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verb-to-be-ppt-flashcards-fun-activities-games-grammar-guides-pic_46788 (

Published by Tukta Elfthai, 2021-03-14 09:28:55

Description: Verb to be


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I am Bart. I am with my family. I’m American.

You are my friend. You’re a good boy.

He is Homer. He’s my dad.

She is Marge. She’s my mom.

That is a dog. It’s my pet.

We are friends. We’re at school.

You and your friends are students. You’re cool.

They are Lisa and Maggie. They’re my sisters.

I’amm Remember YYoouu’arree HHee’is SShhee’is IItt’is WWee’arree YYoouu’arree TThheeyy’arree

I am not from Britain. I’m not British.

She is not Marge. She isn’t my mom.

We are not from Mexico. We aren’t Mexican.

I‘ammnotnot Remember You aren’tnot He isn’tnot She isn’t not It isn’tnot We aren’t not You aren’tnot They aren’t not

Am I your best friend? Yes, you are.

Are you my teacher? Yes, I am.

Is she your mom? No, she isn’t.

QUESTIONS SHORT ANSWERS IAmaIm? ? Yes, I am/you are AYroeuyoaure? ? No, I’m not/you aren’t IHs ehe ?is? Remember ISshsehe i?s? IIstit ? is? Yes, he/she/it is No, he/she/it isn’t AWree wear?e ? Yes, we/you/they are AYroeuyoaure? ? No, we/you/they aren’t ATrheeytheya?re ?

She _____ my mother. am are is ‘m not aren’t isn’t

I _____ American. am are is ‘m not aren’t isn’t

Bart _____ my friend. am are is ‘m not aren’t isn’t

I ______ tall. I’m short. am are is ‘m not aren’t isn’t

We _____ friends. am are is ‘m not aren’t isn’t

They _____ Spanish. am are is ‘m not aren’t isn’t


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