Youth and Teens: SportsTennis: Satellites USTA Jr. League Team TennisAges 8-10 Ages 7-17with Barry Poole with Barry PooleQuick Start class for youngsters under the age of 11. Players Orange Ballwith little or no experience will learn to rally and play quickly on This is a City of Milpitas match play program. Orange Ball Juniora 60’ court using age appropriate balls and rackets. The focuses League Team Tennis for 7-10 year olds. It provides Orange ballwill be on developing a solid foundation on the basic athletic or 60-foot match play opportunities. Coaches are on hand toskills of tossing, catching, and running and then applying them facilitate match play and assist players with the intricacies ofto basic racquet skills. Students will learn the rules and basic match play. This program is focused on allowing the playersstrategies of the game. Our goal is to help these students to put the skills and techniques developed in the classes anddevelop the foundation needed to build solid playing skills that clinics into competitive match play.allow them to achieve higher levels of play. Student to instructorratio is 6:1 at this level. Skill levels for entry into the class is Please Note:beginner to intermediate. • Classes held at Hall Park Tennis Courts La Honda and Coyote.Please Note: • Participants need to bring their own racket. • Wear appropriate sports shoes and clothes.• Classes held at Hall Park Tennis Courts La Honda and Coyote. • Bring water bottle and snacks.• Participants need to bring their own racket.• Wear appropriate sports shoes and clothes. $15/$35 1 meeting Ages 7-10• Bring water bottle and snacks. 1:00PM - 3:00PM #3746 WED 6/8 1:00PM - 3:00PM Note 1:00PM - 3:00PM Note$100/$120 5 meetings Ages 8-10 #3747 WED 6/15 1:00PM - 3:00PM Note #3725 SAT 6/4 - 7/2 12:30PM - 1:30PM 1:00PM - 3:00PM Note #3726 SAT 7/9 - 8/6 12:30PM - 1:30PM Note #3748 WED 6/22 1:00PM - 3:00PM Note Note 1:00PM - 3:00PM Note #3749 WED 6/29 Note$120/$140 6 meetings Ages 8-10 #3750 WED 7/6 4:30PM - 5:30PM#3729 M/W 7/25 - 8/10 Note #3751 WED 7/13 #3752 WED 7/20$140/$160 7 meetings Ages 8-10 4:30PM - 5:30PM#3727 M/W 6/1 - 6/22 4:30PM - 5:30PM Note Green Ball Note This is a city of Milpitas match play program. Green and#3728 M/W 6/27 - 7/20 Regulation Ball Junior League Team Tennis provides full court or 78-foot match play opportunities for players ages 11-17. This program is focused on allowing the players to put the skills and techniques developed in the classes and clinics into competitive match play. $15/$35 1 meeting Ages 11-17 1:00PM - 3:00PM #3754 THUR 6/9 1:00PM - 3:00PM Note 1:00PM - 3:00PM Note #3755 THUR 6/16 1:00PM - 3:00PM Note 1:00PM - 3:00PM Note #3756 THUR 6/23 1:00PM - 3:00PM Note 1:00PM - 3:00PM Note #3757 THUR 6/30 Note #3758 THUR 7/7 #3759 THUR 7/14 #3760 THUR 7/2151MCC = ComNmOuTniEty Center MSC = Sports Center MSRC = Senior Center ADOBE = Higuera Adobe Building Fees are listed as = See “Please Note” in class description. Resident/Non-Resident.
Youth and Teens: SportsBasic Horsemanship Trail RidesAges 6+ Ages 8+with Chaparral Ranch Staff with Chaparral Ranch StaffBasic horsemanship is a hands-on class. Students will learn Take a walking ride through the beautiful hills of Ed Levin, saddling, unsaddling, riding, parts of horse and saddle Learn to steer, stop and make horse go. Children must be 8+and much more. years to go on trails.Please note: Please note:• All classes are held at Chaparral Ranch, 3375 Calaveras Rd, • Class meets at Chaparral Ranch, 3375 Calaveras Road, Milpitas. Milpitas.• All students are required to wear a helmet (will be provided). • All students are required to wear a helmet (will be provided). • Long pants and close toed shoes required.$118/$138 4 meetings Ages 6+ 9:00AM - 10:00AM#3766 SAT 6/4 - 6/25 9:00AM - 10:00AM Note $50/$70 1 meeting Ages 8+ 9:00AM - 10:00AM Note #4446 SAT 6/11 12:00PM - 1:00PM#3767 SAT 7/2 - 7/23 Note #4447 SAT 7/9 12:00PM - 1:00PM Note #4448 SAT 8/13 12:00PM - 1:00PM Note#3768 SAT 8/6 - 8/27 NoteWestern Riding LessonsAges 8+with Chaparral Ranch StaffIn beginning western lessons you will learn to mount dismount,steer, stop, and make your horse go. You will also learn balance,posting and much more including horse safety.Please note:• All classes are held at Chaparral Ranch, 3375 Calaveras Rd, Milpitas.• All students are required to wear a helmet (will be provided).$44/$64 1 meeting Ages 8+ 4:00PM - 5:00PM#3770 WED 6/1 4:00PM - 5:00PM Note 4:00PM - 5:00PM Note#3771 WED 6/8 4:00PM - 5:00PM Note 4:00PM - 5:00PM Note#3772 WED 6/15 4:00PM - 5:00PM Note 4:00PM - 5:00PM Note#3773 WED 6/22 4:00PM - 5:00PM Note 4:00PM - 5:00PM Note#3774 WED 6/29 4:00PM - 5:00PM Note 4:00PM - 5:00PM Note#3775 WED 7/6 4:00PM - 5:00PM Note Note#3776 WED 7/13#3777 WED 7/20#3778 WED 7/27#3779 WED 8/3#3780 WED 8/10#3781 WED 8/1752 MCC = ComNmOuTniEty Center MSC = Sports Center MSRC = Senior Center ADOBE = Higuera Adobe Building Fees are listed as = See “Please Note” in class description. Resident/Non-Resident.
Youth and Teens: DanceKinder Hip Hop Dance Level 1 Hip Hop/Break Dance Level 1Ages 5 Ages 6-13with Special K Mobile Dance Studio Mz “K” with Special K Mobile Dance Studio Mz “K”For age 5 only. Dancers learn a variety of creative movement and Current hip-hop styles and steps are introduced in an upbeatrhythm with positive, age appropriate hip-hop style and steps. environment using fun and age appropriate music. Dancers will also learn the 7 elements of Break-Dance: Top Rock, FeetWork,Please Note: Freezes, Spins, Drops, Treading and Swipes.• A $55 material fee is payable to the instructor at the first class Please Note: for an Airbrush Tee. • A $55 material fee is payable to the instructor at the first class• In-class performance held on the last day. for an Airbrush Tee.• No class on 6/25, 7/2, 7/9 and 9/3. • In-class performance held on the last day.$165/$185 12 meetings Age 5 • No class on 6/25, 7/2, 7/9 and 9/3. 9:00AM - 9:50AM#3763 SAT 6/4 - 9/17 MCC $240/$260 12 meetings Ages 6-9 #4404 SAT 6/4 - 9/17 10:00AM - 11:00AM MCCKinder Hip Hop Dance Level 2 $240/$260 12 meetings Ages 10-13Ages 5 #4405 SAT 6/4 - 9/17 11:00AM - 12:00PM MCCwith Special K Mobile Dance Studio Mz “K”This is a faster paced class where experienced hip hop dancers Hip Hop/Break Dance Level 2advance their vocabularies and incorporate skills into higherlevel routines. For age 5 only. Dancers learn a variety of creative Ages 6-13movement and rhythm with positive, age appropriate hip-hop with Special K Mobile Dance Studio Mz “K”style and steps. This is a fast paced class where experienced hip hop dancersPlease Note: advance their vocabularies and incorporate skills into higher level routines. Current hip-hop styles and steps are introduced• A $55 material fee is payable to the instructor at the first class in an upbeat environment using fun and age appropriate music. Dancer will also learn the 7 elements of Break-Dance: Top Rock, for an Airbrush Tee. FeetWork, Freezes, Spins, Drops, Treading and Swipes.• In-class performance held on the last day.• No class on 6/26, 7/3, 7/10 and 9/4.$165/$185 12 meetings Ages 5 Please Note: 9:00AM - 9:50AM#3764 SUN 6/5 - 9/18 MCC • A $55 material fee is payable to the instructor at the first class for an Airbrush Tee. • In-class performance held on the last day. • No class on 6/26, 7/3, 7/10 and 9/4. $240/$260 12 meetings Ages 6-9 #4406 SUN 6/5 - 9/18 10:00AM - 11:00AM MCC $240/$260 12 meetings Ages 10-13 #4407 SUN 6/5 - 9/18 11:00AM - 12:00PM MCC Center MSC = Sports Center MSRC ADOBE = Higuera Adobe = See “Please Note” in class description. Resident/Non-Resident.53MCC = ComNmOuTniEty = Senior Center Building Fees are listed as
Adult ClassesTai Chi for Fitness 1 Tai Chi for Fitness - AdvancedAges 18+ Ages 18+with William Wong with Michelle CreamerAccording to medical research, exercise is not only good forthe body, it also makes people smarter. It improves muscle “Meditation in Motion” is just one of the ways to describecoordination, reaction time and strength, weight control, brain Tai Chi. The body is in constant motion, while relaxing andpower, and prevents bone loss and Alzheimer’s associated breathing allows chi (energy) to flow. This class focuses onwith aging. Fitness 1: 64 moves Yang Style Tai Chi may help practicing both the Yang Style 64 Moves and 108 Moves andyou accomplish these benefits from exercising and enjoying a promoting good health, body balance, coordination, andhealthy life for years to come. calmness. According to a recent clinical study at Tufts Medical Center, patients participating in Tai Chi significantly showedPlease Note: improvement in pain and fatigue among other things.• Wear comfortable clothing and athletic shoes. Please Note:• Instructor will supply a description and illustration • Wear comfortable clothing and athletic shoes. of Tai Chi movements. • This class is not recommended for those with severe knee• This class is not recommended for those with problems. severe knee problems. $93/$113 12 meetings Ages 18+$148/$168 19 meetings Ages 18+ #3696 TUE/THUR 6/21 - 7/28 3:30PM - 4:30PM MCC#3700 TUE/THUR 6/7 - 8/9 9:30AM - 10:30AM MSCTai Chi for Fitness 2Ages 18+with William WongThis class is for the students who have finished 64 movesbeginner Tai Chi and would like to continue into 108 moves TaiChi. Please Note:• Wear comfortable clothing and athletic shoes.• Instructor will supply a description and illustration of Tai Chi movements.• This class is not recommended for those with severe knee problems.• No class on 7/4.$148/$168 19 meetings Ages 18+#3698 MON/WED 6/6 - 8/10 6:30PM - 7:30PM MCC MSC#3699 MON/WED 6/6 - 8/10 9:30AM - 10:30AM MCC#3701 TUE/THUR 6/7 - 8/9 6:30PM - 7:30PM54 MCC = ComNmOuTniEty Center MSC = Sports Center MSRC = Senior Center ADOBE = Higuera Adobe Building Fees are listed as = See “Please Note” in class description. Resident/Non-Resident.
Adult ClassesOil Painting Introduction to TaikoAges 18+ Ages 15+with Helen Chou with Kensuke SumiiStudents will learn to paint in oil. No prior experience required! Taiko is the art of Japanese drumming, which develops self-The first meeting is an introduction to the unique properties of expression and musical creativity. This course is a basicthe oil paint medium and how to handle them safely. Students introduction to the world of taiko. This includes Japanesewill bring their own painting supplies and a few photographs of expressions, the kinds and use of taiko drums, and the soundstheir choice to the second meeting. The instructor will help each of various taiko beats. In each class, everyone will participate bystudent choose a theme to paint. The fundamental techniques playing on actual drums. All the equipment - including drumsof oil painting, concepts of composition, and chromatics will be and sticks in class - are provided.taught as we paint. Please Note:Please Note: • Material fee of $45 is payable to the instructor at the first class• Students bring their own supplies. Will be discussed at first (covers maintenance of taiko materials). class.• No class on 7/4. • No class on 8/11. $60/$80 8 meetings Ages 15+ 7:30PM - 9:00PM$120/$140 6 meetings Ages 18+ #3543 THUR 5/5 - 6/23 7:30PM - 9:00PM MSRC 7:30PM - 9:00PM MSRC#4037 MON 6/6 - 7/18 MCC #3832 THUR 6/30 - 8/25Ikebana Flower ArrangementAges 18+with Kika ShibataIkebana is Japanese Flower arrangments and this class is forbeginner, intermediate and advance students. New studentswill learn basic arrangements and returning students willfurther explore Ikebana arrangements. Kika Shibata has beenteaching in the Bay Area for over 45 years and has a Riji degree(Directors Degree), the highest degree in Sogestsu School. Sheteaches classes throughout San Jose, Campbell, Menlo Park,Sacramento and San Diego. Please Note:• A $30 material fee is payable to the instructor at the first class.$30/$50 3 meetings Ages 18+ 7:00PM - 9:00PM#4412 TUE 6/14 - 6/28 MCC Center MSC = Sports Center MSRC ADOBE = Higuera Adobe = See “Please Note” in class description. Resident/Non-Resident.55MCC = ComNmOuTniEty = Senior Center Building Fees are listed as
Adult ClassesTennis: Adult Basic Tennis: Private LessonsAges 17+ Ages 16+with Barry Poole with Barry PooleThis a combined class for students with beginning, intermediate Here’s a great way to get some one-on-one instruction to helpand advanced skills whether you are new to the game, or develop your technical, tactical, emotional and mental skills onhave been playing a while, you will find this class is geared to the court. Lessons are available for either an hour or half hourmeet those challenges. In a fun, fast-paced and games based depending on your needs. Also, semi-private and special groupapproach, you will be introduced to the basic rules, and skills packages can be need to confidently execute the five basic tactical prioritiesof consistency and control. You will also be given the foundation Please Note:in a progressive format that allows to build to whatever level • Classes held at Hall Park Tennis Courts, La Honda and aspire to. The class is broken by levels when necessary, and • H ourly rates are $65, and $35 for the half-hour. Package of 6sufficient coaches are on hand to help with the development ofeach player. Student to instructor ratio for these classes in 8:1. lessons are available for $385 for the hour and $200 for the half-hour.Please Note: • Times are arranged through the instructor. • For rainout schedule please call (408) 569-3109.• Classes held at Hall Park Tennis Courts, La Honda and Coyote. • Participants need to bring their own racket.• Participants need to bring their own racket.• Wear appropriate sports shoes and clothes. $35 to $385 (See note above) 6 meetings Ages 16+• Bring water bottle and snacks. n/a TUE scheduled 5:30PM - 9:00PM Note Note$72/$92 3 meetings Ages 17+ n/a WED scheduled 5:30PM - 9:00PM Note 7:00PM - 8:30PM Note#3735 WED 7/27 - 8/10 Note n/a THUR scheduled 5:30PM - 9:00PM Note$96/$116 4 meetings Ages 17+ n/a SAT scheduled 8:00AM - 4:30PM 7:00PM - 8:30PM#3733 WED 6/1 - 6/22 7:00PM - 8:30PM Note n/a SUN scheduled 8:00AM - 4:30PM Note#3734 WED 6/29 - 7/20$120/$140 5 meetings Ages 17+ #3731 SAT 6/4 - 7/2 10:00AM - 11:30AM Note #3732 SAT 7/9 - 8/6 10:00AM - 11:30AM Note56 MCC = ComNmOuTniEty Center MSC = Sports Center MSRC = Senior Center ADOBE = Higuera Adobe Building Fees are listed as = See “Please Note” in class description. Resident/Non-Resident.
Adult ClassesHip Hop Dance Level 1 Hip Hop Dance Level 2Ages 18+ Ages 18+with Special K Mobile Dance Studio Mz “K” with Special K Mobile Dance Studio Mz “K”Current hip-hop styles and steps are introduced in an upbeat This is a fast paced class where experienced hip hop dancersenvironment using fun and age appropriate music. advance their vocabularies and incorporate skills into higher level routines.Please Note: Please Note:• A $55 material fee is payable to the instructor at the first class • A $55 material fee is payable to the instructor at the first class for an Airbrush Tee. for an Airbrush Tee.• In-class performance held on the last day.• No class on 6/25, 7/2, 7/9 and 9/3. • In-class performance held on the last day. • No class on 6/26, 7/3, 7/10 and 9/4.$240/$260 12 meetings Ages 18+ 8:00AM - 9:00AM#3817 SAT 6/4 - 9/17 MCC $240/$260 12 meetings Ages 18+ 8:00AM - 9:00AM #3818 SUN 6/5 - 9/18 MCC57MCC = ComNmOuTniEty Center MSC = Sports Center MSRC = Senior Center ADOBE = Higuera Adobe Building Fees are listed as = See “Please Note” in class description. Resident/Non-Resident.
Adults 50+ ClassesAdults 50+ Classes Chinese Brush PaintingA Senior Center membership is required. Non-residents Ages 50+pay an additional $10 per session, with the exception of the with Betty LingAARP Smart Driver Class. These classes explore the beauty of Chinese brush painting. You’ll learn how to paint flowers, birds, insects and landscapesJoy of Color on rice paper and the proper way to handle ink, water and color. Weekly lessons start with basic strokes through demonstrations,Ages 50+ and then lessons progress. Students get to practice brushwith Doreen Walker strokes in class and learn the unique style of Chinese brush painting.This course teaches students to paint representative Please Note:landscapes, so knowledge of drawing is not needed. Using aninnovative technique, this course “re-educates” people to learn • Students are responsible for getting their own supplies.perspective-based drawing. Each pupil will select and paint • No class on 7/4 ad 9/5.a unique picture. Students must bring their own supplies. Asupply list is available at the Senior Center. BeginnerPlease Note: $36/$46 6 meetings Ages 50+ 12:30PM - 3:30PM MSRC• Students are responsible for getting their own supplies. #4327 MON 6/13 - 7/25• A supply list is available at the Senior Center.$42/$52 7 meetings Ages 50+ $42/$52 7 meetings Ages 50+ 9:00AM - 12:00PM 12:30PM - 3:30PM MSRC#3822 TUE 6/14 - 7/26 9:00AM - 12:00PM MSRC #4329 MON 8/1 - 9/19 1:00PM - 4:00PM MSRC#3823 WED 6/15 - 7/27 9:00AM - 12:00PM MSRC Advanced MSRC#3824 WED 6/15 - 7/27 $42/$52 7 meetings Ages 50+ 12:30PM - 3:30PM MSRC#3825 THUR 6/16 - 7/28 #4328 FRI 6/17 - 7/29$48/$58 8 meetings Ages 50+ $48/$58 8 meetings Ages 50+ 9:00AM - 12:00PM 12:30PM - 3:30PM MSRC#3827 TUE 8/2 - 9/20 9:00AM - 12:00PM MSRC #4330 FRI 8/5 - 9/23 1:00PM - 4:00PM MSRC#3829 WED 8/3 - 9/21 9:00AM - 12:00PM MSRC MSRC#3828 WED 8/3 - 9/21#3826 THUR 8/4 - 9/2258 MCC = ComNmOuTniEty Center MSC = Sports Center MSRC = Senior Center ADOBE = Higuera Adobe Building Fees are listed as = See “Please Note” in class description. Resident/Non-Resident.
Adults 50+ ClassesLine Dance: New Beginner Spring Chickens Exercise ProgramAges 50+ Ages 50+with Can Tu Ly with Fit is GoldLine Dancing does not require a partner, is fun and a great way You’ll be led through chair-based exercise routines designed toto get exercise. Dances are modified to meet the class level. improve strength, balance, agility, endurance and flexibility inNew Beginner is for students with no previous Line Dance older adults. In past studies, participants experienced improvedexperience. Beginner Level 2 is for students who have had Line upper body strength (89%), improved lower body strengthDance classes before. Advanced Beginner is for students who (78%), improved dynamic agility/balance (78%) and improvedhave had 6-12 months of Line Dance classes. Students can only static balance (67%). Nutrition education will also be coveredregister for 1 class. to help you meet your fitness goals. The instructor is a highly trained fitness instructor experienced in working with olderPlease Note: adults.• Students need to wear appropriate clothing and shoes Please Note: (no black soled shoes) for dancing. • Students should wear comfortable clothing that allows$14/$24 7 meetings Ages 50+ movement. 9:00AM - 10:00AM MSRC#4383 WED 6/15 - 7/27 • Class meets Mondays 10:00AM - 11:00AM $16/$26 8 meetings Ages 50+ Thursdays 8:50AM - 9:50AM 9:00AM - 10:00AM MSRC • No class on 5/30, 7/4 and 9/5.#4386 WED 8/3 - 9/21 $32/$42 16 meetings Ages 50+ #4389 MON/THUR 5/23 - 7/21 See Notes MSRC MSRCLine Dance: Beginner Level 2 #4390 MON/THUR 8/1 - 9/26 See NotesAges 50+$14/$24 7 meetings Ages 50+ AARP Smart Driver 10:00AM - 11:00AM MSRC#4384 WED 6/15 - 7/27 Ages 50+ with Ron and Bev Berube$16/$26 8 meetings Ages 50+ This course is for adults 50+ to help them drive safely. Students 10:00AM - 11:00AM MSRC will: learn safety strategies to reduce crashes; understand the#4387 WED 8/3 - 9/21 links between driver, vehicle, road, environment, and how this awareness encourages safer behavior; learn the newest safetyLine Dance: Advanced Beginner and advanced features in vehicles; and explore new ways to travel, and more. This 4-hour refresher course is for studentsAges 50+ who have completed the 8-hour course with 3 years. Register in advance at the Barbara Lee Senior Center with payment of$14/$24 7 meetings Ages 50+ cash or check (payable to AARP). Senior Center membership not 11:00AM - 12:00PM MSRC required.#4385 WED 6/15 - 7/27 Please Note:$16/$26 8 meetings Ages 50+ • Class Fee: $15 for AARP Members, $20 for non-AARP 11:00AM - 12:00PM MSRC#4388 WED 8/3 - 9/21 members. • Student must attend the full class to receive certification. $15/$20 1 meeting Ages 50+ 9:00AM - 1:30PM MSRC #3623 THUR 6/9 ADOBE = Higuera Adobe Resident/Non-Resident.59MCC = ComNmOuTniEty Center MSC = Sports Center MSRC = Senior Center Building Fees are listed as = See “Please Note” in class description.
Barbara Lee Senior CenterTBhaerMbialpriatasLBeaerbSareanLeioerSeCneionr Cteenrter provides Monday – Friday, 8:30AM – 4:30PM 40 N. Milpitas Blvd., Milpitasprograms that meet the individual needs of seniors, Call (408) 586-3400promote personal growth, socialization, foster or visit of achievement, companionship and well-being. Drop-In Programs Memberships In addition to the fee-based classes, the Senior Center also offers many free, drop-in programs and Become a Senior Center member and enjoy activities. numerous benefits! Membership is required to participate in all activities, programs and MON Knit and Crochet Group services with the exception of the Nutrition Chinese Folk Dance Program, Bingo, and some visiting service Sit and Be Fit programs (i.e. SALA, taxes). Bridge Lessons • Adults 50+ Chinese Karaoke • $12 annually for Milpitas residents Afternoon Movie (2nd and 4th weeks) • $30 annually for non-residents Ping Pong, Pool and Tile, Board and Card Games Nutrition TUE Yoga Enjoy a hot lunch with us! Call (408) 586-3413 ZUMBA Gold for reservations. 48-hour advanced notice is Yuen Chi Dance required. Sponsored by Santa Clara County Crafting Senior Nutrition Program. Ping Pong, Pool and Tile, Board and Card • $3 suggested donation for ages 60+ Games • $6 for guests under 60 years (required) Pickleball Resources WED Guitar Group Chinese Crafts Case Manager Services are available to our Bingo members by appointment Monday-Friday! Ping Pong, Pool and Tile, Board and Card Call (408) 586-3400 to make an appointment. Games Get assistance with: • Social Security Application THUR ZUMBA Gold • Utility Bill Assistance Sit and Be Fit • Food Vouchers and much more! Social Ballroom Genealogy (2nd and 4th weeks) Senior Connection Newsletter Ping Pong, Pool and Tile, Board and Card Games The Senior Center bi-monthly newsletter has all the up-to-date information of Senior Yoga Center offerings. Find it online at www. Chinese Calligraphy Navigate to Recreation Chinese Chorus Services on the left hand side and look for FRI Shall We Dance the Senior Center section or subscribe to have it mailed to you. Ping Pong, Pool and Tile, Board and Card Games60
Adult 50+ EventsNew Member Orientation Pickleball Tournament2nd Tuesday of each month, 10:00AM Tuesday, May 3 from 1:30PM-4:30PMMay 10, June 14, July 12, August 9 Pickleball is a fast-paced game that has combinedLearn more about all of the benefits of your Senior Center features of tennis, badminton and ping pong. ThisMembership! Staff will provide detailed information for tournament starts May 3 and continues each Tuesdaynew members and/or anyone interested in learning more in May until a winning team is crowned. Sign up in April.about the Senior Center. This will be an opportunity tomeet staff, tour the facility, and have questions about Older Americans Month Danceprograms and services answered. Please sign up at thefront desk by the Monday prior to the orientation. Friday, May 13 from 1:30PM-4:00PMTechnology Tutoring for Seniors Senior Parade Walk and BBQ LunchFridays, 3:30PM-4:30PM Friday, May 20Did you get a new phone, tablet or laptop and aren’t sure We’ll continue the celebration with our 2nd annual Seniorhow to use it, have questions on some of its features, Parade Walk around the Civic Center, including a photo ator how to set up safeguards on it? Help is on its way! City Hall! At Noon, a barbeque lunch will be held on theStudents from Teach Seniors Technology (TST) will meet Senior Center’s patio. A nominal fee of $4 is charged forwith you one-on-one and assist with your questions the barbeque. Sign up for these two events at the Seniorabout social networking, surfing the web, the operation Center Front Desk by Tuesday, May 17.of basic computers, or how to use your new devices. TSTcan also help you learn about internet safety. TST is a Ice Cream Socialnon-profit organization of high school students whosegoal is to educate seniors in the world of technology. Thursday, May 26 at 2:00PMThese volunteers have a passion to teach technology We’ll finish out the month with a good old fashioned Iceand give back to the senior community. No appointment Cream Social! We’ll have a variety of flavors and severalnecessary. FREE! types of toppings to satisfy your sweet tooth.Bingo Marathon Throw Back ThursdaySaturday, May 7 In June the Senior Center will be doing Throw BackDoors open at 11:30AM and play begins at 1:00PM. Each Thursdays. Bring in a photo of yourself when you weremarathon session includes 20 games with 3-5 special younger (or even as a child) and we’ll add it to our scattered throughout. A session pack is $10 perplayer (additional packs are $8 each for the same player). Pancake BreakfastSpecial games are $1 each per card. Players can not splitor share packs. Games have cash prizes (amounts are Tuesday, June 28 from 8:30AM-9:30AMdetermined by number of packs sold). A Snack Bar will Let’s kick off the summer bright and early with a Pancakebe available for lunch and goodies before and during the Breakfast! The Senior Center staff will be preparing themarathon. This event is open to ages 18 and up. meal this morning so bring your appetite!May is “Older Americans Month” Luau DanceEach year in May the Senior Center celebrates Older Friday, July 22 from 1:30PM-4:00PMAmericans Month with some special activities. More We’re going back to the beach with this Luau Dance! Slipinformation on the month’s event will be in the Senior on your flip flops and flower leis and join us for dancing toCenter’s May/June Newsletter. beach music and sipping on non-alcoholic mai-tais. We’ll even have some light refreshments on hand. Summer Carnival Friday, August 5 from 1:30PM-3:30PM Let your inner child come out and play at our Summer Carnival. We’ll have some games, music and snacks. Who knows, you may even get a balloon animal! 61
Adult 50+ Trips and FitnessExtended Stay Trips Preview of Health and FitnessUpcoming Premier World DiscoveryTrips Don’t pay expensive Fitness Center prices to stay healthy when you can use the Senior CenterTuesday, May 17 at 10:30AM Fitness Room! We have treadmills, ellipticalIf you enjoy traveling and new experiences, check out machines, stationary bikes and weight equipmentthe upcoming trips the Senior Center is offering! Kris available. A current Senior Center membership isAdams from Premier World Discovery Trips will present required. Senior Center Fitness Room visits areinformation on all our extended stay trips in 2016 and 2017. $1.50 each and are sold in packages of 5 ($7.50),Detailed flyers on these trips are available at the Senior 10 ($15), 15 ($22.50) and 20 ($30) visits. As withCenter. Extended Stay trips require full payment 75 days any exercise program, please be sure to checkprior to departure. with your doctor before starting. Fitness Room Orientation2016 Trips 3rd Friday of the month at 1:00PM. Learn how to safely use the fitness equipment.Detailed information will be available soon RSVP at the Front Desk to attend an Orientation.• Canadian Rockies Getaway (departs 7/17, 6 days)• Heritage Highlights (departs 9/27, 9 days) Personal Trainer Sessions• Venice and the Italian Lakes (departs 10/4, 9 days)• New Orleans Holiday (departs 12/4, 5 days) The Senior Center has a Certified Personal Trainer/Senior Fitness Specialist that can assist you in your fitness needs. She can meet with you to talk about your needs and goals, put together a workout schedule and help train you in the Fitness Room. Clients schedule and pay for their training sessions directly with the trainer. Contact the Senior Center front desk for more information (408) 586-3400.62
Milpitas Sports Center Sports Center Visits Passes Membership fee is $4 per visit.1325 E. Calaveras Blvd. (408) 586-3225 # of Visits Member fee Adult 50+ fee 5 Visits $20 $10 10 Visits $40 $20 15 Visits $60 $30 20 Visits $80 $40Monday - Thursday, 6:00AM - 9:00PM Sports Center Unlimited Packages Friday, 6:00AM - 5:00PM Saturday, 8:00AM - 1:00PM Drop-in fee is $7 per visit.Fitness Center Fitness Classes # of Months Member fee Adult 50+ feeand Gym Monthly $50 $25 • Body Architect 3 Months $150 $75• Cardio Equipment • Total Body Conditioning 6 Months $250 $125• Free Weights • Feldenkrais $450 $225• Strength Training • Fit for Life 12 Months Machines • Pilates• Indoor Basketball Courts • Power Hour Please Note: All fees are subject to a transaction fee up• Dance Studios • Power Up to $3. Non-residents incur an annual fee of $50. Passes• Locker Rooms • Sweat and Sculpt are non-refundable and non-transferrable.• 2 Outdoor Pools • Extreme Interval • Adrenalin Rush Try Before You Buy!Aquatic Programs • Ignite Boot Camp • U-Jam Not sure if you’re ready to commit to a membership, but• Lap Swim • Yogalates want to try all the exciting fitness classes we offer? Don’t• Water Excercise • Zumba Gold and Basic wait! You can stop by during normal business hours and• Rusty Hinges • Yoga (Beginning, sign-up for a 3 DAY TRIAL VISIT PASS.• Moms in Motion (seasonal) Morning, Hatha, Gentle, General Policies• Arthritis Aquatics Vinyasa, Lunchtime, and Stretch) • U nauthorized personal training, fitness, or dance instruction is not permitted in this facility.Fitness Orientation • N o unsupervised minors allowed at the pool side orNew members can take part in a Fitness Center Orientation sitting in the Sports Center foyer while adults are usingled by our qualified personal trainers! Call and reserve the facility.your space today: Every 3rd Monday of the Month,1:45PM to 2:30PM. • Participants in high school may become a member withMembership is required. proof of a valid school ID. Parent/guardian must be on site during the entire workout.Personal Trainers AvailableDon’t want to do it alone? Personal training services areavailable! Check in with the front desk for information. 63
Adult Sports Basketball Pickleball Volleyball Monday, 5:00PM - 9:00PM Tuesday, 5:00PM - 9:00PM Wednesday, 5:00PM - 9:00PM Saturday, 8:00AM - 1:00PM Courts available for both doubles Three courts of beginner through Three courts available to join in and singles play. High school age advanced play available for pick-up pick-up games and enjoy a great games. Sign up individually or with aworkout. High school age and older and older. team. High school age and older. (ID required).Leagues Running RebelsMen’s Spring League Fall 2015 Champions April 28 - June 16 Men’s Summer League Registration Period: April 4 - 15 June 30 - August 18 Registration Packets available now! Registration Period: June 6 - 16 Registration Packets available now! Night of Play: Thursdays Night of Play: ThursdaysTeam RegistrationRegistration packets for adult sports leagues can be picked up at the Milpitas Sports Center, Community Center ordownloaded from Recreation Sports Center pages on the City of Milpitas website, www. You can alsohave a packet mailed to you by calling the Sports Center at (408) 586-3225. Team Registration materials will only beaccepted at the Sports Center. Payment is due when application is submitted. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.Fees$500 per team$10 non resident fee (per each qualifying participant)$525 Resident Corporate Teams1st place winners will receive a 20% discount next season.2nd place winners will receive a 10% discount next season.64
Facility RentalsCommunity Center Barbara Lee Senior Center 457 E. Calaveras Blvd. 40 N. Milpitas Blvd. (408) 586-3210 (408) 586-3400 Auditorium Capacity Auditorium Capacity Add’l Facility Attendant 300 people Dining Style 120 with dance floor $30/hr • $60/hr 500 people Theater Style 150 without dance floor Auditorium Deposit Fees 175 theater style $1000 • $1000 resident • non-resident Classroom Capacity Auditorium (3 hr min) Application Fee* Room 140: 25 $220/hr • $320/hr $20 • $20 Room 141: 37 Classroom Deposit Rental Date Transfer Fee Room 140 and 141: 54 $200 • $200 $100 • $100 Room 146: 37 Classroom 140 or 141 (2 hr min) Auditorium Deposit Fees $35/hr • $55/hr $500 • $500 resident • non-resident Classroom 146 (2 hr min) Auditorium (3 hr min) Application Fee* $35/hr • $55/hr $160/hr • $220/hr $20 • $20 Combined Room 140 and 141 Other Rooms Deposit Rental Date Transfer Fee (2 hr min) $100 • $150 $100 • $100 $70/hr • $90/hr Room Capacity 20 people Classroom Host Your Next Meeting or Event Here! 40 people Conference Room Reservations for our facilities can be made up to a year in advance by Conference Room Milpitas residents and up to 6 months in advance by non-residents. $60/hr • $90/hr For detailed facility rental information, please call the center that you are interested in. All fees and facility rules and regulations are subjectClassroom/Dance Studio (2 hr min) to change. All application fees, insurance and custodial fees are non- $21.50/hr • $28/hr refundable. 2 proofs of residency are needed to receive residential rates. Add’l Facility Attendant *Please Note: Fees subject to change. The application fee is non-refundable. $30/hr • $60/hr 65
Facility RentalsHiguera Adobe Sports Center Fields and Outdoor Building Facility Rentals 1325 E. Calaveras Blvd. Wessex Place, off of (408) 586-3225 (408) 586-3225 N. Park Victoria Dr. Fees (Reservations accepted at the Sports Center) (408) 586-3210 resident • non-resident Fees (Reservations accepted Application Fee* resident • non-resident at the Community Center) $20 • $20 Application Fee* Building Capacity Rental Date Transfer Fee $20 • $20 50 $100 • $100 Rental Deposit Fees Rental Deposit $500 • $500 resident • non-resident $500 • $500 Tennis Courts Without Lights Application Fee* Large Gym (3 hr min) $8/hr • $12/hr $20 • $20 Sports-related events only Tennis Courts With LightsRental Date Transfer Fee (600 capacity) $10/hr • $14/hr $100 • $100 $80/hr • $160/hr Sports Center Football/Soccer Rental Deposit Add’l Facility Attendant Field Without Lights (2 hr min) $500 • $500 $30/hr • $60 hr $30/hr • $60/hr Building (3 hr min) Training Pool (2 hr min) $80/hr • $132.50/hr $50/hr • $100/hr Sports Center Football/Soccer Field With Lights (2 hr min) Add’l Facility Attendant Yard Pool (2 hr min) $30/hr • $60/hr $60/hr • $120/hr $40/hr • $80/hr Meter Pool (2 hr min) Softball/Baseball Field $70/hr • $140/hr Without Lights (2 hr min) Lifeguard (2 hr min per guard) $20/hr • $40/hr $15/hr • $30/hr Softball/Baseball Field With Lights (2 hr min) $30/hr • $60/hr*Please Note: Fees subject to change. The application fee is non-refundable. Attendant/Scorekeeper $30/hr • $60/hr66
Park RentalsOur Parks and Facilities 29Please enjoy all of our parks and facilities shown on 30this map! The below listed parks are not available forrental but are open to the public during regular parkhours (Dawn to 10:00PM).1) City Hall2) Community Center3) Sports Center4) Library13) Hidden Lake25) Robert E. Browne Park26) Milpitas High School27) Sal Cracolice Building28) Dog Park29) Ed Levin County Park30) Parc Metro (Middle) Park31) Parc Metro (West) Park32) Hetch Hetchy Parkway33) Alviso Adobe Park34) Calaveras Ridge Park39) Barbara Lee Senior CenterRenting a Park is Easy!Park reservations can be made up to a year in advance byMilpitas residents and up to 6 months in advance by non-residents. Park reservations must be made a minimum of5 business days in advance of the rental date.Park Rental RatesLARGE PICNIC SITES SMALL PICNIC SITES SMALL PICNIC SITES50 people + WITHOUT RESTROOMS(Cardoza, Dixon Landing, Gill, and Murphy) 35 people or less 35 people or less (Adobe Picnic Area, Augustine, Cerano, (Ben Rogers, Calle Oriente, Jones Memorial,Friday - Sunday Creighton, Foothill, Hall, Hillcrest, John O’Toole Elms, Sandalwood, Selwyn, StrickrothResidents: $120 per day McDermott, Parc Metro East, Pinewood, and Tom Evatt)Non-Residents: $160 per day Sinnot and Starlite) Friday - Sunday Friday - Sunday Residents: $40 per day Residents: $60 per day Non-Resident: $54 per day Non-Resident: $90 per dayMonday - Thursday Monday - Thursday Monday - ThursdayResidents: $80 per day Residents: $40 per day Residents: $40 per dayNon-Residents: $120 per day Non-Residents: $70 per day Non-Residents: $54 per day *Please Note: Fees subject to change. The application fee is non-refundable. 67
Park Amenities NAME OF PARK CROSS STREETS OCC RESTROOMS TABLES BBQ SPORT COURTS Augustine Memorial Cortez / Coelho Volleyball23 Park 30 max 88 Volleyball5 Ben Rodgers Grand Teton / Sequoia 25 max 85 Basketball Tennis 10 max 32 Basketball Tennis6 Calle Oriente Mini-Park Calle Oriente 125 max 23 7 Volleyball7 Cardoza Park Kennedy / Park Victoria Basketball Tennis38 Cerano Park SanDisk / Murphy Ranch 20 max 42 Tennis8 Creighton Park Olympic / Park Victoria 20 max 10 4 Volleyball9 Dixon Landing Park 50 max 93 Dixon Landing / Basketball Tennis Milmont Volleyball10 Foothill Park Roswell 25 max 53 Basketball Tennis11 Gill Memorial Park Paseo Refugio / Santa Rita 50 max 86 Volleyball12 Hall Memorial Park LaHonda / Coyote 25 max 3114 Higuera Adobe Park Wessex / Park Victoria 25 max 18 515 Hillcrest Park Fieldcrest / Crescent 15 max 9936 John McDermott Park Alvarez / Abel 30 max 324 Jones Memorial Park Jacklin / Hillview 30 max 3216 Murphy Park Yellowstone 50 max 6337 O’Toole Elms Park Abel / Curtis 30 max 6129 Parc Metro East Curtis 30 max 6617 Pinewood Park Lonetree / Starlite 30 max 4318 Sandalwood Park Escuela / Russell 25 max 3319 Selwyn Park Selwyn / Dempsey 15 max 2220 Sinnott Park Clear Lake / Tahoe 20 max 3321 Starlite Park Rudyard / Abbott 15 max 6422 Strickroth Park Martil / Gemma 25 max 2235 Tom Evatt Park Abel / Machado 30 max 8168
Community ResourcesThe City of Milpitas’ Recreation Services is proud to offer Milpitas Public Libraryequal opportunity programs and services, and does notdiscriminate on the basis of race, sex, or disability. Any 160 N. Main St., Milpitasperson who requires special accommodation should contact Library Hours (All hours subject to change):Recreation Services at the earliest time; if possible no later Monday-Wednesday ............................. 1:00PM-9:00PMthan five (5) business days before the scheduled event or Thursday-Saturday ............................... 10:00AM-6:00PMprogram. Best efforts to accommodate all requests will be Sunday .................................................... 12:00PM-6:00PMmade, however it may not be possible to grant all requests. For information on Story Time and other programs, pleaseFor information, please call (408) 586-3210. call (408) 262-1171.Recreation Assistance Program (R.A.P.) Milpitas City Hall A Passport Acceptance FacilityThe City of Milpitas is able to provide you and your familyfinancial assistance to participate in Milpitas Recreation The City Clerk’s Office at City Hall has been desig-Services’ programs if needed. Each fiscal year the program nated as a passport acceptance facility by the U.S.provides, to qualifying Milpitas residents, up to $250 per State Department. Passport application appointmentshousehold. This funding allows individuals and family members are available Monday-Friday, 9:00AM-11:00AM andto participate in the many fun and exciting recreation programs 1:00PM-3:00PM (closed 11:00AM-1:00PM). Call (408)the City of Milpitas offers through its Recreation Services’ 586-3001 for an appointment. No walk-ins accepted.Activity Guides. For additional information on Passports, call (408)The Recreation Assistance Program (R.A.P.) funding cycle 586-3001. Information and forms are also availableis July 1-June 30, and is on a first come, first serve basis to online at and individuals who meet the HUD (Housing UrbanDevelopment) requirements. Don’t miss out on the fun!For more information on the R.A.P. program, call the RecreationSupervisor at (408) 586-3226. All information is confidential.Should you want to contribute to the R.A.P. program, donationsare accepted at the Community Center, Senior Center and SportsCenter.Go Paperless and Save Resources!Receive your bi-monthly City of Milpitas utility billsonline and pay your bills online! Visit: Levin County ParkMilpitas is home to beautiful Santa Clara County Park EdLevin! Questions about rentals, fees and park hours shouldbe directed to their park office at:3100 Calaveras Road, Milpitas, CA 95035-5439(408) 262-6980 [email protected] 69
Community Resources Street Sweeping Severe Drought Collection Guidelines Reduce Water Milpitas residential streets are swept twice monthly to keep our streets use by 30% beautiful and storms drains clean and unobstructed. For effective The easiest way to do this is street sweeping, there are a few very to rEduce outside watering! important guidelines to remember on your sweeping day: Avoid watering landscape within 48 hours of rainfall.• Keep cars off street from 7:00AM–5:00PM on sweeping Prevent runoff into gutters. day so debris can most effectively be removed. Use hoses with a shut-off nozzle.• U se your green yard trim cart for large amounts of Use brooms to sweep hard organic material such as leaves, branches, plants and surfaces such as sidewalks. grass clippings. The sweeper can only remove piles less Powerwashing is prohibited. than 3 inches tall and 12 inches wide. The use of potable water is prohibited.• Have extra yard trims that don’t fit in your cart? No Cover pools and spas when problem. Use your own 32-gallon can! Call Republic not in use to prevent Services at (408) 432-0444 for an “Extra Yard Trims” evaporation. decal, which must be placed on the can, then set out next to your green cart on collection day. Report water Waste Call (408) 586-2666• K now your street sweeping day: call Republic Services at (408) 432-0444 or visit santa-clara-ca/en/pages/city-of-milpitas.aspxCurbside CollectionBe sure to set out your single-stream recycling and garbagecarts on the street, with the wheels against the curb, before6:00AM on collection day. Containers may be set out 12hours before and left out 12 hours after your collectionday. At all times, containers must be kept in your garageor backyard, out of public view. When your recyclingcart is full, cut or fold flattened cardboard so that it willfit inside and place it next to the cart. Used motor oil maybe set out in the approved jugs only at the curb, not on thestreet. Get approved jugs at your neighborhood fire station.Remember: do not dispose of hot BBQ ashes in your cart!Hot ashes can cause fires in garbage trucks and carts solet ashes cool completely, about one week, before placingin your cart or can. Questions? Call Republic Services at(408) 432-0444.70
Milpitas City Council and CommissionsCouncilmember Vice Mayor Mayor Councilmember CouncilmemberGarry Barbadillo Carmen Montano Jose Esteves Debbie Indihar Marsha Grilli GiordanoCitizen participation at Council meetings is encouraged. Regular City Council meetings are held at 7:00PM on the 1st and 3rdTuesday of each month in the City Hall Council Chambers. Milpitas citizens desiring to assist the City Council in forminggovernment policy may do so by serving on a City Commission. Appointments are made by the Mayor with the concurrenceof the City Council. If you are interested in participating in one of the commissions listed below, please contact the CityClerk’s office at (408) 586-3003 to request an application!• Arts Commission • Emergency Preparedness • Planning Commission • Telecommunications Commission Commission• Bicycle Pedestrian • Recycling and Source Advisory Commission • Library Commission Reduction Advisory • Veterans Commission Commission• Community Advisory • Mobile Home Park • Youth Advisory Commission Rental Review • Senior Advisory Commission Commission Commission• Economic Development Commission • Parks, Recreation and • Sister Cities Commission Cultural Resources Commission City of Milpitas Milpitas Facility Services and Information AddressesBusiness Licenses......................................(408) 586-3100 City Hall ....................................... 455 E. Calaveras Blvd.City Hall......................................................(408) 586-3000 Fire Station #1 ............................. 777 S. Main StreetFire Department, Non‑Emergency.........(408) 586-2800 Fire Station #2.............................. 1263 Yosemite DriveGraffiti Hotline...........................................(408) 586-3079 Fire Station #3 .............................. 45 Midwick DriveCity Manager’s Office...............................(408) 586-3051 Fire Station #4 .............................. 775 Barber LaneOffice of Emergency Services.................(408) 586-2810 Milpitas High School ................. 1285 Escuela ParkwayPAL (Police Athletic League)..................(408) 586-2545 Police Department ...................... 1275 N. Milpitas Blvd.Building Department.................................(408) 586-3240 Public Works .................................1265 N. Milpitas Blvd.Public Works...............................................(408) 586-2600Police Department, Non-Emergency......(408) 586‑2400Water Department......................................(408) 586-3100 71
How to RegisterMilpitas Residents Transaction Fees (In Person)Registration begins 8:00AM on Thursday, April 21, 2016. Totals under $50 have a $1 Transaction FeeNon-Milpitas Residents Totals over $50 have a $3 Transaction FeeRegistration begins at 8:00AM on Friday, April 22, 2016. Online Transaction FeeDownload a registration form here: 6.5% + $1 for totals $0-$1501) Go to 3.5% + $5.50 for totals $150 - $5002) Select “Recreation Services” in the left side menu 2.5% + $10.50 for totals $500+3) Select “Class Registration” in the left side menu * minimum service charge of $1.004) Scroll down to “On-Site/In-Person Registration” Minimum Age Requirements 5) Click the link “Registration Forms” Participants must meet the minimum age requirement forOr type this URL directly into your internet browser: the program/class being registered for by the first day of class. Late Registration ONLINE: Registration will not be accepted after the second class. • Go to Class Payments • Create an account or simply start your search by Full payment is required at the time of registration. Payments can be submitted in the forms of cash, checks typing in class titles or activity numbers! (payable to “City of Milpitas”), money orders and credit • R efunds for classes registered online must cards. Material Fees still go through our recreation offices and will If the class has a material fee, the material fee is paid take up to 30 days for processing and return directly to the instructor on the first day of class, and is of payment. Transfers between classes are not not refunded if you cancel/transfer out of the class. available for online classes. IN PERSON Senior Discounts • In-person registration begins 8:00AM on Senior Citizens (50+ years) receive a 25% discount on Thursday, April 21, at the Milpitas Community all Recreation Services program participation fees, Center, 457 E. Calaveras Blvd., Milpitas. except trips, personal trainer services and Senior Center • Two forms of proof of residency in Milpitas is Programs. required: Registration Confirmations 1. CA driver’s license, and one of the following: Registration receipts are emailed to those who provide 2. C urrent utility bill, bank statement, or credit email addresses on their registration forms. Receipts can be picked up in person as well. Receipts will not be card statement. mailed. BY MAIL Special Accommodations • Mail-in registrations will be randomly added to If you or a family member require special accommodations for a class registered for online, see what was received that day. the Special Accommodations on the information page to • M ail completed form with payment, notify staff of the accommodation request. and proof of residency to: Class Registration, 457 E. Calaveras Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035. My class was cancelled? BY FAX • Completed registration forms can be faxed Unfortunately, classes are sometimes cancelled if there aren’t enough registered participants. Please to (408) 586-3295. Credit card payment and register early and avoid disappointment. proof of Milpitas residency are required. Faxed registrations will be randomly added to the forms received on that day.72
Registration PoliciesREFUND/CANCELLATIONS CAMP AND WORKSHOP REFUND/TRANSFERSIn order to receive a refund check, you must submit the Transfer/Refund In order to receive a refund for a program that occurs for five (5)Request Form to the office 10 calendar days prior to the first Class. “Class” consecutive days or less, you must notify the Recreation Servicesshall mean all of the meetings for each separate activity per session. Department 10 days prior to t he beginning of the first day of the program and a full refund will be issued, minus a $10 service charge.• A $10 service charge is withheld from each Class you are requesting Refunds and/or credits will not be issued with less than 10 days notice. Medical emergencies are exempt from the policy; however, a signed a refund for. Material fees are non-refundable if you cancel/transfer statement from your doctor is required prior to the last day of Class out of the class. to be eligible for a refund and will be prorated for Classes that were• •Refund/Transfer amounts up to $10 will be issued as a credit on attended. Transfers will only be granted with 10 days notification prior to the beginning of camp/workshop. your Recreation Services’ Account to be used for future Classes or programs. Refunds for amounts of $10.01 and more will be issued as CODE OF CONDUCT POLICY a refund check. You will receive your refund check in the mail in 30 All individuals are expected to abide by the 5 “C’s” of the Code of Conduct; days. creating a fair, secure and friendly place to learn and play:• Please Note: If your class payment was made with a credit card, • Care - caring for self, others and the environment. refunds cannot be credited back to the credit card. • Courtesy - speaking and behaving politely and kindly towards• For cancellations with less than 10 calendar days prior to the start of the program, you will be issued a credit on your Recreation others; showing excellence in manners.Consideration - showing Services’ Account to be used for future Classes or programs, minus respect for self and others; tolerating others; thinking of the feelings/ a $10 processing fee for each Class cancellation. If the Class has circumstances of others.Cooperation - contributing to a positive started, you may cancel prior to the second Class meeting and tone/image; accepting consequences when rules are broken; receive a prorated credit on your account minus a $10 processing working, studying and playing cooperatively with others. fee. Medical emergencies are exempt from the policy; however, a • Common sense - use common sense by stopping and thinking signed statement from your doctor is required prior to the last Class carefully before doing anything! to be eligible for a refund and will be prorated for Classes that were attended. Violation of the Code of Conduct outlined above may result in disciplinary• Online registration transaction fees are non-refundable. action, up to and including expulsion from Milpitas Recreation Services• All transaction fees are non-refundable programs and facilities, forfeiture of fees, and financial restitution for any• Credits of $15 or more expire after (3) three years. Credits of less damage. In the case of a minor, parental responsibility will apply to all of than $15 expire after (1) one year. Unclaimed credits will become City the above actions. property. DISCIPLINE PLANTRANSFERS 1. Behavior IncidentTransferring from one Class to another Class is permitted without a Intervention - Private, verbal warning.processing fee, as long as the office is notified with a Transfer/Refund 2. Recurrence/Second IncidentRequest Form 7 calendar days prior to a Class starting and the pro- Intervention - “Cool Off” Time/Removal from the group. Discussiongrams are within the same registration season (spring, fall or summer). Ifthe transfer request is made with less than 7 calendar days prior to the of the incident with staff: when the participant deems himself/herselfClass, a $10 processing fee will be charged for each transfer. ready to follow the rules, he/she may re-join the group. 3. Recurrence/Third IncidentCLASS CANCELLATIONS and WAITING LISTS Parent phone contact by participant in the staff’s/instructor’s presence,Should a Class not meet its minimum number of students within 3 days indicating that the next incident will result in removal or suspension fromof starting, it will be cancelled. If a Class has reached its maximum the program. An Incident Report is completed by staff, documentingcapacity prior to your registration, you will automatically be placed on incident(s) and measures taken.the waiting list without payment. Should an opening occur, Recreation 4. Recurrence/Fourth Incidentwill contact those on the waiting list, in order of placement and pay- Coordinator/instructor will contact the parent to remove the participantment is required at that time. Being placed on the waiting list does not from the program. The child will be eligible to return to the programguarantee enrollment in the Class. Please do not go to the Class if you once parent(s) have attended a conference with the Coordinator/are on the waiting list. Instructor.LATE PICK-UP POLICY The following behaviors will result in the IMMEDIATE REMOVAL of theFor the safety of our participants, it is required that they are picked up on participant:time at the end of each Class. Should the participant be picked up late, a • Fighting (hitting, punching, kicking, another participant, regardless of$10 late fee starting one minute after the end of Class will be charged, withan additional $10 for every 10 minutes thereafter. Should the participant reason, or who hit first).not be picked up within a half hour of the end of the Class, the Milpitas • Physical abuse of a staff member.Police Department will be contacted. Late fees must be paid within three • Direct abusive/obscene/profane language/gesture or behavior to(3) business days, of receiving the late fee notice, otherwise your child willnot be allowed to return to the Class/program. staff or 73