Jimmy has plenty of ideas about how to have fun. Too bad so many of them involve the railroad tracks that run through his town! Get ready for a rocky ride as plucky Jimmy drags his friends into one boxcar-full of trouble after another. Can Morris the CN Policeman keep them off the tracks and make sure they re safe? Climb aboard and find out!
Close Encounters of the Train Track Kind Band on the run! Oh man oh man oh man Late again! oh man oh man oh man... If I take the overpass, I ll be late. But cut across the tracks, and I save FOUR minutes!
Jimmy, Heavens above! It s DON T! Morris the CN Police Officer, descending from the sky in a beam of light! That s long. If you don T see Can I Cutting across the or hear a train in borrow tracks is a terrible idea. your Trains can take up to time, being late spaceship 2 km to come to a full for school will be to get to stop. That s as long as the least of your school 18 football fields. problems. Farewell, on time? No. Until you can figure out young earthling. how to turn back time, I suggest you wake up earlier. Turn back time... Genius.
Catching the Big Fish that prize is mine…... Drat. Double drat. I m sure to catch the biggest fish from the railway bridge!
Jimmy, Sizzlin shrimp Yarrr, Jimmy, what DON T! scampi! It s be ye doin on this Morris, the CN rail bridge? Police Officer! I needed a place to fish! Everybody Yarrr, what an idearrr! in town is after that prize. And if a train comes along? Will you run, boy? Dive into Davey Jones S locker? I didn t Nay, I d say not. really We ll find somewhere think better to spear a about champion fish, I avow. that...
One Person s Treasure… This is a Norwegian A tiger eye marble? This is a real treasure- sabre. The King I got one of those. a flat penny. In olden days, of Norway gave it Me too. What s so kids put pennies on train to my dad! special about that? tracks to flatten them. You call that a It s made from So cool. What s a penny? treasure? Lookit this. the real eye of a real tiger! There must be We re gonna Yes! Flat pennies! YES! a hundred flatten sooo pennies in the many pennies! Jimmy, jar at the back DON T! of your dad s closet, Jimmy!
Marauding Jimmy, what you are doing medieval is so dangerous, I can t even make a joke of it. magicians! It s Morris, Placing ANYTHING on the CN Police the rails may result in a Officer! derailment and people could be seriously hurt. We don t Of course not. We really shouldn t be anywhere want And you don t near the tracks, should we? to hurt anybody. want to get hurt No, Sheila. Now I will transform your pennies yourselves, either. into a treasure beyond your wildest imaginings! CANDY!
EASTER EGG Remember, folks Stand at least five metres away from the gate while you wait.
and wonder what s in the train, where it came from, where it s heading...
Stay Calm and Picnic On! I can t wait to see Grandma! She s going to be sooo happy! She loves picnics! Uh-oh, better burn some rubber, dude! Jimmy, DON T!
What an I could have exceedingly made it, I think.. Sweet spoonful dangerous of sugar! It s notion! And not Morris, the CN Police Officer! only a bicycle, but a laden Young man, what are you bicycle at that! thinking?!? Never try to beat a train at the crossing! Child, did you consider Moments later… your angle of approach? Ride over the crossing at an angle This sure is too acute and your tire might a long train. catch, causing you to spill Yep. head over handlebars! Um, why are you wearing a dress? ... You hungry?
Stuntman School I see one of those That one s like a dog old-school sniffing at a fire hydrant. skateboards like You guys ever think about what my dad used to ride. you want to be when you grow up? And that one looks Not really. like the island of Unguja in the Zanzibar All kinds of things: Archipelago! doctor, writer, paleontologist. Yeah! I see it! What Who can decide? about you, Toby? What about you? Ummm…... I want to be a stuntman. Ooh, I can t look...
That is one slooow train. Jimmy, DON T! I can do this. I can catch this train and jump on. I dunno, Jimmy...… Goodbye, Blue I understand But Morris, this You could trip Monday! It s wanting to act like a train s moving or get your cape Morris, the CN so slow I could caught. Get pulled Police Officer! daredevil, but some probably hop under and you won’t chances are just on without even be pullin another too risky to take. running. stunt ever again. Now let s go to my stuntman training centre and get us all into real stuntman shape! All right!
The Legend of the CN Mounted Police Riiiiiiing Being a Ha! I bet you can t world-class even make it FIVE gymnast is very METRES BALANCED ON THE TRACK, JIMMY. demanding. Just watch me, Toby. Uhh…... Jimmy, DON T!
Whoa, partner! What happens if a train Where in blazes did ya get comes around that bend yonder while yer exercisin ’ such a terrible idea? yer acrobatic skills? Holy guacamole! It s Morris, the CN I ll jump off Police Officer! the tracks, of course. I ll have plenty of time. Trains may seem like big -plus trespassing on railroad Well, you d get a big fine. Now clumsy things, but they property ain t legal. Y all what say you find a smarter move a lot faster than might find yerself doin hard place to monkey around? you think- time on a chain gang. I m pretty Really? fast... Hi-ho, Lil Obie!
Let Sleeping Bears Lie Hey, Jimmy! Playgrounds Hey, Jimmy! What about in the for- What about at are boring! I got Forests are even more boring! I got something better! the playground? something better! I like forests…... Cool…... The train yard? Are you kidding me? Ta-da! I dunno, Jimmy... I mean, look at it...… it s perfect.
...…8, 9, 10. Ready Mama pyjama! Jimmy, or not, here I- It s Morris, DON T! the CN Police Officer! Playing in the railyard is a terrible idea. Railcars are like sleeping bears. You don t want to be around when they start moving! Why are you in a bear suit? I m sure we can think of a better Place to play. Forests are cool…... Are you done with that bear suit? ...7, 8...
Now kids-we hope you learned something from Jimmy! Pay attention and act smart around railroad installations. Morris and the rest of the CN police work hard to keep the railroads secure, but safety starts with YOU.
Remember: don t go through holes in the railway fence. don t play on the train tracks. don t play around parked trains in the railyard. Don t take pictures on the train tracks. Don t go near moving trains. Don t try to beat a train at the railway crossing. Don t hang around on railway bridges. Don t put objects on the train tracks. Have fun, but don t do it around the tracks!
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