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Learn to Live Youth Employment SkillsWaves of Change Salesian OutreachPorsche Program Don Bosco Hostel

Rector’s Preface We began 2017 knowing that Salesian Institute Youth Projects (SIYP) was at a crossroads and that a radical change of direction was needed. The changing times demanded that our organisation as well as our skills training and job readiness programmes adapt to be relevant to the job market and to attract funding in a competitive fundraising environment; either that, or die as an outdated NGO dinosaur. However, we came prepared with a dynamic transition management team to drive the process; and after a year of pain and promise, we now go forward implementing a number of strategicchanges, including a new CEO, Board Members and staff in key positions.It is my privilege to acknowledge the unfailing material and spiritual support given to SIYP during this pastyear of challenge and hope. The first requirement of this Annual Report is to give a transparent account ofthe ‘material support’ received for the sake of the disadvantaged youth of Cape Town.The ‘spiritual support’ may not be as obvious, but it is evident in the Annual Report in an implied way –in the human interest stories, in the narrative sections, in how the projects are run and in their content.Mostly, it is present in the motivation of all those committed to continue Don Bosco’s story of service tothe disadvantaged youth of today. I believe that such spiritually motivated people are to be found in thelist of donors and benefactors who empower the poor youth of Cape Town to become, in Don Bosco’swords, “upright citizens and God-fearing persons”. To our funders, partners and stakeholders, our deepgratitude.There were many other spiritually motivated people at SIYP who also deserve a special word of thanksfor the past year of hard work, commitment and sacrifice: the transition management team for theirgenerous year of pro bono service and financial support in driving the change process; the members ofthe Board for their meticulous oversight and support of SIYP; and the dedicated members of staff whobore the burden in the heat of difficult days – to all, a sincere thanks on behalf of the Salesians and themarginalised youth of Cape Town.In conclusion, I wish to express our gratitude to retired CEO, Fr Pat Naughton, and members of the Boardfor their unstinting spiritual and material support over many long years of dedicated service.Fr Jeffrey Johnson SDBRector: Salesian Institute 1

Chairperson’s Report It is a singular privilege to have been appointed the new Chairman of the Salesian Youth Projects. This comes at a time of significant reflection and renewal at SIYP. Lynn Stevens has steered the organisation through exciting and challenging times, most notably through a worldwide recession where funding of worthy causes came under severe pressure. We are beholden to Lynn for the work she has done with passion and self-sacrifice.  Tribute is also due to Father Patrick Naughton who has retired from his post as CEO but still guides the board in the true spirit of St John Bosco. Father Pat remains an integral part of the board of SIYP and a true custodian of the ethos of our founding Saint. Part of the process of renewal has been the inclusion of international trustees, Rick Early, Heribert Trunk and Dermot Mullins - all outstanding businessmen in their fields. At the local level, Sidney Duval has retired from the board and been replaced by Bernard Ashlin. Sydney has spent decades on the board of SIYP and its predecessors and we wish him a well earned rest. Bernard Ashlin is a retired businessman and was a classmate of mine at Salesian Institute in the early 1960’s. As we will see elsewhere in the report, SIYP has appointed Hilton Nyirenda as the new CEO. Hilton has been a part time volunteer at SIYP for a number of years and brings with him a knowledge of the Salesian spirit and a high degree of enthusiasm. We welcome Hilton’s appointment and wish him every success in this very important assignment. The board and its committees are committed to assisting Hilton to build a world class institution for youth at risk. During the year we welcomed Mr Andries Botha as the new principal of the Learn to Live school and we have seen lots of positive change at the school. Under his guidance, we have added a hairdressing training salon which is well attended. In the YES programme, we have substantially upgraded the Food Preparation kitchen facility. The Porsche project ran into some unforeseen difficulties in getting the training vehicles released from Customs, but everything is now on track and this exciting joint venture with Porsche AG will soon be producing its first batch of graduates. Of course, SIYP would be nothing without the teachers and trainers who guide and educate our Salesian youth. The men and women who teach on our programmes and in our school are the lifeblood of the mission we have to give these young people a chance to make something of their lives. We thank them all for their selfless commitment to our work and the future of the youth. \"For though the chamomile, the more it is trodden on the faster it grows, yet youth, the more it is wasted, the sooner it wears.\" - William Shakespeare. Rick Early is a businessman from Dublin who along with two volunteers, Siobhan Walsh and Aileen Mcclosky gave months of their time and an enormous amount of their resources as business analysts to assist SIYP in becoming a world class organisation. Much of their work is in the implementing phase but they have left us with a blueprint for success. We are extremely grateful to them for all the work they have done and the enthusiasm with which they have done it. The downturn in the South African economy has made it more difficult to place our graduates in jobs. This has resulted in lower employment figures. Graduates not taken up in the formal sector at this stage often find themselves becoming self employed entrepreneurs. Our focus this year is to substantially expand our foundation of partners who are prepared to hire our youth. I would like to express my gratitude to the board of SIYP for its continued passion towards the youth we serve. The results of the efforts of our staff and directors transcends generations in the future and it is a responsibility we happily accept. Finally, I would like to acknowledge and celebrate the youth we work with every day - young people who have not had the best start in life, in many cases, but who we seek to give a second chance, a step up, a way out, a new ending as is the Don Bosco way. They are why SIYP exists and we do well to remind ourselves. John Doidge Chairman: Salesian Institute Youth Projects2

Letter from the CEO I begin this letter with a sense of pride in the Salesian Institute Youth Projects. As I look back on 2017 — in fact, the last decade — it is remarkable how well we have performed. I’m not only talking about the number of youths at risk we have touched through our work, but also about how much we have accomplished by introducing programmes that change the lives of youth from marginalized communities. Ours is an exceptional institution with an extraordinary heritage and a promising future. We continue to make excellent progress with all the programmes. Our Learn to Live Schools of Skills had an average attendance of 160 students over the 12-month period whilst 337 young men and woman completed vocational training courses in the YES (Youth Employment Skills) Program. 251 Clients completed Life Skills training at the Waves of Change Programme with continued employment secured monthly through strategic partnerships. The Salesian Outreach Program allowed us to work with community leaders identifying youth in need in key communities in and around Cape Town.The Salesian Institute Youth Projects’ success is attributable to people who have worked tirelessly to buildthe organisation into what it is today. I particularly want to thank and acknowledge the hard work of themembers of our Board and our Staff. None of the achievements would have been possible without themor the tremendous support from our donors and all our strategic partners. We thank all for their supportand selfless donations.Nelson Mandela once said: “What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is whatdifference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.” Asindividuals, we often ask what the purpose of life is. Nelson Mandela suggests in his quote– and exemplified in his life – that the purpose of life is to live a life of meaningand impact.This is the difference we’re making together, hand in hand with those who mostneed it. 2017 Set the foundation for 2018 where, through ceaseless dedication,the Salesian Institute Youth Projects will continue to give the youth at risk asecond chance at making hope a reality.Hilton NyirendaChief Executive Officer 3

Learn to Live The Learn to Live School of Skills provides skills training and basic education to children and youth at risk in the Cape Town area. The school is registered with the Western Cape Education Department as an independent School of Skills. Learn to Live presents a holistic growth opportunity for youth who, due to socio-economic circumstances, cannot access or cope in mainstream schooling. Learn to Live caters for learners aged 14 to 18 years old. Learners participate in skills programmes for four years, starting in year one at fourteen years of age, and exiting at 18 years in year four. All learners receive basic literacy and numeracy skills training. They further received vocational skills training to prepare them for the world of work. The school provided learners with Learning Support Material for both skills and academic programs. Each learner has their own Individual Support Plans which are revised every term. We promote small classes with a maximum of 20 learners per class to provide the individual attention needed. A social worker supports learners emotionally and those who experience socio - economic barriers. Learners receive three meals a day. For many learners these are the only meals that they will enjoy for the day. We are eternally grateful to funders who supply in this dire need. 3591 BREAKFASTS | 22 146 SANDWICHES | 25 065 LUNCHES | 50 802 TOTAL MEALS In 2017 – 60 learners received a transport subsidy to the value of R 6000,00 per week. Most of our learners come from low socio - economic environments and many parents are unemployed and cannot provide for transport. Contributions towards transport are therefore essential.4

2016 Learn to Live Vocational Skills Welding • Woodcraft • Panel Beating • Sewing and Crafts LANGUAGE DISTRIBUTIONYEAR ENGLISH ISIXHOSA AFRIKAANS 1 15 2 21 18 23 3 8 4 21 15 7 12 12 44 Since August 2017 the computer room is back in operation and computer literacy classes resumed for all learners.Due to the poor economic climate, we are more oftenrequired to assist with school clothes and shoes.This is a growing trend & we must be able to providethe clothing for youth as needed. Sports form partof the holistic approach of development and thisyear learners were divided into 4 houses (red, blue,white & yellow). A 3 day Inter-House Tournamentwas held from the 26-28 September at Green PointPark Stadium where learners competed in traditionalgames, touch rugby, netball, football & athletics. 5

Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. - Aristotle6


Youth Employment SkillsThe Youth Employment Skills (YES) programmes forms the cornerstone of the Salesian Institute Youth Projectsmission to address the youth unemployment scenario in Cape Town. The different courses provide technical andlife skills to enable young people to integrate into the South African economy. The YES programme is unique inboth its design and implementation, consisting of multiple training elements and job placement opportunitiesthrough strategic local employment partnerships.•• • T• S i Fl•eiB on w•MroCg iiOcdonoCakfmgbonPfliaimdrcplyeeeuLpipnAatMuae2gmpttrr0haepa&i1enMrnwtDi7aPaLoYeaegitlePntaireevnesersdemotrtPelaoegoFerncfrrlponfyoiaaenmgtonm&rgrreceamiednnmgte&bmsyethat 2C0 oT1BiuCl7rOioniPrcDfYsmgCkFfieeSEol&cpTRaev eoSoyueewLdtitpMlnSaaoieanPmgTlrpasigrArmn& Lei sn iTapt e&aPgIa&ntSlereaMtaTm sd ttIoieeCFo bnrlnSoiitln eogrA in pgpC oho2r3 t 6s 63 3 TrYaoinu22e2t17hd46638337737 Yes Program Employed 98 as on Feb 2018. Please note this number grows monthly as students are employed up to 9 months after completing the courses. This year in total 590 youth enrolled and 337 were trained in various above-mentioned courses. This proves the demand and the relevancy of our interventions for young people. Each specific course prepares the youth for the world of work in their sector. These courses empower youth who either dropped out of schools or did not have access to other educational opportunities. While others are affected by financial constraints. The majority of young people prefer our skills training because of the all-round service we offer i.e. life skills, vocational skills training and job placements.8

LIFE SKILLS Each YES programme cohort commences with 3 weeks of life skills sessions which is the heartbeat of SIYP training. The Life Skills is to enable young people to understand the skills needed in everyday life. This course is the one of the main drivers of success for participants to deal more effectively with everyday life. Life skills sessions don’t only instil individual awareness, but it motivates youth to practice teamwork and the spirit of giving back to society. Hence the youth stick together and motivate each other during the skills training.RECRUITMENTTo achieve the targets we set ourselves, we went intounderprivileged communities to advertise our courses. This was donethrough various recruitment channels such as pamphlet distributions atmore than 30 high schools, community visits, train stations as well as kiosks.Radio interviews were also conducted at community radio stations such as CCFM, BushRadio, HeartFM and Voice of The Cape. Recruitment was also done through the SalesianOutreach Projects formerly known as 16+ who partnered with Community Forums that focuson youth development. We also had an opportunity to advertise our courses through a couple ofcareer expo’s facilitated by Action Volunteer Africa, the Department of Community and Safety, The Hilton Hoteland The South African Police Services.GRADUATIONGraduation ceremonies are held after each course and all students who pass their course receive certificates ofcompletion for both the life skills and the vocational skills. To further acknowledge the students, we awardedengraved medals for the top three outstanding students from each course. These are normally handed out byone of our senior management staff members or a guest of honour. 9

Youth Employment Skills YES - JOB PLACEMENT Networking is the foundation in finding employment opportunities for our graduates. Strategic partnership in key industries are formed to ensure that the graduates have been successfully placed into employment. SIYP Ambassadors A platform was created for the voice of the students in 2017. This is where the top three students from each course are invited to a round table discussion to express their views and give input on how to improve our services. The SIYP ambassadors act as role models in their communities. Gold Award Department of Social Development The Department of Social Development (DSD) in the Western Cape, acknowledged the Salesian Institute Youth Projects with a Gold Award at the DSD Ministerial Awards evening that took place on 28 November 2017. This prestigious award recognizes outstanding organisations and individuals who have contributed towards youth excellence and best practice in their fields. The YES program was honoured to receive this award.10

Success Story Mzu, short for Mzuweya, was born in Kwa Zulu Natal in the Port Shepstone area. He lost his mother at the age of 6 and with an absent father was taking into care by his sister in the Eastern Cape. He grew up in hardship as his sister was unemployed and had to feed several family members with a meagre R300 government grant per month. After he finished school, Mzu decided to go to where he thought he could find a job and make a new life. He saved enough money for a train ticket to Cape Town. With the high unemployment rate across South Africa, Mzu did not find employment. He lived in the notorious township – Khayelitsha. Mzu was overwhelmed by the local dynamics within his newly found community, riddled with crime, drink, drugs and gangsterism. Getting very demotivated Mzu got caught up in reckless behaviour and drinking. Still adamant to find employment, Mzu spoke to someone in the community that worked successfully on a sea vessel. He was a past student from the Salesian Projects, that completed the Waves of Change Program. Mzu then found out that the Salesian Institute Youth Projects offered several programmes and that he should get in contact with them, which he then did.Mzu first completed the Computer Literacy and Office Management course, thereafter he decided to furtherenrol into the Sewing course which he enjoyed very much. Mzu proudly carries his tote bag that he made aspart of the course. He stayed in the SIYP Don Bosco Hostel for the duration of the courses as Mzu did not havethe means to travel from where he stayed in Kyalticha into town every day. “This is the first time I had a securityguard looking out for my safety where I stayed” said Mzu with a smile.KFC, an employment partner of SIYP, recently offered Mzu employment as part of a recruitment programme.He is very happy to have this opportunity to finally enter the formal job market and now expresses hope forhis future. “I will continue to better myself and I will not forget my dream of becoming very successful one day”.Many of our youth that completed the courses, and who now are successfully placed in employment, frequentlyvisit us and keep in contact. They are an inspiration to us and the donors, to continue with our mission to offerthe youth hope and the possibility of becoming productive and proud citizens of this country. Mzu now paysit forward by sponsoring 2 of his own community youths with transport money to attend skills training at theSalesian Institute Youth Projects.Mzuyea Nobathana 11

Youth Employment Skills Course Trained Passed Employed Employed or further studies 27 Bricklaying 27 139 8 10 (37%) Computer Literacy 146 37 and Office 37 68 42 53 (31%) Management 68 33 Food Preparation 37 22 21 21 (57%) PC Repairs & 22 304 Mobile App 337 15 16 (24%) Development Sewing 12 12 (32%) Tiling & Laminated Flooring 5 5 (22%) TOTAL 98 117 (35%)12

Waves of ChangeFinding work in the maritime sector has become a very difficult task. Companies in themaritime industry, like all other businesses are driven by making a profit from unskilledlabour, while the sector oversight (SAMSA) wants those who enter the industry to havethe necessary safety qualifications to work on board any seafaring vessel because theyare aware of the many dangers of working in the industry.Life Skills In this ever-changing environment, Waves of Change has tackled theLife Skills has proven to be a powerful tool in assisting our course challenges head on and has becomeparticipants in finding purpose. During 2017, SIYP invited parentsand friends to join the graduation process. This has proven to be a noticeable force within thean emotional time for both parents and clients. industry.The course focuses on the following:• Develop of healthy relationships and teamwork Assisting the unskilled labour to be• Understanding and learning to have a concept skilled and ensuring that people of oneself and self acceptance are better prepared to face the• Setting personal values and building skills challenges of working at sea in• Budget according to current lifestyle the maritime industry we provide• Setting realistic goals that reflect growth access to necessary training,• Build capacity to effectively cope with life demands documents and assist youth in gaining employment at sea.2017 Statistics 366 251Orientation Completed 233Life Skills Completed 152Seaman’s Record Books Issued 73Safety Familiaration Completed Job Placements 13

Success Story Abduragmaan was a young man in 2014, wondering around the harbor of Cape Town, wanting to work at sea, since most of the men in his family are seaman. Naturally he was not successful as he did not have any experience, or the relevant documentation needed to work at sea. On his way to town, he walked passed the Salesian Institute Youth Projects building in Greenpoint. There was a group standing around talking. When he asked them what was going on, they told him that they are enrolling into the Waves of Change program, a program that prepares youth at risk in the Cape Town area, for working at sea. Abduragmaan, could not believe his luck. He joined the group and completed the registration and subsequent Life skills training. The Salesian Projects assisted Abduragmaan to obtain all the relevant training and the Seaman’s Book, a very important piece of documentation required by officials to enable someone to work at sea. Aduraagman got his first job on a fishing vessel called “Desert Diamond” in 2014. Abduraagmaan is 23 and he is married with a child. He now can provide for his family. He has secured employment on the SA Agulhas leaving for Antarctica. The SA Agulhas is a South African ice-strengthened training ship and former polar research vessel. They go out on expeditions for 6 months at a time. Abduraagmaan is very excited about this opportunity and experience. He has dreams and aspirations to grow his career even further. The Waves of Change Program gave him that window of opportunity. Abduragman Walker14

Success Story Story Told by Learn to Live Learner: “My name is MilHali and I am 15 years old. I went to a school in Gugulethu but was struggling to cope and felt I had no support from the teachers. The teachers just came to school to teach and I felt like there was no bond between my classmates and my teachers.” My class teacher realized that I was not coping with mainstream education, and referred me to the Salesian Institute Youth Projects Learn to Live School of Skills. “I live in a very dangerous neighborhood where I am surrounded by gangsterism and drug abusers. I am not allowed to play on the streets and need to be indoors most of the time because it’s too dangerous. I know a lot of people that are living on streets in Gugulethu, and they have no food to eat and sometimes no shoes or clothes to wear. I am lucky to have a mother that supports me and my baby brother and sister. We survive on her salary alone, but at times it is not enough. Debt is unfortunately the only solution to survive in many cases. I am very happy to be part of the Learn to Live school because here I get the support I need from my teachers and I feel like we are a big family. I love school so much that I make sure Iattend school every day. Most of the time my mother can’t afford to buy a bus ticket but then Learn to LiveSchool gives me transport money to make sure I don’t miss out on the subjects I like. What I have noticed atschool is that most of the students don’t have transport money to come to school, or have food to eat andcome to school hungry and some don’t have uniforms Learn to Live School provides us with all of that. Theygive us a chance to finish our school.”Mihlali Gaika 15

Salesian Outreach The 16+ Outreach Programme was the feeder/recruitment tool for the Youth Employment Skills (YES) Programme and Waves of Change (WOC) projects. This outreach programme was designed around the needs of people upto the age of 28, the majority of whom are from poverty-stricken areas. The programme assisted struggling youth to find healthcare, education, legal advice, counselling and mentorship. They also provided Life skills training to at-risk youth in these severely disadvantaged communities. The programme was guided by the principles of respect and acceptance, which instills within participants a sense of dignity and improved self-esteem. The “outreach” workers build a relationship with at-risk community youth and services included: • Consultations (includes counselling, general advice and referrals, i.e. Trauma and Rehab Centres) • Minor medical help • Assistance with IDs and other official documents • Placements into shelters and places of safety • Advocacy on the streets and in the youth’s community • Maintains a “Guardian Angel” system of people looking out for each other in the communities • Food, clothing and blanket distribution when available i.e., the Easter Egg Distribution, Blanket Drive and Christmas Parties, which happen at a specific time each year • Working in communities with Elders and Community Leaders to reach youth at risk • Socialisation once per week at the Salesian Institute • Regular Life Skills Sessions in the communities, as well as Awareness Programmes and Holiday Programmes • Day outings for groups by age and gender and camps for youth for recruitment into the YES Programme • Identify and prepare youth between the ages of 18-26 for entry into the YES programme • Identify youth needing accommodation at the Don Bosco Hostel • Drumming Programme in communities and for YES and WOC youth16

Life Skills are included depending on the event and included the following:Awareness and Prevention• Healthy Body and Mind• Consequences of Crime• Domestic Violence• Rape and Physical Abuse• Motivation• Peer Pressure• Teenage Pregnancy• Substance Abuse• HIV/AIDS & TB• Criticism and Anger• Time Management• Gangsterism• Nutrition• Negative behaviourCommunity youth attended these sessions. These sessions prepare the youth for campsto determine their level of commitment.HikingHikes are based on goal setting and perseverance. This activity was used to determine if the youth weremotivated enough to commit to the process that 16+ Outreach presented to them, i.e. recruitment into theYES or WOC programmes. Youth had a sense of achievement and self-confidence was improved after theircompletion of the hike. Drumming This activity helps with self-expression in a positive manner, it helps youth to process feelings like anger and frustration in a therapeutic way. It is used as a tool for team building and improving self-esteem. Youth are confident and energised after these sessions.SurfingThe aim of this programme was to help the youth facethe challenges they have in their lives and to make themunderstand that most challenges can be overcome withperseverance. Many of the youth who attended thesesessions where unable to swim, but through perseveranceovercame this challenge. Most overcame this challenge.Positive and healthy lifestyles were reinforced during thesesessions. 17

Salesian Outreach 2017 Outreach Activities Easter Egg Drive 2017 3984 Easter eggs were equally shared to 996 disadvantaged children. This was a three-day event held at Oasis farm, Freedom Park, Silver City and the Kraal kids of Zeekoevlei from 11th to 13th April 2017. Blanket Drive Cape Town’s Winter season is extremely cold and wet, and the Salesian Outreach Blanket Drive is essential in providing warmth for the disadvantaged people. In 2017 a total of 789 blankets were purchased and distributed to the needy over three consecutive days from the 3rd to 5th of July 2017. Beneficiaries of the blankets this year were from the following informal settlements: Area Age Category Number of beneficiaries Little Angels Day Care Tafelsig Children 20 Ex Kraal – Pelican park Children 209 Oasis Farm Philippi Children 100 Mitchell’s Plain Silver City Children 260 Site B Khayelitsha BM Section Elderly 200 Mandela Day As part of the 67 minutes Mandela Day campaign Salesian Outreach facilitated a police station spring cleaning. This was done by youth from Site B Khayelitsha BM section. This initiative was welcomed and supported by the station Commander. During the 67 minutes campaign youth cleaned police holding cells and the evidence room. Some of the key insights from the experience were that crime doesn’t pay and it could take more than ten years for one’s name to be cleared after committing crime. Hence this limits employability changes for youth with criminal records.18

Outreach & RecruitmentYouth are recruited through community partners to attend Salesian Outreach. They attend regular outreachactivities before they are eligible to partake in awareness & holiday programmes. This programme allowedthe Salesian Outreach Project the oppurtunity to work with youth within their communities. Team buildingactivities were conducted in the following areas:Khayelitsha, BM Section, Chesnutt Flats Belhar, Wesbank and Retreat. Thereafter youth who’ve showncommitment and are hungry for skills development opportunities were given an opportunity to apply for YEScourses. Upon successfully enrolling they were given first priority for Don Bosco Hostel accommodation. In2017 a total number of 45 youth were recruited for the YES courses.For those that are below the age limit Salesian Outreach refers them to other Developmental Organisations(NGO’s) for further assistance.Career ExhibitionsFour career exhibitions were attended this year. These were facilitated by various organisations in thefollowing areas: Dunoon, Wynberg, Richwood and Parow. A total number of 174 youth showed interest toenrol for 2018 YES courses.CampsDuring the 1st quarter of the year, two camps where held for the Don Bosco Hostel intake. These campsprepared the youth for their hostel stay. The camps were held from 7th - 10th March 2017 and 2nd -5th May2017. A total of 23 young men from Khayelitsha BM section and Harare attended the camps.PartnershipsThe Salesian Outreach partnered with a couple of stakeholders such as Khayelitsha Police Station, Haven NightShelters, Princesvlei Eco Camp Site, Joining Hands Mitchells Plain, Cape Town Drug Counselling Centre, BMCommunity Development Club House, Department of Community Safety, Social Development, and variouscommunity leaders.Statistics(All stats are recorded & documented by use of daily journals, life skills registers, youth profile records etc.)Descriptions Age 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 0Children 0-16yrs 24 996 830 197 0Youth 17-24yrs 81 32 115 0 197Young Adults 25-30yrs 36 13 0Adults 30+yrs 39 4 0TOTAL 180 1045 945 2367The Salesian Outreach Programme touched the lives of underprivileged people in 2017 through various activities. 19

PORSCHE PAVE | PTRC-ZA Porsche Training and Recruitment Centre – South Africa (PTRC-ZA) The Porsche Training and Recruitment Centre – South Africa (PTRC-ZA) is the newest addition to the Salesian Institute Youth Projects. The automotive industry is facing the biggest upheaval in 100 years as it undergoes a major shift towards new technologies. The ongoing move towards digitalization, connectivity, e-mobility, environmental protection amongst others requires a new set of special skills for employees in the industry. The PTRC-ZA tackles this by creating a regional hub of excellence where Porsche’s intelligent performance and the Salesian social footprint combine to deliver intelligent qualification for the digital automotive pioneers of tomorrow. This exciting 3-year pilot project was launched in 2017 with the first class of twenty-one male and seven female students began their two-year course in July. Every year, approximately 25 young men and women from socially disadvantaged backgrounds will be trained as automotive service mechatronics technicians. The programme is being jointly implemented by the Salesian Institute Youth Projects and the local Porsche importer, LSM Distributors (Pty.) Ltd. This unique combination of competencies allows for a fantastic synergy where the Salesian mission and the mission of Porsche are jointly fulfilled. Two classrooms and a training workshop were setup for the trainees to work in. The training content has been designed by Porsche’s After Sales experts in line with the current and future needs of the automotive industry. The learning content seeks to equip the trainees with the competencies to be able to diagnose, repair and service the motor vehicles of today and tomorrow. In order to successfully teach these competencies, the programme employed two full-time teachers who come with decades of experience in both teaching automotive mechanics and working in high-end automotive workshops. This project ultimately seeks to unlock career opportunities in the retail organisations of the Volkswagen Group, namely Porsche, Audi, Volkswagen and Bentley. The quality expected of the technicians working in these brands is exceptional, so we too set high standards for the students with a pass-mark set of 80% for all tests and assignments.20

CLASSROOM DEMOGRAPHICSHighlightsThe project was officially launched with a magnificent event hosted at the Salesian Institute Youth Projects inMarch 2017. We were privileged to have top local and international acts perform at a function where a rangeof the most impressive Porsches, Bentleys, VWs and Audis were on display. The first class of students wereintroduced to a marquee tent full of A-list guests celebrating the opportunities that this project opens up forthese young people. The students were also blessed to start their training with a weeklong course offered byone of Porsche South Africa’s head technical trainers, who also coordinated an eye-opening tour of Porsche’sCentury City dealership and workshop. One of the biggest highlights for the students was the arrival of the firsttraining vehicle, an impressive Porsche Cayenne.The project, in alignment with all other SIYP projects, seeks not only to prepare young people for the demandsof the world of work, but also to be inspiring individuals with a healthy and positive world view, both in theworkplace and in their communities. To stimulate this, a program of life skills is included into the curriculum,personal and spiritual growth classes are offered on a weekly basis as well as sports and recreation sessions toencourage healthy living and relationship building. 21 Males- 7 Females 12 African - 16 ColouredWe are thankful to our partners who are the key to this projects success. Special thanks must go to PAG, LSM Distributors, Don Bosco Mondo and the Salesian family who have been involved in growing the project. 21

Don Bosco Hostel The Don Bosco Hostel (DBH) provided accommodation and full board and lodging to youth recruited by 16+, youth from severely disadvantaged communities attended the YES and the WOC programmes. Youth from abjectly poor households, and or travelling from far away and rural areas, have the opportunity to stay in a safe environment whilst in training. This accommodation allowed for focused learning and development. It offered weekly boarding (Monday to Friday), with a capacity of 24 beds. The youth received three meals per day and where provided with bedding and toiletries. During their stay at the hostel they were expected to complete certain chores i.e. clean the bathroom, dormitory and kitchen. They had regular excursions visiting cultural as well as tourist destinations around Cape Town. The Don Bosco Hostel accommodated males between the ages of 18 and 28. Youth who stayed in the hostel underwent training at either the YES Project or Waves of Change. This accommodation facility enabled youth who lived too far from Cape Town and youth who lived in extremely impoverished circumstances to access the S.I.Y.P. training opportunities. During the afternoons and evenings, the youth participated in informal life skills and recreational activities. After completion of their training courses, the Job Placement Officer assisted the youngsters to secure employment. A Youth careworker was always involved in assisting and guiding youth with any problems they may have and ensuring that daily chores were completed. Nutritious meals were provided during their stay at Don Bosco Hostel. In 2017, 123 young men were accommodated.22

A gym Private and group A caring environment sessions with the A recreational room with TV careworkerLife skills programmes includeweekly sessions whilst in the DB Hostel Access to prayer Library facility forservices, should they homework and be requested assignments24 hour supervised The residential care Don Bosco Hostel provided Counselling when needed 23

Life Skills YES Program Don Bosco 263 Hostel Waves of ChangePorsche Program 232 28Salesian Outreach Learn to Live 353 1871063 Life Skills Completed Life skills forms the foundation of our work at SIYP. These skills develop our youths interpersonal skills prior to developing their vocational skills. Life skills are defined as personal and inter-personal skills or psychological abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour, that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life. Our life skills training helps young people to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills such as personal worth and teaches them to interact with others constructively and effectively. Success as humanbeings depends on how well people can manage challenges and risks, maximize opportunities, and solve problems in co-operative, and non-violent ways.24


Financial Summary Salesian Institute Youth Projects Financial Summary for the Year Ended 31 December 2017 2017 2016 ZAR ZAR INCOME 17 997 002 14 605 823 ATTRIBUTABLE TO SPECIFIC PROJECTS 17 391 445 13 766 164 INVESTMENT INCOME 183 323 239 700 OTHER INCOME 422 234 599 959 Income not attributable to specific projects 223 578 459 970 Fair Value Adjustment 198 656 139 989 EXPENDITURE 17 497 918 14 933 017 NET DEFICIT 499 084 -327 194 Note: The full annual Financial Statements for 2017 are available on our website: Income by Sector and Income by Country 7.9% Individual 21.8% Europe South African 40.6% Government 48% Donor Agency 20.8% South Africa International Government 46% 7.9% Other USA 1% CSI 6%26

Debit Order FormDebit Order AuthorisationI hereby request and authorise the Salesian Institute Youth Projects to withdraw an amount ofR per month on the of each monthAccount Number:Account Type (cheque / savings):Account Holder’s Name:Bank:Branch Code:Account Number:Signature:Date:With effect from:Full Name:Postal Address:Residential Address (if Different):Work Telephone:Home Telephone:Cell Number:Email Address:In order for us to acknowledge your donation, please use your name and SIYP as reference andemail your personal details as listed above to [email protected] Section 18A tax certificate will be issued once a year as acknowledgment of receipt of yourcontributions, provided we have your postal details.Thank You!www.salesianyouth.orgB-BBEE SED Recognition 100%NPO-003-313 27

Donors List Abrahams, J. Buterley, B. Don Bosco Mundo Greyvestein, B. Abrahamse, CS. Butler, J. Don Bosco Mission Bonn. Hanna, S. Adams, M. Calvert Construction. Don Bosco International. Hansen, K. Alectrix. Campbell, U. Downey, K. Harwood, L. Alexander, A. Capitec Foundation. Duggan, SM. Hendricks, Q. Amandla Development Carrol, A. Earley, A. Heraeus Electro-Nite. Appleton, AC. Cape Town Central City Earley, R. Holy Childhood – Arendse, F. Improvement District. Edgemead Primary Archdiocese of Arendse, O. CASA Salesiana ELMA Foundation. Cape Town. Baldissara, D. Caso, A. Ely, SJ. Holy Cross Sisters Rugby. Bam, A. Catholic Woman’s League Embassy of Ireland. Holy Cross Convent School Barnes, G. CELT Productions. Engel, N. Brooklyn. Barrows, M. Chance Jugend Ernst, Dr Hans- Bruno. Horn, AR JL. Bell, L. Childs, L. European Union. Houghton, B. Bell, T. Community Chest. Farmer, R. Hurl, A. Bellairs Trust. Constantia Catholic. Fedderson, J. Hyundai Don. Bennet, N. Crowsser, GC. Fergus, K. Immaculate Conception Bengu, D. Cupido, T. Flaherty, T. Investec Biccari, F. Da-Silva, P. Florence, T. iAfrica Bico, Mena. David Graaff Foundation. Fowkes, IW. Jackson, M. Bill, C. Davids, M. Freeman, J. JB Findlay Trust. Bloch, D. Danicki, J. Fr. Pat’s Family & Friends. Johnson, W. Booth, J. Delahunt, S. Fynn, H. Kennedy, N. Bosco Subaru De Souza, A. Gabriel Foundation. Kuppen, F. Blount, M De Villiers, L. Garland, B. Lally, A. Botti, L. Desmore, B. Gallacher, M. Lategan, C. Brans, T. Dippenaar, A. Gallin, L.T. Latiffe, Mr. Breadline Africa. Dichm, M. Gloyne, B. Lauro, D. Bright, V. Divaris, K. GMG Trust. Laxa, R. Brizzi, C. Doidge, J. Granger, C. Lawrence, J. Buchanan, P. Don Bosco Jugendhilfe Green, F. Lenssen, J. Burke, D. Weltweit. Grewal, RK. L&S Chiappini Trust.28

Lyne, A. Noon, T. Ryan, Fr E. Thomas, M.Lotto SA Norman, RV. & M. Sagrestano, R. Thomas, V.McCauley, K. Nortje, A. Sangster, S. Toef, W.MacConnell, G. Nosure, N. Salesian Irish Province. Trunk, H.McConville, K. O’Connor, M. Salesian Mission. Turner, D.McCloskey, A. O’Curraoin, S. Salesian Rector Major. Van Jaarsveld, JA.McCloskey, J. O’Brian, D. Salie, S. Van Tonder, B.McDonagh, B. O’Donnell Family. Schaper, C. Van Zijl, S.Mahatey, A. O’Flaherty, AC. Schrieff, VJ. Van Zyl, R.MariaMarina Foundation. Ogle, R. Sefoor, E. Vella, L.Martin, N. O’Hara, P. Shiely, E. Vella, V.Mrs. Keyter. PA Don Charitable Trust. Simmonds, M. Venn, S.Me Keefrey, Fr. B. Peter, SZ. Sinclair, CC. VIS-VolontariatoMeegan, K. Phipps, M. Skaarup P. Internazionale.Meiring, T. Pieterse, L. Smith, A. Volpe, J.Mendelsohn, L. Pickard, V. Genisis-St. Michael’s Vokozela, RN.Mercy Covent Spiddal. Pinho, A. Catholic Church. Wagenaar, M.Michalow, S. Poggenpoel, A. Stahl, R. Wallace, WR.Misean Cara. Raath, A. State Street Corporation. Walsh, S.Moeketsi, K. Ramsden, BA. StreetSmart. Warner, T.Monahan, M. Rapp, M. Stewart, S. WC Department of SocialMookrey, LM. Rasbe, O. Sykes, G. Development.Moran, T. Reddam House. Sztopa, R. WC EducationMorkel, V. Renwick-Forster, K. Technokill, CC. Department.Morris, G. Richardson, L. The Bowman Foundation Wesson, A.Muller, L. Ribeiro, L. The Ryan Trust. Whiting, D.Naidoo, S. Rightwell, L. The Lord and Lady Lurgan Wiesenbacher, Y.Naughton, S. Roche, A. Trust. Williams, MF.Neely, E. Roche, C. The Key Recruitment Wilson, KE.Ni Chongahile, M. Rosario, J. Group. Yates, B. K.Ni Chonghaile, B. & C. Rossouw, C. TK Foundation. Yellow Door Collective.Ni Chuinn, B. Ryan, M. Thomas, D. 29

2 Somerset Road, Greenpoint Cape Town Western Cape 8001 South Africa +27 21 421 4250 [email protected] www.salesianyouth.orgNON PROFIT ORGANISATION NO 003-33 NPC 2014/096003/8

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