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Home Explore Hero instant noodle

Hero instant noodle

Published by kraiwatchara, 2021-09-06 02:59:47

Description: Hero instant noodle


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Hero instant noodle STEM Project Team Member: 1. Ms.Onrumpa Muangkai 2. Ms.Hongsapank Mangkarasiri 3. Ms.Asia Nuanphichit Teacher: Mr.Kraiwatchara Buated Pakkred Secondary School 2021

STATEMENT of ORIGINALITY We, Seaweed , do herewith declare that the overall project concept contained in the proposal entitled “Hero instant noodle project” is our own. We attest that the proposal does not contain plagiarism and any work taken from another source has been appropriately referenced and acknowledged. We certify that the proposal has not been previously published, nor submitted for another competition elsewhere. Thailand , 30 July 2021 Team member Teacher Team Leader Member Team (supervisor) Signature Signature Signature Signature (Kraiwatchara (Ms.Onrumpa (Ms.Hongsapank (Ms.Asia Buated) Muangkai) Mangkarasiri) Nuanphichit) Verified by School Principal Signature (Ms.Vinutthaput Phophet)

Summary This project is interested in studying the nutritional value enhancement of instant noodles by improving the nutrient ratio suitable for children and adolescents in the ASEAN countries to develop instant noodle products. To increase the nutritional value of instant noodles by improving the nutrient ratio and production process. Moreover, nutritious instant noodles can be able to distribute to the market and promote consumers to gain knowledge of nutrition as well.

Parts of the Proposal A. Background Nowadays living in conditions is full of hustle and bustle resulting in the working-age population, including children and youth, having no time to prepare cuisine. The food consumption patterns have changed from the traditional patterns that require cumbersome steps to prepare and take a long time. The current consumption of food must be easy and quick to prepare. Instant noodle is, therefore, a common choice and become a staple meal because they are easy to buy and do not take a long time to cook, and most importantly, they are inexpensive in line with the current economic situation. The previous sentences are in accordance with the words of UNICEF nutrition expert, Mueni Mutunga, traced the trend back to families ditching traditional diets for affordable, accessible and easy-to-prepare \"modern\" meal. “Instant noodles are easy, they're cheap, they're quick to cook and eat.” And \"Noodles are easy. Noodles are cheap. Noodles are quick and an easy substitute for what should have been a balanced diet,\" In 2020, the World Instant Noodle Association ( has ranked The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, such as Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines and Thailand, with the highest consumption of noodles, the total quantity is 27,850 million packs, approximately. Indonesia is the second largest consumer group in the world after China. Regular consumption of instant noodles is very detrimental to health as instant noodles are not nutritious. The main ingredient of instant noodles is wheat flour (60–70%) which provide only carbohydrate value, and the secondary one is fat (15–20%). The remaining ingredients are salt and monosodium glutamate (5–6%) which have high sodium resulting in health problems (e.g. nutrient shortage, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, kidney failure, including obesity), especially among children and adolescents who favor eating instant noodles. For all mentions above, our group is interested in studying the nutritional value enhancement of instant noodles by improving the nutrient ratio suitable for children and adolescents in the ASEAN countries to develop instant noodle products, which will be sold in the future.

B. Objective To increase the nutritional value of instant noodles by improving the nutrient ratio to be more suitable. C. Methodology 1. How to make instant noodles. In the beginning, we select the wheat flour suitable for production then mix and knead the wheat flour and spirurina together until it become the dough. We roll the dough into sheets. After that we cut into the strips then stream it. Next we soak it in broth. The noodles are divided into portions and put into molds. Then we fly those noodles with palm oil at at 150-160 °C for about 2 minutes. We check the oil used every three hours to prevent oxidaton that leading to rancidity as well as to regularly filter noodle crumbs out. When the flying process is finished, the noodles are blown by the cold air blower to reduce the noodle’s tempurature then scanned by the metal detector. Finally, we put the seasoning sachet, pack and seal the instant noodle then check the weight. 2. How to make chicken soup seasoning powder. We mix the important ingredients to enhance the flavor and nutrition which the ingrediants consist of chicken stock, onion, carrot, bay leaf, salt and soy sauce. Next the mixture is simmered for 4 hours, approximately, and then passed through a fat separation process to produce a clear and concentrated broth resulting in a fat and sugar free broth. 3. How to make wakame seaweed. We mix diced carrot, dried chicken and wakame together then put it in a vacuum dryer, which works under conditions where the air pressure is below atmospheric pressure causing the water to evaporate at a lower temperature, to dry these ingredients. 4. How to make coconut oil. Beginning with we crack the whole coconut them extract the coconut meat from the shell. We blend the coconut meat and filtered water in a high-speed blender for between 1-2 minutes. The next step is to separate the mixutre, hand grate the coconut using the fine side of a grater. Add about 1 to 3 cups of water to grated coconuts. Squeeze the juice out of the shredded coconut with the hands. Strain the coconut milk through a sieve to get as mush of the shredding out. Put the coconut milk into a large pot and let it warm up. Note that do not want this to get to a boil and do not stir the mixture. Then let the coconut milk cool down at a room temperature for between 36-48 hours. Once cooled, the coconut fat layered on top of the coconut

water. Using a spoon skim the fat off the top and put it in a pan. There is minimal stirring during this part of the process. Let the coconut custard come to a boil, and then reduce the heat to medium and let it simmer for roughly 45 minutes. As the boils down the apperance will change. The oil will continue to separate from the cooked waste. Eventually, we use the spoon and separate the two. Strain the oil with either a sieve. Let it cool completely and put the clear oil in the sachet. Figure 1. Package of instant noodle Nutrition information Calcium L-threonate is calcium extracted from corn. This calsium form has a water solubility and can absorb up to six times better than calcium carbonate, resulting in the body able to absorb and use up to 90% of calcium. Iron extracted from chicken liver is easily absorbed. When amino acids released from proteins, resulting in the body able to absorb iron easier. In addition, foods that are high in ascorbic acid and succinic acid. It will help convert ferric iron into ferrous iron that is absorbed more easily for use as well.

D. Time management Operation Operation period Responsible procedure July person 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1. The topic All members discussion ✓✓ meeting 2. Researching All members and collecting ✓✓ data 3. Meeting with All members supervisor ✓✓ ✓ ✓ 4. The instant All members noodles ✓✓✓ ✓ production 5.Preparing the All members report ✓✓ ✓ 6. Making a All members progres report ✓ 7. Improving the All members methodology ✓ 8. Summary the All members results of pre- ✓ ✓ ✓ operation 9. Summary the All members results of ✓✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓✓ ✓ operation 10. Summary the All members results of post- ✓✓ operation 11. Research All members submission ✓

E. Required resources Percentage (%) Ingredients 6.18% 63.82% 1. Wagame seaweed 8.76% 2. Wheat flour 9.24% 3. Coconut oil 3.68% 4. Chicken seasoning power 3.63% 5. Dried wagame seaweed 3.64% 6. Dried chicken 0.47% 7. Dried carrot 0.58% 8. Sugar 9. Zinc and calcium Allergy information: Contains wheat flour F. Indicator of success Quantitative indicator Instant noodles are nutritious according to certain criteria. Qualitative Indicator Instant noodles are produced according to nutrition standards. Time Indicator The production of instant noodles was completed in time. Cost Indicator The instant noodles production cost is by the budget allocated. G. Expected output and outcome Produce nutritious instant noodles into the market and promote consumers to gain knowledge of nutrition as well.

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