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Home Explore EDITION 5 ISSUE 2


Published by deepkg30, 2022-11-09 14:05:42

Description: EDITION 5 ISSUE 2


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“To become a department of eminence in the field of Mechanical Engineering” “To deliver an excellent undergraduate engineering pro- gram that prepares students for successful careers with social sensitivity, and also actively promotes the culture of research amongst students and faculty.”

PSO1: Identify Formulate and Analyze complex Engineering prob- lems in Thermal Engineering, Design Engineering and Manufactur- ing Engineering domains. PSO2: An ability to find out, articulate the local industrial problems and solve problems with the use of Mechanical Engineering tools for realistic outcomes. PSO3: An ability of collaborative learning to find out cost-effective, optimal solutions for sustainable growth. PEO1: Prepare with a strong foundation in mathematical, scien- tific and engineering fundamentals that will enable them to have successful careers in Mechanical and Interdisciplinary Industries. (KNOWLEDGE) PEO2: Strengthen their knowledge and skills through self-learning abilities throughout their professional career or during higher edu- cation. (SKILL & PROFESSIONALISM) PEO3: Impart critical thinking skills and to develop innovative ideas for Research & Development (RESEARCH & INNOVATION)

I feel esteemed to be a part of the ninth issue of the e-magazine of the Mechanical Engineering Department. With a number of batches passed out, the Department has shown great potential. Our students have shown tremendous potential not only in academics but also in co-curricular activities and extracurricular activities. At the International conference, faculties and students have pub- lished technical papers in International journals. Some of the papers were also published in Tata McGraw Hill Publication. For the overall personality development of students, apart from academics, participation in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities is the need of the hour. Students are encouraged to par- ticipate in National level competitions, and have won 1st prize at the hackathon. All these activities help in their holistic devel- opment, as a result of which they get admitted into reputed uni- versities and get placed in prestigious companies. I commend all faculties, students, and staff members for their hard work in publishing the e-magazine, which represents the insights of the Mechanical Department. I wish them Best of Luck!

I am delighted to know that our students have succeeded in publishing the ninth issue of mechon for the academic year 2021-2022. MECHON the departmental magazine has the prime objective of providing aspiring engineers a wide platform to showcase their technical knowledge and to pen down their illustrative and innovative ideas. This magazine is intended to bring out the hidden literary talents in the students and teachers to inculcate strong tech- nical skills among them. I congratulate and thank all the students and faculty co-ordinators who have made untiring efforts to bring out this magazine. I wish them all the best for releasing more such magazines in the future.

It gives me immense pleasure to present the ninth issue of ‘MECHON’e-magazine of the Department of Mechanical Engi- neering. It is the talent and outlook of our students which is por- trayed through this magazine. This is one of the best platforms for our students to present multifaceted personalities and innovative ideas. It also enables the students to be aware of their changing surroundings and to consistently learn about new technologies. I take this opportunity to thank our respected Principal Dr. B. K. Mishra, Mentor Dr. Sanjay Kumar, Head of Depart- ment Dr. Siddesh Siddapa, and all the faculty members for their perpetual inspiration and kind support. I believe that this edition will prove to be a success. I express my heartfelt gratitude to the editorial committee for their relentless efforts, the young writers for their valuable articles and all those who have been a part of ‘MECHON’.


Robo-Mate (Mitra) Role of Technology in Saving Lives in COVID 19 Pandemic Robotics is an integrated branch of Engineering which comprises of field like Mechanical Engineering, Electronics Engineering and Computer Engineering. Robotics as a technology has always influenced mankind in different roles either at home or at workplace. It has potential to transform lives and work practices by increasing the efficiency, safety levels as well as in providing different levels of services. Robotics not only gets ease to work but also helps in other aspects that are concerned with safety, speed, and uniformity, precision and improving productivity. Mitra Robot (where Mitra means A Friend) is a five feet tall humanoid robot that was built, designed and developed by an Indian startup company of Balaji Viswanathan, a Bangalore based company. Its first appearance was made in Global Entrepreneurship Summit in November, 2017 where it interact- ed with Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi and also greeted senior advisor to the U.S. President, Ivanka Trump. During this COVID 19 Pandemic situation, it was tough for the patients to interact with the doctors and nurses directly. So a hospital in India deployed a robot for providing service to the customers (pa- tients) to patrol hospital wards and in helping patients in connecting to their friends and relatives. The robots eyes are designed in such a manner that it detects facial recognition technology which helps it recall people whom the patients interacted earlier. A tablet placed to Mitra’s chest allows patient to see their loved ones as well as medical experts unable to access the wards. Mitra is generally used for the patients who are unable to talk through phone or are in intensive cares. Mitra is also used for remote consultations with specialties to decrease the risk of practitioners of get- ting infected. Mitra, is like a friend to these patients. We need more of Mitra as technology can never be harmed by the pandemic situation. - Aishwrya Dandgawhal Assistant Professor Mechanical Department “There are no energy crises, only a crisis of Ignorance.” FA C U LT Y A RT I C L E S 01

ROLE OF ROBOTICS IN DEFENCE SECTOR The introduction of robotics has transformed the MOBILE ROBOTS: military and defence sector across the world with smart functionalities. Multiple types of robots are Mobile robots play a wide range of roles in the crucial for ground missions and to protect a coun- military and defence industry from reconnais- try from future attacks. Robotics help to augment sance patrolling to neutralizing bombs. These human capabilities for responding to potential mobile robots consist of hi-tech sensors and threats without harming human soldiers like neu- cameras to perform different missions efficient- tralizing bombs. The global military and defence ly and effectively while providing necessary vid- robotics market show a lot of potentials for new eo and images. The robotic arms are also used applications to have a competitive edge over con- for neutralizing suspicious objects and bombs ventional warfare capabilities. The Governments without harming any human soldier. These have started investing millions of dollars into work on wheels, tracks, both and battery-pow- robotics for accelerating military applications. ered with an excellent communication system. The global military robot industry is expected to hit US$30.83 billion in 2022 with a CAGR of 12.9%. The military and defence sector leverag- es robotics to provide human soldiers an advan- tage at the ground level. Though the integration of artificial intelligence provides automation to these robots, these are still controlled by human soldiers to avoid autonomous random killing. WEARABLE ROBOTS: Wearable robots are thriving in the military and defence industry for helping human soldiers carry heavy pack loads efficiently. The combination of artificial intelligence and robotics provides auto- mation to carry a bulk of supplies from one place to another. These robots reduce the workload of hu- man soldiers to provide opportunities for focusing on other crucial areas for the welfare of a country. SURVEILLANCE ROBOTS: An accurate and secured surveillance system is highly crucial for this industry for the bet- terment of citizens. The ground-based systems leverage surveillance robots with sufficient weapons and hi-sensor cameras. These cam- eras with infrared or night vision help to ob- serve the entire building and area of the mili- tary and defence without sending in soldiers. “Use energy right, make future bright.” S T U D E N T A RT I C L E S 02

EOD ROBOTS: EOD robots or “Explosive Ordnance Disposal” ro- bots are popular in this industry for identifying and disarming risky traps, improvising explosive ob- jects, fireworks, and many more. EOD robots can be integrated into bomb detection systems in closed areas, vehicles, or building complexes. These have immense potential in the nearby future to carry a lot of major responsibilities in future missions. SEARCH AND RESCUE ROBOTS: FIRE-FIGHTING ROBOTS: Search and rescue missions are very crucial for One of the major functionalities of robotics ap- this industry to rescue human soldiers from emer- plications is to protect humans from hazardous gency situations. The implementation of ro- environments. Fire is one of the main hazard- botics has provided search and rescue robots to ous environments in the military and defence search, track, and rescue soldiers from multiple industry. Thus, fire-fighting robots address dif- different environments like chemical, nuclear, ferent kinds of fire situations to avoid major ca- radiological, and biological. It can be operated sualties. These can withstand high temperatures from a command centre to rescue soldiers from while putting down fire with various fire sup- battlefields without confronting any more risk. pressing techniques. Fire-fighting robots use hi- tech sensor cameras, a gas sensor, and a stereo in- frared camera for navigating through the smoke THE FUTURE OUTLOOK: COMBAT ROBOTS: Thus, it can be realized that robotics can help im- prove multi-fold capabilities of the military and Combat robots can play crucial roles in missions defence industry in the nearby tech-driven fu- with their advanced functionalities. The robots ture. Robotics can bring smiling faces to families act as a combat support application for multi- of human soldiers for the reduced fear of losing ple activities such as fire support, battle dam- lives in battlefields or neutralizing bombs. The age management, aerial refuelling, laying mines, million-dollar investment in robotics can bring electronic warfare, and many more. It consists some advantage-gaining tactics and strategies of a certain degree of automation to minimize to combat potential attacks of enemies. It is ex- collateral damage efficiently and effectively. pected that the global military robots’ market will hit US$24.2 billion in 2025 with a CAGR of 10.7%. The military and defence industry should be prepared for replacing convention- al processes with advanced technologies to pre- serve the safety of soldiers as well as citizens. - Vaishnavi Patil S.E. MECH B “Use energy right, make future bright.” S T U D E N T A RT I C L E S 03

UPHEAVEL OF BALLISTIC MISSILES INTRODUCTION: BALLISTIC MISSILES BASICS: A ballistic missile is a rocket-powered, self-guided Rockets power ballistic missiles at first, but they strategic weapon that uses a ballistic trajectory to eventually follow an unpowered, free-falling tra- carry a payload from its launch location to a des- jectory toward their targets. They are categorised ignated target. Conventional high explosives, as based on the maximum distance they can travel, well as chemical, biological, and nuclear bombs, which is determined by the power of the missile’s can be carried by ballistic missiles. In addition to engines (rockets) and the payload weight. Rockets land-based silos and mobile platforms, they can be are stacked on top of each other in a configuration launched from aeroplanes, ships, and submarines. known as staging to extend the range of a missile. A ballistic missile follows a ballistic trajectory to Ballistic missiles are divided into four categories: deliver one or more warheads on a predetermined Short-range ballistic missiles (SLBMs) travel less target. than 1,000 kilometres (620 miles); medium-range ballistic missiles (MRBMs) travel between 1,000 HISTORY : and 3,000 kilometres (620-1,860 miles); interme- The first ballistic missiles were developed in the diate-range ballistic missiles (IRBMs) travel be- 13th century, and their use was inspired by the his- tween 3,000 and 5,500 kilometres (approximately tory of rockets. In naval fights against enemy ships 1,860-3,410 miles); and intercontinental ballistic in the 14th century, the Ming Chinese navy de- missiles (ICBMs) travel more than 5,500 kilome- ployed an early variant of a ballistic missile weap- tres. The majority of ICBMs are launched from on known as the Huo long chu shui. The A-4, also silos, which are reinforced canisters buried in the known as the V-2, was a modern pioneer ballistic ground for protection. Shorter-range ballistic mis- missile developed by Nazi Germany in the 1930s siles and some intercontinental ballistic missiles and 1940s under Wernher von Braun’s guidance. are launched from railroad carriages or wheeled The V-2 was initially launched successfully on trailers that provide mobility and protection. Cold- October 3, 1942, and it first attacked Paris on Sep- launched missiles are released from their canisters tember 6, 1944, followed by an attack on London by pressurised gas before the rocket engines ignite, two days later. The R-7 Semyorka intercontinen- whereas “hot-launched” missiles are launched di- tal ballistic missile was the first of its kind. The rectly from their canisters. Submarine-launched United States and Russia signed an agreement in ballistic missiles (SLBMs) are released from tubes 2010 to reduce their intercontinental ballistic mis- within the underwater vessel to the ocean surface sile (ICBM) inventories to 1550 units each during in this manner. a seven-year period (until 2017). “Be a part of the Solution, not part of Pollution.” S T U D E N T A RT I C L E S 04

Theater ballistic missiles are short- and medi- INVENTORIES: um-range missiles, while ICBMs or long-range ballistic missiles are referred to as strategic bal- Only 31 countries that currently have ballistic listic missiles. Missiles are frequently categorised missiles, including the United States and its al- according to the type of fuel they use: liquid or sol- lies. Only nine of the 31 countries are known or id propellants. Solid-fuel missiles require shorter suspected of holding nuclear weapons (China, maintenance and preparation time than liquid-fuel France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Rus- missiles because the fuel and oxidizer are com- sia, the United Kingdom, and the United States). bined in solid-fuel missiles, but liquid-fueled mis- These nine countries, along with Iran, have de- siles must maintain the two separated until just veloped or tested missiles with ranges of over before deployment. 1,000 kilometres. China and Russia are the only non-allies with a confirmed capability to fire bal- THREE STAGES : listic missiles capable of striking the continental 1.Boost Phase United States from their territories. R-36M (SS- The Boost Phase starts when the missile is launched 18 Satan) - This Russian Intercontinental ballistic and lasts until the rocket engine(s) stops operating missile is the heaviest and most powerful in the and the missile takes off unpowered. The boost world. It is part of a family of R-36 models which phase might last anywhere from three to five min- have been used since the Soviet ICBMs were first utes, depending on the missile. The majority of cold-launched in 1971. this phase occurs in the atmosphere. 2. Midcourse Phase After the rocket(s) have stopped firing, the Mid- course Phase begins. The missile will continue to soar until it reaches the highest point on its trajec- tory, after which it will begin to plummet toward Earth. This is the most time-consuming part of a missile's flight; it can take up to 20 minutes for ICBMs. ICBMs can travel at a speed of roughly 24,000 kilometres per hour during the midcourse phase (15,000 miles per hour). 3. Terminal or Re-entry Phase When the separated warhead(s) reenter the Earth's atmosphere, the Terminal Phase begins and finish- es with impact or detonation. Strategic warheads can travel at speeds of more than 3,200 kilome- tres per hour during this phase, which can last less than a minute (1,988 miles per hour). “Be a part of the Solution, not part of Pollution.” S T U D E N T A RT I C L E S 05

Ballistic Missiles : India CONCLUSION: 1. Prithvi - I(SS-150), II(SS-250), III(SS-350), In today’s time ballistic missiles are amongst the Dhanush. most expensive and powerful weapons. Countries 2. Agni - I, P, II, III, IV, V, VI all around the world are innovating and increas- 3. Surya Missile ing the power of the making of the these ballistic 4. K missile family - K- 15, K- 4, K-5, K-6 missiles and trading with the other countries. The 5. Prahaar - Pragati, Pranash ones who are having abundance of missiles are getting more powerful over the other allies. The AGNI-V - The Defence Research and Develop- race in developing more and more powerful mis- ment Organisation [DRDO] developed the Ag- siles are engaging drastically for supremacy and ni-V, an Indian nuclear-capable intercontinental commercial aspects. ballistic missile. The missile's range is estimated to be between 5,500 and 9,000 kilometres. It's a -Anand Gupta three-stage, road-mobile, solid-fueled interconti- nental ballistic missile that's transported by truck S.E. MECH A and fired from a canister. It is the India’s most powerfull ballistic missile. The Agni-V was first developed by India's Defense Research and De- velopment Organization (DRDO) in 2008. The endeavour was apparently spearheaded by the DRDO's Research Centre Imarat (RCI), Advanced Systems Laboratory (ASL), and Defence Research and Development Laboratory (DRDL) in Hyder- abad, which grew out of the ongoing Agni-III programme. The missile was first known as the Agni-III+ by DRDO officials until being renamed the Agni-V in 2010. On April 19, 2012, India suc- cessfully launched the Agni-V missile from its In- tegrated Test Range in Odisha to a predetermined point in the Indian Ocean for the first time. The missile flew nearly 5,000 kilometres and reached a maximum altitude of 600 kilometres. The mis- sile's dummy warhead fell \"with an accuracy of a few metres\" near the target, according to DRDO officials. “The less you burn, the more you earn.” S T U D E N T A RT I C L E S 06

AUTONOMOUS SYSTEM IN DEFENCE INDUSTRY INTRODUCTION: The beginning hаs been mаde with Unmаnned The Indiаn Аrmy оne оf the wоrld’s lаrgest is Аeriаl Vehiсles (UАV), Unmаnned Grоund Sys- nоw intо оffensive teсhnоlоgy frоm аrtifiсiаl tems (UGS) guided bоmb аnd missile systems, intelligenсe tо аutоnоmоus weароn systems inсreаsing rаnges аnd ассurасy оf the smаrt tо quаntum blосkсhаins аnd nоw rоbоtiсs. It аmmunitiоn etс. аre inсreаsingly рreferred. In- is investing heаvily intо Аrtifiсiаl Intelligenсe diаn defenсe serviсes аre рresently using indi- (АI), Аutоnоmоus Weароn Systems, Quаn- genоusly designed Remоtely Орerаted Vehiсle tum Teсhnоlоgies, Rоbоtiсs, Сlоud Соmрuting (RОV) Dаksh fоr Bоmb Disроsаl, Unmаnned аnd Аlgоrithm Wаrfаre in оrder tо асhieve а Аutоnоmоus Vehiсles (Netrа UАV Rustоm, соnvergenсe between the Аrmy›s wаrfighting Seаrсher etс.) fоr reсоnnаissаnсe, оther mini рhilоsорhies аnd militаry аttributes оf these rоbоt mасhines The Аrmed Fоrсes must роssess teсhnоlоgies.Оne suсh рrоjeсt is the Аrtifiсiаl weароns оf suitаble сараbility tо асhieve the Intelligenсe (АI) Оffensive Drоne Орerаtiоns desired destruсtiоns. In tоdаy’s bаttlefield, it is whiсh hаs been inсubаted with аn Indiаn Stаrt essentiаl tо minimize соllаterаl dаmаge. The Uр. This рrоjeсt symbоlizes the beginning оf weароns must роssess desired ассurасy, exрlо- the Indiаn Аrmy›s tryst with аutоnоmy in sives соntent tо destrоy the tаrget while mini- weароn рlаtfоrms аnd shоwсаses the Аrmy›s mizing the соllаterаl dаmаge. Weароns саtering соmmitment tоwаrds merging the cutting edge fоr соunterinsurgenсy орerаtiоns, urbаn wаrfаre, оf digitаl teсhnоlоgies with its humаn resource. аs аlsо nоrmаl bаttlefield орerаtiоns require The develорment in defenсe teсhnоlоgy аnd the diverse аррrоасh. The weароns must inсlude geороlitiсаl envirоnments neсessitаtes inсreаsed bоth kinetiс аnd nоnkinetiс weароns сараble defenсe sрending yeаr by yeаr due tо the re- оf рrоduсing the desired lethаl оr nоnlethаl quirement fоr weароns аnd аrms. Hоwever, the effeсts. reсent trend tо reрlасe the соnventiоn equiр- 1.Рreсisiоn Аir Grоund Weароns: ment by rоbоts smаrt аnd intelligent mасhines thаt leаrns by оbservаtiоn, triаl аnd errоr tо The weароns must hаve рreсisiоn сараbility, аnd enhаnсe орerаtiоnаl effiсienсy, аre рrоviding shоuld be сараble оf indeрendent, reliаble аnd соst effeсtive аlternаtive. Аl саn рrоvide mul- аllweаther dаy оr night delivery tо асhieve СEР tiрle орtiоns fоr militаry аррliсаtiоns fоr а оf three meters оr less. They must be immune strаtegiс, орerаtiоnаl аnd tасtiсаl level plan- tо interferenсe аnd must nоt be соmрletely ning in mаny оf the funсtiоns. deрendent оn аny grоund, аir оr sрасe sys- tems, leаving them vulnerаble tо аdversаry dаtа suррressiоn. The weароns shоuld be сараble оf lаunсh аnd соntrоl frоm indeрendent рlаtfоrms аnd сараble оf trаjeсtоry shарing tо саter tо sрeсifiс tаrget tyрes. The wаrheаds must be in- terсhаngeаble tо suit the tаrget tyрes, i.e. blаst рenetrаtiоn tyрe, рre frаgmented, рure kinetiс energy/ bооsted рenetrаtiоn tyрe оr generаl рurроse. The weароns shоuld hаve а beyоnd visuаl rаnge, i.e. stаndоff lаunсh сараbility. “A transition to clean energy is about making an investment in our future.” STUDENT ARTICLES 07

2. Аir tо Аir Weароns: CURRENT SCENARIO: The аir tо аir weароns, i.e. missiles must be сараble оf beyоnd visuаl rаnge lаunсhes САIR is а DRDО lаb, leаding reseаrсh in аnd shоuld be fireаndfоrget. Bоth асtive аnd аrtifiсiаl intelligenсe fоr Indiа. The оrgаnizаtiоn раssive seekers need tо be develорed. The hаs аlreаdy develорed myriаd оf rоbоts with сlоse соmbаt missiles must inсоrроrаte duаl vаrying аррliсаtiоns. seeker сараbility thereby enhаnсing their САIR hаs been wоrking оn а рrоjeсt tо develор аntijаmming сараbility аnd must be сараble оf а Multi Аgent Rоbоtiсs Frаmewоrk (MАRF) full hemisрheriсаl lаunсh. This wоuld inсlude fоr mоre thаn eight mоnths nоw. MАRF will missiles with imаging IR seeker heаds, whiсh equiр Indiа’s аrmed fоrсes with аn аrrаy оf wоuld defeаt рresent dаy EСM meаsures. The rоbоts thаt саn funсtiоn аs а teаm, in а fаshiоn seeker shоuld hаve the аbility tо defeаt knоwn similаr tо whаt оur sоldiers dо. The АI-роw- infrаred соunter meаsures. Сued lаunсh frоm ered multi-lаyered аrсhiteсture is сараble оf аnоther аirbоrne рlаtfоrm shоuld be роssible. рrоviding multitude оf militаry аррliсаtiоns, аnd will enаble соllаbоrаtiоn аmоngst а teаm 3. Surfасe-tо-аir weароn (SАM) : оf vаriоus rоbоts Indiаn Аrmy hаs аlreаdy built Аn essentiаl раrt оf аny mоdern аrmed — Wheeled Rоbоt with Раssive Susрensiоn, fоrсe’s inventоry, the SАM is essentiаl fоr Snаke Rоbоt, Legged Rоbоt, Wаll-Сlimbing the рrоteсtiоn оf сiviliаn аnd militаry аssets. Rоbоt, аnd Rоbоt Sentry, аmоng оthers. Future SАMs аre exрeсted tо inсоrроrаte the It hаs аlsо begun wоrking оn а рrоjeсt entаil- lаtest EW сараbilities, аlоng with imрrоved ing the develорment оf deрendаble intelligent rаnge аnd ассurасy, аnd 90% аnd better SSKР. mоbile rоbоts. This will аssist in equiррing In- The сараbilities оf existing missile systems diаn аrmed fоrсes with self-reliаnt, аdарtаble, саn be enhаnсed with better teсhnоlоgy fоr аnd fаult-tоlerаnt systems; besides imрrоving rарid lоw-level resроnse.Соорerаtiоn рrоjeсts rоbоt’s’ аbility tо exeсute tаsks аutоnоmоusly. with оther соuntries will fасilitаte the flоw оf These rоbоts hаve been designed tо undertаke useful teсhnоlоgies fоr future indigenоus de- орerаtiоns in vаriоus соnditiоns, bоth envirоn- velорment. mentаl аnd terrаin. 4. Hаrd remоvаl орtiоn : Unmаnned systems tаrgeted fоr militаry Brutаl орtiоns fоr destruсtiоn, esрeсiаlly in the орerаtiоns соuld оnly be enаbled by intelligenсe аreа оf аnti-rаdiаtiоn weароns, shоuld be оffered аnd mоbility. Mоreоver, Indiа hаs severаl tyрes in bоth аir-lаunсhed аnd grоund-lаunсhed tyрes. оf terrаin – mоuntаinоus, desert, rurаl, urbаn, They shоuld inсоrроrаte the аbility tо hоver оutdооr, аnd indооr; eасh рresenting its оwn fоr lоng thus fасilitаting the аbility tо shооt lосоmоtiоn сhаllenge tо аny rоbоtiс рlаtfоrm. аnd fоrget. This imрediment соuld оnly be tасkled by undertаking extensive reseаrсh in lосоmоtiоn teсhnоlоgies. - Akash Yadav S.E. MECH B “A transition to clean energy is about making an investment in our future.” STUDENT ARTICLES 08

AMCA (5th generation fighter) The Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) Energy Weapons and Flyby Optics, can also be is a fighter jet in development in India. It will be used to their full potential in these fifth-generation the Indian Air Force’s first fifth-generation fighter. fighter jets. The IAF would benefit from several modern and 4. Foreign Platform Procurement Issues futuristic technologies provided by this aircraft. Only a few possibilities are available. The Unit- ed States is unlikely to provide India with such a NEED FOR AMCA: platform, since it has not done so for many of its closest friends. The cost of acquiring and operat- HAL, the Aeronautical Development Agency ing the F-35 is already a financial hardship for the (ADA), and the Defence Research and Develop- US Air Force. This is something the IAF cannot ment Organization (DRDO) are working together afford. to build AMCA for the Indian Air Force. The fol- lowing are the reasons: DESIGN: 1. Need of a Fifth-Generation Fighter Plane The majority of the IAF’s fighter planes are AMCA will be a stealthy fighter jet with two fourth-generation fighters. The IAF does not yet engines.It will have diamond-shaped trapezoi- have any fifth-generation fighter aircraft. Leading dal wings affixed on its shoulders. At supersonic military powers across the world have either cre- speeds, this wing design lowers drag. It will be ated or are in the process of developing fifth-gen- devoid of canards. The reason for this is because eration fighter jets. For example, the United States manoeuvrability is not a critical quality in 5th had the F-22 Raptor and the F-35, while Russia generation fighter aircraft. Vertical V-Tails and fu- developed the Su-57. J-20 is a Chinese invention. selage-mounted Tail-wings will serve as surface After them, India is regarded as the fourth larg- controls. The cockpit of the AMCA will be a sin- est military force. As a result, India must pursue gle-seater. The cockpit will be made of glass with a fifth-generation fighter jet, and with China as a a single bubble canopy. The cockpit will be locat- potential foe, this becomes an urgent requirement. ed near the air intakes and wings at a high altitude. 2. China’s J-20: An Imminent Threat The pilot will have a better view of the surround- In 2017, China’s fifth-generation fighter, the J-20, ings as a result of this. Serpentine air intakes or entered service. At least 40 units have been pro- S-shaped air intakes will be used by AMCA. Di- duced so far. China may have over 200 of them verterless Supersonic Inlets, or DSI intakes, will by 2027, according to sources. For India, this is be used. The aircraft’s stealth will be improved a major worry. Many experts, however, deny the thanks to this design.It will also be equipped with J-20’s capability as a fifth-generation stealth fight- an internal weapons bay under the fuselage. er. However, many of the problems are being ad- dressed. If a new, more powerful engine is pro- duced, the J-20 will reach its full capacity, posing a serious threat to India. 3. AMCA’s Future Technology Offerings Fifth-generation fighters include a wide range of new technologies not found in fourth-generation fighters. These include stealth, supercruise, and so on. Many future technologies, such as Directed “Solar energy- Today’s resource for a brighter tomorrow.” S T U D E N T A RT I C L E S 09

ENGINE: ADVANCED FEATURES: General Electric F-414 engines will be used in the AMCA will be a fifth-generation fighter aircraft. first prototypes. However, a new indigenous en- However, given the timescale, it becomes vital to gine is anticipated to be employed in production include several 6thgeneration technology as well. variations. With the help of a foreign partner, In- As a result, the AMCA mk1 will be a fifth-gener- dia is building a new jet engine. The Rolls Royce ation fighter. However, the AMCA mk2 is almost is most likely to be this partner. The formal agree- certainly a 5.5 generation fighter. ment could be finalised soon. The new engine will be capable of producing a thrust of roughly 110 1. Secrecy AMCA is an acronym for American kN. This initiative will be entirely funded by In- Medical College Association. dia, and it will have complete intellectual property The main feature of a fifth-generation fighter air- (IP) rights. craft is its stealth. AMCA will include stealthy geometric and material elements. AMCA’s stealth AVIONICS: will be aided by the following features. Geometric stealth is a phenomena in which aero- The term “avionics” results from combining “avi- planes are designed to be stealthy. The aeroplane ation” with “electronics,” in recognition of the has been built to have the smallest possible Radar growing use and importance of the application of Cross Section (RCS). The diamond-shaped trape- devices making use of electronics in aircraft de- zoidal wings designed by AMCA will aid in this. sign, development and operation. Aircraft avionics The frontal fuselage will also be designed to be systems, however, make use of components which stealthy. may not all be electronic, and an understanding of Material stealth refers to the stealthy properties of their functions usually requires consideration of the materials used in aircraft construction, as well the whole system. as coatings and paints. Radar waves either pass Radar through them or are absorbed by them. As a re- AMCA will use a more advanced version of the sult, aircraft are difficult to detect on radar. Com- UTTAM AESA radar developed in-house. It will posite materials and stealthy coatings will be used be bigger and more powerful than before. Gallium by AMCA. Nitrite semiconductor modules will make up the majority of the device. These modules improve 2. Supercruise the radar’s efficiency and range. Quantum radars Another essential trait of fifth-generation fighters will be developed in the future. However, the like- is their ability to do so. It refers to an aircraft’s lihood of such quantum radar in AMCA is sub- ability to maintain supersonic speed while carry- stantially lower. This is due to the fact that this ing a weapons payload without the use of after- technology is still in its infancy. There’s no word burners. Many modern fighters can fly at super- yet on whether AMCA will have side radars like sonic speeds for brief periods of time and with the Su-57 to provide more coverage. the use of afterburners. We know that afterburners Sensors use a significant amount of gasoline. As a result, AMCA will be equipped with a sophisticated Mis- supercruise will significantly improve efficiency sile Approach Warning System (MAWS). Typi- and performance. AMCA has a supercruise speed cally, such a system is made up of a number of of Mach 1.82. dispersed passive sensors. Infrared (IR) and ultra- The Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) violet (UV) sensors are the two types.These sen- is an Indian programme to develop a stealth, mul- sors cover the entire environment in 360 degrees. tirole, air superiority fighter for the Indian Air This improves the pilot’s situational awareness. Force and the Indian Navy which will also include Artificial intelligence and deep learning will also 6th Generation niche technologies.The design of be used to integrate them. It will be possible to the aircraft is carried out by Aeronautical Devel- process data more quickly as a result of this. opment Agency (ADA) “Solar energy- Today’s resource for a brighter tomorrow.” S T U D E N T A RT I C L E S 10

3. Use Optics to Fly DEVELOPMENT UNTILL NOW: The fly-by-wire system is used by modern fighter aircraft. This signifies that electronic technologies Previously, the programme was named as Medium have taken the role of earlier manual controls. A Combat Aircraft (MCA). In 2010, the organiza- more advanced version of this will be the Fir by tion’s name was changed to AMCA. In 2015, the Optics system. Data will be transmitted using op- fundamental design configuration was finalised. tical fibres in this case. As a result of the larger The feasibility study was completed in 2018, ac- capacity of optical fibres, the systems can work cording to the Defense Minister. It was also deter- faster. mined that the project would be completed in two stages. AMCA’s comprehensive design phase be- 4. Manned gan in 2018. The government is likely to approve AMCA is anticipated to have the capability of be- the following phase in the second half of this year, ing manned on demand. This means the plane can i.e. 2021. Design, development, and prototyping take off and land without a pilot in the cockpit. would be funded with 15,000 crore rupees. The aircraft, like a UAV, may be operated from a ground station. TIMELINE: AMCA will be developed in two phases, as pre- 5. Weapons of Directed Energy viously stated. AMCA mk1 and AMCA mk2 are These will be the aircraft of the future. To neu- their names. The AMCA mk1 will be a fifth-gen- tralise the target, this system will use directed en- eration fighter, while the AMCA mk2 will be more ergy rays such as lasers. The number of missiles sophisticated, including certain sixth-generation that can be fired is limited by the present mis- fighter features. By 2024, the AMCA mk1 will sile-carrying technology. These energy weapons, be available. The maiden flight is scheduled for on the other hand, will have no such limitations 2025. Induction into service might begin as early because they operate on electrical energy. The air- as 2030. We’ll have to wait for more information craft’s engine will provide this energy. about AMCA mk2. It’s possible that the creation 6.Combat Air Teaming Systems of AMCA mk2 will take more than ten years. AMCA will also support a system in which a moth- ership controls a swarm of UCAVs and drones. CONCLUSION: With UCAVs and swarm drones, a single fighter jet can become a lethal formation. HAL is already In the last few years, the growth of AMCA has working on a system like this, known as the HAL accelerated. Aero India 2021 AMCA models re- CATS programme. Aero India 2021 was the first vealed that designs are also nearly complete. We time it was demonstrated. may anticipate that, unlike in the past, the dead- lines will be met. The AMCA project will repre- sent the pinnacle of India’s fighter jet development. After the United States, Russia, and China, India will be the fourth country in the world to build a fifth-generation fighter. It will include several of the advanced technologies mentioned above. But let us hope that the HAL, DRDO, and ADA will be able to overcome them and that the AMCA will be able to fly within a set timetable. “Solar energy- Today’s resource for a brighter tomorrow.” - Yash Satale S.E. MECH B S T U D E N T A RT I C L E S 11

LASER WEAPONS ABSTRACT : INTRODUCTION: The idea of using the laser (light) as a weapon is A laser could be any device that stimulates at- not a new concept. This idea was first proposed in oms or molecules to emit light at particular wave- 212 B.C. by the Greek commander Hippocrates. lengths and amplifies the light to create a very nar- The first light-powered weapons used sunlight as row beam of radiation. Over the years many types a source and a mirror as a way to set fire to the tar- of laser instruments have been already developed. gets. Even before the invention of the laser, sci-fi Some key applications of this technology are in writers have written many books which told about domains of health sciences, military, industrial the machine which emitted a bright saber of light manufacturing, engineering, holography, photog- or a death ray that disintegrated everything in raphy, astronomy, etc. its path. Within the present era, weapon systems A laser weapon is an energy-directed weapon that supporting lasers are an interest of many people uses a high-powered laser beam instead of a mis- worldwide for the last 50-60 years. In this article, sile to destroy its target. Even with many limita- we’ll be looking at the progress made within the tions, the armed forces in most countries used laser scientific field of using laser beams as a weapon. beams as a guide for long-range weapons. Now, the usage of high-powered laser beams for hand- SOME HISTORY : held weapons is also not a dream anymore. Many multinational companies have been researching & Though the research was being conducted way developing laser weapons. The type of laser re- back, the first laser instrument was developed in quired for military operations varies according to the 1960s which also changed the views of the the environment in which they are used as well as military on warfare. It wasn’t until the late 1970s - for what mission they are used. early 1980s that the plans to develop laser weapon The first laser was built in 1960 by Theodore H. systems began. Maiman at Hughes Research Laboratories, based In 1999, the Department of Defence (DoD) offi- on theoretical work by Charles Hard Townes and cially acknowledged lasers as the future of weap- Arthur Leonard Schawlow. A laser differs from on industries. The Joint Technology Office for other sources of light in that it emits light which High Energy Lasers was established in 2000 to is coherent. combine all the existing laser technologies, to de- velop a complete laser weapon system that could be utilized in modern warfare. “Do the earth a favour, Be an energy saver.” S T U D E N T A RT I C L E S 12

WORKING OF LASERS : APPLICATIONS: The 3 major categories in which laser weapons Many of you might have seen the laser weapons are used – Communication Systems, Destructive in sci-fi films like Star Wars and Star Trek. The Systems and Navigation, Guidance and Control characters in these films used laser weapons to Systems. The following image depicts the taxon- conquer and/or defend the universe. These weap- omy of laser applications in the military domain: ons used directed-energy rays, and laser beams to Other than these there are many more sub-catego- disable or kill their opponent. ries that are yet to be known to the general public. To understand the working of laser technology as 1. Communication Systems: a weapon, we first need to know how it's different The existing wireless links operating in the RF from the light sources around us. range have been falling short of meeting the ev- The waves of light are in the form of peaks and er-increasing military demands for communica- troughs. These waves also have different frequen- tion. Even with data compression techniques, it cies resulting in different colors in the light com- has been quite difficult to exchange tactical intel- ing from the bulb which all combine to form a ligence between the airborne sensors and the data single-colored light, i.e., white light in this case. processing units. Using short-wavelength lasers Now take a flashlight as another example. Its beam has proven to be very beneficial over the tradi- is more focused than that of an ordinary light tional RF-spectrum methods. The power require- bulb. The majority of its light travels in a single ment for laser-based communication technolo- direction in which we point it. Though there are gies is very low, while also having higher signal still many frequencies present in it which com- strength. Even the equipment used for these pur- bine to form a white light. In the case of a laser, poses is very compact and has high interference the light is even more focused than in a flashlight. impermeable capabilities. It emits only one wavelength of light-producing 2. Weapon Systems: an individual color, let’s say red color. It also has The laser weapon system is the power punch-pack- synchronized peaks and troughs, resulting in both ing, high precision, and reachability offering sys- waves not interfering with each other. This laser tem. These can further be classified into non-le- beam remains tightly focused, and since it trav- thal and destructive systems. els in a single direction the distance it covers is The non-lethal or non-deadly weapons are de- far greater than the flashlight while having power signed to either disable or immobilize the target 1,000-1,000,000 times stronger than a light bulb. (in most cases a living being). The non-lethal We all know that light is a moving form of ener- weapons act as a substitute for the lethal firepower gy. Hence, they have the potential to be used as a weapons. weapon. A laser produces light by stimulating the release of photons and for this, it requires 4 basic parts – a lasing medium, an energy source, mirrors, and a lens. The lasing process is all about storing and releasing energy in which the energy source, elec- tricity, for example, injects energy into the lasing medium, due to which the electrons move up to higher energy levels as a result of excitation. When these electrons relax, they emit photons that move back and forth between the mirrors, exciting more electrons in the process, hence producing a pow- erful and focused light beam. Many types of laser can be used as incapacitating weapons . “Do the earth a favour, Be an energy saver.” S T U D E N T A RT I C L E S 13

3.Navigation,Guidance, and Control Systems: FUTURE OF LASER : These systems play a vital role to ensure the safety of the forces in the warfares. The time to As technology has been improving exponential- identify and locate the incoming threat is the key ly, conventional weapons are unable to suffice for to winning the war. Target tracking and remote several cases. To dominate this issue, laser weap- sensing are the key elements of these systems. ons have come into play. Although there has been Using laser technologies for target tracking im- plenty of development in the field of the military proves the pinpointing accuracy and designat- for the usage of laser technology-based weapons, ing capabilities of an army. For high-resolution it still contains a huge potential left untapped. scanning and starting techniques to track the tar- Most of the weapons and systems in use are either gets located outside the field of view, LTDs (La- used for defense purposes or tactical purposes or ser Target Designators) and LRFs (Laser Range in complex and bulky weaponry systems. The par- Finders) are used. ticular hand-held laser weapons are yet to come into play. Prototype laser weapons are operational ADVANTAGES : for quite a few years now. But emerging technolo- gy is changing the kind of missions in which these a. Laser weapons do not need ammunition as it weapons can perform. The military services and works on electricity. defense industries are working on software refine- b. They are much more accurate than a firearm ments, upgrades, and enhancements to improve since there are practically no external factors on operational functionality. A part of this under- the projectile. taking includes using new software to reinforce c. They also have very high accuracy, hence the and enhance the fire-control interface for the laser collateral damage is excluded i.e., the beam hits weapons that could be used to increase precision, the target without harming the surrounding ob- scale effects, or increase power depending upon jects, which allows it to be used in densely pop- mission demands. ulated areas, where the use of conventional ar- tillery and bombardment causes great casualties among civilians and the destruction of civilian infrastructure. d. Lasers are very silent, and their shot cannot be traced, which allows them to be used in spe- cial operations, where stealth is the main success factor. “Do the earth a favour, Be an energy saver.” - Sumeet Raju S.E. MECH B S T U D E N T A RT I C L E S 14

INDIA'S MISSILE ARSENAL ABSTRACT: It may also be noted that India tested new Agni-V intermediate-range ballistic missiles in October India continues to modernize its nuclear arsenal, last year. Although ICBMs are typically defined as with at least three new weapon systems now un- having a range of 5,500 kilometers or more, inde- der development to replace existing nuclear-capa- pendent assessments put the full range of the Agni- ble aircraft, and land and sea-based systems. Sev- 5 at 8,000 kilometers with a 1.5-ton warhead. eral of these systems are nearing completion and will soon be combat-ready. India is estimated to have produced enough military plutonium for 150 to 200 nuclear warheads but has likely produced only 150. Additional plutonium will be required to produce warheads for missiles now under de- velopment. India’s nuclear strategy, which has traditionally focused on Pakistan, now appears to place increased emphasis on China, and Beijing is now in range of Indian missiles. SERIES OF MISSILE TESTS: CANISTERIZATION OF MISSILES: On December 18, India tested a new “Agni-P” Canisterization implies storing missiles inside a medium-range ballistic missile. It was officially sealed, climate-controlled tube to protect them described as a “new generation” nuclear-capable from the outside elements during transportation. In ballistic missile. As our ballistic missiles grew in this configuration, the warhead can be permanent- range, our technology grew in sophistication. ly mated with the missile instead of having to be The Agni-P is India’s first shorter-range missile to installed before launch, which would significantly incorporate technologies now found in the newer reduce the amount of time needed to launch nu- Agni-IV and -V ballistic missiles, including more clear weapons in a crisis. Canisterization is a new advanced rocket motors, propellants, avionics, feature of India’s Strategic Forces, which, earlier and navigation systems. It is being developed as was against “pre-mating” of warheads with mis- a successor to Agni-I and Agni-II missiles in the siles. Warheads are kept separately, as India will operational service of Strategic Forces Command. not be using nuclear weapons on short notice and only in case of adversary situations. Agni-P and Agni-V have the feature of canisterization. “Energy misuse, cannot be excused.” S T U D E N T A RT I C L E S 15

With separated warheads and delivery systems, • India’s Nuclear Command Authority comprises the signals involved with mating the two would a Political Council and an Executive Council. The be more visible in a crisis, and the process itself Political Council is chaired by the Prime Minis- would take longer. But widespread canisterization ter. It is the sole body, which can authorize the with fully armed missiles that could be possibly use of nuclear weapons. The Executive Council is stored at select airbases will reduce warning time. chaired by the National Security Advisor. It pro- NO FIRST USE POLICY: vides inputs for decision-making by the Nuclear Considering India Defense Rajnath Singh minis- Command Authority and executes the directives ter’s tweet. What happens in the future depends given to it by the Political Council. on the circumstances”, it is unclear how long In- dia will abide by its doctrine. However, Global ar- rangements are based on the declared policies of the governments, not on the individual pronounce- ments of the ministers and ruling party members. Though in its manifesto for the 2014 general elec- tions, the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) had promised to review India’s nuclear doctrine but there have been no changes as of yet. Indian nuclear doctrine needs further improve- ments and clarifications. What India has is a “draft nuclear doctrine”, released on August 17, 1999, by CONCLUSION: the then-National Security Advisor Brajesh Mish- ra. Some clarifications on this draft were shared India has historically had a restrained nuclear with the public on January 4, 2003, through a strategy It was a uniform nuclear strategy against press release by the then Cabinet Committee on both of India's primary adversaries: China and Pa- Security. kistan. Salient Features Of India’s Nuclear Doctrine: We believe that India continues to maintain this • While committed to the goal of a nuclear-weap- strategy with China for a variety of structural rea- on-free world through global, verifiable, and sons. China's own NFU policy and its larger and non-discriminatory nuclear disarmament, India, increasingly mobile nuclear arsenal would be ex- till the realization of this goal, will possess nucle- tremely difficult for India to destroy. ar weapons. As India's security dynamics with Pakistan have • India will build and maintain a credible mini- evolved, however, and Pakistan has shifted to a mum deterrent . India will not use nuclear weap- strategy of threatening tactical nuclear use against ons against non-nuclear-weapon states. Indian forces. Indian nuclear strategy toward its • India will not be the first to use nuclear weap- two nuclear adversaries may be decoupling as In- ons. But if it is attacked by nuclear weapons then dia searches for a way out its perceived strategic its nuclear retaliation to a first strike will be mas- paralysis toward Pakistan. Indeed the world is rac- sive and designed to inflict unacceptable damage ing forward with its technological advancements to the aggressor. in the defense sector and a broader era of counter- • In the event of a major attack against India, or force. Indian forces anywhere, by biological or chemical weapons, India will retain the option of retaliation. - Arya Pandey • India will have strict controls on the export of nuclear and missile related technologies, partici- S.E. MECH B pation in the Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty nego- tiations “Energy misuse, cannot be excused.” S T U D E N T A RT I C L E S 16

EXO-SUIT INTRODUCTION: TYPES OF EXO-SUITS: The earliest-known exoskeleton-like device was an apparatus for assisting movement developed Passive Augmentative Exo-skeleton in 1890 by Russian engineer Nicholas Yagin. It used energy stored in compressed gas bags to as- The passive exoskeletons use passive elements sist in movement, although it was passive and re- such as springs, dampeners etc., to transfer the quired human power. In 1917, United States in- payload to the ground, however active exoskele- ventor Leslie C. Kelley developed what he called tons not only transfer the payload to the ground a pedomotor, which operated on steam power but also impart energy through the actuators re- with artificial ligaments acting in parallel to the sulting in reduced energy consumption by the wearer's movements. This system was able to soldier, supplement human power with external power. Powered Augmentative Exoskeleton A powered exoskeleton is a wearable mobile ma- Exoskeletons or exo-suits are the gadgets worn chine that is powered by a system of electric mo- by a soldier over a regular uniform to augment tors, pneumatics, levers, hydraulics, or a combina- his strength. The gadget comes with powered tion of technologies that allow for limb movement special devices and AI to enhance the capabili- with increased strength and endurance. Its design ties of a soldier. They can either be made up of aims to provide back support, sense the user's mo- rigid materials such as metal and carbon fibre or tion, and send a signal to motors which manage soft and elastic materials. Its design aims to pro- the gears. The exoskeleton supports the shoulder, vide back support, sense the user's motion, and waist and thigh, and assists movement for lifting send a signal to motors which manage the gears. and holding heavy items. A powered exoskeleton differs from a passive exoskeleton due to the fact that a passive exo- BENEFITS OF EXO-SUITS: skeleton is not powered. However, similar to a 1.An exo-suit rigged up on a soldier is expected to powered exoskeleton, it does give mechanical enhance his additional load carrying capacity by benefits to the user. This also explains the dif- 100kg for a minimum of 8 hours of operational ference to orthotics. An orthosis should promote time and has 3-5 hours of battery backup. the activity of muscle work and, in the best case, regain it. 2.Soldiers who patrol in high altitude terrains wear a leg-gear that assists them in walking in the snow. 3.It also reduces fatigue and exhaustion faced by the soldiers in a thin oxygen climate. 4.They relieve more than 50% of the load burden, thereby reducing the injury to the soldiers. 5. The design of an exoskeleton often comes with flexible joints that work with the user’s underly- ing muscles. 6. Exoskeletons can be beneficial for medical use. Exoskeleton developers are creating wearable ro- botic suits. “Energy as clean as wind, as needed as oxygen.” S T U D E N T A RT I C L E S 17

INDIA'S STAND ON EXO-SUIT: CHALLENGES FACED: DRDO in response to Financial Express in the The first technical challenge has to do with hear- current state of Exoskeletons said, \"The DRDO ing - how the suit can know when and how to is in need enhance military capabilities during move. Without a quick sense of humor, the tran- transport operations by military. Therefore, bio- sition between the user wishing to move and the mechanical characteristics of a soldier over time actual movement results in the operator feeling various modes of transport such as freight, dis- like walking on Jell-O lake. tribution, characters etc., in various places, long The second challenge is associated with initia- distances with their full-fledged military weapons tion. Although knee movement is straightfor- have been systematically taken and analyzed. \" ward, complex joints, such as the hips and ankles, They further added “Exoskeleton systems are de- require highly advanced, multi-sided actuators. signed and upgraded to make specific military ap- Even the most advanced actuators will still lim- plications that include bending, paid load, moving it the full range of motion in these components, and pre-paid load to the body, and similar pouring. leading to a decrease in efficiency. Various concepts and configurations are current- Final challenge is about money because this exo- ly being developed and developed. The DRDO suits are very costly, they starts from range of has been advancing in various design methods to $80000 and goes upto more than $200000 for 1 build a growing exoskeleton of the Indian Army. suits if they start a unit of 10 then it is costly for Basically there have been two schools of thought some country whose budget isn’t much for De- / design augmentative exoskeleton design, name- fence. ly a passive / unpowered augmentative exoskele- ton and a powered augmentative exoskeleton. In- CONCLUSION: active exoskeletones use artificial elements such as springs, dampeners, etc., to transfer down pay- The greatest invention created by scientist for loads, yet active exoskeletons not only transfer the army soldiers to develop the body skills to payload down but also transfer power through ac- defeat the enemies. And to improve the spirit tuators resulting in reduced force consumption by and strength of every soldiers. As the world is the soldier. ”Various concepts and configurations developing man power is a useful resource and are developed and developed yet. The DRDO has if we can enhance it with a suit than it would been moving forward with various design ap- be wonderful , and if it comes to the army this proaches to building an additional Indian Army should be considered as these people are risking exoskeleton. their lives to protect their nation and government should come up with a way to protect or help them . - Shashant Patel S.E. MECH B “Energy as clean as wind, as needed as oxygen.” S T U D E N T A RT I C L E S 18

TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION IN DEFENSE SECTOR INTRODUCTION: Uses of VR and AR in the Army 1. Firearm Training: From WW II to now, there has been tremendous 2. Electronic Warfare training growth in the defense sector. In today’s world, we 3. Sniper Training are using technologies like big data analytics, ar- 4. Situational Awareness & Experience: tificial intelligence, autonomy, robotics, directed 5. Armoured Vehicle Simulator energy, hypersonic, drones, and biotechnology. 6. Vehicle Repair and Maintenance in the Battle- In this article, we are going to talk about the use of Virtual reality for defense training, Big Data & field Internet of things, and the use of artificial intelli- Uses of VR and AR in the Air Force gence and machine learning in the defense sector. 1) Flight Simulation Virtual Reality for Defence Training: 2) Maintenance Repair and Overhaul Training Virtual Reality is a technology that simulates re- 3) Medical Training Uses of VR In the Navy 1) Virtual Ship Bridge: al-life experiences and allows people to control 2) Virtual Submarine Simulator their cyber avatars in a virtual world and interact VR Technology takes training to a different level with them as they would in the real world. The as it isn’t restricted by training sites, weather con- application of VR technology in the military par- ditions, or consumption of equipment and can give adigm is to make trainees and officers better at an actual combat experience. As far as it looks too using equipment, navigating a mode of transport, good let’s see how this technology will be further gaining experience in potential combat situations, used. medical training, and more. One of the advantag- A.I AND ML IN DEFENCE SECTOR: es of VR training in the military is that it offers the Artificial intelligence has infiltrated practical- functionality to immerse users in a virtual yet safe ly every civilian industry imaginable. It has now world. This feature is what makes it so relevant in swiftly become a necessary component of modern the defense sector, as it offers militaries and de- combat. The strength of the country is the strength fense contractors a way to gain invaluable expe- of its army. When compared to other parts, in- rience in dealing with high-stress, life-threatening vestment in this industry is the largest in the most environments from the safety of a training room. developed countries. A significant portion of If we talk about the plus points of using VR for this investment is dedicated to rigorous research training then there are many, and development in current technologies. AI-en- abled military devices can efficiently handle large amounts of data. Furthermore, due to their en- hanced computation and decision-making skills, such technologies have improved self-regulation, self-control, and self-actuation. Machine learning is being used by defence agencies to forecast and protect against unauthorised intrusions. Let’s look into the field’s Artificial intelligence and machine learning is being used in the Defence sector: “Don’t add fuel to the fire of global warming.” S T U D E N T A RT I C L E S 19

Applications of AI in Defence Training: Logistics: Training and simulation are diverse fields that Using logistics we can determine whether a mili- employ system and software engineering ideas to tary mission will succeed or not. Machine Learn- create models that can assist soldiers in training on ing and geospatial analysis are integrated with different fighting systems used in actual military military logistic systems to decrease effort, time, operations. Various sensor simulation programs and error. have already been launched by the US Navy and Use of AI in Militaries Around the World Army. Training simulations can also be used. Russia’s military might be well-known around the Surveillance: world. The Foundations for Advanced Research AI combined with geospatial analysis can aid in Projects is the country’s equivalent of DARPA in the extraction of useful information from radars the United States. Top leaders are promoting the and autonomous identification systems. This data development of AI-based technology for the mili- can aid in the detection of any unlawful or suspi- tary. According to reports, the Russian military is cious activity, as well as alerting the appropriate considering using AI, big data, and ML to conduct authorities. more effective information operations. Russia is Ammunition and Arms: currently investing extensively in artificial intelli- AI-enabled technology is now incorporated into gence (AI) for the identification, analysis, and ref- new-age weaponry. Advanced missiles, for exam- utation of misinformation in both the commercial ple, can estimate and examine the target level for and defense sectors. kill zones without the need for human participa- India is also taking small measures to incorporate tion. AI-based technology into its combat and surveil- lance projects. In reality, the Ministry of Defence Cybersecurity: formed a high-level Defence AI Council (DAIC) After land, sea, and air, cyberspace is currently re- in 2019, tasked with delivering strategic direction garded as the third war front in military circles. A for AI adoption in the defense sector hacked and malevolent network might jeopardize the security of the entire region. Machine learning BIG DATA & INTERNET OF THINGS: is being used by defense agencies to forecast and protect against unauthorized intrusions. In most In the defense industry, everything comes down cases, intrusion detection is accomplished by cat- to strategy—and you simply can’t build an effec- egorizing the network as either normal or inva- tive strategy without information. The Internet of sive. Artificial intelligence (AI)-based techniques Things (IoT) is one of the technology innovations aid in improving the accuracy of such categoriza- the industry can leverage, where split-second de- tion. cisions could have dire consequences. As in other industries, the term is personalized for the indus- try, sometimes referred to as the Internet of Mil- itary Things or the Internet of Battlefield Things. “Don’t add fuel to the fire of global warming.” S T U D E N T A RT I C L E S 20

The opportunities are plentiful. Everything from 3. Monitoring Soldier’s Health jet engines, weapons, vehicles, and soldiers (and Another application of IoT in defense and the mil- more) could be a source of data. This data is es- itary is knowing the health status of a soldier. This sential to building a winning strategy that ensures is done by placing sensors in the soldiers’ clothes all efforts are more efficient, safe, and controlla- to track or centrally monitor their physical health ble. and mental health. Sensors can monitor heart For example, the sensors embedded in a soldier’s rate, body temperature, and thermal distribution suit, helmet, and other equipment could capture as well as some behavioral attributes like speech biometric data, contextual information, and event patterns. The data can be shared with doctors for details on the soldier’s physical and mental state. better medical assistance. This can help increase the chances of survival of 4. Equipment and Vehicle Fleet Management the soldiers. Regular maintenance of military vehicles and ef- ficient transportation of ammunition and troops How is such a huge amount of data handled? Edge is important for a successful military operation. computing seems to be the solution to parsing Connected sensors and analytics provided by IoT through all the data as quickly as possible. Re- technology can help in tracking supplies required al-time insights are gathered and analyzed. And on the battlefield. Incorporating sensors into mil- these insights can lead to better decisions. For in- itary vehicles can help track their position, fuel stance, the U.S. Air Force has been able to save efficiency, damage level, and engine statusSmart almost $1 million a week in tanker refueling costs tracking of defense and military transportation en- via edge and cloud computing working with Dell, able military fleets to quickly identify inconsis- according to a FedTech article. tencies and implement solutions. This helps them Applications of the internet of things in the de- lower transportation costs and reduce human ef- fense sector forts. 1. Battlefield Data 5. Smart Bases IoT enables armed forces to survey the battlefield IoT sensors can be used in military bases to im- The drones have sensors and cameras that can prove the efficiency and convenience of the ser- capture live images, trace the landscape and loca- vices on the base. Smart management of essential tion of the enemies, and send real-time data to the resources like water, and electricity can increase command center. the capacity and output of the military base. 2. Identifying the Enemy 6. Data Processing & Analysis IoT sensors can capture irises, fingerprints, and The information collected by IoT about various other biometric data to determine the identity of defense and military areas, such as weapons, air- a person. This reduced the possibility of spies and craft, fleet, and troops can increase the effective- the leak of important information. ness of their intelligence and surveillance The data obtained related to these areas can enable armed forces to identify key threats quickly and with more accuracy. - Suraj Mahato S.E. MECH A “Conserve energy to preserve future.” S T U D E N T A RT I C L E S 21

ADVENT OF RAMJETS INTRODUCTION: The long Indo-Russian partnership has always resulted in some remarkable achievements in the defense sector. One such example is the one of its kind in the world cruise missile, BRAHMOS, ca- pable of achieving hypersonic speeds without any moving parts. Through this article, let’s explore the ingenious technology behind the Ramjets. Shockwaves : Shock waves are present in a variety of engineer- ing application environments, such as transonic Converging-Diverging Section: gas turbine blade tip gaps, transonic turbine blade, and ramjet design. Before getting into the actual design of the missile, let’s understand some ba- sic concepts of compressible flows in the most intuitive way possible.When aircrafts moves at some speed the sound waves propogating in all directions can have subsonic,sonic and supersonic speeds. In the subsonic regime, since the waves travel faster than the object, the particles ahead of it get the information in the form of pressure waves and hence they align themselves in a way that they flow over the aircraft. Unfortunately, that’s not the Let’s strain your nerves by diving into the mathe- case with supersonic flows. The particles never get matics of probably the most famous device known their desired information and continue to collide in the field of compressible flows. with the object’s tip, thereby forming a 200nm ρ is density, A is the area of flow, v is flow veloci- thick compression region of tremendous pressure ty, c is sonic speed, and M is Mach number (v/c). and temperature at the boundary of the cone, also The mass balance equation of continuity is known as the Mach cone. This region is known as the shock wave and it represents a region of abrupt discontinuity of flow parameters. As the air passes through this region, due to the 2nd law of thermodynamics, the flow becomes subsonic past it. This results in an increase in the temperature and pressure of the flow as the kinetic energy of flow get manifested as internal energy. It is this high-pressure wave that drives the missile to its target at hypersonic speeds once it attains sonic speed. “Today’s wastage is tomorrow’s shortage.” S T U D E N T A RT I C L E S 22

For M>1, as A decreases, v decreases, and P in- the shock is enough to start combustion but to in- creases. Since dA = 0 at end of converging sec- crease the pressure, even more, a converging pas- tion, then either M=1 or dv =0. But M=1 occurs sage (area between diffuser and missile body) at only at the end of the converging section. So, in the front is introduced such that when flow passes this way, we can accelerate a subsonic flow to a through the diffuser section, the area of cross-sec- sonic speed. But what about the supersonic limit? tion decreases and hence by the equation of con- tinuity and Euler’s equation, the pressure for the This is the general governing equation for com- supersonic flow conditions increases but the ve- pressible flow through variable area duct. From locity of the flow after passing through the diffus- this one can understand that, if we supply a sub- er and also due to shockwaves becomes subsonic sonic flow at the inlet of the converging section in the combustion section. This phenomenon is and want to accelerate the flow to supersonic, known as the ram-effect. The fuel, mostly liquid dM>0, M>1, and so dA>0 as well. This hints at hydrogen, is injected into the combustor which at an addition to a diverging section to accelerate the very high-pressure mixes with the air and ignites flow beyond the sonic limit. the mixture. RAMJET DESIGN: DEPLOYMENT: The missile consists of two stages of propulsion systems. The first stage consists of a solid propel- Various versions of this missile have been devel- lant that drives the missile to its sonic speed, as oped such as, the ramjets work only at that high speed, and then • Air launched cruise missile detach themselves. • Anti-ship missile Now coming to the working of the engine, • Surface to surface missile • Land attack missile • Submarine Launched cruise missile CONCLUSION: Due to the very high speeds of Mach-3 that this cruise missile can achieve, it’s one of its kind in the world and no known weapon system is capa- ble of intercepting it mid-air. Research on developing BRAHMOS 2.0 is un- derway as you read this, which will make the mis- sile capable of achieving M=8. Although these upcoming technologies are transforming the de- fense sector rapidly, let’s hope there never comes an occasion where these lethal weapons come into actual use. When the missile reaches a sonic speed, each point - Apoorv Mishra at the circumference of the tip of the missile, and also the tip of the diffuser, acts as a source of in- T.E. MECH A finitely many shockwaves that passes through the insides of the engine. Although the pressure within S T U D E N T A RT I C L E S 23 “Today’s wastage is tomorrow’s shortage.”

UAV AS SPY DRONES ABSTRACT: Nowadays dependency on technology is increas- ing day by day with high momentum. Today al- most every technology is dependent on modern technology. One of the most dependent and use- ful technology is “ Unarmed Aerial Vehicle” or DRONE. It has flexibility of take-off and landing in wide range. The first pilotless vehicles were de- veloped in Britain and the USA during the First World War. Britain’s Aerial Target, a small ra- dio-controlled aircraft, was first tested in March INTRODUCTION: 1917 while the American aerial torpedo known A drone, is also knows as a quad -copter, it is used as the Kettering Bug first flew in October 1918. in places where human intervention is not possi- DRONES can be very useful in rescuing mission. ble. For the past decade, several Researchers have Attaching the DRONE with camera with night vi- implemented the drone in its new applications. For sion mode then it can be used in searching oper- example, extreme temperature and high altitude in ations even in the dark and by attaching it with a police investigations. A drone has four propellers diaphragm we could hear the sound by taking to a with motors which help in generating the thrust certain range for the sound to be received as a re- to lift the craft. There are two motors which work sult it could also be utilised as SPY DRONE thus clockwise and to motors which work works anti- enabling the user to rescue or spying by keeping clockwise this enabling the drone to ascend ver- the operator at safe place. Solar Energy is also a tically. The drone itself is a flying platform which very useful non-exhaustible source for increasing can be made suitable for different goals. The goal endurance is one of the main drawbacks in UAVs. can be achieved in by putting the drone together Hence drones are also operated with solar energy. with specific new features like adding a camera to it for surveillance. In this we plan to modify a sur- veillance drone to which will have the features of night vision where the drone will be able to search in the dark. A diaphragm will also be attached to it so that sound can be received of a certain range. The drone will also be programmed in a way that it can detect any obstacles coming in its way. Using solar energy will help to increase the durability of the UAVs without adding significant mass or increasing the size of fuel systems. They could also be utilized in high altitudes. The goal of this project is to look after the various geographical land containing road and traffic networks using surveillance drone. “Energy conservation is the only solution.” S T U D E N T A RT I C L E S 24

It consists of 4 motors and motors are connected Vertical Motion- DRONE use rotors for propul- to ESC for varying its speed. These ESCs are con- sion and control. Spinning blades push air down. nected to KK 2.1.5 controller board and it is con- Of course, all forces come in pairs, which means nected to the fly sky receiver. The RC transmitter that as the rotor pushes down on the air, the air (Remote control) which is controlled manually pushes up on the rotor. This is the basic idea be- sends signal to the Fly sky Receiver. The KK 2.1.5 hind lift, which comes down to controlling the up- Multi-Rotor controller is a flight control board for ward and downward force. The faster the rotors aircraft with multiple motors. The Atmega644PA spin, the greater the lift, and vice-versa. IC unit than processes these signals according to Rotation- There are 4 motors in quad copter,2 di- the user elite microcode and passes management agonal rotate clockwise and 2 anticlockwise. The signals to the put in ESC. These signals instruct the two opposite rotations help the drone to maintain ESCs whether to increase or decrease the speed of its balance and if all the rotors were to spin in same the motors. 1The KK2.1.5 multi rotor uses signal direction it will result in a net torque making the from the radio receiver and passes it to the mi- whole quad-copter rotate. crocontroller Atmega644PA. Once this informa- Forward And Backward- Precisely there is no tion is processed the IC can send varied signals to such thing called forward and backward move- the ESCs that regulate the movement speed of all ment for drone as drone is symmetrical. We need the DC motors to induce controlled flight.Remote to slow down two rotors on one side and speed up Transmitter is connected is connected wirelessly the two rotors on other side to move the drone in using RF frequency of range 2.40 to 2.47GHz. its desired direction. The drone moves in its di- Receiver receives the wireless signal from the re- rection of slower side which obeys Newton's 3RD mote control and flight is controlled. law of motion. Wireless camera is used to capture the image and Forces And Moments- A thrust force is produced perform live video streaming. Camera transmit- by the 4 propellers in the direction perpendicular ter and receiver are connected by Wi-Fi module to the plane of rotating propellers. The thrust pro- through a mobile application. unmanned aerial duced by the propellers is directly proportional to vehicle (UAV), military aircraft that is guided au- square of angular velocity of those propellers. A tonomously, by remote control, or both and that reaction moment is created by the propellers on carries sensors, target designators, offensive ord- the quad copter with respect to the Z axis. Mo- nance, or electronic transmitters designed to inter- ment is obtained by different forces and displace- fere with or destroy enemy targets. ment of 2 propellers. This process simply follows Newton's second law of motion. “Energy conservation is the only solution.” S T U D E N T A RT I C L E S 25

ACCLEROMETER: Principle Of Conversion: It is used to determine the orientation and presen- The main principle is to convert the unlimited tation of drone in its flight It is used to provide supply of solar energy into electrical energy using acceleration force which the drone is subjected to solar cells. When sunlight strikes on the solar cell in its all 3 axis X, Y, Z. It also used to detect the vi- it creates electron and holes and acts as a charge bration which the drone is experiencing and also carrier. When a circuit is made, the free electrons used to calculate the velocity direction, even it can pass through a certain amount of load in order to detect the rate of change of altitude by the drone form its pair with holes, which results in the pro- cess of generation of current. For the safety of the DRONE ON SOLAR ENERGY: solar cells during the flight the solar cells are ar- Using Solar Energy will help to increase the du- ranged at the top of the wings and then the entire rability and reliability of the UAVs without add- wing is wrapped with a transparent material, also ing significant mass or increasing the sizes of fuel to get the required voltage in order to safely charge systems. They could also be utilized in higher al- the 3Sbattery the cells are kept in in series from titudes. there the battery power is supplied to the motor Flight Time- for throttling during the constant level flight. Here One of the methods to increase the time to increase the UAV is designed as glider as it absorbs max- the flight for the drone is using solar cells, which imum amount of solar energy while gliding. We converts solar energy to electrical energy. When can also use photo transistor as it also converts the cells are connected with an electronic circuit, they light energy to electrical energy without consum- can provide sufficient and unlimited power for ing much time. motor and the electronics. The extra energy can be stored in the battery hence the energy stored in DESIGN METHODOLOGY: battery can be used as substitute when the drone The design process of the solar based UAVs is is flying in darkness or under clouds or operat- composed of 2 parts conceptual and preliminary. ing missions at night. The possible solution to in- In conceptual the basic configuration is arrange- crease the endurance is using the solar powered ment of weight, performances and size is calcu- aircraft with electric based propulsion systems in lated. The purpose of preliminary is to meet the which the power supply is unlimited throughout required targets and optimization by designing the the region, it also eliminates the use of fuel and CAD modelling of individual parts. also the storage capacity problem for limited en- They are used to guide and evaluate the overall ergy, if the energy is enough then it can attend a development of UAV configuration. There are 2 height of 1200ft to 12000ft. simple balances: Weight Balance- The weight of all the elements constituting in the drone should be equal to lift force. “Save enegy for today, secure your tomorrow.” S T U D E N T A RT I C L E S 26

Energy Balance- DISCUSSION: The solar energy collected from the solar panel has to be greater or equal to the electrical energy The proposed system of Surveillance Drone is with needed by the UAVs during the flight. wireless remote controller. Camera is attached to Solar Panel Efficiency: the system for surveillance. Camera gives live The efficiency of commercial PV modules which feed on mobile app and we can also record vid- are used to construct solar panel has been increased eos and capture images. At present, there are very continuously over the last decades. The amount less data to confirm or disprove about the impact of sunlight that can be converted into electricity of drone told in the paper above. Hence, we need is the efficiency of the solar module. Factors that more research done on the topic to fill up the es- affect the efficiency of solar panels are reflection, sential gaps more broadly. Regulating drones are electrical resistance light with too much or too lit- very challenging, the main reasons- the size and tle energy. Currently the most efficient dollar pan- capabilities of drones are so variant that it is dif- els operate around 20% efficiency. ficult to set up an encompassing regularity. The inconsistency and rapid changes of the drones be- Battery Storage tween the countries are also a reason. Because of A battery is a key component of any solar pan- this confusion and rapid changes in legal policies el. The drone will rely on the battery when the of the use of drones, it is recommended that the weather is cloudy or at night. For Solar UAVs the conversation sector should adopt some type of weight of the battery being used has to be kept policies for the self-regulation of drones, at least in mind as if acts as limiting factor, The storage for the time being until there is a clearer vision capacity of the batteries per unit weight is increas- about the legal status of the drones. The self-reg- ing. with Lithium-ion batteries as the upper limit, ulation policy is nowadays very common for any Currently, the energy storage capacity of 1athiss- type of emerging or developing machines. son batteries is around 0.875MJ/L . CONCLUSION: It’s true to say that drone technology is changing rapidly. But again, the parts which have to do with information collection and processing are devel- oping at a brisk pace; whereas the parts to do with the physical movement of the drone, like the pro- pellers are not changing very dramatically. The intelligence of drones in sensing and avoiding obstacles is also improving rapidly. This drone serves multiple purposes like surveillance, nav- igation and can detect obstacles. It also utilizes solar energy and uses 2 batteries. One battery will be used to operate the drone and whereas other one will store the power from the solar energy. - Aayush Agarwal T.E. MECH B “Save enegy for today, secure your tomorrow.” S T U D E N T A RT I C L E S 27

SOLAR BASED WATER PURIFICATION SYSTEM ABSTRACT: We propose a Solar energy-based water purifica- tion system with the utmost use of technology, for the welfare of the people living in the rural area and barely using any technical types of equip- ment. Solar energy-based products are always encouraged as the energy is non-conventional and renewable. The sound use of energy will lead to THEORY: the sure betterment of human life. We have tried our best to modify the traditional water purifi- Water purification is the process of removing un- cation system by using the latest versions of the desirable chemicals, biological contaminants, sus- technology. pended solids, and gases from water. The goal is to produce water fit for specific purposes. Most INTRODUCTION: water is purified and disinfected for human con- sumption, but water purification may also be car- The water problem is the most faced natural ca- ried out for a variety of other purposes, including lamity in the world, and purification is the very medical, pharmacological, chemical, and industri- subset of that problem. Only 3% of the total wa- al applications. The methods used include phys- ter on the earth is drinkable and hence it's a big ical processes such as filtration, sedimentation, challenge ahead in the future to purify the other and distillation; biological processes such as slow 97% of water to make it suitable for use. Hence sand filters or biologically active carbon; chem- scientists are finding new techniques for the pu- ical processes such as flocculation and chlorina- rification of water. Traditional water purification tion; and the use of electromagnetic radiation such systems do exist, but they are not economical and as ultraviolet light. Water purification may reduce are remote.One such system is the solar water pu- the concentration of particulate matter including rification system. Solar purification is flexible and suspended particles, parasites, bacteria, algae, vi- can be modified in many ways to make it more ef- ruses,and fungi as well as reduce the concentra- fective. It is a green project as there is no emission tion of a range of dissolved and particulate matter. of any pollutants, nor there is the use of any con- The standards for drinking water quality are typi- ventional resources for the same. It is carried out cally set by governments or by international stan- by the SOID process followed by chemical and dards. These standards usually include minimum mechanical filtration. The project tried to make it and maximum concentrations of contaminants, as versatile as economical and mobile. depending on the intended use of the water. Visual inspection cannot determine if water is of appropriate quality. Simple procedures such as boiling or the use of a household activated car- bon filter are not sufficient for treating all possible “Creativity is the greatest Rebellion in existence.” A M E L I O R AT I O N 28

contaminants that may be present in water from DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION: an unknown source. Even natural spring water – considered safe for all practical purposes in the Carbon Pre-filter: 19th century – must now be tested before deter- Carbon filters work with the aid of using adsorp- mining what kind of treatment, if any, is needed. tion, wherein pollutants present in the fluids to be Chemical and microbiological analysis, while ex- dealt with are trapped by the porous structure of pensive, is the only way to obtain the information the carbon substrate. Granulated Activated Car- necessary for deciding on the appropriate method bon (GAC) is the most commonly used substrate. of purification This substrate is manufactured from many carbon granules, which are already very porous. As a re- WORKING: sult, the substrate has a huge surface area for acti- Filtration Unit: vation inside where contaminants may be trapped. Chemical Filtration was required to make the wa- Activated carbon is commonly utilized in air and ter drinkable. Ceramic Water Filtration with ac- water filters thanks to its extensively large surface tivated carbon provided the necessary Filtration area. One gram of activated carbon can provide up followed by UV light for sterilization and ioniz- to 3000 m2 of activation surface. ing resin. Water is taken from a large reservoir (tank in case of domestic house purposes). The pump is driven by the energy produced from the solar panel. A Lithium battery stores the extra en- ergy developed by the solar panel when it’s not in use, thereby creating a backup source. The water is further passed to the filtration unit. At the end of the filtration unit, we obtain clean drinkable water. The flow rate obtain varies from 4-5 L/mi. We have planned to adopt a different approach too for the same project after the termination of lockdown when we could perform the project physically. For improvement, we are planning to provide a solar panel with more transferable en- UV Tube: ergy (say 100W) and a useful part of the energy Ultraviolet light (UV) is very effective at inac- to produce boiled water and eliminate some filtra- tivating cysts, in low turbidity water. UV light's tion components. disinfection effectiveness decreases as turbidity increases, a result of the absorption, scattering, and shadowing caused by the suspended solids. The main disadvantage to the use of UV radiation is that, like ozone treatment, it leaves no residu- al disinfectant in the water; therefore, it is some- times necessary to add a residual disinfectant after the primary disinfection process. Ultraviolet light is part of the light spectrum and is classified into three wavelength ranges: UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C. For water disinfection, UV-C lamps (also referred to as germicidal ultraviolet) are best utilized because they produce energy at 254 nanometers, the most lethal to microorgan- isms in water. “Creativity is the greatest Rebellion in existence.” A M E L I O R AT I O N 29

Solar Panel: IOT INTEGRATION: As per the requirement of the pump i.e. (60W, By integrating Arduino Wemos with a turbidity 12V), we selected the UTL Solar PV Panel 60 sensor, it is possible to constantly track water qual- Watt/12 Volt (Polycrystalline). We also choose ity. We are using this system to ensure the purity a battery backup for the project which could be of water and to obtain an immediate response if charged up when the SWP is not in use. This will the standards are not met. The SEN0189 sensor is also help to run the project in the absence of sun- used to detect the NTU of the output water of the light. filter, thereby determining the quality of the output A good place to start is by understanding the pa- water. It uses light to detect suspended particles rameters that earn a solar panel its wattage rating. in water by measuring the light transmittance and How many watts your solar panel can produce scattering rate, which changes with the amount of might be anywhere between 250 watts and 370 total suspended solids (TSS) in water. As the TTS watts. Does this mean that your system will gen- increases, the liquid turbidity level increases. Tur- erate that exact amount all of the time? Not really. bidity sensors are used to measure water quality in That’s where those variables come in. But a solar rivers and streams, wastewater and effluent mea- panel efficiency number is a gauge of how many surements, control instrumentation for settling watts your solar panel is capable of producing in ponds, sediment transport research, and laborato- ideal conditions. ry measurements. This analog sensor generates a These ideal conditions are simulated in a labora- voltage value when placed in testing. tory where solar panels are tested, known as Stan- IoT integration means making the mix of new IoT dard Test Conditions (STC). Standard Test Con- devices, IoT data, IoT platforms, and IoT applica- ditions for solar panel wattage would mean your tions combined with IT assets (business applica- solar panel is operating at 77 degrees Fahrenheit tions, legacy data, mobile, and SaaS) work well while there are 1000 watts of sunlight per square together in the context of implementing end-to- meter hitting the panel. So, under these ideal con- end IoT business solutions ditions, a 250-watt solar panel will produce 250 watts of electricity. This standard is a good way to ensure that all solar panels meet specific crite- ria when they’re manufactured. Here’s a simple formula for calculating your solar panel’s power output. Solar panel watts x average hours of sunlight x 70% = daily watt-hours Let’s say you have 80-watt solar panels and live in a place where you get 7 hours of sunlight per day. What’s that 70 percent for? That’s to account for all those variables we've been going over. 150 watts x 7 hours x 0.70 = 735 daily watt-hours “Any sufficiently advanced technology is equivalent to magic.” A M E L I O R AT I O N 30

FUTURE GROWTH OF SOLAR IN INDIA: CONCLUSION: The solar industry's structure has rapidly evolved as solar reached grid parity with convention- Thus, we plan on creating a self-sufficient water al power between 2016 and 2018. Solar will be purification system. As it is equipped with a feed- seen more as a viable energy source, not just as back mechanism, we can also keep track of the an alternative to other renewable sources but also functioning of the system. The Green Energy rev- as a significant proportion of conventional grid olution also gets a boost from this project. power. The testing and refinement of off-grid and rooftop solar models in the seed phase will help - Sahil Sabnis lead to the explosive growth of this segment in Tanay Sambrani the growth phase. Global prices for photovoltaic Parth Sankhe (PV) modules are dropping, reducing the overall Mayur Tarfe cost of generating solar power. In India, this led B,E. MECH B to a steep decline in the winning bids for JNNSM projects. With average prices of 15 to 17 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh), solar costs in India are al- ready among the world’s lowest. Given overca- pacity in the module industry, prices will likely continue falling over the next four years before leveling off. By 2016, the cost of solar power was as much as 15 percent lower than that of the most expensive grid-connected conventional energy suppliers. The capacity of those suppliers alone, nearly 8 GW in conventional terms, corresponds to solar equivalent generation capacity potential of 25 to 30 GW. Due to implementation challeng- es, however, it's unlikely that all of this potential was being realized by 2016. “Technology in its truest form can change vision into reality.” A M E L I O R AT I O N 31

SMART TERRAIN ADAPTIVE ROBOTIC SUSPENSION SYSTEM ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: The design is a Smart Terrain Adaptive Robotic With planetary exploration becoming a major aim Suspension System .The present study is a propo- for all the countries in the world, newer innova- sition of a novel suspension system that is intend- tive and effective designs are wanted to travel on ed to be of great use in the field of autonomous or unknown terrains with safety assured. Unseen and manned exploration primarily on extra-terrestrial unexplored terrains pose a great threat to vehicles planets. This new approach to suspension systems movement and their components. Many designs is fully electronic and uses negative feedback to are currently being researched and many simple stabilize the chassis. This research article attempts yet very effective solutions like the \"Rocker-Bo- to let the reader go through the design process for gie Mechanism\" have surpassed all complications the whole suspension system, including link de- and have become the almost ideal solution for sign, dimensioning, electronic component selec- planetary exploration. Despite such mechanisms, tion, and finally, the embedded C code to attain there still exists the dream of fluid-like movement the desired result. The reasons for choosing these on rough terrains at a comparatively lower ex- parameters are well addressed in the work. Multi- pense. We have decided to go with an independent, ple tests were performed on a prototype that was centrally controlled suspension system that relies built during this project on a track that simulated on individual movements of the wheels to avoid undulating surfaces for the robot to move on. Ki- roll instability. A centrally controlled suspension nematic and structural analyses were carried out means that the \"brain\", that is, the microcontroller to ensure the prototype could perform as desired. installed, controls the movements of the wheels These tests were constantly monitored using the depending upon the input parameters. We plan to open-source software, Processing, which gave re- introduce a simple yet cutting-edge robotic sus- al-time readings for the attitude of the chassis. The pension system that can be made by modifying a 4 chassis model was drawn on OpenGL for easy vi- Bar link mechanism to maintain a nearly horizon- sualization of the rolling, pitching, and yawing of tal chassis over considerable forms of undulating the chassis. Multiple tests resulting in lots of code terrains. The suspension movement is controlled tweaks have ultimately resulted in the fulfillment by an IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) which of the objective. relays attitude information to the microcontroller which processes this data and relays instructions to the system of servo motors, which helps in con- trolling and moving the link mechanism to attain a perfectly horizontal chassis. In addition to ex- traterrestrial expeditions, there has been a surge in the military, and energy production projects which demand a suspension system that is not sophis- ticated but at the same time, effective. With the help of electronics and simple mechanics, smart- er, lighter, effective, and economical solutions for a larger spectrum of systems can be achieved. “Success is best when it’s shared.” A M E L I O R AT I O N 32

BACKGROUND: OBJECTIVES: A suspension system is a link between the wheels and the body of a vehicle. It may comprise shock 1. Stabilizes the chassis to make it almost hori- absorbers, springs, and linkages, all arranged in zontal, with a very small degree of error. diverse ways depending on the purpose they are 2. Enhance efficiency. being utilized for. Over the past decades, numer- 3. The robot must be able to go over both smooth ous and distinctive changes have been made and undulating surfaces and sharp obstacles. advanced technologies keep coming through. 4. Cut down the maintenance-related. Most suspension systems succeed and fulfill the 5. For more load transfer & response. objective they have been proposed but there ar- en't many mechanisms that guarantee an unwav- SCOPE OF PROJECT: ering chassis. With modern developments in war- The new suspension system can be a real break- fare, space explorations, and automobiles, such a through in the field of robotic suspension systems. mechanism is much needed. After much research It would be a modification and an improvement and analysis, we have come forth with a system on previously existing suspension systems and that applies the fundamentals of mechatronics to hence be more effective. The suspension will help remotely control a vehicle's suspension. Unlike improve mobility on difficult terrains for military the current market leaders such as the MR fluid, and space exploration activities. This suspension pneumatics, and hydraulic-based systems, this system can be implemented on various kinds of one would function with the use of microcontrol- wheeled bots like the ones which have robotic lers, gyroscopes, and accelerometers. It would arms or other modifications and can result in an sense data from its surroundings and then with the even more versatile robot vehicle. Considering help of a series of programs, reciprocate and al- our project's deliverables, it can be an upgrade as low the body to be stable. Such a system, when compared to the previous systems. The use of me- implemented on a larger scale could prove to be chanical links as well as an automated system is very pragmatic. something that has not been explored to the ut- most and it could lead to further developments in PROBLEM STATEMENT: the proposed field. The coding of the program and An ideal suspension system would be the one that obtaining the best materials to maximize the po- is the most efficient and relatively cheaper. When tential of this study is a hurdle but it can be over- working on a project, the first thing to keep in come with apropos research and discussions. For mind is the cost which is to be kept minimal with- a scaled-up version of the prototype, stepper mo- out hampering its effectiveness. tors will be needed. To cope we've come up with the mechanism that we aim to achieve would be feasible to build at LITERATURE REVIEW: a reasonable expense and produce more effective Innovation in any field requires a proper study of results. existing technologies which is why a major por- tion of the time of this project was dedicated to the J- LINK literature survey. This helped us in understanding various current technologies, their precision, ad- vantages, and disadvantages. Conclusions from Literature Survey •There are 2 kinds of suspension systems - active and passive. While passive suspension systems are purely mechanical, active suspension systems are interfaced with plenty of sensors and electronics for higher precision. Since our suspension system has a lot of electronics involved (for higher accu- racy), it falls under active suspension systems. “Success is best when it’s shared.” A M E L I O R AT I O N 33

•Most of the active suspension systems are very expensive and require a lot of processing pow- er. The suspension systems involving hydraulics, pneumatics, and linear actuators are very expen- sive as the components are very costly. •Purely kinematic-based suspension systems are not precise enough, therefore a controlled kine- matic suspension system would be perfect. BIO INSPIRED LINK: •The current near-perfect solutions like the BMW's dynamic drive work well for really small vibra- Our project involves a bio-inspired link that will tions and bumps. The suspension systems which be used in the place of Rocker Bogie suspension, can overcome large bumps are not precise enough where it is inspired by the human body. The human which gives us our problem statement. We need body is the most advanced control system in the world, the design is inspired by the joints of hu- to come up with a high-precision system that can man limbs under controlled actions like self-bal- overcome large bumps. ancing of our posture while riding a bicycle under •The suspension system must have \"auto-stabili- uneven terrain, etc. zation\" which means it must be able to recover from all sorts of unprecedented actuations due to APPLICATIONS: rough terrain. • We can install some latest software in the rover and can be controlled by gadgets. METHODOLOGY: • By using the latest technologies we can install a We began by choosing an appropriate design for camera in the rover that can be viewed and con- the link mechanism. Some of the mechanisms that trolled over a longer distance. • It can be used for surveillance purposes. were prominent after discussions were – A laid-back bent link 1 degree of freedom arm • Due to its auto suspension system we can use it for various purposes like bomb detection and de- [Fig. 1(a)] fense. Three tire chain supported wheel [Fig. 1(b)] CONCLUSION: Modified parallel four-bar linkage [Fig. 1(c)] We started by analyzing various suspension sys- The primary goal of achieving a robotic suspension tems that are currently used following which a system that maintains a nearly horizontal chassis detailed study of the evolution of suspension through a variety of terrains was largely satisfied. The negative feedback loop in the code resulted mechanisms was done to know how each of them in extremely high accuracies of about 0.1 degrees, worked. which is way more than what was aimed for. The basic working principle of each system was Also, the code written resulted in auto–stabili- studied individually followed by the analysis of zation, and recovery from any angle, something the flaws in each of them. After discussion, we which wasn't intended to be one of the objectives, came up with a modified parallel four-bar link to begin with. Two major problems with the de- mechanism. Then moved on to the simulation of sign were identified. our model in the SOLIDWORKS software fol- lowed by ANSYS. After this step, the Electronic - Kushal Modi components were chosen and the microcontroller Neel Pednekar was interfaced with the IMU and servos. Primi- Danish Natraj tive algorithms and codes were written and tested with suitable modifications. Vikas Pathak The D.O.F. was calculated using Gruebler's crite- B.E. MECH A rion. F = 3(N -1) – 2P1–P2 =1 where, N = 4; P1= 4; P2= 0 “Technology connects us. Technology unites us. Technology amplifies our power.” A M E L I O R AT I O N 34

NUCLEAR ENERGY IMPORTANT OR TOO DANGEROUS \"NUCLEAR ENERGY IS IMPORTANT\" 5. Agriculture: \"A nuclear power plant is infinitely safer than eat- Finally, farmers can use radioisotopes to con- ing because 300 people choke to death on food ev- trol insects that destroy crops as an alternative to chemical pesticides. In this procedure, male insect ery year. \" -By Dixy lee Ray, American. pests are rendered infertile. Pest populations are then drastically reduced and, in some cases, elim- We believe that nuclear energy is important be- inated. Nuclear energy is also harnessed to pre- cause it produces low cost energy, it is reliable, it serve our food. releases zero carbon emission, high energy density and highest capacity factor. That means it produc- REASONS WHY NUCLEAR IS CLEAN: es energy 1.5 to 2 times more than natural gas and 1. Nuclear energy protects air quality: coal and 2.5 to 3.5 times more reliable than wind It generates power through fission, which is the and solar energy. There are a number of other ben- process of splitting uranium atoms to produce en- eficial uses for nuclear technology in addition to ergy. According to the Nuclear Energy Institute creating electricity. These range from agriculture (NEI), the United States avoided more than 476 to medical, and space exploration to water desali- million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions nation. in 2019. That’s the equivalent of removing 100 1. Space Exploration: million cars from the road and more than all other A great deal of what we know about deep space clean energy sources combined. has been made possible by radioisotope power sys- tems (RPSs). RPSs are proven to be safe, reliable, 2. Nuclear energy’s land footprint is small: and maintenance-free for decades of space explo- Despite producing massive amounts of carbon-free ration, including missions to study Jupiter, Saturn, power, nuclear energy produces more electricity Mars, and Pluto. on less land than any other clean-air source. A typical 1,000-megawatt nuclear facility in the 2. Nuclear Energy: United States needs a little more than 1 square Nuclear provides nearly 20% of our electricity mile to operate. NEI says wind farms require 360 in the United States. It’s also the nation’s largest times more land area to produce the same amount source of clean energy—making up nearly 60% of of electricity and solar photovoltaic plants require our emissions-free electricity. 75 times more space. 3.Medical Diagnosis and Treatment: Approximately one-third of all patients admitted 3. Nuclear energy produces minimal waste: to U.S. hospitals are diagnosed or treated using ra- Nuclear fuel is extremely dense. diation or radioactive materials.Doctors also use It’s about 1 million times greater than that of other radioisotopes therapeutically to kill cancerous tis- traditional energy sources and because of this, the sue, reduce the size of tumors, and alleviate pain. amount of used nuclear fuel is not as big as you 4. Criminal Investigation: might think. All of the used nuclear fuel produced Criminal investigators frequently rely on radioiso- by the U.S. nuclear energy industry over the last topes to obtain physical evidence linking a suspect 60 years could fit on a football field at a depth of to a specific crime. They can be used to identify less than 10 yards!That waste can also be repro- trace chemicals in materials such as paint, glass, cessed and recycled, although the United States tape, gunpowder, lead, and poisons. does not currently do this. “Talent wins games, but teamwork win championship.” A M E L I O R AT I O N 35

4. Low cost: CONCLUSION: The National Academy of Sciences says nuclear power can produce electricity at or below the cost While nuclear power cannot substitute fossil fuel of wind, solar or coal with carbon capture. Re- entirely and become the sole sustainable energy newable sources seem cheap only because they resource, it can play a significant role in decar- are subsidized with billions in government money bonizing the production of electricity. Although and because they have not yet been built to scale. we face significant challenges that are constrain- At current rates, taxpayers would have to shell out ing the prospects for further development, nu- $170 billion to subsidize the 186,000 wind tur- clear power should be developed as a potential bines necessary to equal the output of 100 reac- carbon-free energy resource in order to mitigate tors. future problems of climate change and other envi- 5. Safety: ronmental concerns. While we have recently experienced a coal mine tragedy, a devastating oil spill and the deadly ex- \"We should remember that there are nations which plosion of a natural-gas pipeline, there has never meet more than 30% to 60% of their power re- been a death from a nuclear accident at an Amer- quirements through nuclear power systems. \" ican commercial reactor. There has never been a -By APJ Abdul kalam. nuclear-related death aboard an American nuclear Navy vessel, either. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration reports that working in the nuclear industry is safer than working in the fi- nance, insurance and real estate sectors. 6. Jobs: Much has been made of “green jobs” created by renewable energy, yet, according to an American University study, 80 percent of the $2 billion in renewable subsidies from the “stimulus” package went to overseas manufacturers. More red, white and blue jobs will be created by low-cost, reli- able nuclear power than by high-cost, intermittent power from renewables. “Talent wins games, but teamwork win championship.” A M E L I O R AT I O N 36

\"NUCLEAR ENERGY IS TOO DANGEROUS\" Accidents:- Talking about accidents, we know that human error and natural disasters can lead As we all know with the name global warming, to dangerous and costly accidents. For example, the climate crisis is the greatest challenge facing The 1986 Chernobyl disaster in Ukraine led to the the world today. And this is very bad news for us deaths of 30 employees in the initial explosion because the IPCC (the Intergovernmental Panel and has had a variety of negative health effects on on Climate Change) has warned us that to keep thousands across Russia and Eastern Europe. global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, we need to Cancer risk:- The significant risk of cancer asso- reduce emissions by 45 percent from 2010 levels ciated with fallout from nuclear disasters. The re- by 2030 and reach net zero emissions by 2050. search paper says; it increases risk for those who Hence nuclear energy is too dangerous for the hu- reside near a nuclear power plant, especially for man being and as well as the environment childhood cancers such as leukemia. Workers in the nuclear industry are also exposed to higher WHAT IS NUCLEAR ENERGY ? than normal levels of radiation, and as a result are Nuclear energy is a form of energy released from at a higher risk of death from cancer. the nucleus, the core of atoms, made up of protons and neutrons.his source of energy can be produced CONCLUSION : in two ways: fission –when nuclei of atoms split into several parts – or fusion – when nuclei fuse After seeing all the effects, we understood that together. nuclear energy is not environmentally friendly as well as it is not human being friendly. Nuclear fis- EFFECT OF THE NUCLEAR ENERGY: sion power is not a climate solution. It may pro- duce lower-carbon energy, but this energy comes Currently there are 444 nuclear power plants in 30 with a a great deal of risk. We need to scale up countries worldwide, with another 63 plants po- renewable energy technologies like wind and so- tentially under construction. There are many side lar to increase zero-carbon generation, while ac- effects and that’s why they should not be there. celerating energy efficiency and storage technol- Some of them are mentioned as belows: ogies nationwide.And these kinds of technologies 1. NUCLEAR WASTE will be safer, cheaper, faster, more secure, and less 2. NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION wasteful than nuclear power. Our country needs a 3. NATIONAL SECURITY massive influx of investment in these solutions if 4. CANCER RISK we are to avoid the worst consequences of climate 5. ACCIDENTS change, enjoy energy security, jump-start ou- 6. ENERGY PRODUCTION reconomy, create jobs, and work to lead the world 7. COST in development of clean energy. Hence nuclear energy is too dangerous for the en- Now we will discuss one by one:- vironment Nuclear waste:- The waste generated by nuclear reactors remains radioactive for tens to hundreds of thousands of years. For example , we know what happened in Hiroshima and nagasaki , the effects of nuclear energies are there till now, that can be observed. National security:- Nuclear power plants are a potential target for terrorist operations. An attack could cause major explosions, putting population centers at risk, as well as ejecting dangerous ra- dioactive material into the atmosphere and sur- rounding region. “Talent wins games, but teamwork win championship.” A M E L I O R AT I O N 37

SOFTWARES In this age of high maintenance and mechanical Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Software: operations, the importance of accurate documenta- tion and designing can’t be stressed enough. Engi- Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software allows neering drawings are stressfully time-consuming for building 3D models of parts and assemblies. to develop via conventional drafting methods. At CAD software has a drafting component that al- the end of the development, there is a considerable lows to the creation of 2D drawings of parts that chance of error arousal and all the steps need to be can be manufactured. CAD tools also have direct revised repeatedly which makes the editing part integration into an FEA (Finite Element Analysis) strenuous. 3D Modeling combined with CAD can package that can iterate seamlessly between de- create remarkably complex yet precise mechani- sign and analysis. cal models. 3-Dimensional animation tools have Examples: SolidWorks, Unigraphics NX, CATIA, become indispensable in engineering designs es- and Autodesk Inventor. pecially when we talk about the mechanical engi- neering field. CATIA: The 3D modeling software tools are used for a number of projects, from simulation to manufac- Catia is used for complex and detailed designs. It turing. A 3D modeling software with great visual- is used to design, simulate, analyze, and manufac- ization options can help you get a better overview ture products in a variety of industries including of your project. A precise overview allows you to aerospace, automotive, consumer goods, industri- adjust and improve your parts efficiently. al machinery, etc. Here are the benefits of 3D CAD modeling in the mechanical engineering design: Autodesk Inventor Professional: 1. Improvement in The Quality of Design 2. Increases Productivity of The Designers Often termed as the best modeling software tool, 3. Easier Documentation Process It helps to design the Mechanical projects by of- 4. Maintains Compatibility with International fering various modeling options as well as simu- Standards lation tools.Inventor is a great tool to develop any 5. Redraws The Design Automatically complex mechanical parts. This software is being 6. Reduces The Design Cost and Time used by the company DISTRAN, which special- 7. Facilitates Effective Visualization to Clients izes in conceptualizing complex steel structure ar- 8. Saves Drawing and Data for Future rangements. Following 3D Softwares have advanced features that permit us to work on extremely technical Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Software: projects with ease. There are a few software that is used consistently throughout the industry. The Structural analysis can be done with Finite Ele- level of proficiency that is required with specific ment Analysis (FEA). The Finite Element Analy- software packages is dependent on your role as an sis software allows for the analysis of stresses and engineer. So let’s check out some softwares for deflections in complex structures. A structure is mechanical engineers. typically modeled in a 3D CAD program, its ge- ometry is built, a mesh is created to discretize the structure into elements, forces and constraints are applied, and the model can then be solved. The solved model can interrogate stresses and deflec- tions in the structure. (ANSYS and NASTRAN) “Energy conservation is the only solution.” S T U D E N T A RT I C L E S 38

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