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Home Explore Statement of Expenditure AGF No. 13

Statement of Expenditure AGF No. 13

Published by Bibek Kushwaha, 2022-10-26 08:35:02

Description: Statement of Expenditure AGF No. 13


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Nepal Government AGF No. 13 ………..…..…….Office/Department/Ministry Expenditure of the Release up to the Budget Head Annual Expenditure Balance of …………………. end of No. STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURE Appropriation Up to the end of Budget …………………….. …………………… as on ………………………………. Of Budget Budget Heads Total STATEMENT OF FUND Bank Balance Rs……………………………………… Cash Balance Rs………………………………………. For the month of……………………………………………………. Total Balance Rs………………………………………. Loan Payable (-) Rs………………………………….. Total release up to………………………… Rs………………………… Loan Receivable (+) Rs…………………………….. Total Expenditure up to………………………… Rs………………………… Date…………………………….. Date…………………………….. Uncleared amount of advance Rs……………………… …….. Actual expenditures after adjusting the advance Rs………………… Submitted By…………………………….. Position…………………………….. Approved By……………………………… Position……………………..........

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