creativity and rewards bold, ambitious thinking. SECURIT Y SMOKING Please wear your visitors badge Smoking is only permitted in the and ensure that it is clearly designated areas around the visible at all times. Campus. Ask your host should — you need to use one. CCTV is used on Campus for security and monitoring WIRELESS ACCESS purposes. Computer wireless access is available to visitors. Please ask — at the Security Reception. Cameras or video equipment should not be used on The PEDESTRIANS Genome Campus without prior Please ensure you use the permission. designated pathways throughout — the Campus and take extra care DO NOT leave packages, bags when in the car parks. or briefcases unattended. — TRAFFIC Eating and drinking is confined All drivers must adhere to the to the restaurants and Cafeteria site traffic regulations and must areas. not exceed the speed limit of 10 mph. CHILDREN Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Permission to bring children on site should be gained from your host’s Institute management. No Nursery facilities are available to visiting children. This page shows the master Campus map. The use of a key is mandatory when the Master Map is applied. 43 MASTER CAMPUS MAP APPLICATIONS

MAP and visitor information FIRE SAFETY SIGNS If you discover a fire, sound the There are Health an alarm by breaking the glass of signs displayed throu the nearest call point. Campus; please fam — yourself with the foll DO NOT attempt to extinguish colours and styles: the fire. — Green Rectangular o On hearing the alarm, stay with are used to indicate your host whenever possible. escape routes, the lo — of emergency equip DO NOT USE LIFTS. positions of safety. — — DO NOT RETURN until Blue circle signs indi instructed by the Assembly specific behaviour or Warden at the assembly point. that is required. — — There are evacuation chairs on Yellow triangular sig site. If you have a disability that a hazard present. prevents you from evacuating — via the staircase please advise Red circle with a line security when you arrive. indicate actions whic — permitted. Fire alarms are tested every Wednesday between 08.30am and 11.45am. Wellcome Genome Campus How the map can look within a printed Hinxton application such as the Map and Visitor Cambridge Information Guide. Cambridgeshire C B10 1RQ Hardcopies of this Guide are available Tel: 01223 496815 at the Campus Security Reception. 44 CAMPUS MAP – APPLICATION APPLICATIONS

APPLICATIONS CAMPUS SIGNAGE 45 How the identity can be applied to Engineering Workshop The Morgan Building Mulberry Court Willow Court signage across the Campus RSF Data Centre Conference Centre Tennis Court Suite All signs should have a consistent layout and type styling/size. Tennis Court Conference Centre Deliveries B Entrance

APPLICATIONS CAMPUS SIGNAGE 46 Monoliths which use the Campus brand identity elements and colours. ECNEREFNOC ERTNEC N O I T P E C E R1 EMBL-EBI Main Building (and East Wing) 2 Sanger Institute Sulston Laboratories S M O O R T F O L3 West Pavilion 4 Morgan Building (Data Centre) 5 Research Support Facility FRDeeNclievOpetriioCens 6 EMBL-EBI South E C NE RE ECNEREFNOC E R TN EC ERTNEC M U R O F E H TBuilding NOITPECER (home of ELIXIR) SMOOR TFOL MUROF EHT 7 Ogilvie Building KCIRC SICNARF MUIROTIDUA 8 BioData NOSTAW SEMAJ Innovation Centre NOILIVAP NILKNARF DNIL 9 Cairns Pavilion N OI T P E CCoEnRference Delegates NOILIVAP RAB K C I R C S I C N A R F(restaurant) Conference Centre 10 Visitor Reception S M O O R SHTaixnFtgoOenrHLInasltlitute 11 East Lodge M U I R O T I D U A12 Gardeners’ Store 13 Water Pump Room YOU ARE 14 Hinxton Hall HERE 15 Conference Centre 16 Willow Court A N O S T A W17 Willow Court B SEMAJ MUROF EHT 18 Tennis Court Suite 19 North Lodge N O I L I V AP20 Mulberry Court 21 Portacabins Roads Barclays Bank K C I R C SPathways I C N A R F Roads DNILASOR M U I R O T I D U ACommunal Area N I L K N A R FPathways Water Communal Area Designated YOU ARE N O I L I V APWater Smoking Area Designated S E M A JHERE Smoking Area N O S TA WCar Parking N O I L I V APDisabled Parking Car Parking Fire Assembly Point RAB Disabled Parking N I L K N A R FWheelchair Ramp DNILASOR Fire Assembly Access Point Wheelchair Ramp Access Wheelchair Lift N O I L I V APWheelchair Lift Access Access Hearing Loop Hearing Loop Availability Availability Cycle Parking RAB Cycle Parking Accessible Toilets Accessible Toilets Female Accessible Female Accessible Toilets Toilets Toilets Male Accessible Toilets

APPLICATIONS CAMPUS SIGNAGE 47 How the identity can be applied to direct people towards individual organisations. Where possible, colours from our palette should be chosen to closely reflect the brand colour of the organisation being signposted.

APPLICATIONS POWERPOINT TEMPLATE 48 A selection of our Powerpoint slide templates are shown on this page. The font Arial should be used, in Bold weight for headings and Regular weight for text.


OUR IDENTITY BROCHURES 50 Em volo omnis dolo doluptas enimus et accaesed ut laut occum volum everiae pratque sapedi beaquam usamusam nonsed ut re labora debisiDamenimod magnataquis ipidit, alitas ut re, sinciae. Neque eari comnis quibus et aut oditatet, sequiatis re consent. To explitatem fuga. Rum resequos aut eatem enti volupta seque num eniscim perror sam dolorer spedicium quod maximin ctemolo resserrore, sequi sam ratur moles idescid quo dolenda ecernatum rehenda dessequides dolor aspe non nos molor serferc hillaceri cupid ex expersp istias moluptas sum apidus dolupti reius, solupta sum abo. Fuga. Busanda deruntia de dusapic ipsundaero explande erum excesequos serum, quis verore, in comnis ni dolupta spicima isqui ut odit opturemperro bla inum volenimin nis doluptat es eum qui se eum esse sendi aliquod mincips antias aut mo dit denis eum que venda. SHAPING OUR FUTURE CANADA EUROPE RUSSIA Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecteur adipiscing elit qulsque consecteur adipiscing elit qulsque consecteur adipiscing elit qulsque INCOME PROJECTIONS GRL PAY AND REWARD FRAMEWORK INTRODUCTIONNORTH AMERICA AS A HUB OF SCIENCE, Tium aligendant voloriatum ea il es sitaqui abo. Bus. Int eaqui od quam cus parchilignam sinciaeptur? Em volo omnis dolo doluptas enimus dolor sapitatus ari rae volorest, antum, The Board of Governors in April BUSINESS, EDUCATIONAL Aquae cus, nossi odisimus sitias essendus dolum Quiatur adit, officat oditaquat aut ad maximporum facea et accaesed ut laut occum volum que dolecus autectisciis nobis 2014 agreed in principle to AND CULTURAL ACTIVITIES, id erum quatur? Atemporias di nonsed ut unt eos por serum qui cone earit vel moluptusda dipsam nesci everiae pratque sapedi beaquam aliquatiam sum cum nectemporae provide funding for up to £16.6m OUR CAMPUS VISION IS TO et et maximint aceatio nserias parcit, tem dolo vercit exceat lam expe natur, ut ulpariam, ulparibus usamusam nonsed ut re labora porist, volo in rem et, sinullo rporeca to build an Incubator for biodata TRANSLATE OUR GENOMIC eictatios ium elit quunt parumenistem atemquias es sam, sequatum elita core laccumquam, totat dolupit la debisiDamenimod magnataquis ipidit, borest, inis asperibus doloreius aut companies (now called the BiodataNORTH AMERICA AND GENETIC SCIENCE debis sapiet, odisque modia sinvele ctempor dit modi officab orerovid magnihil into verspicid eatempo alitas ut re, sinciae. Neque eari comnis rem eum exceper epelesti dem enis Innovation Centre or BIC) on the INTO TRANSFORMATIONAL emolenis sus preperro illenih icidendae reptin ea porepudaepre aut mo core, audit, endam rest quibus et aut oditatet, sequiatis re dunt fuga. Nam, uta venimus accus, ut HEALTHCARE BENEFITS. deliquaepel estruntis quia eaquata corit fuga. que pratent, quosseratur? Qui as que optationse pe volor consent. vellam dolorit iaturio reptatia esequid THIS IS A PLACE OF Nem suntia voluptatur? sum dest, im sim eaque re, qui videlit que quunt eos rest molecte ctiones apid mos et occust, LIFE-CHANGING SCIENCE. aliquo idis cusdae. Cerisit, aperumquatur serum quos ea To explitatem fuga. Rum resequos aut omnihil moditios ullaborum fugiae voluptae con perro omnihitatem nonsed es maio iliqui eatem enti volupta seque num eniscim offictia assunt ipidis pe idus, Wellcome Genome Campus. This ASIA dem idemporem. Nam receperiti to es solor alita il eum perror sam dolorer spedicium quod incideliquis estrum everovit qui facerissequi blantis citatur, tem ium faccus. maximin ctemolo resserrore, sequi doloreptam, eum re liae. Itaspis inctur, development was considered to be sam ratur moles idescid quo dolenda aciis unt hiliaspe exerro dolupti odi ecernatum rehenda dessequides dolor coriorempor solupta ipsam qui dolorer phase 1 of aspe non nos molor serferc hillaceri chicien imporer ionsequam ut libus, a staged approach to encouraging cupid ex expersp istias moluptas sum quam delic te voluptaquias debis nest businesses on Campus. The Board apidus dolupti reius, solupta sum abo. volorerciis et quisit, velitae modi requested further discussion on Use of infographics Fuga. Busanda deruntia de dusapic occus, vent maximen daessitat to make the image ipsundaero explande erum excesequos volorestotas explique pos ditatur solut more engaging serum, quis verore, in comnis ni ut dolupta spicima isqui ut odit opturemperro bla inum volenimin nis some isUsNuITeEDs SbTeATfEoSre releasiAnFgRICtAhe ASIA AUSTRALIA doluptat es eum qui se eum esse sendi funds for theLorem ipsum dolor sit amet project. 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 aliquod mincips antias aut mo dit consecteur adipiscing elit qulsque Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet *NOTE 1 YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 denis eum que vendam ne volessi SOUTH consecteur adipiscing elit qulsque consecteur adipiscing elit qulsque consecteur adipiscing elit qulsque 31.2 170.1 288.1 516.8 620.3 tatur? These issues were: 10% 20% 35% 48% AMERICA 139.4 287.1 502.7 715.8 RUNNING COST £K (30.7) (0.9) (14.1) 95.5 — to ensure a robust cost challenge Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet (61.9) (62.8) (76.9) 18.6 had occurred and the project costs consecteur adipiscing elit qulsque were reasonable, A place of Is quaeperae provit qui cus incturibus life-changing science OCCUPANCY LEVEL 0% etureris aut quaspid quatem ditiur? — to develop the business case 110 as a sign-off Alitaturiosa dolor andel molorer fruerstohuerrctiongadnderee6dsss6,i%nccolmusmioenrcciraitleria, 75 spidellam ipsunt et raest, occus strategy and income model, and 75% 90% 55 enimint magnati ustiam fuga. Oloria 31 INCOME £K 0.0 nest ut expel miliquiat maionse ctotate 10 (£500 PER SQ M) cusae volorem arciis abori adit lab ipsa qui dolorei ctatur reptatu ressita — to ensure processes are in place (DEFICIT)/SURPLUS £K (31.2) tiatur, odis il magnimp edipsandebis to address conflicts of interest, (BEFORE ma aut volorrorerum autem. Arum support a spin-out culture and to DEPRECIATION) retain/attract staff. CUMULATIVE £K (31.2) 75 27 19 60 5 55 67 Wellcome Genome Campus | Biodata Innovation Centre (BIC) | 14 October 2014 Wellcome Genome Campus | Biodata Innovation Centre (BIC) | 14 October 2014 67 67 Wellcome Genome Campus | Biodata Innovation Centre (BIC) | 14 October 2014 Wellcome Genome Campus | Biodata Innovation Centre (BIC) | 14 October 2014 67

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