DGoisocdowveilrl Southern & Western Colorado ANNUAL REPORTDISCOVER GOODWILL ANNUAL REPORT 2015 1
Dear Friends, Thank you for being part of Discover Goodwill’s story in 2015 and adding the words independence, economic self-sufficiency and self- esteem to the storylines of the nearly 77,000 individuals we served. Last year, with your help, Discover Goodwill provided a record-breaking 9,573 individuals with job training and employment. New careers were started for military veterans and many people with economic disadvantages. Independence was provided to seniors through in-home services and enriching experiences at our own facilities. Youth transitioning from special high school programs were provided the opportunity to learn independent living, social and job skills to become successful. Broad opportunities were provided to people with intellectual challenges—from social and recreational experiences to cooking, shopping, financial and other life skills—to working at full wages for community employers and our own Goodwill social enterprises. Throughout this annual report, you’ll see the impact of your incredible generosity right here in our community. Here is a quick preview of the many storylines that we wrote together: • Although a job is an important step in a long-term solution for poverty, once the paycheck is earned, the money needs to be carefully managed. So, we launched our Financial University, providing hands-on, financial education for both job seekers and employed people that we serve. • Since not everyone lives close to the assistance they need, we inaugurated “Connections,” our new community programs center, offering a wide range of support services to the Tri-Lakes community. • Once a veteran leaves the military, the path to a different career is not always clear, so we launched our Diesel Mechanics and Commercial Driver’s License Training Programs, graduating our first class of veterans last summer. And finally, without your support, we wouldn’t have a story to tell. Thank you from all of us at Discover Goodwill, and the people we help serve, for co-authoring The Path to Independence. Warmly, Karla Grazier President and CEO2 DISCOVER GOODWILL ANNUAL REPORT 2015
ALAYNE KELLY 3 2015 INDEPENDENCE AWARD HONOREETwenty-eight-year-old Alayne Kelly grew up quickly from the time she was 10 … not bychoice but rather necessity. Throughout her childhood, Alayne struggled to escape a destructiveand self-deflating home life that included a drug-dependent and chronically-absent father, anabusive former stepfather and a distraught mother reaping the dire consequences of two brokenrelationships. Setting off on her own at the age of 17, Alayne dropped out of high school andworked various dead-end jobs while living paycheck to paycheck, until the fateful day she learnedthat her long-estranged father had taken his life around Christmas and she had missed his final“call for help” just hours earlier.Yearning to move forward, Alayne met the man she deemed her “knight in shining armor,” buthis armor tarnished soon after they were married and she became pregnant. Alayne’s husbandbecame verbally abusive and controlling—crushing her spirit and, eventually, forcing her tosurrender her life’s ambitions. Shortly after giving birth to her daughter, just one year after theirmeeting, Alayne’s husband announced that he was returning to his ex-wife, and Alayne and herbaby suddenly found themselves homeless and aimless.While applying for public assistance in 2015, Alayne was enrolled in Discover Goodwill’s CareerDevelopment Center where she was assigned to professional and caring staff who helped sortout the broken pieces of her past and build a solid plan for her future. Drawing from the personalsupport and constant encouragement of her case manager, Alayne applied for and was hired as ajob developer; she now assists others with struggles and circumstances similar to hers. Alayne isalso able to care for her 18-month-old daughter and they recently moved into their own apartment.In her daily consultations with clients, Alayne’s rallying cry is: “If I can do it, it can be done,” asaying once threatened by grim circumstances but ultimately overcome by “Goodwill.”DISCOVER GOODWILL ANNUAL REPORT 2015
AUTAVIUS RICKS 2015 ACHIEVER OF THE YEAR Early in life, Autavius (Tavis) Ricks was already making headline news, but his storyline was shockingly different than that of a typical 14-year-old. Authorities found Tavis starved and crippled in his home after years of unimaginable neglect and abuse by his mom and dad; he weighed all of 35 pounds and was just days from death. Thankfully, Tavis and his five sisters, who lived a similar nightmare, were taken in by a compassionate foster family with seven children of their own. Tavis’ bountifully-blended family includes three older siblings who were so moved by their foster brother’s circumstances that they took it upon themselves to become nursing assistants so they could help with his care. Tavis enrolled in Possibilities early in 2015 and has since made huge strides on his personal path to independence by learning how to communicate, socialize and re-establish trust with his program peers and staff. The 21-year-old, wheelchair-bound young man loves to participate in Possibilities’ learning centers and applies what he is taught to his everyday life. Despite his mobility challenges, Tavis is very active, expressive and brings smiles to people’s faces daily—inspired by his animated gestures and engaging personality. Defying developmental barriers, Tavis is remarkably flexible and coordinated, and likes to demonstrate his proficiencies with Tai Chi, Yoga and what he has termed “masterful ball tricks,” thoughtfully choreographed and accompanied by his favorite electronic music artist, Martin Garrix. Tavis is particularly fond of Possibilities’ recreation and fitness centers, and enjoys working out on the adaptive exercise equipment—tirelessly peddling with his arms for long stretches of time without breaking a sweat. Tavis’ foster parents are also fostering his personal independence by preparing a “bunk home” where he hopes to live one day … standing on his own two feet … with the assistance of a loving family and Discover Goodwill.4 DISCOVER GOODWILL ANNUAL REPORT 2015
JASON BAYETTE 5 2015 COMMUNITY EMPLOYEE OF THE YEARAs a young child, Jason Bayette’s high IQ and quick wit had him on the fast track to an IvyLeague education and a promising future, until a horrific accident threw his entire life off course. At theage of 14, Jason was critically injured after being struck by a garbage truck while crossing the street;he spent the next nine weeks in a coma—kept alive by machines and given only a slight chance ofsurvival. Miraculously, Jason eventually recovered and graduated from high school; however, lingeringmemory lapses and emotional trauma accompanied him into adulthood.Unable to maintain employment due to his autism and traumatic brain injury sustained during hisaccident, Jason was hired at Discover Goodwill’s Fresh Start Laundry in 2004, where his persistentintellectual challenges interfered with his job. Early on, Jason was frequently late for work and hisproductivity level was less than half that of his coworkers. True to its name, Fresh Start allowed theyoung man to overcome his challenges and low productivity, and provided the compassionate supporthe needed to succeed. In 2015, Jason was enrolled in Goodwill’s “Gamification” program, whichfurther enhanced his work performance by combining fun activities with hands-on training and positivereinforcement.Over the past year, Jason has made tremendous progress in his professional and personal pursuits.The 36-year-old consistently ranks among Fresh Start’s top-performing employees and has a particularfondness for the laundry’s industrial-sized ironing machine, which he operates with great proficiency. Healso has earned a reputation as an “odd-fashion” trendsetter, sporting randomly-themed hats that drawsmiles and admiration from his coworkers. A self-declared pop culture fan, Jason likes to watch movies,read suspense novels and immerse himself in computer games and Anime off the job. Revisiting his“Things You Will Never Do” list, prognosed during his hospital stay over two decades ago: Graduate fromschool … live on your own … drive a car … keep a job; Jason has overcome and achieved them all!DISCOVER GOODWILL ANNUAL REPORT 2015
HOPE PEREZ 2015 HELMS LEGACY AWARD HONOREE At the age of 16, Hope Perez’s pronounced independence streak nearly erased any chances of her becoming an independent adult. Taking exception to her parents’ rules and expectations, the strong-willed youth quit school and left home in exchange for life on the streets … on her terms. For the next year, the troubled teen rummaged through garbage bins for food, sought shelter under discarded newspapers, scrounged for spare change and welcomed the luxury of an occasional shower at a friend’s house. Conflicted and confused, Hope desperately wanted to reach out to her parents for help—attempting several collect calls from a phone booth but always hanging up in tears after hearing her mom’s “hello.” An empty existence and a friend’s unyielding appeals eventually persuaded Hope to apply for and secure her very first job at Discover Goodwill’s Fresh Start Laundry in 2000. After two years of employment, she left Goodwill to pursue a career as a care provider. But the sudden passing of Hope’s adoptive mother—her life’s greatest inspiration—hit too close to home and she again reached out to the welcoming and supportive arms of Discover Goodwill. In 2004, Hope transferred to a custodian job at the U.S. Air Force Academy, where her manager helped her address and overcome a swell of emotional issues and get her life back on track. Rung by rung, Hope ascended the career ladder … from custodian to work lead to quality control manager to supervisor and, ultimately, was promoted to site manager for Academy School District 20. In 2015, Hope’s hard work, leadership and proven results persuaded District 20 to expand their cleaning contract with Discover Goodwill and, in turn, inspired the contract director to increase Hope’s managerial responsibilities to include Colorado Springs Utilities and Pikes Peak Community College. True to her name, Hope has never given in or given up on her ambitions. In fact, the small but spirited 33-year-old has embraced each challenge and opportunity with calm resolve, and has two beautiful girls, a devoted husband and budding career to show for it.6 DISCOVER GOODWILL ANNUAL REPORT 2015
22% WHAT THE COMMUNITY GAVEBusiness 3%Contracts Other Public Support27% Sale of Donated Goods $27,070,000Workforce Workforce Development $15,114,000Development & Community Programs $12,463,000& Community $1,379,000Programs Business Contracts $56,026,000 Other Public Support Total 48% Sale of Donated GoodsWHAT DISCOVER GOODWILL GAVE BACK 1% Fundraising 10%Collecting, Processing & General &Selling Donated Goods AdministrativeProviding Workforce Development $21,809,000& Community Programs $13,226,000Performing Business Contracts $11,878,000Administrative Support for $5,545,000Programs & Occupancy $3,206,000 $362,000Investment in Plant & Equipment $56,026,000FundraisingTotal 89% Programs & ServicesDISCOVER GOODWILL ANNUAL REPORT 2015 7
2015 HIGHLIGHTS419,,174834 hvooluurnsteers38 4,918counties served emergency clothing vouchers valued at $98,35144,834,454 LBS.donations received or repurposed 3TO2N6S 1,700 individuals employed of computers recycled with Discover Goodwill through Dell Reconnect 22 programs1,551,890 and services providedretail center purchases —excellent value at low prices149,324e-commerce transactions — convenientonline shopping 24/7 at pickgoodwill.org8 DISCOVER GOODWILL ANNUAL REPORT 2015
2015 HIGHLIGHTS711,658:number of material donationsmade to Discover Goodwill9,573 31,132people placed in individuals received trainingcommunity jobs and career services76,862 221PEOPLE SERVED INTHE COMMUNITY people assisted at home with daily living needs$27009.5.1MMILILLLIOIONN: :earnings of individuals who found employmentimpact from salaries earned by people who haveemployment because of Discover GoodwillDISCOVER GOODWILL ANNUAL REPORT 2015 9
2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORSGOVERNING BOARD Your Donations Change LivesPeter Maiurro, Chair Discover Goodwill funds its more than 20 diverseMike Suggs, 1st Vice Chair/Chair Elect programs by selling donations in our retail centersBarb Winter, 2nd Vice Chair and online. You help individuals find and maintainAileen Berrios, Secretary employment each time you donate gently-usedGreg Papineau, Treasurer goods. In fact, six donation visits to DiscoverKarla Grazier, President/CEO Goodwill put someone to work!Ed AndersonLance Bolton Discover Goodwill of Southern and WesternPatricia Cone Colorado changes the lives of individuals andMary Coussons-Read families by eliminating barriers to opportunityMatt Craddock and helping people become independent throughScot Cuthbertson learning and the power of work. We offerJennifer George customized job training, employment placementTad Goodenbour and other services to people who lack educationMichael Gould or job experience, face employment challenges orGrace Harrison have disabilities.A. Bart HoladayKristel Hybl Donate to Discover Goodwill,Tim Littleton and you:Alicia McConnellChris Odell, Past Chair •Make a real impact in our community. Nearly 90Lonnie Parsons percent of our budget is dedicated to creating jobsGary Peacock and changing lives.Todd ReynoldsSteve Roush •Help tens of thousands of at-risk individuals findLisa Rutherford their personal path to independence.Donald SpradlinAlan Steiner •Become part of a nationally-renowned, jobs- generating nonprofit placing individuals withFOUNDATION BOARD disadvantages on the course to success.Virginia (Ginna) S. Morgan, Chair All Discover Goodwill retail centersMari Sinton-Martinez, Vice Chair can accept large furniture orJim Spittler, Secretary appliances.†Gary Winegar, TreasurerKarla Grazier, President/CEO For a complete listing of our retail centers,Peter Maiurro, Gov. Board Chair visit DiscoverMyGoodwill.org. If you are unableSue Mulvihill, Past Chair to drop off your large-item donations,Greg Papineau, Gov. Board Treasurer pick-up service is available by callingMike BellGayle Beshears 719.471.4483Peggy CarmackJerry Grage †Appliances must be in working condition and less than 15 years old.Judith Rae (Judy) MackeyC.J. MooreWendel Torres10 DISCOVER GOODWILL ANNUAL REPORT 2015
2016 GUIDING LIGHT AWARD HONOREE Discover ties have introduced numerous Judy joins the distinguished ranks of Goodwill will stakeholders to Discover Goodwill, these past award winners: be forever generating hundreds of thousands 2015 Jerry Grage grateful for the of dollars to help people in our 2014 Alan Steiner leadership of community. 2013 The Daniels Fund Judy Mackey, 2012 Jon Medved who has Judy Mackey’s selfless service and 2011 Lynn Cool volunteered generosity have helped Discover 2010 Elizabeth and Jim Spittler her time and Goodwill write life-changing new 2009 Marta Erhard and Tom DeCotiis expertise chapters for socially, economically and 2008 El Pomar Foundation on both the developmentally challenged individuals 2007 Susan and Steve Suggsgoverning and Foundation boards as in our community. 2006 John Armstrongwell as several board committees since 2005 Ed Rudolph2010. Please join us in congratulating Judy on 2004 Susie and David Jenkins being named the 2016 Guiding Light 2003 Mary FlemkeOver time, Judy’s extensive community Award Honoree. 2002 Ann and Jack Brown 2001 Ed Osborne 2015 DONORS$50,000 + Celebration of Life Fund BiggsKofford El Pomar Foundation Stephen and Jana BohnenDaniels Fund Tad Goodenbour John and Beth BowenWalter N and Alberta Drake Foundation Bart and Cathy Holaday Dave and Pamela BrinkerGE Johnson Construction Inasmuch Foundation Lee and Donna Brown Kirkpatrick Bank Bill and Nikki Carder$25,000 - $49,999 David Lord Wayne and Peggy Carmack Bill and Judy Mackey David Carpenter and Barbara WinterAnschutz Foundation The Margaret and Al Hill CarpetCare Craftsman, Inc.Jacqueline G. Archer Charitable Trust Central BancorpSherwood Crocker Trust Family Foundation Centura HealthMary Flemke Rod and Kathy Morgan Curt and Connie ChristoffersonJerry Grage The Myron Stratton Home Classic CompaniesH.A. & Mary K. Chapman Don and Mary Spradlin Andy and Mari Cobb Tom and Katie Cobb Charitable Trust $1,000 - $9,999 Colorado Industrial RecyclingDavid and Susie Jenkins Community First FoundationSSB Foundation 5Star Bank Ron and Jeanne ConderWalmart Foundation Rob and Mary Alice Alleger Steve and Karen Condon Ed and Ann Anderson Tom and Pat Cone$10,000 - $24,999 Erick Anderson and Christina Tennican Mary Coussons-Read John and Karen Armstrong Craddock Commercial Real EstateTom and Sylvia Allen John and Karla Balk Berry and Linda CraddockANB Bank Bank of Colorado Matt and Jenny CraddockNort Bain Mike and Diane BellBBVA Compass Bank Leslie BentWard Berlin and Karla GrazierGayle BeshearsDISCOVER GOODWILL ANNUAL REPORT 2015 11
2015 DONORSScot Cuthbertson and Ron and Suzy Marold Patrick and Sara Sniezek Deanne Funkhouser Joe and Bonnie Martinez Jim and Elizabeth Spittler Mary Ellen McNally Springs Waste SystemsPhil and Anne De Vries John and Ann McPherson Trent and Pepper StaffordThomas DeCotiis and Marta Erhard Memorial Hospital Staples AdvantageDion’s Al Metzger and Esther Beynon Staples FoundationDonald & Phyllis Hibbard Trust MHC Truck Leasing Alan and Barbara SteinerSteve and Cynthia Engel Frank and Lorrie Molli James StrubWendell and Michelle Engle The Moniker Foundation Mike and Lindsey SuggsEnt Federal Credit Union C.J. Moore T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc.The Estate of Mary M. Shore Rick and Ginna Morgan Pauleta TervenPatrick and Kris Faricy Todd Morris Texas Petroleum Investment CompanyGeorge Fellows Angus and Gail Morrison Gregg and Pam ThatcherJerry and Emily Fleenor Mountain States Employers Shawn and Michelle ThompsonJerry and Lori Fussell Wendel and Marcy TorresPeggy Gardner Council, Inc. George and Amy TracyMatt and Cathy Gendron Sue Mulvihill Vincent and Kathy TuckerJeff and Jennifer George Mutual of America Susan TysonHester & Edwin Giddings Foundation NAI Highland, LLC U.S. BankMatthew and Monica Grage Verna Nelson U.S. Olympic CommitteeGary and Susie Gregoire Red and Bunny Noland The Ultimate Software Group, Inc.Griffis Residential John and Kathy Norsworthy Union Pacific FoundationLogan and Grace Harrison Nor’Wood Foundation United Healthcare Services, Inc.Charles and Deborah Hendrix Olson Plumbing & Heating Co. University of Colorado atRyer and Victoria Hitchcock Dan and Sandy O’RearLeroy and Colette Hoelting Terry and Mary O’Rourke Colorado SpringsHogan Lovells Ed and Mary Osborne USAA Foundation, Charitable TrustHolland & Hart Wynne Palermo Vectra BankMabel Horrigan Foundation Greg and Cindy Papineau VeritivHoward R. & Joy M. Berlin Foundation Kevin Patterson and Katharine Leppard WalmartCharlie and Stacey Huebner Peak Place Coffeehouse Richard and Christy WalshB.J. and Kristel Hybl Michael and Carol Pennica Waxie Sanitary SupplyJay Dee Inc Pikes Peak Community Foundation Welder Exploration & Production IncKaiser Permanente Brian and Patrice Polacek Wells Fargo FoundationLynn and Kelly Karnes Margaret Porter Jim and Kate WilderDave and Pam Keller Phil Price Kevin and Tanya WilliamsFlorence S. Knight Trust Koger and Marcie Propst Gary and Becky WinegarKevin and Jamie Kratt Nathan Rader Mark and Kathy WoodDenise Krug Red Noland Auto Group Joe and Linda WoodfordKuni Lexus of Colorado Springs Steve and Jerri Roush Jennifer YugoRobert and Kelly LeBrun Scott and Lisa RutherfordTim Littleton Tom and Cyndy Scriven UP TO $999.99Gary and Jane Loo Larry SheaJim Raughton and Katherine Loo Sherman & Howard LLC Achilles Pikes Peak Inc.Peter and Kate Maiurro Jeff and Cindy Smith Jill Alderton Samuel Allwein AmazonSmile Foundation12 DISCOVER GOODWILL ANNUAL REPORT 2015
2015 DONORSWilliam Anderson Carole Crowley John and Cecile GortAngela Antrim Kim Daniels Mike and Paula GouldArchdale Eyecare, P.C. Nettie Daniels Angel GreenPhyllis Baker Darren Darnell Jeff and Nancy GreeneBob and Carol Baker Dick and Renee De Mey Ruth GregoryAndrew and Eileen Ballas Ray and Patty Deeny Diane and John GriffinMichael and Angie Barber Gordon and Suzanne Denison Robert and Candace GrossDavid and Bonnie Baswell Donald and Robin Dickenson Sam and Mary Alice HallDon Bates Jack and Meredith Dillon Don and Mary HallerTom and Kathy Bates Ursula Dodge Scott HardwigChristopher Beaver John Drabing Denise HarrisStanley and Electa Beckner Dean and Nancy Duckwitz Jean HarrisTed and Diane Benninghoff Richard Duncan Rick HawkHeather Berens Stephanie and Kimball Edwards Johnna and Clayton HayesJeff and Marilue Beverly Enterprise Crude Oil LLC Brent and Melanie HennLew and Wilma Biegelsen Sandi Everett Elliott HenryBurdette Blumer Dorothy Fandel Joe and Linda HenryJohn Boddington Farm Credit of Southern Colorado Kim HeuslerCharles Boice Eugene and Adrienne Fasse Mary HeuslerChris Bonnin Paul and Jordan Fields Rochelle HigleyMarc and Sally Boyce Lindsay and Joanna Fischer Hilcorp Energy CompanyTrinity Bradley-Anderson John Francis and Margot Lane Dona HildebrandSarah Brewen Freddy’s Frozen Custard Mary Sue HillMary Margaret Brummeler David and Maureen Frediani Dick and Sandra HiltJohn and Barbara Budd Tamara French Tom HironsBruce and Joan Buell Katherine Frey Misty HodgesBuettner Family Foundation Andy and Halle Frideman Dolores HollerDuncan and Judith Burdick Rob and Danielle Frisbie William and Helen HolmgrenSherry Butcher John and Peggy Fuller Carol HoumesMary Byron Bill and Gayla Gaines James and Elaine HuddlestonMike and Becky Cafasso Greg and Marilyn Gandy Edwin and Ruth JaloszynskiDale Campbell GAP Foundation Richard and Elizabeth JamisonKatie Carlile Dmitrii Gapon Jeff and Maria JohnsonRoger Childress Garyco Software, Inc Lawrence JohnsonThe Cliff House Jack and Jeanne Gauch Justgive.comNorma Cole Donald and Barbara Gazibara Alan and Lisa KalellMatt Coleman Paul Gefreh Ken KeeneColorado Business Bank Emery George Don and Beverly KeithConspire! Grace Gerard Dorothy KippDebra Conway Lyle Gillespie Keith and Lisa KlaehnJoseph and Mary Corrigan James Gomes Karl and Kathleen KlepferMary Corrow Ryan Goodman Erica KnoxCrimson Exploration Larry and Mary Gorab Christopher and Dawn KorchRuss Crossen Diane and Joseph Gordon Kovar Operating LLCDISCOVER GOODWILL ANNUAL REPORT 2015 13
2015 DONORSStephen and Cheryl Lebel Shirley Osman Catherine and Robert SpikaVae Lefano Steve Paiement John StaffordBarbara Lewis Evan and Ann Marie Pappas Glenna StanleyTheodore and Kathleen Lindeman Lonnie and Rita Parsons George and Melissa StathakisBill and Marilyn Lindeman Jon and Carol Patten Statler Family FoundationBrian and Julie Lindsey Gary Peacock and Bryan Seale Steve and Judy StauglerAaron and Joanna Lindstrom Perkins Motor Company Paul and Karen StellickWilliam and Gretchen Lloyd Phillips 66 Courtney and Florence SterkRita Lobato Pikes Peak Community College Jennifer StohlmannDon and Marie Logan Plains Marketing, L.P. Marv and Shirley StraitRose Lorig Faye Point John Street and Mary BeazleyJohn Lydell Craig and Betty Postlewaite Don and Carmen SwiftCindy Lyell Garry and Susan Powell Andrea TaylorJim and Wanda Lynch Mary Quan Tom and Jane TitusTim and Lainie MacDonald Louis Ravetti Lawrence and Judith TobiasRichard MacLeod Todd and Gina Reynolds Steve TookeRhonda Maehara Anthony Ricci and Sharon Brunink Paul TownerSteven and Rhonda Maffeo Don and Shery Richer Mike and Katie TrappStephen and Pamela Marsh Mark Riha and Mariann Lincoln Bill and Frankie TuttBill and Laura Marth Paul and Mary Lou Roesler Norman and Karen Van DykeHarry and Marianne Martin Phillip and Ruth Rose Evelyn VanceFrancis and Carolyn Mason Tony Rose Janice VanmeterJames Mayes Vic and Diane Russelavage Wagner Oil CompanyMary Mayes Bill Ryan Milt and Betty WaldronJessica Mayo Ryder Scott Management, LLC Dianne WalkerRichard and Patricia McAteer Margaret Sabin Joe and Charlotte WallaceJudy McCombe-Gandolf Tracy Salamander The Webb Family Fund, Pikes PeakAlicia McConnell Jim and Denise SandersJim and Shelly McCrary Douglas Sawtelle Community Foundation, in memoryJennifer McGowan Dominic and Monette Scandaliato of Barbara WebbMac and Joan McIntyre James and Barbara Schneiter Jill WebbDavid McRobbie Cris and Nancy Schoon Tom and Nancy WenzlauJon and Becky Medved George and Leslie Schwender Wiechmann, Boyce & Assoc., LLPMerit Energy Company Walter and Marie Seelye John and Linda WiepkingTanya Metzler Patrick Shanks Boyd and Rhonda WilliamsRobert and Frances Mikulich Laura Shaw Willowbend Investments, Inc.Eva Monnett Stephen Shepard Abe and Rose Wittels EndowmentEunice Moore Leonard Siekmeier Fund, United Way of Pueblo CountyWarren and Claudia Moore Susan Sleight Miriam YostThelma Morici Gurney and Lisa Sloan Jim and Ann YoungRon and Barbara Musgrave Marita Sobotka Warren and Elizabeth YoungquistBrenda Nameth Social Studies School Service Kathleen ZafforeDaniel Norton Therese Sortor Janis ZellmerKen Olson Phillip and Lou Sosalla Steve and Renee ZentzJohn and Laurie Onstott Mary and Clifford Sparrow Galynn and Judy Zezula David Zielinski14 DISCOVER GOODWILL ANNUAL REPORT 2015
EMPLOYMENT CREATORSAcademy School District 20 G&K Services Pikes Peak Workforce CenterAll Phase GCR Planet FitnessArc Thrift Stores God’s Pantry Professional Contracting ServicesAspenPointe Golden Circle Nutrition Program Pulpit Rock ChurchBena Ministries Grace Be Unto You Outreach Church RainbowBig Bob’s Flooring Outlet Habitat for Humanity Restore REACH Pikes PeakBroadmoor, The Hamlett Spay & Neuter Clinic, Inc. The Recovery Village at Palmer LakeBuckley Air Force Base Handmade By Heroes Regis UniversityCedar Springs Hospital Harrison School District Two Rocky Mountain Health Care ServicesColorado Acute Long Term Hospital High Plains Helping Hands Ronald McDonald House CharitiesColorado College Hillside Community CenterColorado Department of Human Hilton Garden Inn of Southern Colorado Holiday Inn Express (1st and Main) Safeway Services, Division of Youth Corrections Hope Life Salvation Army, TheColorado Division of Humane Society of the Schriever Air Force Base Seeds Community Café Vocational Rehabilitation Pikes Peak Region SERCOColorado Mental Health Institute Image FIRST SET Family Medical Clinic Imagination Celebration Silver Key Senior Services at Fort Logan Integrity PK School Early Skyline Hair CareColorado Mental Health Institute Sodexo Learning Childcare Springs Church, The at Pueblo J.L. Scott Properties, LLC Springs Family Chiropractic,Colorado School for Deaf and Blind Junior Academy Children’s CentersThe Colorado Springs School King Soopers Dr. Mark Rocco D.C.Colorado Springs School District 11 Life Care Center of Colorado Springs Springs Rescue MissionColorado Springs Utilities Little Tykes Learning Center St. Paws Thrift StoresColorado State Veteran’s Home Lodge at Flying Horse, The Sterling Care Adult Day Services Meadows Park Community Center Stratmoor Hills Fire Department at Fitzsimons Medalion Retirement Community Sunny Vista Living CenterCommunity Partnership for Mission Medical Clinic Team Cobra Mountain Fox United States Air Force Academy Child Development National Mill Dog Rescue United States DepartmentCommunity Prep School Namasté Alzheimer CenterConnections 4 Life Not Just Hair of Veterans AffairsCreative Kidz College One Nation Walking Together University of Colorado, BoulderCrossfire Ministries Payne Chapel Housing University of Northern ColoradoDiscovery Canyon Campus Peak Vista Community Health Centers Urban PeakDress for Success Colorado Springs Peterson Air Force Base Urological Associates, P.C.Eastern Plains Community Pantry Pikes Peak Christian Church Village Seven Presbyterian ChurchEcumenical Social Ministries Pikes Peak Community College WalmartEl Paso County, 4th Judicial District Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity Water Works CarwashEl Paso County, Department of Pikes Peak Habitat for Western Forge Westone Laboratories Human Services Humanity ReStore Wheat Ridge Regional CenterEllicott Fire Department Pikes Peak Historic Street Railway Women’s Resource ExchangeEvans Army Community HospitalFaith Works, Inc. Foundation & MuseumF.E. Warren Air Force Base Pikes Peak Mental HealthFirst Christian Church Pikes Peak Park Baptist ChurchFort Carson Pikes Peak Therapeutic Riding CenterFountain Valley Senior CenterFront Range Community Services, Inc.Front Range StaffingDISCOVER GOODWILL ANNUAL REPORT 2015 15
COMMUNITY EMPLOYERSAlorica Habitat for Humanity ReStore SodexoArc Thrift Stores Handmade by Heroes Southam and AssociatesBig Bob’s Flooring Outlet Holiday Inn StarTekBroadmoor, The Humane Society of the Stellar Restaurant SolutionsCaptionCall StressconChecks Unlimited Pikes Peak Region SubwayCHEFS Catalog Interim HealthCare Tide Dry CleanersCity of Colorado Springs King Soopers Time Warner CableColorado Springs School District 11 Luce Research T-MobileComcast Maid It! Village InnCricket Marriott Hotel, Colorado Springs WalmartDawson May Trucking Company Wendy’s of Colorado SpringsFirstsource Solutions USA, Inc. Panda Express WOW!Genesis HealthCare Phil Long XeroxGraven Austin & Drake Progressive SafewayCOMMUNITY VOLUNTEER AGENCIESAARP Foundation - SCSEP Fountain Valley School of Colorado Palmer Ridge High SchoolCamping World of Colorado Springs Front Range Community Services Peterson Airforce BaseCharis Bible College Gap Pikes Peak Workforce CenterColorado College Harris Corporation Service Employment andColorado School for the Deaf and Blind Home DepotColorado Springs Housing Authority Intellitec College Redevelopment (SER)Colorado Technical University Interventions Inc. Sunnyside Christian ChurchCrossroad Ministries Just Serve TCF BankFort Carson Lewis Palmer High School United States Air Force AcademyFountain Municipal Court Old Navy University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Discover Goodwill of Southern and Western Colorado 1460 Garden of the Gods Rd. Colorado Springs, CO 80907 719.635.4483 DiscoverMyGoodwill.org16 DISCOVER GOODWILL ANNUAL REPORT 2015
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