NEWSLETTER Swedish Vallhund Club of America WINTER 2020 - SPRING 2021 President’s Message Group io FAQ Who are your fellow SVCA members? Brags & Tail Wags In Memoriam AKC Breed Standard Update
The SVCA Newsletter is From the Editor published four times a year for members of the SVCA to One of the main requests from membership has been share knowledge toward the better communication in the club. The primary tool betterment of the breed. available are emails and postings through Goups. io. This platform was initiated by the board in 2019 Editors: transitioning from the yahoogroups platform. There was an overview of using the site posted in the Susan Clingenpeel messages in January 2019. There will be an Jamie Daveler article included in this Newsletter that reviews this Danielle Roberson information as well as a more detailed use. Currently only 75% of members are participating. Submissions Our goal is to provide basic information on how the site works and what material is available on the site Items of interest to fellow SVCA club encouraging all members to participate. members along with articles should be accompanied with the publication name Dates to Remember and date along with written permission for the reproduction. Newsletter Submission Due dates The SVCA is not responsible for any Summer Newsletter statements or claims made by its October 31, 2018 contributors nor does the SVCA necessarily agree with the opinions expressed in the SVCA National Specialty articles included in this Newsletter. Prescott, AZ The SVCA reserves the rights to edit all September 15-18, 2018 copy and make editorial comments where necessary and deemed appropriate by Membership Renewal Date the editor. The SVCA reserves the right to refuse items submitted for publication. December 31, 2021 Written permission must be received and granted by the SVCA to reprint any editorial material outside of SVCA auspices, contributors reserve all rights to their articles and permissions must be granted by them for reprint purposes . 2
President’s Message SVCA Membership, It is a New Year and there is hope for a reduction in the pandemic we are all dealing with as vaccines become available. I hope 2021 will be a better and brighter New Year for us all and we will begin moving back to the world of dogs we all love with the return of more shows and trials. I want to thank the members that have taken on the Newsletter, Susan Clingenpeel, Danielle Roberson and Jamie Daveler. Our quarterly newsletters have been missed by the membership and we are excited to see them return. I also want to thank Colleen Horn for her more than 15 years as our membership chair. Colleen turned the membership chair position over to Gail Decamp after the 2020 renewal cycle and Gail is currently moving through her first renewal cycle on her own. Thank you, Gail, for agreeing to take this task on for the club. We also have a new Club Historian – Cindy Kingsley has agreed to take on this position and we thank her for stepping up. The migration to occurred early last year when the old Yahoo Groups was disabled by Yahoo. is a nice site with more capabilities than Yahoo – I encourage members to explore the site and to think about how we can use Groups features for the club. If you are a member that has not joined the site, I encourage you to reconsider. Gail Decamp as membership chair can assist you in joining, as can our Club Secretary. The files section of contains the Board minutes, Treasurer’s reports, Club By-laws and Constitution as well as other important policy documents. This is also a good time to review the upcoming important dates for the club: --- December 31st is the deadline for renewing your membership, however we provide a grace period until 1 March. --- March is also the deadline for submitting applications/proposals for holding a National Specialty in the following year. Wishing everyone a good new year, Michelle Fromm SVCA President 3
AKC National Championship The AKC National Championships were held December 12-13, 2020 in Orlando, FL. The event was quite different from previous times due to COVID restrictions- no attendance by the public nor meet the breed, but our breed was well represented in the disciplines of conformation, agility and F-CAT. Hopefully 2021 will return to a more typical event with even more Vallhunds in attendance. Rebekah James and BISS AKC GCHS CHKingsCrest Star Of The New Year FDC CGC (Grayson) won Best of Breed at the AKC National. He also was awarded a G4 in the Bred-by Herding Group as well as a G4 in the NOHSF Herding Group. 7 Addie Weger and Ch Hightower AU Reult Alva Elora (Eevee) competed in the AKC National, taking best of opposite. Ava Gardner and MACH2 Ocho MXS MJS AXP AJP XF OFP T2B3 (Ocho) finished second overall in the 8 inch Junior Agility Championship. The team placed 2nd in Standard and 3rd inJWW 8 inch JAC classes. They also competed in the Agility Invitational. Brigette Campanaro and MACH2 Vallhollow Vouslez Vous MXB2 MJC OF CGC TKI (Maev) competed in the Agility Invitational and won the Breed medallion sponsored by the SVCA. Madison LeRoy and Sunfire’s All Eyes On Me CDX BN RM FDC MX MXJ MJB XF BCAT CGCA TKI (Saga) competed in the Agility Invitational. Danielle Roberson and Int’l Ch Agilqwest Olympiad Balthor BCAT TKI (Balthor) competed in the inaugural AKC FCAT. 4
5 FAQ BY MADISON LEROY What is is a private messaging platform only open to members of SVCA. It is the main method of communication used to send information. It was recently created in December of 2019. If I am not already a member of the platform, how can I join? The first step in joining is to contact Gail DeCamp [email protected], Michelle Fromm calientecanine@, and Monique Mora [email protected]. They will send you an email invite to join the group. After this, you can simply reply to the email, or click on the link to be redirected to the website. Once you are accepted as a group member, you will be directed to the invitation page. On this page, you can update your preferences for receiving messages. There are a variety of options that contain a varying degree of email notifications. Once you set these preferences, they can be changed by accessing the subscription tab on the left side of the page If you are subscribed to multiple messaging boards through, you can simply go to the website and select the group you wish to communicate with. 6
How can I see what individuals have written? You should be receiving new postings to your email (based on your preferences), but to view any thread, log on to the site and click on the “Messages” tab on the left of the site. How do I communicate with the .io? There are multiple ways to communicate to the group! You can create a new message by emailing [email protected] or on the website, you click on the “New Topics” button on the left side of the site. 7
How do I access files on the .io? Simply go to and log onto the SVCA members forum. From there, you can simply click the “Files” button on the left side of the site. The “Files” section contains critical pieces of information such as previous newsletters, board minutes, the membership list, club forms etc. If you have any further questions the Officers and Board Members of the Swedish Vallhund Club of America are available to help. 8
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